Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer

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Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer
                               DECEMBER 2018
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 Equipment & Services
     Buyers Guide
Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer
Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer
           Equipment & Services
               Buyers Guide

       3   Field agent
       4   Card payments
       6   Maximise investments
       7   Franchise
       8   Buyers Guide index
      10   Buyers Guide category listings
      24   Buyers Guide Suppliers A–Z
Supermarket & Retailer wishes all our readers
    a healthy, happy & prosperous 2019
Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer

  A year that was. Now the future                                                                      \       DECEMBER 2018 ■ Vol. 68 No 12
  There are not that many out there in business who would describe 2018 as anything                    ■ ■ EDITORIAL ■ ■ ■ ■
  less than awful.                                                                                         Managing Editor:
                                                                                                           Stephen Maister (BCom)
  Shrinking disposable incomes, the rising cost of living, inflation, political uncertainty and the
  economy in recession all combined to impact the tills. That said, there’s a lot more at play             PA to Managing Editor:
                                                                                                           Ivana Arrigoni
  in society and consumer lifestyles that impacted store sales in 2018 and will do so even
  more in the future.                                                                                      Consulting Editor:
     For one thing, we live in a world of far reaching change in consumer behaviour brought                Hippo Zourides
  about by the digital revolution. Like all change it spells both danger and opportunity. While
  online grocery shopping is still relatively small in South Africa, the unprecedented access              Stephen Maister
  that consumers now have to information through the internet, aided by the rise of ever         
  handy smartphone ownership, is influencing what, where and when they buy.                                Production Editor:
                                                                                                           Nina Maister
     Supermarkets have responded to some extent to the changes that have and are taking          
  place in society and lifestyles. These changes include later marriage and child bearing.
                                                                                                       ■ ■ Ad Sales ■ ■ ■ ■
  More mothers returning earlier to work. Families have become smaller and single parent                   Johannesburg:       011–728-7006
  households are on the rise. Meanwhile overcrowded highways have lead many to leave                       Stephen Maister: 082-604-5606
                                                                                                           Helen Maister:      082-601-3055
  earlier and earlier for work while fewer households have full time domestics. All this has
                                                                                                           Ruth Baldwin        072-897 6752
  lead to staggered eating within households, fewer formal meals and less food prepared and                Bruce Crowie        071-292 2795
  consumed at home.                                                                                        Durban:             031-312-6810
                                                                                                           Marlane Williams: 083-447-3554
     Supermarkets have responded with more convenience food in their food ranges and
                                                                                                           Advertising email:
  especially in the growth of their food-to-go offering in the form of take-out and HMR that               Advertising bookings:
  replaces food not prepared and often not consumed at home. But in this supermarkets                      Ivana Arrigoni:
  are not alone. Quick service restaurants have, for example, made a drive on breakfast and      

  have increased their share of the business through the rise of delivery services that are also       ■ ■ Circulation, SUBSCRIPTIONS
                                                                                                           AND ACCOUNTS ■ ■ ■ ■
  driven via online ordering.
     Despite this, some things in the supermarket world have hardly changed. Compare                    
  supermarket ads today with those of 10 or 20 years ago. The type of product and the                  ■ ■ ADMINISTRATION ■ ■ ■ ■
  promotions look pretty much the same and hardly reflect the huge changes in lifestyle that               Financial director: Lydia Maister
  have taken place and the corresponding breakdown of store sales by department.                           email:
     Realistically though, price and value is still a big driver of store choice. This makes pricing   ■ ■ Contact us ■ ■ ■ ■
  on known value items, ie the brands from the big suppliers, still the best way to convey this            Phone: 011-728-7006
                                                                                                           Postal Address:
  to shoppers. Especially, as it is all facilitated and encouraged by their trade and rebate spend.        P O Box 46066, Orange Grove, 2119
     Nonetheless, there is an opportunity for supermarkets to build sales by also marketing                Physical Address:
                                                                                                           15 Grove Road, Cnr 3rd Avenue, Mountain
  a store’s appeal on these newer consumer lifestyle trends.                                               View, 2192
     One of them is health and nutrition. It is been driven by a rising tide of disease                ■ ■ TO SUBSCRIBE ■ ■ ■ ■
  increasingly attributed to our modern ‘western diet’. Type 2 diabetes is one example of this.                 To receive Supermarket & Retailer each month,
                                                                                                                please send details of your company, your position and
  We’ve seen it reflected in our supermarkets in reaction to the coverage Tim Noakes and the                    your postal address, together with your subscription
                                                                                                                (see rates below) and make payment to:
  Banting Diet received on digital social media. Items like coconut oil and cauliflower almost                  Supermarket & Retailer
                                                                                                                P O Box 46066, Orange Grove, 2119
  overnight became as scarce as the proverbial hens teeth.                                                      Subscription Rates
     Despite this, there has been little focus on promoting health and nutrition in our stores.                 ■ South Africa – R815.00 (incl VAT)
                                                                                                                ■ Southern Africa – R1 010.00 (Namibia,
  Meanwhile it should be noted that large multi-national suppliers are well aware of the                         Botswana, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Lesotho,
  threat / opportunity it poses to their highly processed food brands at the heart of ‘the                       Malawi, Mozambique)
                                                                                                                ■ All other countries (airmail) – R2 500.00
  western diet’. They have been gobbling up health orientated start-ups around the globe.              CIRCULATION POLICY
                                                                                                       Our ABC controlled circulation covers owners, executives and management operating in
     Another example of supermarkets coming late to the party when it comes to a                       South Africa’s ±4 500 hyperstores, supermarkets, superettes, grocery wholesalers and
                                                                                                       selected mass merchandise outlets.

  response to consumer desire for good old fashioned, nutritious meals in the face of a time           COPYRIGHT©
                                                                                                       The copyright of all material in this magazine and its supplements is reserved by the
                                                                                                       proprietors, except where expressly stated. The Editor will, however, consider reasonable
  starved environment are meal kits. The leaders and founders of the meal kit business are             requests for the use of information on condition that the source and author are clearly
                                                                                                       attributed. Important: the material in this magazine may not be reproduced on any
  independent direct to consumer vendors.                                                              electronic archiving, retrieval or distribution system.
     Along the way to kitting out stores to reflect the new business opportunities that our                  Supermarket & Retailer is published by:
                                                                                                             Supermarket and Retailer (SA) cc
                                                                                                             Reg No. 2007/076713/23
  changing society and lifestyles demand, you should find that our annual store equipment              PRINTERS – Typo

  and services Buyers Guide in this edition will come in handy.
                                                                                                        CIRCULATION AUDIT
     We hope it helps make change work for you. Here’s to a better, more prosperous and                 This publication’s circulation is audited to the exacting standards
                                                                                                        laid down by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. This guarantees
  happier 2019.                                                                                         advertisers that the circulation stated below is delivered.
                                                                                                                                Total ABC Circulation
                                                                                                                                        13 800
                                                                                                                      Print & digital editions, April–June 2018
                                                                                                        The above ABC Audit guarantees the average number of copies
                                                                                                        of the magazine circulated in the audit period. Further information
                                                                                                        on the reader profile and readership is available on request.
  Stephen Maister

Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer

What drives impulse ice cream
choice, purchase and sales?
Consumers will almost always add a ‘little something’ to their shopping trolley.
On a hot day, this could well come from the impulse ice cream fridges.

Understanding their preferences and                  and behaviours. They were also required
decision drivers can play an important role          to purchase an impulse hand held ice
to finding an ‘edge’ to their satisfaction,          cream from the store. Visits were verified
retention and purchase. In October, Field            using till slips, category photos, GPS and
Agent invited 70 shoppers – field agents             timestamps.
from across South Africa – to complete
a random in-store survey close to where              Findings
they live. They were asked to identify and           Some 90% of the shoppers found the
photograph ice cream display fridges.                available range to be good. But, of concern,
   The survey looked at the purchase                 30% of them found items out-of-stock.
decision and the key drivers behind it. This            Moreover, 71% of the shoppers believed
included feedback on displays, packaging,            that the store they visited could do better
                                                                                                        Field agents found the condition of ice cream
availability, acceptable pricing, preferences,       in display.                                        cabinets, their positioning in the store and the
                                                                                                        stock in them was often wanting.
              How often do you purchase impulse ice creams?
                                                                                                        Some suggestions included:

    More than once a week                                                                               ● Better looking fridges
                                                                                                        ● More promotions
                Once a week
                                                                                                        ● Better placing of fridges at till points
   More than once a month
                                                                                                        ● Keep fridges fully stocked
      Once a month or less
                                                                                                        ● Provide samples for tasting.
                                    0           5    10       15             20         25        30
                                                                                                        Only 3% of shoppers found ice cream
                                                                                                        stored at the incorrect temperature, and
                                                                                                        20% of branded fridges were found to
   Where do you make most of your impulse ice cream purchases?                                          contain other brands. The most acceptable
                                                                                                        price range was found to lie between
                                                                                                        R10 and R30.
   Local garage shop                                                                                      Magnum with its appealing, simple,
             Checkers                                                                                   vibrant, attractive, and high-end
                                                                                                        appearance was voted as having the
                                                                                                        best pack­aging. The worst was voted
           Pick n Pay                                                                                   to be Paddle Pops. This was due to it
                 Spar                                                                                   being perceived as an old image, with
                                                                                                        poor wrapping and dark colours and
                          0                 5        10            15              20             25
                                                                                                        plain looks. Additional information is
                                                                                                        included in the graphs.

     What drives you to select your favourite impulse ice cream?

                          Other                                                                         About Field Agent
 Habit (what I’ve always done)                                                                          Crowdsourcing via smartphones gives Field Agent
                                                                                                        an unbiased, real-time understanding of consumer
                     Ingredients                                                                        shopping habits and frustrations. This assists retailers
                                                                                                        and marketers to focus on relevant operational
 Availability (whatever’s there)                                                                        issues and reinforce customer loyalty and shopper
                                                                                                        satisfaction. Feedback is collected through photos,
                           Brand                                                                        videos, audio, timers, barcode scanners, and
                                                                                                        a general survey platform, capturing consumer
                            Price                                                                       insights instantaneously.
                   Flavour/taste                                                                           Through this Field Agent is changing the way
                                                                                                        the world collects business information. It now
                                        0       10   20     30          40        50         60    70   trends at 22 000 agents in SA. For more details,

                                                                                                               SUPERMARKET & RETAILER, DECEMBER 2018        |   3
Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer

  Card payments will continue                                                                     Radio pads are no longer favoured in South
                                                                                                  Africa but there are cases where they are
  to grow across all income
                                                                                                  your only solution when network coverage
  groups as more and more                                                                         is weak in your trading area.
  people carry plastic                                                                               Once you have selected a service
  to transact.                                                                                    provider, the next decision is to choose
                                                                                                  between fixed and mobile terminals.
                                                                                                  Where lower card transaction volumes are
                                                                                                  involved and dependent on the monthly
                                                                                                  rental costs, you may decide to share one
                                                                                                  terminal between two checkouts. In this
                                                                                                  case, you will require mobile units.
                                                                                                     Fixed units work well, especially where
                                                                                                  they can be integrated into your POS
                                                                                                  solution. Talk to your POS provider and
                                                                                                  discuss this. But also discuss what steps
                                                                                                  to take when the system breaks down

  What’s the best card payment                                                                    and you must complete the transaction
  solution for independent stores?                                                                   Once all the above has been covered, it
                                                                                                  is time to look at the written agreement
  Credit and debit card transactions now add up to a huge part of a supermarket’s sales           between you and your service provider. Are
  in South Africa. This is regardless of whether a store is located in a low-income area or       you aware of the current fees being paid by
  in a more affluent suburb. And card payments will continue to grow across all income            stores similar to yours? Have you spoken to
  groups as more and more people carry plastic to transact.                                       friends and colleagues about the rates they
  Stores in affluent areas may receive as         service provider, but experience shows          pay? You will be amazed at how all service
  much as 70% of their turnover from card         that often, another bank’s terminals may        providers are prepared to match the lowest
  transactions but even in lower income           be quicker and more efficient to respond.       rates going in the marketplace in return for
  areas it means that only the most efficient     Do not stay with a service provider unless      your business. Be a good negotiator!
  and better-priced card payment solutions        the speed of the terminal is to your               Finally, keep your service provider’s
  should be considered.                           satisfaction.                                   helpline details handy, record your
     So, what should you look for when              The latest terminals are armed with two       merchant number in an accessible place
  choosing an electronic payment solution         telephone SIM cards (normally those of the      and where possible, also keep the service
  for your store?                                 major cell phone companies). This takes         man’s personal cell phone number to hand
     The service provider’s transaction           care of redundancy. When the one SIM fails      for emergencies.
  charges are obviously critical. But, the        to communicate properly, the second takes          You are now ready to match any chain
  first and most important aspect is the          over. Make sure that this is the case and ask   store as far as electronic payment solutions
  communication ability. There is nothing         the technician to show you the SIM cards.       are concerned!
  more frustrating for a customer than to
  have to wait for a minute or so while
  a transaction is verified and approved.
     The major chains with their sophisticated
  local area networks have set the gold
  standard for card transaction speeds –
  a mere second or two suffices to connect
  their tills to the bank for credit/debit card
  confirmation. Independent retailers and
  franchisees must emulate this to remain
  competitive in service.
     To achieve this where SIM card based
  terminals are used, as is typical in medium
  to smaller independents, it is important
  that the service provider tests the
  communication speed of their payment
  solution in your store before you sign up
  for their service. Invariably independents
  start out using their regular bank as the

Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer
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Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer
MAXIMISE marketing ROI                                                                                The evolution of the
                                                                                                    influence of promotions
  Win with                                         They are cutting back on their spending,
                                                   while prioritising the reduction of debt                       Brands Rule

  shoppers in an                                   and increasing savings. They plan their
                                                   trips to stores with a specific budget and
                                                                                                  Shoppers are risk averse and stick to tried and
                                                                                                                  trusted brands.

  evolving shopper                                 are always looking for the best options
                                                   available for their household. They avoid
                                                                                                   Will only take advantage when their brand is
                                                                                                                   on promotion.

  landscape                                        impulse buying by sticking to their
                                                   shopping lists.
                                                                                                              Promotions Rule
  How can one best engage the shoppers                Increasingly shoppers now use
                                                                                                  Shoppers expand their purchase repertoires to
  you target today and maximise your               promotions to save while not truly
                                                                                                  include 2 or 3 trusted brands and look for the
  return on investment in doing so?                changing their shopping behaviour. In
                                                                                                         best priced one when they buy.
                                                   the recent past, brands and retailers were
  This was the subject of a presentation by                                                         They may also trade up to a premium brand
                                                   able to change a shopper’s behaviour
  Jacqui Le Sar – MD of Inperspective Insights                                                         when it is priced right on promotion.
                                                   through promotional activity. Promotions
  Consultancy at a recent Marketing Mix
                                                   were effective in influencing where they
  conference entitled “Shopper Insights SA
                                                   shopped, how much and what they bought.                         Price Rules
  2019”. Although the talk was aimed at
                                                   Nowadays, the shopper is in charge. They         Shoppers widen their repertoires to include
  manufacturers her advice is very relevant
                                                   choose where to shop, what to buy and            value, cheaper and retailer brands and will
  to retailers and wholesalers alike. It focused   how much they need.                            often buy the cheapest – typically that which is
  on key shopper trends that brands should            Price and promotions have become the                        on promotion.
  tap into.                                        biggest traffic drivers across all shopping
                                                   missions. Promotions still affect the
  Key trends                                                                                                    Shoppers Rule
                                                   big monthly shop as well as the fill-in
  Shopper behaviour in South Africa is being                                                       They shop across stores to find the best deals
                                                   shopping, but to a lesser extent.
  impacted by a number of key trends.                 Promotional activity is seen by them as a     across their repertoire of acceptable brands.
     Although online shopping is growing           savings tool and loyalty to a specific chain
  apace overseas, it has not got root in SA        no longer exists. They choose the stores       more important. True Retailer and Brand
  as a shopping channel but it is increasingly     that offer the best deals and that they        collabor­ation will be required for improved
  being used as a media channel. Only 4% of        believe are cheaper. They cherry pick based    margin growth. Activations will need to
  SA consumers bought groceries online in          on what’s on promotion and shop across         be designed to create value for shoppers
  the past year, but many use online for meal      stores to get the best deals. This results     through the benefits of brands while simul­
  and recipe ideas, for inspiration for their      in the shifting of brand sales volumes         taneously maximising the total basket size.
  home, for looking good and for health tips.      from one store to another as different            “For the majority of shoppers, we need
  Retailers should use their online presence       promotions occur. Brands are not getting       to add value to their pockets if we want
  to enhance their store image in these focus      the value they expect for their investment     to convert them. This means we need
  areas.                                           in promotions with retailers. The resultant    to incentivise them through value offers
     Healthy living is one area that shoppers      margin pressure has a negative effect on       (rather than just price) to restore the
  are prepared to invest in. For example,          both the manufacturer and retailer.            equilibrium. Broadsheet advertising will
  people are exercising more, taking vitamins,        Promotional influence has migrated over     be the driver of store choice for these
  cutting down on fizzy drinks and carbs.          the years. Once brands ruled the roost.        shoppers.”
  These are definite trends to be followed         Then promotions ruled, followed by price          Tried and trusted brands and high
  and tapped into. Brands that offer product       ruling. Now, it’s the shopper who rules.       margin categories will need Retailers and
  benefits such as good for the heart, low in         So much so that some brands are             Manufacturers to add value to their lives by
  salt, easy to digest, no added sugar and free    starting to lose their relevance as shoppers   offering them solutions and inspiring them
  from artificial colourants and flavours will     become more savvy and make price-based         with ideas.
  have appeal. But there is a limit to their       decisions. They are more experimental             The minority shopper group are the
  pursuit of health. While they recognise that     than before and have realised that many        future spenders and therefore the biggest
  organic products are better, most are not        cheaper/value brands are ‘good enough’.        growth potentials. These shoppers (many
  prepared to pay a premium for them.              House brands are also growing in the           of whom are Millennials) can be engaged
     Shoppers are also becoming more               shopping basket.                               through experiential marketing, brand-
  environmentally aware; however, they are                                                        tainment and gamification. The way to
  unlikely to make product and brand choices       So, what’s the answer?                         remain relevant to this dynamic shopper
  solely based on environmentally friendly         Le Sar advises that the greatest growth        group is through innovation, customisation
  packaging alone.                                 opportunity for brands and retailers will be   and personalisation.
     In the current economic environment,          to create more relevance with shoppers by         Take this advice to heart as you plan your
  88% of consumers surveyed claimed that           better meeting their needs.                    2019 strategies.
  “money is tighter than a year ago.” This           The relationship between Retailers           Jacqui Le Sar can be contacted at jacqui@
  is affecting their shopping behaviour.           and Brands will become increasingly   or 082 902 8676

Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer

                                                                                                      signature of the franchise agreement
                                                                                                      (including a list of current franchisees, if
                                                                                                      any, and of outlets owned by the franchisor;
                                                                                                      the direct contact details of the existing
                                                                                                      franchisees; an organogram depicting the
                                                                                                      support system in place for franchisees; and
                                                                                                      an auditors certificate confirming that that
                                                                                                      the franchisor’s audited annual financial
                                                                                                      statements are in order). This information
                                                                                                      is intended to provide the franchisee with
                                                                                                      enough information about the franchise,
                                                                                                      its financial viability and potential business
                                                                                                      success so as to enable the franchisee to
                                                                                                      make an informed decision as to whether
                                                                                                      or not he/she wishes to “acquire” the
                                                                                                      particular franchise.
                                                                                                      4.	Prepare a non-disclosure
Five tips for franchise agreements                                                                    It is important to ensure the protection
                                                                                                      of confidential information which
Justine Krige, Director in the Corporate & Commercial
                                                                                                      may be disclosed to the prospective
practice at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr
                                                                                                      franchisee during the preliminary stages
South Africa has some great homegrown franchises – Mugg and Bean, Steers,                             of negotiating and concluding a franchise
Debonairs and Nandos, to name a few. South Africa is also no stranger to                              agreement. This may include, for example,
international franchise groups, such as McDonalds, KFC, Wimpy and SPAR, although                      the growth of the franchisor’s turnover,
there has been an increase in the number of international franchises investing in                     and written projections in respect of levels
South Africa in recent years.                                                                         of potential sales, income and profit.
                                                                                                      Although not a requirement under the CPA,
The Consumer Protection Act, No 68 of            2.	Include prescribed minimum                       it is advisable for a franchisor to ensure
2008 (“CPA”) is the first piece of legislation      information                                       that a prospective franchisee executes an
in South Africa that specifically regulates      The CPA prescribes minimum information
                                                                                                      appropriate confidentiality agreement prior
franchise agreements. The CPA prescribes         that must be included in a franchise
                                                                                                      to being sent the disclosure document.
certain minimum requirements for                 agreement. Most of this minimum
franchise agreements, as well as certain         prescribed information is fairly general             5.	Beware the “cooling-off”
information that must be disclosed prior         in nature and would be contained in the                 period
to a franchise agreement being signed. It        franchise agreement in the ordinary course           It is important to bear in mind that a
is important that all franchise agreements       (for example, name and description of                franchisee has an entitlement under the
comply with the CPA as provisions in             the types of goods or services that the              CPA to cancel a franchise agreement
franchise agreements may be declared to          franchise relates to, the obligations of             without cost or penalty within 10 business
be void for non-compliance.                      the franchisor and franchisee, and any               days after signing such agreement, by
   Below are five tips to ensure that your       territorial rights). There are, however,             giving written notice to the franchisor.
franchise agreement complies with the            certain more unusual requirements in
CPA:                                             relation to prescribed information, which
                                                 information would not necessarily be
1.	Make sure you meet the
                                                 contained in a franchise agreement in
   minimum requirements
                                                 the ordinary course (for example, the
The CPA prescribes “minimum
                                                 qualifications of the franchisor’s directors,
requirements” for franchise agreements.
                                                 and details of the members/shareholders
These requirements, which are set out
                                                 of the franchisor). These more unusual
in the Regulations to the CPA, set out
                                                 requirements must be kept in mind when
mandatory terms (i.e. terms which must be
                                                 preparing a franchise agreement.
included) and prohibited terms (i.e. terms
which must not be included). They also           3.	Prepare a disclosure
prescribe that franchise agreements must            document
be drafted in simple and plain language          The CPA requires the franchisor to provide
so as to be easily understood. Legal             certain minimum prescribed information
jargon must be avoided unless absolutely         to the franchisee in a disclosure document
necessary.                                       delivered to the franchisee prior to the

                                                      SUPERMARKET & RETAILER, DECEMBER 2018   |   7
Essential 2019 Your Equipment & Services Buyers Guide - Supermarket & Retailer
category index                                                                                                                         2019 BUYERS GUIDE

Food prep, handling & packing                                                                                                          Retail Automation                                                                                                                     Shopfitting & the store
Bakery – baking tin mnfrs...............................................................................                           8   Barcode / label printers....................................................................................                     12   Checkout mnfrs....................................................................................................               17
Bakery – bread slicer mnfrs...........................................................................                             8   Card payment services @ POS...................................................................                                   12   Cross merchandising systems / accessories........................................                                                17
Bakery – dough making, forming & proving equipment mnfrs......                                                                     8   Cheque verification services.........................................................................                            12   Display – decorations........................................................................................                    17
Bakery – full bakery dept solution providers..........................................                                             8   Data backup services........................................................................................                     12   Display baskets....................................................................................................              17
Bakery – ovens – deck oven mnfrs............................................................                                       8   Electronic shelf edge labels...........................................................................                          12   Electrical..................................................................................................................     15
                                                                                                                                       Enterprise resource planning software.....................................................                                       12   Electricity generation – photovoltaic solar..............................................                                        18
Bakery – ovens – oven combustion solutions.......................................                                                  8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Emergency battery power back-up systems.........................................                                                 18
Bakery – ovens – oven rack mnfrs.............................................................                                      8   Forecourt – fuel POS systems.....................................................................                                12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Emergency lighting.............................................................................................                  18
Bakery – ovens – rotary rack oven mnfrs...............................................                                             8   Hand held data terminal mnfrs.....................................................................                               12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Energy management – equipment & products.....................................                                                    18
Blenders...................................................................................................................        8   HR software...........................................................................................................           13
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Energy management – independent specialist consultants...........                                                                18
Butchery – full house equipment suppliers............................................                                              8   Mobile in-store customer engagement apps / measurement........                                                                   13   Entrance mats.......................................................................................................             18
Butchery – meat cutting & processing equipment mnfrs.................                                                              8   Payroll software...................................................................................................              13   Flags & flagpoles.................................................................................................               18
Butchery – meat rail system mnfrs.............................................................                                     8   POS / integrated ccTV systems...................................................................                                 13   Floor cleaning – equipment / chemicals..................................................                                         18
Extraction canopy & duct cleaning.............................................................                                     8   POS hardware mnfrs.........................................................................................                      13   In-store digital media.........................................................................................                  18
Extraction canopy Installation.......................................................................                              8   POS software houses.......................................................................................                       13   Lighting.....................................................................................................................    18
Food & drink packaging...................................................................................                          8   POS solution providers....................................................................................                       13   Locks.........................................................................................................................   18
Food prep – combi steamer / thermofan oven mnfrs........................                                                           8   Prepaid & third party payment services...................................................                                        14   PA systems, music, paging & phones.......................................................                                        18
Food prep – coffee / machine specialists................................................                                           8   Scanner mnfrs......................................................................................................              14   Photo Voltaic solar energy – installers / contractors / suppliers...                                                             18
Food prep – food prep table mnfrs.............................................................                                     9   Stock replenishment management.............................................................                                      14   Price & promotion ticket display systems................................................                                         18
                                                                                                                                       Time attendance systems...............................................................................                           14   Product space management.........................................................................                                18
Food Prep – fruit & veg processing equipment....................................                                                   9
                                                                                                                                       Traffic counter systems....................................................................................                      14   Queuing...................................................................................................................       18
Food prep – hygiene & cleaning equipment..........................................                                                 9
                                                                                                                                       Transactional analysis software...................................................................                               14   Sanitary hygiene equipment & services...................................................                                         18
Food prep – hygiene testing & consulting services............................                                                      9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Shelf edge price label holders mnfrs.........................................................                                    18
Food prep – kitchen consultants.................................................................                                   9
                                                                                                                                       Security, safety & cash handling                                                                                                      Shelving / gondola system mnfrs................................................................                                  18
Food prep / full house catering equipment suppliers........................                                                        9                                                                                                                                         Shopfitters...............................................................................................................       19
                                                                                                                                       Access control systems...................................................................................                        14
Full kitchen equipment.....................................................................................                        9                                                                                                                                         Shopping trolley & hand basket mnfrs......................................................                                       19
                                                                                                                                       Alarms.......................................................................................................................    14
Grease traps..........................................................................................................             9                                                                                                                                         Signs.........................................................................................................................   19
                                                                                                                                       ATM’s........................................................................................................................    14
Juice extractors....................................................................................................               9                                                                                                                                         Signs – plasma / LCD screens.....................................................................                                19
                                                                                                                                       Cash drawers........................................................................................................             14
Kitchen fire protection equipment...............................................................                                   9                                                                                                                                         Signs – programmable electronic...............................................................                                   19
                                                                                                                                       Cash handling & counting equipment.......................................................                                        14
Label manufacturers..........................................................................................                      9                                                                                                                                         Special store display units incl. mobile racks........................................                                           19
                                                                                                                                       Cash-in-transit services...................................................................................                      14   Standby power generators.............................................................................                            20
Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)...................................................                                             9
                                                                                                                                       ccTV – covert loss control services............................................................                                  14   Stock securing platform...................................................................................                       20
Pest control............................................................................................................           9
                                                                                                                                       ccTV – linked distress monitoring...............................................................                                 14   Store designers....................................................................................................              20
Prepackaging – automatic wrapper / labellers.....................................                                                  9
                                                                                                                                       ccTV – remote offsite monitoring.................................................................                                14   Store flooring.........................................................................................................          20
Scales.......................................................................................................................     10
                                                                                                                                       ccTV – system design, supply, install.......................................................                                     14   Store refrigeration contractors......................................................................                            20
Vacuum packaging.............................................................................................                     10
                                                                                                                                       Counterfeit bank note detectors...................................................................                               16   Trolley locks...........................................................................................................         20
Vacuum pumps.....................................................................................................                 10
                                                                                                                                       Electronic article surveillance........................................................................                          16   Turnstiles – customer / staff...........................................................................                         20
Vacuum solutions................................................................................................                  10                                                                                                                                         Used store equipment resellers / recyclers............................................                                           20
                                                                                                                                       Loss control / investigators.............................................................................                        16
Refrigeration                                                                                                                          Loss control / shrinkage management.....................................................                                         16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Warehousing & logistics
                                                                                                                                       Pneumatic cash transfer systems...............................................................                                   16
Air conditioning & ventilation contracting................................................                                        10                                                                                                                                         Balers / waste management..........................................................................                              20
                                                                                                                                       Retail cash automation services..................................................................                                16
Air conditioning & ventilation mnfrs............................................................                                  10                                                                                                                                         Castors & wheels................................................................................................                 20
                                                                                                                                       Retail cash security services.........................................................................                           16
Air suspension cabinet /store equipment truckers..............................                                                    10                                                                                                                                         Compactors / waste handling equipment................................................                                            20
                                                                                                                                       Safes.........................................................................................................................   16
Aircon duct cleaning..........................................................................................                    10                                                                                                                                         Conveyors...............................................................................................................         20
                                                                                                                                       Safety barrier tape..............................................................................................                16
Cabinet display accessory mnfrs................................................................                                   10                                                                                                                                         Crate washers.......................................................................................................             20
                                                                                                                                       Security cash bags.............................................................................................                  16   Dock levellers, seals, doors & shelters....................................................                                      20
Cabinet humidification & misting.................................................................                                 10
                                                                                                                                       Securityfencing – conventional / electrified............................................                                         16   Forklifts.....................................................................................................................   20
Cabinet night blind & curtain mnfrs............................................................                                   10
                                                                                                                                       Security fencing – maintenance...................................................................                                16   Goods lifts / hydraulic platforms...................................................................                             20
Cold & freezer room shelving mnfrs..........................................................                                      10
                                                                                                                                       Smart cash deposit boxes..............................................................................                           64   Hand pallet jacks.................................................................................................               20
Compressor manufacturer agents..............................................................                                      10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             High-speed doors................................................................................................                 20
Containers – refrigerated storeroom rentals..........................................                                             10   Services                                                                                                                              Impact doors..........................................................................................................           20
Control & monitoring system mnfrs............................................................                                     10   Asset /store finance...........................................................................................                  16   Logistics / supply chain consulting.............................................................                                 20
Display cabinet remote mnfrs.......................................................................                               10   Category management.....................................................................................                         16   Logistics software...............................................................................................                21
Display cabinets self contained mnfrs......................................................                                       10   Distribution / logistics – third-party.............................................................                              16   Mezzanine floors.................................................................................................                21
Display cabinets self-contained water cooled.......................................                                               11   Financial..................................................................................................................      16   Mobile warehouse racking..............................................................................                           21
Energy saving controllers / software.........................................................                                     11   Franchising.............................................................................................................         16   Narrow aisle forklifts..........................................................................................                 21
Fans...........................................................................................................................   11   GS1 barcode outsourced data control services...................................                                                  16   Pallets.......................................................................................................................   21
Glass door mnfrs.................................................................................................                 11   In-store promo & demo services.................................................................                                  16   Receiving scales.................................................................................................                21
Hot food display equipment mnfrs..............................................................                                    11   In-store radio & music – licensed................................................................                                16   Returnable crates, lugs & dollies.................................................................                               21
Humidity & airborne bacteria control.........................................................                                     11   Key accounting – independent / third-party...........................................                                            16   RFID readers & transponders.......................................................................                               21
Icemaker suppliers.............................................................................................                   11   Packaging recycling...........................................................................................                   16   Rolltainers...............................................................................................................       21
Insulated door mnfs...........................................................................................                    11   Pest control............................................................................................................         16   Stock trolleys.........................................................................................................          21
Insulated panel mnfrs........................................................................................                     11   Product pack shots / retail ad design........................................................                                    16   Stockroom racking mnfrs................................................................................                          21
Packaged refrigeration plant unit mnfrs...................................................                                        12                                                                                                                                         Storage containers.............................................................................................                  21
                                                                                                                                       Research – in-store pricing............................................................................                          16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Strip curtains.........................................................................................................          21
Refrigerated truck bodies & trailers............................................................                                  12   Research – store location...............................................................................                         16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Third-party distributors.....................................................................................                    21
Refrigeration – independent specialist consultants............................                                                    12   Retail training & consulting.............................................................................                        17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Transport refrigeration......................................................................................                    21
Refrigeration contracting.................................................................................                        12   Sales & merchandising – third-party.........................................................                                     17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Warehouse / distribution centre floors......................................................                                     21
Seafood live display units...............................................................................                         12   Staff recruitment..................................................................................................              17   Warehouse racking mnfrs...............................................................................                           21
Temperature recorder mnfrs..........................................................................                              12   Stocktaking services..........................................................................................                   17
Water coolers & purifier....................................................................................                      12   Temporary employment services................................................................                                    17   Suppliers A–Z............................................................................. 22

category LISTINGS                                       2019 BUYERS GUIDE

Food prep,                           Venturas Shop Equipment
                                     Vortech (Pty) Ltd – Just Soak It!
                                                                         Munaaz Catering Equipment
                                                                         Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
                                                                                                           Butchery – meat rail
                                                                                                           system mnfrs
handling                             Vulcan Catering Equipment           Thomas Laurie (Pty) ltd.          Aldox Projects cc
& packing                            (Pty) Ltd                           Vulcan Catering Equipment
                                                                         (Pty) Ltd
                                     X-treme Metallurgy                                                    CGIS Refrigeration Group
Bakery – baking tin
mnfrs                                Bakery – ovens – deck               Butchery – full house             Insulated Structures (Pty) Ltd

                                     oven mnfrs                          equipment suppliers               Munaaz Catering Equipment
Culinary Equipment Company                                                                                 Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
                                     Catercare Catering Equipment        Ascot Catering Equipment
Macadams Baking Systems
                                                                         Basterfield Engineering
The Baking Tin (Pty) Ltd             Culinary Equipment Company
                                                                         (Pty) Ltd
                                                                                                           Extraction canopy
                                     Macadams Baking Systems                                               & duct cleaning
                                                                         BCE Foodservice
Bakery – bread slicer                Pie Designs & Solutions
                                                                         Equipment                         Concept Clean Africa
mnfrs                                Tombake (Pty) Ltd.                                                    Munaaz Catering Equipment
                                                                         Bonanza Shop & Catering
Culinary Equipment Company           Vulcan Catering Equipment           Equipment                         Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
Kuhn Machines (Pty) Ltd              (Pty) Ltd                           Catercare Catering                Technilamp (Pty) Ltd
Macadams Baking Systems                                                  Equipment
Tombake (Pty) Ltd.                   Bakery – ovens – oven               CaterCity                         Extraction canopy
                                     combustion solutions                                                  installation
Bakery – dough making,               Combustion Technology
                                                                         Crown National                    Adami’s Catering t/a Mac
forming & proving                    (Pty) Ltd                                                             Brothers North West
                                                                         Culinary Equipment Company
equipment mnfrs                      Culinary Equipment Company                                            Air Confirm
                                                                         Deli Spices
Culinary Equipment Company           Tombake (Pty) Ltd.                                                    Alex Murray Metal Systems
                                                                         Freddy Hirsch Group (Pty) Ltd
Macadams Baking Systems              Vulcan Catering Equipment                                             All Appliances & Refrigeration
                                     (Pty) Ltd                           Laki’s Braais
Ovenwise                                                                                                   Bonanza Shop & Catering
                                                                         Macadams Food Service
Pie Designs & Solutions                                                                                    Equipment
                                     Bakery – ovens – oven               Solutions
The Baking Tin (Pty) Ltd                                                                                   Catervent Systems
                                     rack mnfrs                          Meatpoint
Tombake (Pty) Ltd.                                                                                         Munaaz Catering Equipment
                                     Culinary Equipment Company          Mitrend (Pty) Ltd
Vulcan Catering Equipment                                                                                  Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
                                     Macadams Baking Systems             Munaaz Catering Equipment
(Pty) Ltd                                                                Suppliers (Pty) Ltd               Siyaphola Airconditioning
                                     Metnor Manufacturing                                                  & Refrigeration
WCS Bakery Supply Services                                               Natural Pack
                                     Tombake (Pty) Ltd.
Bakery – full bakery                 Vulcan Catering Equipment           SA Butchery Training School       Food & drink packaging
                                     (Pty) Ltd                           Supreme Suppliers
dept solution providers                                                                                    Polyoak Packaging (Pty) Ltd
                                     WCS Bakery Supply Services          Thermobake Systems
All Round Bakery Supply
Services cc                                                              Trust Engineering                 Food prep – combi
Basterfield Engineering
                                     Bakery – ovens – rotary                                               steamer / thermofan
(Pty) Ltd                            rack oven mnfrs                     Butchery – meat cutting           oven mnfrs
BCE Foodservice Equipment            All Round Bakery Supply             & processing equipment            Culinary Equipment Company
                                     Services cc                         mnfrs                             Macadams Food Service
                                     CaterCity                           Avocet Scales & Labels – Ishida   Solutions
Catercare Catering Equipment
                                     Culinary Equipment Company          Bizerba Southern Africa           Munaaz Catering Equipment
                                     Lead Laundry & Catering             Catercare Catering Equipment      Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
                                     Macadams Baking Systems             CaterCity                         Seres Manufactures cc
Culinary Equipment Company
                                     Ovenwise                            Culinary Equipment                Tombake (Pty) Ltd.
East Coast Catering Equipment
                                     Tombake (Pty) Ltd.                  Company                           Vulcan Catering Equipment
                                     Vulcan Catering Equipment           Deli Spices                       (Pty) Ltd
Lead Laundry & Catering
                                     (Pty) Ltd                           Exim International
Macadams Baking Systems
                                     WCS Bakery Supply Services          Freddy Hirsch Group (Pty) Ltd     Food prep – coffee /
Munaaz Catering Equipment
                                                                         Kuhn Machines (Pty) Ltd           machine specialists
Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
                                     Blenders                            Macadams Food Service             AMS Rentals (Pty) Ltd
Pie Designs & Solutions                                                                                    Culinary Equipment Company
                                     Continental Chef Spices             Solutions
Seres Manufactures cc
                                     Culinary Equipment                  Safari-Vac Vacuum Systems         Munaaz Catering Equipment
Southern Bakery Equipment            Company                             (Pty) Ltd                         Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
Technilamp (Pty) Ltd                 Gerber Fresh                        Specialised Dryers                Natural PackThomas Laurie
The Baking Tin (Pty) Ltd             Macadams Food Service               Trust Engineering                 (Pty) ltd.
Thermobake Systems                   Solutions                           Vulcan Catering Equipment         Venturas Shop Equipment
Tombake (Pty) Ltd.                   Mitrend (Pty) Ltd                   (Pty) Ltd                         Water2go

Food prep – food prep             Tagline Brands                      Professional Kitchen Solutions        Munaaz Catering Equipment
table mnfrs                       Vortech (Pty) Ltd – Just Soak It!   Ralph Jacobsberg & Company            Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
Broleigh Instore Solutions                                            Seres Manufactures cc
                                  Food prep – hygiene                                                       Kitchen fire protection
Catercare Catering Equipment                                          Supreme Suppliers
                                  testing & consulting                                                      equipment
CaterCity                                                             Thermobake Systems
Macadams Food Service
                                  services                            True Edge Trading
                                                                                                            Catervent Systems

Solutions                         CML – Consulting
                                                                      Venturas Shop Equipment               Label manufacturers
                                  Microbiological Laboratory
Munaaz Catering Equipment                                             Vortech (Pty) Ltd – Just Soak It!
                                  Food Safe Consult (Pty) Ltd                                               3j Group
Suppliers (Pty) Ltd                                                   Vulcan Catering Equipment
                                  FoodSure                                                                  ADE Labelling & Barcoding
Specialised Dryers                                                    (Pty) Ltd
                                  iClean                                                                    Andtech Barcode Systems cc
Tombake (Pty) Ltd.
                                  Macadams Food Service               Full kitchen equipment                Avocet Scales & Labels – Ishida
Vulcan Catering Equipment
(Pty) Ltd                         Solutions                           Adami’s Catering                      DCI Scanning
                                  QPro International                  t/a Mac Brothers North West           Dynamic Identification
Food Prep – fruit & veg                                               All Round Bakery Supply               Systems
processing equipment              Food prep – kitchen                 Services cc                           GreenHome
Avocet Scales & Labels – Ishida   consultants                         Atlas Appliance Repairs               iBadge (Name Badges)
Catercare Catering Equipment      Ascot Catering Equipment            Basterfield Engineering               Labels Direct
Culinary Equipment Company        Cooking Unlimited Kitchen           (Pty) Ltd                             Libra Labels & Digital
Eptech                            Culinary Equipment Company          BCE Foodservice Equipment             Lithotech Labels
Gerber Fresh                      Food Safe Consult (Pty) Ltd         Bonanza Shop & Catering               Mac Scales
                                  Hobart Servimate                    Equipment
Macadams Food Service                                                                                       Pacific Print
Solutions                         Macadams Food Service               Catercare Catering Equipment
                                                                                                            ROLLCO (Pty) Ltd
Mitrend (Pty) Ltd                 Solutions                           CaterCity
                                                                                                            Slam Paper Distributors
Munaaz Catering Equipment         Munaaz Catering Equipment           Catervent Systems                     & Couriers
Suppliers (Pty) Ltd               Suppliers (Pty) Ltd                 Caterware Connection                  Spec Systems
Ralph Jacobsberg & Company        Vulcan Catering Equipment           Culinary Equipment Company            Tagtron Solutions
                                  (Pty) Ltd
Specialised Dryers                                                    East Coast Catering                   Teraoka S.A. (Pty) Ltd
Technilamp (Pty) Ltd                                                  Equipment
                                  Food prep / full house              Hobart Servimate
                                                                                                            Wireless LAN
Tombake (Pty) Ltd.                catering equipment
True Edge Trading                 suppliers
                                                                      Lead Laundry & Catering               Modified atmosphere
Vulcan Catering Equipment         Adami’s Catering t/a Mac
                                                                      Munaaz Catering Equipment             packaging (MAP)
(Pty) Ltd                                                             Suppliers (Pty) Ltd                   AGQPE – A Golan Packaging
                                  Brothers North West
                                                                      Professional Kitchen Solutions        Enterprises (Pty) Ltd
                                  AMS Rentals (Pty) Ltd
Food prep – hygiene               Ascot Catering Equipment
                                                                      Supreme Suppliers                     Air Products SA (Pty) Ltd
& cleaning equipment                                                  Trust Engineering                     Avocet Scales & Labels – Ishida
                                  Bonanza Shop & Catering
Cleaning World Jhb cc             Equipment                           Vulcan Catering Equipment             Gerber Fresh
COBA Africa (Pty) Ltd                                                 (Pty) Ltd                             GreenHome
Food Safe Consult (Pty) Ltd                                           Welbilt                               Packaging World
Frog Cleaning Solutions                                               WISE Barcodes & Data Control          Packit Packaging Solutions
                                  Caterware Connection                Services
Goscor Cleaning Equipment         Continental Chef Spices                                                   Safari-Vac Vacuum Systems
                                                                      Zetes South Africa                    (Pty) Ltd
Halden Export Enterprises         Corporate Project Consultants
iClean                                                                                                      Welby Distributors / Manual
                                  Culinary Equipment Company          Grease traps                          punet sealing machine
IndVac                            East Coast Catering Equipment       Concept Clean Africa
Intelligent Cleaning Equipment    Goldline Industries                 GreenFogs                             Pest control
Marley Pipe Systems               Laki’s Braais                       IndVac                                Bird Control South Africa
Mopping Equipment                 Lead Laundry & Catering             Marley Grease Trap                    Mr Clean Zonke
Numatic International             Mac Brothers Catering               Munaaz Catering Equipment             Pathogen & Environmental
Pathogen & Environmental          Equipment (Pty) Ltd                 Suppliers (Pty) Ltd                   Solutions
Solutions                         Macadams Food Service               OdorCure (Pty) Ltd
PHT-SA                            Solutions                                                                 Prepackaging –
Ralph Jacobsberg & Company        Marley Pipe Systems                 Juice extractors                      automatic wrapper /
Rentokil Initial South Africa     Munaaz Catering Equipment           Culinary Equipment Company            labellers
Sani-touch, Infection             Suppliers (Pty) Ltd                 Gerber Fresh                          3j Group
Protection Products               Natural Pack                        Macadams Food Service                 AGQPE – A Golan Packaging
Santoemma South Africa            Ovenwise                            Solutions                             Enterprises (Pty) Ltd

                                                                                                   SUPERMARKET & RETAILER, DECEMBER 2018   |   11
category LISTINGS                                      2019 BUYERS GUIDE

Avocet Scales & Labels – Ishida      BT-SA                            CGIS Refrigeration Group         Compressor
Exim International                   Carleton Fridgelec (Pty) Ltd     Colcab (Pty) Ltd                 manufacturer agents
Gerber Fresh                         Carrier                          Display Group                    Bitzer Kühlmaschinenbau (S.A.)
GreenHome                            CIAT – Sky Shot Climate          Ebmpapst                         (Pty) Ltd
Lithotech Labels                     Solutions                        Falkberg Trading cc              Eurocool
Packaging World                      Coldcycle Trading                Frigrite Africa (Pty) Ltd
Packit Packaging Solutions           Coolerado SA                     Insulated Structures (Pty) Ltd
                                                                                                       Containers –
Teraoka S.A. (Pty) Ltd               D RA C E                                                          refrigerated storeroom
                                                                      Kool Curtains
Welby Distributors / Manual          Moya Ventilation &                                                rentals
                                                                      Light Kinetics
punet sealing machine                Installations (Pty) Ltd                                           Container World (Pty) Ltd
                                                                      Specialised Dryers
                                     Mveloair                                                          Jones & Van Onselen (Pty) Ltd
Scales                                                                V3COLDCAB (Pty) Ltd
                                     Omega Manufacturing                                               Omega Manufacturing
3j Group                                                              Vulcan Catering Equipment
                                     Real Fires Cooling & Heating     (Pty) Ltd
Adam Equipment
                                     Siyaphola Airconditioning
                                                                                                       Control & monitoring
                                                                      Willouw Industries
ASAP Catering Equipment              & Refrigeration                                                   system mnfrs
Avocet Scales & Labels – Ishida                                                                        AML Controls (Danfoss
                                                                      Cabinet humidification
Baseline Scales                      Air conditioning                 & misting
                                                                                                       – Miatech)
BIZERBA Southern Africa              & ventilation mnfrs              CGIS Refrigeration Group
                                                                                                       BJ Cooling & Heating (Pty) Ltd
Border Scales cc                     Air Confirm                                                       Cape Tech Services
                                                                      Polar Africa North cc
Catering Equipment 4 All             Aircool: Airconditioning                                          Carel Controls SA (Pty) Ltd
Clover Scales (Pty) Ltd              & Extraction Specialists         Cabinet night blind              Ceratech Heat Barrier Coatings
Culinary Equipment Company           Alex Murray Metal Systems        & curtain mnfrs                  CGIS Refrigeration Group
Gerber Fresh                         Bautec Appliances                AML Controls (Danfoss            Delta Group (Temperature
Hanna Instruments                    BJ Cooling & Heating (Pty) Ltd   – Miatech)                       control)
Libra Labels & Digital               Carleton Fridgelec (Pty) Ltd     Apex Strip Curtains & Doors      Emerson Process Management
Mac Scales                           CERATECH Heat Barrier            Cape Tech Services               Energy Partners
Macadams Baking Systems              Coatings                                                          Fairbridge Technologies
                                                                      CGIS Refrigeration Group
                                     CIAT – Sky Shot Climate                                           (Pty) Ltd.
Measuring & Control                                                   Frigrite Africa (Pty) Ltd
Instruments                          Solutions                                                         Ikhaya Automation Systems
                                                                      Kool Curtains
Microsep (Pty) Ltd – Mettler         Coolerado SA                                                      Jones & Van Onselen (Pty) Ltd
Toledo                                                                Polar Africa North cc
                                     Dyco                                                              Light Kinetics
Scalerite                                                             UTE
                                     Ebmpapst                                                          Metraclark (Head Office)
Teraoka S.A. (Pty) Ltd                                                                                 Munters (Pty) Ltd
                                     Emerson Process Management       Cold & freezer room
                                     Eurocool                         shelving mnfrs                   Omega Manufacturing
Vacuum packaging                                                                                       Schneider Electric (Pty) Ltd
                                     Metraclark (Head Office)         Barpro Storage SA (Pty) Ltd
Busch Vacuum Pumps
                                     Moya Ventilation &                                                SCM Ref Africa (Pty) Ltd
& Systems Africa                                                      Brilliant Refrigeration
                                     Installations (Pty) Ltd                                           Standard Refrigeration
Gerber Fresh                                                          Catercare Catering Equipment
                                     Munters (Pty) Ltd                                                 Thermon South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Packit Packaging Solutions                                            CaterCity
Safari-Vac Vacuum Systems            Mveloair                                                          Ziehl-Abegg South Africa
                                                                      CGIS Refrigeration Group
(Pty) Ltd                            Omega Manufacturing                                               (Pty) Ltd
                                                                      Culinary Equipment Company
                                     Real Fires Cooling & Heating
Vacuum pumps
                                                                      Cynton Wire Products (Pty) Ltd   Display cabinet remote
                                     Standard Refrigeration
Busch Vacuum Pumps
                                                                      Displaytech                      mnfrs
                                     Turbo Vent Africa (Pty) Ltd      Falkberg Trading cc
& Systems Africa                                                                                       Arneg South Africa (Pty) Ltd
                                     V&S Refrigeration & Air          GEA Refrigeration Africa         CGIS Refrigeration Group
                                     Conditioning cc
Vacuum solutions                                                      (Pty) Ltd                        Colcab (Pty) Ltd
Busch Vacuum Pumps                                                    Glacier Door Systems (Pty) Ltd
                                     Aircon duct cleaning                                              Frigrite Africa (Pty) Ltd
& Systems Africa                                                      Insulated Structures (Pty) Ltd   Just Refrigeration Products
                                                                      K K Shelving                     Munaaz Catering Equipment
Refrigeration                        Concept Clean Africa
                                     Real Fires Cooling & Heating
                                                                      Metnor Manufacturing             Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
                                                                      Munaaz Catering Equipment        Omega Manufacturing
Air conditioning &                   Cabinet display
                                                                      Suppliers (Pty) Ltd              V3COLDCAB (Pty) Ltd
ventilation contracting              accessory mnfrs                  Panel World cc
Air Confirm
                                     AHT Cooling Systems GmbH
                                                                      Rudnev a division of Southey     Display cabinets
BE Cooling /                         / Multilayer Trading 867 (Pty)
                                                                      Holdings (Pty) Ltd               self-contained mnfrs
Brads Refrigeration cc               Ltd – Coolpoint AHT Partner      Storequip (Pty) Ltd              AHT Cooling Systems GmbH
Brilliant Refrigeration              South Africa                     StoreWorks                       / Multilayer Trading 867 (Pty)

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