Efficacy of S-metolachlor Based Herbicide Programs for Flue-Cured Tobacco - CORESTA

Page created by Cecil Cooper
Efficacy of S-metolachlor Based Herbicide Programs for Flue-Cured Tobacco - CORESTA
Efficacy of S-metolachlor Based Herbicide
     Programs for Flue-Cured Tobacco

                            Art Bradley
                          County Director

                                                                        TWC2020(49) - Document not peer-reviewed
               Edgecombe County Cooperative Extension

  Matthew Vann, Charlie Cahoon, David Jordan, Matt Inman & Drew Clapp
        Department of Crop & Soil Sciences – NC State University
Efficacy of S-metolachlor Based Herbicide Programs for Flue-Cured Tobacco - CORESTA
            Presentation Outline
• Introduction and
• Methods and Materials
• Results and Discussion

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• Conclusions
• Questions
Efficacy of S-metolachlor Based Herbicide Programs for Flue-Cured Tobacco - CORESTA
• Herbicide options are limited for US flue-cured tobacco production
    – Seven ai’s are labeled, which represent six MOA’s (Vann et al. 2017)
    – Two ai’s (sulfentrazone & clomazone) are applied to >65% of the
      tobacco hectares annually

• Additional chemical weed control options would benefit resistance

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    – Concern with PPO resistance (Amaranthus sp.) in the Coastal Plain
      growing region (DJ Mahoney personal communication)
    – ALS and EPSP resistance in rotational crops, which increases general
      weed pressure in tobacco
Efficacy of S-metolachlor Based Herbicide Programs for Flue-Cured Tobacco - CORESTA
•   S-metolachlor is a long chain fatty acid inhibitor (WSSA group 15) that provides
    residual control of problematic weed species, such as:
     –   Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) (Meyers et al. 2010; Whitaker et al. 2010)
     –   Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) (Grichar et al. 2008; Dayton et al. 2017)
     –   Certain annual grass species (Digitaria sanguinalis, Brachiaria platyphylla) (Clewis et al. 2008)

•   S-metolachlor is widely used for residual preemergence weed control in a

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    number of agronomic and vegetable crops (Zemolin et al. 2014)

•   Used in tobacco growing regions outside of the United States (Bailey, 2013;
    Vann et al., 2018)
•   Labeling S-metolachlor for tobacco production in the USA could prove
     –   Strong need to identify potential use patterns
Efficacy of S-metolachlor Based Herbicide Programs for Flue-Cured Tobacco - CORESTA

• Compare established herbicide programs with and
  without the inclusion of S-metolachlor.

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• Generate efficacy and tolerance data that could support
  a federal label for US tobacco production.
Efficacy of S-metolachlor Based Herbicide Programs for Flue-Cured Tobacco - CORESTA
                 Methods and Materials
•   Experimental Design: randomized complete block design with three
    or four replications, depending on growing environment

•   Plot sizes were 4 rows by 15.24 meters

•   Herbicides were applied with a backpack sprayer calibrated to
    deliver 187 L ha-1 of spray solution

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     – Application pressure was 173 kPa for all PTI and POST-OT treatments
     – Application pressure was 241 kPa for all POST-DIR treatments

•   Center two rows of plots were used for harvest and data collection
Efficacy of S-metolachlor Based Herbicide Programs for Flue-Cured Tobacco - CORESTA
                     Methods and Materials
•   Visible estimates of percent weed control were recorded at 2, 6 and 9 weeks after
    transplanting (WAT), and at end of growing season
      – Percent visual weed control scale: 0 to 100, where 0 = no control and 100 =
         complete control
      – Species specific ratings were recorded in 2018

•   Visible estimates of percent crop injury were recorded at 2 and 6 weeks after

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      – Percent stunting scale: 0 to 100 where 0 = no stunting and 100 = plant death

•   Plant heights of 10 randomly selected plants per plot were measured at 6 weeks after

•   Weights of cured leaf from each plot were recorded for each harvest position to
    determine yield
Efficacy of S-metolachlor Based Herbicide Programs for Flue-Cured Tobacco - CORESTA
                  Methods and Materials
•   Leaf quality was assigned a USDA quality grade, which was associated
    with a quality index value (Bowman et al., 1988; Fisher et al., 2017)

•   50 g composite samples were prepared for each plot to be analyzed for
    total alkaloids and reducing sugar concentration using methods of Davis

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•   Data were subjected to ANOVA using PROC MIXED in SAS 9.4 and
    means separated using Tukey’s HSD (P < 0.10)
     – Environment and replication were random effects, treatment was considered
       to be a fixed effect
     – Non-treated control used as comparison for injury and weed control ratings,
       but not included in statistical analysis of those parameters
Table 1. List of Herbicide Application Methods, Active Ingredients, and Rates.
        Application Method                                    Herbicide Programa                              Rate (kg ai ha-1)
              Non-treated                                                  --                                         --
                   PTI                                    Sulfentrazone + clomazone                              0.18 + 0.84
                   PTI                                  S-metolachlor + sulfentrazone                            1.07 + 0.18
                   PTI                                  S-metolachlor + pendimethalin                            1.07 + 0.79
                   PTI                                    S-metolachlor + clomazone                              1.07 + 0.84
                   PTI                                            Pendimethalin                                     0.79

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                   PTI                                            S-metolachlor                                     1.07
                   PTI                         S-metolachlor + sulfentrazone + clomazone                     1.07 + 0.18 + 0.84
           POST-OT 7 DAT                                          S-metolachlor                                     1.07
    PTI fb. POST-DIR at Layby                 Sulfentrazone + clomazone fb. S-metolachlor                    0.18 + 0.84 fb. 1.07
    PTI fb. POST-DIR at Layby                 Sulfentrazone + clomazone fb. pendimethalin                    0.18 + 0.84 fb. 0.79
a   “+”, indicates tankmix application; “fb.”, indicates POST-DIR application 6 weeks after transplanting.
                                        Site Information
   •   2017: Research conducted at two locations:                 • 2018: Research conducted at two locations:
         –   On farm test in Guilford County, NC                      • Lower Coastal Plain Research Station, Kinston, NC
         –   On farm test in Wayne County, NC                         • On-farm test in Guilford County, NC

                          Wayne-17                    Guilford-17               LCPRS-18                  Guilford-18
Tobacco Variety            NC 196                        NC 938                   NC 196                     NC 925

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 Planting Date              May 4                        May 1                    April 30                   May 08
  Soil Series              Norfolk                        Enon                  Goldsboro                    Appling
  Soil Texture          Loamy Sand                 Fine Sandy Loam             Loamy Sand                 Sandy Loam
                        Fine-loamy,                Fine, mixed, active,   Fine-loamy, siliceous,         Fine, kaolinitic,
Taxonomic Class      kaolinitic, thermic                  thermic           subactive, thermic            thermic Typic
                     Typic Kandiudults               Ultic Hapludalfs        Aquic Paleudults            Kanhapludults
Table 2. Application date, final harvest date, monthly, and cumulative rainfall in each location.
                                              Guilford-2017a                       Wayne-2017b                          LCPRS-2018c          Guilford-2018d
Application Datee                               4/12/2017                           5/4/2017                             4/20/2018             5/8/2018
Layby Application Datef                           6/14/2017                          6/29/2017                               6/20/2018          6/14/2018
Final Harvest Dateg                                9/8/2017                          9/26/2017                               8/29/2018          10/4/2018

April                                                 13.9                                 --                                   4.8                     --
May                                                   15.3                               11.6                                  15.7                 9.2
June                                                  35.3                               10.9                                  16.1                 6.1
July                                                  16.8                                9.0                                  15.5                10.3
August                                                14.5                                8.2                                  15.0                22.5

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September                                              8.6                               11.1                                   --                 22.4
October                                                 --                                 --                                   --                  0.0
Total8                                               104.1                               50.8                                  67.1                70.5
a Guilford-2017 Guilford County, North Carolina.
b Wayne-2017 Wayne County, North Carolina.
c LCPRS-2018 Kinston, North Carolina.
c Guilford-2018 Guilford County, North Carolina.
d Application date refers to the date which pre-transplant herbicide treatments were applied in each environment.
e Layby application date refers to the date which POST-DIR herbicides were applied in each environment.
f Final harvest date refers to the date which the last harvest was completed in each environment.
g Total refers to cumulative precipitation from pre-transplant application date to final harvest date in each environment.
                        Dominant Weed Species by Location
                                  Guilford-17                Wayne-17                LCPRS-18            Guilford-18

Annual Grassesa                            46                       34                       12              15

Nutsedge                                   3                        22                       23               2

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Palmer Amaranth                            4                         -                        4              16

Eclipta                                     -                        5                        2               -
a   Annual grass species include broadleaf signalgrass, large crabgrass, goosegrass, and Texas panicum
         100       a   a          a          a           a                     a                      a           a
                                                                    a                      a
Percent (%)

              30                                                                                                                2 WAT

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Figure 11. Visual weed control as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled across all growing environments.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different the α=0.10 level based on Tukey’s HSD.
        100             a                                                        a
                                    a          a                                             a          a           a
              90   a                                       a          a
Percent (%)

                                                                                                                                2 WAT
              30                                                                                                                6 WAT

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Figure 11. Visual weed control as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled across all growing environments.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different the α=0.10 level based on Tukey’s HSD.
        100                                                                                               a
                           a          a                                             a                                 a
              90   a                             a           a                                 a
Percent (%)

              40                                                                                                                2 WAT
              30                                                                                                                6 WAT
              20                                                                                                                9 WAT

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Figure 11. Visual weed control as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled across all growing environments.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different the α=0.10 level based on Tukey’s HSD.
              90                                              ab                                                        a
                   ab       ab          ab
                                                                                     ab          ab
              80                                   ab
Percent (%)

                                                                                                                                2 WAT
                                                                                                                                6 WAT
              30                                                                                                                9 WAT
              20                                                                                                                End of Season

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Figure 11. Visual weed control as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled across all growing environments.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different the α=0.10 level based on Tukey’s HSD.
                     Visual Representation of Weed Control
                   Lower Coastal Plain Research Station in 2018

Non-treated control                        Sulf. + Clom.                   Sulf. + Clom. fb S-met.

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 S-met., S-metolachlor (Dual Magnum); Sulf., sulfentrazone (Spartan 4F); Clom., clomazone (Command 3ME)
        100        a   a       a          a                     a         a          a          a
                                                     a                                                     a
Percent (%)

              30                                                                                                                2 WAT

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Figure 12. Amaranthus palmeri control as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled across all growing environments.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different the α=0.10 level based on Tukey’s HSD.
        100            a
                                                                             a         a
              90                  a                                                               a          a
              80                            a          a
              70                                                  a
Percent (%)

                                                                                                                                2 WAT
              30                                                                                                                6 WAT

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Figure 12. Amaranthus palmeri control as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled across all growing environments.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different the α=0.10 level based on Tukey’s HSD.
        100                                                                              a          a
                         a                                                     a
                                    a                    a                                                     a
              90   a                           a                    a
Percent (%)

              40                                                                                                                2 WAT
              30                                                                                                                6 WAT
              20                                                                                                                9 WAT

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Figure 12. Amaranthus palmeri control as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled across all growing environments.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different the α=0.10 level based on Tukey’s HSD.
        100                                                                                           a
                                                                                           a                     a
              90           ab        a-c                  a-c
                   a-c                                                          a-c
              80                                 b                    c
Percent (%)

                                                                                                                       2 WAT
                                                                                                                       6 WAT
              30                                                                                                       9 WAT
              20                                                                                                       End of Season

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Figure 12. Amaranthus palmeri control as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled across all growing environments.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different the α=0.10 level based on Tukey’s HSD.
Table 3. Flue-cured tobacco injury as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled
across all growing environments.a
Treatmentb                                                  Rate                               2 WAT                           6 WAT
                                                          g ai ha-1                     _________________________%_________________________

Sulf.+ Clom.                                            0.18 + 0.84                               0b                              0a
S-met. + Sulf.                                          1.07 + 0.18                               0b                              1a
S-met. + Pendi.                                         1.07 + 0.79                               0b                              2a
S-met. + Clom.                                          1.07 + 0.84                               0b                              1a
Pendi.                                                      0.79                                  0b                              0a
S-met.                                                      1.07                                  0b                              0a

                                                                                                                                                TWC2020(49) - Document not peer-reviewed
S-met. + Sulf. + Clom.                             1.07 + 0.18 + 0.84                             0b                              2a
S-met. POST-OT 7 DAT                                        1.07                                  9a                              2a
Sulf. + Clom. fb S-met.
                                                   0.18 + 0.84 fb. 1.07                           0b                              1a
Sulf. + Clom. fb Pendi. LAYBY                      0.18 + 0.84 fb. 0.79                           0b                              0a
a   Treatment means followed by the same letter within the same column are not significantly different at the α=0.10 level.
b   S-met., S-metolachlor (Dual Magnum); Sulf., sulfentrazone (Spartan 4F); Clom., clomazone (Command 3ME); Pendi., pendimethalin (Prowl H20)
Guilford County
                                                                             S-metolachlor POST-OT 7 DAT

                                           Wayne County

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                   a                                           a         a                             a         a
              50                           a                                       a         a
                                 a                   a

Height (cm)



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Figure 13. Stalk height six weeks after transplanting as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled across all growing
environments. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different the α=0.10 level based on Tukey’s HSD.
Table 4. Tobacco yield, quality, and value as affected by herbicide application program. Data are pooled across all growing
Treatmentb                                                        Rate                                   Yield                    Qualityc                   Value
                                                                g ai ha-1                               kg ha-1                                              $ ha-1
Non-treated Control                                                  --                                 2,053 b                      77 a                   7,363 a
Sulf.+ Clom.                                                  0.18 + 0.84                               2,322 ab                     76 a                   8,520 a
S-met. + Sulf.                                                1.07 + 0.18                               2,572 ab                     75 a                   8,517 a
S-met. + Pend.                                                1.07 + 0.79                               2,553 ab                     78 a                   9,090 a
S-met. + Clom.                                                1.07 + 0.84                               2,567 ab                     76 a                   8,990 a
Pend.                                                              0.79                                 2,562 ab                     78 a                   9,204 a

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S-met.                                                             1.07                                 2,362 ab                     75 a                   7,951 a
S-met. + Sulf. + Clom.                                    1.07 + 0.18 + 0.84                            2,540 ab                     75 a                   8,765 a
S-met. POST-OT                                                     1.07                                 2,652 a                      77 a                   9,422 a
Sulf. + Clom. fb S-met.                                  0.18 + 0.84 fb. 1.07                           2,580 ab                     75 a                   9,010 a
Sulf. + Clom. fb Pend.                                   0.18 + 0.84 fb. 0.79                           2,370 ab                     75 a                   8,490 a
a Treatment means followed by the same letter within the same column are not significantly different at the α=0.10 level.
b S-met., S-metolachlor (Dual Magnum); Sulf., sulfentrazone (Spartan 4F); Clom., clomazone (Command 3ME); Pendi., pendimethalin (Prowl H20) ; “+” indicates tankmix; “fb.”
indicates POST-DIR six weeks after transplanting.
c Quality assessed on a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 having the highest quality.
Table 5. Tobacco total alkaloids and reducing sugars as affected by herbicide application program. Data
are pooled across all growing environments.a
Treatmentb                                                Rate                         Total Alkaloids                  Reducing Sugars
                                                        g ai ha-1                          ______________________%______________________

Non-Treated Control                                         --                               2.54 b                            16.1 a
Sulf.+ Clom.                                           0.18 + 0.84                           3.01 a                            15.7 a
S-met. + Sulf.                                         1.07 + 0.18                           2.74 ab                           16.5 a
S-met. + Pend.                                         1.07 + 0.79                           2.84 ab                           15.9 a
S-met. + Clom.                                         1.07 + 0.84                           2.95 a                            14.5 a
Pend.                                                     0.79                               2.98 a                            15.5 a

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S-met.                                                    1.07                               2.91 a                            15.5 a
S-met. + Sulf. + Clom.                             1.07 + 0.18 + 0.84                        3.02 a                            14.9 a
S-met. POST-OT                                            1.07                               3.00 a                            14.2 a
Sulf. + Clom. fb. S-met.                          0.18 + 0.84 fb. 1.07                       2.84 ab                           14.8 a
Sulf. + Clom. fb. Pend.                           0.18 + 0.84 fb. 0.79                       2.81 ab                           16.1 a
a Treatment means followed by the same letter within the same column are not significantly different at the α=0.10 level.
b S-met., S-metolachlor (Dual Magnum); Sulf., sulfentrazone (Spartan 4F); Clom., clomazone (Command 3ME); Pendi., pendimethalin (Prowl H20); “+”
indicates tankmix; “fb.” indicates POST-DIR six weeks after transplanting.
                      Study Two Results
•   S-metolachlor alone may not provide enough control compared to
    labeled materials
    – Early season trends demonstrated reduced efficacy
    – End of season ratings indicated a 16% difference in visual weed control

•   Greatest season long Palmer amaranth control was observed

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    when S-metolachlor was applied POST-OT or POST-DIR at labyby

•   Injury was observed in the POST-OT application (
Bailey WA (2013) Herbicides Used in Tobacco. Pages 175–199 in Herbicides: Current Research and Case Studies in Use. IntechOpen

Bowman DT, Tart AG, Wernsman EA, Corbin TC (1988) Revised North Carolina Grade Index for Flue-Cured Tobacco. Tobacco Science 32: 39-40

Clewis SB, Miller DK, Koger CH, Baughman TA, Price AJ, Porterfield D, Wilcut JW (2008) Weed management and crop response with glyphosate,
    S-metolachlor, tryfloxysulfuron, prometryn, and MSMA in glyphosate-resistant cotton. Weed Technology 22: 160-167

Davis RE (1976) A combined automated procedure for the determination of reducing sugars and nicotine alkaloids in tobacco products using a
     new reducing sugar method. Tobacco Science 20: 139-144

Dayton DM, Chaudhari S, Jennings KM, Monks DW, Hoyt GW (2017) Effect of drip-applied metam-sodium and S-metolachlor on yellow nutsedge
    and common purslane in polyethylene-mulched bell pepper and tomato. Weed Technology 31:421-429

Fisher LR, Vann MC, Barnes K (2017) Selecting a Variety. Pages 18-43 in 2017 Flue-Cured Tobacco Guide. North Carolina State University: NC
     State Extension

                                                                                                                                              TWC2020(49) - Document not peer-reviewed
Grichar WJ, Dotray PA, Baughman TA (2008) Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus Esculentus) Control and Peanut Tolerance to S-Metolachlor and
     Diclosulam Combinations. Weed Technology 22(3): 442-447

Meyers SL, Jennings KM, Schultheis JR, Monks DW (2010) Evaluation of Flumioxazin and S-metolachlor Rate and Timing for Palmer Amaranth
   (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Sweetpotato. Weed Technology 24: 495-503

Vann MC, Fisher LR, Inman MD, Seagroves RW, Whitley DS (2017) Managing Weeds. Pages 77–96 in 2017 Flue-Cured Tobacco Guide. North
    Carolina State University: NC State Extension

Whitaker JR, York AC, Jordan DL, Culpepper AS (2010) Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Soybean with Glyphosate and
    Conventional Herbicide Systems. Weed Technology 24: 403-410

Zemolin CR, Avila LA, Cassol GV, Massey JH, Camargo ER (2014) Environmental fate of S-metolachlor – a review. Planta Daninha 32(3): 655-664

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