Page created by Chester Hawkins

Destinasjon Eidfjord AS
Tel. +47 53 67 34 00




HALNE FJELLSTUGU - Experience one of                       HALNEKONGEN - Halne Fjellstugu is the home to            HARDANGER GUIDE SERVICE Do you want to ex-                        SYSENDAMMEN Is one of Norway’s largest
Norway’s finest and wildest mountain areas from the        the boat Halnekongen. The popular boat route has         perience a snowshoe walk at the Hardangervidda?                   stone-filled dams. The total length of the dam is
dog sled. Two full days with your own team of huskies      been operating since 1954, when the pond at Sleipa       Are you looking for amazing landscapes and                        1.160m, and it consist of 3,6 mill. m3 stone and mo-
that you will take care of the entire trip. An overnight   was built. Take the boat across the Halnefjord as a      complete silence? We offer daily snowshoe walks                   raine fell. View of the glacier Hardangerjøkulen from
stay at Halne + a two-day trip to the mountain cabin at    start of a hike, or as a round trip. Or how about tak-   guaranteed as from 2 participants adapted to your                 the parking lot.
Skaupa. Here you will have both a unique nature ex-        ing one or more nights at Halnefjord cabin that we       shape and tailored to your wishes. You don’t need
perience and get some new hairy friends. You will get      rent out. Halnekongen goes from Halne Fjellstugu to      experience, only warm clothes and good winter-
all meals from Halne Fjellstugu, with local products of    Skaupa / Sleipa. The crossing takes about 40 min-        shoes. Guiding in English, German, French, Dutch
the highest quality! Here you get a taste of Hardan-       utes and there is place for 37 passengers. It is not     and Norwegian. Maximum 6 persons per tour. For
gervidda in every way. This mountain cabin in the          necessary to pre-book tickets during the time when       bigger groups - availabilities and prices on request.
middle of nature also offers shorter dogsledding tours     Halnekongen follow a timetable, unless you are in a      Included: Transport / Guiding / Snowshoes /Walking
in March, April and May for groups, families and in-       group. Until 23 August we recommend the first            sticks / Coffee -Tea. Info about different tours - con-
dividuals. In addition, you can experience snowshoe        departure from Halne.                                    tact us or the Tourist Office. All tours are subject to
tours, guided tours in the area and stories about the                                                               snow and weather conditions and are not suited for
life on Europe’s largest mountain plateau. We would                                                                 children

VØRINGSFOSSEN WATERFALL, THE NEW STEP                       NORWEGIAN NATURE CENTRE – HARDANGER –                       KJEÅSEN MOUNTAIN FARM is described as the                 HARDANGER FJORDSAFARI - RIB-boat safari in
BRIDGE AND WALKING TRAIL Enjoy the breath-                  A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE FOR NORWAY The Norwe-                   world’s most isolated settlement, it is like an eagle’s   Eidfjord and Hardanger, capacity 24 (2 boats, each
taking view of Norways most famous waterfall. See           gian Nature Centre is an exciting experience centre         nest 530 m above the Simadalsfjord. The farm re-          12 passengers). The tour starts in Eidfjord Harbor
great amounts of water dive 182 m from the Hardan-          for Norwegian nature, climate and environment with          cieved its car road related to the power development      after getting dressed in our gear, and a short safety
gervidda mountain plateau down to the Måbø valley.          modern design and innovative teaching technolo-             in 1974. The road to the farm starts in Simadal, about    briefing. We have different tours to both Hotle, the
Nice viewpoint and parking by Fossli Hotel. The new         gies. In the Norwegian Nature Centre, the guests can        8 km from Eidfjord/Rv7. The road up to the farm is 5      Hardangerbridge and Simadal where the boat driver
view points by Fossli Hotel were finished in 2018 and       explore Norway’s natural and cultural history, geol-        km long and consists of about 2.5 km windy road, the      will explain what you see. You may want to have a
August 2020 the trail and the spectacular bridge            ogy and landscape in new and thrilling ways. They           rest through a narrow tunnel. Due to the narrow road,     camera easily accessible.
crossing over the waterfall was completed. Parking          will come closer to wildlife, nature, weather and cli-      hourly driving has been introduced. Traffic up to
and toilet facilities at Fossli are available April 1st –   mate and be able to explore the interaction between         Kjeåsen every full hour, traffic down from Kjeåsen on
October 31st subject to small / normal amounts of           nature, mankind, culture and environment. A tour            the half hour. Drive up to enjoy the spectacular view.
snow. Might open later and /or close earlier due to         through the Nature Centre offers modern, interac-
snow, ice and weather conditions. When entering             tive stations, models, aquariums, illustrations, wildlife
the different view points, consideration must be giv-       projections, an art&nature theatre and the panoramic
en to weather and ice/snow conditions.                      film «Fjord, Mountain and Waterfall» produced by Ivo
                                                            Caprino. By watching, touching, listening and learn-
                                                            ing you yourself become an active and creative part
                                                            of Norway’s natural and cultural history. The Nature
                                                            Centre was founded due to the increasing demand
                                                            of the established tourism industry and the national
                                                            and international guests’ wish to extend their expe-
                                                            rience and knowledge about Norway’s natural and
                                                            cultural history beyond what could be experienced
                                                            out in nature while travelling through Norway.

Distance from the centre: 20 km                             Distance from the centre: 7 km                              Distance from the centre: 13 km                           Distance from the centre: 0 m
Duration of visit: 30 min - 1 hour.                         Distance from bus parking: 50 m                             Distance from bus parking: 500 m                          Distance from bus parking: 0 m
Season: ca. April – October                                 Duration of visit: about 1 - 1,5 hour                       Duration of visit: 0,25 - 1 hour (view only)              Duration of visit: 1 – 2 hours
                                                            Booking: Norsk Natursenter                                  Season: May – September, according to weather             Booking: Hardanger Fjordsafari AS
                                                            Tel: (+47) 53 67 40 00 | post@norsknatursenter.no                                                                     Tel. (+47) 919 90 932
                                                            www.norsknatursenter.no                                                                                               hardangerfjordsafari@gmail.com
                                                            Season: April – October daily, groups all year on                                                                     www.hardangerfjordsafari.no
                                                            request                                                                                                               Season: groups all year on request
                                                            Prices: on request                                                                                                    Prices: on request

BEST ADVENTURES Action by the Hardangerfjord            THE TROLL TRAIN 1 hour tour of Eidfjord for pre-        RAVENHEART HARDANGER “In the footsteps of                  THE NILS BERGSLIEN GALLERY is located inside
with experienced and dedicated instructors! For         booked groups and cruise passengers. The tour           the Vikings”. Are you interested in the daily vikinglife   the Quality Hotel Vøringfoss. The gallery shows Eid-
the adventurous guests we offer white water jump-       goes to the Hæreid plateau with Western Norways         in Hardanger? Do you want to discover more about           fjord Municipalitys unique collection of Nils Berg-
ing, river rafting, white water kayaking and guid-      largest burial ground from the Viking/Iron-ages,        typical vikingfood, clothes and handcrafts? We give        slien paintings (1853-1928). Also a separate room for
ed bike tours road bike / gravel bike / mountain        photo stop with a view over Eidfjord. Thereafter        you the unique opportunity to experience daily             other exhibitions of contemporary art.
bike. For those who prefer experiencing Eidfjord        you’ll drive by Eidfjord Old Church (photo stop,        viking life by using all your senses. You can see
on their own we rent out bikes and canoes via the       no entrance), Trebua woodshop and return to the         historical replicas and pictures of finds, taste typical
Tourist Information. Special kayak tours are run        center. Information in English and German along the     soup, make your own vikingbread and listen to
on daily basis in April. No special skills or previ-    way.                                                    music performed entirely on instruments from the
ous experience required, but some activities re-                                                                Viking Age and earlier. You can smell the different
quire a good physical condition. From beginners                                                                 herbs the vikings had in their food and touch the
to those with more experience. Very large capaci-                                                               variety of fabrics they used to make their clothes.
ty on sea kayaks, both double and single kayaks.                                                                Watch the different handcrafts, try to make your own
Join us for a single activity such as magnificent sea                                                           viking coin or join us on a guided historical walk to
kayaking on the fjord, climbing / rappelling, gla-                                                              the Hæreid Iron Age Burial Site which is the largest
cier tours or relaxed canoeing on the Eidfjord lake.                                                            collection of ancient burial sites in western Norway,
                                                                                                                with 350 Iron Age and Viking graves. The event is or-
                                                                                                                ganised at “Tunet på Haugen” - in the centre of Eid-
                                                                                                                fjord - where we also can serve food to your guests.

Distance from the centre: 0 – 7 km                      Distance from the centre: 0 km                          Distance from the centre: 0 km                             Distance from the centre: 0 m
Distance from bus parking: 0 m                          Distance from bus parking: 0 m                          Distance from bus parking: 200 m                           Distance from bus parking: 0 m
Duration: 2 - 8 hours                                   Duration tour: 1 hour                                   Duration of visit: on request                              Duration of visit: 0,5 - 1 hour
Booking: Best Adventures                                Booking: Destinasjon Eidfjord AS | Tourist office       Booking: Hardanger Guide Service                           Booking: Eidfjord Municipality Tel: (+47) 53 67 35 00
Tel. (+47) 47 60 68 47 | info@bestadventures.no         Season: For groups April - Oct. on request              Tel: (+47) 45 06 10 78                                     Season: June 11th – August 21st Tue -Sun 11 – 5 pm,
www.bestadventures.no                                   (except during cruise calls, see visiteidfjord.no for   hardangerguideservice@gmail.com                            Apr 23rd – Jun 10th and Aug 22nd – Oct 2nd Sat/Sun
Season: groups all year on request                      updated list over cruise calls ).                       Season: all year on request                                12–4pm
Prices: on request                                      Prices: on request                                      Prices : on request                                        Always open 12 - 4 pm during cruise calls.

EIDFJORD OLD CHURCH This Stone Church, the              TREBUA is located next to Eidfjord old church and    E-CAR RENTAL EIDFJORD Looking for a fun and               SEAPLANE SIGHTSEEING Book your first class win-
only Jacobs church in Norway which still performs       displays the unique Hardangerfiddle collection by    adventurous time while you’re in Eidfjord? See the        dow seat over one of the world´s most impressive
services, turned 700 years in 2009. The legend tells    the fiddlemaker Anders J. Aasen. Wood carving        sights at your own pace, don’t bother with long           landscapes today! Let us take you into the Scandina-
that the willful and powerful Rich Ragna built the      workshop with production and sale of artifacts and   queues and have more time to explore. Drive to the        vian Skies and get your camera ready for the finest
church to gain redemption for her sins. The church is   handicrafts of wood. Maximum 25 people simulta-      Vøringsfoss waterfall and check out the new viewing       selection of Western Norway’s deepblue fjords,
closed, but open for groups on request all year.        neously in Trebua.                                   platforms or go to Kjeåsen mountain farm (530masl)        white glaciers and cascading waterfalls. Our sea-
                                                                                                             and get an amazing view of the Simadalsfjord. The         planes are located right beside the port in Eidfjord
                                                                                                             cars are fully electric, seats 2 persons and are really   and a typical sightseeing flight takes 30 minutes
                                                                                                             fun to drive. The range is about 65 km, but varies with   and you’ll fly over the fjord and the mountains. We also
                                                                                                             the gradient. The top speed is 80km/h. GPS in the cars.   offer a longer 50 min trip to Trolltunga and day trip
                                                                                                             Follow normal trafic rules. Drivers licence required !    packages that include a stopover at one of our many
                                                                                                                                                                       beautiful locations throughout the Hardanger area.

Distance from the centre: 600 m                         Distance from the centre: 600 m                      Distance from the centre: 30 m                            Distance from the centre: 30 m
Distance from bus parking: 0 m                          Distance from bus parking: 0 m                       Distance from bus parking: 30 m                           Distance from bus parking: 30 m
Duration of visit: 0,5 hour                             Duration of visit: 0,5 hour                          Duration of visit: 2 hours                                Duration of visit: 30 or 50 minutes
Booking: Destinasjon Eidfjord AS | Tourist office       Booking: Destinasjon Eidfjord AS | Tourist office    Booking: E-car rental Eidfjord                            Capacity: 4 passengers per flight
Season: groups all year on request                      Season: groups all year on request                   Tel: (+47) 414 95 668 | E-mail: e-carrental@outlook.com   Booking: Scandinavian Skies
Prices: on request                                      Prices: on request                                   Season: groups all year on request                        Tel. (+47) 941 22 208 | Email: booking@seaplanes.no
                                                                                                             For individuals: During cruise calls                      Season: April - October
                                                                                                             Prices: on request                                        Prices: on request

FJORD CRUISE ON THE HARDANGERFJORD                         HIKE TO HÆREID Walk from the centre of Eidfjord          BIKE AND CANOE RENTALS enjoy the Eidfjord              EIDFJORD TURBIL offers a minibus (16 passen-
M/Y Iselina Bella offers a nice individual Fjord cruise    along the river Eio up to the nice sandy beach at        scenery either by bike or canoe, ashore or at sea.     gers) for small groups on tour. Bigger buses
on the Hardanger Fjord, with a beautiful Princess 50,      lake Eidfjordvatnet. On top of Hæreid you will find      Rentals at the tourist information office. Bikes for   on request. We arrange all kinds of trips: week-
with capacity of up to 12 passengers. The yacht has        the largest gravesite from the Iron age and the Viking   larger groups on request.                              end trips, sightseeing trips, senior trips, school
a great lounge inside, one outside on aft deck, and a      age in Western Norway, with almost 400 graves from
panoramic view from the Flybridge on top. 3 cabins         400-1000 AD. The burial mounds are located on the
                                                                                                                                                                           trips, shopping trips, ski trips and more.
and two bathrooms onboard. The Captain is local,           Hæreid plateau, around 30 minutes walk from the
and know all the best places in the fjord, for a sight-    centre of Eidfjord, From Hodna there is a great view
seeing or a fishing trip. Refreshments are always in-      overlooking Eidjord.
cluded in the trip, or we can arrange lunch onboard
together with a restaurant as catering partner. We
take you to the foot of steep mountains with water-
falls directly down to the fjord, and recommend a
nice and calm roundtrip to Sima or Ulvik.

Distance from the centre: 30 m                            Distance from the centre: 6 km round trip                 Distance from the centre: 30 m                         Distance from the center: 0 km
Distance from bus parking: 30 m                           Starting point: at the tourist information office         Distance from bus parking: 30 m                        Distance from bus parking: 0 m
Duration of visit: on request                             Duration of visit: approx. 1,5 hours (round trip)         Duration of visit: on request                          Duration tour: on request
Capacity: 12 pax                                          Footwear: walking shoes required                          Booking: Eidfjord Tourist information office           Booking: Eidfjord Turbil AS
Booking: Hardanger Fjord AS                                                                                         Season: April - October                                Tel. (+47) 90 19 54 83 | eidfjordturbil@eidfjord.net
Tel. (+47) 907 71 507 | Email: post@hardanger-fjord.no                                                              Prices: on request                                     Season: groups all year on request
Season: April - October                                                                                                                                                    Prices: on request
Prices: on request
TRANSPORTATION                                            TRANSPORTATION                                         TRANSPORTATION                                            ACCOMMODATION AND DINING - HARDANGERVIDDA



                                                                                                                                 O        RV7      RE
GEILO TURBUSSER AS offers transportation by               TAXI which offers tours in Eidfjord and surrounding     EIDFJORD AUTO RENT is located 100 meters from            FAGERHEIM FJELLSTUGU a cozy mountain lodge
minibuses and buses for smaller and larg-                 areas. They have 4 taxis, 3 cars for 6 passengers and   Eidfjord cruise port. We have a selection of different   welcomes you to - no luxury, just really homely, nice
er groups. They have high standard tour-                  one for 8 passengers. Their “Highligt tours” are from   types of cars offered for cruise guests, but in lim-     and clean. At Fagerheim you’ll thrive in an interior
ist buses for groups up to 83 passengers,                 Eidfjord to Vøringsfossen waterfall, Kjeåsen moun-      ited number, so we recommend to book ahead!              with much nostalgia intact, while enjoying the view
and they arrange all types of trips. Get in touch for a   tain farm, Hjølmodalen valley and to Dyranut (the       Have the freedom to enjoy Hardanger by car!              over the Hardangervidda. You get delicious food of
nice offer!                                               highest point along Road 7 on the Hardangervidda        In 2.5 hours you can:                                    a host who cares about the guests. Here you’ll come
                                                          mountain plateau).                                      • Experience the Norwegian Nature Center and             back year after year. Choose a mountain holiday in
                                                                                                                  Vøringsfossen (40 km round trip)                         the Hardangervidda! The nicest rooms are booked
                                                                                                                  • Drive to Kjeåsen and enjoy the view (25 km round       early! The lodge has 50 beds spread over 20 giant
                                                                                                                  trip - remember hourly driving: driving up every full    pleasant, nostalgic bedrooms of varying sizes. This
                                                                                                                  hour, driving down at the half hour).                    is no Turistforeningshytte, so you get your own room.
                                                                                                                  • Drive to Storegjel (30 km round trip) and follow
                                                                                                                  the path to the bottom of Vøringsfossen (1-1.5 hour
                                                                                                                  round trip)

Distance from the center: 80 km                           Distance from the centre: 0 m                           Distance from the centre: 0 m                            Distance from the centre: 55 km
Duration tour: on request                                 Duration tour: on request                               Booking: Eidfjord Autorent                               Distance from bus parking: 0 m
Booking: Geilo Turbusser AS                               Booking: Granvin / Eidfjord Taxi                        Tel. (+47) 91739870 | booking@eidfjordautorent.no        Booking: Fagerheim Fjellstugu
Tel. (+47) 32 08 80 80 | post@geiloturbusser.no           Eidfjord Taxi tel. (+47) 91 32 32 54                    Prices: on request                                       Season: groups all year on request
Season: groups all year on request                        Granvin Taxi tel. (+47) 90 62 34 84                                                                              Tel. (+47) 91 39 45 06 | post@fagerheim-fjellstugu.no
www.geiloturbusser.no                                     Season: all year                                                                                                 www.fagerheim-fjellstugu.no/en/

HALNE FJELLSTUGU welcome to Halne Fjellstugu,               DYRANUT TURISTHYTTA Dyranut tourist lodge                   DYRANUT FJELLSTOVA is situated along route 7 at          FOSSLI HOTEL the hotel at the top of Måbødalen.
high up on the plateau where east meet west.                is situated at the top of the Hardangervidda and is a       1245 MASL at the Hardangervidda mountain plateau.        Uniqly positioned with a fantastic view of Måbødalen
As there is no light pollution from town and streets        good starting point for ski and hiking trips across         From the mountain lodge there is a panoramic view        and the Vøringsfossen waterfall. Edvard Grieg was a
light at Halne the sky at night is full of stars. Quite     the plains. The terrain is easy to walk in and suitable     over the wilderness both winter and summer. Dyra-        regular guest, and he wrote various musical works
often there is also the possibility of seeing the           for families with children. From Dyranut it’s marked        nut offers six rooms for accommodation, sleeping         here. Fossli Hotel has 21 rooms, cafè, bar and res-
Northern light across the sky at night. An unbeliev-        skitracks to: Sandhaug, Besso, Hadlaskard, Rauhel-          20 persons in total. The rooms are of different sizes,   taurant facilities.
able experience! Halne is the place for everybody           leren, Stigstuv, Finse and Krekja (via Halne or Kjelde-     and sleeps from 2 – 6 persons pr. room. Four rooms
whether you are looking for peace and quite                 bu). Dyranut tourist cabin has rooms with wash ba-          have en suite bathrooms. When travelling across the
or activities such as hunting, fishing, trekking, skiing,   sins and shared shower and toilet on each floor. They       Hardangervidda, Dyranut Fjellstova is an excellent
dogsledding up on the plateau. We have also                 have 11 rooms, a total of 30 beds in double, triple and     place to take a rest and stop for a meal. The café has
facilities suitable for smaller groups who want to          4-bedded rooms. Their cafè seats 40 persons and             60 seats, and serves homemade baked goods and
combine conference and outdoor activities as well           serves a`la carte all day. Their dishes are made of         traditional dishes based on produce from the moun-
as facilities for celebrations such as weddings.            local produce, for example from their own lambs             tains. Dyranut Fjellstova is a part of the Norwegian
At Halne we have 75 beds which are distributed in           which are grazing around the cabin, sour cream and          Trekking Association (DNT) mountain lodge net-
the main house and cabins. Our menu is based on             cheese from milk farms in the Hardangervidda, local         work, and is a nice touring area both in the summer
local traditions and specialities from our chef. We         game and mountain trout.. Dyranut Turisthytta is a          and in the winter.
specialize among other things in cured meat from            part of the Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT)
local mountain pigs, fish from the fjord, venison from      mountain lodge network.
the plateau and berries picked locally during autumn.
Distance from the centre: 45 km                             Distance from the centre: 35 km                             Distance from the centre: 35 km                          Distance from the centre: 20 km
Distance from bus parking: o m                              Distance from bus parking: 0 m                              Distance from bus parking: 0 m                           Distance from bus parking: 50 m
Booking: Halne Fjellstugu                                   Booking: Dyranut Turisthytta                                Booking: Dyranut Fjellstova                              Booking: Fossli Hotel
Tel. (+47) 47 994 43 389 | (+47) 53 66 57 12                Tel. (+47) 53 66 57 15 | post@dyranut.no                    Tel: (+47) 53 66 57 16 | post@dyranut.com                Tel. (+47) 53 66 57 77 | post@fossli-hotel.com
post@halne.no | www.halne.no                                www.dyranut.no                                              www.dyranut.com                                          www.fossli-hotel.com
Season: ca 05.03 -10.10                                     Season: 01.03 - 01.05 and 25.06. – 01.09, groups all year   Season: 18.03 - end of September, groups all year on     Season: ca 20.05. – 15.09.
                                                            on request                                                  request

The brand new ADVENTURE HOTEL EIDFJORD.                   EIDFJORD GJESTGIVERI is situated in Øvre Eidfjord,         VØRINGFOSS HOTEL has 81 double rooms, 44                 EIDFJORD FJELL & FJORD HOTEL 28 guest rooms,
12 double rooms, a total of 24 beds. Among the            close to both the Hardangerfjord and the Hardan-           with bathtubs and views over the beautiful Har-          gorgeous views of the fjord and mountains. Modern
various facilities of this property are a restaurant/     gervidda mountain plateau. They have a total of 26         dangerfjord. The hotel also has a large conference       and homely. All rights reserved. Restaurant with
bistro and a lounge. Free private parking is available.   beds. The guesthouse has eight rooms decorat-              center with capacity for 200 people, bar and restau-     homemade food with a local twist, served in the
Ski equipment hire for guests who want to explore         ed in a traditional style, matching the house built in     rant facilities.                                         “glass house”, or outside on the terrace with a full
the surrounding area during winter. Adventure Ho-         1896. Half of the rooms have en suite bathrooms,                                                                    view of “downtown” Eidfjord. “Fjell & Fjord Kafè &
tel Eidfjord offers a continental or buffet breakfast.    the other rooms have shared bathrooms. Breakfast                                                                    Kremmeri” in the center serves coffee, pastries,
There’s also a terrace. Activities such as hiking, cy-    is included in the price. Eidfjord Gjestgiveri also has                                                             sandwiches from own “sandwich bar” as well as in-
cling and rafting can be enjoyed in the surround-         six simple cabins with two beds and cooking facil-                                                                  terior and gift items.
ings, and guests can relax along the lake nearby.         ities. The restaurant serves homemade traditional
                                                          food, the speciality is pancakes in different varieties.

Distance from the centre: 7 km                            Distance from the centre: 7 km                             Distance from the centre: 0 km                           Distance from the centre: 0 km
Distance from bus parking: 0 m                            Distance from bus parking: 0 m                             Distance from bus parking: 0 m                           Distance from bus parking: 0 m
Booking: Adventure Hotel Eidfjord                         Booking: Eidfjord Gjestgiveri                              Booking: Vøringfoss Hotel                                Booking: Eidfjord Fjell & Fjord Hotel
Tel: (+47) 47 60 68 47 | info@bestadventures.no           Tel. (+47) 53 66 53 46 | eidfjordbnb@gmail.com             Tel. (+47) 53 67 41 00 | voringfoss@fjordtindhotels.no   Tel. (+47) 53 66 52 64 | post@eidfjordhotel.no
www.bestadventures.no                                     www.ovre-eidfjord.com                                      www.voringfoss-hotel.no                                  www.eidfjordhotel.no
Season: all year on request                               Season: opening May 6th, groups all year on request        Season: groups all year on request                       Season: all year on request
ACCOMMODATION AND DINING - EIDFJORD                        ACCOMMODATION - EIDFJORD                                ACCOMMODATION - EIDFJORD                                  DINING

VIK PENSJONAT OG HYTTER. This boutique hotel                KJÆRTVEIT CAMPING is centrally located in the           BERGSLIEN TURISTHEIM is located 50 metres from            HARDANGERVIDDAHALLEN Restaurant and Cafè is
is centrally located in Eidfjord and was built in 1928.     center of Eidfjord, next to the fjord and the salmon    the centre of Eidfjord, across the bridge from the        built from wood and stone based on historical archi-
It is a pearl in Hardanger, situated by the spectacu-       river Eio. 4 cabins, 8 apartments and 7 rooms with      YX-Eidfjord petrol station. 17 rooms with a total of 35   tecture. You can enjoy a delicious meal in an atmos-
lar mountains and fjords in the rugged Norwegian            85 beds altogether. Camp ground with space for 70       beds. All rooms have bathrooms and kitchen. Free          pheric room with a view of majestic mountains. The
countryside. The house and cottages are set in a            campers / caravans and good camping spots. Har-         wifi.                                                     restaurant seats 200 guests indoors and has a large
beautiful garden right by the Eio salmon river. The         bour with boats for hire to guests, 3 cabins with as-                                                             outdoor area in the summer. The menu combines
property is surrounded by impressive mountains &            sociated boat.                                                                                                    Norwegian food traditions with modern cuisine and
coastal scenery. The house has the original façade                                                                                                                            ranges from à la carte to Hardanger buffet, banquet
and has been beautifully restored and renovated                                                                                                                               and catering.
in recent years to offer a combination of old-world
charm and modern conveniences. We offer 8 cozy
guest rooms in the guesthouse, 4 homely cabins
along the river bank, cafe with fireplace, tasty, filling
meals and friendly staff.

Distance from the centre: 0 km                              Distance from the centre: 500 m                         Distance from the centre: 50 m                            Distance from the centre: 7 km
Distance from bus parking: 50 m                             Distance from bus parking: 0 m                          Distance from bus parking: 0 m                            Distance from bus parking: 50 m
Booking: Vik Pensjonat                                      Booking: Kjærtveit Camping                              Booking: Bergslien Turistheim                             Booking: See Norwegian Nature Centre
Tel. (+47) 40 67 65 04 or (+47) 98 13 56 60                 Tel. (+47) 90 68 17 62 | k-camp@outlook.com             Tel. (+47) 99 16 91 03 | post@turistheim.no               Season: See Norwegian Nature Centre
post@vikpensjonat.com                                       www.kcamp.no                                            www.turistheim.no
www.vikpensjonat.com                                        Season: all year on request                             Season: 01.05 - 30.09, groups all year on
Season: all year on request                                                                                         request
DINING                                                      DINING                                                   DINING                                                     GUIDE

TUNET PÅ HAUGEN presents «Taste of Hardanger”.              SJEL & GANE Fine dining in the center of Eidfjord,       GLØYP SPISERI can’t have a better location, we are        HARDANGER GUIDE SERVICE can arrange guided
We have a small private garden close to the center of       culinary cooking with local ingredients in one of Eid-   located in the middle of Norway’s kitchen garden,         tours in Norwegian, English, German, French and
Eidfjord. Enjoy the relaxed athmosphere in the hos-         fjords oldest houses. Sjel og Gane or Heggjagarden       where we find the best produce basking in the hills       Dutch tailored to your needs in cooperation with
pitality of Mona and Hans Olav. We are proud to of-         as it is originally named, was completely renovat-       around us. With Steinar Rinaldo’s team by the kitch-      local suppliers. We can offer personalised sightsee-
fer real Norwegian tastes and traditions in Grindaløo.      ed and opened during fall of 2016. On the menu           en stove, it takes a lot for something to go wrong,       ing tours for families and groups, private Photo Safaris
Everything is homemade and produced by locals,              you will find dishes that chef Arthur thinks are the     we welcome guests in for a taste of what we have          around the Hardangerfjord or at the Hardangervid-
based on local traditions. The selection will vary by the   best from the season! With love of food, the dishes      to offer. Steinar Rinaldo was the one who start-          da, short walking tours, activities and theme packag-
seasons, but we guarantee an authentic taste of our         are assembled in a simple but thoughtful way. Here       ed Norway’s first Nordic restaurant in Stavanger,         es. Looking for a special experience? Send us your
proud traditions. We can also serve wok lunches for         you’ll find local produce as much as possible. Self-     before this he ran the Cafe de france in Stavan-          request by e-mail and we will be happy to send you
groups, which can be served with homemade apple             caught seafood, herbs and vegetables and berries         ger for 10 years, where they were one of the first        an offer. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
juice produced in the shop. We have a shopping cor-         from their own garden. They also smoke their own         that started with food and wine in combination.
ner with local products and handicrafts inside Grin-        products and produce everything from fish and
daløo. A visit suitable for groups up to 45 persons.        shellfish. Drinks to complement the food! In addition
Worth to include (on request): baking demonstration         to imported wines from France, Spain and Italy, they
and/or Hardangerfiddle concert.                             have sourced locally produced drinks, as well as
                                                            selfpressed apple juice from their own garden.

Distance from the centre: 0 km                              Distance from the centre: 200 m                           Distance from the centre: 30 km (located in the centre   Distance from the centre: 0 km
Distance from bus parking: 200 m                            Distance from bus parking: 200 m                          of Kinsarvik)                                            Distance from bus parking: 0 m
Booking: Eidfjord Aktiv                                     Booking: Chef Arthur                                      Booking: Steinar Rinaldo                                 Duration tour: on request
Tel. (+47) 90 20 25 72 | (+47) 90 27 63 95                  Tel. (+47) 93 25 73 70 | post@kokken-arthur.no            Tel. (+47) 92 85 50 94 | ringoygard@gmail.com            Booking: Hardanger Guide service
eidfjordaktiv@gmail.com                                     Season: groups all year on request                        Season: groups all year on request                       Tel. (+47) 45 06 10 78 |
Season: groups all year on request                                                                                                                                             hardangerguideservice@gmail.com
                                                                                                                                                                               Season: groups all year on request
GUIDE                                                 GENERAL INFORMATION

LOCAL GUIDE Visit Eidfjord offers guide service for    THE HARDANGER BRIDGE opened on August 17th
groups (Norwegian, German, English). Some days         2013, replacing the ferry connection between Bru-
there might be limited capacity.                       ravik and Brimnes and reducing the time it takes to
                                                       drive from Bergen/Voss to Eidfjord. The bridge is a 2
                                                       lane suspension bridge with sidewalks for pedestri-
                                                       ansand bikers. It is the longest suspension bridge in
                                                       Norway. The main span is 1310 metres and the total
                                                       length is 1380 meters, even longer than the Golden
                                                       Gate Bridge in San Francisco!

Distance from the centre: 0 km                         Distance from the centre: 15 km
Distance from bus parking: 0 m                         Prices and payment:This is a toll road and as for most
Duration tour: on request                              toll roads in Norway, payment is collected automatically
Booking: Eidfjord Tourist Office                       through the AutoPASS system, which means
Tel. (+47) 53 67 34 00 | turistinfo@visiteidfjord.no   you can drive on AutoPASS toll roads without stopping.
Season: For groups all year on request                 Payment per vehicle, not per person.
Price: on request                                      See www.autopass.no for details.
                                                       Toll prices: (subject to change)
                                                       vehicles above 3.5 tonnes: NOK 350
                                                       Vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes: NOK 117                                           Photo @TwintheWorld
                                                                                                                  Photo: Harald Christian Eiken - vm.produksjon.no
Local souvenirs and handycraft
at Mangfaldet, Norwegian Nature Center, Mosstovo and Fjell & Fjord      PUBLIC TOILET IN THE CENTRE OF EIDFJORD
Kafè og Kremmeri                                                        Next to the Gallery Bergslien entrance, inside the right
                                                                        wing of the Quality Hotel Vøringfoss building. Enter
Opening hours post office (200 m from port)                             through the green door.
Inside “Joker Eidfjord” Tel.: (+47) 53 66 51 82
Monday - Wednesday: 9 am - 6 pm (8 pm*)
Thursday - Friday: 9 am - 8 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 6 pm                                                Opening hours touristinformation office (30 m from the port)
                                                                     Extended opening hours during cruise calls
Opening hours grocery stores
* = Extended openinghours during the summer                          01.05 - 31.05      Mon. - Fri.   9 am - 6 pm
                                                                     01.06 -14.06       Mon. - Fri.   9 am - 6 pm
Coop Marked Eidfjord (in the center)                                                    Saturday      10 am - 6 pm
Tel.: (+47) 53 66 51 86                                              15.06 -15.08       Mon. - Fri.    9 am - 7 pm
Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 6 pm (8 pm*)                                                  Saturday       10 am - 6 pm
Friday: 9 am - 8 pm                                                                     Sunday          11 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm (6 pm*)                                        16.08 -31.08       Mon. - Fri.     9 am - 6 pm
                                                                     Rest of the year   Mon. - Fri.     9 am - 4 pm
Joker Eidfjord (in the center)
Tel.: (+47) 53 66 51 82
Monday - Wednesday: 9 am - 6 pm (8 pm*)
Thursday - Friday: 9 am - 8 pm                                          Destinasjon Eidfjord is an agent for Global Blue and Planet
Saturday: 9 am - 6 pm                                                   Payment Norway. We offer tax refund to cruisepassengers on
                                                                        calls when Eidfjord is the last port. This has to be booked in
Garen Kolonial/Camping (22 km from the center)                          advance. Refund to credit cards only, no cash refunds.
Tel: (+47) 53 66 57 25
Open During the summer
Monday - Sunday: 9 am - 6 pm

Opening hours petrolstation (in the center)
* = Extended openinghours during the summer
YX Eidfjord Tel.: (+47) 47 97 03 06
Monday - Friday: 8 am - 8 pm (10 pm*)
Saturday: 9 am - 6 pm (8 pm*)
Sunday: 10 am - 8 pm (10 pm*)
Norsk Natursenter
1    Tourist information
                                                                                                                   2    The knittet trees
                                                                                                                   3    Trebua Woodshop
                                                                                                                   4    Eidfjord Old Church
Lake Eidfjord vatnet                                                                                               5    Eidfjord New Church
                                                                                                                   6    Kvamsdal Pensjonat
                                                                                                                   7    Burial mound from the Iron- and Viking ages
                                                                                                                   8    Hodna - view point
                                                                                                                   9    Ravenheart Viking Exhibit
                                                                                                                   THE YELLOW ROUTE on the map takes you to the graves from
                                                                                                                   the Iron- and Viking ages (7) on the Hæreid mountain plateau
                                                                      4      3                                     appr. 100 metres above sea level. This is the largest prehistoric
                                                                                                                   burial ground in Western Norway. During your roundtrip
                                                                                                                   you`ll get to a very nice viewpoint of the fjord from Hodna
                                                                                                                   (8). Starting point: By the bridge. Duration: 75-90 minutes.
                               7                                                                                   THE DARK BLUE ROUTE on this map takes you to the churches
                                                                                                                   (4 + 5) in Eidfjord, the new church from 1980 and the old,
                                                                                                                   mideavel St. Jacobs church built in 1309 (closed).
                                                                              9                                    Duration: appr. 60 min.
                                                                                                                   Visit the wood craftsman at Trebua (3), open on days with
                                                                                              2                    cruise ships in Eidfjord. Collection of Hardanger fiddles of the
                                                                                                                   well known fiddlemaker Anders J. Aasen. Handmade items of

The centre of
                                                                                                                   wood, woodcarvings.


                                                                                                                   THE PURPLE ROUTE continue your trek from the yellow route.
                                                          8                                                        The route goes from Hereidsvegen on to a rough path with
                                                                                                                   great fjord views, thereafter steep down to a residential area
                                                                                                                   and further on along the fjord back to the center. This route is a
and surroundings                                                                                                   bit more difficult than the other routes. Duration: appr. 60 min.

                                                                                                                        Public toilet                              Bus stop
                                                                                                                        Accomodation                               Doctor
                                                                                                                        Camping/RV parking                         Post office
                                                                                                                        Restaurants                                Shop
Walks in Eidfjord                                                                                                       Information                                Viewing point
  The yellow route                                                                                                      Cruise port                                Beach
  The dark blue route                                                                                                   Marina                                     Footpath
  The purple route                                                                                                      Gas station                                Places to visit
  Wheel chair friendly route                                                                                            ATM/cash machine                           Library

                                       Destinasjon Eidfjord AS   Tel. +47 53 67 34 00       www.visiteidfjord.no
                                                                                                                     Kj e
                                                                                                                 a l/                 1    Tourist information

     The centre of
                                                                                                                                      2    Park with beach-volleyball
                                           2                                                                                          3    ATM / cash machine

     Eidfjord                                                            9
                                                                                                                                           Vøringfoss Hotel
                                                                                                                                           Vik Pensjonat / Mosstova Lifestyle Shop
                                                                                                                                           Eidfjord Fjell & Fjord Hotel
                                                                                                                                      7    Bergslien Turistheim
                                                                                                                                      8    Bruheim Camping
                                                                                                                                      9    Kjærtveit Camping
                                                                                                                                      10   YX-Eidfjord gas station
                                                                                                                                      11   Burger og Brus fast food / public toilet
                                                                                                                                      12   Fjell & Fjord Kafè og Kremmeri
                           4                                                                                                          13   Anchalees Thai Food
                                                                                                                                      14   Sjel & Gane bar and restaurant
                                                                                                                                      15   Tunet på Haugen cafè / Viking Exhibit
                                    22                 21                                                                             16   Bus stop
                                                                                                                                      17   Coop grocery store
                                          24                                                                                          18   Joker grocery store / post office
                                                                                                                                      19   Mangfaldet gift & souvenir shop
                                     23                 5                                                                             20   Dolce Vidda iskremeri
                                                                                                                                      21   Doctor
                     25   17
                                                                                                                                      22   Nils Bergslien art gallery / public toilet
                                           11                                                                                         23   Sculpture park
                          20                                                            8                                             24   Library
                                                       12                                                                             25   Eidfjord Auto Rent

                                     18                                                                                                    Public toilet                    Bus stop
                               13                                                              7
                                                                                                                                           Accomodation                     Doctor
                                                  16               10
                                                                                                                                           Camping/RV parking               Post office
                                                                                                                                           Restaurants                      Shop
                14                                                                                                                         Information                      Viewing point
                                                                                                                                           Cruise port                      Beach
            a                                                                                                                              Marina                           Footpath
     n/                                            6                                                                                       Gas station                      Places to visit

                                                                                                                                           ATM/cash machine                 Library

                                                                                                                                           Public park                      Car rental
                                                                                 s lo


                                     Destinasjon Eidfjord AS   Tel. +47 53 67 34 00         www.visiteidfjord.no
Welcome to Eidfjord
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