Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools
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Research article Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021 © Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools Solmaz Mohadjer1,4 , Sebastian G. Mutz1 , Matthew Kemp2 , Sophie J. Gill2 , Anatoly Ischuk3 , and Todd A. Ehlers1 1 Department of Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Tübingen 72074, Germany 2 Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3AN, United Kingdom 3 Institute of Geology, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe 734063, Tajikistan 4 Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Central Asia, Khorog 736000, Tajikistan Correspondence: Solmaz Mohadjer ( Received: 23 October 2020 – Discussion started: 13 November 2020 Revised: 22 February 2021 – Accepted: 6 April 2021 – Published: 26 May 2021 Abstract. In this study, we have created 10 geoscience curriculum testing (e.g. level of teachers’ participation and video lessons that follow the paired-teaching pedagogical classroom culture) and students’ learning of content (e.g. pre- approach. This method is used to supplement the standard existing hazards knowledge and experience). To maximize school curriculum with video lessons, instructed by geo- the impact of school-based risk reduction education, curricu- scientists from around the world, coupled with activities lum developers must move beyond innovative content and carried out under the guidance of classroom teachers. The pedagogical approaches, take classroom culture into consid- video lessons introduce students to the scientific concepts eration, and instil skills needed for participatory learning and behind earthquakes (e.g. the Earth’s interior, plate tecton- discovery. ics, faulting, and seismic energy), earthquake hazards, and mitigation measures (e.g. liquefaction, structural, and non- structural earthquake hazards). These concepts are taught 1 Introduction through hands-on learning, where students use everyday ma- terials to build models to visualize basic Earth processes that The impacts of earthquake disasters are not only physical, produce earthquakes and explore the effects of different haz- psychological, and economic but also educational. Approxi- ards. To evaluate the effectiveness of these virtual lessons, we mately 1.2 billion students are enrolled in primary and sec- tested our videos in school classrooms in Dushanbe (Tajik- ondary schools, with about 875 million living in high seis- istan) and London (United Kingdom). Before and after the mic zones (UNICEF, 2014). Recent devastating earthquakes, video implementations, students completed questionnaires such as those that struck Pakistan in 2005, China in 2008, that probed their knowledge on topics covered by each video, Haiti in 2010, and Nepal in 2015 have demonstrated how including the Earth’s interior, tectonic plate boundaries, and vulnerable school communities are to earthquake disasters non-structural hazards. (Fig. 1). In the most affected regions, these earthquakes re- Our assessment results indicate that, while the paired- sulted in the collapse of over 80 % of schools (Pazzi et al., teaching video lessons appear to enhance student knowl- 2016). In China alone, the Wenchuan earthquake destroyed edge and understanding of some concepts (e.g. Earth’s inte- more than 7000 school buildings and significantly damaged rior, earthquake location forecasting, and non-structural haz- more than 10 000. The number of school children affected ards), they bring little change to their views on the causes was estimated to be in the millions. Similarly, in Pakistan, of earthquakes and their relation to plate boundaries. In gen- UNICEF reported at least 17 000 school children were killed, eral, the difference between UK and Tajik students’ level of most of them in the collapse of more than 7500 school build- knowledge prior to and after video testing is more signifi- ings, and about 2000 teachers lost their lives, were seriously cant than the difference between pre- and post-knowledge injured, or displaced (Wisner, 2005; Halvorson and Hamil- for each group. This could be due to several factors affecting ton, 2010). Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
282 S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools Figure 1. Significant earthquakes from the National Geophysical Data Center/World Data Service (last access: 3 March 2020) superimposed on the Global Seismic Hazard map of Pagani et al. (2018). Impact details of recent earthquakes discussed in text are shown in white boxes. Scarce resources, inadequate building codes, and unskilled Kagawa, 2012). In general, curriculum development and in- building professionals are often cited as the underlying tegration are textbook driven and/or carried out as co- or drivers for unsafe school buildings (Sharma et al., 2016; extra-curricular activities in the form of pilot projects or Bilham and Gaur, 2013; Erdik and Durukal, 2008). Other special events in schools (e.g. earthquake drills or playing contributing factors include a lack of science-based earth- serious games). While some DRR content is easily woven quake education, awareness of hazards and mitigation mea- into specific school subjects, such as geography or natural sures, and sociocultural factors influencing knowledge, be- sciences, a textbook-driven approach hinders the achieve- liefs, and practices (Lownsbery and Flick, 2020; Cavlazoglu ment of the skills and attitudinal and action learning out- and Stuessy, 2017; Halvorson and Hamilton, 2007). In some comes required for effective DRR learning. Co-curricular societies, the lack of access to science-based earthquake in- and extra-curricular activities, on the other hand, can provide formation can hinder preparedness by cultivating miscon- a means for innovative teaching and interactive and partici- ceptions, such as those relating to fatalism and God’s will patory learning. (Yari et al., 2019; Paradise, 2005) or by blaming and sham- Here, we apply an innovative teaching technique, known ing specific population groups (Simpson, 2011; Halvorson as paired teaching, to create a series of video lessons taught and Hamilton, 2007). Previous work has identified school- by a scientist and the in-class teacher to enhance science- based disaster risk reduction (DRR) education as one of the based earthquake education that also covers topics related to main contributors to the long-term resilience and empower- earthquake hazards and safety measures. We share the results ment of communities (Subedi et al., 2020; Oktari et al., 2018; of our curriculum classroom testing in schools in Tajikistan UNICEF, 2014; Twigg, 2009). An effective DRR curriculum and the United Kingdom, where natural hazard topics are of- can prepare children and youth to be agents of change by ten textbook driven and discussed briefly, with no or little actively engaging them in learning about geohazard science active learning exercises. The video lessons, therefore, are and school safety measures and preparing them to share their an opportunity to ignite active learning in school classrooms learning with the wider community (see Mitchell et al., 2009, and allow an opportunity to bring scientists into school class- and references therein). However, many schools around the rooms (as video teachers) without additional resources. world lack the resources and incentives that are required for successful, school-based DRR education, for example, cur- ricular resources and trained teachers. This study aims to im- 2 Methods prove teachers’ access to DRR content, focusing on earth- quake education, and to facilitate content teaching by con- We created and published 10 free (Attribution- necting teachers with Earth scientists. NonCommercial Creative Commons license) on- Different approaches to school-based DRR curriculum are line video lessons. The videos are archived in the summarized in a comprehensive report by the United Na- Technische Informations Bibliothek (TIB) AV-Portal tions Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and United Nations Edu- ( and can be accessed via cational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the YouTube channel of the European Geosciences Union which includes case studies from 30 countries (Selby and (, last access: 19 May 2021). The video series was created Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools 283 collaboratively by nine early career Earth and environmental scientists and educators from academic institutions across the United Kingdom and Germany. Many of the video pre- senters are experienced educators who have developed and taught science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-related subjects and activities in both formal and informal settings, including K-12 schools. To create the series, we adapted the protocols for creating interactive videos by Larson and Murray (2017) and applied them to lessons plans developed by Mohadjer et al. (2010). These protocols incorporate the paired-teaching pedagogy (see Sect. 2.1) and blend well with the interactive exercises that accompany the lesson plans. For a thorough discussion on the protocols, we refer readers to Larson and Murray (2017). The video lessons are not intended to replace an existing curriculum but rather to support the teaching of concepts re- lated to earthquakes through interactive, hands-on activities and discussions that are guided by a guest scientist and the in-class teacher. In addition, the videos are developed for the global school community and do not target or adhere to the educational standards of a specific region or country. How- ever, teachers are encouraged to contextualize the curriculum content according to their local environment and are given relevant guidelines in the teacher segment at the end of each video (see the Supplement for more details). Below, we in- troduce the paired-teaching approach and describe our video evaluation strategy. 2.1 Paired-teaching pedagogy We used a pedagogical model known as paired teaching (or teaching duet) developed by the MIT (Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology) BLOSSOMS (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies) initiative. This approach en- Figure 2. Paired teaching pedagogy. The circular arrows demon- ables scientists and educators from around the world to create strate the passing of teaching between the in-class and video teach- and instruct virtual lessons and activities that are carried out ers. under the guidance of in-class teachers in school classrooms. A typical virtual lesson contains four to six short video seg- ments taught by the video teacher. Each segment is followed et al. (2010). These lesson plans have been tested, evaluated, by a live, active-learning segment in the classroom, guided and improved by Teachers Without Borders and other edu- by the in-class teacher. For example, the class starts with seg- cational institutions in the training and guidance of teach- ment 1 of a learning video. Towards the end of this segment, ers to facilitate DRR learning in schools in China, Tajikistan, the video teacher gives a challenge to the class. The video Afghanistan, India, and Haiti. To turn these lesson plans into fades to black and is replaced by a still image of the activ- learning videos, we followed the protocols created and used ity instructions or questions. The in-class teacher pauses the by MIT BLOSSOMS (2021) to produce >100 STEM videos. video, and guides the students in an active-learning exercise The protocols included the following three key steps before in the classroom. After the exercise is concluded, the in-class the videotaping began: (1) the writing of the concept for the teacher resumes the video, allowing the video teacher to take video lesson, (2) mapping out the structure and content of the over the teaching again. The passing of teaching between the video lesson, and (3) preparing a pseudo-script to show how in-class and video teachers is a type of blended learning re- the video lesson will be presented when taped. The lesson ferred to as paired teaching. Figure 2 shows the workflow plans and learning videos cover similar topics, but they dif- of our paired-teaching approach. See the Supplement for an fer in teaching pedagogy (paired teaching vs. the 5E instruc- example of a video module from our earthquake video series. tional model of Bybee et al., 2006) and the delivery method In this study, the above technique was adapted and ap- (video lessons vs. lesson plans). plied to the earthquake education lesson plans of Mohadjer Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
284 S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools 2.2 Curriculum evaluation 2.2.2 Data analysis To evaluate the effectiveness of our video series, we se- Students’ written responses to survey questionnaires were lected and tested three video lessons with school students first categorized into appropriate groups, based on the indi- and teachers in Tajikistan and the United Kingdom. We com- vidual response to each question. We then assigned a score pared pre- and post-assessment data collected from students value to each response group, indicating the level of un- on the first and last days of the video implementation, respec- derstanding associated with the response. For example, stu- tively. This was done by using a questionnaire that assessed dents who mentioned volcanoes and mountains in their an- students’ learning of main concepts covered in each video swers as the primary cause of earthquakes received a score that was selected for classroom implementation. This com- of 1; those mentioning plate tectonics received a score of parison is possible since students answered the same ques- 2; those with no or irrelevant answers received a score of tions in the pre- and post-assessment questionnaires. Ethi- 0. Similarly, students’ graphical responses (question 6 in cal approval for this study was sought and received from the survey) were analysed using the evaluation rubric of the participating schools and institutional partners that co- Steer et al. (2005). For example, students’ drawings of the ordinated this effort in 2018–2019. The ethical procedures Earth’s interior were scored 0 (no conceptual framework) to were designed to adhere to current standards of assent and 5 (advanced understanding). Students’ scored responses to consent regarding in-school research and to provide partici- pre- and post-assessment questions were then analysed for pants with anonymity. As a low-risk, school-based study fo- comparison using a two-sample t test when data followed cused on learning outcomes from regular teaching activities, the normal probability distribution and the non-parametric the consent of the school-based stakeholders, i.e. the princi- Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test when the probability distri- pals and teachers, was considered sufficient to proceed with butions were non-normal. For survey questions that required the pre- and post-tests. All participation was voluntary, and binary answers (“yes” or “no” responses, e.g. in questions students were given the opportunity to assent or refuse par- 3–4 in the survey), we used the McNemar test to compare re- ticipation at both the pre- and post-test points. The pre- and sults. The significance level (alpha value) was set to 0.05, and post-tests were anonymous, with students creating their own results were considered statistically significant if p
S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools 285 Figure 3. Stepwise earthquake education curriculum (modified from Mohadjer et al., 2010). 2.2.4 School settings spread out the video lessons across a 50 d period, the lead author of this paper had to follow a restricted schedule of 5 d for video testing in Tajikistan. The three aforementioned videos were tested with 38 sixth- grade students (12 years of age; 50 % female) and 39 ninth- grade students (12–14 years of age; 42 % female) from two 3 Results school classes in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) and London (United Kingdom), respectively. The school in Dushanbe (the capi- Using the methods described in Sect. 2, we created 10 online tal city of Tajikistan) is a public school located in the city video lessons. The videos were tested with school classrooms centre and was selected for this study by the Institute of in Tajikistan and the United Kingdom during the 2018–2019 Geology, Earthquake Engineering, and Seismology of Tajik- period. Below, we briefly introduce the videos and share the istan because of its previous collaboration with Mohadjer results of our classroom implementation. et al. (2010). The school was recently built in compliance with the existing seismic building codes of Tajikistan. Inter- 3.1 Paired-teaching video series active whiteboards are present in many of its classrooms, and there is a new computer lab with individual workstations. The Table 1 summarizes the teaching approach, topics covered, video testing was conducted over 5 d during school hours (i.e. and classroom activities for each video, as well as the video 08:00–12:00 local time – LT) by the lead author, with as- duration and its digital object identifier (DOI). The video sistance from local teachers. The local language (Tajik) was durations range from 12 to 24 min (excluding the teacher used for teaching and in all written and multimedia materi- segment). In addition to our paired-teaching pedagogy, each als, including the videos which were dubbed into Tajik. Re- video lesson incorporates a wide range of teaching strate- sources needed for testing (e.g. maps, Slinky toys, and play gies to create an active learning environment. While some dough) were provided by the lead author. The school in Lon- strategies are based on group work methods, such as cooper- don (United Kingdom) is a secondary (11–18 years of age) ative learning (as used in the Discovering Plate Boundaries academy located in the heart of the city. The London school video lesson), others include classroom experiments that in- was selected through our existing teachers’ network in the volve students in collecting data, making predictions, and UK. The videos were tested by two geography teachers with reflecting upon their observations (as shown in the Earth- 1–3 years of teaching experience over a testing period of ap- quake Machine video lesson). Most video lessons incorpo- proximately 50 d. The difference in the testing periods be- rate analogies and models to enhance conceptual understand- tween the two schools was to accommodate different sched- ing of some topics, such as Earth’s interior structure and ma- ules teachers had to follow. While the UK teachers could terial properties, while allowing students to construct and cri- Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
286 S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools tique their models. All classroom activities are low-tech and video testing and their responses afterwards was significant, require materials that can be easily obtained and assembled above the 95 % level, using the KS test (D stat – 0.84 and anywhere in the world. 0.79; D crit – 0.30 and 0.30). 3.2 Video classroom testing 3.2.3 Students’ understanding of non-structural hazards To test the effectiveness of our paired-teaching technique, we Figure 6 shows the students’ ability to identify non-structural selected and tested three video lessons with school students hazards in example photographs. Non-structural earthquake in Tajikistan and the United Kingdom. Since both groups hazards are caused by the furnishings and non-structural watched the same videos and completed the same question- elements of a building (e.g. suspended ceilings and win- naires prior to and after the testing of video lessons, full com- dows). In general, students from both groups identified non- parison of results between groups is possible. In the follow- structural hazards that are located above the ground (e.g. ing sub-sections, we summarize students’ responses to the hanging television set and plant pots stored above cabinets) six questions they were asked in the pre- and post-assessment and missed those near the floor (e.g. desks and chairs). Both surveys. The statistical test results are shown in the Supple- groups demonstrated some knowledge of non-structural haz- ment (Table S2). ards found in typical school classrooms prior to video test- ing and showed some improvement after video testing. How- 3.2.1 Students’ understanding of the Earth’s interior ever, only the difference between pre- and post-assessment responses by the UK students was statistically significant Students’ understanding of the Earth’s interior before and af- above the 95 % level, as indicated by the KS test (D stat – ter the classroom testing of the Earth’s Interior and Plate 0.43; D crit – 0.30). Tectonics video is shown in Fig. 4. While the majority of the Tajik students’ responses, both before and after watch- 3.2.4 Earthquake prediction ing the video, show no to little understanding of the Earth’s interior (scores of 0–2), responses given by the UK students Figure 7a shows students’ responses to “Is it possible to know are more evenly distributed between no or little understand- the exact timing of earthquakes before they occur?” While ing and higher levels of understanding (scores of >2). Both the majority of Tajik students indicate “no” in their responses groups, however, show an increase in their understanding of before and after video watching (55 % and 68 %, respec- the Earth’s interior after watching the video. These observa- tively), UK students’ responses are more evenly distributed tions are supported by statistical analysis of the results. More between three categories of “no”, “sometimes”, and “I don’t specifically, 74 % of students (28 students) from Tajikistan know” prior to video watching (36 %, 33 %, and 28 %, re- and 48 % from the UK (19 students) demonstrated having a spectively) as well as after video testing (46 % indicate “no”; no or a basic conceptual framework about the Earth’s inte- 38 % indicate “sometimes”). After video watching, a notable rior (scored 0–1) prior to video testing. After video testing, a percentage of Tajik students (21 %; 8 students) believes that large percentage of Tajik and UK students (58 % and 52 %, it is possible to know the exact timing of an earthquake. respectively) demonstrated an increased level of understand- In their pre-assessment responses to whether it is possible ing of the Earth’s interior (scored 3 or higher). The difference to know where an earthquake can occur (Fig. 7b), a signifi- between Tajik students’ responses before and after video test- cant percentage of both groups (47 % – Tajik; 41 % – UK) be- ing was statistically significant (above 95 % level), using the lieve that is sometimes possible. After video watching, Tajik Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test (D stat – 0.31; D crit – 0.30). students’ responses are divided almost evenly between the Similarly, the difference between UK and Tajik students’ re- four different categories as follows: 26 % (10 students) indi- sponses before and after video testing was significant (above cate that it is possible to know where earthquakes can occur 95 %; D stat – 0.33; D crit – 0.30). (“yes” response), while 18 % (7 students) believe otherwise (“no” response); 21 % (8 students) indicate it is sometimes 3.2.2 Students’ understanding of causes of earthquakes possible, and 26 % (10 students) give irrelevant answers. In contrast, the majority of the UK students’ post-assessment We grouped students’ responses into six categories (Fig. 5). answers are “yes” to earthquake location prediction (62 %; In their responses to “What are the causes of earthquakes?”, 24 students), with “sometimes” indicated in 28 % (11 stu- 90 % (35 students) of the UK students mentioned plate tec- dents) of responses. The differences between UK pre- and tonics, while 46 % (17 students) of the Tajik students made post-assessment responses is statistically significant above references to mountains and volcanoes (with only 1 out of the 95 % level, as indicated by the McNemar test (chi stat 38 students mentioning plate tectonics) before video testing. – 6.66; chi crit – 3.84). After video testing, the Tajik students showed little improve- Additionally, we asked students the following open-ended ment in their understanding of the causes of earthquakes. The question: where in the world do earthquakes occur most of- difference between UK and Tajik students’ responses prior to ten? Based on their answers, we created five response cate- Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools 287 Table 1. Summary of the teaching approaches, topics covered, and classroom activities for each video, including the video duration and its digital object identifier (DOI). Title Teaching approach Topics covered Main classroom activities DOI and video length Journey to the centre of Conceptual model, Earth’s internal layers Using a hard-boiled egg as a; the Earth: Earth’s inte- interactive lecture and methods for in- scale model for the layers of 16 min rior and plate tectonics demonstrations, and vestigating Earth’s inte- the Earth; using Slinky toys (Mohadjer et al., 2017–2018a) use of analogies and rior, including seismic to model seismic waves; dis- other visualize aids waves cussing model limitations Living on the edge: dis- Cooperative learning Linking plate bound- Using data maps (e.g. earth-; covering plate bound- (jigsaws), role playing, ary processes to sci- quakes, volcanoes, seafloor age, 24 min aries and data-driven entific observations and and topography) to investigate (Mohadjer and Mutz, exercises the scientific method plate tectonic boundary pro- 2017–2018b) cesses Soft rocks and hard Interactive lecture Why and how materials Applying force to everyday ob-; liquids: properties of demonstrations (using deform, and what con- jects and observing and iden- 13 min Earth materials everyday objects) trols deformation and tifying factors influencing their (Mohadjer et al., 2017–2018b) energy transfer behaviour Do you know your Use of models and Causes and types of Using a dough to model Earth’s; faults? Plate motions teaching with visualiza- plate tectonic stress and crust under stress and build- 14 min and faults tions (photos) and resulting strain and the ing different fault models using (Mohadjer et al., 2017–2018c) art mechanics of fault rup- pieces of cardboard ture What causes that rock Classroom experiments Earthquake mecha- Operating a mechanical model; ’n roll? The Earthquake (building and operating nisms, stick–slip of a fault to observe fault mo- 12 min machine models) motion, and earthquake tion during an earthquake, ex- (Mohadjer et al., 2017–2018d) prediction ploring the effects of several variables, and discussing model limitations Rocking, rolling, and Interactive, hands-on Waves as energy trans- Using a setup to show how; bouncing: how do demonstrations and fer, seismic waves, and seismic waves can travel 21 min earthquakes move the use of models and how they travel through through different materials and (Mohadjer et al., 2017–2018e) Earth? animations different materials modelling seismic waves using Slinky toys and human bodies (human waves) Flow with the sand: in- Classroom experi- Soil saturation and con- Building a liquefaction model; troduction to soil lique- ments, using models solidation and causes and using a shake table to test 13 min faction and visualizations of soil liquefaction and its response to shaking (Mohadjer et al., 2017–2018f) mitigation measures Safe or unsafe: non- Place-based learning Non-structural hazards Identifying non-structural haz-; structural hazards and role playing identification and miti- ards in school classrooms and 20 min during earthquakes gation, rapid visual discussing and proposing miti- (Mohadjer and Mutz, screening method, and gation strategies 2017–2018c) repair cost analysis On shaky ground: Classroom experiments Introduction to the Constructing building models; structural hazards shake table and how and testing them on a shake ta- 13 min during earthquakes different materials ble and discussing model limi- (Mohadjer et al., 2017–2018g) (Part I) respond to different tations loads On shaky ground: Classroom experiments Earthquake engineering Constructing and testing build-; structural hazards and group discussions of buildings with re- ing models on a shake table, 16 min during earthquakes spect to frequency, nat- modifying them to reduce res- (Mohadjer et al., 2017–2018h) (Part II) ural frequency, and res- onance, and discussing model onance limitations Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
288 S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools Figure 4. Students’ understanding of Earth’s interior (right) when asked to sketch a cross section of the Earth. The evaluation rubric is after Steer et al., 2005 (left). 4 Discussion 4.1 Factors influencing students’ learning The differences between students’ pre- and post-assessment responses to survey questions were only significant above the 95 % level when they were asked to indicate if it was possible to know where earthquakes happen (Sect. 3.2.4), to sketch a cross section of the Earth (Sect. 3.2.1), and to identify non- structural hazards in example photographs (Sect. 3.2.3) (Ta- ble S2 in the Supplement). These results indicate that our paired-teaching videos appear to change students’ views and understanding of some concepts, including (i) the Earth’s in- terior for the Tajikistan group, (ii) earthquake location fore- casting for both the Tajikistan and UK groups, and (iii) non- structural hazards for the UK group. However, our curricu- Figure 5. The causes of earthquakes, according to the students. lum did not significantly change students’ understanding of other concepts, including causes of earthquakes and their re- gories (Fig. 7c). A large percentage of students’ responses lation to plate boundaries. Below, we discuss possible factors from both groups include country names before and after that improve or hinder students’ learning of these targeted watching the videos. UK students also included plate bound- topics. aries in their responses both before and after watching videos (21 % and 40 %, respectively). In contrast, Tajik students 4.1.1 Interior of the Earth made references to mountains or volcanoes (39 % and 44 %, respectively). These observations match students’ responses While a notable percentage of Tajik students’ responses to the causes of earthquakes (Fig. 5). The differences be- (50 %, 19 students) indicate an increase of at least one score tween UK and Tajik post-assessment responses is statisti- point in their understanding of the Earth’s interior, only four cally significant above the 95 % level, as indicated by the KS (out of 38) students demonstrated an advanced understand- test (D stat – 0.38; D crit – 0.30). ing of the Earth’s interior structure where scale is impor- tant (score 4–5). This is despite the fact that students were shown a diagram of a cross section of the Earth (with all layers drawn to scale and labelled) by the video teacher and participated in a classroom activity during which they com- Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools 289 Figure 6. Students’ understanding of non-structural hazards. From left to right: photographs used in questionnaires for non-structural hazard identification, items identified correctly as non-structural hazards, and pre- and post-assessment results. Photo credit: AKDN/DRMI, 2011 (, last access: 19 May 2021). pared the interior structure of a hard-boiled egg with that of complete understanding of the Earth’s interior structure (as the Earth. These concepts, however, were unfamiliar to Tajik described above) hindered their learning process associated students prior to video testing and were not repeatedly rein- with earthquakes, as shown by Barrow and Haskins (1996). forced during and after video implementation. It is important Another hindering factor could be the lack of previous expo- to note that more than 50 % of Tajik students did not label sure and concept reinforcement during or after video testing. the Earth’s layers in both pre- and post-assessment surveys Relating earthquakes to volcanoes and mountains is part of since this was not specified by the question. However, the students’ pre-existing knowledge, as demonstrated in 39 % to post-assessment data show a 24 % increase in the number of 50 % of students’ pre-responses to question 1 (i.e. “what are students who drew the interior of the Earth as concentric cir- the causes of earthquakes?”) and question 4 (i.e. “where in cles. Therefore, it is possible that students’ understanding of the world do earthquakes occur most often?”), respectively. the Earth’s interior after video watching is underestimated. Students’ pre-existing knowledge of why and where earth- For the UK group, 46 % (18 out of 39 students) showed quakes occur was revisited and reinforced in the plate bound- no or a basic conceptual framework of the Earth’s interior ary video and the accompanying classroom activities, where after video testing, with only 31 % (12 students) showing students explored relations between distribution of volca- some improvement. We, therefore, conclude that diagrams noes, topography, and earthquakes. Relating these processes and simple analogies can bring some improvement to learn- to plate boundaries, however, was a new concept that was not ing these concepts, but to make significant conceptual ad- reinforced. Unlike previous work by Mohadjer et al. (2010), vances, concepts must be revisited and reinforced repeatedly. we documented no mention of myths, legends, or religious explanations in Tajik students’ responses to causes of earth- quakes. This could be due to (1) different data collection 4.1.2 Causes of earthquakes methods (anonymous survey questionnaires in this study vs. The Earth’s interior and plate boundary videos did not in- individual or group interviews in Mohadjer et al., 2010) and crease students’ understanding of earthquakes and associ- (2) differences in students’ ages or grade level (the 2010 par- ated processes. After video testing, only one Tajik student ticipants were 2–3 years older than the 2018 participants), (out of 38) listed plate tectonics as the main cause of earth- and/or (3) this may be a reflection of changing earthquake quakes. The relationship between plate tectonics and earth- perceptions over the last decade. In contrast, nearly all UK quakes was briefly mentioned by the video teacher in the students (35 students) connect earthquake occurrence with Earth’s interior video. However, during the testing of the plate tectonics prior to video watching. Because of their pre- plate boundary video, students used different data sets (in- vious knowledge, it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of cluding an earthquake map) to observe data behaviour near the plate boundary curricular activities conducted with this or at plate boundaries. It is possible that the students’ in- group. Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
290 S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools the students’ views of earthquake prediction and forecasting. This information is important, since earthquake prediction or forecast, or lack thereof, may influence preparedness at- titudes and behaviours in some communities. Prior to video watching, approximately 60 % (23 Tajik students) said “no” to earthquake prediction (in terms of date and time) and “yes” or “sometimes” to earthquake forecasting (in terms of loca- tion). In contrast, these values for the UK group are lower (36 %; 14 students) and higher (77 %; 30 students), respec- tively. The only significant difference (95 % level) between the students’ pre- and post-answers was observed for the UK group for earthquake location forecasting. This may indicate that our curricular material (particularly the plate boundary classroom activity), which emphasizes that earthquake lo- cations are not random, was effective in changing students’ understanding of earthquake location forecasting. A notable portion of Tajik students (26 %; 10 students), however, mis- interpreted the survey question, as is evident in their irrele- vant responses to earthquake location forecasting (e.g. listing streets and schools as locations of earthquakes). 4.1.4 Non-structural hazards For both student groups, our non-structural hazard video in- creased the students’ ability to identify non-structural haz- ards in example classroom photos. However, the increase in hazard identification is significant (95 % level) only for the UK group. This could be due to lack of exposure to earth- quake shaking during which non-structural elements of a building can pose hazards to the building’s occupants. Hav- ing experienced earthquakes and being familiar with some hazards, Tajik students’ give similar responses before and af- ter video watching. 4.2 Teacher feedback 4.2.1 UK teacher feedback Both teachers found the curricular material to be presented clearly, to be appropriately geared to the level of their stu- dents, and to be valuable in helping students understand and Figure 7. Students’ understanding of earthquake prediction, includ- learn the lesson content. However, there were differences in ing earthquake timing (a), location (b), and where in the world how they rated the materials in terms of relevance. In general, earthquakes occur most often (c). classroom activities carried out during video breaks were de- scribed as relevant by both teachers. However, both teachers found activities related to the cost-benefit analysis of non- 4.1.3 Earthquake prediction and forecasting structural hazards in video 3 to be irrelevant with low levels of student engagement when compared with other assign- The two closed questions in the survey that assessed the stu- ments in their class. One teacher explained, “[students] did dents’ views of earthquake prediction (questions 2 and 3) in not find the tasks that useful/applicable to life as we are not terms of earthquake location and timing were not directly ad- in an earthquake-prone area.” Similarly, another teacher said, dressed by our curricular material. However, these questions “[. . . ] compared to the way we normally teach tectonic haz- were selected to (1) assess the students’ current perception of ards, this (1 h 40 min) felt like a lot of curriculum time on and views on earthquake prediction and forecasting in gen- a relatively narrow aspect of the topic.” There were some eral and (2) to find out whether learning about the Earth’s differences between teachers’ opinions and experiences with interior and earthquake-related processes alone can change video testing. For example, while one teacher found the egg Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools 291 analogy to be a “very relevant” activity and described stu- tested during normal school hours but outside the classroom dents’ level of engagement with this activity as being “a great environment in Tajikistan. For this lesson, the stage in the deal more” than with other classroom assignments, the other school theatre was selected by school authorities because the teacher recommended omitting this activity, saying “[. . . ] I equipment required (e.g. projector, screen, and sound sys- think they could have completed this task more effectively tem) was only available for use there. For the remaining two without being given and cutting up the egg (which took videos, the teaching space was changed to a regular class- up time and [was] a distraction).” Teachers played the en- room and a computer lab. While the latter restricted the stu- tire videos in the classroom, with the exception of the plate dents’ movements and group formation for activities, the for- boundary video for which one teacher played only two out of mer provided a familiar and flexible space where the students five video segments and skipped the related classroom activ- and the in-class teacher could easily rearrange chairs and ta- ities. The same teacher described students’ level of engage- bles according to their needs. In addition, it is possible that ment to be below average for the two activities that were car- the differences in the testing periods between the UK and ried out. Tajikistan groups (50 d vs. 5 d, respectively) influenced the study results. For example, due to time constraints, some in- 4.2.2 Tajik teacher feedback class activities had to be shortened or skipped in Tajik class- rooms. That, combined with technological issues, posed ad- Video testing in Tajikistan had to be conducted by the lead ditional challenges to video testing by shortening video test- author (a geosciences researcher and teacher) due to the local ing period. Teacher feedback highlights some important dif- teachers’ lack of interest and/or confidence in having the re- ferences and similarities during classroom video implemen- quired teaching skills and knowledge. This was despite mak- tation in two geographically and culturally different parts ing teaching materials accessible and available in the local of the world. As the above observations show, the students’ language in advance of video testing and holding an infor- experience with earthquakes and related hazards influences mal meeting with local teachers during which they were in- their level of engagement with lesson content. While tech- troduced to paired teaching and lesson content. To further nological shortcomings and ineffective classroom space and support and encourage the local teachers to participate in the management significantly challenged video testing in Tajik- video testing, a trained teaching assistant familiar with the istan, these factors were non-existent in the UK school. The paired-teaching videos was made available. The school prin- poor classroom management in the Tajik school was exacer- cipal was supportive of teachers’ participation but did not re- bated by the lack of the local teachers’ involvement, which quire it. Due to limited time and resources, we had to carry led them to bring in a new teacher (lead author) who was un- out the video testing with little contribution from local teach- familiar with the specifics of the classroom culture. Despite ers. The teacher feedback discussed here, therefore, reflects these differences, both the UK and Tajik teachers acted flexi- our experience with video testing. bly with video testing by modifying the video lessons accord- With the exception of the plate boundary video, the level ing to the needs of their students and their local environment of content covered in both the Earth’s interior and non- (e.g. skipping video segments irrelevant to students’ lives or structural hazards videos were appropriate for Tajik students. shifting to printed lesson plans and other resources when During the plate boundary video testing, most students were technology failed). To maximize the impact of our paired- not only challenged by the lesson content (e.g. understanding teaching approach to earthquake education, we suggest exer- maps, data relationships, and classification) but also strug- cising flexibility when using our videos and contextualizing gled with understanding and following the pedagogical ap- video content and learning activities to increase their rele- proach (e.g. collaborative learning) required for classroom vance. To encourage and assist teachers with lesson prepara- activities. This lowered the class pace, and therefore, the tion, we plan to improve our teacher segment by creating a video was played partially, with some classroom activities guide for each video, in a printable format, with descriptions omitted. Students’ level of engagement was the lowest for the of activities covered in each segment, as requested by UK plate boundary video and the highest for the non-structural teachers. hazard video, which focused on a topic most student could relate to (identifying hazards in their own classroom). The 4.3 Lessons learnt level of student excitement with lessons, however, was the highest when watching the Earth’s interior video, which was This study brought together a group of early career Earth taught by a UK-based video teacher. The excitement was less scientists to develop and test a series of earthquake edu- for the subsequent videos, which were taught by the lead au- cation video lessons to support school teachers with earth- thor who had to act as both the video teacher and the in-class quake education worldwide. The paired-teaching technique teacher. provided an effective means for these scientists to connect The video testing was affected by both the classroom test- and co-teach curricular materials with school teachers that ing period and the choice of space and place for curriculum might have not been able to invite, host, and co-teach lessons implementation. For example, the Earth’s interior video was with them. In the case of Tajikistan, these lessons were im- Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
292 S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools plemented in a country that lacks the economic resources to ficulties with paired teaching (Larson and Murray, 2017). develop and promote a school-based geohazards education Therefore, the textbook-based classroom culture may partly (Mohadjer et al., 2010), despite a clear need for it. Therefore, explain why Tajik teachers did not want to actively engage our paired-teaching video lessons can be an effective way for in video testing. In addition, teachers’ low level of technol- Earth scientists worldwide to engage with school teachers, ogy acceptance and readiness for teaching and learning has regardless of their locations (assuming language and techno- been shown to hinder their engagement with technology- logical barriers are addressed as it was the case in this study). based pedagogical approaches (Shukor et al., 2018). Our Below, we discuss some of the lessons learnt in this study study, therefore, shows that the paired-teaching pedagogy is that will enable us to increase the impact of future Earth sci- not a one-size-fits-all teaching approach and depends on the ences education and outreach efforts taken by Earth scientists classroom culture and teacher’s comfort operating within it. worldwide. Thus, when developing curricular material, both teachers’ and students’ involvement are key to ensure an appropriate 4.3.1 Classroom culture selection of content and pedagogical approaches. This can be achieved through informal classroom observation and discus- An effective DRR-related, school-based education is one that sions of goals and pedagogical expectations with classroom is contextualized to meet local needs and carried out in the teachers and students, as well as providing ongoing, high- cultural context that surrounds the implementation of the quality pedagogical training that supports teachers in adopt- curriculum. Students’ and teacher’s needs and goals, local ing a more student-centred and collaborative teaching style constraints, and schools’ pedagogical values are some of the for their classrooms. factors that shape a classroom culture. While some topics, such as the Earth’s interior and plate tectonics are often cov- 4.3.2 Curriculum evaluation ered to varying degrees in most schools around the world, knowing how to identify and fix non-structural hazards re- The importance of public engagement activities is increas- lated to earthquakes might not be as relevant to schools lo- ingly recognized by scientists, funding institutions and poli- cated in non-seismically active regions. Similarly, content cymakers (NSF, 2015; Rauws, 2015; European Union, 2002). taught using pedagogical approaches that are unfamiliar to However, many of those who practice science education and some teachers and students can hinder effective learning. For outreach do not always evaluate their work rigorously, and example, most of the learning activities in this study were even fewer publish and share their results in peer-reviewed based on cooperative learning (e.g. jigsaw concept) and in- journals. By testing our videos in school classrooms located volved group discussions, where everyone’s input was en- in different countries (UK and Tajikistan), we were able couraged. Because they were unfamiliar with this approach, to assess the effectiveness of our educational materials and these activities appeared to be unstructured to most Tajik stu- identify potential factors that influence learning. However, dents, leaving some students being uncomfortable with shar- the assessment of our evaluation strategy revealed several ing their opinions. issues. While using questionnaires with students may be a The low level of engagement by local teachers in Tajik- time and/or cost-efficient method of collecting information istan, with respect to serving as in-class teachers in the anonymously, if not designed and explained carefully, the paired-teaching approach, may be due to their unfamiliar- students may interpret the questions differently. This was ity and discomfort with collaborative learning methods and the case with some students in Tajikistan, where they per- the use of video technology. Since the paired-teaching video ceived the questionnaire as an exam and strived for correct lessons were designed to be a complete resource (i.e. contain- answers as opposed to freely sharing their existing knowl- ing video segments, teacher’s guides, downloadable hand- edge. Despite gaining new knowledge, some Tajik students outs, and lists of other resources relevant to the topic), no gave identical responses to pre- and post-assessment ques- teacher training was provided for using these videos. How- tions in order to be consistent as opposed to being correct. ever, teachers were encouraged to view the videos and famil- We, therefore, recommend using questionnaires as one of iarize themselves with the content before using them in their several methods for collecting and evaluating data. Strate- classrooms. This study, however, reveals that these videos gies such as conducting face-to-face interviews with stu- may not be seen as a complete resource by some teachers. dents or arranging for and recording group interviews can While the UK teachers tested the videos with minimal input minimize misunderstanding and provide important insights from video creators, teachers in Tajikistan asked to observe into student–student and student–teacher interactions that en- classroom testing of the videos. This request was made de- hance or hinder learning. Thus, an effective evaluation strat- spite the fact that the teachers were offered training in de- egy should consider students’ familiarity with data collection livering the videos and/or the option to co-teach the video methods to ensure that the students understand what they are lessons with experienced instructors. Similar to teachers in being asked to do and why. Tajikistan, teachers in China, Japan, and Malaysia, where rote learning dominates classroom culture, experienced dif- Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
S. Mohadjer et al.: Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools 293 5 Conclusions plication developed by MacPherson-Krutsky and Bendick, 2019), the Central Asia Fault Database (a searchable reposi- In this study, we created 10 geoscience video lessons focus- tory of active fault and earthquake information by Mohadjer ing on earthquake science and hazards. The paired-teaching et al., 2016), and various earthquake data products created by approach was used to engage geoscientists as video teach- the Global Earthquake Model team (e.g. the Global Seismic ers who introduce and discuss concepts in brief video seg- Hazard Map shown in Fig. 1). These resources, if contex- ments. In between segments, these concepts were explored tualized appropriately, can be effectively incorporated into through hands-on activities under the guidance of an in-class DRR educational materials (e.g. our paired-teaching videos, teacher. We tested three videos (Earth’s interior, plate bound- animations, and exercises) used with the K-12 and higher ed- aries, and non-structural hazards) with a total of 77 students ucation communities. (12–14 years of age) from schools in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) and London (United Kingdom). Our analysis of the students’ pre- and post-assessment responses to survey questions in- Video supplement. All video files are archived and available dicate the following: (1) students’ pre-existing conception for download at the Technische Informations Bibliothek (TIB) about the causes of earthquakes is difficult to modify if new AV-Portal (, Mo- concepts are not repeatedly reinforced, and (2) students’ in- hadjer and Mutz, 2017–2018a). Please find a detailed list of the videos in Table 1. In addition, the videos are available complete understanding of the Earth’s interior hinders their for view on the YouTube channel of the European Geosciences learning process associated with earthquakes. Comparison Union (, last of results from the UK and Tajikistan groups reveal signif- access: 21 May 2021). icant differences between students’ views on the Earth’s in- terior and why and where earthquakes generally occur. Pos- sible factors influencing students’ learning are those related Supplement. The supplement related to this article is available to students’ own experience with earthquakes, pre-existing online at: knowledge, and unfamiliarity with some content (e.g. data maps) and pedagogical approaches (e.g. collaborative learn- ing). These factors should be taken into account in order to Author contributions. SM and SGM were responsible for the maximize students’ learning during paired teaching. video production, direction, and editing and planning of the study. Despite documenting an increase in students’ understand- Videos evaluated in this study were presented by MK and SM. ing of some concepts covered in the tested videos, the effec- Classroom testing of videos in Tajikistan was coordinated by AI tiveness of our entire video series cannot be fully assessed and led by SM. MK and SJG arranged and coordinated the video without furthering testing. This is because the series follows testing in the UK school. Data analysis was done by SM and SGM. All authors contributed to the preparation of the paper. a stepwise approach to increasing students’ understanding of earthquake science and hazards, with later lessons in the se- ries building on topics covered in earlier lessons. This ap- Competing interests. The authors declare that they have no con- proach allows for the reinforcement of some difficult con- flict of interest. cepts. However, excessive workload, a restrictive curriculum, and increased pressure to achieve good results limit teachers’ decisions to use the entire series, which includes 10 videos Acknowledgements. We thank Ruth Amey, Jessica Starke, (total of 10–20 h of classroom time). Therefore, we recom- Lewis Mitchell, Reinhard Drews, and Matthias Nettesheim, for mend selecting and using video segments that are relevant to helping with the video presentation and filming. We are grateful (and can enhance) the teaching of specific topics covered by to Joel Gill, Bruce Malamud, Jordan-Cyrus Seyedi, Charlotte Jack- an existing curriculum. In addition, our videos can serve as son, and Faith Taylor, for coordinating and assisting with the video a resource for teachers who cannot easily arrange for an in- filming in London. We also thank Richard Larson, Elizabeth Mur- person or a virtual live session between their students and an ray, and Natalie Glynn, for the helpful discussions. We would like to Earth scientist. express our appreciation to the principals, teachers, and staff mem- Geoscience and natural hazard researchers’ contribution bers of schools selected for this study and our appreciation for the ongoing collaboration with the Institute of Geology, Earthquake to developing resilient communities is often through engage- Engineering, and Seismology in Tajikistan. The paper benefited ment in disaster risk reduction (Gill et al., 2021). We hope from constructive comments by Anna Hicks and one anonymous that lessons learnt in this study can benefit the scientific and reviewer. We thank Katharine Welsh for the editorial handling. wider DRR community by highlighting some of the key fac- tors that influence the teaching and learning of geohazard content. There is already a wide range of tools and resources Financial support. This research has been supported by the Eu- developed by the geohazard community to ensure meaning- ropean Geosciences Union public engagement grant and by the ful access to scientific information relevant to DRR. Exam- CAME II project bundle CaTeNA of the German Federal Ministry ples include Hazard Ready (a hazard preparedness web ap- of Education and Research (BMBF; grant no. 03G0878D). Geosci. Commun., 4, 281–295, 2021
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