ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know

Page created by Brandon Weaver
ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know
ESG Trends in 2021:
    What every in-house
    lawyer needs to know
    CPD Legal Studio

    March 2021

    Prepared by

    Sarah Barker                     Keith Rovers
    Partner - Head of Climate Risk   Partner – Head of Social Impact and
    Governance                       Sustainable Finance
ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know
Today’s Agenda

                                                           ▪     What is ESG and why
                                                                 important to in-house

                                                           ▪     “E” – Environment
                                                                 considerations - Climate risk
                                                                 towards Net Zero

                                                           ▪     “S” – Social impact – the
                                                                 emerging area

                                                           ▪     “G” - Governance – strategy,
                                                                 regulatory framework,
                                                                 compliance risk and value

                                                           ▪     Measurement & Evaluation

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know
Trends in climate risk
governance and disclosure
ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know
The greatest risk to the global economy is not Covid

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know
Three categories of financial risk associated with climate change

                   Physical                                       Economic transition                Liability
                                                                      The response of
          Acute and gradual onset                                   governments, capital
           To the natural and built
                                                                                              Public entity, corporate,
                                                                 markets & the real economy
                environment                                                                    and directors/officers
                                                                  technological & shifts in
                                                                  stakeholder preferences

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know
So what are recent developments that will shape climate risk governance in 2021?

                   Physical                                       Economic transition                Liability
                                                                      The response of
          Acute and gradual onset                                   governments, capital
           To the natural and built
                                                                                              Public entity, corporate,
                                                                 markets & the real economy
                environment                                                                    and directors/officers
                                                                  technological & shifts in
                                                                  stakeholder preferences

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know
So what are recent developments that will shape climate risk governance in 2021?

   The international                             Australian regulators    Investor expectations     Litigation is the rise –
       regulatory                                 are heightening their    of boards continue to     duties, disclosure and
environment is shifting                            scrutiny of annual     elevate – despite Covid         development
at an order of magnitude                           reports (ASIC), &        Beyond corporate
                                                  embarking on stress-      stress-testing, to
    faster than that in                             testing exercises
         Australia                                                        demand Paris-aligned
                                                         (APRA)              strategic plans

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know
Focus today:

   The international                             Australian regulators    Investor expectations of   Litigation is the rise –
       regulatory                                 are heightening their      boards continue to       duties, disclosure and
environment is shifting                            scrutiny of annual      elevate – despite Covid         development
at an order of magnitude                           reports (ASIC), &        Beyond corporate
                                                  embarking on stress-      stress-testing, to
    faster than that in                             testing exercises
         Australia                                                        demand Paris-aligned
                                                         (APRA)              strategic plans

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know
#1 – international regulatory environment:

   The international                             Australian regulators    Investor expectations of   Litigation is the rise –
       regulatory                                 are heightening their      boards continue to       duties, disclosure and
environment is shifting                            scrutiny of annual      elevate – despite Covid         development
at an order of magnitude                           reports (ASIC), &        Beyond corporate
                                                  embarking on stress-      stress-testing, to
    faster than that in                             testing exercises
         Australia                                                        demand Paris-aligned
                                                         (APRA)              strategic plans

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
ESG Trends in 2021: What every in-house lawyer needs to know
#1 - international regulatory environment

  A. Net zero by 2050 policies
  Required to meet Paris Agreement
  targets to limit global warming to ‘well-
  below’ 2°C above pre-industrial averages
  From 10 to 110+ in 2020
  Now including EU, UK, Japan, South
  Korea, California, NY(all 2050) and China

  B. Adjacent policies
  Prudential – capital regulatory
  Trade – including carbon border tariffs

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
#1 - international regulatory environment

C. Accounting Guidance
IFRS has signalled position similar to

Consider: what does climate risk mean
for asset useful lives, fair values,
impairments, provisions for onerous
contracts, bad and doubtful debts etc?

  ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
#2 – investor expectations:

   The international                             Australian regulators    Investor expectations of   Litigation is the rise –
       regulatory                                 are heightening their      boards continue to       duties, disclosure and
environment is shifting                            scrutiny of annual      elevate – despite Covid         development
at an order of magnitude                           reports (ASIC), &        Beyond corporate
                                                  embarking on stress-      stress-testing, to
    faster than that in                             testing exercises
         Australia                                                        demand Paris-aligned
                                                         (APRA)              strategic plans

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
#2 – investor expectations:

2017 Show us your…TCFD

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
#2 – investor expectations:

2017 Show us your…TCFD

2019 Show us your…stress-testing &
scenario planning against disorderly
transition to a Paris-aligned economy

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
#2 – investor expectations:

2017 Show us your…TCFD

2019 Show us your…stress-testing &
scenario planning against disorderly
transition to a Paris-aligned economy

2021 Show us your…strategy aligned
with disorderly transition to a Paris-
aligned economy, and how this is
integrated into your financial

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
#3 – strategic litigation:

   The international                             Australian regulators    Investor expectations of   Litigation is the rise –
       regulatory                                 are heightening their      boards continue to       duties, disclosure and
environment is shifting                            scrutiny of annual      elevate – despite Covid         development
at an order of magnitude                           reports (ASIC), &        Beyond corporate
                                                  embarking on stress-      stress-testing, to
    faster than that in                             testing exercises
         Australia                                                        demand Paris-aligned
                                                         (APRA)              strategic plans

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
#3 - strategic litigation is increasingly common

Claims against emitters and                                      Government inaction,              Fund raising disclosures &
their boards                                                     planning & development            breach of duties
Shareholder class actions –                                                                        Prospectus requirements –
overstatement of asset values                                     Claims against project           disclosure of material financial
based on historical assumptions                                  proponents and government         risks O’Donnell v Cth (2020)
                                                                 decision makers Youth Verdict v
Yoshikawa v Exxon Mobil                                          Waratah Coal (2020) (human        Breach of duty to consider
(2021)                                                           rights)                           climate change McVeigh v
                                                                                                   REST (settled in 2020)
                                                                 Conservation WA v WA EPA &
                                                                 Woodside (emissions) (2020)

                                                                  Failure to comply with
                                                                 emissions reductions targets
                                                                 France (2021)

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
Advising your board - what does this mean for the legal obligations of directors & officers

The standard of due care and diligence continues to
rise, as do minimum requirements for disclosure
(misleading disclosure)

At what point does the standard of care require
consideration of TCFD compliance, net zero strategic

Consider climate change at a strategic (not tactical) level

Oversight – how robust are the variables & assumptions
being applied in your strategic plans and valuation

  ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
3 key takeaways

                                                       1                         2                                  3
                                      This is a foreseeable &         Past experience is             Risks (& opportunities)
    learning                          material financial risk         not representative             are accelerating
                                      (& opportunity)                 of future risk

                                     How do we continue to thrive     Does our strategy &           Near the start of the journey: what
                                     in the transition to net zero?   planning embed stress-        do we need to do to reach minimum
                                     How do we build capacity -       testing & scenario planning   standards –fast? What are the key
                                     from the board down?             on a forward-looking basis?   drivers of climate-related risk &
                                                                      Taskforce on Climate-         opportunity? How do they impact on
                                     How are climate issues                                         us? What should we set as initial
                                     integrated across our            related Financial
   Key qu’s &                        business? What is an             Disclosures                   emissions reduction targets – starting
    actions                                                                                         within business fence-lines?
                                     appropriate governance &
                                     risk management structure?                                     If well progressed: how do we
                                                                                                    reach/maintain best practice?
                                     How do we assess relevant                                      Science-based Targets, up- and
                                     risks (&opportunities)?                                        down-stream, full life-cycle,
                                                                                                    contracts, sustainable finance?

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
Trends in environmental
         social impact &
    governance in 2021
SDGs – the year of biodiversity?

                             Source: TriplePundit

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
What does the ‘S’ in ESG look like?

More like this…                                                  …less like this

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
Corporate Governance

     +                    Good

                                                                                                                                  Elements of Governance ESG

                                                                                                                                   Abandoning shareholder primacy –
                                                                                                                                   governance and stakeholder and
                                                                                                                                   supply chain (human capital, people)

                                                                                                                                   Ensuring balance between
                                                                                                                                   shareholder return and social
                                                                                                                                   responsibility (CSR)

                                                                                                                                   Transparency via adherence to
                                                                                                                                   disclosure frameworks

                                                                 Source: Forum for the Future and the Natural Capital Coalition

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
How have ESG Principles
 manifested themselves?
Sustainable finance

Sustainable finance
global / Australian

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
Capital for purpose – Responsible investment

Source: Responsible Investment Association Australia 2018 report

                                                                      Source: Environmental Finance: Sustainable Bonds Insight 2019

      ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
MinterEllison’s Social Impact Focus

                                                                 “Findings continue to indicate
                                                                 that many staff experience
                                                                 physical and mental health
                                                                 improvements, and increased
                                                                 levels of social engagement and
                                                                 financial independence. These
                                                                 effects are particularly apparent
                                                                 in the first 12 months. The
                                                                 changes appear to stabilise after
                                                                 the first year, as staff prepare to
                                                                 transition into the open jobs
                                                                 market with support from our
                                                                 Careers Team.”
                                                                               Source: Social Traders

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
Benchmarking ESG

Despite the lack of a standardised body, private actors, independent   Traditional measures are also useful – Credit Rating Agencies
bodies and government organisations have taken it upon themselves      are joining the fray
to benchmark ESG

  ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know
What you can do – ESG integration

                Environmental                                    Social   Governance

                       E                                         S         G

 ESG Trends in 2021 – What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know

Keith Rovers                         Sarah Barker

Partner, Head of Social Impact &     Partner, Head Climate Risk Governance
Sustainable Finance

T   +61 2 9921 4681                  T   +61 3 8608 2928
M   +61 411 275 823                  M   +61 402 220 556
E   E
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