Entry guidE Recognise. Celebrate. Reward.

Page created by Armando Aguilar
Entry guidE Recognise. Celebrate. Reward.
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        13 December 2021
        London             Recognise.

                           Entry guide
Entry guidE Recognise. Celebrate. Reward.

    Welcome.................................................................................................................... 3
    An introduction to the Utility Week Awards 2021........................................... 4-5
    Eligibility criteria .................................................................................................... 6
    Entering the awards ................................................................................................ 6
    10 steps to enter ........................................................................................................7
    Why you should enter............................................................................................. 8
    Judging process....................................................................................................... 8
    Meet the lead judges................................................................................................ 9
    Capital Project of the Year Award....................................................................... 10
    Collaborative Excellence Award – formerly Supply Chain Excellence................. 11
    Community Investor Award.................................................................................12
    Customer Experience Award................................................................................13
    Customer Vulnerability Award ...........................................................................14
    Digital Transformation Award............................................................................ 15
    Disruptor of the Year..............................................................................................16
    Employer of the Year ............................................................................................. 17
    Innovation Award...................................................................................................18
    Net Zero Award........................................................................................................19
    Team of the Year Award........................................................................................ 20
    Utility Partner of the Year Award.........................................................................21
    Utility of the Year................................................................................................... 22
    Get in touch............................................................................................................. 23

Utility Week Awards 2021 Entry Guide
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Entry guidE Recognise. Celebrate. Reward.

    It’s time to dust off the tux, the high heels and sequins. Because the
    Utility Week Awards are back, and ready to host an unforgettable
    reunion of industry leaders, influencers and innovators at the
    Grosvenor Hotel, Park Lane this December.
    Amid this almost-forgotten glamour, we will recognise the shining stars
    of this industry. Across diverse categories, we will celebrate companies
    and teams for their contributions to building back better after the
    ravages of coronavirus, their unwavering commitment to tackling climate
    change, their relentless will to innovate and their ambitions to redefine
    expectations for what good looks like in the delivery of essential services
    and critical infrastructure.
    As ever, our successful finalists will represent an elite group of
    outperformers, whittled down from the crowds of hopeful entrants by our
    independent panel of expert judges. And those who eventually scoop the
    awards will win an envied position in the Utility Week Awards hall of fame,
    attaining the industry’s respected gold standard stamp for excellence.
    After the most draining year of challenges, distance and restriction, it’s
    time to embrace the opportunity to reward the dedication of colleagues,
    publicise their achievements and proclaim the ways in which your                 Jane Gray
    organisation has defied the odds to excel in its field.                          Content Director
                                                                                     Utility Week
    We look forward to receiving your entries and to celebrating with you in
    style in December.

Utility Week Awards 2021 Entry Guide
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Entry guidE Recognise. Celebrate. Reward.
                                                                                                                 FRIDAY 3 September
                               An introduction to the
                               Utility Week Awards 2021

    Utilities have shown the most incredible resilience,                  Utility Week Awards 2021 categories
    commitment and leadership throughout the coronavirus
    crisis, keeping the UK connected in exceptionally challenging
                                                                         Capital Project of the Year Award                                           see
    This year, the industry will be reunited at London Park Lane’s       Celebrating best in class performance among energy and water               pg10
    Grosvenor Hotel for the Utility Week Awards 2021, celebrating        utilities in delivering capital projects for the benefit of their
    in person the incredible achievements of individuals, teams          customers and the environment.
    and companies across the UK’s water, power and gas
    companies over the course of 2021.
                                                                         Collaborative Excellence Award
                                                                         Recognising world class approaches to collaboration between supply         pg11
                                                                         chain partners and the role this plays in delivering resilient essential
                                                                         services. Formerly known as the Supply Chain Excellence Award.

                                                                         Community Investor Award                                                    see
                                                                         Celebrating outstanding leadership and commitment from utilities to        pg12
                                                                         investing in the communities they serve.
    Utility Week provides unrivalled news, insight and impact
    analysis, private networking and live events on key areas
    including policy and regulation, vulnerable customers and
    operational excellence. Utility Week empowers utilities to           Customer Experience Award                                                   see
                                                                         Celebrating best in class performance among utilities in engaging          pg13
    transform with confidence in a fast-moving sector.
                                                                         their customers and delivering outstanding customer experiences.
    Visit www.utilityweek.co.uk for more information

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Entry guidE Recognise. Celebrate. Reward.
                                                                                                                               FRIDAY 3 September

                                                                                       Innovation Award
                                                                                       Celebrating utilities as they seek to catalyse positive step changes in    see
                                                                                       their operations and performance, delivering collaborative innovation     pg18
                                                                                       to tackle the challenges facing their businesses and generate new
                                                                                       benefits for customers and the environment.

    Customer Vulnerability Award
    Recognising the outstanding leadership and integrity of utilities who    see       Net Zero Award                                                             see
    have gone above and beyond their statutory duties to prevent or         pg14       Recognising the outstanding contributions of the sector towards           pg19
    mitigate hardship for customers in vulnerable circumstances.                       tackling climate change and meeting the UK’s net zero ambition.

    Digital Transformation Award                                                       Team of the Year Award
                                                                             see                                                                                  see
    Recognising outstanding leadership, ambition and success among                     Recognising an outstanding team which has gone above and beyond           pg20
    utilities in embracing digital opportunities in order to transform                 the call of duty to deliver benefits for customers, stakeholders and
    their businesses.                                                                  the wider business.

    Disruptor of the Year                                                              Utility of the Year
                                                                             see                                                                                  see
    Celebrating utility service providers who are not afraid to challenge              Celebrating utilities whose cultures and performance demonstrate          pg21
    the industry status quo, bringing new business models to market for                they are all-round industry exemplars, driven to excellence by a
    the benefit of their customers and the environment.                                deep-rooted commitment to their social purpose.

    Employer of the Year                                                               Utility Partner of the Year                                                see
    Celebrating outstanding leadership and commitment from utilities        pg17
                                                                                       Celebrating the commitment of suppliers and contractors who have          pg22
    to investing in their employees, protecting their wellbeing, and                   built long term partnerships with utilities and the role this plays in
    championing equality, diversity and inclusion.                                     delivering outstanding essential services for today and tomorrow.

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                                                                                                       FRIDAY 3 September
                               Eligibility criteria
                                                                                          the Awards
    All of Utility Week’s Awards are open for entry to
    companies who:                                                                       Reward achievement at the
                                                                                        networking event of the year
    • own and operate energy or water utilities in the UK                               by submitting your entries at:
    • provide energy or water retail services
    • provide energy flexibility or aggregation services                              www.utilityweekawards.co.uk
    • hold a regulated licence for the provision of key data or governance                 Please note that entries will close on
      services to the industry                                                                  Friday 3 September 2021

                                                                                            This entry guide is designed to help you
    Contractors and suppliers of equipment, technology and other services to          understand what is needed to craft your entry/ies
    the utilities industry can enter any of Utility Week’s awards provided they       in a way that gives you the best possible chance of
    do so in partnership with a utility organisation which fits at least one of the   success. If you have any further questions or need
    above descriptors. Contractors and suppliers may also enter the Partner of           further information however, please contact:
    the Year category independently.
                                                                                                       Nicola Gillman
    Project and initiatives put forward in entries must have generated                               Operations Manager
    quantifiable results to demonstrate their significance and impact in the                           Tel: 01342 332045
    last past twelve months. Most awards also ask for evidence of sustained                  Email: nicolagillman@fav-house.com
    performance over a number of years in the relevant business area or

Utility Week Awards 2021 Entry Guide
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10 steps to enter

                                Submit your intention to enter to be kept up to          You are welcome to submit supporting evidence.
                            1 date and receive a one week extension on the           6 Please note that it may not be looked at by the
                                entry deadline                                           judges and all essential information regarding
                                                                                         your entry should be made within your entry form.
                                                                                         One file can be uploaded only (you can merge files
                                Decide on which category or categories you wish
                            2 to enter                                                   together or create a zip file)

                                                                                         If your entry is a joint nomination with another
                                Review the questions and criteria (in this booklet
                            3 and on the website) and prepare your entry             7 organisation please make this clear within the
                                                                                         entrant name field

                                Your entry should be approximately 1000 words in
                            4 total. How you spread the word count across the            Once your entry is completed check out your
                                                                                     8 basket and pay by credit card
                                questions is up to you

                                Create/login to your account via the Utility Week    9 Please note that entries will close on 3 September
                            5 awards website, adding the relevant categories to
                                your basket                                              You will receive a confirmation of your entry once
                                                                                     10 successfully submitted. Finalists will be notified
                                                                                         in October and winners announced at the live
                                                                                         ceremony on 13 December 2021.

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Why you                                                   The judging
                               should enter                                                process
                                                                                      As the number of entries to the
                                                                                     Utility Week Awards continues to
                                                                                     grow, we have introduced a new
    Stand out from the crowd and showcase your expertise
                                                                                        two stage judging process.
    with a Utility Week Award – the ultimate pinnacle for
                                                                                 All entries will be reviewed by a panel of lead judges –
    Generate a year-long celebration of your organisation’s efforts as we        specialists in their fields. They will score entries against the
                                                                                 criteria set out in this booklet and on the website.
    continue to share your winning story throughout the year.
                                                                                 The top entries will be put forward for further discussion
    Benefits of winning                                                          and debate with members of the wider judging panel. Each
                                                                                 award category will have its best entries reviewed by a
    • Positive PR coverage                                                       specialist group of panel judges in a session chaired by the
    • Highlight your success stories and innovative projects                     lead judge. This discussion session will lead to the creation
                                                                                 of an award shortlist and the selection of a winner.
    • Be seen as award winning and sector leading
    • Promote your success through the use of our winners’ and finalists’ logo   We collect feedback from our judges on all shortlisted
                                                                                 entries and will make this feedback available to finalists
    • Give your organisation the recognition it deserves                         on request after the awards ceremony has taken place.
    • Highlight how your work is the best in the sector                          Award winners will also receive a special profile in our
                                                                                 post-awards winners’ showcase which will include a
    • Portray your brand in a positive light
                                                                                 summary of their winning entry, comments from business
    • Demonstrate that your work has produced effective results                  leaders on receiving the award and accolades from the
                                                                                 judging panel explaining why the entry stood out.

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Meet the lead judges

                                               Dr Keith
                                               MacLean OBE          Philip New                            Laura Sandys
                        Jane Gray              managing             chief executive                       chief executive
                        content director       director             officer                               Challenging
                        Utility Week           Providence           Energy Systems                        Ideas
                                               Policy               Catapult

                                                                    Randolph                              Dr Elizabeth
                                               Professor            Brazier
                        Robert Light                                                                      Blakelock
                                               Tony Conway          head of innovation                    principle policy
                        chair                  University of        & development                         manager
                        CC Water               Sheffield            Energy Networks                       Citizens Advice

                        Stuart                 Sue Ferns            Steve
                        Newstead               deputy general       Johnson
                        director               secretary            director
                        Ellare                 Prospect             Infracapital

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                               Capital Project of the Year Award

    Celebrating best in class performance            Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    among utilities infrastructure owners            1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    in delivering capital projects for the           2. Evidence of outstanding project management
    benefit of their customers and the               3. Evidence of stakeholder engagement and
    environment.                                        customer/environmental benefits
                                                     4. Evidence of innovation in overcoming key
    The investments utilities make in assets            challenges
    and infrastructure to support the delivery
    of reliable, affordable and sustainable
    essential services underpin our way
    of life. This award celebrates utilities
    displaying best in class approaches to
    their management of capital projects as
    well as recognising the positive impacts           Previous winners
    these investments have delivered for
                                                       2020:   SSEN Transmission
    customers, other stakeholders and the
                                                       2019:   Thames Water
                                                       2018:   United Utilities
                                                       2017:   Anglian Water Services

        Visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/categories-and-criteria/ to view the information that you need to provide for your entry

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                               Collaborative Excellence Award

    Recognising world class approaches               Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    to collaboration between supply chain            1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    partners and the role this plays in              2. Evidence of delivery against project KPIs/objectives                             A word of advice from lead judge
    delivering resilient essential services.                                                                                                     Steve Johnson
                                                     3. Evidence of collaboration between supply chain
                                                                                                                                              director, Infracapital
    Creating closely integrated, productive                                                                                      “Our sector is facing increasing scrutiny
                                                     4. Evidence of agile and collaborative problem
    and collaborative supply chain                      solving                                                                    and challenge to deliver improved
    relationships is critical to the success                                                                                        services to our customers and to
    of utilities who must work tirelessly to                                                                                       demonstrate effective and efficient
    maintain and improve the reliability,                                                                                            delivery of those improvements.
                                                                                                                                    An innovative, efficient and highly
    sustainability and affordability of
                                                                                                                                    effective supply chain is critical in
    essential services. This award recognises                                                                                     meeting the challenges we face; how
    demonstrations of world class supply                                                                                             can you demonstrate that you’re
    chain management in the utilities                                                                                                ahead of the field and delivering
                                                       Previous winners*
    sector and the role this has played                                                                                                     true best practice”
                                                       2020:   Anglian Water IMDS Alliance: Anglian Water, Kier and Clancy
    in maintaining resilience, especially
                                                       2019:   Scottish Water
    throughout the exceptionally challenging
                                                       2018:   United Utilities and L Marks
    circumstances created by coronavirus.              2017:   Anglian Water

                                                                                          *2017-2020 winners from the Supply Chain Excellence Award.

        Visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/categories-and-criteria/ to view the information that you need to provide for your entry

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                               Community Investor Award

    Celebrating outstanding leadership and           Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    commitment from utilities to investing           1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    in the communities they serve.                   2. Evidence of the quantifiable positive impact your                                  A word of advice from lead judge
                                                        project/initiative has made on the community in                                             Laura Sandys
    The contributions utilities make to                 question                                                                          chief executive, Challenging Ideas
    developing and safeguarding their                3. The importance of your project/initiative in the                               “Utilities have been at the heart of
    customer communities are fundamental                context of key industry/societal challenges                                    delivering services through a very
    to their social purpose and the legitimacy       4. Evidence of an ongoing organisational                                        difficult time over the last 18 months.
                                                        commitment to social responsibility                                           This crisis has further informed the
    of privately owned essential service
                                                        and investing in the communities it serves                                      sector how important our social
    providers. This award recognises                                                                                                contract is and that we can only perform
    companies going above and beyond their                                                                                          in collaboration and in conjunction with
    statutory duties to nurture wellbeing,                                                                                            the communities in which we work.
    social mobility and prosperity in the                                                                                            We will be looking for those companies
                                                                                                                                        that have gone beyond the norm
    communities they serve – whether those             Previous winners*                                                                 recognising and rewarding that
    communities be geographic, cultural or                                                                                                  interdependence between
                                                       2020:   National Grid
    needs-based.                                                                                                                                  the public and
                                                       2019:   South Staffs Water & Echo Managed Services
                                                                                                                                                   our services.”
                                                       2018:   Haven Power
                                                       2017:   Northern Gas Networks

                                                                                   *2017-2019 winners from the Community Initiative of the Year Award.

        Visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/categories-and-criteria/ to view the information that you need to provide for your entry

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                               Customer Experience Award

    Celebrating best in class performance            Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    among utilities in engaging their                1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    customers and delivering outstanding             2. Evidence of measurable improvements against
    customer experiences.                               key customer engagement/experience metrics
                                                     3. Evidence of innovation                                         A word of advice from lead judge
    The ability to engage with customers
                                                     4. Evidence of an ongoing culture of                                        Robert Light
    in order to understand and anticipate               customer-centricity                                                    chair, CCWater
    their needs is fundamentally important                                                                          “I would like to see entries which
    to the success and legitimacy of utility                                                                         embed enhancing the customer
    companies. This award celebrates best                                                                          experience in all the company does
    in class performance among utilities in                                                                           in addition to developing fresh
    engaging their customers and delivering                                                                                initiatives to support
    outstanding customer experiences.                                                                                     vulnerable customers.”

                                                       Previous winners
                                                       2020: Cadent
                                                       2019: Yorkshire Water
                                                       2018: Apadmi and United Utilities

        Visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/categories-and-criteria/ to view the information that you need to provide for your entry

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                               Customer Vulnerability Award

    Recognising the outstanding leadership           Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    and integrity of utilities who have gone         1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    above and beyond their statutory duties          2. Evidence of the quantifiable positive impact your
    to prevent or mitigate hardship for                 project/initiative has made on the vulnerable
                                                        customer group in question
    customers in vulnerable circumstances.                                                                                            A word of advice from lead judge
                                                     3. Evidence of innovation and fresh thinking to                                            Robert Light
    We know that utilities take their                   tackle vulnerability                                                                  chair, CCWater
    fundamental responsibility to safeguard          4. Evidence of an ongoing organisational                                     “I would like to see entries which
    the interests of vulnerable customers               commitment to the protection of
                                                        customers in vulnerable circumstances
                                                                                                                                   embed enhancing the customer
    extremely seriously. This award                                                                                              experience in all the company does
    recognises the outstanding leadership                                                                                           in addition to developing fresh
    and integrity of utilities who have gone                                                                                             initiatives to support
    above and beyond their statutory duties                                                                                             vulnerable customers.”
    to prevent or mitigate hardship for                Previous winners*
    customers in vulnerable circumstances,
                                                       2020:   Western Power Distribution
    especially in the context of the fallout
                                                       2019:   SP Energy Networks
    from coronavirus.
                                                       2018:   UK Power Networks
                                                       2017:   Co-op Energy

                                                                                                 *2017-2019 winners from the Customer Care Award.

        Visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/categories-and-criteria/ to view the information that you need to provide for your entry

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                               Digital Transformation Award

    Recognising outstanding leadership,              Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    ambition and success among utilities in          1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    embracing digital opportunities in order         2. Evidence of transformational impact
    to transform their businesses.                                                                                     A word of advice from lead judge
                                                     3. Evidence of business/customer/stakeholder
                                                                                                                              Stuart Newstead
    Digital technologies have the potential                                                                                    director, Ellare
                                                     4. Evidence of innovation in the application of
    to transform the utilities sector for               digital technology/capabilities                             “As judges, we will be looking for
    the better, enabling smarter use of                                                                                evidence that your entry is:
    assets, unlocking new opportunities for                                                                        • already delivering benefits to your
    efficiency and reimagining customer                                                                              organisation and your customers
    experiences. In the face of climate                                                                            • using digital technology and data
    change, digital innovation also has                                                                                   in an innovative way
    an important role to play in enabling                                                                          • augmenting, not simply replacing,
    strategic sustainability and carbon                Previous winners                                                 the skills of your people.”
    reduction actions. This award will
                                                       2020:   United Utilities
    recognise outstanding leadership,
                                                       2019:   UK Power Networks
    ambition and success among utilities in
                                                       2018:   Northumbrian Water Group
    embracing digital opportunities in order           2017:   South West Water and Hitachi Consulting
    to transform their businesses, making
    them fit for the future.

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                               Disruptor of the Year

    Celebrating utility service providers who        Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    are not afraid to challenge the industry         1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    status quo, bringing new business models         2. Evidence of ambition
    to market for the benefit of their customers
    and the environment.                             3. Evidence of impact/success
                                                     4. Evidence of innovation                                         A word of advice from lead judge
    The utilities sector is changing. Businesses                                                                                  Philip New
    of new shapes and sizes are breaking into                                                                           CEO, Energy Systems Catapult
    the market, turning traditional ways of
                                                                                                                   “Disruptors need to show that they
    operating on their head and challenging the
                                                                                                                  have the potential to shift paradigms
    very notion of what it means to be a utility
                                                                                                                  – opening new possibilities, upsetting
    provider. Meanwhile, incumbent businesses
    are seeking to reinvent themselves with fresh                                                                     existing ways of working and
    thinking about organisational structures, the                                                                  providing very different, and better,
    way they apply technology and the services                                                                         ways to delight customers.”
    they provide. This award celebrates boldness
    among utility service providers who are not
                                                       Previous winners
    afraid to challenge the industry status quo        2020: UK Power Networks
    in order to bring new benefits to customers,       2019: Octopus Energy
    wider stakeholders and the environment
    – even throughout the extraordinarily
    challenging times created by the
    coronavirus pandemic.

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                               Employer of the Year

    Celebrating outstanding leadership and           Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    commitment from utilities to investing           1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    in their employees, protecting their             2. Evidence of a sustained culture of excellence in
    wellbeing, and championing diversity                health, safety and wellbeing                                                     A word of advice from lead judge
                                                                                                                                                    Sue Ferns
    and inclusion.                                   3. Evidence of actions and impact in developing
                                                                                                                                        deputy general secretary, Prospect
                                                        employees and improving their work experience
    Responsible and mature businesses                4. Evidence of commitment to promoting                                          “Having supported their workforce
    understand the importance of investing              equality, diversity and inclusion                                             through a challenging period, our
    in the welfare and professional                                                                                                 employer of the year will be actively
                                                     5. Evidence of a sustain culture of
    development of their employees as well              responsibility and commitment to                                                developing a diverse Net Zero
                                                        employees                                                                   workforce with secure and fulfilling
    as the value of a flexible and diverse                                                                                            jobs. They will genuinely listen to
    workforce. This award celebrates the                                                                                           their employees, provide good quality
    outstanding leadership of utilities                                                                                                employment, and strive to build
    who are taking their commitment to                                                                                                        a culture based on
                                                       Previous winner*                                                                      trust and fairness.”
    employees to new heights.
                                                       2020: Anglian Water

                                                                                                           *This award was first introduced in 2020.

        Visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/categories-and-criteria/ to view the information that you need to provide for your entry

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                               Innovation Award

    Celebrating utilities as they seek to            Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    catalyse positive step changes in their          1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    operations and performance, delivering           2. Evidence of ambition                                          A word of advice from lead judge
    collaborative innovation to tackle the                                                                                Professor Tony Conway
    challenges facing their businesses and           3. Evidence of quantifiable benefits
                                                                                                                           University of Sheffield
    generate new benefits for customers and          4. Evidence of an ongoing culture of innovation
                                                                                                                   “Only through active and committed
    the environment.                                    and success in adopting innovation into
                                                        BAU operations
                                                                                                                  collaboration, embracing all utilities
    Collaborative innovation is key to finding                                                                stakeholders, will we develop and fast track
    new ways to overcome the many pressing                                                                   the innovative solutions that society urgently
    challenges utilities face. Macro-challenges                                                                needs to overcome the unique combination
    like climate change and population growth,                                                                  of challenges and opportunities that that
    as well as changing consumer expectations,                                                                     we all face. I am looking forward to
    demand innovation in business models,                                                                       reviewing ambitious innovation projects,
    processes and technologies on a new and                                                                         where collaboration was baked in
    ambitious scale. This award celebrates                                                                           from the outset, and which have
    the creativity and determination of utilities      Previous winners                                                 delivered clear benefits.”
    seeking to catalyse positive step changes          2020: Yorkshire Water & Stantec
    in their operations and performance, and           2019: Drax
    the collaborative approaches they have
                                                       2018: Northumbrian Water Ltd
    taken to innovation in order to tackle the
    challenges facing their businesses and
    generate new benefits for customers and
    the environment.

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                               Net Zero Award

    Recognising the outstanding                      Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    contributions of the sector towards              1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    tackling climate change and meeting              2. Evidence of the quantifiable contribution your
    the UK’s net zero ambition.                         project/initiative has made to tackling key
                                                        decarbonisation challenges
    The UK’s legally binding commitment              3. Evidence that your organisation engaged with
    to creating a net zero emissions                    stakeholders and helped to improve public
                                                        understanding of net zero challenges
    economy by 2050 or sooner, as well
    as other sector specific and regional            4. Evidence of a wider organisational
                                                        commitment to sustainability and care
    commitments to decarbonisation, have                for natural resources
    reframed the responsibilities of utilities
    as environmental custodians. This award
    recognises the efforts of utilities to
    tackle some of the hardest challenges on           Previous winners*
    the road to net zero through technical,
                                                       2020:   Anglian Water
    operational and service innovation, while
                                                       2019:   Yorkshire Water
    also building cultures of sustainability
                                                       2018:   UK Power Networks
    and care for natural resources within              2017:   Cadent and CNG Fuels
    their own organisations.
                                                                                                  *2017-2019 winners from the Environment Award.

        Visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/categories-and-criteria/ to view the information that you need to provide for your entry

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                               Team of the Year Award

    Recognising an outstanding team which            Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    has gone above and beyond the call of            1. The quality and clarity of your entry (clear, evidence
    duty to deliver benefits for customers,             based)
    stakeholders and the wider business.             2. Evidence of how the team brought about measurable
                                                        benefits for the business
    Any utility is only as good as its people        3. Evidence of how the team brought about
    and this award is for the team that went            measurable benefits for customers
    the extra mile in 2020/21 to deliver a           4. Evidence of teamwork
    defined project for the company or one           5. Evidence of how the team bought in input
    of its stakeholders. This may be a team             from customers and stakeholders
    that tackled a challenge arising from the        6. Evidence of going beyond business as usual
    coronavirus pandemic, or a team that
    has taken on another business challenge
    or performed above and beyond                      Previous winners*
    expectations. NB if you want to highlight
                                                       2019: 	Thames Water, Stantec, Skanska, SMB
    an ongoing relationship with your
                                                       2018: UK Power Networks
    suppliers and contractors, you should
                                                       2017: Customer facing winner: SP Energy Networks
    enter the Collaborative Excellence award.          2017: 	Back office winner: National Grid

                                                                                                                 *Not a category in 2020.

        Visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/categories-and-criteria/ to view the information that you need to provide for your entry

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                               Utility Partner of the Year

    Celebrating the commitment of                    Judges will select finalists and the winner based on:
    suppliers and contractors who have               1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    built long term partnerships with                2. Evidence of quantifiable benefits generated via
    utilities and the role this plays in                your partnership/s
                                                                                                                            A word of advice from lead judge
    delivering outstanding essential                 3. Evidence of long-term commitment to the                                     Steve Johnson
    services for today and tomorrow.                    UK utilities industry and understanding                                  director, Infracapital
                                                        of its strategic challenges
                                                                                                                          “We all know the importance of the
    Contractors and suppliers of services,           4. Evidence of supporting innovation                                relationship between a company and
    kit and technologies play a crucial                                                                                their supply chain but what makes your
    role in enabling the success of utilities                                                                           relationship different? How does your
    businesses and the resilience of our                                                                                  partnership benefit both client and
    essential services. This award recognises                                                                            provider, how do you stand out from
                                                                                                                          the crowd and can you demonstrate
    that contribution and celebrates the
                                                                                                                              exceptional performance?”
    commitment of partners who have who                Previous winners
    invested in truly understanding the
                                                       2020: Content Guru
    challenges of their customers in order to
                                                       2019: Clancy group (for Business and infrastructure services)
    build long term relationships which will
                                                             YES Energy Solutions (for Customer solutions)
    help protect the reliability, affordability        2018: Energy & Utility Skills
    and sustainability of our essential
    services for today and tomorrow.

        Visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/categories-and-criteria/ to view the information that you need to provide for your entry

Utility Week Awards 2021 Entry Guide
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                                                                                                               Finalists and the winner for our Utility of the Year

                               Utility of the Year
                                                                                                               Award will be selected collaboratively by our
                                                                                                               panel of lead judges.

    Celebrating utilities whose cultures             For 2021, we will also ask all entrants to this award
    and performance demonstrate they are             to outline the role they played during the coronavirus
                                                     crisis and their role in Building Back Better as the UK
    all-round industry exemplars, driven to          emerges from the pandemic.
    excellence by a deep-rooted commitment
                                                     Judges will select the finalist and winner based on:
    to their social purpose.
                                                     1. The quality and clarity of your entry
    The expectations held by customers, policy       2. Evidence that your organisation has a sustained
    makers and regulators of UK utilities have          record of excellent performance in core business
    changed radically in recent years. Technical        areas
    excellence in the delivery of services and       3. Evidence that your organisation upholds the highest
    regard for shareholder returns is no longer         standards in transparency and continuously seeks to
    enough. Utilities must display a sensitive          improve in this area
    appreciation of their responsibilities as                                                                  Previous winners
                                                     4. Evidence that your organisation is committed to
    providers of essential services, a passionate       innovation                                             2020:   SGN
    commitment to environmental stewardship          5. Evidence that your organisation understands its        2019:   Octopus Energy
    and a mature understanding of what it               unique responsibilities and social purpose as an       2018:   Anglian Water
    means to be a responsible and ethical               essential service provider                             2017:   Northumbrian Water Group
    business, for today and for the future.          6. Evidence that your organisation acted with integrity
    This award celebrates utilities whose               and compassion during the coronavirus outbreak
    cultures and performance demonstrate they           and is taking a role in the national effort to Build
    are all-round industry exemplars, driven to         Back Better
    excellence by a deep-rooted commitment
    to their social purpose.

        Visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/categories-and-criteria/ to view the information that you need to provide for your entry

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Brought to you by:

        13 December 2021
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                           For further information, please contact:

                                          Nicola Gillman
                                        Operations manager
@UtilityWeek                               01342 332045
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