Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School

Page created by Paula Brady
Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School
egglescliffe   PROSPECTUS
                     2020 - 21
sixth form
Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School
Copyright Vision Academy Learning Trust 2019.
Cover art work produced by Hannah H. (Year 13 student)   All design and photography work produced by the Egglescliffe ICT Support Team.
Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School
                                                                                                                A very warm welcome to our sixth form. Rated as the top state school and sixth form in Teesside
                                                                                                                in 2018 by the Sunday Times Good School Guide and graded OUTSTANDING by Ofsted in our last
                                                                                                                inspection, we are very proud to be an inclusive post-16 provider which maintains the core values
                                                                                                                of our school.

                                                                                                                Egglescliffe Sixth Form is very much a learning-driven, student-centred establishment. We have a

                                                                                                                homely environment in which everyone feels a part of; students are given the opportunity to thrive
                                                                                                                in both an academic sense and beyond.

                                                                                                                You don’t, however, have to just take my word for it. Our results speak volumes and again we were
                                                                                                                proud to achieve some of the best results in the Tees Valley in 2019 with a fantastic 54% of our

          sixth form
                                                                                                                students achieving A*-B grades in their subjects along with a 100% pass rate across more subjects.
                                                                                                                We have a broad mix of students from across the area and it is a pleasure to see them all integrate
                                                                                                                into the Egglescliffe community. A particular aspect of this is the brilliant charity work undertaken
                                                                                                                by the Sixth Form; raising money for excellent causes such as LEPRA – a charity we have worked

                                                                                                                with for over 20 years along with a whole host of other worthwhile causes.

                                                                                                                Our Sixth Form also makes sure that you are well prepared for life beyond college – whether that
                                                                                                                be at university or the working world. We have a number of trips to universities nationwide as
                                                                                                                well as guest speakers who offer expert advice on building your personal brand and acquiring the
                                                                                                                necessary skills and experience to achieve your goals. A key component of this is our enrichment
                                                                                                                programme. Where you can secure qualifications in first aid, sign language, the extended project
                                                                                                                qualification as well as gaining work experience in your chosen field.

                                                                                                                All of these ‘extras’ have culminated in our students going on to attend
                                                                                                                some of the finest universities in the country, accessing higher level
                                                                                                                apprenticeships, and perhaps more importantly, leaving Egglescliffe Sixth
                                                                                                                Form as well rounded, empathetic individuals who are active members
                                                                                                                of society and their community.

                                                                                                                We very much look forward to welcoming you to be part of our
                                                                                                                outstanding sixth form.

                                                                                                                                                                                     Dave Gratton
                                                                                                                                                                            Director of Sixth Form

All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this prospectus is correct and current at the time of publishing and is subject to change without notice. For up to date information please see our website.
Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School
                                      100% of parents strongly
  One of the highest in the           agree that students settle                 All of our students have
   North East for A-Level                                                       access to Microsoft Office
      Results in 2019                 well into our 6th form*                          365 for free
                                      * Parent survey - Year 12 feedback 2018

         Our 6th form                    4 out of 5 students went               Students have access to a
          Prom is at                        to their first choice                    6th form bus
        Whinstone View                       university in 2018

                                               6th form students
         Join our student
                                              raised over £2,000
                                                                                              A Level
         Leadership team                                                                      pass rate
                                              in 2018/19 for charity
                                                                                           * Based on provisional results 2019

4 | egglescliffe sixth form college
Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School
  Unique enrichment          Purpose built              We care about more
                               6th Form building       than just your education.
    programme on                 completed in            We have a dedicated
 Wednesday afternoons            October 2019                Counsellors.

39% of students went to a    Bespoke Careers Day
Russell Group University       with Universities
                                                         Expert university
    in 2018, the best                and                             and
                               guest speakers                   careers advice
      in the region.

  Free travel to a Higher       Free printing
                                                    100% of parents strongly
                                                      agree that the 6th form
Education event featuring             &              makes sure that students
  over 100 universities          Free WiFi         are prepared for the future*
                                                                         * Parent survey - Year 12 feedback 2018

                                                   for more information visit | 5
Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School
Built Just
for you!                                                       Classroom
                                                                                       COMMON ROOM
                                                                                                         Main Entrance


                                                                                          FFL.                                   Sixth
                                                            Corridor                     29.850          Lobby

                                  29.670                     1:22


                                   Corridor    Boys                           Girls
                                              Toilets                        Toilets               Study Room
   Store        Store   Cleaner

                                                    Store                  Store

                                                            Classroom                                    2 QUIET
Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School
NEED REFRESHMENTS?                                                                                                                                                             6TH FORM


                                                                                   fridge under

                                                                                           Servery Pre. Area


                                                                                                                                                                                                  ICT SUITE


                                            Cafe                                                                                     Wc.

                                                                                                                                                                         Store                Store
Form Common                                                                                                                                                      FFL.
               FFL.                                                          Vending                                                                        Corridor
                                                                                                                                Store        Cleaner

                                Reception            Lobby

                                                                                                    ... AND SNACKS!                                                               Classroom



                                                       SEEKING ADVICE?
                                                       VISIT THE SIXTH
                                                                                                                                                                         Office               Plant

                                                       FORM TEAM
Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School
                       MEET THE TEAM    9                  ECONOMICS    30       PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS     46
            OUR STUDENTS’ SUCCESSES    10           ENGLISH LANGUAGE     31               PHOTOGRAPHY      47
                         OUR RESULTS   12         ENGLISH LITERATURE    32          PHYSICAL EDUCATION     48
                     WHY CHOOSE US?    14                     FRENCH    34                      PHYSICS    49
                   CHOOSING A COURSE   16      FURTHER MATHEMATICS      35                      POLITICS   50
                          PATHWAYS     18                 GEOGRAPHY     36                  PSYCHOLOGY      51
                 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS    19                     GERMAN    37                    SOCIOLOGY    52
                                 ART   20          HEALTH AND SOCIAL    38      WHAT OUR STUDENTS SAY      53
                             BIOLOGY   22                     HISTORY   39    ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES     54
                           BUSINESS    23   INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY      40           BEYOND SIXTH FORM     56
                          CHEMISTRY    25                         LAW   41             IMPORTANT DATES     57
                   COMPUTER SCIENCE    26              MATHEMATICS      42                  CONTACT US     57
             DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY     28              MEDIA STUDIES    43
         DRAMA AND THEATRE STUDIES     29                       MUSIC   45

8 | egglescliffe sixth form college
Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School
                         Mr D. Gratton                                                  Mrs F. Corner                                                 Miss G. Crook
                         Director of                                                    Assistant Director                                            Assistant Director
                         sixth form                                                     of sixth form                                                 of sixth form

Mr Gratton has successfully led the Sixth Form for the          Mrs Corner looks after all of the data within the sixth     Miss Crook has a vital role in the Sixth Form as she is in
past 20 years and has a vast knowledge of the UCAS              form as well helping to lead the day to day running. It’s   charge of the excellent tutorial programme and sixth
application process and basically anything there is to          her ideal job because she crunches numbers as part          form career opportunities. She also assists Mr Gratton in
know about…anything.                                            of the maths department and enjoys doing the odd            the day to day running of the place and ensures students
                                                                marathon from time to time. The perfect equation            are well supported so they can achieve great success. By
Also Head of Economics, Mr Gratton leads a trip to New          (sorry).                                                    hook or by crook, she will help you get to where you want
York every two years. Recently there has been a massive                                                                     to be.
uptake in Economics at A Level but he can’t quite work          When asked about her favourite thing about working in
out why.                                                        the sixth form, her response was: “Seeing the difference    When asked about her favourite part of the sixth form
                                                                in the students from the day they arrive to the day they    she responded with “I love being part of a team that
When asked about his favourite thing about being the            leave, it’s such an honour to see them achieve their        helps and supports students realise their dreams and
Director of the Sixth Form, his response was: “I love the       potential.”                                                 ambition.”
positivity and energy of the sixth form students. It’s a real
privilege to work here.”

                                                                                                                            for more information visit | 9
Egglescliffe sixth form college - PROSPECTUS 2020 - Egglescliffe School
                                                The following students were successful in securing their first choices
                                                for university.

                    SUCCESSES                   Penelope - Durham to study Natural Sciences
                                                Jennifer - Newcastle to study Physiological Sciences
                                                Jacob - Keele to study International Relations and Politics
                  Preparing students for life   Ellie - Leeds to study Law
                                                Sushila - Leeds to study Psychology
                         beyond Egglescliffe    Dhrumi - East Anglia to study Medicine
                                                Mihai - Cardiff Conservatoire to study Music
                                                Daniel - Newcastle to study Economics and Finance
                                                Adam - Durham to study Economics
                                                Lydia - Glasgow to study Sociology
                                                Jess - Newcastle to study English Literature
                                                Rosanna - Sheffield to study Chemistry

                                                           4 out of 5 students went to their
                                                             first choice university in 2018

10 | egglescliffe sixth form college
KEIR Bhaskar                                                                           Xavier McCabe
Attended: 2016-2018                                                                    Attended: 2015-2017

Where are you now?                                                                     Where are you now?
I’m currently studying medicine at Imperial College London and have just completed     I’m currently doing politics and economics at Newcastle university, so after studying
my first year.                                                                         maths, economics and politics at A level I’m finding my choices have really benefited
Favourite memory:
There are so many memories which makes it hard to choose one in particular. If I had   Favourite memory:
choose one, I would say being able to sing at the Birmingham symphony hall with        If I was to put aside all the sporting opportunities that I received and loved, I’d have
Egglescliffe choir was an amazing and most definitely a memorable experience.          to go for a moment in the common room surrounded by my best friends, having a
                                                                                       laugh with some music and eating quality food from the canteen.
Support you received:
The most valuable support you can receive at Egglescliffe comes from its teachers.     Support you received:
There were many times during my GCSE’s and A levels where I would struggle with        I received a lot of support during my time at Egglescliffe. Aside from contact hours
certain topics. When this happened I could reach out to any teachers and not just      there were many guided revision sessions leading up to and during exam periods
ones that taught me.                                                                   which really helped someone like me, who struggled to revise during my free time.

Why people should go to Egglescliffe?                                                  Why people should go to Egglescliffe?
I attended Egglescliffe from the age of 11 all the way to the age of 18 years old.     Egglescliffe really gives you the best of everything you could hope to achieve from
Throughout this time the school moulded me both academically and socially. The         your time at school or college. It provides the necessary exposure for growing up,
teachers at Egglescliffe are extremely passionate about their subjects and their       whilst also supplying ample support so that no one is ever left to hang out to dry and
students which in unison provides an outstanding education for its students.           can achieve everything they want.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?                                                    Where do you hope to be in 5 years?
I hope to have just graduated from medical school and be preparing for my first        Once I’ve finished uni I hope to go travelling around Asia, or maybe South America
placement as a junior doctor.                                                          and really experience what’s out there.

                                                                                                                     for more information visit | 11
Our Results
                                          They speak for themselves

                                                “There is no greater pleasure than seeing young
                                                   people excel and fulfil their dreams. To see so
                                                many students thrilled at their exceptional exam
                                                 results was uplifting for all of our staff, parents,
                                                       governors and students who have worked
                                                   collaboratively and tirelessly over the last two
                                                years of study. We wish our young people every
                                                   success as they head off to university, further
                                                                       training and employment”
                                                                     - Mr S. White , Head teacher

                                                                               *Provisional results 2019

12 | egglescliffe sixth form college
ACADEMIC AND                               FREE MICROSOFT
          COURSES                               OFFICE 365
   ENRICHMENT                                            FREE WIFI
      SUBJECT                                   FREE COLLEGE
   SPECIALISTS                                  MEALS*
 COMMUNITY          why study
                    anywhere                       BURSARIES*
HIGH LEVELS OF        else?                     CAREERS ADVICE
  ACHIEVEMENT                                   AND GUIDANCE
   FRIENDLY                                       FREE
ATMOSPHERE                                        PRINTING
  APPLY TODAY                                   UNIVERSITY
                                for more information visit | 13
WHY                                  We’ll support you during                               We’ll help develop

CHOOSE US?                                 your time at Sixth Form                                your talents

                                       1                                                      4
                                           We have a dedicated pastoral team which                Our support programme will help to ensure
                                           has a vast array of experience. Your tutor is          you are challenged appropriately during

    10 reasons to study                    your first point of contact on a daily basis and
                                           they will advise and help you with regards to
                                                                                                  your time at sixth form. In addition we have
                                                                                                  a number of options for those wanting

   at egglescliffe sixth                   university applications, careers advice as well
                                           as general social and academic support whilst
                                                                                                  to pursue careers in medicine, dentistry,
                                                                                                  engineering and a wide range of other

                   form                    at sixth form.                                         areas.

                                            We get results                                         You’ll be taught by

                                       2                                                      3
                                            Our results are some of the best in the Tees           specialists
                                            Valley. 54% of our students achieved A*-B              We are proud to say that our students
                                            grades in 2019 along with a 100% pass rate.            are taught by expert teachers who have
                                            Our last Ofsted inspection cited the sixth             superb subject knowledge and expertise in
                                            form as OUTSTANDING.                                   how the examinations are assessed.

14 | egglescliffe sixth form college
It’s not just about                                            We offer careers
    We have excellent                                   classroom learning                                             advice and guidance

5                                                   8                                                       9
    university links                                    We are dedicated to ensuring that
                                                                                                                       With a number of guest speakers arranged
                                                        your time at Egglescliffe is more than
    Throughout the year we invite a number                                                                             throughout the year, you are sure to gain
                                                        just the classroom. To achieve this we
    of universities in to discuss applications,                                                                        a valuable insight into a wide range of
                                                        run a number of trips including New
    courses and university life. There are also a                                                                      careers options. In addition to this we have
                                                        York, Iceland, Auschwitz, London and
    number of providers who run schemes in                                                                             a careers advisor on hand and a bespoke
                                                        Switzerland to name but a few. This is all
    which you can receive an offer lower than                                                                          careers day in which you select your fields
                                                        about learning in a real life environment
    is typical for a range of courses.                                                                                 of interest and are visited by industry
                                                        and transferring the skills and knowledge
                                                        you have picked up in your subjects.

                                                        Your time here
                                                        will be enriching                                              We’ll offer you
    We’re easy to get to

6                                                   7                                                     10
                                                        You’ll leave Egglescliffe with more than just                  financial support
    As the Sixth Form is in such high demand,           academic qualifications. With university and
    we now offer bus services from Thornaby,            the working world becoming ever more                           We offer our students financial support
    Ingleby Barwick and surrounding areas at            selective, our enrichment programme                            through our student bursaries. Talk to the
    excellent rates. See the Sixth Form team            helps you become the whole package                             Director of Sixth Form who will give you
    for more information.                               that providers are looking for. There                          more information about financial support
                                                        is opportunity to study first aid, sign                        available.
                                                        language, fitness and gain work experience
                                                        throughout the year.

                                                                                                        for more information visit | 15
                                       The Sixth Form open evening, individual interviews with sixth form staff and transition days will ensure you enrol
                                       on courses that you can succeed in and lead to your chosen future pathway beyond our sixth form.

                                       Why study A-levels?                                        Why study BTECS?
                                       A Levels will give you a chance to find out about          BTEC Level 3 Nationals are equivalent in standard
                                       your GCSE subjects in greater depth or do one of the       to A levels, providing specialist qualifications for
                                       subjects that many schools and colleges only offer         learners who have a clear line of sight to their future

       At Egglescliffe                 at A Level such as law, economics or psychology. A
                                       levels are mostly assessed by written exams, although
                                                                                                  career or are planning to progress through further or
                                                                                                  higher education. They’re suitable for students aged

       you will get an                 there’s also some coursework in some subjects. In
                                       subjects like science and art, your practical skills are
                                                                                                  16 and over. BTEC National qualifications provide
                                                                                                  specialist, work-related learning across a range of

 abundance of support
                                       also assessed. The majority of courses are at least 75%    vocational sectors. They give learners the knowledge,
                                       formal examination which will be sat at the end of the     understanding and skills that they need to prepare for
                                       two years.                                                 employment, as well as providing career development
       and guidance in                 Both universities and employers really value A Levels.
                                       After A Level qualifications, many students continue
                                                                                                  opportunities for those already in work. BTEC National
                                                                                                  qualifications provide a more practical, real-world way
    choosing the right                 their study or training through an apprenticeship,
                                       vocational qualification or a higher education course at
                                                                                                  of learning and their value is widely recognised by
                                                                                                  teaching professionals, employers, higher education
      courses for you                  a university or college.                                   and students. BTEC Nationals are highly regarded by
                                                                                                  universities, further education colleges and employers.

                                                                        - PARENT OF YEAR 13 STUDENT

16 | egglescliffe sixth form college
              SKILLS ”

    for more information visit | 17
           GCSE RESULTS                                        CURRICULUM IN YEAR 12                                                  CURRICULUM IN YEAR 13
        Five grades 9 to 7 in academic GCSEs
             including English and Maths                                         4 or 3 A-level courses                                                4 or 3 A-Level courses
                  (grade 5 or above)

            Five grade 9 to 4 at GCSEs                                             3 A-level courses                                                     3 A-level courses
      (academic or equivalent qualifications)                                             Or                                                                    OR
           including English and Maths                                         1 L3 BTEC and 2 A-Levels                                              1 L3 BTEC and 2 A-Levels
                (grade 4 or above)                                                        Or                                                                    OR
                                                                               2 L3 BTECs and 1 A-Level                                              2 L3 BTECs and 1 A-Level

                                                                                3 A-Level courses                                                     3 A-Level courses
             Five grade 9 to 4 at GCSE
                                                                                       OR                                                                    OR
       (academic or equivalent qualifications)
                                                                            1 L3 BTECs and 2 A-Level                                              1 L3 BTECs and 2 A-Level
   (students would not have grade 4 or higher in
                                                                                       OR                                                                    OR
            GCSE English and/or Maths)
                                                                 2 L3 BTECs and 1 A-Level Resit English OR Maths                        3 L3 BTECs Resit English OR Maths, if Required

                                                NB – Most subjects require an identified subject with a grade 5. However if a grade 4 is achieved then a decision will be made on an individual basis.

18 | egglescliffe sixth form college
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                            Apply today
AND PROCESS                                                                                                                     We are accepting
A minimum of five good passes at GCSE (Grade 4 or higher) are needed to study at Egglescliffe Sixth Form to study
three courses. Some students can opt to study four A level courses depending on their GCSE grades (please see the              applications online
pathway table for more detail). If you have not secured a good pass in English and/or maths you will have to resit
those exams (resit classes will be timetabled to support you in securing good passes in these core examinations).

Art Biology Business Chemistry Computer Science
Design and Technology Drama and Theatre
Studies Economics English Language English
Literature French Further Mathematics Geography
German Health and Social History Information
Technology Law Mathematics Media Studies Music
Philosophy and Ethics Photography Physical
Education Physics Politics Psychology Sociology
                                                                                                                     for more information visit | 19
Art            Art A-level is an excellent course that allows you to be introduced to a variety of
                                                       experiences, exploring a range of fine art media, techniques and processes.

  Fine art / Textiles                                  During the duration of the course, you will be given the
                                                       opportunities to explore drawing and painting using a
                                                       variety of methods and media on a variety of scales.
       This is a fantastic opportunity                 All ideas and development work will be recorded in
                                                       sketchbooks and journals as well as larger scale design
                    to work creatively,                boards.
        independently and with real                    Within the structure of the course, you will be given the
         purpose on meaningful and                     opportunity to work in one or more area(s) of Art, such as
                                                       those listed below:
                   relevant outcomes                     šš Painting and drawing
                                                         šš Mixed media, including collage and assemblage
                                                         šš Sculpture

                           Course Details                šš Installation
                                                         šš Textile - appliqué, machine embroidery, felt making
                                             A Level        and costume making
                                  AQA - 7202/7204        šš Printmaking
                          Art GCSE Grade 4 or higher     šš Film, television, animation, video, photography:
                                                            Lens-based and/or light-based media and new

                                                        The coursework contributes to 60% of the final
                                                       grade and the externally set task 40%. This final unit
                                                       culminates in a 15 hour practical exam where you can
                                                       really showcase the skills and knowledge you have
                                                       acquired during the course.

                                                       There will also be opportunities to visit places of interest
                                                       to allow you to broaden your artistic experience and
                                                       understanding of the creative world.

20 | egglescliffe sixth form college
- Sixth Form Art Student
Biology                    Biology A-Level will give you the skills to make connections and associations with all living
                                                      things. As a wide range of topics are covered, it can be used to open the door to a fantastic
                                                      range of careers.

                                                      A Level Biology lasts two years, with exams at the
                  Biology A-Level is the              end of the second year. The topics are: Biological
                 study life and includes              molecules; Cells; Organisms exchange substances with
                                                      their environment; Genetic information, variation and
                    among many topics:                relationships between organisms; Energy transfers
                                                      in and between organisms; Organisms respond to
              biochemistry, physiology,               changes in their internal and external environments;
                   genetics and ecology               Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems; The
                                                      control of gene expression. Biology, like all sciences, is a
                                                      practical subject and so practical activities such as using
                                                      microscopes to see cell division, dissection of animal or
                                                      plant systems and investigating animal behaviours are
                                                      carried out. The practicals are devised to give the skills
                           Course Details             and confidence needed to investigate the way living
                                                      things behave and work.
                                            A Level
                                       AQA - 7402     There is no coursework on this course but performance
                     Science GCSE Grade 6 or higher   during practicals will be assessed. There are three exams
                                                      at the end of the two years, all are two hours long. Both
                                                      theory and experimental work are designed to give you
                                                      the skills and knowledge need to be successful at degree

                                                      The possible degree options are:
                                                       šš Biology
                                                       šš Psychology
                                                       šš Sport and exercise science
                                                       šš Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine
                                                       šš Physiology or Pharmacology

22 | egglescliffe sixth form college
Business                          Business is a dynamic subject. You will learn about the diverse nature of business enterprise
                                               and the interdependence of the various parts of the business world.

                                               Studying business across two years will include the
      This course is for anyone                following four themes and cover topics such as:
      who would be interested
                                               Dynamic and competitive markets, social trends,
         in learning about how                 entrepreneurship, finance, economic influences,
                                               production and quality issues, uncertainty, decision-
    businesses work and what                   making and strategy, business growth, managing change
    challenges businesses face                 and scenario planning, global business, overseas markets,
                                               multi-national and corporate social responsibility.

                                               There will be three assessments at the end of two years:
                                                šš Paper 1 – you will tackle data response and essay
                                                   questions on marketing, people and global
                  Course Details                   businesses.
                                                šš Paper 2 – you will tackle data response and essay
                                     A level       questions on business activities, decision making
                            Edexcel - 9BS0         and strategy.
GCSE Grade 5 in English and Maths or higher     šš Paper 3 (synoptic paper) – you will have a research
             GCSE Business is not essential        task before the exam. The questions in the exam –
                                                   data response and essay questions are linked to the
                                                   context you will research.

                                               Many past business students have gone on to take
                                               business management at university but many also
                                               study related courses such as marketing, finance and
                                               accounting, international business and HRM.

                                               Studying business will give you lots of options for your
                                               career, especially if you want to work for a business or
                                               start your own. These include banking, sales, product
                                               management and general production.

                                                                                                           for more information visit | 23
                                - Year 13 Student
Chemistry                           Students will gain an in depth knowledge of the fascinating central science. This course is
                                         underpinned by practical skills as well as problem solving, analysis and communication and
                                         demonstrates the link to reality and understanding of the world around us.

                                         We follow AQA Chemistry A-level qualifications which are
  This course aims to nurture            linear. Linear means that students will sit all the exams at
   a love of chemistry and lay           the end of their A-level course.

the stepping stones for future           This is a traditional chemistry course where the three
                                         areas of Inorganic, Organic and Physical chemistry are
             studies in science          taught in ways to ensure that the subject content is
                                         relevant to real world experiences.

                                         There are 3 exams at the end of Y13.

                                         Papers 1 and 2 assess specific chemistry topics in two 2
                                         hour papers each worth 35%, the questions are a mixture
              Course Details             of long and shorter answers. Maths content is at least
                                         20% overall.
                               A Level
                           AQA - 7405    There is no internal practical assessment. However, paper
      Chemistry GCSE Grade 6 or higher   3, also 2 hours, has a focus of questions on practical
        Science GCSE Grade 6 or higher   techniques and data analysis from across all areas of
                                         the syllabus. It also contains a section of multiple choice
                                         questions. This is worth 30% of the A level.

                                         Chemistry is a highly regarded facilitating A Level.

                                         Chemistry is a desirable or essential requirement for
                                         many degree courses including:
                                          šš Medicine                    šš Physiotherapy
                                          šš Veterinary Science          šš Education
                                          šš Dentistry                   šš Law
                                          šš Pharmacy                    šš Engineering

                                                                                                        for more information visit | 25
Computer                            Students will study a variety of topics related to computer systems including object oriented
                                                      programming, data representation, systems architecture and networking. A combination of

                                                      theory and programming skills will allow students to progress onto a range of qualifications.

                                                      Programming skills and theory are taught side by side
                                                      throughout the course by computer science specialists
                                                      with experience in schools and in industry. Topics include
         “Everybody in this country                   cryptography, wireless networking, systems architecture
                                                      and the application of computer science in the real world.
          should learn to program a
       computer, because it teaches                   In Year 12 the programming will focus on procedural
                                                      programming techniques in Java, while Year 13 will
                  you how to think”                   broaden students’ horizons with a wider range of
                                                      programming concepts including object-oriented,
                       - Steve Jobs                   functional and declarative programming languages such
                                                      as PHP, SQL and Haskell.

                           Course Details             Each year students will sit a paper based exam covering
                                                      their knowledge of theory topics and a practical, online
                                            A Level   exam that will assess students’ programming skills. Year
                                        AQA - 7517    13 also includes a coursework element, led entirely by the
         Computer Science GCSE Grade 5 or higher      students’ interests, which accounts for 20% of the overall
       (if studied) or Maths GCSE Grade 5 or higher   grade.

                                                      Computer Science is an ideal A Level for those wishing
                                                      to pursue a career in the computing industry, but is also
                                                      useful for mathematicians, scientists and engineers.

26 | egglescliffe sixth form college
        - YEAR 12 Computer Science student
Design and                                   Students will learn the skills to independently design and manufacture working prototypes.
                                                        They will develop the ability to analyse their own work as well as evaluating and learning from

                                                        other designers and engineers.

                                                        In year 12 the students will cover technical principles and
                                                        designing and making principles, this will be assessed
                                                        in the form of a mock exam. Throughout the year
          This course is designed for                   the students will design and manufacture a working
                                                        prototype based on a theme set by the department.
        students who wish to pursue                     This project will give the students an insight into the
            a career in the design or                   manufacturing and portfolio work required for their final
                                                        assessed piece in year 13.
              engineering industries
                                                        In year 13 the students will cover technical principles and
                                                        designing and making principles, this will be assessed in
                                                        the form of 2 exams worth 50% of the overall A level. The
                                                        students will also be required to design and manufacture
                                                        a working prototype based on a theme set by the exam
                                                        board, this work will be worth 50% of the overall A level.
                           Course Details               Students who have taken A level product design have
                                             A Level
                                         AQA - 7552     gone onto study at university a wide variety of courses
                                                        leading to careers within these areas:
                          Design Technology GCSE is
                                                          šš Mechanical engineering
                         preferable but not essential     šš Motor vehicle design
                                                          šš Product design
                                                          šš Electrical engineering
                                                          šš Architecture
                                                          šš Civil engineering

28 | egglescliffe sixth form college
Drama and                                                  The course is highly practical and enables pupils to collaboratively create scripted and devised
                                                               theatre. Their creativity will be challenged as we bring the page to the stage, in an exciting

Theatre Studies
                                                               environment where they will develop presentation and performance skills.

                                                               Students will explore and stage a range of play texts and
                                                               learn about theatre practitioners such as; Bertolt Brecht
                                                               and Konstantin Stanislavski. This will be combined with
      This course is excellent for                             four or more theatre visits, to give them a rounded and
                                                               in depth knowledge of theatre as an artistic medium.
   preparing students for a wide                               Students have option to perform as part of a group or
      range of careers, alongside                              individually. The devised element allows pupils to create
                                                               a brand new piece of theatre in the style of their choice.
   those who are keen to pursue                                Pupils can be assessed as a performer or work on a
                                                               number of backstage skills including set, costume &
   a career in the entertainment                               lighting design.
                         industry                              Pupils will create live theatre which is supported by
                                                               portfolios detailing their choices, the rehearsal process

                          Course Details                       and evaluating the development of their skills as a
                                                               performer or designer. There will be a mock exam of
                                      A Level                  each assessed unit, allowing pupils to hone their skills in a
                                  AQA - 7262                   practical environment. The course finishes with a written
    Drama GCSE is preferable but not essential                 exam which looks at classic play texts and live theatre.
    The availability of this course is dependent on resource
                             allocation and student numbers.   Drama and Theatre can lead to a career in areas such as:
                                                                šš Acting/Performing         šš Managing
                                                                šš Set Design, Costume       šš Teaching
                                                                   Design, Sound Design,     šš Law
                                                                   Lighting Design,          šš Psychology
                                                                   Directing                 šš Film making

                                                                                                                               for more information visit | 29
Economics                            Students who are interested in the world around them and the rationale behind policy
                                                    decisions that affect them at local, national and international levels should find Economics

                                                    In year 12 students are introduced to the basic principles
        Economics helps to untangle                 of market economics and how prices and output
          the issues surrounding the                decisions are determined. We also examine why, on
                                                    occasions, markets will fail due to monopolies, a lack of
        global crash and BREXIT and                 information or pollution. We then study how the national
                                                    economy works and what factors contribute to growth,
          can prepare students for a                inflation and unemployment.
            range of degrees not just
                                                    In year 13 we explore these themes in more depth
            specifically related to the             and look at how a new area of study i.e. behavioural
                                                    economics, which has links to psychology, can be used
                               subject              to influence or ‘nudge’ our decision making. We look at
                                                    how economic philosophers such as Keynes, Hayek and
                           Course Details           Friedman have shaped thinking on policies to combat
                                                    inflation and unemployment.
                                          A Level
                                      AQA - 7136    As well as teaching subject knowledge we also focus on
         GCSE English and Maths Grade 4 or higher   developing the skills required by social scientists such
                                                    as evaluative thought and critical writing. The A level
                                                    culminates in three exam papers of 2 hours. The first two
                                                    test knowledge, whilst the third expects students to make
                                                    recommendations based on a bank of data.

                                                    Former Egglescliffe students who studied degrees in
                                                    Economics have gone on to a varied range of careers:
                                                      šš Investment bankers at Goldman Sachs
                                                      šš Parliamentary secretaries
                                                      šš Advisor to the Chancellor
                                                      šš Senior marketing position with Adidas HQ in
                                                      šš Regional vice president of ‘Disney on Ice’

30 | egglescliffe sixth form college
English                         Students will study the key concepts of audience, purpose, genre and mode and will explore
                                         language in its wider social and geographical contexts. Students will also study social attitudes

                                         to, and debates about, language diversity.

                                         The course draws on insights from a range of fields
                                         within the study of English language/ linguistics,
                                         including sociolinguistics and discourse analysis. We will
   The course is designed for            explore how language is used by the individual, focusing
                                         on regional diversity and a range of language frameworks
students who wish to explore             such as:
   the English language from               šš Grammar
                                           šš Phonetics
                                                                          šš Semantics
                                                                          šš Pragmatics

     different perspectives in
                                         Study also extends to explore language varieties,
  analytical and creative ways           investigating how language is shaped depending on:
                                           šš Gender                     šš Occupation
                                           šš Social group

             Course Details              We also study other areas of English including:
                               A Level    šš Child Language Acquisition
                          AQA - 7702      šš World English
        English GCSE Grade 5 or higher    šš Language Change

                                         Students sit 2 exams at the end of the course that assess
                                         skills developed throughout the year. In addition to
                                         this, students also produce a coursework portfolio that
                                         makes up 20% of the final grade. This will be based on
                                         a personal language investigation and a creative writing
                                         piece of their choice.

                                         Students who study English Language with us have gone
                                         on to continue in this field at University as well as moving
                                         on to many different degree courses which include:
                                         Linguistics, Media Studies, Law, Government and Politics.

                                                                                                        for more information visit | 31
English                              Students are encouraged to explore the relationships between texts and the contexts within
                                                      which they are written, received and understood. Students will debate and challenge the

                                                      interpretations of other readers as they develop their own informed personal responses.

                                                      Studying texts within a shared context enables students
                                                      to investigate and connect them, drawing out patterns
                                                      of similarity and difference using a variety of reading
           The course is designed for                 strategies and perspectives.

        students who wish to extend                   The course requires critical thinking, wider reading to
                their love of Literature              grasp social and historical contexts and an appreciation
                                                      of how attitudes towards love, marriage and relationships
        through a critical exploration                alter over time. This will be developed through the study
         of a range of texts over time                  šš Othello
                                                        šš The Great Gatsby
                                                        šš An Anthology of poetry
                                                        šš Unseen prose

                                                      In Year 13, we build on topics covered in year 12, by
                           Course Details             studying:
                                                        šš A Streetcar Named Desire
                                            A Level
                                                        šš Skirrid Hill
                                        AQA - 7712
                                                        šš The Handmaid’s Tale
                     English GCSE Grade 5 or higher
                                                        šš Unseen poetry and prose

                                                      At A2, students sit 2 exams and also produce a
                                                      coursework portfolio that makes up 20% of the final
                                                      grade. This will be based on a personal comparison of two
                                                      texts of their choice.

                                                      Students who study English Literature with us have gone
                                                      on to continue in this field at University as well as moving
                                                      on to many different degree courses which include: Law,
                                                      Religious Studies, History.

32 | egglescliffe sixth form college
- Sixth Form Student
French                              Students will develop their spoken French as well as deepen their understanding of issues and
                                                                   developments in France. They will gain an insight into French literature and film and complete
                                                                   an independent research project on a cultural theme of interest.

                                                                   In Year 12 students study aspects of French speaking society as well as artistic culture. They will study the film ‘La
      The sixth most widely spoken                                 Haine’ and will develop their awareness of the struggles faced by young people living in the suburbs of Paris. In
          language in the world. This                              Year 13, students will study aspects of politics and multiculturalism in France, as well as a work of French literature
                                                                   ‘Bonjour tristesse’ by Françoise Sagan. They will complete an individual research project, which will equip them with
      course is designed to improve                                transferable skills for future study.
        fluency and deepen cultural                                Students will complete examinations in listening, reading, speaking, writing and translation at the end of the course.
                                                                   An A Level in French allows students to access a wide variety of careers. The transferable communication skills, which
                                                                   students develop as part of the A Level, enables them to go on to study a huge range of courses. Careers in business,
                                                                   tourism, medicine, engineering, government, politics, media, publishing, journalism, law and education are all enhanced
                                                                   by the study of French. The ability to speak French is an advantage too on the international job market. An A Level in
                                                                   French really does complement a whole variety of subjects and helps you to stand out from the crowd!
                              Course Details
                                             A Level
                                        AQA - 7662
                       French GCSE Grade 6 or higher
        The availability of this course is dependent on resource
                                 allocation and student numbers.

34 | egglescliffe sixth form college
Further                             Students following this course complete both A level Mathematics and A level Further
                                        Mathematics. They will be working at a faster pace, and the workload will be more challenging,

                                        but they will be given an excellent preparation for higher education.

                                        Students will complete two A levels during this course.
                                        They will be given more than the standard numbers
                                        of lessons for one subject option, but the pace and
       A course intended for            challenge will be demanding. At the end they will have
                                        a rich, broad mathematical base, and should have
students with a natural talent          developed a comprehensive range of problem solving
  for mathematics wishing to            skills:

   pursue careers with a high           A level Mathematics
                                         šš Two thirds pure maths, including algebra, graphs,
       mathematical content                  trigonometry, calculus and logarithms.
                                         šš One sixth statistics, including sampling, probability
                                             and data analysis.
                                         šš One sixth mechanics, studying forces and motion.

                                        A level Further Mathematics
            Course Details               šš One half pure maths, including algebra, complex
                                             numbers, matrices and proof.
                  2 separate A Levels
                                         šš One quarter mechanics, including energy, power and
             Edexcel - 9MA0 & 9FM0
         Maths GCSE Grade 7 or higher
                                         šš One quarter decision maths, using algorithms for
                                             example to find the shortest route around a network

                                        Usually this course is taken by students where
                                        mathematics is a particular strength. It provides the
                                        strongest foundation for those wishing to study subjects
                                        like maths, computing, science, engineering or economics
                                        at university. Having maths and further maths on any
                                        university or job application is a way to make it stand out.

                                                                                                       for more information visit | 35
Geography                             Students will be working to further their human and physical understanding of the world
                                                    around them. This will incorporate numeracy and literacy tasks, in order for them to access a
                                                    wide range of sources and develop analytical and critical understanding.

                                                    At A Level, we develop skills already obtained at GCSE
          Geography A Level will help               by investigating in more detail the social, economic and
                you get to grips with               physical forces that drive changes on our planet. You
                                                    will be studying the AQA specification with some new
           some of the big questions                and familiar topics to study over the course. In Y12 these
                                                    will include; ‘Hazards’, ‘Population and the Environment’,
              which shape our world                 ‘Changing Places’ and ‘Coasts’. In Y13 ‘Water and Carbon
                                                    Cycles’, ‘Global Governance’ and the ‘Independent
                                                    Fieldwork Investigation’ will be completed. You will
                                                    be expected to carry out 4 days of fieldwork, covering
                                                    human and physical environments, with an optional trip
                                                    abroad in addition to these compulsory outings.

                           Course Details           Exams occur in the summer examination period,
                                                    but which there is also the ‘Independent Fieldwork
                                          A Level   Investigation’, is internally assessed and contributes 20%
                                     AQA - 7037     to the A Level.
                 Geography GCSE Grade 5 or higher
                                                    Students studying Geography have gone on to a wide
                                                    variety of degree subjects. Geography itself can be
                                                    studied as either a BSc or a BA, therefore lending itself to
                                                    any subject choice from Architecture to Zoology.

                                                    Geography degrees can lead to a wide variety of careers
                                                    such as:
                                                     šš Environmental             šš GIS Specialist
                                                         Consultant               šš Military
                                                     šš Engineers                 šš Hydrologist
                                                     šš Surveyor                  šš Weather forecaster
                                                     šš Social Worker             šš HR Manager

36 | egglescliffe sixth form college
German                                 Students will develop their spoken German as well as deepen their understanding of issues
                                                           and developments in Germany. They will gain an insight into German literature and film and
                                                           complete an independent research project on a cultural theme of interest.

                                                           In Year 12 students study aspects of German speaking society and artistic culture. They study the film ‘Goodbye Lenin’
  This course is designed to                               and will develop their awareness of the Berlin wall and the struggles between East and West Germany at that time.
improve fluency and deepen                                 In Year 13, students study aspects of politics and multiculturalism in Germany, as well as a work of German literature
                                                           ‘Der Vorleser’ by Bernhard Schlink. They will complete an individual research project, which will equip them with
   cultural awareness of the                               transferable skills for future study.
  most widely spoken native                                Students will complete examinations in listening, reading, speaking, writing and translation at the end of the course.
         language in Europe
                                                           An A Level in German allows students to access a wide variety of careers. The transferable communication skills which
                                                           students develop as part of the A Level, enables them to go on to study a huge range of courses. Careers in business,
                                                           tourism, medicine, engineering, government, politics, media, publishing, journalism, law and education are all enhanced
                                                           by the study of German. The ability to speak German is an advantage too on the international job market and really
                                                           does help you to stand out from the crowd!
                      Course Details                       One of our past students from 2016 is currently reading German with Linguistics at Oxford University.
                                   A Level
                              AQA - 7662
             German GCSE Grade 6 or higher
The availability of this course is dependent on resource
                         allocation and student numbers.

                                                                                                                         for more information visit | 37
Health and                                  Students will learn a range of skills from problem-solving skills to self-management, resilience
                                                       and critical thinking. They will develop their communication skills and work collaboratively with

           Social Care

                                                       Over the two years students will complete four units:
                                                        šš Unit 1: Human Lifespan and Development
                                                        šš Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care

      This course is an ideal starting                  šš Unit 5: Meeting individual care and support
                                                        šš Unit 14: Physiological disorders and their care
            point for a wide range of
             health care professions                   In units assessed by coursework learners carry out set
                                                       tasks and create evidence to work-related scenarios.
                                                       Assignments can include research, investigations,
                                                       fieldwork, and experiments, and often link theory with
                                                       practical exercises. Each unit is individually graded (Pass,
                                                       Merit, Distinction) and contributes towards the students
                                                       final qualification grade. This allows learners to gain
                           Course Details              recognition for strong performance in areas they excel.
                                      BTEC Level 3     A BTEC in Health and Social Care can lead to a career in
                                            Pearson    areas such as:
            Health and Social Care Level 2 would be      šš Radiography
                        preferable but not essential     šš Midwifery and nursing
                                                         šš Paramedic science
                                                         šš Healthcare science
                                                         šš NHS Practitioner
                                                         šš Counsellor
                                                         šš Health Promotion Specialist
                                                         šš Social Worker
                                                         šš Lifestyle Consultant
                                                         šš Nutritional Therapist Physiotherapist

38 | egglescliffe sixth form college
History                       This course is designed to help create students who are fascinated by history. They will develop the
                                             skills to become more independent learners, better critical and reflective thinkers and confident
                                             decision makers. All attributes desired by universities and workplaces.

                                             Students will undertake a truly global course. Students
     History A level is the ideal            will study the Medieval World of the Anglo Saxon rulers
choice if you have an inquiring              including Alfred the Great. They will explore the ideas of
                                             societies in the French Revolution and in Russia. Students
  and critical mindset. Helping              will consider the impact of rulers such as Stalin, Lenin
                                             and Louis XVI. They will also explore the many conflicts
  you to understand the world                and revolutions which took place in these societies
                    around you               such as World War One and the Cold War. Students will
                                             also complete a personal study of choice this historical
                                             investigation forms the coursework element of A-Level
                                             History and is worth 20% of your final grade.

                                             Students studying history at A level have gone on to
                Course Details               study a wide variety of courses. For example, History,
                                             Archaeology, Law, English Literature, International
                                   A level   Relations, PPE, Politics, Maths, Psychology and Medical
                             OCR - H505      school.
       GCSE English Grade 5 or higher and
          GCSE History Grade 5 or higher     The skills which history develop will lead to a wide variety
                                             of careers in areas such as:
                                               šš Medicine                   šš Police
                                               šš Law                        šš Research
                                               šš The Media                  šš Politics

                                                                                                            for more information visit | 39
Information                                   BTEC IT is all about becoming a discerning user and designer of IT systems. Social media, data
                                                      management systems and computer models are all explored and utilised in the context of real

                                                      world business.

                                                      Over the course of the qualification students will complete a coursework based unit focused on the use of social media
                                                      business. Students are encouraged to partner with a real organisation and are expected to plan, implement and assess
                                                      a complete social media strategy, monitoring engagement with the public.
            This course is designed to
                                                      In a second coursework unit students will design a spreadsheet model for a specific business scenario in order to help
         provide a range of practical                 explore the way that models are used to make business decisions.
       skills for users of information                There are two external exams, one per year. Paper 1 is a written paper summarising understanding of how individuals
                 technology - which is                and organisation use information technology. This includes an awareness of digital communication, the increasing
                                                      reliance on mobile devices and the IT infrastructure used in homes and businesses across the world.
                                                      The paper 2 exam is a practical, online assessment of data management systems. Students are taught how to design
                                                      and develop a relational database system with consideration for both the back-end structure and the user interface.
                           Course Details             This course is modular, and each assessment is combined to provide the overall grade at the end of Year 13.
                                      BTEC Level 3
            Pearson / National Extended Certificate
                                  No pre-requisites

40 | egglescliffe sixth form college
LAW              Should the death penalty be re-introduced? Can you kill in your sleep? If you find money can
                                              you keep it? Is sentencing too lenient? How is a law made? What happens to a mentally ill
                                              person who commits murder? Does and should the law reflect morals?

                                              A-level Law develops students’ knowledge and
              The study of law is             understanding of the English legal system.
           broad and fascinating
                                              Students will develop skills valued by higher education
                  and underpins               and employers, including critical analysis, problem
                                              solving, independent thinking, ability to use authority to
               everything we do               illustrate legal principles and construction of conclusions
                                              based on sound reasoning. Students develop such
                                              skills through the application of legal rules, together to
                                              real life and fictional scenarios. Although academically
                                              demanding, students will benefit from and enjoy the
                                              application of law to everyday situations.

                 Course Details               Students will learn the fundamentals of law making in
                                              England and the English legal system including criminal,
                                   A Level    tort law and human rights law and topics such as
                               OCR - H415     Parliamentary Law Making and Delegated Legislation
           English GCSE Grade 5 or higher     allow students to explore the fundamentals of law
and GCSE Grade 5 in an essay based subject.   making. Due to the nature of the course, a high level of
                                              literacy would be an advantage given the level of written
                                              work required.

                                              Students will visit Teesside Magistrates’ Court and will
                                              be given the opportunity to observe criminal trials such
                                              as assault, battery, driving offences, theft etc. and speak
                                              with magistrates who hear such cases.

                                              There is no coursework element to this course. All three
                                              2-hour examinations will take place in the summer. Each
                                              examination is weighted equally.

                                                                                                            for more information visit | 41
Mathematics                                     Students will build on and extend the techniques covered at GCSE. Algebraic methods are
                                                     commonly used to analyse and solve problems. The course is based mainly on pure maths, but
                                                     also includes applications in statistics and mechanics.

                                                     The overarching theme throughout this course is to think
         This course is designed for                 logically and analytically, to process information and
         people who enjoy problem                    create clear solutions to problems in a variety of contexts.
                                                     Although numeracy skills are clearly useful, a more
        solving and want to pursue                   important prerequisite for A level is confidence with basic
      any career with mathematical
                             content                 Two thirds of the marks on the final three exams are
                                                     for pure maths, with statistics and mechanics making
                                                     up the rest. Pure maths is based on algebra, graphs
                                                     and trigonometry, extended to include new techniques
                                                     including calculus and logarithms. Statistics involves
                                                     sampling, probability and data analysis. Mechanics is the
                           Course Details            study of forces and motion.
                                           A Level   Students completing this A level have gone on to study
                                  Edexcel - 9MA0     maths, science, computing, economics, engineering and
                      Maths GCSE Grade 6 or higher   medicine at university, but also a wide range of different
                                                     courses where a mathematical skill set is valued. Even for
                                                     careers not directly linked to maths, this A level is highly
                                                     regarded by employers as an indicator of talent and

42 | egglescliffe sixth form college
Media Studies                                  Media Studies is all about understanding the impact television, radio, print and the Internet
                                               have on our world and how we share the information through four areas of the theoretical
                                               framework: Media language; institutions; audiences; and representations.

                                               You will be expected to engage with media output
       Understand how media                    on a daily basis. You should be keen to read the news
          industries offer both                about a range of topics and also have an interest in
                                               television, music, film, radio or magazines. Enthusiasm
 reflections and constructions                 to get involved in debates about how the media affects
                                               your own and others’ lives as well as some practical
  of every aspect of our world                 performance and design.
  and learn the conventions to                 There are three units assessed during the two years,
                                               based on topics chosen by the exam board.
                  do it yourself
                                               Unit 1: Media messages (written exam 35%) Students
                                               complete a comprehensive study of the British Press
                                               to discuss how ownership impacts design and how the
                Course Details                 media can shape audience opinion. We will also complete
                                               case studies of advertising, magazines and music videos
                                     A level   to understand how meaning is encoded into media
                                OCR – H409     products.
           English GCSE Grade 5 or higher,
     Pairs well with A levels in Psychology,   Unit 2: The evolving media (written exam 35%) Students
                     Sociology and English     will use the theoretical framework to study a range of
                                               media texts to discuss the contexts which affect the
                                               creation of different products, including an extensive case
                                               study of US and European television drama, along with
                                               radio, film and computer gaming.

                                               Unit 3: Creating media (coursework 30%) Students will
                                               use the theoretical framework to create their own media
                                               texts in response to an exam board brief.

                                                                                                             for more information visit | 43
              PRACTICAL SKILLS”
       - Sixth Form Music Student
Music                  With an emphasis on musicality and practical music making our students will develop an in-
                                             depth knowledge of musical elements, contexts and language.

                                             In Year 12 our superb team of instrumental teachers will
       Music at Egglescliffe is              support you to produce an 8 minute recorded recital
     outstanding both in, and                which can be solo, ensemble, or a combination on a
                                             variety of instruments or voice.
      outside, the classroom
                                             We also learn a great deal about how music works, and
                                             then apply that to our compositions, one of which is a
                                             free choice and one responds to briefs set by the exam
                                             board. Finally a listening and essay based exam focuses
                                             on listening and theory skills, as well analysis of a set
                                             work from the classical period, and study of Jazz and
                                             Popular Song.

                Course Details               In Year 13 the performance and compositions are very
                                             much in line with the work undertaken in Year 12,
                                   A Level   however, in Year 13 you can choose to specialise on
                               OCR - H543    composition or performance with more marks being
            Music GCSE Grade 5 or higher     awarded for your chosen specialist area.
or Music Theory or Practical Instrument at
                ABRSM Grade 5 or higher      We also continue our study of classical music with more
                                             set works from the period, as well as continuing our
                                             study of Jazz and developing our listening and theory

                                             We strongly encourage our A level students to get
                                             involved in our wide range of musical ensembles, many
                                             of which are award winning.

                                                                                                         for more information visit | 45
Philosophy                               Students will grapple with some of the most fundamental questions that humanity has ever
                                                     asked itself in the past and will have to deal with in the future. It compares and analyses classic

             and Ethics
                                                     answers and responses to these questions.

                                                     In both Year 12 and 13 students will study Philosophy,
                                                     Ethics and Hinduism from an objective point of view. They
                                                     will consider the nature and origin of the universe and
             This course is designed                 mankind, the ways in which we make moral decisions
                                                     about our medicine, war, sex and the environment as well
           to encourage the skills of                as thoughts and practices of one of the world’s major
       argument and analysis which                   world religions.

          are vital in all walks of life             Assessment is by three two hour examinations at the end
                                                     of Y13.

                                                     Students of Philosophy and Ethics have combined its
                                                     study with both Arts and Sciences at A Level and used it
                           Course Details            to support and enhance their studies in a wide range of
                                                     degree courses and training which include Medicine, Law,
                                           A Level   Music, Philosophy and Architecture.
                                  Edexcel - 9RS0
      Religious Studies GCSE Grade 5 or higher but   Philosophy and Ethics can lead to a career in such areas
                                     not essential   as:
                                                      šš Medical professions
                                                      šš Uniformed services
                                                      šš Broadcasting
                                                      šš Business
                                                      šš Academia

46 | egglescliffe sixth form college
Photography                              Photography A-level is an excellent course that allows you to be introduced to a variety of
                                         experiences, exploring a range of photography based media, techniques and processes.

                                         Photography introduces you to a variety of experiences
This is a fantastic opportunity          exploring a range of photographic media, techniques
             to work creatively,         and processes. Working with both traditional darkroom
                                         and contemporary digital techniques you will have the
 independently and with real             opportunity to produce work in the areas of portraiture,
                                         landscape photography, still-life photography, photo
  purpose on meaningful and              journalism and experimental imagery. You will explore
            relevant outcomes            relevant images and resources relating to Photography
                                         and a wider range of art and design, from the past and
                                         from recent times. All ideas and development will be
                                         recorded in journals as well as larger scale design boards.

                                         Candidates may use traditional methods and/or digital
             Course Details              techniques to produce images.
                               A Level   Further into the course, Photography allows you to build
                          AQA - 7206     on the skills and interests you developed at the start. You
            Art GCSE Grade 4 or higher   have the opportunity to study a particular area of interest
                                         and develop an independent project.
                                         During the duration of the course you will be directed /
                                         guided through internally set units and one externally
                                         set one. The coursework contributes to 60% of the
                                         final grade and the externally set task 40%. This final
                                         unit culminates in a 15 hour practical exam where you
                                         can really showcase the skills and knowledge you have
                                         acquired during the course.

                                         The department seeks to extend students’ art experience
                                         where possible. This includes a range of trips to places of

                                                                                                       for more information visit | 47
You can also read