ESA SWE Service Network Workshop Programme 12-14 October 2020 - Space Weather

Page created by Beatrice Chandler
ESA SWE Service Network Workshop Programme 12-14 October 2020 - Space Weather

          ESA SWE Service Network Workshop Programme
                       12-14 October 2020

Table of contents:
1 ACRONYM LIST ........................................................................................ 4
2 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 5
2.1 Space Weather Network Workshop .................................................................................. 5
2.2 Online Format ................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Code of Conduct ................................................................................................................6
2.4 Contact ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.5 Abstract Programme Key ................................................................................................. 8
2.6 ‘Lunch Break & …’ Sessions........................................................................................... 8
2.6.1 Lunch Break & User Survey ............................................................................................9
2.6.2 Lunch Break & ESC ‘hands-on’ Demonstrations ............................................................9
2.6.3 Lunch Break & Virtual tour of Frederick University Space Weather Exhibition ......... 10
3 SESSION TIMETABLE ............................................................................. 11
4 SESSION LIST.......................................................................................... 14
5 LIST OF SESSION AGENDAS AND ABSTRACTS ....................................... 15
5.1 C.1 ESA Space Weather Portal 3.1 Major Release Highlights and User Training ......... 15
5.2 S.1 WG1: Inter-operability and Standardisation of Products and Metadata Across all
ESCs........................................................................................................................................ 16
5.3 R.1 Trapped Particle Populations and Low-Energy Plasmas: Nowcast & Forecast ...... 17
5.4 C.2 SWE Service Network Procedures............................................................................ 18
5.5 H.1 Heliospheric Modelling in Support of Operational Space Weather Forecasting .... 19
5.6 H.2 WG2: Consistent Communication of High Profile Events ..................................... 20
5.7 G.1 New Capabilities and Future Developments in Geomagnetic Conditions
Specification and Forecasting ................................................................................................ 21
5.8 R.2 R-ESC Product and Tool Enhancements through Improved Interconnections .... 22
5.9 S.2 S-ESC Developments and New Products .................................................................23
5.10 E.1 Space Weather in the Mediterranean: User Consultation & Recommendations ... 24
5.11 R.3 Space Radiation and Data Monitoring Tools for Spacecraft Operations ................25
5.12 I.1 3D Ionosphere Product Development ...................................................................... 26
5.13 SH.1 Space Weather Operational Capabilities of New Solar Missions, Lagrange, Solar
Orbiter and Proba 3 ............................................................................................................... 27
5.14 C.3 End-User Campaigns in the Network including Aviation, Spacecraft Operations
and GNSS Users .................................................................................................................... 28
5.15 I.2 Status and Evolution of Services in the SST domain ............................................... 29
5.16 G.2 Auroral Nowcast and Forecast ................................................................................ 30
5.17 HR.1 Operational SEP Forecasting Current Capabilities and Future Direction ............ 31
5.18 I.3 Enhancement of Products for GNSS Applications ....................................................32
5.19 H.3 Lunar Orbit as a Location for Space Weather Measurements ................................33
5.20      R.4 Space Radiation and Effects on Humans ........................................................ 34
5.21 G.3 Geomagnetic Conditions and Other Forecasting Based on Global MHD Modelling
5.22      R.5 Galactic Cosmic Rays, Microparticles & Surface Charging: Next Steps ......... 36
5.23      H.4 Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre (VSWMC) ...................................... 37
5.24      I.4 Ideal Products and Requirements for HF communication .............................. 38
5.25G.4 Future and Ongoing Expansion of Geomagnetic Monitoring ................................ 39
5.26      I.5 WG5: Definition of Service Maturity Scales for the SWE Service Network .... 40
5.27 RG.1 Data Utilisation of NGRM/SOSMAG .................................................................... 41

5.28     E.2 Machine Learning in the SWE Service Network ............................................. 42
5.29     S.3 Enhanced Event Processing ............................................................................. 43
5.30     E.3 Space Weather Service System Enhancements ............................................... 44
5.31 G.5 WG4: Terminology of Geomagnetic Conditions During Space Weather Events ....45
5.32     E.4 LOFAR and Space Weather ............................................................................. 46
5.33     Network Wrap-Up Presentations and Discussion .................................................. 47
6 WEBEX MEETING ROOM LINKS............................................................ 48

1         ACRONYM LIST
The following list depicts all acronyms that appear within this document.

 CME               Coronal Mass Ejection
 COMESEP           COronal Mass Ejections and Solar Energetic Particles
 D3S               Space Weather Sensor System
 ESA               European Space Agency
 ESC               Expert Service Centre
 GCR               Galactic Cosmic Ray
 GNSS              Global Navigation Satellite System
 GUI               Graphical User Interface
 HAPI              Heliophysics API
 HF                High Frequency
 IVOA              International Virtual Observatory Alliance
 LEO               Low Earth Orbit
 LOFAR             LOw Frequency ARray
 LOFAR4SW          LOw Frequency ARray for Space Weather
 MHD               MagnetoHydroDynamics
 NGRM              Next Generation Radiation Monitor
 SCO/orb           Spacecraft Operations/In-Orbit Environment and Effects Monitoring
 SEP               Solar Energetic Particle
 SOSMAG            Service Oriented Spacecraft Magnetometer
 SPASE             Space Physics Archive Search and Extract consortium
 SSA               Space Situational Awareness
 SSCC              Space Weather Coordination Centre
 SST               Space Surveillance and Tracking
 SWE               Space Weather
 VSWMC             Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre
 WG                Working Group

2.1       Space Weather Network Workshop

Over the past 3 SSA Programme Periods the SWE Service Network has developed
substantially and is now providing access to a wide range of Space Weather tools, products
and expertise in the form of user targeted services. With the start of ESA's new Space Safety
programme, the SWE Service Network will continue to expand its capabilities to provide
timely and reliable information to end users through targeted developments of new models
and tools and also through further development of the network infrastructure itself.

With the start of the new Programme, the SWE network workshop will provide an
opportunity to discuss current capabilities, challenges and particular focus will be placed on
both service and network development needs together with key underpinning technologies.
Feedback from service users forms an essential part of the SWE Service Network's overall
development process and in light of this a number of sessions will be specifically focussed to
include discussion of end user needs and feedback.

A mix of Expert Service Centre (ESC) specific and network wide sessions covering topics of
interdisciplinary interest will take place over the course of three days. A new introduction to
this workshop is the inclusion of training type presentations and demonstrations for portal
users to highlight features and functionality of the major new release, ESA Space Weather
Portal 3.1 as well as walk-throughs of ESC specific tools and products.

The agenda and overall programme for this meeting has been compiled by the Solar
Weather, Heliospheric Weather, Space Radiation, Ionospheric Weather and Geomagnetic
Conditions ESCs, the Space Weather Coordination Centre and the ESA Space Weather Team.

2.2       Online Format

This year the ESA SWE Service Network Workshop will take place online and sessions will
be hosted virtually via five main meeting ‘rooms’ utilising the WebEx software. There are
five virtual meeting rooms named after five spacecraft contributing Space Weather data;
‘Voyager' , 'Lagrange' , 'Cluster' , 'Swarm’ and 'SOHO' that can be accessed via WebEx
links in section 6 of this document. The session timetable outlined in section 3 will let you
know which room to access for a given session. Participants should click the meeting room
corresponding to the correct day of the workshop or else they will be taken to the wrong page.

We have created a webpage accessible via the following URL which gives a summary of the
ESA SWE Service Network Workshop and contains an introduction, description of the page,
useful contacts, the code of conduct and the daily session schedule:

2.3       Code of Conduct

The ‘Code of Conduct’ subpage of the workshop webpage outlines the guidelines for
participants, session chairs and rapporteurs along with recommendations of how the
session should run. It is important that session chairs familiarise themselves with the
guidelines and clarify any questions prior to the 12 October. The same information is
included here with additional screenshots to help clarify any mentioned WebEx specific

General Guidelines

•       Participants should log on to WebEx with the name format: first name last name
•       Participants should keep their video cameras off during sessions to minimise the
bandwidth and reduce the likelihood of poor web conference quality.

Session Interaction

•      Session chairs will invite session speakers to share their screen and presentations as
per the agenda. Once this happens the session chair will unmute the speaker. Speakers
should use the ‘Raise Hand’ feature to allow the session chair to quickly find their name in
the participants list and unmute. Participants may find this feature by hovering on their
name, see Figure 1. Once this has been done the ‘Host’ will then see this icon on their view
and unmute. Note you are required to ‘un-raise’ hand by clicking the icon again when
appropriate or else your hand will remain raised.

            Figure 1 Screenshot to show how to access the ‘Raise Hand’ feature

•       If participants have a question during the presentation they should write this
question in the chat window to everyone (Figure 2). Session Chairs will read the questions
to the speaker at the end of the presentation. If your question is read and requires some
discussion participants should use the ‘Raise Hand’ feature in order for the session chair to
easily locate them and unmute. Please remember to un-raise your hand once your question
has been addressed.

            Figure 2 Screenshot of the WebEx chat box, located in the bottom right corner

•      During discussion elements of sessions we recommend that the convention of
raising a hand to speak remain in place. However depending on the number of participants
and nature of the session the chair may decide to unmute all to allow for a more informal

•      If you experience a problem during the session please write ‘Support’ in the chat
window. We will have a dedicated member of the ESA Space Weather team in each session
to help if required and this person can message you directly to try to resolve the issue.
Session Chairs

•       If not already Session Chairs must become a ' Host' of the meeting. In order to do
this join the relevant meeting room and navigate to the ‘Participant menu’ --> ‘Reclaim
Host Role’. Once this menu has appeared you will need to type a 6 digit host key and click
ok. The host keys for all meeting rooms will be provided to Session Chairs prior to the

•      Once a host, Session Chairs are recommended to navigate to
the ‘Participant’ menu and check the ' Mute on Entry' option and
uncheck the ' Entry and Exit tone’ option (Figure 3).

•      Once the session has started the session chair should remind
all participants of the approach i.e. that participants are muted on
entry and reiterate the general guidelines for asking questions [see
‘Session Interaction’ above]

•     We recommend that a holding screen is shared by the
Session Chair prior to the commencement of the session providing               Figure 3 Host Settings

the name, abstract, start time and contact person. This template will be shared with
Session Chairs prior to the start of the workshop.

•       Session Chairs should allow enough time to set up the meeting ‘room’ before the
start time to ensure sessions begin on time i.e. access host privileges and present the
holding screen.


•      Rapporteurs are responsible for taking the minutes of the session which includes
provision of a participants list. The meeting minutes template will be provided to
Rapporteurs prior to the start of the workshop.

Note: We kindly ask that you do not record sessions throughout this workshop. We will
however be generating summaries of the sessions which we can circulate on request
subject to all necessary agreements.

2.4       Contact

For any questions relating to the SWE Network Workshop please contact Hannah Laurens
( and Alexi Glover (

2.5       Abstract Programme Key

In the following schedule each session is given an identification code where the letter(s)
indicates the convener(s) and the number the order in which the session appears according
to the timetable. In some instances two letters are used to form an identification code, in this
case the session is being jointly run by two convener groups. Please see below for the key:

                     Identifier                                  Convener
                         S                                   Solar Weather ESC
                         H                               Heliospheric Weather ESC
                         R                                  Space Radiation ESC
                         I                               Ionospheric Weather ESC
                         G                              Geomagnetic Conditions ESC
                         C                           Space Weather Coordination Centre
                         E                                          ESA

2.6         ‘Lunch Break & …’ Sessions

This is the first time the SWE Network Workshop has been held virtually and as such there
are some differences between the usual in-person meeting and this year’s format. An online

meeting has opened up some new possibilities for hosting the event and as part of this a
series of ‘Lunch Break & …’ sessions are being held each day during the lunch break. The idea
is that each day there will be a theme and an activity of approximately 30 minutes duration
for participants to get involved in. The list of these activities with some further information
is included in the following subsections.

2.6.1     Lunch Break & User Survey

The major release of the ESA Space Weather Portal to version 3.1 has enhanced the portal
with a brand new look and feel. This major update has introduced a number of highly
requested features such as dashboard layouts, key-information ‘at a glance’, easier
navigation and a mobile-friendly format! Following the SSCC’s session ‘ESA Space Weather
Portal 3.1 Release Highlights and User Training’ on Monday 12 October we invite you to
explore the updated portal and participate in our user survey. Feedback on the SWE Service
Networks current capabilities is an important driver for future development to ensure the
most useful services are provided.

The link to the survey will be live on the homepage of the ESA SWE Service Network
Workshop webpage from Monday 12 October and will be introduced in the C.1 ESA Space
Weather Portal 3.1 Release Highlights and User Training session.

2.6.2 Lunch Break & ESC ‘hands-on’ Demonstrations

The ESA Space Weather Portal provides a wealth of information to users of Space Weather
services and information. On Tuesday 13 October the following ESCs will highlight a
selection of their tools and/or products in dedicated presentations or interactive 'hands-on'
demonstrations that will showcase how to use them, see below for details.

Convener: S-ESC
Title: S-ESC products on the ESA portal
Time: Tuesday 13 October 12:30 – 13:00 (Voyager Meeting Room)
On this session we will focus on the format of the S-ESC products on the ESA portal and
their usefulness to the user. In particular we will focus on the menu and their API, showing
how it can be obtained.

Convener: H-ESC
Title: Demonstration of H-ESC tools to support CME assessment and propagation analysis
Time: Tuesday 13 October 13:00 – 13:30 (Voyager Meeting Room)
The H-ESC provides a number of tools that provide users with the ability to undertake their
own analysis of CME propagation and arrival forecasting (DBM, DBEM, PROPTOOL,
WSA/Enlil, EUHFORIA). We will demonstrate the usage and capabilities of a number of
these tools using several worked examples. Participants with SWE portal logins can follow
the examples for themselves or try the tools for themselves. This is intended to be an

interactive session and user participation, questions and comments are very much

Convener: R-ESC
Title: R-ESC products on the ESA portal
Time: Tuesday 13 October 12:30 – 13:00 (Lagrange Meeting Room)
Demonstration will focus on the AVIDOS 3.0 prototype, the updated GLE Alert System
(GLE Alert++) and the upcoming HESPERIA products.

Convener: I-ESC
Title: I-ESC products on the ESA portal
Time: Tuesday 13 October 13:00 – 13:30 (Lagrange Meeting Room)
Demonstration will focus on FORIND and SGIArv.

This type of session provides a great opportunity to enhance your knowledge of the portal,
connect with the experts behind the products and tools and ask any questions you may have.

2.6.3 Lunch Break & Virtual tour of Frederick University Space
      Weather Exhibition

The grand-opening of ‘The Sun and Us’ exhibition organised by Frederick University and the
European Space Agency took place on 10th September 2020. The exhibition, under the
auspices of the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth is hosted at
Frederick University, Cyprus and aims to show the public the secrets of space and in
particular, Space Weather! We are planning that on Wednesday 14 October we can invite
SWE Network Workshop participants on a guided virtual tour of ‘The Sun and Us’ exhibition.
The tour will be suitable for a general audience and focus on the video segments of the
exhibition to highlight the processes involved for various Space Weather phenomena.

              3          SESSION TIMETABLE
              Monday 12 October
  (CEST)                 Voyager                             Lagrange                          Cluster                       Swarm                      SOHO
9:30-10:00        Welcome and Introduction
                     S-ESC Introduction                 H-ESC Introduction                R-ESC Introduction            I-ESC Introduction         G-ESC Introduction

11:00-11:30                                                                               Coffee Break

11:30-12:00    C.1 ESA Space Weather Portal
              3.1 Release Highlights and User
12:00-12:30               Training
13:00-13:30                                                                         Lunch Break & User Survey
                 S.1 Inter-operability and              R.1 Trapped Particle                                       H.1 Heliospheric Modelling in
                                                                                       C.2 SWE Service Network
14:30-15:00    Standardisation of Products          Populations and Low-Energy                                     Support of Operational Space
              and Metadata Across all ESCs          Plasmas: Nowcast & Forecast                                        Weather Forecasting
15:30-16:00                                                                               Coffee Break
16:00-16:30                                           G.1 New Capabilities and
                 H.2 WG2: Consistent                                                  R.2 R-ESC Product and Tool
                                                      Future Developments in                                       S.2 S-ESC Developments and
16:30-17:00   Communication of High Profile                                             Enhancements through
                                                      Geomagnetic Conditions                                              New Products
                       Events                                                         Improved Interconnections
17:00-17:30                                         Specification and Forecasting

              Tuesday 13 October
                          Voyager                            Lagrange                           Cluster                         Swarm                 SOHO
9:00-9:30         E.1 Space Weather in the                                                                                SH.1 Space Weather
                                                    R.3 Space Radiation and Data
                    Mediterranean: User                                                 I.1 3D Ionosphere Product      Operational Capabilities of
9:30-10:00                                              Monitoring Tools for
                       Consultation &                                                          Development            New Solar Missions, Lagrange,
                                                        Spacecraft Operations
10:00-10:30          Recommendations                                                                                    Solar Orbiter and Proba 3

10:30-11:00                                                                                  Coffee Break

11:00-11:30      C.3 End-User Campaigns in                                                                               HR.1 Operational SEP
                    the Network including            I.2 Status and Evolution of        G.2 Auroral Nowcast and           Forecasting Current
                     Aviation, Spacecraft            Services in the SST domain                Forecast                  Capabilities and Future
12:00-12:30      Operations and GNSS Users                                                                                     Direction

12:30-13:00             S-ESC 'Demo'                       R-ESC 'Demo'

13:00-13:30             H-ESC 'Demo'                       I-ESC 'Demo'

13:30-14:00                                                                        Lunch Break & ESC Demonstrations

                                                    H.3 Lunar Orbit as a Location                                     G.3 Geomagnetic Conditions
                I.3 Enhancement of Products                                              R.4 Space Radiation and
14:30-15:00                                              for Space Weather                                            and Other Forecasting Based
                    for GNSS Applications                                                  Effects on Humans
                                                           Measurements                                                on Global MHD Modelling

15:30-16:00                                                                                  Coffee Break

                  R.5 Galactic Cosmic Rays,                                              I.4 Ideal Products and         G.4 Future and Ongoing
                                                    H.4 Virtual Space Weather
16:30-17:00       Microparticles & Surface                                                Requirements for HF          Expansion of Geomagnetic
                                                    Modelling Centre (VSWMC)
                    Charging: Next Steps                                                     communication                    Monitoring

              Wednesday 14 October

  (CEST)                  Voyager                           Lagrange                        Cluster                         Swarm                         SOHO
                   I.5 WG5: Definition of
                                                      RG.1 Data Utilisation of    E.2 Machine Learning in the         S.3 Enhanced Event
9:30-10:00       Service Maturity Scales for                                                                                                       I.5 WG5: Breakout Room
                                                        NGRM/SOSMAG                  SWE Service Network                   Processing
                 the SWE Service Network

10:30-11:00                                                                              Coffee Break

                                                     G.5 WG4: Terminology of
                 E.3 Space Weather Service                                           E.4 LOFAR and Space
11:30-12:00                                           Geomagnetic Conditions
                   System Enhancements                                                     Weather
                                                    During Space Weather Events

12:30-13:00                                                                               Lunch Break &
13:00-13:30                                    Virtual tour of Frederick University Space Weather Exhibition (Voyager Meeting Room - 12:30 CEST)

                       S-ESC Wrap-Up                      H-ESC Wrap-Up                 R-ESC Wrap-Up                   I-ESC Wrap-Up                 G-ESC Wrap-Up

                     Network Wrap-Up
                 Presentations & Discussion

                                                                                    END OF WORKSHOP

4         SESSION LIST
 Ref       Session Title                                                                    Domain
 C.1       ESA Space Weather Portal 3.1 Release Highlights and User Training                All
 S.1       WG1: Inter-operability and Standardisation of Products and Metadata Across all   All
 R.1       Trapped Particle Populations and Low-Energy Plasmas: Nowcast & Forecast          R-ESC
 C.2       SWE Service Network Procedures                                                   All
 H.1       Heliospheric Modelling in Support of Operational Space Weather Forecasting       H-ESC
 H.2       WG2: Consistent Communication of High Profile Events                             All
 G.1       New Capabilities and Future Developments in Geomagnetic Conditions               G-ESC
           Specification and Forecasting
 R.2       R-ESC Product and Tool Enhancements through Improved Interconnections            R-ESC
 S.2       S-ESC Developments and New Products                                              S-ESC
 E.1       Space Weather in the Mediterranean: User Consultation & Recommendations          I-ESC
 R.3       Space Radiation and Data Monitoring Tools for Spacecraft Operations              R-ESC
 I.1       3D Ionosphere Product Development                                                I-ESC
 SH.1      Space Weather Operational Capabilities of New Solar Missions, Lagrange, Solar    S-ESC, H-
           Orbiter and Proba 3                                                              ESC
 C.3       End-User Campaigns in the Network including Aviation, Spacecraft Operations      All
           and GNSS Users
 I.2       Status and Evolution of Services in the SST domain                               I-ESC, R-
 G.2       Auroral Nowcast and Forecast                                                     G-ESC
 HR.1      Operational SEP Forecasting Current Capabilities and Future Direction            H-ESC, R-
 I.3       Enhancement of Products for GNSS Applications                                    I-ESC
 H.3       Lunar Orbit as a Location for Space Weather Measurements                         H-ESC
 R.4       Space Radiation and Effects on Humans                                            R-ESC
 G.3       Geomagnetic Conditions and Other Forecasting Based on Global MHD Modelling       G-ESC
 R.5       Galactic Cosmic Rays, Microparticles & Surface Charging: Next Steps              R-ESC
 H.4       Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre (VSWMC)                                   H-ESC
 I.4       Ideal Products and Requirements for HF communication                             H-ESC
 G.4       Future and Ongoing Expansion of Geomagnetic Monitoring                           G-ESC
 I.5       WG5: Definition of Service Maturity Scales for the SWE Service Network           All
 RG.1      Data Utilisation of NGRM/SOSMAG                                                  R-ESC, G-
 E.2       Machine Learning in the SWE Service Network                                      S-ESC, R-
                                                                                            ESC, G-ESC
 S.3       Enhanced Event Processing                                                        S-ESC
 E.3       Space Weather Service System Enhancements                                        All
 G.5       WG4: Terminology of Geomagnetic Conditions During Space Weather Events           All
 E.4       LOFAR and Space Weather                                                          All


5.1         C.1 ESA Space Weather Portal 3.1 Major Release Highlights and User
Time: Monday 12 October, 11:30 – 12:30

Convener: SSCC
Session Chair: Oliver Lamborelle, Space Applications Services
Rapporteur: Diana Ionescu, AIRA


The ESA Space Weather Portal has recently been enhanced with a brand new look and feel
following a major release to version 3.1. The development of the portal and implementation of new
tools and features has been driven by end-user feedback in order to provide the most useful services
possible. This major update introduces dashboard layouts, both a general overview and domain
specific, with tiles and widgets enabling an instantaneous overview of key Space Weather
information. The ESA Space Weather Portal is now also mobile-friendly and as such allows remote
access of Space Weather data and services. This session will guide you through these new features
and show you how to navigate the portal to find and display the data relevant to you. With this
major release there is something to learn whether you are a new or experienced user of the portal.

5.2         S.1 WG1: Inter-operability and Standardisation of Products and Metadata
            Across all ESCs
Time: Monday 12 October, 14:00 – 15:30

Convener: S-ESC
Session Chair: Jesse Andries, ROB
Rapporteur: Judith De Patoul, ROB


The number of products put available on the portal is continuously increasing. To define and publish
a specific standard that all systems would follow is an inevitable step for better operability and inter-
operability of the system. It is vital that a common protocol is agreed to assure that users, including
other providers, are able to use the ESA products in a standard way across providers and the datasets.
Using feedback and experiences gained since the last thematic workshop, this session will discuss
standards and APIs that already exist, are used on the portal and others that are relevant for SWE
network products (e.g. SPASE, IVOA, HAPI).

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction and goal of session
           Jesse Andries, ROB (5 min)
        2. Progress in Metadata Standardisation in the ESA SWE Network through the SPASE
           definition of ESC products
           Jesse Andries, ROB (20 min)
        3. TAP and EPN-TAP protocols
           Véronique Delouille, ROB (20 min)
        4. P3-SWE-VIII Activity: Current Network Assessment
           Chris Perry, RAL (20 min)
        5. Workflow in the SST Services and Impact of Mission Standardisation
           Mike Marsh, UKMO (20 min)
        6. Discussion
           (10 min)

5.3         R.1 Trapped Particle Populations and Low-Energy Plasmas: Nowcast &
Time: Monday 12 October, 14:00 – 15:30

Convener: R-ESC
Session Chair: Erwin De Donder, BIRA-IASB
Rapporteur: Neophytos Messios, BIRA-IASB


For spacecraft located in the vicinity of Earth’s magnetosphere a better understanding of the physical
processes governing their composition and behaviour on both short- and long-term is needed. To
ensure continuous 3D mapping of Earth’s radiation belts will require a comprehensive source of data.
This also applies when wanting to obtain a better understanding of the (supra-) thermal plasma
contained at various locations in Earth’s magnetosphere. In both cases more information (data) and
models are needed to link solar activity and the characterisation of these environments. Relevant R-
ESC products and recent product updates will be presented in this session, as well as ongoing external
activities that could lead to new space weather products/tools. Furthermore, the session will reflect
on future developments to fulfil service requirements and user needs.

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction with an overview of related products and services in the SWE Network
           Erwin De Donder, BIRA-IASB (5 min)
        2. User Requirements wrt Novel EOR mission design
           David Pitchford, SES (10 min)
        3. A new Earth Radiation Belt Nowcast and Forecast Tool based on the Salammbô codes
           Vincent Maget, ONERA (15 min)
        4. Discussion: Part 1
           (15 min)
        5. EU H2020 - Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic Storms and Energetic
           Radiation (PAGER)
           Yuri Shprits, GFZ (15 min)
        6. EU H2020 - Radiation Belt Environmental Indicators for the Safety of Space Assets
           Ioannis Daglis, NOA (15 min)
        7. Discussion: Part 2
           (15 min)

5.4         C.2 SWE Service Network Procedures
Time: Monday 12 October, 14:00 – 15:30

Convener: SSCC
Session Chair: Jennifer O‘Hara, ROB
Rapporteur: Corentin Liber, BIRA-IASB


This session will discuss the common procedures used by the ESCs and SSCC. The existing
procedures will be summarised and all members of the network will be able to give their feedback on
how/if the procedures are currently being utilised since their implementation in 2019. Additionally,
this session will provide the opportunity to discuss how well the procedures as an interface for
information in the Network are operating and what changes could be made in the future.

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction to ESA SWE Network Procedures
           Sophie Chabanski, BIRA-IASB (10 min)
        2. Highlighted Procedures: Interruption Reporting
           Nedelia Popescu, AIRA and Sophie Chabanski, BIRA-IASB (15 min)
        3. Highlighted Procedures: Monthly Usage Reporting
           Jennifer O’Hara, ROB (10 min)
        4. Highlighted Procedures: Second Line Support
           Jennifer O’Hara, ROB (5 min)
        5. Highlighted Procedures: PIF/Publisher Files
           Robbe Vansintjan, ROB (15 min)
        6. Future Ideas for Procedures
           Jennifer O’Hara, ROB (15 min)
        7. Discussion: Review of Current Procedures and Feedback
            (30 min)

5.5         H.1 Heliospheric Modelling in Support of Operational Space Weather
Time: Monday 12 October, 14:00 – 15:30

Convener: H-ESC
Session Chair: David Barnes, RAL
Rapporteur: Chris Perry, RAL


Due to the limited number of solar system space weather assets heliospheric modelling lies at the
core of most heliospheric weather forecasting both for solar system assets and as a driver for the
terrestrial response to solar wind transients and major enhancements such as CMEs. In this session
we review some of the existing heliospheric modelling capabilities provided by the H-ESC and discuss
current state-of-the-art and new developments that are coming through from research activities.

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction
           Chris Perry, RAL (5 min)
        2. Heliospheric Modelling Overview
           David Jackson, UKMO (15 min)
        3. Drag Based Model Development
           Jasa Calogovic, HVAR (15 min)
        4. Operational Heliospheric Modelling (pt. 1)
           Alexis Rouillard, IRAP (15 min)
        5. Operational Heliospheric Modelling (pt. 2)
           Silvano Fineschi, INAF (15 min)
        6. Round Table Discussion on Future Directions and Priorities for Heliospheric Modelling
           (25 min)

5.6         H.2 WG2: Consistent Communication of High Profile Events
Time: Monday 12 October, 16:00 – 17:30

Convener: H-ESC
Session Chair: Chris Perry, RAL
Rapporteur: David Barnes, RAL


As a highly federated organisation consisting of tens of expert groups and hundreds of individual
projects the development of a consistent approach is particularly important at times of heightened
activity or high profile event. In this session we review the planning for supporting high profile events
and review some of the previous campaign activities that have been undertaken. The round-table
discussion will be used to address ideas for improving the efficiency and responsiveness of the
network to such events. This will including consideration of improvements to the planning and
operations, use of collaboration tools within the network and the means of disseminating information
to stakeholders and the public.

Session Overview:

        1. Overview of the Current Planning in Response to a High Profile Event
           Chris Perry, RAL (20 min)
        2. Review of Previous Campaign Activities (Pt. 1): Campaign Planning and Results
           Chris Perry, RAL (20 min)
        3. Review of Previous Campaign Activities (Pt. 2): Perspective from the SSCC
           Jennifer O’Hara, ROB (20 min)
        4. Discussion
           (30 min)

5.7         G.1 New Capabilities and Future Developments in Geomagnetic Conditions
            Specification and Forecasting
Time: Monday 12 October, 16:00 – 17:30

Convener: G-ESC
Session Chair: Nils Olsen, DTU
Rapporteur: Norah Kaggwa Kwagala, UiB


Extending the product portfolio of ESA's Space-Weather Service Network within the area of
geomagnetic data and derived indices, both regarding nowcast and forecast capabilities, is an
important task for the G-ESC consortium. This session presents suggestions by the various G-ESC
expert partners for new capabilities and future development in monitoring and forecast of
geomagnetic conditions.

Session Overview:

        1. Update on DTU Progress and Plans
           Nils Olsen, DTU (10 min)
        2. Archiving System of FMI G-ESC Products with User Interface
           Tero Siili, FMI (10 min)
        3. Forecasting Geomagnetic Indices Using Machine Learning
           Peter Wintoft, IRF-LUND (10 min)
        4. New Capabilities and Future Developments at UAH
           Antonio Guerrero, UAH (10 min)
        5. 3-day K index Forecast
           Konstantina Loumou, ROB (10 min)
        6. An Open-Ended, High Cadence, Kp-Like Geomagnetic Hpo Indices
           Guram Kervalishvili, GFZ (10 min)
        7. Update on BGS Progress and Plans
           Ellen Clarke, BGS (10 min)
        8. Discussion
           (20 min)

5.8         R.2 R-ESC Product and Tool Enhancements through Improved
Time: Monday 12 October, 16:00 – 17:30

Convener: R-ESC
Session Chair: Mark Dierckxsens, BIRA-IASB
Rapporteur: Stijn Calders, BIRA-IASB


At the previous SWE Thematic Workshop the impact and potential benefits of replacing elements
(products) within systems (e.g. COMESEP) with those currently available in the SWE Service
Network was discussed. This year the emphasis will be placed on finding connections between
existing R-ESC products and other elements of the SWE network, as well as those between existing
R-ESC products and external data and tools. The main aim of the session is to identify developments
to improve and expand the current R-ESC product portfolio. Examples of data archives, data retrieval
and model interface systems will be presented and discussed. Specifically, recommendations for
functionalities to interconnect existing data products, as well as new data sources, to R-ESC products
will be evaluated and prioritised.

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction with an overview of related products and services in the SWE Network
           Mark Dierckxsens, BIRA-IASB (15 min)
        2. Current usage of ODI (e.g. VSWMC) and making ODI more visible to the community
           Daniel Heynderickx, DHC (15 min)
        3. ESA’s Network of Models
           Simon Clucas, ESA (15 min)
        4. Unified data access: Benefits of Connecting Products to New Data
           Martin Tykal, Solenix (15 min)
        5. Discussion on current and missing functionalities
           (30 min)

5.9         S.2 S-ESC Developments and New Products
Time: Monday 12 October, 16:00 – 17:30

Convener: S-ESC
Session Chair: Jesse Andries, ROB
Rapporteur: Konstantina Loumou, ROB


This session aims to discuss the latest development on the S-ESC products and pinpoint processes
that could be improved. S-ESC has been focusing on the deployment of value-added tools. How far
have we gone in achieving our aim and what should the next phase be?

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction and goal of session
           Jesse Andries, ROB (5 min)
        2. Solar Demon and S-ESC Developments
           Judith de Patoul, ROB (15 min)
        3. Mid- and Short-Term Predictions of the F10.7 and F30 Solar Radio Flux Indices
           Astrid Veronig,UGraz (15 min)
        4. New Solar Weather Products from Université Paris-Saclay
           Eric Buchlin, CEA (15 min)
        5. Solar Forecasting Tools at CEA Paris-Saclay
           Sacha Brun, CEA (15 min)
        6. A Ground-Based Network of MOF-Based Synoptic Solar Telescopes
           Francesco Berrilli, Uni Roma and Stuart Mark Jefferies, GSU (15 min)
        7. Discussion
           (10 min)

5.10        E.1 Space Weather in the Mediterranean: User Consultation &
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 09:00 – 10:30

Convener: ESA
Session Chair: Federico Da Dalt, Rhea for ESA
Rapporteur: Hannah Laurens, Rhea for ESA


While major space weather events may have global consequences, the impacts observed vary
according to region. For example, during a major event, the Mediterranean region will experience
different space weather conditions resulting from different regional characteristics of the ionospheric
and geomagnetic environment when compared to higher latitudes. As such, tailoring of the
information incorporated into space weather services for users in this region may be required.
Furthermore, service use-cases specific to the entities and organisations operating in the region may
differ from those at higher latitudes.

This session aims to present the outcome of various consultations with current and potential
Mediterranean users of the ESA Space Weather Service Network. These consultations have taken
place as part of two parallel activities to gather information regarding the needs of Mediterranean
users with the objective of using the feedback as input for potential tailoring of the SWE Services.
The session includes also interventions from current SWE product providers illustrating products
currently available with a specific focus on Mediterranean users.

Session Overview:

        1. The Feedback from Mediterranean Users Collected during the P3-SWE-XXIII.1 Activity
           Consuelo Cid, UAH (15 min)
        2. Space Weather User Needs for the Mediterranean Region – Current Customer
           Christos Katsavrias, NOA (15 min)
        3. The Local Products Provided by UAH and its Potential for the Mediterranean Region
           Antonio Guerrero, UAH (15 min)
        4. Current Capabilities of Ionospheric Weather Services to Support Users in the
           Mediterranean Region and Recommendations for the Future
           Anna Belehaki, NOA (15 min)
        5. Potential Improvement of European Ionosonde Service (EIS) over the Eastern
           Haris Haralambous, FU (15 min)
        6. Discussion
           (15 min)

5.11        R.3 Space Radiation and Data Monitoring Tools for Spacecraft Operations
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 09:00 – 10:30

Convener: R-ESC
Session Chair: Mark Dierckxsens, BIRA-IASB
Rapporteur: Norma Crosby, BIRA-IASB


The focus of this session is on available data and existing gaps in the space radiation domain,
following from the work done as part of the SCO/orb data availability assessment during the P3-
SWE-III activity. The main findings of this assessment exercise will be given. This will include an
introduction to the most promising data that was selected and utilised in a prototype product that
was developed as part of this work. To complement the session, work being performed as part of
the P3-SWE-XXXI "Space Radiation Applications for Spacecraft Operators" project will also be
presented. The second part of the session will be dedicated to an open floor discussion that will
consider potential future user needs in regard to data access and analysis tools.

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction to Session and Goals
           Mark Dierckxsens, BIRA-IASB (5 min)
        2. SCO/orb Data Availability Assessment and Visualisation Prototyping
           Mark Dierckxsens, BIRA-IASB (20 min)
        3. The ICARE-NG Radiation Monitors Datasets: Current, Future Missions and Space
           Weather Services Derived
           Sébastien Bourdarie, ONERA (20 min)
        4. P3-SWE-XXXI Space Radiation Applications for Spacecraft Operators
           Martin Tykal, Solenix (20 min)
        5. Open Floor Discussion: Data Gaps and Future Prototype Scenarios as a Function of User
           (25 min)

5.12        I.1 3D Ionosphere Product Development
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 09:00 – 10:30

Convener: I-ESC
Session Chair: Claudia Borries, DLR
Rapporteur: Carsten Baumann, DLR


Currently, the I-ESC provides two regional 3D-electron density products based on tomography
approaches. Also, the VSWMC implements numerical models of the thermosphere ionosphere, which
are capable of providing 3D electron densities. This session aims to demonstrate the current
capabilities (spatial- and temporal resolution, latency and user interaction) of the available 3D
electron density products in the SWE network and discuss user needs and user satisfaction. Potential
development needs shall be identified.

Session Overview:

        1. Tomoscand Products and Functionalities in the ESA Space Weather Portal
           Johannes Norberg, FMI (15 min)
        2. 3D Electron Density Products Available in the VSWMC
           Stefaan Poedts, KUL (15 min)
        3. Real-Time Data Assimilation Developments
           Sean Elvridge, University of Birmingham (15 min)
        4. Feedback from the I-ESC User Test Campaign Results on 3D Electron Density Products
           Carlo Scotto, INGV (15 min)
        5. Discussion: Usage of VSWMC products in TIO services and suitable products for
             (30 min)

5.13        SH.1 Space Weather Operational Capabilities of New Solar Missions,
            Lagrange, Solar Orbiter and Proba 3
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 09:00 – 10:30

Convener: S-ESC, H-ESC
Session Chair: Jesse Andries, ROB, Chris Perry, RAL
Rapporteur: Judith De Patoul, ROB


New solar missions are either in service (Parker Solar Probe, since August 2018), have been recently
launched (Solar Orbiter, February 10, 2020), are close to be launched (Proba 3, Mid 2022), or are in
preparation (Lagrange). This session will focus on scientific challenges taken up by the new missions
and the interchange between research and operational activities. In particular, the session will focus
on the way in which the service network could interface with scientific operations.

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction and goal of session
           Chris Perry, RAL (5 min)
        2. PROBA-3: a Formation Flying Solar Coronagraph Mission
           Andrei Zhukov, ROB(12 mins)
        3. Solar Orbiter: a Non-Typical Heliophysics Mission, Complementary to Existing Solar
           Anik De Groof, ESA (12 mins)
        4. Space Safety Long Term Perspective on Operational Solar Monitoring
           Juha Pekka-Luntama (12 mins)
        5. Lagrange Remote Sensing Package
           Jackie Davies, STFC, RAL, RALSP (12 mins)
        6. Lagrange In-Situ Package
           Dhiren Kataria, UCL (12 mins)
        7. Discussion
           (25 mins)

5.14        C.3 End-User Campaigns in the Network including Aviation, Spacecraft Operations
            and GNSS Users
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 11:00 – 12:30

Convener: SSCC
Session Chair: Erwin De Donder, BIRA-IASB
Rapporteur: Robbe Vansintjan, ROB


This session will discuss the Space Weather end-user campaigns carried out both by the ESCs and
the SSCC for a range of end-users within different domains. A selection of campaigns carried out for
these different end users will be presented and illustrate how these campaigns were created and
tailored to the end-users’ needs. Feedback received from the campaigns will be presented and end-
users will be invited to share their experience of the campaigns. The session will discuss the overall
lessons learnt from and how feedback from the campaigns can feed into the ESC definition and
development plans, service roadmaps and could drive specific new product developments or product
upgrades as well as help to refine the layout and content of the new SWE Portal dashboards.

Session Overview:

        1. SSCC User Engagement Activities – User Support Test Campaigns
           Erwin De Donder, BIRA-IASB (20 min)
        2. Summary of R and S-ESC Product Test Campaigns
           Erwin De Donder, BIRA-IASB (5 min)
        3. End-User Experiences and Reflections on the Further Evolution of the SWE Service
               a. Spacecraft Design and Operation
                  David Pitchford, SES (15 min)
               b. GAIA Spacecraft Mission Operation
                  Steve Foley, ESA (10 min)
               c. GNSS Service Operation
                  Hans Visser, FUGRO (10 min)
               d. Service to Aviation
                  Klaus Sievers, Aviation Space Weather Expert (10 min)
        4. Discussion and Questions
           (25 min)

5.15        I.2 Status and Evolution of Services in the SST domain
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 11:00 – 12:30

Convener: I-ESC
Session Chair: Claudia Borries, DLR
Rapporteur: Carsten Baumann, DLR


This session will assess the current maturity of the SWE services in the SST domain. The applicability
for the targeted use cases shall be reviewed. The applicability and benefit potential of new products
like neutral density forecasts based on solar wind measurements will be discussed. In addition, this
session will assess the current approaches for product quality control and discuss options for
continuous validation considering harmonisation amongst the products as described in the SWE
Service Network validation guidelines.

Session Overview:

        1. Overall Requirements and Operational Aspects for the Space Debris Domain
           Stijn Lemmens , ESA (10 min)
        2. CREAM (Collision Risk Estimation and Automated Mitigation) and the Link to the
           Space Weather Community
           Jan Siminski , ESA (10 min)
        3. FORIND: A Tool for Nowcast and Forecast Indices used for Atmospheric Drag
           Ana Caramete, ISS (10 min)
        4. ATMDEN (I.132a Atmospheric Total Density 1-3 Day Forecast
           Mike Marsh, UKMO (10 min)
        5. Effects of Space Weather on Orbit Propagation
           Emma Kerr, DEIMOS (10 min)
        6. Forecast of satellite orbit decay and Thermospheric Density Variation Based on Solar
           Wind Data
           Sandro Krauss, TUG (10 min)
        7. Update on the Ongoing SWAMI Project
           David Jackson, UKMO (10 min)
        8. Discussion session on the ways to evolve the current ESA SWE/SST services provided
           through I-ESC.
           (20 min)

5.16        G.2 Auroral Nowcast and Forecast
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 11:00 – 12:30

Convener: G-ESC
Session Chair: Kirsti Kauristie, FMI
Rapporteur: Peter Wintoft, IRF Lund


Service for the auroral tourism sector was identified as a focus area for the G-ESC development in
ESA SSA Period 3 (P3). Several activities for improved and new products have been undertaken,
including auroral imaging and local and regional forecasts. Novel, user friendly dissemination
methods, such as by smart phone app, have also been explored in response to user requests. The
session will present some of these new developments. Additional future needs and requirements for
this sector and ideas for how to meet them will also be a topic for discussion in this session.

Session Overview:

        1. iOS Aurora Application for Public Outreach
           Anna Willer, DTU (15 min)
        2. New Auroral Activity Index Based on Statistical Comparison of Geomagnetic and All-
           Sky Camera Data
           Tiera Laitinen, FMI (15 min)
        3. Aurora Nowcast Application for Northern Sweden
           Magnus Wik, IRF-LUND (15 min)
        4. BGS Geomagnetic Activity Forecasts, Social Media Activities and Auroral Imaging for
           the UK
           Sarah Reay, BGS (15 min)
        5. Discussion
           (30 min)

5.17        HR.1 Operational SEP Forecasting Current Capabilities and Future Direction
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 11:00 – 12:30

Convener: H-ESC, R-ESC
Session Chair: Chris Perry, RAL, Mark Dierckxsens, BIRA –IASB
Rapporteur: David Barnes, RAL


The potential detrimental impact of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) on spacecraft systems are well
known as one of the main space weather threats to space assets. This is particularly due to their
unpredictable nature and fast transit time which affect possible operational mitigation. Due to these
factors, modelling and forecasting are important tools in providing workings of potential periods
when assets may face increased levels of risk. In this session we will look at some of the current
models that are used to support operational SEP alerting including capabilities that are already
available through the existing SWE network ranging from simple connectivity tools and probabilistic
assessment to more complex models incorporating a hybrid approach.

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction
           Chris Perry, RAL (15 min)
        2. Current Operational SEP Modelling Capabilities
           Mike Marsh, UKMO [Presented by Chris Perry, RAL] (15 min)
        3. SEP Models, Forecasts and Alerts, Current and Future Perspective from the R-ESC
           Mark Dierckxsens, BIRA –IASB (15 min)
        4. VSWMC Plans for Supporting SEP Modelling
           Stefaan Poedts, KUL (10 min)
        5. Shock-SEP Prediction Tool
           Vincent Genot, IRAP (10 min)
        6. Round Table Discussion
           (25 min)

5.18        I.3 Enhancement of Products for GNSS Applications
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 14:00 – 15:30

Convener: I-ESC
Session Chair: Carsten Baumann, DLR
Rapporteur: Claudia Borries, DLR


In the recent years, I-ESC successfully deployed and provided ionospheric products in the SWE
Service Network. The applicability and maturity of these products have been tested in user test
campaigns and in coordinated communication campaigns. In this session we aim to follow the loop
of the product development cycle, which brings us now to stage when the user feedback is going to
be discussed and new approaches for product enhancements or new developments are generated.

In a second part of this session, we will assess the current approaches for product quality control and
discuss options for continuous validation considering harmonisation amongst the products as
described in the SWE Service Network validation guidelines.

Session Overview:

        1. Feedback from the GNSS User Test Campaign
           Carlo Scotto, INGV (10 min)
        2. GNSS Performance Indicator
           Martin Kriegel, DLR (10 min)
        3. TechTIDE Results Related to GNSS Applications
           Anna Belehaki, ISS (10 min)
        4. Summary of Current Quality Control Approaches
           Claudia Borries, DLR (10 min)
        5. TEC Map Validation
           Volker Wilken, DLR (10 min)
        6. Discussion: User Satisfaction, Alarms, Quality Control
           (30 min)

5.19        H.3 Lunar Orbit as a Location for Space Weather Measurements
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 14:00 – 15:30

Convener: H-ESC
Session Chair: Chris Perry, RAL
Rapporteur: David Barnes, RAL


The Moon will be the next big step in human space exploration with the development of the lunar
gateway as a stepping stone to lunar exploration and beyond. In this session we review the current
plans for human lunar exploration and in particular the lunar gateway. We discuss the potential use
of lunar orbit as a location of space weather assets and the advantages and issues in using this location
for providing space weather forecasting and alerts in support of lunar facilities and for enhancing
terrestrial space weather forecasting.

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction to the Session
           Chris Perry, RAL (5 min)
        2. ERSA in the context of the Lunar Gateway
           Leonardo Surdo, ESA (10 min)
        3. Availability of the ERSA Payload Data for Space Weather Services
           Melanie Heil, ESA (10 min)
        4. In-Situ Measurements at the Lunar Gateway
           Ruth Bamford, RAL (15 min)
        5. Introduction to the Round Table Discussions
           Chris Perry (5 min)
        6. Round Table Discussion (Pt. 1): Lunar Space Weather in Support of Terrestrial Space
           Weather Forecasting
           (15 min)
        7. Round Table Discussion (Pt. 2): Lunar Space Weather in Support of Human, Lunar and
           Near-Lunar Exploration and Habitation
           (15 min)
        8. Round Table Discussion (Pt. 3): Space Weather in Support of Human, Mars Exploration
           and Habitation
           (15 min)

5.20        R.4 Space Radiation and Effects on Humans
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 14:00 – 15:30

Convener: R-ESC
Session Chair: Neophytos Messios, BIRA-IASB
Rapporteur: Erwin De Donder, BIRA-IASB


In relation to human spaceflight and aviation the physical sources covered by the R-ESC are of
concern for human health both on short- and long-term. Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events,
specifically the class known as ground level enhancements, can have consequences on human health,
the severity being a function of SEP strength and target location. In addition to SEP events, the
constant Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) background is also a health concern for extended stays in space.
The current status of the R-ESC portfolio relevant to this subject matter will be given. Future user
needs and potential future products and tools will be presented covering aviation altitudes, LEO, and
the Moon.

Session Overview:

    1. Introduction with an overview of related products and services in the SWE Network
       including ongoing R-ESC product updates
       Neophytos Messios, BIRA-IASB (10 min)
    2. Radiation Protection for Aviation
       Ralph Zander, VC (10 min)
    3. Radiation aboard aircraft during solar storms: the SiGLE model
       Nicolas Fuller, OBSPM (10 min)
    4. Space Dosimetry: Hungarian Activities
       Balázs Zábori, MTA Centre for Energy Research (10 min)
    5. Lunar surface and space environment: relevant summary from the CNSA-ESA International
       Lunar Research Team meeting
       Neophytos Messios, BIRA-IASB (10 min)
    6. HIERRAS: Human Interplanetary Exploration Radiation Risk Assessment System
       Piers Jiggens, ESA (10 min)
    7. Discussion
       (30 min)

5.21        G.3 Geomagnetic Conditions and Other Forecasting Based on Global MHD
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 14:00 – 15:30

Convener: G-ESC
Session Chair: Norah Kaggwa Kwagala, UiB
Rapporteur: Alan Thomson, BGS


Global models of the solar wind - magnetosphere- ionosphere coupling have been developed in the
space physics community over the last several decades. They offer unique possibilities for physics-
based predictions of conditions and effects in the near-Earth space environment, either short term
when driven by upstream solar wind measurements or longer term when combined with solar wind
and solar activity prediction models. The session will present current and upcoming capabilities
based on such models. This session will also include a led discussion at the end on inputs and the
most promising direction for the future development in the G-ESC.

Session Overview:

        1. Latest Developments of the GUMICS Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Model
           Ilja Honkonen, FMI (12 min)
        2. Updates on the Development of the Gorgon Magnetospheric Model
           Jonathan Eastwood, ICL (12 min)
        3. An Overview of SWMF and Potential Products
           Norah Kaggwa Kwagala, UiB (12 min)
        4. ENLIL CME Prediction Model
           David Jackson, UKMO (12 min)
        5. EUHFORIA Solar Wind and CME Prediction Model
           Stefaan Poedts, KUL (12 min)
        6. Discussion
           (25 min)

5.22        R.5 Galactic Cosmic Rays, Microparticles & Surface Charging: Next Steps
Time: Tuesday 13 October, 16:00 – 17:30

Convener: R-ESC
Session Chair: Norma Crosby, BIRA-IASB
Rapporteur: Erwin De Donder, BIRA-IASB


This session is devoted to the prioritisation of future efforts – next steps - to be pursued in regard to
Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) and micron-size particulates (from meteoroids and space debris), as
well as the effect of surface charging on spacecraft. Examples of products inside and outside the R-
ESC that cover these three topics will be presented. The effects of solar cycle duration and activity
will be highlighted. More specifically, the variation of GCR flux with the solar potential, the increase
of electron fluxes, heating of plasma particles, and change in atmospheric drag, will be discussed.
The session will end with a summary by writing down a list of future development ideas and priorities
that should help steer development planning and prioritisation.

Session Overview:

        1. Introduction with an overview of related products and services in the SWE Network
           Norma Crosby, BIRA-IASB (5 min)
        2. GCR Models and their Usage in SPENVIS
           Erwin De Donder, BIRA-IASB (15 min)
        3. Modeling the Space Debris Environment
           Carsten Wiedemann, TU Braunschweig (15 min)
        4. Recent updates to the European Detector Impact Database and relevance to the Space
           Safety Programme
           Jens Rodmann, etamax space (15 min)
        5. PAGER: charging risk analysis
           Julien Forest, Artenum (15 min)
        6. Discussion
           (25 min)
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