Page created by Rosa Gibbs

    THURSDAY 24 MARCH 2022


@homeawards #homeawards22                      1
THE SCOTTISH HOME AWARDS                                                                            JUDGING PANEL
The Scottish Home Awards is Scotland’s        The objectives of the Scottish Home Awards are to     View the 2022 Judging Panel here
national awards programme for new build       provide an all-inclusive programme which:
housing in Scotland and promotes and          • Improves the perception of housebuilding by
                                                profiling high quality construction and customer
celebrates the high-quality work of the
housing industry.
                                                care.                                               KEY DATES
                                              • Rewards high performing teams with industry
The wide-ranging programme is judged            wide recognition and an opportunity to celebrate
                                                                                                    Thursday 24 March 2022
by a highly experienced and independent         at our annual awards dinner.
                                                                                                    Deadline for Entries
judging panel and culminates in an event      • Recognises excellence in business achievements,
which is the largest industry dinner in the     customer care, construction and team working.       May 2022
Scottish calendar.                            • Assists finalists and winners with marketing        Finalists Announced
                                                advantages geared towards achieving sales and
                                                boosting team morale.                               Thursday 23 June 2022
                                                                                                    Awards Dinner at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Glasgow

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THE CATEGORIES                                                                           THE CATEGORIES

Company Awards
• Housebuilder of the Year (less than100 units)
• Housebuilder of the Year (more than 100 units)
• Housing Association of the Year                                                        Housebuilder of the Year                                            Housebuilder of the Year
• Community Contribution Award                                                           (More than 100 units)                                               (Less than 100 units)
• Innovation in Design                                                                   This award will be presented to a company in recognition of         This award will be presented to a company in recognition of
                                                                                         a sustained and high-quality effort to create new housing in        a sustained and high-quality effort to create new housing in
• Residential Letting Team of the Year                                                   Scotland on a large scale.                                          Scotland.

                                                                                         Judges will be looking for evidence of a clearly focused business   Judges will be looking for evidence of a clearly focused business
                                                                                         which knows its customer and has consistently delivered high        which knows its customer and has consistently delivered high
Awards for Housing Built for Social Rent                                                 quality product which serves its market.                            quality product which serves its market.
• Affordable Housing Development of the Year (Large, Social Rent)                        Entrants should prepare an entry which highlights business          Entrants should prepare an entry which highlights business
                                                                                         activity during the last year.                                      activity during the last year.
• Affordable Housing Development of the Year (Small, Social Rent)
                                                                                         Eligibility: For all housebuilders completing more than 100 units   Eligibility: For all housebuilders completing less than 100 units
                                                                                         per year.                                                           per year.
Awards for Housing Built for Private Sale                                                Entry Content:                                                      Entry Content:
• Apartment Development of the Year                                                      • Describe the business and the type of housing you have            • Describe the business and the type of housing you have
                                                                                                                                                               created in the last 12 months.
• Affordable Housing Development of the Year House of the Year                             created in the last 12 months
                                                                                                                                                             • What have been your business highlights in the last 12
• Housing Regeneration Project of the Year                                               • What have been your business highlights in the last 12              months?
• Housing Development of the Year (Small)                                                                                                                    • Who makes up the team and what are their key
                                                                                         • Who makes up the team and what are their key
• Housing Development of the Year (Large)                                                  responsibilities                                                  • Describe your sales and marketing strategy.
• Renovation of the Year                                                                 • Please outline your financial results in the last 12 months       • How do you look after your employees?

• Starter Home of the Year                                                               • Describe your sales and marketing strategy                        • How do you look after your customers?
                                                                                                                                                             • Please outline your financial results from the last 12 months.
• Show Home of the Year                                                                  • Describe how do you look after your employees

• House of the Year                                                                      • Describe how you look after your customers?

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Housing Association of the Year                                       Affordable Housing Development of the                               Affordable Housing Development of the                            Apartment Development of the Year
This award will recognise the work of an association in its efforts
                                                                      Year (private sale)                                                 Year (Large, Social Rent/ Small, Social                          (private sale)
to deliver high quality housing and supported housing alongside       This award will be presented to a new development offering          Rent)                                                            This award will be presented to a private builder who has
supporting communities with a range of tenant services.               affordable housing for sale. It will have created a new                                                                              created a development of apartments in Scotland. Judges will
                                                                                                                                          This award will recognise a development offered for social
                                                                      community where affordability and desirability must come            housing. It will have created a new community where              be looking to showcase a carefully designed development
Eligibility: Open to all housing associations in Scotland.
                                                                      together. The development will offer a range of property styles     affordability and desirability must come together. The           which successfully blends a range of apartment styles and offers
Entry Content:                                                        and may or may not be part of a multi-use development.              development will offer a range of property styles and may or     buyers a new community which makes the most of local services
                                                                                                                                          may not be part of a multi-use development.                      available.
• Describe the main focus of the business in the last 12              Eligibility: Open to private builders offering affordable housing
  months.                                                             for private sale, shared equity, help to buy or other incentive     Eligibility: Open to housing associations, councils and          Eligibility: Open to private housebuilders. The development may
                                                                      schemes for purchase.                                               government bodies. The development must offer the majority of    be of any size and may offer a range of apartment styles within
• What have been your business highlights in the last 12                                                                                                                                                   one development.
                                                                      Entry Content:                                                      its product for social rent.
                                                                                                                                          Entry Content:                                                   Entry Content:
• What are you doing to provide care for tenants and the              • Describe the development including background
  community?                                                            information, development concept, location and landscape.         • Describe the development including background                  • Describe the development including background
                                                                                                                                            information, development concept, location and landscape.        information, development concept, location and landscape.
• Describe your approach to property care.                            • Describe the design of the development, including features
                                                                        and specifications.                                               • Describe the design of the development, including features     • Describe the design of the development, including features
• Give an overview of your financial results from the last 12                                                                                                                                                and specifications.
                                                                      • What challenges were overcome throughout the planning               and specifications.
                                                                        and construction process? (This could include environmental,      • What challenges were overcome throughout the planning          • Describe the use of materials and overall finish.
                                                                        transport, logistics, materials and budget)                         and construction process? (This could include environmental,   • What challenges were overcome throughout the
                                                                      • What are the energy efficiency credentials relating to the          transport, logistics, materials, and budget)                     planning and construction process? (This could include
                                                                        development?                                                      • What are the energy efficiency credentials relating to the       environmental, transport, logistics, materials and budget)
                                                                      • Describe the sales and marketing activity carried out in            development?                                                   • What are the energy efficiency credentials relating to the
                                                                        relation to the development.                                      • Describe the sales and marketing activity carried out in         development?
                                                                      • Do you provide any additional services to your customers?           relation to the development.                                   • Describe the sales and marketing activity carried out in
                                                                                                                                          • How do you ensure tenant and community care?                     relation to the development.
                                                                      • What are the total number of units included in the
                                                                        development?                                                      • What are the total number of units within the development?     • Describe any additional services you provide to your

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Community Contribution Award                                       House of the Year                                                 Housing Regeneration Project of the Year                           Innovation in Design
This award will recognise the efforts of a private builder or      This award will be presented to a house marketed at or below      This award will recognise a regeneration project which has         This award will recognise achievements in innovative design
housing association to deliver a significant contribution to a     £500,000 which is part of a new development. Location, value      transformed neglected, derelict or deprived urban or rural         delivered in the creation of new build housing in Scotland.
local community or chosen charity.                                 for money, quality and design will be taken into account by the   sites through the delivery of a residential development.
                                                                   judges.                                                           Entrants should demonstrate a successful project which has         Eligibility: For architects and developers creating innovative new
Eligibility: Open to private housebuilders, housing associations                                                                     environmentally improved the area while generating positive        housing in Scotland.
and local authorities.                                             Eligibility: Open to private housebuilders. The house type may    economic and social impact.
                                                                   be detached, semi-detached or a town house and be marketed                                                                           Entry Content:
Entry Content:                                                     at or below £500,000.                                             Eligibility: For housing regeneration projects in Scotland. This   • Describe the development including background
• Describe the business contribution to the community in 2021                                                                        category is open to city centre, town centre, urban, rural,          information, development concept, location and landscape.
                                                                   Entry Content:                                                    brownfield, edge and out of town regeneration projects.
  and how this was carried out.
                                                                   • Describe the development including background                                                                                      • How is the design innovative?
• What was achieved and how did this impact the                                                                                      Entry Content:
                                                                     information, development concept, location and landscape.
  community?                                                                                                                                                                                            • Describe the features and specification of the final product.
                                                                                                                                     • Describe the project including background information,
                                                                   • Describe the design of the development, including features        development concept, location and landscape.
• How did you work with partners and clients to achieve                                                                                                                                                 • Describe the use of materials and finish.
                                                                     and specifications.
  results?                                                                                                                           • Who else did you work with on the delivery of the project?       • What was the overall budget allocated to the project?
                                                                   • Who are your target customers for the development and
• Who has benefitted from the success of the campaign, and           why?                                                            • Describe the project specification, including design and         • What are the energy efficiency credentials relating to the
  how?                                                                                                                                 materials used.                                                    development?
                                                                   • What challenges were overcome throughout the planning
                                                                     and construction process? (This could include environmental,    • What challenges were overcome throughout the
                                                                     transport, logistics, materials and budget)                       planning and construction process? (This could include
                                                                                                                                       environmental, transport, logistics, materials and budget)
                                                                   • What are the energy efficiency credentials relating to the
                                                                     development?                                                    • Describe the environmental, economic and social
                                                                                                                                       improvements delivered by the project.
                                                                   • Outline any pricing incentives included for the customer.

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Large Housing Development of the Year                            Small Housing Development of the Year                               Renovation of the Year                                              Residential Letting Team of the Year
(private sale)                                                   (private sale)                                                      This category will recognise the renovation of derelict or          This category will recognise the hard work and dedication
This category is open to private builders creating new housing   This category is open to private builders creating new              old buildings with creative activity to breathe new life into       letting teams who are providing a service landlords and tenants
communities in Scotland. Judges will be looking to showcase      communities in Scotland. Judges will be looking to showcase         existing building stock. Judges will be looking for information     in the residential market. The judges will be looking for evidence
a carefully designed development which successfully blends a     a carefully designed development which successfully blends a        on the history of the site, design influences as well as interior   of market share, industry knowledge, sales success, innovation
range of house styles and offers buyers a carefully designed     range of house styles and offers buyers a carefully designed        specifications.                                                     and customer service.
community which makes the most of local services available.      community which makes the most of local services available.         Eligibility: Open to residential or non-residential properties      Eligibility: For residential letting teams working in Scotland.
Eligibility: For private housebuilders with developments of      Eligibility: for private housebuilders with a development of 50     converted into multiple properties. For example, churches,
                                                                                                                                     hospitals, schools, castles, barracks and barns.                    Criteria:
more than 50 units which may offer a range of housing styles     units or less which may offer a range of housing styles available
available for private sale.                                      for private sale.                                                   Criteria:                                                           • Describe the key activity of the team in the last 12 months.
Entry Content:                                                   Entry Content:                                                      • Describe the development including background                     • Describe your business strategy for your local market.
• Describe the development including background                  • Describe the development including background                       information, development concept, location and landscape.         • Describe how have you reacted to challenges and
  information, development concept, location and landscape.        information, development concept, location and landscape.         • Describe the design of the development, including features          opportunities in your local area.
• Describe the design of the development, including features     • Describe the design of the development, including features          and specifications.                                               • Describe your approach to working with landlords and
  and specifications.                                              and specifications.                                               • What challenges were overcome throughout the                        tenants to ensure a successful relationship.
• Describe the use of materials and finish.                      • Describe the use of materials and finish.                           planning and construction process? (This could include            • Please outline your financial results from the last 12 months.
                                                                                                                                       environmental, transport, logistics, materials and budget)
• What challenges were overcome throughout the                   • What challenges were overcome throughout the
  planning and construction process? (This could include           planning and construction process? (This could include            • What are the energy efficiency credentials relating to the
  environmental, transport, logistics, materials and budget)       environmental, transport, logistics, materials and budget)          development?

• What are the energy efficiency credentials relating to the     • What are the energy efficiency credentials relating to the        • Describe the sales and marketing activity carried out in
  development?                                                     development?                                                        relation to the development.

• Describe the sales and marketing activity carried out in       • Describe the sales and marketing activity carried out in          • Provide a breakdown of the overall budget allocated to the
  relation to the development.                                     relation to the development.                                        project.

• Describe any additional services you provide to your           • Describe any additional services you provide to your
  customers.                                                       customers.

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How to Enter the Scottish Home Awards 2022
                                                                                                                                          Please visit: scottishhomeawards.com

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Terms and Conditions 2022:
                                                                                                                                          • To enter the competition, all entrants must register as a    • Developments completed in 2021 or developments
                                                                                                                                            user by creating an account on the “Enter Now” area of         nearing completion in May 2022 are eligible for entry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • If a development is not yet completed, please state clearly
                                                                                                                                          • All entries are submitted through the website and will not     in the entry what stage the development is at.
                                                                                                                                            be accepted in any other form.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Please contact the awards team if you require further
                                                                                                                                          • You are invited to submit as many entries as you wish.         advice on project eligibility prior to entry.
                                                                                                                                          • Please note that a separate submission is required for       • The Scottish Home Awards registration fee is £140
                                                                                                                                            each entry.                                                    to enter.
Show Home of the Year                                               Starter Home of the Year                                              • Please use appendices for relevant supporting material       • Judges may choose to carry out site visits at their own
                                                                                                                                            and evidence such as marketing materials, floor plans,         discretion.
This award will be presented to a show home which has been          For new homes marketed firmly at the first time buyer market.
                                                                                                                                            location plans, specifications, and pricing.
carefully designed to illustrate a new property at its ultimate     Judges will be looking for supporting information which gives                                                                        • The judges reserve the right to move entries into other
best, while also effectively illustrating the range of properties   an outline on design, layout, value for money and interior            • All entries must include company logo in high resolution       categories, to remove categories or create new awards.
available.                                                          finish. The property must be available for sale up to the value of      JPEG, PNG and EPS formats.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • The judges’ decisions are final and no correspondence
Eligibility: Open to private housebuilders. The property entered                                                                          • A maximum of 4 high resolution images should be                will be entered into.
must be complete and open to the public at the time of entering     Eligibility: For private housebuilders offering first time buyer        included with your entry, where appropriate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • By entering the Scottish Home Awards you give
                                                                    property for sale. Please enter one house style and not the entire    • Images should be named appropriately with clear                permission for the images included in your submission
Criteria:                                                           development.                                                            indication of which one is the “Main Image” for each           to be used at the awards ceremony and in the awards
• Describe the development including background                                                                                             entry to be used in the programme’s marketing activity.        marketing materials.
  information, development concept, location and landscape.                                                                               • All accompanying images and appendices must be               • The information contained in each entry is kept strictly
                                                                    • Describe the development including background                         provided using a Dropbox link which must contain all           private and confidential unless approval from the entering
• Describe the concept and influences used within the interior        information, development concept, location and landscape.             assets and information to be considered with the entry.        company is received.
  design of the show home.
                                                                                                                                            Please enter the link in the relevant section of the entry
                                                                    • Describe the design of the development, including features                                                                         • All entries must include a summary statement that can be
• Describe the fixtures and fitting used within the show home.                                                                              form.
                                                                      and specifications.                                                                                                                  used by the Scottish Home Awards for PR purposes to
• What challenges were overcome throughout the planning                                                                                   • To create a Dropbox Account, please follow the                 promote the entry, as indicated in the entry form.
                                                                    • Describe the sales and marketing activity carried out in              instructions here.
  and construction process? (this could include environmental,        relation to the development.                                                                                                       • All queries should be directed to KDMedia on
  transport, logistics, materials and budget)                                                                                             • Upon submitting your entry, you will receive an                0131 337 6232 or by email to kirsten@kdmedia.co.uk
                                                                    • Detail the pricing plan and any incentives included.                  automated email response to confirm your submission.
• Provide a detailed breakdown of the budget allocated to                                                                                   If you do not receive this within 24 hours of submission,
  the project and how this was distributed.                         • What challenges were overcome throughout the planning                 please contact us on 0131 337 6232.
                                                                      and construction process? (This could include environmental,
• Describe the sales and marketing activity carried out in            transport, logistics, materials and budget)                         • Closing date for entries is 12 noon on Thursday 24 March
  relation to the show home.                                                                                                                2022. No late submissions will be accepted.
                                                                    • What are the energy efficiency credentials relating to the
• State the expected selling price of the Show Home.                  development?

12      SCOTTISH HOME AWARDS 2022                                                                w w w.scottishhomeawards.com            @homeawards #homeawards22                                                            SCOTTISH HOME AWARDS 2022               13
CHARITY PARTNER                                                                                    OUR SPONSORS

                                                                                                   Ross & Liddell                                                        Aico
                                                                                                   Ross and Liddell are delighted to be the headline sponsor of the      Aico, an Ei Company, are the European leader in home
                                                                                                   Scottish Home Awards 2021.                                            life safety, pioneering new technologies and offering high
                                                                                                                                                                         quality alarms, developed and manufactured in Ireland.
                                                                                                   Ross and Liddell are one Scotland’s largest property                  All Aico alarms meet UK standards and offer a variety of
                                                                                                   management companies, employing 100 staff, through offices            sensor types to guarantee protection for every home, the
                                                                                                   in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee. In addition to traditional          cornerstone of which is delivering education, quality, service
                                                                                                   Factoring services, covering all sizes of housing and flatted
It’s Good 2 Give                                                                                   developments, the business provides a comprehensive range of
                                                                                                                                                                         and innovation. In 2020, Aico expanded their Connected
                                                                                                                                                                         Home offering with the acquisition of leading Internet of
                                                                                                   residential letting and commercial management and surveying           Things (IoT) solutions provider, HomeLINK. HomeLINK
The Ripple Retreat, an award-winning residential retreat for                                       services.                                                             leverages cutting edge smart home integration and analytics
young cancer patients and their families, was officially opened
                                                                                                                                                                         technologies, providing a complementary platform to
on 12th May 2017. The three-bedroomed luxury waterside                                             Director Andrew Cunningham will again join the judging panel
                                                                                                                                                                         present a synergistic approach to IoT.
home is based on the southern banks of Loch Venacher near                                          for the 2021 Awards, to offer his knowledge and experience.
Callander. The house is gifted to approximately 40 families a
                                                                                                   For more information on the services provided by Ross & Liddell,
year for short breaks of up to 6 nights each. The house is sleek,
modern with all the comforts of home including toys, books,                                        please go to www.ross-liddell.com
games and activities. It also hosts one day events for families
and is available to young cancer patients throughout Scotland.
The charity has a long history of supporting families through
their cancer ordeal and was set up five years ago by Lynne
McNicoll OBE.

Scottish Charity No: 041416
                                                                                                   Citylets is Scotland’s certified leading portal for property to
                                                                                                   rent with up to 4 million annual site visitors and advertising over
                                                                                                   50,000 properties per year. Established in 1999, we are the
                                                                                                   original Scottish lettings portal. Citylets is widely acknowledged
                                                                                                   as a UK portal pioneer credited with the introduction of many
                                                                                                   features and services that are now UK industry standard.
                                                                                                   Information Services is a core function and our market reports,
                                                                                                   now in their 16th year, are regarded as the most authoritative
                                                                                                   and reliable barometer of the Scottish rental market. Research
                                                                                                   tool, Optilet Pro, informs local councils, property advisory
                                                                                                   businesses and property developers with investment grade
                                                                                                   detail on the Scottish PRS. Based in the West End of Edinburgh,
                                                                                                   the company is fully independent and managed by the original
                                                                                                   founding team, providing clients with experience which is
                                                                                                   second to none.

14     SCOTTISH HOME AWARDS 2022                                    w w w.scottishhomeawards.com   @homeawards #homeawards22                                                                SCOTTISH HOME AWARDS 2022               15

                                                                                                                                        Vision Events Glasgow                                                Wolffe
                                                                                                                                        Event Production / Virtual Event Solutions / AV Equipment Hire
Global Home Warranties                                               NHBC is the UK’s leading provider of warranty and insurance        Specialists
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Wolffe is a creative agency who looks at any design challenge
                                                                                                                                                                                                             from every angle. We are a team of boundless solvers, creative
                                                                     for the new homes industry.
                                                                                                                                        We know that choosing the right production partner is imperative     thinkers and ambitious optimists.
                                                                     We work with our registered house builders to improve the          to a successful event. At Vision Events Glasgow we bring you
Global arrange structural warranty insurance and a variety                                                                                                                                                   We are a blazing pack of design thinkers awaiting to take on
                                                                     construction standards of the new homes they build for the         over 20 years of experience, expertise and commitment.
of specialist bonds for residential, mixed use, commercial and                                                                                                                                               the next challenge.
                                                                     benefit of the industry and homeowners. With no shareholders,
social housing projects across the UK. Our bonds are arranged        NHBC is able to invest in its purpose of raising standards and     Innovation and creativity continue to be pivotal to our service,     We use design to break through the clutter. Not fearing
through our established network of professionals and our             activities to improve the quality of UK house-building. As an      ensuring that from the initial client meeting through to the event   constraints but embracing them.
structural warranty insurance is “A” Rated. We offer innovative,     expert authority on the housing industry, active in research and   delivery we will work with you to produce a tailored and cost
flexible premiums based on build cost, not sale price.               development, we work with government and stakeholders to           effective solution that meets your event requirements while          We are fiercely creative. Paradigm shifters. We think. We don’t
                                                                     help shape housing policy.                                         maximising your budget.                                              sprint. We solve. We’ve been doing it for 30 years.
We have a customer-centric company ethos and understand
that time is money for our clients. That’s why we offer efficient,   NHBC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and      Our Virtual and Hybrid event services offer a flexible solution      Now, the light is brighter than ever before. Solvers of today
flexible site inspection arrangements. We work with Site             regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential    for all your meeting and event needs in an ever-changing             mark the beginning of a redefined era,
Managers to avoid unnecessary downtime, eliminate wasted             Regulation Authority.                                              world. From live streaming with broadcast quality to specialised
spend on site resources and deliver more completed projects on                                                                          video meeting presentation rooms, we can offer bespoke event         turning the page, making the world better, humankind better,
time.                                                                                                                                   solutions for a wide range of business events.                       design better.

Our investment in state-of-the-art, bespoke software helps to                                                                           Our AV hire department holds a large stock of equipment and          With design as our core discipline Wolffe looks at any problem,
increase control over processes and improve efficiency. Our                                                                             our central location and 24hr ‘on-call’ service ensures we can       any challenge, from every angle.
surveyors use the latest technology in mobile surveying, which                                                                          deliver any last minute or unseen demands direct to your door.
means clients have 24/7 access to real-time reporting – and it                                                                                                                                               As well as designers, we’re boundless solvers.
consistently delivers quality, time and cost-saving benefits.                                                                           For more information or to receive a quote contact
                                                                                                                                        info@visioneventsglasgow.co.uk or visit                              www.wolffedesign.com
Steady year-on-year growth in market share and increased
demand has led to significant growth in our team with new roles                                                                         www.visioneventsglasgow.co.uk
and appointments ever evolving.

It’s an exciting time to be working in the construction industry
and Global are ready to meet and exceed the needs of our
ever-growing client base.

If you are ready to plan your next project, click here to contact
the Global Team.

Click here:

16     SCOTTISH HOME AWARDS 2022                                                                  w w w.scottishhomeawards.com          @homeawards #homeawards22                                                                   SCOTTISH HOME AWARDS 2022                17

Hyperoptic                                                          Artisan Real Estate                                                 PORCELANOSA Scotland
Since 2011, Hyperoptic has been setting the new standard            Artisan Real Estate was founded in 2009 as an independent,          PORCELANOSA has a fascinating heritage, starting in the early
in connectivity. Broadband had stopped short of peoples’            entrepreneurial, values-led property developer and investor         70’s as a ceramic’s manufacturer and distributor in Vila-real       Connecting you to the world.
homes and expectations. So they stepped up and took                 operating primarily in key regional city centre locations across    (Spain), to today where they are known worldwide for their
to the streets, taking their full-fibre all the way. Working        Scotland and the rest of the UK.                                                                                                        We run the UK’s digital network. We’re the people who connect
                                                                                                                                        broad range of design and quality led products for the home.        homes, mobile phone masts, schools, shops, banks, hospitals,
tirelessly to take the con out of connectivity. The business                                                                            Many of which have been designed by architects and designers
                                                                    Artisan is now one of the UK’s most progressive and respected                                                                           libraries, broadcasters, governments and businesses – large and
gives people hyperfast speeds, not sneaky price hikes.                                                                                  and are extraordinarily iconic.
                                                                    commercial and residential developers, specialising in flexible,                                                                        small – to the world.
Rock-solid reliability delivered by their rock star engineers.
                                                                    mixed-use regeneration projects in sensitive city centre            With more than 45 years’ experience, PORCELANOSA Group
                                                                    environments. Current operational locations include Glasgow                                                                             It’s our mission to build the best possible network with the highest
                                                                                                                                        is a global leader in innovation, trend setting its cutting-edge    quality of service, and make sure that everyone in the UK can be
                                                                    and Edinburgh - as well as Leeds and Bristol south of the border.   designs and is now present in 150 countries worldwide; an           connected.
                                                                                                                                        achievement that is attributable to its unique business model.

                                                                                                                                        Production diversification has played a key role in the growth of
                                                                                                                                        a business group that started off with the production of a single
                                                                                                                                        product: ceramic tiles. Today, the Group’s eight companies
                                                                                                                                        offer a vast product range that includes lifestyle, kitchen and
                                                                                                                                        bathroom furniture as well as advanced building solutions for
AC Land Regeneration                                                                                                                    contemporary architecture.
AC Land Regeneration, a division of Advance Construction,
specialises in the remediation and promotion of distressed          BTO Solicitors
brownfield sites.

Operating Scotland wide, our experienced team work in
partnership with landowners and housebuilders alike to release
strategic land opportunities and create new communities.

With the support of our parent company, and our in house
team’s expertise, we are able to unlock challenging sites. We
provide a range of construction services which allows us to offer
a bespoke opportunity to our clients.

18     SCOTTISH HOME AWARDS 2022                                                                 w w w.scottishhomeawards.com

    Scottish Home Awards


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