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Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2020, 36: 347 EFFICACY OF COMPOUND BETAMETHASONE COMBINED WITH COMPOUND GLYCYRRHIZIN IN THE TREATMENT OF SEVERE ACTIVE ALOPECIA AREATA Youyu Sheng#, Jun Zhao#, Jingwen Ma, Sisi Qi, Ruiming Hu, Qinping Yang* Department of Dermatology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China # These authors contributed equally to this work ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of combination therapy with compound betamethasone and compound glycyrrhizin in the treatment of severe active alopecia areata. Methods: A monocentric controlled study with 100 patients was conducted in Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Patients with severe active alopecia areata (severity of alopecia tool score >50, and ongoing hair loss proved by positive hair-pulling test) were randomized into two groups. Compound betamethasone was intramuscular injected every three weeks for four times in each group, and combined with oral compound glycyrrhizin tablets for 24 weeks in the concurrent treatment group. Efficacy was assessed by measuring the response rate during treatment, as well as the relapse rate off treatment. Results: The efficacy rate at 24-weeks of the combination therapy group (72.00%) was significantly higher than that of mono- therapy group (46.00%) (P=0.008). The efficacy rate at 36-weeks of the combination therapy group (50.00%) was significantly higher than the monotherapy group (28.00%) (P=0.024). The relapse rate at 36-weeks of the combination therapy group (36.11%) was signif- icantly lower than that of the monotherapy group (65.22%) (P=0.029). No severe adverse event was noted. Conclusions: The combination treatment of compound betamethasone injection with compound glycyrrhizin tablet showed bet- ter efficacy and durability of responses than single betamethasone treatment in severe active alopecia areata. Keywords: Alopecia areata, treatment, compound betamethasone injection, compound glycyrrhizin tablet. DOI: 10.19193/0393-6384_2020_1_53 Received November 30, 2018; Accepted February 20, 2019 Introduction effective way to treat severe active AA(2). However, the unstable efficacy rate, high recurrence rate and Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoim- adverse effects of systemic glucocorticoid treatment mune disease characterized by sudden hair loss with are disappointing. Glycyrrhizin, the primary active a lifetime risk of 2.1% in ordinary people(1). About constituent of liquorice root, is commonly used in 14~25% of AA patients will develop into severe Asia to treat patients with chronic hepatitis. Further- types, with more than 50% scalp area involved, in- more, glycyrrhizin has a wide range of pharmaco- cluding multifocal patchy pattern, ophiasis type, logical action, including a steroid-like function and alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis(2). These immunoregulation of T cells activation, which may patients usually carry significant psychological bur- inhibit autoimmune reaction. The efficacy of glycyr- dens due to poor prognosis and apparent appearance rhizin for the treatment of mild to moderate AA has disturbance(3). Severe alopecia areata patients are less been confirmed by several studies(4-6). We conduct- sensitive to conventional treatment. Although there is ed this randomized controlled study to evaluate the still no consensus on the dosage, dosage form, meth- efficacy and safety of the combination therapy with od and course of glucocorticoid administration in compound betamethasone and compound glycyrrhiz- severe AA, systemic glucocorticoid is a routine and in in the treatment of severe active alopecia areata.
348 Youyu Sheng, Jun Zhao et Al Materials and methods Each injection contains 5mg betamethasone dipro- pionate and 2mg betamethasone phosphate sodium. Ethics statement The compound glycyrrhizin tablets were produced The monocentric controlled study was approved by the Minophagen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (Ja- by the ethics committee of Huashan Hospital, which pan). Each tablet contains 25 mg glycyrrhizin, 35mg is affiliated with Fudan University. All participants aminoacetic acid and 25mg methionine. provided their written informed consent to partici- pate before enrolment. The study was performed at Patient’s assessment and outcomes definition the dermatology outpatient clinic of Huashan Hospi- The patient’s basic information, including gen- tal, which is affiliated with Fudan University, locat- der, age, disease duration, hereditary history and past ed in Shanghai, China. medical history was recorded at the first visit. Fol- low-up assessments were done once every 12 weeks Participants to evaluate disease activity, severity, recovery and In this monocentric randomized controlled potential reoccurrence of AA. Photographic doc- clinical trial, we included 100 patients diagnosed umentation was done with a digital camera in four with severe active alopecia areata at the dermatol- standardized views: frontal, occipital and both tem- ogy outpatient clinic of Huashan Hospital, affiliated porals. Activity of the disease was determined by the with Fudan University, between January 2016 and hair-pulling test and severity of the disease was eval- September 2017. uated with the Severity of Alopecia Tool (SALT)(7). The inclusion criteria were as follows: The SALT scores were noted at baseline, 12-weeks, • 18-70 years old; 24-weeks and 36-weeks. Adverse events were also • Multifocal patchy pattern or ophiasis pattern monitored at each visit. alopecia areata with a bald surface exceeding 50% In this study, the primary efficacy indicator was of the scalp, alopecia totalis (AT) and alopecia uni- a 24-week efficacy rate. Secondary efficacy indica- versalis (AU); tors included: • With present activity of the disease clinically • 12-week and 36-week efficacy rates; corresponding to ongoing hair loss proved by posi- • Incidence of recurrence off treatment. Effica- tive hair-pulling test or with a rapid progress to AT/ cy rate was defined as the proportion of good or com- AU within 6 months; plete responders with 50% or greater hair regrowth • Without other skin and other types of hair dis- from baseline based on the SALT score. Percentage orders (androgenic alopecia, scarring alopecia, sec- of hair regrowth was evaluated every 12 weeks. ondary syphilis, telogen effluvium); Patients with ≥95% hair regrowth were defined as • Without major cardiovascular, liver, kidney or complete responders, ≥50% but
Efficacy of compound betamethasone combined with compound glycyrrhizin in the treatment of... 349 principle. The analysis of safety was performed on Poor Partial Good Complete Efficacy the safety set (SS), which included all subjects that Efficacy Response (n/N) Response (n/N) Response (n/N) Response (n/N) Rate (%) had used products at least once. Statistical analysis Group A 17/50 15/50 15/50 3/50 36.00 was performed using the Chi-square test and the sig- 12-week Group B 8/50 16/50 23/50 3/50 52.00 nificance level was set at p0.05) (Table 2). Disease duration (month) 7.51±11.93 7.56±14.21 At the 36-week visit, relapse of AA occurred Duration of progression into severe AA (month) 2.84±2.41 2.58±1.99 in 15 good responders in Group A and 13 in Group AT 5 6 B. Therefore, at the 36-week visit, only 28.00% AU 14 14 of patients in Group A and 50.00% of patients in AA types Multifocal patchy 21 18 Group B showed greater than 50% hair regrowth. Ophiasis 3 5 The efficacy rate of combination therapy group at 36-weeks was significantly higher than the Acute diffuse AA 7 7 monotherapy group (P=0.024) (Table 2). To assess the durability of treatment effectiveness, the relapse No 26 28 Recurrent AA Yes 24 22 rates of the two groups were evaluated at the 36-week History Yes 20 20 visit. The number of good and complete responders of severe AA No 30 30 at 24-weeks were calculated as denominators. Family history Yes 7 11 Relapse of AA occurred in 15 of 23 good responders No 43 39 in Group A and 13 of 36 good responders in Group S1 (case) 0 0 B, respectively. The relapse rate of the combination S2 (case) 0 0 therapy group was significantly lower than the Severity S3 (case) 19 20 monotherapy group (P=0.029) (Table 3). S4 (case) 22 21 Good and
350 Youyu Sheng, Jun Zhao et Al Discussion Conclusion Severe alopecia areata (AA) causes significant In conclusion, the combination treatment of harm to a patient’s appearance and self-esteem. Up compound betamethasone injections with compound to now, there is still no curable treatment for severe glycyrrhizin tablets showed better efficacy and du- AA. Many patients have to wear wigs as a last choice rability of responses than single steroid treatment in after a long course of the disease. Systematic steroids severe active alopecia areata. were first applied in the treatment of severe AA in 1952(8). The efficacy of systematic steroids has been supported by many studies in adults or children(9-14). However, relapses and side effects are still unsolved problems(15-17). Therefore, exploring effective com- References bination therapies are necessary. Several studies explored the combination of therapies of systematic 1) Hwang S, Shin J, Kim TG, Kim DY, Ho Oh S. 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