Page created by Micheal Waters

• Ballot notes
• Candidates’ election statements
    Contesting four places on the Board:
    • Eilidh Douglas
    • Conor Dunwoody
    • Basia Giezek
    • Helen Horton
    • Alex Jackson
    • James Lovatt
    • Juliane Thorbjørsen
    • Rebecca Warren
    The names of the candidates appear in alphabetical order by surname

• Current Board members

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Please read the following notes before completing your ballot paper

1 THE BOARD                                                        5 USEFUL SKILLS
The Board is the senior committee of Amnesty International         The Amnesty International United Kingdom Section’s
United Kingdom Section. It is made up of 15 members in             Nominations Sub-Committee supports the Board with the
total: 12 elected by the membership and three co-opted by          assessment of its skills and any particular needs that would
the Board. Elected members of the Board serve normally for a       improve its effectiveness overall including nominations and
three-year period of service and automatically retire. Provided    training.
they have not completed six consecutive years on the Board,
those so retiring may stand again for election. The Company’s      Following its assessment in 2018, candidates with expertise
Articles (38.1) require a minimum of 4 Board Members to retire     and experience in the following areas are required:
each year. Where less than 4 Board Members have reached            • Human resources and recruitment
the end of their term of office Board Members either volunteer     • Fundraising and other forms of income generation
or are selected at random to retire. There are four places to be   • Experience of other charities and NGOs
filled on the Board this year.
                                                                   The Board always welcomes candidates with experience of
                                                                   Amnesty activism, especially those who will contribute to our
2 RESERVED SEATS ON THE BOARD                                      diversity. A wide knowledge base at Board level will enable us
Under Amnesty International United Kingdom Section’s               to continue to work effectively towards the achievement of our
Articles, the 12 elected Board members should include five         Strategic Plan (2016-2020) and our human rights goals.
reserved seats including:
• Two members nominated by local groups
• Two members nominated by one of the following network            6 THE BALLOT
   forums: Trade Union network, LBGTi network, Women’s
   rights network, Student network and Children’s rights           a Voting method
   network                                                         The election will be conducted using the Single Transferable
• One member nominated as currently serving as a Country           Vote method (STV) which allows you to indicate your first,
   Coordinator                                                     second, third and fourth preferences if you wish from the list
To meet the above quota, there are two reserved seats              of candidates.
available this year:
• One member nominated by local groups                             b Procedure
• One member who is currently serving as a Country                 TO VOTE BY INTERNET
   Coordinator                                                     Please go to the following website:
                                                                   www.amnesty.org.uk/boardballot and enter the Meeting ID:
                                                                   169-443-505. You will then be prompted to enter your Voter
3 NON-RESERVED SEATS ON                                            Reference Number and PIN.
Under Amnesty International United Kingdom Section’s               TO VOTE BY POST
Articles, the 12 elected Board members should include seven        Download a ballot form from our website at www.amnesty.org.
non-reserved seats. To meet this quota, there are two non-         uk/board-elections-2019 and return it to the address shown
reserved seats available this year.                                on the form. Alternatively, ask our Supporter Communications
                                                                   Team to send you a form: email: sct@amnesty.org.uk or phone:
                                                                   020 7033 1777. Vote by placing an X against the name of the
4 RETIRING BOARD                                                   candidate you most strongly support in column 1. You may
  MEMBERS                                                          then, if you so choose, enter an X in the 2nd column for your
The following Board members will be retiring in 2019, vacating     candidate of second preference, an X in the 3rd column for
their seats: Ruth Breddal (group reserved seat), Eilidh Douglas    your third preference, and an X in the 4th column for your fourth
(unreserved), James Lovatt (Country Coordinator reserved seat),    preference. You may select up to four preferences, but do not
and Rebecca Warren (unreserved seat).                              vote for the same candidate more than once.

                                                                   c Deadline for voting
                                                                   The completed ballot paper should be returned in time for it
                                                                   to be received by the Independent Scrutineers no later than
                                                                   Friday 30 April 2019.

                                                                   d Voter reference numbers
                                                                   This serves only to confirm the authenticity of the ballot
                                                                   paper and will be used only by the independent scrutineers
                                                                   handling the count. Your vote is secret and will remain strictly

                                                                   Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Board

                                                                                                     Elections to the Board 2019-2022 2
Note: The candidate statements of up to 300 words are unedited

                                                                  Officers at $1bn+ companies. Evidencing my target-
EILIDH DOUGLAS                                                    driven nature, this has developed several key skills needed
                                                                  to succeed in this role – active listening, persuasive
Knowledge and experience                                          communication and performance measurement.
As Vice Chair, and a Board member since 2014, I have
significant experience in navigating the strengths and            Furthermore, I am skilled in engaging stakeholders and
challenges of governance in our member-led movement.              decision makers, for example working as a ‘marketing
                                                                  champion’ to drive collaboration between sales and marketing
As former Vice Chair of Equality Network, Scotland’s LGBT
rights charity, I bring comparative experience of different       Amnesty membership and experience
structures, cultures, and strategic approaches.                   I have been a member of Amnesty since 2015, first with
                                                                  Sheffield University Amnesty and as an individual member.
I work closely with Amnesty Scotland, and volunteer for           Subsequently, I was elected to the Student Action Network
the Edinburgh Free Legal Advice Centre and Shelter –              Committee as Chair. This was a governance-oriented role
through which I understand the opportunities available for        which involved managing relationships between AIUK and the
collaboration with politicians, communities, and civil society.   student movement, by:
                                                                  •	Implementing student engagement strategy
And in my day job as an associate at international law firm       •	Communicating AIUK messaging
CMS, specialising in dispute resolution, I provide clients        •	Managing social media
with assessment of risk – legal, financial, reputational – and    •	Working with other AlUK networks
strategic advice to achieve their wider goals.                    •	Organising events attended by 70-200 attendees such as
                                                                     Action for Change and
Amnesty membership and experience                                 •	the Student Conference
I first joined Amnesty as a fresher in 2009; by 2010, I had
joined my university group’s committee, trained as a School       Individually, I attended the 2017 AGM and organized the
Speaker, and spoken at my first AGM. Amnesty had made –           2017 Northern Regional Conference. I understand Amnesty’s
like so many of the youth and student members I have met          governance, structure and goals, and strongly identify with its
over the years – an activist for life.                            mission.

I served on the Student Action Network Committee from             Election manifesto
2012-13, the Governance Task Force from 2013-15, and              Human rights are increasingly important yet are being slowly
joined the Board in 2014. From 2015-18, I was Chair of the        eroded. Countering this requires an organized grassroots
Activism Subcommittee. In 2018, I was elected Vice Chair of       movement like Amnesty, which could not run without effective
the Board.                                                        governance. I believe that I can contribute to this from my
                                                                  experience in Amnesty and activism.
Election manifesto
Since 2014, I have contributed my professional experience         I want to help deliver Amnesty’s goal of building a more
and activist’s enthusiasm to ensure Amnesty thrives in the UK.    diverse, engaged Human Rights network. Closer ties
I am standing for re-election to continue that work.              between student and local groups is key – starting with
                                                                  making Amnesty a more inclusive space for students (eg.
As Chair of the Activism Subcommittee, I helped develop           better representation at the AGM). lf elected, l will ensure this
a strategy to strengthen, grow, and diversify our grassroots      perspective is represented at AIUK.
movement. By changing how we organise, Amnesty can
empower more people to become human rights activists              Conor is a nominee for an Unreserved seat on the Board.
– whether in their own communities, or as part of a global
campaign. It would be a particular privilege to oversee that
strategy being put into action.                                   BASIA GIEZEK

Eilidh is a nominee for an Unreserved seat on the Board.          Knowledge and experience
                                                                  My human resources and recruitment experience comes from
                                                                  my roles as a Team Leader for International Citizen Services
CONOR DUNWOODY                                                    in Palestine, as well as a Chair for the Country Coordinator’s
                                                                  Forum at Amnesty International UK.
Knowledge and experience
Voluntary work gives me purpose. Alongside top-level              As for fundraising and other forms of income generation skills,
experience in Amnesty governance, I also have grassroots          before going to Palestine as the ICS Team Leader I had to
experience from volunteering for an educational charity           fundraise £800 in order to contribute to the program.
(Yes Futures) and other fundraising (eg. raised £1000+ for
Donate4Refugees).                                                 Prior to my activism at Amnesty International, for over a year,
                                                                  I volunteered for Kalayaan, a London-based charity that looks
I also possess a corporate background in business                 after migrant domestic workers. My role at Kalayaan involved
development and client management for Chief Financial             case-work assistance, help-desk and administration. In 2015,

                                                                                                     Elections to the Board 2019-2022 3

I worked as a Team Leader for ICS in Ramallah, West Bank.         speak out that we are able to take a firm stance against
My duties included project management, research, budgeting,       injustice and to create an environment of tolerance and
risk management, and pastoral care.                               understanding in an increasingly globalised world. I also
                                                                  believe firmly that it is important to empower young people
I am currently doing a postgraduate degree in International       through giving them a voice since they are our hope for the
Human Rights and Development at South Bank University in          future.
                                                                  As an Amnesty Activist my particular interests are in the rights
Amnesty membership and experience                                 of children and the campaign for unilateral abolition of the
I have been a member and activist of Amnesty International        death penalty.
for almost two years. Since March 2017, I have been a
Country Coordinator within the South East Asia Team, and          My personal circumstances are such I now have the time to
since April 2018, a Chair for the Country Coordinator’s Forum.    dedicate, if elected, to a full involvement on the Board.

As a Country Coordinator for Australia, New Zealand, South        Helen is a nominee for a Local Group seat and an
Pacific Islands, Malaysia, and Singapore, I make sure that        Unreserved seat on the Board.
local groups and individual members stay abreast of human
rights situation in these countries. As a Chair for the Country
Coordinator’s Forum, I have the honour and pleasure of            ALEX JACKSON
working with the 50 incredible Country Coordinators to
facilitate delivering Amnesty’s cases, actions and campaigns      Knowledge and experience
to activists and the public in the UK and abroad.                 I’m a committed Amnesty activist who is unimpressed
                                                                  with the ‘requirement’ of a skills audit in the context of a
Election manifesto                                                democratic election.
I believe that one person can achieve a lot. Together, however,
we can move mountains. This is why I am a member of               Amnesty membership and experience
Amnesty International, and this is why I am standing as a         I was a founder member of Oban Group in the 80s and
candidate for the Board.                                          remained active with them until 1997 when I went to live and
                                                                  work in a country where Amnesty cannot operate. I rejoined
Basia is a nominee for a Country Coordinator seat and an          in 2007 and became an active member of Glasgow Daytime
Unreserved seat on the Board.                                     Group. I have been Country Coordinator for Eritrea since

HELEN HORTON                                                      Election manifesto
                                                                  Asserting the fundamental human rights of all humans is one
Knowledge and experience                                          of the greatest challenges for contemporary humankind and
A lengthy career in education gave me experience, not only        Amnesty is arguably the world’s most important grass-roots
as a special needs teacher and teacher trainer but also in        human rights organization. It is therefore essential that AIUK
administration including numerous committee memberships.          is as democratic as possible with as much power as possible
This included being the North East representative to the          in the control of the membership. This is not the case at the
then Teacher Development Agency (TDA) for 5 years. In             moment. The supreme authority of the conference should be
2014 I moved to the voluntary sector, working as a volunteer      re-established and the considerable skills and knowledge of
in both the Asia and Pacific regions. As such I have both         Local Group activists and Individual Members should be used
practical experience of working on the ground in remote           to a much greater extent. I have visited many Local Groups as
and challenging environments and also of negotiating with         a Country Coordinator and have invariably been impressed by
government departments, funding bodies such as the                the skills and commitment of the membership; they are one
Department for International Development (DfID), Non-             huge “human resource”!
Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and International
Non-Government Organisations (INGOs). Additionally I am a         Society in many parts of the world seems increasingly divided
speaker of several languages, both European and Asian.            and so extreme criticism of large sections of humankind
                                                                  has become the norm. Amnesty has been stating that they
Amnesty membership and experience                                 have been “fighting the bad guys since 1961”; we should be
I have been both an individual and local group member for         fighting for all humans including those with whom we disagree
over thirty years. I was chair of the Lancaster group from        and should not be indulging in populist personal attacks.
1995-2002. I have attended more than 20 AGMs where I have         Amnesty’s agenda should not be determined by the mass
been an active participant. In April 2018 I became an Amnesty     media and the powerful; we should be struggling particularly
School speaker.                                                   hard for those whose story and situations are not high profile.

Election manifesto                                                Alex is a nominee for a Country Coordinator seat and an
I have been passionate about human rights activism and            Unreserved seat on the Board.
social justice since my teens and long term, active Amnesty
Member. I believe that it is only through being prepared to

                                                                                                     Elections to the Board 2019-2022 4

                                                                   environmental NGOs. I have years of front line experience
JAMES LOVATT                                                       in activism and social movements. Furthermore, I am
                                                                   comfortable in leadership positions and I have experience
Knowledge and experience                                           with influencing decision-makers from my fundraising work.
Managerial experience of transformational projects in the          Lastly, I believe I could have a positive impact on the AIUK
public and charitable sectors, currently contributing towards      Board.
digital, data & technology strategies within UK Civil Service, I
help design, build and run services which are used by millions     Amnesty membership and experience
of people every day.                                               I have been a member for 7 years. At 16 I became a
Other past experiences and expertise include:                      youth activist for Amnesty Norway, and went on to serve
• Governance roles for membership-based organisations,             as President for my school group. I moved to the UK for
   most notably with Rotary International in Great Britain &       university in 2015, and immediately joined the student
   Ireland.                                                        Amnesty Society. During my time at Durham University, I
• Chair of a local political party, standing at two General        was elected as Publicity Officer and then President for the
   Elections                                                       group. At the Student Conference in 2017, I was elected on
• Chair of Rotaract in Great Britain & Ireland                     the Student Action Network Committee alongside 7 other
• Research office for international human rights organisation      student activists. As the Chair for this Committee I gained
   in South East Asia                                              valuable insight of Amnesty UK and our student activism.
                                                                   After graduating university in 2018, I spent 3 months interning
Amnesty membership and experience                                  with Amnesty Norway.
Joined Amnesty in 2013, quickly becoming a country
coordinator campaigning on a wide variety of issues across         Election manifesto
Asia, leading two regional teams as well. Currently the Burma/     I believe the board should be representative of our
Myanmar Country Coordinator and South East Asia & Pacific          membership basis, which is why I am standing as a
Regional Coordinator. Role entails assisting casework with         candidate. I’m extremely passionate about Amnesty and the
activism team, producing online content, speaking at local         direction in which we’re taking the organisation, as well as
meetings & in the media, and in the past, I have organised a       youth activism. Combining the two, I believe it is invaluable
protest outside the Burmese Embassy for imprisoned student         to support young voices at all levels of our organisation. I say
activists as well as taken part in All Party Parliamentary         this as a young person who over time has gained experience
Groups in Burma.                                                   of how the different levels of the structure operate. My
                                                                   commitment to human rights work is strong, and I would be
Appointed to the Board of AIUK in December 2016, and               honoured to serve the Amnesty UK Board.
elected proper in 2017. Chair of Nominations Sub Committee
since July 2018.                                                   Juliane is a nominee for an Unreserved seat on the Board.

Election manifesto
Having lived in two countries under military rule, and direct      REBECCA WARREN
experience of seeing what a loss of a variety of basic rights
equals, I am committed to lifelong campaigning for anyone          Knowledge and experience
who has those rights taken away from them for whatever             I have experience, including Board level experience and
reason – or never had those rights in the first place.             governance, in multiple other campaigns that synergise
                                                                   with Amnesty, including: the responsible investment charity
Through volunteering I’ve seen how organisations like ours         ShareAction (Treasurer); the Campaign against Climate
achieve significant change by growing grassroots activism,         Change (Treasurer); and CND (Council member).
and at the same time bring communities together.
                                                                   I am a qualified and experienced accountant (ICAEW member)
I’m standing so that I can contribute my time and skills to        with more than 20 years’ experience in the public, voluntary
developing those grassroots movements & communities                and commercial sectors. I have an MBA with voluntary sector
through good governance and continued organisation growth.         specialisation.

James is a nominee for a Country Coordinator seat and an           Amnesty membership and experience
Unreserved seat on the Board.                                      Active campaigning member since 1991. Actions include:
                                                                   promoting and spreading the message of Amnesty;
                                                                   participating in demonstrations and conferences; letter and
JULIANE THORBJØRSEN                                                card writing; member and Treasurer of local group (Mayfair
                                                                   and Soho); using human rights knowledge in other contexts.
Knowledge and experience
When I was 7 I joined an environmental youth organisation          Member of Board of Amnesty International UK Section from
and I have never stopped being an activist since, from             2017.
volunteering for humanitarian organisations as well as
grassroot movements working for equal language rights, to          Member of FARSC (Finance Audit and Risk Subcommittee)
working in fundraising for one of the biggest international        2012-18.

                                                                                                     Elections to the Board 2019-2022 5
                                                                   CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS
Trustee of Amnesty International UK Charitable Trust from          The following are current elected and co-opted Board
2018.                                                              members. For more details, see www.amnesty.org.uk/board

Election manifesto
I joined Amnesty more than 27 years ago, initially because I       RUTH BREDDAL
wanted to fight torture, and my commitment has grown over          An Amnesty member for over 30 years, Ruth was elected
the years, as I have also acquired financial experience and        to the Board in 2013 and was selected to be Chair in May
qualifications and experience of other campaigns. I offer my       2016. Before this, she was a member of the Standing
combination of skills and experience with commitment to            Orders Committee for several years and also the Activism
Amnesty as a winning combination that is immensely valuable        sub-committee. She has represented Amnesty UK at the
to Amnesty.                                                        International Council Meetings in 2015 & 2017 as well as the
                                                                   Chairs Assembly in 2016. Ruth is also Chair of her Amnesty
The need for Amnesty has never been greater. The impact of         local group, and has been for over 15 years. She is committed
Amnesty is sometimes hard to measure, but crucial. I believe       to promoting human rights through local activism. Ruth works
that Amnesty has vast numbers of beneficiaries: every person       as a Company Secretary and Director of a private company.
who never experiences a human rights violation because             Ruth will stand down from the Board this year.
Amnesty exists.

I am honoured to play a role in shaping Amnesty’s future           MEREDITH COOMBS
direction and strategy. If re-elected I promise to put my skills   A supporter of Amnesty International since his student
to use wisely, and use my experience of other campaigns            days. Meredith has extensive experience of finance and
to strengthen Amnesty. I also promise to speak out for the         accounting in both the commercial and charity sectors. He
campaigning and other interests of my own and other local          was latterly Director of Finance and Shared Services at St.
groups.                                                            John Ambulance for eight years before retiring in June 2015.
                                                                   He was appointed Treasurer in 2015. Meredith will serve on
Rebecca is a nominee for a Local Group seat and an                 the Board until 2021.
Unreserved seat on the Board.

                                                                   LUCY BLAKE
                                                                   Lucy was co-opted to the board in September 2016 to
                                                                   provide expertise in the governance of organisations and
                                                                   human rights law. She is a Managing Associate in the Dispute
                                                                   Resolution team at Linklaters LLP, with a specialism in
                                                                   anti-bribery and corruption work. Her experience in human
                                                                   rights includes working in Texas on death row appeals and
                                                                   at Liberty, as well as acting on numerous pro bono human
                                                                   rights interventions and other appeals. Lucy is also the co-
                                                                   founder of a grassroots refugee crisis fundraising initiative
                                                                   and has spent time volunteering in refugee camps in Greece
                                                                   and Serbia. Lucy will stand for re-appointment as a co-opted
                                                                   Director in 2019.

                                                                   THOMAS CHIGBO
                                                                   Tom was elected to the Board in 2017 and chairs the Activism
                                                                   Sub Committee. He has been a member of Amnesty since
                                                                   2006 and has been actively involved as a fundraiser in
                                                                   London, student group member at Cambridge University and
                                                                   local group member in Leeds. Tom is a Community Organiser
                                                                   with Citizens UK, a national charity uniting over 300 faith,
                                                                   education and civil society organisations for social justice.
                                                                   He joined the Board to help Amnesty strengthen our local
                                                                   campaigning and support local groups to build more active
                                                                   participation from members. Thomas will serve on the Board
                                                                   until 2020.

                                                                   EILIDH DOUGLAS
                                                                   Elected to the Board in May 2014, Eilidh is Vice-Chair of
                                                                   the Amnesty UK Section. She was previously Chair of the
                                                                   Activism Subcommittee, tasked with overseeing the health,
                                                                   growth, and impact of Amnesty UK’s grassroots activism.

                                                                                                   Elections to the Board 2019-2022 6

Before joining the Board, she served on the Student Action
Network Committee. Eilidh is an Associate at international             TOM SPARKS
law firm CMS, specialising in dispute resolution in the energy         Tom joined the Board in May 2014. Tom is a Senior Research
sector. She also volunteers as a Supervising Solicitor at the          Fellow in public international law at the Max Planck Institute
Edinburgh Free Legal Advice Centre, provides pro bono                  for Comparative Public Law and International Law, where he
advocacy for Shelter’s Housing Law Service, and was Vice               specialises in the law of statehood and self-determination. He
Chair of Equality Network, Scotland’s national LGBTI equality          has been actively involved with AIUK since joining his School
and human rights charity. Eilidh is one of the Board Members           group in 2005. During that time Tom has been President of
that retire by virtue of the rotation requirement in Article 38.1      the Durham University Amnesty Group, has sat on both the
of the Articles of Association. Eilidh is standing for re-election     Activism Sub-Committee and the Student Action Network
in this year’s elections.                                              Committee, and has been a school’s speaker. Tom now sits
                                                                       on the Board’s Campaigns and Impact sub-committee, and is
                                                                       a member of AI’s Law and Policy network. Tom will serve on
ABIGAIL GRANT                                                          the Board until 2020.
Elected to the Board in 2017. Abby joined her Local group at
the age of 13 before starting and chairing a youth group at her
school for 4 years. She has attended the last 6 AGMs including         REBECCA WARREN
being the first youth group to put a resolution to the AGM             Rebecca Warren joined the Board in 2017 to fill an unreserved
in 2016. Abby was also on the Youth Advisory Group from                seat. Rebecca has been a member of Amnesty since 1991.
2013/14. She is currently a member of the Kingston University          She is a Trustee of the Amnesty International UK Charitable
Student group. Abby is currently studying for a degree in              Trust. She is a member of the Mayfair and Soho local group.
Politics and Applied Economics at Kingston University, with            Rebecca is a qualified accountant with more than 20 years’
a keen interest in International Human Rights Law. Abby had            experience in the public, voluntary and commercial sectors,
also worked with time2change, Young Kent’s Me2 as well as              currently working for London South Bank University as Head
giving talks about social services and the foster care system.         of Financial Accounting. She is a campaigner on many issues,
Abigail will serve on the Board until 2020.                            and is Treasurer of the Campaign against Climate Change
                                                                       and a Trustee and Treasurer of ShareAction. Rebecca is one
                                                                       of the Board Members that retire by virtue of the rotation
JAMES LOVATT                                                           requirement in Article 38.1 of the Articles of Association.
James joined the Board in December 2016 to fill the Country            Rebecca is standing for re-election in this year’s elections.
Coordinator reserved seat. He has been a Country Coordinator
since 2013 campaigning on issues in Myanmar and China
primarily. James chairs the Nominations Sub Committee. With            TOM HARRISON
a non-profit background which includes working in South                Tom joined the Board in June 2018 having stood for one of
East Asia on Human Rights, James now works in UK Civil                 the two Networks reserved seats. Tom has been a family/
Service across government departments specialising in digital,         individual member for 20+ years, and a member of the Trade
data & technology. He has also been a volunteer for Rotary             Union Network Committee (TUNC) since 2011. He was elected
International since 2010, including chairing its young adult           Joint Vice Chair of the TUNC in March 2018. Tom has worked
programme Rotaract in Great Britain & Ireland, and has been            in banking for 35 years. He is currently a Project Manager. For
politically involved in the Birmingham area standing twice as a        the last 30 years he has been involved in the lay representation
Parliamentary Candidate. James is one of the Board members             structures within his trade union. Tom has been a local rep
that retire by virtue of the rotation requirement in Article 38.1 of   looking after members throughout this time, and for the last 25
the Articles of Association. James is standing for re-election in      years an elected member of the union’s Executive Committee,
this year’s elections.                                                 responsible for good governance of the union. He is currently
                                                                       President of his union having been elected by members on
                                                                       four occasions the most recent being March 2018. Through
SHARON LOVELL                                                          his union, the TUNC and the Trades Union Congress (TUC)
Sharon has been an Amnesty member for over 20 years since              Tom has been able to support Amnesty campaigns and help
undertaking a degree in youth and community studies at                 to engage the wider trade union movement over many years.
Birmingham University. She is currently a Director of one of the       This ongoing engagement and co-operation helped to secure
leading national advocacy charities that provides information,         the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed by
legal and advocacy representation to ensure some of the most           both AIUK and the TUC in February 2009. To date this remains
vulnerable children, young people and adults have their rights         the only MoU signed between the TUC and any NGO/Charity.
upheld. She is experienced at campaigning for legislation              Tom will serve on the Board until 2021.
changes to promote and protect human rights. Sharon is an
active member of the Women’s Equality Party and stood as an
MP in the 2017 general election, to ensure gender equality is at       SUSAN JEX
the heart of Government policy and decision making. Sharon             Sue is a Director at Grant Thornton where she leads the
chairs the Campaigns and Impact Sub Committee and also                 people and culture risk practice, assisting firms from FTSE
chairs the safeguarding team for children, young people and            100 to start ups with people and culture issues. Prior to
vulnerable adults. Sharon joined the Amnesty Board in 2017.            this Sue worked in senior roles at HSBC for many years
Sharon will serve on the Board until 2020.                             including as Group Head of Employee Relations, Group

                                                                                                        Elections to the Board 2019-2022 7

Head of Diversity and Head of Customer Service for the UK
Bank. She is a qualified accountant and a fellow of the Royal
Society of Arts. She is also a co-founder and former trustee
of the refugee charity Care4calais. She is passionate about
humanitarian issues and the fair treatment of all in society.
Susan will serve on the Board until 2021.

Elected to the Board in 2018, Daren is a member of the
Activism, Campaigns and Impact Sub-Committees. Prior
to joining the Board, Daren was Chair of the Tower Hamlets
and Newham local Amnesty group in London campaigning
for human rights working with local politicians, news outlets
and the community. Daren is an information security and
privacy specialist having worked for global organisations in 23
countries. He joined the Board to ensure Amnesty’s activists
get all the support they need to defend human rights. Daren will
serve on the Board until 2021.

Hugh was elected to the Board in 2018. He has been active in
Amnesty for 20 years as a member of the Kingston Group, and
has been a country coordinator in AIUK’s North Africa team
since 2009. In 2013-2016, he was Chair of the AIUK Country
Coordinators Forum. Hugh has worked as a company director,
as a corporate finance advisor, and as a foreign correspondent.
Hugh will serve on the Board until 2021.

Sen was elected to the Board in June 2018. He is passionate
about justice, glitter, social media, and pop culture. Sen is
currently a Lecturer in Law at Keele University, where he
teaches and researches human rights law. Sen has been
actively involved with Amnesty International for a decade
and has also served on the board of Amnesty International
Australia. Sen is a Committee Member of the Amnesty UK
LGBTI Network and is a part of the Board’s Law and Policy
sub-committee. Sen will serve on the Board until 2021.

                                                                   Elections to the Board 2019-2022 8
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