England Ireland See More. Be More - Winter 2021-2022 - The Cooperative Center for Study Abroad

Page created by Irene White
England Ireland See More. Be More - Winter 2021-2022 - The Cooperative Center for Study Abroad
Winter 2021-2022

See More. Be More.
“I discovered how to engage with other cultures
and I made so many friends. I really feel like I am
a citizen of the world now.
                   - Allison  ”
                    London, winter Program
Who We Are                                                      Priority Application Deadline
The Cooperative Center for Study Abroad is a consortium         September 10, 2021
of accredited colleges and universities, which jointly offers   Application fee of $150
study abroad programs in English- speaking countries            After this date, application fee is $250
and study away programs to U.S. destinations. A not-for-
profit organization, CCSA is headquartered at Western
Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
                                                                Regular Application Deadline
Participants can receive higher education credit                September 24, 2021
(undergraduate or graduate) for successfully completing
the CCSA course in which they are enrolled. Classes are         Application fee of $250
taught by faculty from consortium member schools.

Who Can Participate                                                 @CCSAcc

Undergraduate or graduate students who meet their                   CCSAcc
home campus eligibility requirements may apply to
participate on a CCSA program. Students at CCSA                 www.ccsa.cc
member institutions register for courses through their          info@ccsa.cc
home institutions or earn credit through Western                270.745.4512
Kentucky University. Students from non-CCSA member              800.319.6015
schools earn credit from Western Kentucky University.
                                                                WKU HCIC 3041
                                                                1906 College Heights Blvd.
Multi modal Global Learning                                     Bowling Green, KY 42101

CCSA offers a multi modal global learning structure.
The hybrid program incorporates virtual learning and
online discussions with an intense on-site experience. A
combination of faculty-guided and student-developed
activities enables the exploration of the similarities and
differences of a particular discipline in each student’s
home community with that of people in and around the
program destination.
The courses include online and in-person activities that
                                                                Staff Contacts
start in the weeks prior to departure and continue with the     Jerry Barnaby          Stephen Farley
on-site experience culminating with a concluding analysis       Executive Director     Operations &
and report or project comparing the student’s local and         jerry@ccsa.cc          Outreach Coordinator
on-site experience.                                             1-270-745-2231         stephen@ccsa.cc
                                                                Robert Bedard
Program Dates                                                   Financial Manager      Jeffrey Williams
                                                                robert@ccsa.cc         Academic Director
London & Dublin: Two Capitals                                   1-270-745-4487         1-270-745-4512
December 27, 2021 - January 3, 2022                             Robin Byerly
Dublin:                                                         Program Coordinator
January 3 - January 9, 2022                                     robin@ccsa.cc
London Winter
December 27, 2021 - January 9, 2022
    4 to 6         Know Before You Go
    weeks          Faculty-Guided Activities – Faculty and students engage in discussions/activities with
    before         each other and with people who live in their destination. Students explore their local setting to
    departure      better understand “where” they are in relation to their course material and their own experience.
                   An example is a theatre class in which students see a set of shows in their local area, interviewing
                   actors, designers, critics, theatre owners, and/or promoters. The students report (guided by
                   faculty rubric) on what they’ve learned about their discipline and career opportunities.

                   Engagement Activities – Students explore their local setting to better understand
                   “where” they are in relation to their course material and their own experience. Examples of
                   potential activities with on-site counterparts:

                   •       Virtual tours offered by facilities
                   •       Virtual scavenger hunt
                   •       Zoom with professionals, academics, authors, experts who are on-site (where they may
                           also be limited in what they can do)
                   •       Interviews conducted locally and with people in the destination – people in the
                           discipline or student counterparts
                   •       Include career preparedness through self-analysis and virtual connections

    14 days        On-Site Portion
                   The on-site portion focuses on experiential learning in which students meet and work with
                   people living and working in the program location.

    3 to 4         Bring it Home
    weeks          Students re-explore their local setting to connect course material and their new experiences
    after          (while on-site). Students analyze and report (syllabus-specific) on what they’ve learned about
                   their discipline and career opportunities along with differences and similarities of their local and
    return         global locations.

    4 weeks
    after          Grades are due from faculty usually 4 weeks after program end date.


    For More Information, Contact CCSA
    info@ccsa.cc                     WKU HCIC 3041                                            @CCSAcc
    270.745.4512                     1906 College Heights Blvd.
    800.319.6015                     Bowling Green, KY 42101                                  CCSAcc

Table of Contents
4		     Courses by Program

6		     London & Dublin: Two Capitals

9		     London Winter

16 		   General Information

18		    Program Package & Pricing

    Undergraduate (U), Graduate (G), Honors (H). All classes are 3 credit hours unless otherwise noted.

    Program        Discipline                                          Course Title
                   (Course Level)                                      (Instructor)

                    Anthropology (U)                                   Stone Sanctuaries & Bronze to Bog Bodies & Gold (Simonton)

                                                                       Exploring Graphic Design & Typography in London & Dublin
                    Art & Design (U)
                                                                       Exploring International Finance, Marketing, & Consumer
                    Business / Finance / Marketing (U)
                                                                       Behavior in the UK & Ireland (Judd)

    & Dublin:       Chemistry / History / Philosophy (U)
                                                                       They Did What? Science & Ethics in the UK and Ireland

    Two                                                                (Shelton)

    Capitals        Healthcare Administration/ Nursing/ Social Work    Comparing Healthcare Systems in London, Dublin & the U.S.
                    (U / G / H)                                        (Colovos)
                    Public Health / Organizational Behavior & Theory / Exploring Risk Management Practices in London & Dublin
                    Environmental Health / Occupational Safety (U / G) (Wilbanks)
                                                                       Exploring Health Promotion and Wellness in London & Dublin
                    Public Health (U / G)
                    Advertising & Promotion / Marketing / Pop Culture England in the Movies: Storytelling & Media-induced Tourism
                    / Film & Media Studies (U / G / H)                (Hinton)
                    Communication Disorders / Speech-Language          The King’s Speech: Speech-Language Pathology in England
                    Pathology (U/ G)                                   (Wahl / Page)
                                                                       The Whole World’s at Your Feet: Exploring Children’s Literature
                    Education / English (U / G)
                                                                       in London (Zuccaro)

                    English / Film & Media Studies / Pop Culture (U)   Harry Potter on the Page & on the Screen (Alberti)

                    English / Literature (U / G / H)                   Exploring Gothic Literature in London (Stone)

                    English / Theatre (U / G)                          Curtain Call: British Drama in Action (Wadia)

                    Healthcare Administration / Public Health /
    London          Nursing (U)
                                                                       Nightingale & Nursing on Both Sides of the Pond (Robertson)

    Winter          Healthcare Administration / Rehabilitation &       Comparing British & American Healthcare Systems
                    Therapy / Nursing / Public Health (U / G)          (Mullaney)

                    History (U / G)                                    Love, Lust, & Death: England’s Tudor Dynasty (Cook)

                    History (U / G)                                    The People of London & Their Histories (Wood)

                                                                       Responding Creatively to London’s Rich Artistic & Musical
                    Music / Interdisciplinary (U / G / H)
                                                                       Scene (Nevala)

                    Theatre (U)                                        Beyond the Footlights: Theatrical Tradition in Britain (Boyd)

                    Theatre / English / Literature (U / G / H)         Theatre on Location: Classics to Contemporary (Strawn)

    CCSA Gave me the opportunity to not only broaden my horizons,
    but also to broaden my imagination and dreams. There is no
    better time to go abroad than during college.

    					-Sabrina Edmondson
    					 Traveler Scholar Winter 2019-20

4                                                                   5
    December 27, 2021 -
    January 9, 2022

    For updated pricing and details,
    Check out WWW.CCSA.CC

    Experience the holiday season in two unique
    cities. Divided not just by the Irish Sea, but by a
    long history of conquest & rebellion, as well as
    settlement & intermarriage, each city tells its own distinct story. Both are long time seats of government, arts and business
    in their own countries with ties stretching out across the world.

    You start in London for six nights, then fly to Dublin on January 3 for six more nights. In London, you’ll experience life in
    a major world city at the holidays followed by a slower pace in Dublin. In both cities, your class will explore your course
    content while you experience European capitals in transition.

    Included are several class-specific activities plus day trips (one in England and one in Ireland) to such locations as Bath,
    Canterbury Cathedral & Leeds Castle, Dover Castle, Stonehenge & Salisbury, or Stratford & Warwick Castle in England;
    and Glendalough in Ireland. Program participants reside in local hotels.

    Participants are required to bring college/university ID cards, as proof of student status may be requested for activities
    booked with educational discounts.

    Program base price includes the group flight from London to Dublin.

    A GROUP TRAVEL OPTION is available at additional cost and includes:

    •       Round trip air transportation from one of CCSA’s designated U.S. departure cities.
    •       Round trip ground transportation between the destination / departure airport(s) and the accommodation sites.

    Round-trip air transportation from cities other than CCSA-designated airports MAY be considered on a case-by-case
    basis at an additional cost.

    Please see pages 16 - 19 for General Program Information, including estimated flight cost, application deadlines and
6   payment schedule.
Courses                                                    Business / Finance / Marketing
                                                           Exploring International Finance,
                                                           Marketing, & Consumer Behavior in the
Anthropology                                               UK & Ireland (U)
Stone Sanctuaries & Bronze to Bog                          Beginning in London (a center of international financial
Bodies & Gold (U)                                          markets) and continuing in Dublin (the headquarters of
                                                           many multinational businesses), this course provides
This course delves into the ancient societies of Britain
                                                           students with international perspectives on consumer
and Ireland, from the megalithic past through the
                                                           behavior and corporate decision-making. In a post-
Celts, and explores how their traditions survived
                                                           Brexit/post-COVID world, divided over social justice
invasions to form the foundation for 19th and early
                                                           issues and nationalism, how are businesses managing
20th century folk life. By visiting ancient sites, such
                                                           their marketing efforts and how does it affect their
as England’s Stonehenge, Avebury, and West Kennet
                                                           bottom-line? We’ll answer those questions while
Long Barrow, and Ireland’s Bru Na Boinne, as well
                                                           visiting financial institutions like the Bank of England
as London's British Museum and Dublin's National
                                                           and Central Bank of Ireland, business schools like
Museum, students will gain firsthand experience
                                                           the London School of Economics and Trinity College
of the ancient places and things that many know
                                                           (Dublin), the Museum of Brands (London), and
only from books and whose traditions were the
                                                           corporations like Lloyd's of London and distilleries/
foundations of life and culture in the British Isles.
                                                           breweries in Ireland.

Dr. Michael J. Simonton                                    Aaron Judd
Northern Kentucky University                               Thomas More University
simontonm@nku.edu                                          JuddA@ThomasMore.edu

Art & Design                                               Chemistry / History / Philosophy
Exploring Graphic Design & Typography                      They Did What?! Science & Ethics in the
in London & Dublin (U)                                     UK & Ireland (U)

Explore graphic design history and typography              Science and medicine are driving forces advancing
in Dublin and London, famous for their role in             society in hopeful ways. But they also raise fears that
creating modern art and design. We’ll trace how            good discoveries can sometimes be abused. In this
design evolved in commercial and entertainment             class we will explore the darker side of science and
enterprises while visiting the Design Museum, the          consider the ethical dilemmas that confront scientists,
Victoria & Albert Museum, the Cartoon Museum,              physicians, and society as science and medicine have
and contemporary design studios. Come look at              evolved. Sites where we will explore these issues
Irish illuminated manuscripts and visit some of the        include Fleming's Lab at St. Mary's Hospital London
Dublin locations mapped in James Joyce’s “Ulysses.”        (drug discovery and testing), the Freud Museum in
Students will chronicle their experience through           London (interpretive vs. empirical science), St. James's
journaling, writing, and sketching of studio, gallery,     Gate Brewery in Dublin (use of statistics), and Trinity
and museum visits, while also collecting material to       College in Dublin (current ethical standards and
create a typeface or style to express their design         practices).
                                                           Prerequisite: one year of science courses (e.g. General
Prerequisites: An Art Foundations class.                   Chemistry I & II).

Matthew Walsh                                              Dr. Robert Shelton
Spalding University                                        Texas A&M University-San Antonio
mwalsh@spalding.edu                                        Bob.Shelton@tamusa.edu

Healthcare Administration /                                 Public Health / Organizational
    Nursing / Social Work                                       Behavior & Theory /
    Comparing Healthcare Systems in
                                                                Environmental Health /
    London, Dublin & the U.S. (U / G / H)                       Occupational Safety
    Learn about the differences and similarities between        Exploring Risk Management Practices in
    the British, Irish, and American healthcare systems         London & Dublin (U / G)
    through field trips and activities in London, England
    and Dublin, Ireland at healthcare facilities and            Students will develop a command of the risk
    historical sites. We'll interact with healthcare workers    management process, including risk identification,
    and consumers and learn about how the education of          assessment, analysis and control. Expected learning
    healthcare professionals compares to the U.S. model.        experiences in London include Parliament, Churchill
    In both countries, we will learn about historical figures   War Rooms and Imperial War and Transport museums
    that shaped modern nursing and social work that             and in Dublin include Jameson Distillery, Kilmainham
    continue to influence healthcare in the U.S. by visiting    Gaol, Christ Church Cathedral, Trinity College, Croke
    sites such as the Old Operating Theatre and Florence        Park Stadium and the Guinness Storehouse. These
    Nightingale Museum in London and the Jeanie                 sites provide a great lens for viewing how risk has been
    Johnston Tall Ship & Famine Museum in Dublin.               faced, understood and acted upon, each providing vivid
                                                                and real insights to risk management practices both
    Alexandria Colovos, MSN, RN                                 past and present. Comparisons of United States, British
    Western Kentucky University                                 and Irish practices are emphasized throughout.
                                                                Dr. David W. Wilbanks
                                                                Murray State University
    Public Health                                               dwilbanks@murraystate.edu

    Exploring Health Promotion and
    Wellness (U / G)

    How different societies understand and manage
    health and well-being issues is the general theme
    of this class, with London and Dublin’s multi-ethnic
    society providing a diverse range of examples for
    study. London is one of the most ethnically diverse
    cities in the world with individuals coming from
    inside and outside of Europe. We will be comparing
    how health and wellness are focused and promoted
    in this location to the opportunities for health and
    wellness opportunities to that of Dublin. Dublin has a
    different ethnic makeup than London and the United
    States along with different opportunities available.
    By visiting both of these locations we will be able to
    compare similarities and differences in their cultures
    and ours in the United States. Students will also have
    the opportunity to understand the history related to
    health and wellness in London and Dublin.

    Stedmon Deon Hopkins
    Tennessee Wesleyan University

    December 27, 2020 –
    January 9, 2021

    For updated pricing and details,
    Check out WWW.CCSA.CC

    Anyone “who is tired of London…is tired of life,” to update Samuel Johnson’s famous statement about
    one of the world’s most exciting cities. Find out why even in winter this is true. A center of theater and
    business, of history and the avant garde, London offers the perfect setting to experience everything from
    art and literature to science and commerce. If, in the words of another famous Londoner, “All the world’s a
    stage,” then London is certainly the perfect theater to study the world. From your home base in a four-star
    central London hotel, explore all the city has to offer!

    Included are several class-specific activities plus a day trip to such locations as Bath, Canterbury Cathedral
    & Leeds Castle, Dover Castle, Stonehenge & Salisbury, or Stratford & Warwick Castle.

    Participants are required to bring college/university ID cards, as proof of student status may be requested
    for activities booked with educational discounts.

    A GROUP TRAVEL OPTION is available at additional cost and includes:

    •      Round trip air transportation from one of CCSA’s designated U.S. departure cities.
    •      Round trip ground transportation between the destination / departure airport(s) and the
           accommodation sites.

    Round-trip air transportation from cities other than CCSA-designated airports MAY be considered on a
    case-by-case basis at an additional cost.

    Please see pages 16 - 19 for General Program Information, including estimated flight cost, application
    deadlines and payment schedule.

6                                                                                                                    9
Courses                                                  Communication Disorders /
                                                              Speech-Language Pathology
     Advertising & Promotion /
                                                              The King’s Speech: Speech-Language
     Marketing / Pop Culture / Film &                         Pathology in England (U / G)
     Media Studies
                                                              "I have a right to be heard. I have a voice!"-"King
     England in the Movies: Storytelling &                    George VI" in the movie The King's Speech found his
     Media-induced Tourism (U / G / H)                        voice through speech therapy services in 1920's London.
                                                              Explore the changing world of healthcare through the
                                                              lens of speech-language therapy services in a variety
     Harry Potter increased tourism by 50% in places
                                                              of historical and contemporary settings across London.
     associated with the films made from the books. When
                                                              Activities are planned to include exploring therapy
     James Bond’s movie escapades featured rooftop
                                                              practices used in hospitals and schools, as well as
     views of the city of London, it prompted debates
                                                              examples of medical speech-language pathology in acute
     about how urban planning had to combine both
                                                              care hospitals and/or care-homes. We will compare the
     the old and the new. The film and tourism industries
                                                              role of the National Health Service (NHS) to the 'open-
     have combined to boost the contemporary British
                                                              market' healthcare systems in the United States.
     economy. By using the resources of museums like the
     London Film Museum and Victoria & Albert Museum,
     film studios like Warner Brothers, and film sites like   Prof. Robyn A. Wahl
     Kensington Palace, street markets and parks, this        Eastern Kentucky University
     course explores media-induced tourism in England         robyn.wahl@eku.edu
     through the lenses of mass communication, public
     relations, business and cultural studies.                Dr. Christen Page
                                                              Eastern Kentucky University
     Dr. Marcie Hinton                                        christen.page2@eku.edu
     Murray State University
                                                              Education / English
                                                              The Whole World’s at Your Feet:
                                                              Exploring Children’s Literature in London
                                                              (U / G)

                                                              Great Britain is the home of many authors of literature
                                                              for young people. Board a train like WWII child
                                                              evacuees, walk the London streets like Mary Poppins,
                                                              and try to find Platform 9 and 3/4 like Harry Potter. While
                                                              reading and analyzing examples of British children's
                                                              literature, you’ll walk in the footsteps of favorite
                                                              characters and visit the settings of favorite books. You
                                                              will see original transcripts and drawings from classic
                                                              books at the British Library, experience the making
                                                              of the Harry Potter movies at Warner Brothers “The
                                                              Making of Harry Potter” studio tour AND encounter
                                                              literary history at Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare's

                                                              Dr. Emily Zuccaro
                                                              Eastern Kentucky University

10                                                                                                                          6
English / Film & Media Studies /                               English / Theatre
Pop Culture                                                    Curtain Call: British Drama in Action (U / G)
Harry Potter on the Page & on the                              Explore British drama and culture by experiencing
Screen (U)                                                     British theatre in action. We’ll attend several dramatic
                                                               productions in London’s amazing West End theatre
You've read the books and seen the movies. Now                 district and explore aspects of street theater. We’ll learn
explore the Harry Potter phenomenon in contemporary            about staging, lighting, costuming, music, directing, art
British culture on site in London. In this course, we will     and set design while on backstage tours at such places
analyze and write about the film adaptations of Harry          as the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, the National Theatre,
Potter and how they illustrate the issues involved when        Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and the Warner Brothers
literature is converted into movies. We’ll also explore        Harry Potter Studio. Tentatively scheduled field trip sites
sites in Oxford and London that inspired the books and         designed to enrich your appreciation of the historical
provided unforgettable locations for the movies, such as       background and cultural setting of British theatre are
the London Zoo and Hampton Court Palace, in addition           Shakespeare’s hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon,
to touring the Harry Potter exhibit at Warner Brothers         Westminster Abbey, Dover Castle and Hampton Court
London studios. Muggles and wizards welcome!                   Palace.

Prerequisites: Students must have completed the minimum        NOTE: Students enrolled in this course should anticipate being
composition requirements at their home institution. Students   assessed up to $175 additional to cover the cost of play tickets.
will also be expected to read the Harry Potter novels and
watch the Harry Potter movies before the class begins.         Prerequisite: students should have completed their home
                                                               institution's basic writing requirements.
Dr. John Alberti
Northern Kentucky University                                   Dr. Mickey Wadia
alberti@nku.edu                                                Austin Peay State University

English / Literature
Exploring Gothic Literature in London
(U / G / H)

Encounter vampires, ghosts, murder, magic, and
cemeteries--as we explore London’s many sites featured
in famous works of Gothic literature and those used in
film adaptations of that genre. Critical readings of Bram
Stoker, J. K. Rowling, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan
Doyle, and Mary Shelley will inform our adventures
in High-gate Cemetery, Westminster Abbey, and the
Tower of London. We will immerse ourselves in cultural
history in such diverse sites as the British Museum and
a museum of curiosities and “natural unhistory” as well
as a real Gothic cathedral, and we will experience a
modern treatment of Gothic themes when taking the
Harry Potter Studio Tour.

Prerequisites: Students must have completed the minimum
composition requirements at their home institution.

Dr. Staci Stone
Jacksonville State University
Healthcare Administration /                               Healthcare Administration /
     Public Health / Nursing                                   Rehabilitation & Therapy /
     Nightingale & Nursing on Both Sides of
                                                               Nursing / Public Health
     the Pond (U)
                                                               Comparing British & American Healthcare
     This course focuses on both the historical and current
                                                               Systems (U)
     practices of the British and American healthcare
     systems. Students will explore how different cultural     Designed for students who plan to work or study in any
     influences affect health policies, leading to analysis    of the healthcare-related fields or any of the social or
     of the similarities and differences in British and        behavioral sciences requiring interaction with people,
     American healthcare delivery, nursing, and medicine.      this class explores the similarities and differences
     Significance is given to the historical influences on     between the British and American healthcare systems.
     the nursing profession and healthcare. The roles          Visits to hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, doctor's
     of health professionals in England and the United         offices, and inpatient and outpatient therapy clinics
     States will be compared and contrasted. Emphasis          will provide a deep understanding of how the British
     will be placed on experiential learning, with visits to   healthcare system works. Interviews with residents of
     London hospitals, the Old St. Thomas Hospital, the        London and visits to various historical sites will provide
     Old Operating Theatre, the Florence Nightingale           an appreciation for the social and cultural context
     Museum and other healthcare institutions and              that influences British healthcare and wellness-related
                                                               practices and which helps explain what sets them apart
                                                               from America’s healthcare system.
     Dr. Tamara Robertson
     Austin Peay State University                              Dr. Robert Mullaney
                                                               Tennessee Wesleyan University

12                                                                                                                          9
History                                                       Music / Interdisciplinary
Love, Lust & Death: England's Tudor                           Responding Creatively to London’s Rich
Dynasty (U / G)                                               Artistic & Musical Scene (U / G / H)

The most fascinating family in British history is the         This course challenges you to explore your own
Tudors. You may be familiar with the infamous Henry           creativity while experiencing London’s vibrant creative
VIII and the "virgin queen" Elizabeth I, but delve            arts and music scene. Visits to the National Gallery of
deeper into the family history by discovering more            Art and the Tate Modern as well as to music venues such
about the other Tudors, like the sickly boy king Edward       as JazzLive at the Crypt and famed Ronnie Scott’s Jazz
VI and "Bloody Mary." Learn about these monarchs in           Club will introduce you to how different combinations of
lively detail as we explore historical sites and castles      music and art affect emotions and how creativity springs
they once called home, such as the Tower of London,           out of mixing artistic genres such as photography,
Hampton Court Palace, and Greenwich; places they              art and jazz music. A final assignment allows you to
were entombed, such as Westminster Abbey and                  express your own creativity through a multimedia
Windsor Castle; and museums with artifacts from their         project inspired by your responses to the artistry directly
time, such as the British Museum and National Gallery.        experienced on site in London.

Prerequisite: three hours of History                          Dr. Andy Nevala
                                                              Jacksonville State University
Barbara Cook                                                  anevala@jsu.edu
Jacksonville State University

Dr. Llewellyn Cook
Jacksonville State University
lcook@jsu.edu                                                 Theatre

                                                              Beyond the Footlights: Theatrical Tradition
History                                                       in Britain (U)

The People of London & Their Histories                        This course examines the rich heritage of theatrical
                                                              production in Britain from the medieval to the current
 (U / G)                                                      West End stage. Included will be backstage tours of
                                                              British theatre and concert halls, as well as discussions
Explore the history of London by focusing on the              with London theatre critic Matt Wolf. Emphasis will be
people of London at key moments in the city’s history         placed on the difference between British and American
between 1600 and 1830. We’ll read their eyewitness            theatre practice and production. This exploration will
accounts and then visit city sites linked to their stories.   culminate in the viewing of selected theatre productions.
We’ll imagine Shakespeare’s London while visiting the         In addition students will have the opportunity to explore
Globe Theatre and appreciate how London recovered             the rich cultural heritage of London, which will provide
from the Great Fire from under the dome of St Paul’s          inspiration for future artistic endeavors.
Cathedral. We’ll grasp what medieval London was like
at the Tower of London and recreate Victorian London          NOTE: Students enrolled in this course should
at Dickens’s House. Exhibits on London’s history at the       anticipate being assessed up to $175 additional to
Museum of London and the British Museum will further
                                                              cover the cost of play tickets.
enrich our understanding of what Londoners have
experienced over the centuries.
                                                              Prof. Scott Boyd
                                                              Middle Tennessee State University
Dr. Bradford J. Wood
Eastern Kentucky University
Theatre / English / Literature
     Theatre on Location: Classics to
     Contemporary (U / G / H)

     Discover the thrilling world of London and explore
     English culture through professional theatre. Students
     will experience a diverse range of current productions
     from the classics to the cutting edge; we will examine
     cultural trends and social issues through the lens of
     the theatre. The influence of English history will come
     alive as students visit theaters, museums, historic sites
     (e.g., Stratford on Avon, the National Theatre, the
     Globe Theatre, Westminster Abbey, and more), and
     attend 4-5 notable and dynamic theatre productions.
     Group discussions will be a vital part of class time in
     London and guests from the field will visit the class on

     NOTE: Students enrolled in this course should
     anticipate being assessed up to $175 additional to
     cover the cost of play tickets.

     Prof. Jamey Strawn
     Northern Kentucky University

     CCSA offers a wide variety of study abroad options from May through August, ranging in
     length from two to four weeks, taught in English-speaking countries. While each program
     offers a unique set of courses and experiences particular to the sites visited, all involve
     focused course activities, field trips and cultural enrichment activities under the guidance of
     faculty from CCSA member institutions.

     Application and Admission                                     Credit and Transcript
     All undergraduate and graduate students in good               Western Kentucky University (WKU) serves as the
     standing at their home campus are eligible to                 academic sponsor for CCSA, and CCSA works with
     participate in a CCSA program. Acceptance to the              academic departments at WKU to create transfer credit
     program for eligible applicants will be based upon date       courses for students who need a WKU transcript.
     of submission, including receipt of the non-refundable        Students from non-CCSA member schools AND
     application fee. For some courses, specific prerequisites     students from CCSA member schools that select the
     may also have a bearing on acceptance. It is the              WKU transcript option will follow a process to be
     student’s responsibility to consult with their academic       admitted to WKU and registered for their selected
     advisor prior to submission of their application to ensure    course at WKU. Students registered for credit at WKU
     that the CCSA course is academically appropriate for the      will be charged a one-time $100 fee and receive a
     student’s needs, i.e., major or graduation requirements.      WKU transcript after course grades are submitted
                                                                   by the CCSA instructor. Not all disciplines listed may
     To apply, visit our website at www.ccsa.cc, where             be available for transfer credit from WKU, in which
     applicants are guided through the process with step-          case CCSA will endeavor to provide credit from an
     by-step instructions. Applications are not considered         alternate CCSA member school. If this cannot be
     for acceptance until the non-refundable application           accomplished, CCSA will seek to arrange credit at the
     fee is received. A list of payment options is available on    student’s home school.
     the CCSA website. Students from non-CCSA member
     institutions must also provide the following to the CCSA
                                                                   Course Information
         • An official transcript                                  By combining this intensive study abroad experience
         • The CCSA Study Abroad Approval Form                     with directed study activities preceding and / or
           completed by the student’s home institution             following the travel portion of the program, students
         • A faculty letter of recommendation                      may earn three semester hours of college credit for each
                                                                   class completed. Most courses have major assignments
     Students are expected to select a primary and alternate       due prior to the U.S. departure date and after the study
     course in their CCSA application. If the primary course is    abroad portion of the course.
     canceled, students will be automatically moved to their
     alternate course.                                             CCSA offers courses at various levels: undergraduate,
                                                                   undergraduate honors, and graduate, as designated in
                                                                   the course details section under each program. Visit our
     Eligibility and Registration                                  website for more updated information regarding the
     All participants under the age of 26 must be registered       academic content of individual courses.
     for academic credit to participate.
                                                                   Before applying for any course, please make note of
     Each student is required to:                                  course prerequisites, which must be completed or waived
                                                                   by the course instructor prior to the program’s departure
         • Complete the CCSA application prior to being            date. Graduate and Honors sections may have additional
           registered for a course                                 costs for activities or assignments stated in the syllabus.
         • Be in good standing at their home institution           Review the course description and syllabus carefully.
         • Possess a valid passport prior to departure with an
           expiration date at least six months beyond the end of
           the program                                             Tuition
         • Submit full payment or sign a promissory agreement
                                                                   Students should meet with their home campus staff
           prior to departure
                                                                   concerning tuition and fees assessed in accordance with
         • Attend all pre-departure orientations                   the policies of that institution. Students from CCSA
         • Maintain adherence to the Code of Conduct               member schools should contact their institution’s CCSA
         • Have permission of parent or guardian if under 18       Campus Representative, which can be found here.
16         years of age (in Alabama, under 19)
Financial Aid                                                 Participant Travel Responsibilities
CCSA program courses are part of the regular course           Non-U.S. passport holders must ensure they have any
offerings of member universities; therefore, students         necessary visa(s) to enter the program country / countries,
may apply for financial aid for which they would normally     if applicable. Upon request, CCSA will furnish the
have eligibility. Students applying for financial aid are     participant with a letter supporting their visa application
strongly encouraged to do so well before program              (to the program country).
application deadlines in order to facilitate the financial
aid process and to make an informed and timely                If a participant does not obtain a visa prior to departure
decision about participation. Contact the Financial           or is denied a visa at the foreign Embassy or Consulate
Manager at finance@ccsa.cc or (270) 745-4487 for              or at the point of entry into the country, CCSA will not
assistance. CCSA provides a cost calculator for your          be held responsible and will not provide the participant
convenience at this link: ccsa.cc/cost/                       with a refund of any kind. If a participant does not
                                                              obtain the required proof of vaccinations or any other
Students having difficulty obtaining adequate funding         requirements to enter a country, CCSA will not be held
due to financial aid, scholarship, or other concerns are      responsible and will not provide the participant with a
encouraged to contact CCSA’s Financial Manager for            refund of any kind.
potential alternative arrangements. CCSA is committed to
providing adequate time and resources to accommodate          If the airline or the Transportation Security
student participation in its programs through reasonable      Administration (TSA) refuses to allow a participant
financial arrangements. A complete list of payment            to board a flight to the CCSA program site, and as a
options is available online at ccsa.cc/payments               result the participant is unable to participate in a CCSA
                                                              program, CCSA will not provide the participant with a
                                                              refund of any kind.
Non-Credit Participants                                       A participant who opts for the group flight option and
CCSA programs are first and foremost college classes          then leaves the program prior to the scheduled return
and like courses taught on CCSA member campuses               flight forfeits the airport transfer services provided to
are intended to facilitate the learning outcomes of the       group travelers.
student participants. Under special circumstances and
with permission of the Executive Director, CCSA permits
non-credit participants to be present during the CCSA         Physical Expectations
program. However, we require that their presence does
                                                              Participants should be prepared to walk at least 3-5
not detract from the academic content or schedule of
                                                              miles daily, which at times may involve traversing
the overall program in any way. The following guidelines
                                                              rough or uneven pavement and stairs. Individuals will
establish the CCSA process:
                                                              be responsible for carrying their own luggage through
                                                              airports and to and from coaches and hotel rooms.
   • Participants 26 years of age and over who are not
                                                              Students will be required to use public transport, with
     otherwise enrolled as credit-seeking students at their
                                                              basic instruction provided by program faculty and
     home institutions may participate in CCSA programs
     as non-credit participants. Non-credit participants
                                                              administrators. London and Dublin will be cold,
     normally pay the same package price as students,         so participants should be prepared for wintry
     but in some cases, adult rates may be imposed.           and wet weather.

   • Students may not be accompanied by non-enrolled
     persons for any portion of the CCSA program.             Rooming Assignments
     Exceptions may be granted due to extreme
     circumstances at the sole discretion of the Executive    CCSA rooming assignments are normally twin-share.
     Director.                                                CCSA adheres to home school requirements regarding
                                                              rooming assignments. Single rooms may be available at
For the current CCSA policy, contact CCSA’s
                                                              additional cost. No unrelated mixed gender rooms are
Executive Director.                                           permitted without specific approval of home campus
                                                              representative. Exemptions may be approved by the
                                                              CCSA Executive Director.

Program Package
        Program                            LONDON & DUBLIN                                  LONDON WINTER

        Base Price                      For updated pricing and details, check out WWW.CCSA.CC

        Airfare* (Range)                For updated pricing and details, check out WWW.CCSA.CC

        Personal**                            $375 / Week                                      $375 / Week

        & Course                                   $175                                            $175

                                                         $150 on/before September 10, 2021
        Application Fee                                   $250 on/after September 11, 2021
                                                   Final Application Deadline: September 24, 2021

        Deadline                                                        September 24

        First Payment                                           $1,850 by October 30, 2021

        Final Payment
        by Dec. 3, 2021                 For updated pricing and details, check out WWW.CCSA.CC

     *Group air travel prices will be determined by the first payment deadline.

     **Although each individual’s needs are different, prior student surveys recommend having enough personal spending
     money as an important consideration.
     CCSA charges a 3% surcharge for all credit card transactions.

     Students having difficulty obtaining adequate funding due to financial aid, scholarship, or other concerns are encouraged
     to contact CCSA’s Financial Coordinator for potential alternative arrangements. CCSA is committed to providing
     adequate time and resources to accommodate student participation in its programs through reasonable financial
     arrangements. To contact CCSA’s Financial Coordinator, email finance@ccsa.cc or call (270) 745-4487.

18   A complete list of payment options is available online at www.ccsa.cc
Refunds, Cancellation & Withdrawal Process
CCSA reserves the right to cancel any of its programs or courses due to war, political unrest, terrorism, natural
disaster, low enrollment, unforeseen circumstances, or a travel warning issued by the U.S. State Department.

If CCSA cancels a course, the applicant will automatically be moved to their alternate course choice and sent a
notification. If both the primary and alternate courses are canceled AND an applicant does not elect to participate in
another course, the full amount paid to date will be refunded if the student confirms the withdrawal within 48 hours
after the change. After this time, CCSA follows the Penalty for Withdrawal schedule below.

Participants who withdraw or who are involuntarily removed shall remain obligated to pay the balance determined
by the Penalty for Withdrawal schedule below.

Applicants whose participation is involuntarily canceled by CCSA shall remain obligated to pay the balance
determined by the Penalty for Withdrawal schedule below. Reasons for involuntary withdraw include, but are
not limited to, failure to remain in good standing at the home institution, holding an invalid passport, failure to
complete visa requirements, or restrictions due to airline or TSA determination.

An applicant may withdraw from a CCSA program by notifying the CCSA Central Office via email to data@ccsa.cc.

CCSA’s “No Risk Refund Policy” for Winter 21-22 Programs
CCSA follows our standard refund policy. However, due to the concerns about potential ineligibility (due to illness)
or travel restrictions by colleges and universities we are offering a No Risk Refund Policy. Students may cancel for
any reason prior to September 24, 2021, and receive a FULL refund.

Penalty for Withdrawal
The application fee is non-refundable. The following items                              After First Payment Deadline:
are considered in the calculation of the withdrawal penalty:                            25% of program fee is owed to CCSA
   • Program Base Price
                                                                                        After Final Payment Deadline:
   • Group flight airfare*
                                                                                        50% of program fee is owed to CCSA
   • Single room supplement
   • Optional excursion fees                                                            14 Days Prior to Program Start Date:
   • Additional class activity fees                                                     100% of program fee is owed to CCSA
*The group flight airfare is non-refundable once ticketed.

Penalties for Changes
After the first payment deadline, changes requested by participating individuals (students, companions, visitors, or
non-credit participants) may incur fees. These may include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Flight Changes................................................................ $200 + airline change fee
    Housing Changes............................................................ $200
    Optional Excursion Changes......................................... $200
    Late Applications (non-credit only)................................ $200
    Course Selection............................................................... $50
    Early Arrival/Late Departure........................................... $100 + on-site direct costs

        Select at least two CCSA courses from the CCSA catalog
        Review the CCSA application process
        Know the CCSA deadlines
        Meet your study abroad advisor
        Get approval for your CCSA course
        Complete your campus application
        Complete the CCSA application
        Select your flight option
        Contact the teacher of CCSA course
        Attend CCSA orientation
        Pack your bags!

                                              Staff Contacts
                                              Jerry Barnaby         Stephen Farley
                                              Executive Director    Operations &
                                              jerry@ccsa.cc         Outreach Coordinator
                                              1-270-745-2231        stephen@ccsa.cc
                                              Robert Bedard
                                              Financial Manager     Jeffrey Williams
                                              robert@ccsa.cc        Academic Director
                                              1-270-745-4487        1-270-745-4512

                                              Robin Byerly
                                              Program Coordinator
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