Engaging the Francophone Visitor - Bienvenue en Ontario! - Gananoque

Page created by Eddie Saunders
Bienvenue en Ontario!

Engaging the Francophone

Essential Communication Toolkit for

Société économique de l’Ontario (SÉO), June 2020 (Updated June 2022)

This document is an adaptation of the “Common French Phrases Toolkit , developed by Louise Lacroix from Direction

Project funded by the Government of Ontario
Excellent communication and management of expectations are key elements for customer service.
As more and more tourism marketing initiatives are pulled together in an effort to attract the Québec and
French-speaking Canadians clientele to Ontario, it seems obvious that English-speaking frontline staff
might be tempted to French it up!
A lot of Ontarians took the French immersion path, some the regular French classes. This Toolkit provides
the frontline tourism staff with essential sentences and keywords to help them provide the best customer
Every section will help you learn a few phrases to have a basic conversation with your customers, which will
feel valued by your efforts. Even better, it will give you the confidence to serve the Francophone customer
better and ease the conversation whenever they barely speak English – which could happen!

             One Québécois out of two consider they only speak French.
                   In some regions, this statistic reaches 80%.
How to use this guide?
Throughout the document, you will find different sections, from a broader perspective (general greetings)
to a sectorial one (accommodations, attractions and activities).
The first pages will help you to have a basic conversation with a Francophone customer: you will find 15
basic sentences to make a good impression, then a list of other useful phrases. For each service or
experience, you will find a table with essential sentences and words. It’s a perfect way to show you are
courteous and willing to walk that extra mile to provide your customers with an excellent service.
The Toolkit also includes a pronunciation guide. To make it easier, you have access to a syllable by syllable
break-up rather than phonetics code found in the dictionary. Don’t try to make sense of those syllables -
English words are used as phonetic guides, to make the ‘on the spot’ decoding easier. The French phrases
are also as short as possible to make it even easier.
The back cover offers you the chance to refer quickly to a few essential words.
Chose to learn a few phrases here and there. Impress your customers – and your boss!

                            Francophone, “Outdoorsophone!”
                  The Francophone clientele loves the outdoors—travelling
                         Québécois are hiking, adventure touring,
                              and provincial parks enthusiasts.

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                   Page | 2
Table des matières
GREETINGS AND USEFUL PHRASES ........................................................................................... 4
GENERAL CUSTOMER SERVICE .................................................................................................. 5
QUESTIONING AND ASKING ...................................................................................................... 6
EN FRANÇAIS ............................................................................................................................ 7
THINGS TO SEE AND DO ............................................................................................................ 8
WEATHER-WISE ...................................................................................................................... 11
BOOKING, SHOPPING AND PAYING ......................................................................................... 12
TIME AND NUMBERS ............................................................................................................... 13
GETTING AROUND .................................................................................................................. 15
ACCOMMODATION ................................................................................................................. 17
CAMPGROUND ....................................................................................................................... 19
RESTAURANT.......................................................................................................................... 21
ATTRACTIONS......................................................................................................................... 24
AGRITOURISM AND FOOD TOURISM ....................................................................................... 25
OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................. 27
CYCLING ................................................................................................................................. 28
WATER ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................................. 29
FISHING .................................................................................................................................. 31
ESSENTIAL SENTENCES ......................................................................................................... 33

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                   Page | 3
Key phrases and sentences
                                                                                     English                                 French
If you had 15 phrases or short sentences to learn to welcome and help
                                                                                                                       How to pronounce it
Francophone tourists, what would they be? Here is a selection for you to
grant impeccable customer service - and impress both your customer and                                      Answers
your boss!
                                                                           Yes                            Oui
                              Key phrases and sentences
                                                                           No                             Non
              English                                   French
                                                  How to pronounce it
                                                                           Could you please repeat?       Pouvez-vous répéter ?
 Welcome                               Bienvenue
                                                                                                          POO-VAY VOO RAY-PAY-TAY?
                                                                           I don’t understand.            Je ne comprends pas.
 Good morning,                         Bonjour
                                                                                                          JE NE CON-PRON PA
 good afternoon                        BON-JOOR
                                                                           I understand                   Je comprends
 Good evening                          Bonsoir
                                                                                                          JE CON-PRON
 Goodbye                               Au revoir
                                       O-RE-VOO-ARE                        This way to the public         Les toilettes publiques sont là.
                                                                           restroom                       LAY TOO-WA-LET PUB-BLEEK SON LA

 Please                                S’il vous plaît                     One moment please              Un instant s’il vous plaît
                                       SEAL-VOO-PLAY                                                      UN INST-TAN SEAL-VOO-PLAY

 Thank you                             Merci                               Excuse me; sorry               Pardon
                                       MAIR-SEE                                                           PAR-DON

 You’re welcome.                       Bienvenue, de rien
                                       DE REE-AI(N)

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                Page | 4
GENERAL CUSTOMER SERVICE                                                                                    Key sentences

Here are 12 short sentences and phrases that relate to reception and                    English                               French
customer service. You will find basics sentences for politeness phrases on                                              How to pronounce it
the previous Greetings and useful sentences page.
                                                                             Would you like…                Voulez-vous…
                                                                                                            VOO-LAY VOO…
                                      Key sentences
                                                                             We sell…                       Nous vendons…
             English                                   French                                               NOO VON-DON…
                                                 How to pronounce it
                                 At the reception desk
                                                                             I need…                        J’ai besoin de…
 May I help you?                      Puis-je vous aider ?                                                  JAY BEZZ-ZOO-AIN DE
                                      POO-EE-JE VOO Z-DAY?
                                                                             Do you have…                   Avez-vous…
 Do you have a reservation?           Avez-vous une réservation ?                                           AVAY-VOO
                                      AVAY-VOO OO-NE RAY-ZER-VA-SEE-
                                      YON?                                                      Linguistic barrier (see En français page)

 Your name, please.                   Votre nom, s’il vous plaît.            I will get a bilingual         Je vais chercher un collègue bilingue.
                                      VOTR(E) NON, SEAL-VOO-PLAY?            colleague.                     JE VAY SHARE-SHAY LA-JAN BEE-LAING.

 Your email, please?                  Votre courriel, s’il vous plaît.
                                      VOTR(E) COO-REE-EL, SEAL-VOO-PLAY?


 Do you need…                         Avez-vous besoin de…
                                      AVAY-VOO BEZZ-ZOO-AIN DE …

 We have…                             Nous avons...
                                      NOO ZAVON…

 We offer…                            Nous offrons…
                                      NOO Z-OFF-RON…

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                 Page | 5
QUESTIONING AND ASKING                                                                           Key words

What, when, where, why? Sometimes, to get by, we need to ask questions.               English                    French
Here are a few cues to start interrogative sentences.                                                      How to pronounce it

                                                                          I would like…         J’aimerais
                                        Key words                                               JAY-MEH-RAY
             English                                  French              I need…               J’ai besoin de…
                                                How to pronounce it                             JAY BE-ZOOIN DE…
                                        Questions                         How much…             Combien…
 Who                                  Qui
                                      KI                                  Is there…             Y a-t-il
                                                                                                EE ATILL
 What                                 Quoi

 Why                                  Pourquoi

 When                                 Quand

 Where                                Où

 How                                  Comment

                                      Looking for…

 I’m looking for…                     Je cherche…
                                      JE SHARE-SH

 Do you have…                         Avez-vous…
                                      AVAY VOO
Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                    Page | 6
                                                                                                                   Key words
If a lot of Francophones can get by in English, a linguistic barrier still exists.
In Québec, half the population considers speaking French only. The statistic               English                            French
can reach 80% in some regions. As a frontline staff, being able to talk                                                 How to pronounce it
French, even a bit, makes an excellent impression!
                                                                                     French-speaking       Guide qui parle français
                                                                                     guide                 GUID KEE PARL FRAN-SAY
                                      Key sentences
                                                                                     Audio tour guide in   Guide audio en français
             English                                  French                         French                GUID AUDIO AN FRAN-SAY
                                                How to pronounce it
                                                                                     Mobile app in         Appli en français
 Could you please repeat              Pouvez-vous répéter ?                          French                APP AN FRAN-SAY
 that?                                POO-VAY-VOO RAY-PAY-TAY?
                                                                                     French                Documents en français
 Do you understand?                   Comprenez-vous ?                               documentation         DOCUMEN AN FRAN-SAY
                                      COMP-PRE-NAY VOO?
                                                                                     Brochure in French    Brochure en français
 I barely speak French.               Je parle peu français.                                               BRO-SHIR AN FRAN-SAY
                                      JE PARL PEU FRAN-SAY
                                                                                     Menu in French        Menu en français
 I don’t speak French.                Je ne parle pas français.                                            MENU AN FRAN-SAY
                                      JE NE PARL PA FRAN-SAY
                                                                                     Descriptions in       Interprétation en français
 We offer French services.            Nous offrons des services en français.         French                INTERPRET-A-SYON AN FRAN-SAY
                                      NOO Z-OFF-RON DAY SERVICE ON FRAN-

 I will get a bilingual               Je vais chercher un collègue bilingue.
 colleague.                           JE VAY SHARE-SHAY LA-JAN BEE-LAING

 French is important to us.           Le français est important pour nous.
                                      LE FRAN-SAY AY IMPORTANT POUR NOO

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                 Page | 7
THINGS TO SEE AND DO                                                                                             Key sentences

What are your visitors likely to do during their stay? Would they stay longer                 English                              French
if they knew about this incredible restaurant or this fantastic activity? Help                                               How to pronounce it
them make the most of their visit to your region.
                                                                                    Here are a few activities    Voici des activités à pratiquer dans la région.
                                                                                    you could do in this area.   VOO-WA-SEE DEZ ACTIVI-TAY A PRA-TEE-
                                      Key sentences                                                              KAY DAN LA RAY-JYON…
             English                                       French                   Would you be interested in   Est-ce que ces activités vous intéressent ?
                                                     How to pronounce it            the following activities?    ESS KE SAY ZAK-TEE-VEE-TAY VOO AIN-
                                      Eat and drink
                                                                                    Are you interested in any    Aimez-vous les… ?
 Are you looking for a                Cherchez-vous un restaurant ?
                                                                                    specific activity?           AY-MAY VOO LAY…?
 restaurant?                          CHER-SHAY VOO UN RESTAURAN?
 There is a restaurant near           Il y a un restaurant près d’ici.
 here.                                EEL EE A UN RESTAURAN PRAY DEE-SEE.           Visit the…                   Visiter…
 Would you like to go out             Voulez-vous sortir prendre un verre ?
 for a drink?                         VOO-LAY VOO SOR-TEER PRAND-R UN               Attend a…                    Assister à…
                                      VAIR…                                                                      ASSIST-TAY A…

 Do you need to go to the             Devez-vous aller au dépanneur ?               Go…                          Aller…
 corner store?                        DE-VAY VOO AL-LAY O DAY-PAN-NUR?                                           A-LAY…


 Here is the region’s visitors’ Voici la brochure touristique de la région.
 guide.                         VOO-WA-SEE LA BROCHURE TOO-REES-
                                STICK DE LA RAY-JYON

 Do you wish to visit a local         Voulez-vous visiter une attraction locale ?
 attraction?                          VOO-LAY VOO VISIT-TAY UNE ATTRACT-
                                      SEE-YON LOCAL?

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                            Page | 8
Key words                                                    Key words

             English                                     French                    English                          French
                                                   How to pronounce it                                        How to pronounce it

                                           Tours                         Walking/Hiking trails     Sentiers de randonnée
                                                                                                   SEN-TEE-AY DE RON-DON-AY
 Tourist information office           Bureau d’information touristique
                                      BUREAU DAI(N)-FOR-MA-SEE-YON       Scenic Lookouts           Belvédères
                                      TOURISTIC                                                    BELL-VAY-DAIR

                                           Tours                         Provincial park           Parcs provincial
                                                                                                   PARK PRO-VAI(N)-SEE-AL
 Guided tour                          Visite guidée
                                      VISIT GHEE-DAY                     Bike                      Vélo
 Self-guided tour                     Visite autoguidée
                                      VISIT AUTO GHEE-DAY                Biking paths              Pistes cyclables
                                                                                                   PEEST SEE-KLAB
 Cruise                               Croisière
                                      CROO-WA-ZEE-AIR                    Fishing                   Pêche
 Boat tour                            Visite en bateau
                                      VISIT AN BAT-TOW                                           Heritage and culture

 Haunted walk                         Marche hantée                      Museum                    Musée
                                      MARSH ANT-TAY                                                MUSE-ZAY

                                   Outdoor activities                    Exhibition                Exposition
 Beach                                Plage
                                      PLA-J                              Historic site             Site historique
                                                                                                   SEET HISTORIC
 Outdoor recreation                   Activités de plein air
                                      ACTIVIT-TAY DE PLAIN AIR           Local culture             Culture locale
                                                                                                   CULTURE LOK-AL
 Hiking                               Randonnée pédestre
                                      RON-DON-AY PAY-DAY-STER

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                       Page | 9
Key words                                               Key words

             English                                   French                   English                       French
                                                 How to pronounce it                                    How to pronounce it

 Aboriginal culture                   Culture autochtone               Shopping for pleasure   Magasiner pour le plaisir
                                      CULTURE O-TOK-TONE                                       MA-GA-ZEE-NAY POOR LE PLAY-ZEER

 Heritage                             Patrimoine
                                                                       Casino                  Casino
                                                                       Waterpark               Parc aquatique
 Gastronomy                           Gastronomie                                              PARK AQUA-TEEK
                                                                       Spa                     Spa
 Local products                       Produits du terroir                                      SPA
                                      PRO-DO-EE DO TERR-OO-WAR

 Local farmers’ market                Marché public
                                      MAR-CHAY PUB-BLEEK

 Local vineyard                       Vignoble

 Local brewery                        Micro-brasserie
                                      MEE-CRO BRASS-SE-REE

                                  Festivals and events

 Festival                             Festival

 Community event                      Fête communautaire
                                      FAIT COMMU-NO-TER

                       Shopping and entertainment relaxing

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                 Page | 10
WEATHER-WISE                                                                                    Sunny day

Canadians are known for their conversations about the weather! Yet, it’s   Sunny               Ensoleillé
useful to know what to expect from Mother Nature when visiting an                              ON-SO-LAY-YAY
attraction, taking a walk around town, or planning for an outdoor          A few clouds        Quelques nuages
adventure!                                                                                     KELL-KE NOO-AH-G

                                                                           Sunscreen           Crème solaire
                                      Key sentences                                            CREM SO-LAIR
             English                                   French                                    Rainy day
                                                 How to pronounce it
                                                                           Rain                Pluie
 Here is the forecast.                Voici les prévisions météo.                              PLOO-EE
                                      VOO-WA-SEE LAY PRAY-VIS-SEE-YON
                                      MAY-TAY-O                            Thunder storm       Orage
 It’s nice out.                       Il fait beau
                                      EEL FAY BO                           Scattered showers   Quelques averses
 Do you have sunscreen?               Avez-vous de l’écran solaire ?                           KEL-KE A-VERS-SE
                                      A-VAY VOO DE LAY-CRON SO-LAIR
 It’s raining.                        II pleut
                                                                           Cloudy              Nuageux
                                      EEL PL-EUH
 Do you have an umbrella?             Avez-vous un parapluie ?
                                      A-VAY VOO UN PA-RA-PLOO-EE           Windy               Venteux
 It’s freezing out.                   Il fait très froid.
                                      EEL FAY TRAY FROO-AH                 Humid               Humide
                                                                           Foggy               Brumeux
 Warm                                 Chaud                                                    BRU-MEU
                                                                           Snow                Neige
 Cold                                 Froid                                                    NAY-G

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                     Page | 11
BOOKING, SHOPPING AND PAYING                                                                                            Key words

Some people like to shop, and some simply need to buy a thing or two to                    English                                      French
make the most of their stay. It’s always a plus to guide your customer to                                                         How to pronounce it
make their stay the best!                                                        Credit card                     Carte de crédit
                                                                                                                 CART DE CRAY-DEE
                                       Key sentences
                                                                                 Debit                           Débit
         English                                      French                                                     DAY-BEE
                                                How to pronounce it
                                                                                 Cash                            Comptant
 You can dial this            Vous pouvez composer ce numéro / pour faire une                                    CONT-ON
 number / to book…            réservation.
                              VOO POO-VAY COMPO-SAY CE NUME-ERO /                                                       Businesses
                              POOR FAIR UNE RAY-ZAIR-VA-SEE-YON
                                                                                 Shopping centre                 Centre commercial
 Would you like to            Voulez-vous parler à un superviseur ?                                              CENTR COMMERCE-SIAL
 speak to a manager?          VOO-LAY VOO PAR-LAY A UN SUPERVIZE-HER?
                                                                                 Grocery store                   Épicerie
 Can I get the bill           L'addition, s'il vous plaît.                                                       AY-PEE-CE-REE
 please?                      LAD-DEE-SYON SEEL-VOO-PLAY
                                                                                 LCBO                            Société des alcools
 There’s an ATM.              Il y a un guichet automatique.                                                     SO-SEE-AY-TAY DAY ZAL-KOL
                              EEL E YA UN GHEE-SHAY OTOMA-TEEK
                                                                                 Gear shop                       Boutique spécialisée
                                                                                                                 BOO-TIK SPECIALI-ZAY
                                         Key words
                                                                                 Shop                            Boutique
           English                                     French                                                    BOO-TIK
                                                 How to pronounce it
                                                                                 Gift shop                       Boutique souvenir
 Booking / reservation            Réservation                                                                    BOO-TIK SOUVENIR
                                  RAY-SAIR-VASS-SEE-YON                         Side note:
                                                                                Quebec sells alcohol in local grocery stores and corner stores. As this practice is not as
 Mobile application               Application mobile
                                                                                widespread in Ontario as it is in Quebec, it could be a good idea to ask if your client is
                                                                                looking to buy alcohol. Make sure the products they want are available!
                                   Modes de paiement

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                                     Page | 12
TIME AND NUMBERS                                                                                   Key words

                                                                                       English                    French
                                                                                                            How to pronounce it
                                         Key words
                                                                                                 CE SOO-ARE
             English                                         French
                                                       How to pronounce it   Tomorrow            Demain
                                                                             This week           Cette semaine
 Saturday                             Samedi
                                                                                                 SET SEM-AINE
                                                                                                  Time of day
 Sunday                               Dimanche
                                      DEE-MANCH                              Morning             Matin
 Monday                               Lundi
                                      LUN -DEE                               Noon                Midi
 Tuesday                              Mardi
                                      MAR-DEE                                Afternoon           Après-midi
                                                                                                 APP-RAY MEE-DEE
 Wednesday                            Mercredi
                                      MERC-CRE-DEE                           Evening             Soir
 Thursday                             Jeudi
                                      JE-DEE                                 Night               Nuit
 Friday                               Vendredi
                                      VEN-DR-DEE                                                     Hour
                                                Time                         Hour                Heure
 Today                                Aujourd’hui
                                      AU-JOOR-DOO-HE                         Minute              Minute
 Tonight                              Ce soir

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                     Page | 13
Numbers                    Numbers

                                      How to pronounce it   19    DIX NEFF

 1                                    UN                    20    VIN

 2                                    DEU                   30    TRONT

 3                                    TROO-WA               40    CA-RONT

 4                                    CAT-R                 50    SINC-ONT

 5                                    SINC                  60    SOO-WA-SANTT

 6                                    SEEX                  70    SOO-WA-SANTT DIX

 7                                    SET                   80    CAT-R VIN

 8                                    OO-IT                 90    CAT-R VIN DIX

 9                                    NEU-FF                100   SAN

 10                                   DIX

 11                                   ONZ

 12                                   DOOZ

 13                                   TRAYZ

 14                                   CAT-OR-ZE

 15                                   QUAIN-ZE

 16                                   SIZE

 17                                   DIX SET

 18                                   DIX OO-IT

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                        Page | 14
GETTING AROUND                                                                                                      Key sentences

Even if our smartphones are filled with maps and resources to get by, it’s                   English                                   French
always nice to get help from real people and to get the locals’                                                                  How to pronounce it
recommendations. Help your customer to find what they are looking for
with a few key sentences.                                                          Do you have a GPS in your       Avez-vous un GPS dans votre téléphone ?
                                                                                   phone?                          AVAY-VOO EUN J-PAY-ESS DON VOTR
                                       Key sentences
                                                                                   Do you have a SIM card in       Avez-vous une carte SIM dans votre
             English                                    French                     your phone?                     téléphone ?
                                                  How to pronounce it                                              AVAY-VOO UNE CART SIM DON VOTR
                                  Getting to destination
                                                                                   You can buy road maps           Vous pouvez acheter des cartes routières ici.
 Where are you going?                 Où allez-vous ?
                                                                                   here.                           VOO POO-VAY ASH-TAY DAY CART ROUTE-
                                      OO ALAY VOO?
                                                                                                                   TYER EESEE
 It’s a _ minutes walk.               C’est à _ minutes à pied.
                                      SAY AH _ MINUTE AH PEE-AY
                                                                                   What time is your flight?       Votre vol est à quelle heure ?
 Do you require any                   Avez-vous besoin de directions?
                                                                                                                   VOTR VOL AY A KEL EUR?
 directions?                          AVAY-VOO BEZZ-ZOO-AIN DE DEE-REC-
                                      SEE-YON?                                     We offer a shuttle service.     Nous offrons la navette à l’aéroport.
                                                                                                                   NOO OFF-RON LA NAH-VET VAIR LA-AY-
 What is the address?                 Quelle est l’adresse ?
                                      KEL AY LAD-DRESS?
                                                                                                                 Transportation modes
 Would you like me to call a          Voulez-vous que je vous appelle un taxi ?
 taxi/cab?                            VOO-LAY VOO KE JE VOO ZAPPEL UN TAXI?        Recreational vehicle            Véhicule récréatif (VR)
                                                                                                                   VEHICLE RAY-CRAY-HA-TIFF
 Here is a list of                    Voici les moyens de transport offerts dans
                                                                                   Taxi                            Taxi
 transportation methods in            notre région
 our area…                            VOO-WA-SEE LAY MOO-WA-AIN DE
                                      TRANS-POR OFF-AIR DAN LA RAY-JYION           Public transport                Transport en commun
                                                                                                                   TRANS-POR ON COME-UN
Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                          Page | 15
Key sentences

              English                                   French
                                                  How to pronounce it

 Bus                                  Autobus

 Subway                               Métro

 Streetcar                            Tramway

 Plane                                Avion

 Airport/terminal                     Aéroport/aérogare

 Boat                                 Bateau

 Car rental                           Location de voitures
                                      LOCA-SEE-YON DE VOO-WA-TUR

 Train                                Train

 Ferry                                Traversier

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                           Page | 16
ACCOMMODATION                                                                                              Key sentences

Maybe you don’t need to have that full check-in conversation in French, but              English                              French
your customers will be delighted to get a few instructions about wifi, pool                                             How to pronounce it
and breakfast in their language.
                                                                               Do you need a wheelchair    Avez-vous besoin d'une chambre accessible
                                                                               accessible room?            en fauteuil roulant ?
                                       Key sentences                                                       AVAY-VOO BEZZ-ZOO-AIN DUNE
                                                                                                           CHOMBR ACCESSIBL ON FO-TEUYE ROO-
              English                                    French
                                                   How to pronounce it
                                                                               What time would you like    À quelle heure voulez-vous vous faire
 Here is the front desk.                Voici la réception.
                                                                               your wake-up?               réveiller ?
                                        VOO-WA-SEE LA RAY-CEP-SEE-YON
                                                                                                           A KEL HEUR VOO-LAY VOO VOO FAIR
 Do you require any parking?            Avez-vous besoin de stationner votre                               RAY-VAY-YAY?
                                        véhicule ?
                                                                               Breakfast is included and   Le déjeuner est inclus et servi à partir de…
                                        AVAY VOO BEZZ-ZOO-AIN DE STASS-SEE-
                                                                               served from…                LE DAY-JE-NAY AY AIN-CLUE AY SAIR-VEE
                                        YO-NAY VOTR(E) VEHICLE?
                                                                                                           A PART-TIER DE…
 There is free Wi-Fi internet.          L’accès au wifi est gratuit.
                                                                               Do you require              Avez-vous besoin du service aux chambres ?
                                        LAX-SAY O WIFI AY GRAT-TOO-EE
                                                                               housekeeping?               AVAY VOO BEZZ-ZOO-AIN DUE SAYR-
 The check-in time is at…               L’heure d’arrivée est à…                                           VEES O CHOMBR?
                                        LEUR DAR-REE-VAY AY TA…

 The check-out time is at...            L’heure de départ est à…
                                        LEUR DE DAY-PAR AY TA…


 I need a room close to the             J'ai besoin d'une chambre près de
 elevator.                              l'ascenseur.
                                        JAY BEZ-OO-AIN DUNE CHOMBR PRAY DE

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                 Page | 17
Key sentences                                             Key sentences

            English                                     French                       English                      French
                                                  How to pronounce it                                       How to pronounce it

                                Type of accommodation                                          SAL DE RAY-OO-NYON

 Hotel                              Hôtel                                                            Beds
                                                                          King Bed             Très grand lit (lit king)
 Motel                              Motel                                                      TRAY GRON LEE (LEE KING)
                                                                          Queen Bed            Grand lit (lit queen)
 Camping                            Camping                                                    GRON LEE (LEE QUEEN)
                                                                          Twin Bed             Lit double
 Bed and breakfast                  Gîte                                                       LEE DOOBL
                                                                          Cot                  Lit pliant
 Resort                             Centre de villégiature                                     LEE PLEA-YON
                                    CENTR DE VEE-LAY-GEE-A-TOOR


 Indoor/outdoor                     Piscine intérieure/extérieure
 swimming pool                      PEA-SEEN INT-ERI-YER/EX-TERI-YER

 Breakfast                          Déjeuner

 Gym                                Centre de conditionnement physique
                                    CENTR DE CON-DEE-SEE-YON-MON PHYSIC

 Ice machine                        Machine à glace
                                    MA-CHINE A GLASS

 Meeting rooms                      Salles de réunion

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                     Page | 18
CAMPGROUND                                                                                                      Key words

People in Québec and French-speaking communities elsewhere love the                                  English                       French
outdoors and camping. They love the beach, too! Ontario Parks has an                                                         How to pronounce it
outstanding reputation for its clean parks, and also for being dog-friendly!

                                      Key sentences                                  Private campground            Camping privé
                                                                                                                   CAMPING PREE-VAY
             English                                    French
                                                  How to pronounce it                Provincial park               Parc provincial
                                                                                                                   PARK PRO-VIN-SEE-AL
 Would you like a serviced            Voulez-vous un site avec eau et électricité?
 lot?                                 VOO-LAY VOO UN SIT AVEK O AY                   Parks Canada                  Parcs Canada
                                      ELECTRI-SEE-TAY                                                              PARK CANADA

 You can park there.                  Vous pouvez stationner là.                                                Facilities
                                      VOO POO-VAY STATION-NAY LA
                                                                                     Booking number                Numéro de réservation
 There is free wifi internet.         L’accès au wifi est gratuit.                                                 NOO-MAY-RO DE RAY-SAIR-VA-
                                      LAX-SAY O WIFI AY GRAT-TOO-EE                                                SEE-YON

 The comfort station is               Les douches et les toilettes sont ici.         Serviced site                 Terrain avec services
 here.                                LAY DOOSH AY LAY TWA-LET SON EE-SEE                                          TAY-RAI(N) AVEK SAIR-VEES

 We have firewood for sale.           Nous vendons du bois de chauffage.             Electricity                   Électricité
                                      NOO VON-DON DO BOOA DE SHOW-FAJ                                              AY-LAYK-TREE-SEE-TAY

 There is a fire ban.                 Il est interdit de faire des feux.             Comfort Station               Blocs sanitaires
                                      EEL AY INT-AIR-DEE DE FAIR DAY FEU                                           BLOCK SAN-HE-TAIR

 Would you like a lot near            Souhaitez-vous un emplacement près de la       Shower                        Douche
 the beach?                           plage ?                                                                      DOO-SH
                                      SOO-AY-TAY VOO UN AMP-PLASS-MON
                                                                                     Laundromat                    Buanderie/Laverie
                                      PRAY DE LA PLA-J?

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                      Page | 19
Key words                                                                   Key words

                 English                                       French                          English                                   French
                                                         How to pronounce it                                                       How to pronounce it

 Campfire                                       Feu de camp                                                          Distance
                                                FEU DE CAMP
                                                                                Near or close                            Près
 BBQ                                            Barbecue                                                                 PRAY
                                                                                Beside                                   À côté
 Firewood                                       Bois pour le feu                                                         A COAT-TAY
                                                BOO-HA POUR LE FEU
                                                                                Further                                  Plus loin
 Beach                                          Plage                                                                    PLOO LOO-AI(N)

 Private campground                             Emplacement privé              Side note:
                                                                               In Quebec, provincial parks are known as national parks: parcs nationaux .
                                                AMP-PLASS-MON PREE-VAY

                                     Type of lodging

 A caravan                                      Caravane

 A tent                                         Tente

 Tent trailer                                   Tente roulotte
                                                TONT ROO-LOT

 Cottage                                        Chalet

 Yurt                                           Yourte

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                               Page | 20
RESTAURANT                                                                                                    Key words

Do you know the local gem? Is there a farmers’ market in the days to come?                      English                       French
Is there a brand new seasonal local beer brewing? Where’s the chef with an                                              How to pronounce it
outstanding story, that has the very best outcome for local products?
                                                                                   Restaurant                Restaurant
                                      Key sentences
                                                                                   Supermarket               Supermarché
              English                                   French                                               SU-PER MAR-SHAY
                                                  How to pronounce it
                                                                                   Local products            Produits locaux
 There is a restaurant near             Il y a un restaurant près d’ici.                                     PRO-DOO-HE LOW-CO
 here.                                  EEL EE A UN RESTAURANT PRAY DEE-
                                        SEE                                        Water                     Eau
 What type of food are you              Quel tyoe de mets aimeriez-vous manger ?
 looking for?                           KEL TIP DE MAY AY-ME-REE-YAY VOO           Local beer                Bière locale
                                        MON-JAY?                                                             BEE-YER LOW-CAL

 Do you have any                        Avez-vous des préférences ?                Glass of wine             Verre de vin
 preferences?                           AVAY VOO DAY PRAY-FAY-RONSS?                                         VEER DE VAI(N)

 I would recommend…                     Je vous recommande…
                                        JE VOO RE-KO-MAND…                                                Type of restaurants

 Today’s special is …                   Le plat du jour est…                                    English                       French
                                        LE PLAW DU JOOR AY…                                                             How to pronounce it

                                                                                                            Local products
                                        Key words
                                                                                   Brewery                   Microbrasserie
              English                                   French                                               ME-CROW BRASS-REE
                                                  How to pronounce it
                                                                                   Vinery                    Vignoble
 Booking                                Réservation                                                          VEE-GN-O-BL

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                 Page | 21
Type of restaurants                                             Type of restaurants

              English                                      French                       English                       French
                                                     How to pronounce it                                        How to pronounce it

 Vegetarian restaurant                  Restaurant végétarien                                        RO-TEE-SEREE
                                        RESTAURAN VAY-JAY-TARI-AI(N)
                                                                           Steakhouse                Grillades
 Fine Dining                            Restaurant gastronomique
                                        RESTAURAN GASTRO-NO-MEEK
                                                                           Buffet restaurant         Buffet
 Local products                         Produits locaux
                                        PRO-DOO-HE LOW-CO
                                                                           Sports bar                Bar sportif
                                    For a fast service
                                                                                                     BAR SPORT-TIFF
 Drive thru                             Service au volant
                                                                                                      For a bite
                                        SAYR-VEES O VO-LON
                                                                           Ice cream                 Crème glacée
 Food truck (Street food)               Bouffe de rue
                                                                                                     CREM GLASS-SAY
                                        BOO-FF DE RU
                                                                           Coffee shop               Café
 Chip stand / Chip Truck                Casse-croûte / pataterie
 Fish and chips                         Poisson-frites
                                        POO-WA-SON FREE-T                  Thai restaurant           Restaurant thaï
                                                                                                     RESTAURAN THAI
 Fast Food                              Restauration rapide
                                        FAST FOOD                          Chinese restaurant        Restaurant chinois
                                                                                                     RESTAURAN CHEE-NOO-A
                                                                           Japanese restaurant       Restaurant japonais
 Family Style Dining                    Restaurant familial
                                                                                                     RESTAURAN JAP-PO-NAY
                                        RESTAURAN FAMEE-LEE-AL
                                                                           Sushi                     Sushi
 Rotisserie                             Rôtisserie

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                         Page | 22
Type of restaurants

              English                                    French
                                                   How to pronounce it

 Libanese / Mediterranean               Restaurant libanais / méditerranéen
 restaurant                             RESTAURAN LEE-BAN-NAY

 Tapas                                  Tapas

 Italian food                           Mets italiens
                                        MAY EE-TA-LEE-YAI(N)

 French Cuisine                         Cuisine française
                                        KOO-EE-ZINN FRAN-SAYS

 Mexican Food                           Restaurant mexicain
                                        REST-O-RON MEXI-CAI(N)


 Fish and Seafood Restaurant Restaurant de poissons et fruits de mer
                             REST-O-RON DE POO-WA-SON AY DE
                             FROO-EE DE MAIR

 Pizzeria                               Pizzeria

 Breakfast                              Déjeuner

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                 Page | 23
ATTRACTIONS                                                                                                  Key words

Is there French-speaking staff in your crew? It could be nice to put them to                 English                          French
work, especially if the French-speaking customer asks for details or if the                                             How to pronounce it
activity requires special instructions. In the meantime, to get by, here are a
few sentences and phrases to learn!                                              On your own visit       Visite libre
                                                                                                         VISIT LIB-R

                                      Key sentences                              Self-guided tour        Circuit autoguidé
                                                                                                         SEER-KOO-HE AUTO-GHEE-DAY
            English                                   French
                                                How to pronounce it              Local culture           Culture locale
                                                                                                         COOL-TURE LOW-CAL
 The admission charge is… Le prix d’entrée est de…
                          LE PREE DON-TRAY AY DE…                                Outdoors                Plein air
                                                                                                         PLAIN AIR
 Would you like a guide?            Voulez-vous un guide ? Un audioguide ?
 An audioguide?                     VOO-LAY VOO UN GHEE-D? UN AUDIO              Exhibition              Exposition
                                    GHEE-D?                                                              EXPO-ZEE-SEE-YON

 We have French guides.             Nous avons des guides en français.           Agritourism             Agrotourisme
                                    NOO ZA-VON DAY GHEE-D ON FRAN-SAY                                    AGRO-TOURISM

 The next tour is at…               La prochaine visite est à…                                         Expériences organisées
                                    LA PRO-SHAIN VISIT AY A…
                                                                                 Guided tour             Circuit guidé
 You can take pictures.             Vous pouvez prendre des photos.                                      SEER-KOO-HE GHEE-DAY
                                    VOO POO-VAY PRONDR DAY PHOTO
                                                                                 Outdoors adventure      Aventure en plein air
                                                                                                         A-VENTURE ON PLAIN-AIR
                                        Key words
                                                                                 Boat trip               Visite en bateau
            English                                   French                                             VISIT ON BAT-TOW
                                                How to pronounce it
                                                                                 Cruise tour             Croisière touristique
 Booking                            Réservation                                                          CROO-WA-ZEE-AYR TOURISTIC

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                 Page | 24
AGRITOURISM AND FOOD TOURISM                                                                                   Key words

The local products shouldn’t be kept a secret: they make long-lasting                       English                           French
memories! Meeting with the producers is a very important part of the                                                    How to pronounce it
experience, and the chance to chat with locals to get a better glimpse of the
                                                                                wine route                 Route des vins
                                                                                                           ROOT DAY VAI(N)

                                       Key sentences                            ale trail                  Route des bières
                                                                                                           ROOT DAY BEE-YER
          English                                     French
                                                How to pronounce it                                          Places to visit

 This shop sells local          Cette boutique vend des produits du terroir.    farmers’ market            Marché public
 products.                      SET BOO-TIK VON DAY PRO-DOO-HE DOO TAIR-                                   MAR-SHAY PUB-BLIK
                                                                                cattle farm                Ferme d’élevage
 You can eat local              Vous pouvez manger local ici.                                              FAIR-M DAIL-VAJ
 products here.                 VOO POU-VAY MON-JAY LOW-CAL EE-SEE
                                                                                orchard                    Verger
 You may pick your              Vous pouvez cueillir des fruits ici.
 own fruit here.                VOO POU-VAY CUEILLIR DAY FROO-HE EE-SEE
                                                                                                          Hands-on activities
 This winery offers             Ce vignoble propose des visites et des
 tours and wine                 dégustations.                                   Family activities          Activités familiales
 tasting.                       SE VEE-GNO-BL PRO-POSE DAY VISIT AY DAY
                                                                                                           ACTIVIT-AY FAM-HE-LEE-AL
                                                                                petting farm               Ferme de petits animaux
                                                                                                           FAIR-M DE PET-TEE ZAN-NEE-MO
                                         Key words
                                                                                corn maze                  Labyrinthe de maïs
            English                                    French
                                                                                                           LABI-RINT DE MAW-ISS
                                                 How to pronounce it

                                           Routes                               u-pick                     Autocueillette
                                                                                                           AUTO CUEILLETTE
 taste trail                        Route gourmande
                                    ROOT GOOR-MAND                                                    Where to taste local products

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                 Page | 25
Key words                                           Key words

            English                                   French                   English                         French
                                                How to pronounce it                                      How to pronounce it

 breweries                          Micro-brasserie                   honey              Miel
                                    MEE-KROH BRA-SSE-REE                                 ME-EL

 vineyards                          Vignobles                         cheese             Fromage
                                    VEE-GNO-BL                                           FROM-AJ

 sugar shack                        Cabane à sucre                    maple products     Produits de l’érable
                                    CAB-ANN A SUCR                                       PRO-DOO-HE DE LAIR-RAB-BL

 farm to fork                       De la ferme à la table            beer               Bière
                                    DE LA FAIRM A LA TAB-L                               BEE-YER

 country-style table                Table champêtre                   glass of wine      Verre de vin
                                    TAB-L SHAN-PET-TR                                    VAIR DE VAI(N)

 bakery                             Boulangerie                       bread              Pains
                                    BOO-LANJ-JE-REE                                      PAI(N)

 cheese factory                     fromagerie                        baked beans        Fèves au lard
                                    FROM-AJ-JE-REE                                       FEV O LAR


 rural flavours                     produits du terroir
                                    PRO-DOO-HE DOO TERR-WAR

 regional products                  Produits régionaux
                                    PRO-DOO-HE RAY-JYON-O

 berries                            petits fruits
                                    PET-TEE FROO-HE

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                  Page | 26
OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES                                                                                               Activities

If your activity requires special instructions and you are dealing with a       Nature Centre        Centre de la nature
French-speaking customer, how about getting a French-speaking staff from                             CENTR DE LA NATURE
your crew? It could be a good idea to get them to explain the details. In the   Visitors’ Centre     Centre d’interprétation
meantime, to get by, here are a few sentences and phrases to learn!                                  CENTR DINT-TER-PRET-A-SYON

                                                                                Birds and wildlife   Observation des oiseaux (ornithologie) et de la faune
                                         Key words                              watching             OBS-SAIR-VAW-SYON DEZ WA-ZO AY DE LA PHONE
            English                                   French                                                   Being prepared
                                                How to pronounce it
                                                                                Gear                 Matériel / équipement
 Do you need to                     Avez-vous besoin de louer/emprunter de                           MAT-AY-REE-EL
 rent/borrow gear?                  l’équipement ?
                                    AV-VAY VOO BEZZ-ZOO-AIN DE LOO-             Map                  Carte
                                    AY/AMP-PRUN-TAY DE LAY-KIP-MON?                                  CART

                                                                                Properly fitted      Bien équipé
 Do you need a guide?               Avez-vous besoin d’un guide ?
                                                                                                     BEE-AIN AY-KIP-PAY
                                    AV-VAY VOO BEZ-OO-AIN DUN GHEE-D
                                                                                Backcountry          Camping en arrière-pays
 The length of the                  La durée de l’excursion est de…             camping              CAMPING ON ARE-REE-AIR PAY-HE
 excursion is….                     LA DU-RAY DE LEX-CUR-SYON AY DE…
 I recommend this                   Je recommande ce parcours.
 hike/route.                        JE REC-COMMAND SE PAR-COOR                  Easy                 Facile
 The trail is well marked.          Le sentier est bien balisé.
                                                                                Moderate             Modéré
                                    LEU SON-TEE-AY AY BA-LEE-SAY
 You need to sign this              Vous devez signer ce formulaire.
                                                                                Difficult            DIfficile
 waiver.                            VOO DE-VAY SEE-GNAY SE FORM-OO-LAIR                              DIFF-EESE-SEAL
 It is safe…                        C’est sécuritaire.
                                    SAY SAY-COO-REE-TAIR

 It gets dark at…                   La nuit tombe à…
                                    LA NOO-HE TOMB A…

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                     Page | 27
Sometimes, a shared love of cycling is not enough to explain routes, roads, and                                   Key words
attractions along the way. A few keywords are required to help your customer
                                                                                              English                          French
know what to expect exactly and how to enjoy the road genuinely!
                                                                                                                         How to pronounce it
                                       Key sentences                                   Mountain bike         Vélo de montagne
                                                                                                             VAY-LOW DE MONTAGN
          English                                     French
                                                How to pronounce it                    Road bike             Vélo de route
                                                                                                             VAY-LOW DE ROOT
 Which route are you            Quel parcours faites-vous ?
 cycling?                       KEL PAR-COOR FET VOO?                                  Hybrid bike           Vélo hybride
                                                                                                             VAY-LOW EE-BREED
 I recommend this               Je vous recommande ce parcours.
 route.                         JE VOO RECOMMAND SE PAR-COOR                                                     Types of path
 The lenght of this             La longueur du parcours est de…                        Dedicated bike path   Piste cyclable à usage unique
 route is…                      LAW LONG-EUR DUE PAR-COOR AY DE…                                             PEEST SEE-CLAB A OO-ZAJ OONIK
 What type of bike do           Quel type de vélo avez-vous ?
 you have?                      KEL TEEP DE VAY-LOW AVAY-VOO?                          Paved shoulder        Accotement pavé
                                                                                                             ACC-KOT-MON PAV-VAY
 There is a repair shop         Il y a un service mécanique ici.
 here.                          EEL EE A EUN SERV-EESE MECHANIC EE-SEE                 Recreational Trails   Sentiers récréatifs
                                                                                                             SON-TEE-YAY RAY-CRAY-AT-TIFF
 You can safely park            Vous pouvez ranger votre vélo en toute sécurité ici.
 your bicycle here.             VOO POO-VAY LAY-SAY VOTR VAY-LOW ON                    Riverwalk             Promenade riveraine
                                TOOT SAY-COO-REE-TAY EE-SEE.                                                 PROM-NAD REEV-RAIN

 Bike lock                      Cadenas                                                Bike path – paved     Piste cyclable pavée
                                CAD-NAH                                                                      PEEST SEE-KLAB PAVAY

 Gear cable                     Câble de vitesse                                       Bike path – gravel    Piste de gravier
                                CA-BL EEL VEE-TESS                                                           PEEST DE GRAVE-YAY

 Flat                           Crevaison

 Repair shop                    Service de mécanique
                                SAIR-VEES EEL MECHANIC

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                  Page | 28
WATER ACTIVITIES                                                                                                       Key sentences

Did you know that Splish, splash, I was takin’ a bath is known, in                               English                                 French
French, as Splish, splash tout en prenant mon bain? Not sure how                                                                   How to pronounce it
useful this piece of info is for the tourism industry, but the sentences
below will be for sure, especially if you work by the water.                                                         VOO-WA-SEE LAY MAY-YUR AND-DROO-WA
                                                                                                                     POOR FAIR DO CA-NO.

                                       Key sentences
            English                                    French
                                                                                        The closest marina is...     La marina la plus près est située à...
                                                 How to pronounce it
                                                                                                                     LA MARINA LA PLU PRAY AY SEE-TOO-AY A
                                         Swimming                                                                    ...

 You have the option of             Vous pouvez vous baigner dans le lac / à la         The closest boat launch is   La rampe de mise à l’eau la plus près est à
 going swimming in the              piscine.                                            (PLACE).                     (ENDROIT).
 lake / at the pool.                VOO POO-VAY VOO BAY-GNAY DON LE                                                  LA RAMP DE MEESS A LOW AY A...
                                    LACK / A LA PEE-SEEN
                                                                                        What type of boat do you     Quel type de bateau avez-vous ?
 There is a lifeguard on            Il y a un sauveteur en service.                     have?                        KEL TEEP DE BAT-TOW AVAY-VOO?
 duty.                              EEL E YA UN SOV-TEUR ON SAIR-VEES
                                                                                        Do you trailer your boat?    Est-ce que vous remorquez votre bateau ?
 There are many beaches             Il y a plusieurs plages dans la région.                                          ESS KE VOO REM-MORK-KAY VOTR(E) BAT-
 in the area.                       EEL EE YA PLOO-ZEE-YUR PLA-J DON LA                                              TOW?

 We sell sunscreen.                 Nous vendons de l’écran solaire.                                                    Key words
                                    NOO VON-DON DE L'AY-CRON SOLAIR
                                                                                                    English                               French
                                          Canoeing                                                                                  How to pronounce it

 We rent kayaks / canoes.           Nous louons des kayaks / canots.                                                    Swimming
                                    NOO LOO-ON DAY KAYAKS / CANO                        Beach                            Plage
 Here are the best                  Voici les meilleurs endroits pour faire du canot.
 locations to go canoeing.                                                              Pool                             Piscine

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                                Page | 29
Key words

               English                                    French
                                                    How to pronounce it


 Lifeguard                                Sauveteur


 Canoe                                    Canot

 Kayak                                    Kayak

 Row boat                                 Chaloupe


 Marina                                   Marina

 Locks                                    Écluses

 House boat                               Bateau-maison, péniche

 Powerboat                                Bateau à moteur
                                          BAT-TOW A MO-TEUR

 Sailboat                                 Voilier

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                             Page | 30
A few times a year, the province of Ontario allows Canadians to fish, licence-free.
FISHING                                                                            Those Family fishing weekends occur around Family Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day
There’s nothing like a good fishing story. Help your customer come back            and in early July.
home with one thanks to those few sentences and words that will make the
customer’s experience stay smooth and easy.                                                                            Key words

                                                                                                  English                                 French
                                       Key sentences                                                                                How to pronounce it
          English                                     French                        Minnows                             Ménés
                                                How to pronounce it                                                     MINNOWS / MAY-NAY
 You need a fishing             Vous devez avoir un permis de pêche.                Boat launch                         Rampe de mise à l’eau
 licence.                       VOO DEV-VAY A-VOO-WAR UN PAIR-ME DE                                                     RAMP DE MEESS A LOW
                                                                                    Fishing licence                     Permis de pêche
 You can get a fishing          Vous pouvez acheter un permis de pêche en ligne.
                                                                                                                        PAIR-ME DE PAY-SH
 licence online.                VOO POO-VAY ASH-TAY UN PAIR-ME DEU PAY-
                                SH ON LEE-GN                                        Boat rental                         Location de bateau
                                                                                                                        LOCK-CAT-SEE-YON DE BAT-TOW
 You can download the           Vous pouvez télécharger les Règlements de la
 fishing regulations            pêche en Ontario en ligne.                          Fishing shop                        Boutique de pêche
 online, in French              VOO POO-VAY TELL-AY-CHARGE-AY LAY RAY-                                                  BOO-TIK DE PAY-SH
                                GLE-MON DE PAY-SH ON-LINE.
                                                                                   Side note:
                                                                                   In Ontario, the French speaking community uses a lot the word «minnow», whereas
 In this region, you can        Dans la région, vous trouverez les poissons
                                                                                   the Québécois use «méné».
 find the following             suivants :
 types of fish.                 DON LA RAY-JION, VOO TROOV-RAY LAY POO-
                                WA-SON SOO-EE-VON :

 There is great fishing         Près d’ici, il y a un bon endroit où pêcher.
 spot near here.                PRAY DEE-SEE, EEL EE YA UN BON ONDR-OO-
                                WA OO PAY-SHAY
Side note:

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                                                                                  Page | 31
What You Can Expect to Catch in Ontario

               English                                     French
                                                     How to pronounce it

 Walleye                                  Doré

 Northern pike                            Grand brochet
                                          GRON BRO-CHAY

 Smallmouth bass                          Achigan à petite bouche
                                          ACHEE-GON A PE-TEET BOOCH

 Largemouth Bass                          Achigan à grande bouche
                                          ACHEE-GON A GROND BOOCH

 Muskellunge                              Maskinongé

 Yellow Perch                             Perchaude

 Black Crappie                            Crapet noir
                                          CRAP-PAY NOO-WAR

 Brook trout                              Omble de fontaine
                                          ONBL DE FONT-TAIN

 Chinook Salmon                           Saumon du Pacifique
                                          SO-MON DO PA-SEE-FIK

 Lake Whitefish                           Corégone

 Lake Trout                               Touladi / Truite de lac

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                              Page | 32
                  English                                                    French
                                                                       How to pronounce it
Welcome.                                         Bienvenue

Please                                           S’il-vous-plaît

Thank you                                        Merci

You’re welcome                                   Bienvenue, de rien
                                                 DE REE-AI(N)

May I help you?                                  Puis-je vous aider ?
                                                 POO-EE-JE VOO Z-DAY?

Could you please repeat?                         Pouvez-vous répéter ?
                                                 POO-VAY-VOO RAY-PAY-TAY?

I don’t speak French.                            Je ne parle pas français.
                                                 JE NE PARL PA FRAN-SAY

I will get a bilingual colleague.                Je vais chercher un collègue bilingue.
                                                 JE VAY SHARE-SHAY LA-JAN BEE-LAING

This way to the public washroom                  Les toilettes publiques sont là.
                                                 LAY TOO-WA-LET POO-BLEEK SON LA

Where are you going?                             Où allez-vous ?
                                                 OO ALL-AY VOO?

Are you looking for a restaurant?                Cherchez-vous un restaurant ?
                                                 SHARE-SHAY VOO UN RESTAURANT?

Here is the region’s visitors’ guide.            Voici la brochure touristique de la région.
                                                 VOO-WA-SEE LA BROCHURE TOURISTIC DE LA RAY-JYON

Here are a few activities you could              Voici des activités à pratiquer dans la région.
do in this area.                                 VOO-WA-SEE DEZ ACTIVIT-TAY A PRA-TEEK-AY DON LA RAY-JYON

There is great fishing spot near here. Près d’ici, il y a un bon endroit où pêcher.
                                       PRAY DEE-SEE, EEL EE YA UN BON AND-ROOA OO PAY-SHAY

There are beaches in the area.                   Il y a des plages dans la région.
                                                 EEL EE YA DAY PLA-J DON LA RAY-JYON

Essential Toolkit for the Francophone Visitor                                                       Page | 33
You can also read