Page created by Kirk Thompson
Electronic Prescribing 101 Guide
Want to meet regulations and enhance your medication administration processes?
PointClickCare’s electronic prescribing (ePrescribing) solution is the answer.

With adverse drug events on the rise and minimizing medication costs a business imperative, ePrescribing helps
organizations implement controls to prevent the former and enhance the latter. PointClickCare’s anytime,
anywhere ePrescribing solution encompasses the Order Management module, eMAR, Integrated Medication
Management (pharmacy integration), and the Practitioner Engagement application working together to provide
your organization with all of the benefits associated with ePrescribing.
Electronic Prescribing 101 Guide | 2020

Table of Contents

  What is ePrescribing? ................................................................................................................................................. 3
  Is PointClickCare certified for ePrescribing? .............................................................................................................. 4
  What is an electronic prescription? ........................................................................................................................... 4
  What is not an electronic prescription? ..................................................................................................................... 4
  What is EPCS? ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
  Is EPCS enacted for all States? .................................................................................................................................... 5
  Are there any software and hardware requirements? .............................................................................................. 5
  What should I do to make sure my practitioners are ready for EPCS? ...................................................................... 6
  How do I know if my pharmacy is ready for EPCS? .................................................................................................... 6
  Is Practitioner Engagement a requirement? .............................................................................................................. 6
  Are there any other requirements to be ready for EPCS? ......................................................................................... 7
  Is there training available for the PointClickCare ePrescribing solution? .................................................................. 7

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Electronic Prescribing 101 Guide | 2020

Improve Medication Safety & Quality of Care.
ePrescribing capability improves prescription accuracy, reduces the risk of miscommunication and provides access
to medication history, all of which enhance your organization’s medication administration protocols. Add in the
built‐in warnings and alerts system at the point of order entry, and your staff will automatically be able to deliver
a higher level of care.

Ensure Controlled Substance Compliance.
Strict regulations demand accurate and complete documentation of resident and medication information
as well as govern pharmacy dispensing compliance. PointClickCare’s ePrescribing solution is certified
for electronic prescribing for controlled substances (EPCS) solution, guaranteeing adherence to documentation
policies, while simultaneously providing the security necessary to handle sensitive data between the facility,
the practitioner and the pharmacy.

Increase Medication Administration Efficiency.
With an ePrescribing solution, nursing staff will spend less time on the telephone to the pharmacy and more time
delivering medications and providing care. Through PointClickCare’s Orders Management module, nursing staff
will efficiently and safely complete order entry as the Agent of the Prescriber, ensure the practitioner reviews
and signs the order before submission to the pharmacy, all electronically, and then dispense the medication
appropriately to the resident.

What is ePrescribing?

ePrescribing refers to the process by which a prescription
is electronically created, validated and transmitted
directly from the practitioner to a pharmacy
or pharmacist. PointClickCare’s ePrescribing solution
provides this capability through the Orders
Management in the core module and the optional
Integrated Medication Management module.
Once the necessary setup has been completed,
a Medical Professional is able to enter an electronic
prescription into the Orders Management module
and electronically validate that prescription, after
which the prescription is electronically transmitted
to the integrated pharmacy.

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Electronic Prescribing 101 Guide | 2020

Is PointClickCare certified for ePrescribing?

PointClickCare has successfully completed the Drummond Group's EPCS Audit, certifying that our web
ePrescribing solution as a DEA compliant EPCS solution. The certification of our mobile EPCS solution
within our Practitioner Engagement application is also complete. For more information, visit:

What is an electronic prescription?

An electronic prescription is/must be:

    •    Created, recorded, transmitted and stored by electronic means;
    •    Issued and validated with the prescriber’s electronic signature;
    •    Electronically encrypted to prevent unauthorized access, alteration or use of the prescription; and,
    •    Transmitted electronically directly from the prescriber to a pharmacy or pharmacist.

Electronic prescriptions must include the same information that written prescriptions do except that:

    •    All electronic prescriptions must include an NPI number;
    •    Electronic prescriptions must be electronically signed; and,
    •    The prescriber must specify whether a prescription must be dispensed as written, if a brand‐name
         product is therapeutically required.

What is not an electronic prescription?

The following items are not considered Electronic Prescriptions:

    •    Printing an order from the EHR
    •    Signing a paper order
    •    Manually faxing an order to the pharmacy
    •    Electronically faxing an order to the pharmacy from within an EHR
    •    Prescriber calling an order into the pharmacy
    •    Creating a telephone order in PointClickCare with only the nurse's signature.
    •    Emailing a prescription to the facility or pharmacy

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Electronic Prescribing 101 Guide | 2020

What is EPCS?

In response to the rising prescription drug abuse problem, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
and states have worked together to create programs and legislation to deter the abuse and misuse
of controlled substances like prescription opioids. In 2010, the DEA legalized the use of Electronic Prescriptions
for Controlled Substances (EPCS).

Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances (EPCS) is a special instance of ePrescribing and it is a set
of requirements established by the United State Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The DEA is revising
its regulations to provide practitioners with the option of writing prescriptions for controlled substances
electronically. The regulations will also permit pharmacies to receive, dispense, and archive these electronic
prescriptions. These regulations are in addition to, not a replacement of, the existing rules. The regulations
provide pharmacies, hospitals, and practitioners with the ability to use technology for controlled substance
prescriptions while maintaining the closed system of controls on controlled substances dispensing.

EPCS technology is addressing the problem of forged or stolen prescriptions by requiring authentication
of prescribers, improving security standards, and auditing activity on EPCS platforms.

Is EPCS enacted for all States?

As of February 2020, EPCS is legal in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In line with the DEA rule, nearly all
states allow EPCS, but there are 12 states that currently have some form of EPCS mandate in effect. 16 other
states have passed legislation mandating EPCS with effective dates ranging from 7/1/2020 through 1/1/2022.

Are there any software and hardware requirements?

You work with an EHR provider that is certified by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to electronically prescribe
and that has an ePrescribing solution available You will also need to work with a pharmacy that is connected to
your EHR provider and that your practitioners have the appropriate equipment and access to your EHR to
enter/approve orders.

It is recommended that your regularly review your current hardware to determine if any of it needs to be replaced
or upgraded to support the electronic medication administration record (eMAR) and/or Integrated Medication
Management (IMM).

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What should I do to make sure my practitioners are ready for EPCS?

To be ready, below are the tasks to complete.

       1.   Ensure that the practitioners that you work with go through the identity proofing process as defined
            in the federal requirements.

       2.   Select a method for identity proofing for practitioners from one of the two following methods,
            including remote and in‐person:
             a.   In‐person identity proofing (preferred approach):
                    i. Record end‐user name, and medical license number
                    ii. Verify and record the end‐user driver’s license or passport
                   iii. Issue the end‐user credentials in‐person or via electronic means (e‐mail)
             b.   Remote Identity Proofing
             Tip: Check with your EHR provider to determine if they offer remote ID proofing through
             their Credential Service Provider (CSP) per 1311.110

       3.   Ensure all providers AND their direct supervisors have a valid DEA number

       4.   Ensure practitioner(s) maintain a small inventory of state approved prescription paper in case
            of a network failure.

       5.   Work with your practitioner(s) to fill out the Practitioner EPCS Registration Form. Each individual
            practitioner (not the software vendor or facility) is required by regulation to register his or her
            certified EPCS software application with BNE.

   How do I know if my pharmacy is ready for EPCS?

   Talk with your pharmacy today about the status of your EHR provider’s integration/certification. Specifically,
   ask if they are currently certified to work with your EHR provider. And, if they are not certified, ask what their
   readiness plan is to electronically receive orders for non‐controlled and controlled substances. Based on the
   conversation with your pharmacy you will need to determine your next steps.

   Is Practitioner Engagement a requirement?

   Including Practitioner Engagement in your ePrescribing solution is highly recommended. Otherwise,
   prescribers will need to proactively log into the PointClickCare application on a regular basis to complete
   the ordering process. With Practitioner Engagement, prescribers can use their mobile device anywhere,
   anytime to submit and sign orders, easing the adoption process of ePrescribing. Without Practitioner
   Engagement, organizations will have to secure physician buy‐ in to adhere to the web‐based process.

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                        Are there any other requirements to be ready for EPCS?

                        To be fully ready for EPCS, you should ensure that your clinical and administrative staff are fully prepared
                        for the use of ePrescribing for controlled and non‐controlled substances. This step includes the review
                        of any changes to workflows that may be required to support ePrescribing of controlled substances.
                        Best practices suggest that you support staff with training, policy, and procedure changes regarding
                        all controlled substance orders in advance. As well as that you have outlined a process for identity proofing
                        and that staff and practitioners are aware of the process.

                        Is there training available for the PointClickCare ePrescribing solution?

                        Of course! In addition to the embedded help, online training is available.

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