Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion, Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD Patients - An Experimental Study

Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion, Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD Patients - An Experimental Study
International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                              DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20210533
                                                                                                 Vol.8; Issue: 5; May 2021
                                                                                             Website: www.ijrrjournal.com
Original Research Article                                                         E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

     Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion,
      Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD
             Patients - An Experimental Study
                                       Gauri Wakde1, Prajakta Patil2
  MPT Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiotherapy, Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Physiotherapy, Narhe,
                                               Pune, India.
      Professor and HOD, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiotherapy, Smt. Kashibai Navale College of
                                    Physiotherapy, Narhe, Pune, India.
                                             Corresponding Author: Gauri Wakde

ABSTRACT                                                        stimulus. This is predominantly caused by
                                                                tobacco smoking, household air pollution,
COPD is highly prevalent and not fully                          exposure to noxious gases and particles
reversible. Hence there arises need for finding                 combined with other factors like age,
new significant treatment strategies for treating                gender, lung status, occupation and duration
and preventing COPD. Pilates breathing is
                                                                of exposure. (2, 3)
growing in both the area of fitness and
rehabilitation, but there is scarcely any scientific                    COPD is a common preventable and
research on Pilates breathing, particularly in the              treatable disease which affects people
area related to respiration, with no research done              globally. According to WHO, COPD is a
in India. Pilates breathing if proved effective                 silent killer predominantly low and middle
can be of great benefit in curing and                           income countries like India where the
rehabilitating respiratory conditions like COPD                 economic impact of COPD is expected to
who present diaphragmatic muscle dysfunction,                   increase to £1.7 trillion by 2030.Around 328
where it can be of maximum utility. Taking into                 million people have COPD worldwide. In
consideration the progressive acceptance of the                 next 15 years, COPD is expected to become
Pilates breathing and lack of its studies in                    the leading cause of death worldwide. (4)
COPD, the study was undertaken to study its
                                                                According to the Global Burden of Disease,
effectiveness and inculcate it in routine
rehabilitation of COPD patients if proven                       COPD is currently the third leading cause of
effective.                                                      death worldwide, which was not predicted
                                                                as threat until 2030. (5)
Keywords: Pilates breathing, COPD, Chronic                              India contributes significantly, and
obstructive pulmonary disease, chest expansion,                 has growing percentage of COPD mortality
dyspnoea, functional capacity, experimental                         which is estimated to be amongst the
study.                                                          highest in the world. COPD was responsible
                                                                for 75.6% of chronic respiratory diseases in
INTRODUCTION                                                    India as of 2016. The numbers of COPD
        Chronic obstructive pulmonary                           cases in India were 55.3 million as of 2016.
disease (COPD) is a lung disease                                Prevalence rates vary from 2% to 22% in
characterized by chronic obstruction of lung                    men and 1.2% to 1.9% in women. COPD
airflow that interferes with normal breathing                   takes tolls of 7% of the population and 3%
and is not fully reversible. (1) COPD is the                    loss of disability in India (7)
result of a susceptible lung being exposed                              COPD leads to airflow limitation
persistently to triggering environmental                        and the destruction and loss of alveoli,

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Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion, Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD Patients - An Experimental Study
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
patients - an experimental study.

terminal bronchioles and surrounding                    valid method used for grading the effect of
capillary vessels and tissues causing                   breathlessness on daily activities. (16)
decreased gas transfer capacity. Chronic                         Patients with COPD are inactive in
inflammation leads to narrowing of airways,             daily life due to dyspnoea and reduced chest
structural changes and destruction of lung              expansion leading to a downward spiral of
parenchyma which causes loss of alveolar                symptom-induced          inactivity,     causing
attachments, remaining open during                      deconditioning and muscle weakness which
expiration. The reduction of FEV1 and                   result in patients spending less time walking
FEV1/FVC can correlate the extent of                    and standing leading to a reduction in
inflammation, fibrosis and exudates in the              functional capacity. (17) COPD patients
airway. The progressive and gradual decline             exhibit a shift from type I to type II skeletal
in FEV1 is characteristic of COPD. (8)                  muscle fibres, reduced mitochondrial
         In COPD, Inspiratory muscles face              density per fibre bundle, and reduced
increased load in expiration but it is affected         capillary density. Each of these correlates
in inspiration as well. In severe airflow               with reduced capacity for aerobic
limitation patient initiates inspiration before         metabolism and ultimately, poorer muscle
end expiration which causes air trapping                endurance. (18) Exercise testing is
called dynamic hyperinflation. (9, 10)                  increasingly being used in the functional
         Dynamic hyperinflation is caused by            assessment of COPD patients. A recent
mismatch between the demand for                         review of functional walk tests concluded
respiratory muscle work and the capacity to             that the 6MWD is easy to administer, better
meet       demands.     Hyperinflation     also         tolerated and more reflective of activities of
increases demand of rib cage and neck                   daily living than the other tests and it is
muscles decreasing relative contribution of             practically simple. (19)
diaphragm to chest wall motion. Respiratory                      Pilates is a physical fitness system
muscle capacity is mainly reduced by lung               developed in the early 20th century by
hyperinflation which is due to incomplete               Joseph Pilates during world war two.
emptying of lungs which leads to air                    Breathing is important aspect in the Pilates
trapping. (11)Air trapping caused due to                method. (20) Complete inhalation and
reduced airflow during exhalation, further              complete exhalation are key to the
results in reduced inspiratory capacity,                breathing. (21) Lateral breathing is the
which may cause dyspnoea on exertion and                important component in Pilates breathing. It
reduced exercise capacity. Pulmonary                    is described as a posterior lateral breathing.
hyperinflation shortens and flattens the                Lateral breathing emphasizes the lateral
diaphragm which causes mechanical                       expansion of the rib cage while maintaining
disadvantage in length tension relationship.            a consistent inward pull of the deep
     leading to reduced chest expansion. (13, 14)       abdominal muscles by means of active
         Hypoxia and hypercapnia result                 contraction of transverse abdominal and
from gaseous exchange abnormality leads to              pelvic floor muscles during both inhalation
carbon dioxide retention and increased                  and exhalation. (22)
effort of breathing. This further leads to                       Pilates breathing facilitates correct
ventilation perfusion mismatch resulting in             muscle activation. It focuses on directing
increased oxygen demand leading to                      the breath into the sides of the ribs rather
dyspnoea. Dyspnoea is the most common                   than the lower stomach so that it helps to
symptom reported in COPD. It acts as a                  keep the abdominals activated when
limiting factor during exercise testing and             performing exercises. Directing the breath
common complaint during daily activities.               into the sides of the ribs helps to prevent
     The Modified Medical Research Council              shallow breathing into the upper chest,
(MMRC) dyspnoea scale is a simple and                   which otherwise causes the neck and
                                                        shoulder muscles to tense.

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Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion, Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD Patients - An Experimental Study
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
patients - an experimental study.

        During inhalation taking a large,               and inculcate it in routine rehabilitation of
deep breath is avoided because this can                 COPD patients if proven effective.
cause the thoracic spine (the upper and
middle back) to extend and the abdomen to               MATERIAL AND METHODS
protrude, losing the abdominal muscle                    Study Design- An Experimental study.
activation. The breathing in is to inhale and            Study Setting- Pulmonary medicine
tighten the T-Zone. The pelvic floor                      ward in tertiary care hospital.
contraction encourages the transversus                   Type of study-Pre and Post intervention
abdominis and deep core muscles.                          design.
        Pilates focuses on the exhalation as             Study Population- Patients with
it causes the activation of the abdominal                 moderate to severe COPD as per GOLD
muscles. During exhalation, the transversus               criteria.
abdominis and oblique’s contract to increase             Sample Size-50
intra-abdominal pressure and stabilise the                o Sample size was calculated using g
spine. Intra-abdominal pressure has                           power based on study by Dimitrova
influence on spinal stability via production                  et al (26) using primary outcome
of an extensor moment which exerts a force                    measure as 6 minute walk test. To
down on the pelvic floor and up on the                        get the effect size of 0.51 in patients
diaphragm. (23) A slow exhalation is initiated                with grade 2 to grade 3 (GOLD
which enhances the transversus abdominis                      criteria) at alpha 0.05 and power
and oblique activation. Pilates breathing                     95% the total proposed sample size
promotes mobility of the ribcage. Separating                  was 42.
the ribs with each inhalation pulls every                 o The sample size was increased to 50
segment of the spine apart which reduces                      considering 20% drop outs.
pressure on the discs and helps to develop                o Samples were stratified as 25 in each
the length and strength through the torso                     group.
and also strengthens weak muscles. (24)                  Sampling        Method-         Convenient
        Considering the burden, there arises              sampling.
need for finding new significant treatment                 Randomisation       was     done     using
strategies for treating and preventing COPD.              computer generated randomised table
The Pilates breathing is growing in both the              dividing 25 patients in control group and
area of fitness and rehabilitation. (25)                  25 patients in experimental group with
However there is hardly any research done                 age group-45-65 years.
on Pilates breathing particularly related to
                                                         Study       instrument/Tools-Measuring
respiration. Effects of Pilates breathing have            tape,      Countdown         timer      (or
been studied in obese adults and elderly.                 stopwatch),two small cones to mark the
Pilates breathing if proved effective can be              turnaround points, A chair that can be
of great benefit in curing and rehabilitating             easily moved along the walking course,
respiratory conditions like COPD who                      Sphygmomanometer, Pulse oximeter,
present diaphragmatic muscle dysfunction,                 weight cuffs, GOLDs criteria, MMRC
where it can be of maximum utility. Karina
m et al (21) recommended scope for future
study to be undertaken to focus on the
                                                        OUTCOME MEASURES-
effects of Pilates breathing in order to                Chest expansion- Inch tape (Inches)
confirm the effects of the intervention.                 Chest expansion was measured at
Taking into consideration the progressive                  axillary, nipple and xiphisternal level.
acceptance of the Pilates breathing and lack             Chest expansion was noted at maximum
of its studies in COPD the study was                       inspiration and at maximum expiration.
undertaken. Studying the effects of Pilates              Reliability- 0.95-0.97 which indicated
breathing will help to study its effectiveness             excellent test retest reliability.

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Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion, Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD Patients - An Experimental Study
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
patients - an experimental study.

MMRC scale                                               Informed written consent of the subjects
 Purpose-Dyspnoea                                        was taken. All participants received
 It is a simple 0-4 graded scale and valid               verbal and written information about the
  method of categorizing patients with                    study.
  COPD in terms of their disability.                     The patients underwent thorough
 The patients were showed and explained                  evaluation and treatment maintaining all
  the MMRC scale and were asked their                     sterile aseptic precautions.
  grade of dyspnoea.                                     Evaluation of-Demographic data like
 Reliability-0.82 which indicated good                   name, age, sex, with contact number
  test retest reliability                                 was done and anthropometric data such
                                                          as weight, height, body mass index
6 MINUTE WALK DISTANCE (meters)                           (BMI) were recorded.
 Purpose-Functional capacity                            Clinical assessment and baseline
 Test description- 6 MWD was                             characteristics were checked and
   performed following ATS guidelines.                    recorded.
 Reliability-0.88-0.94 indicates good to                The details of patient were filled in
   excellent test retest reliability.                     Patient assessment sheet and case record
 Method of Selection of Data subjects-                  Patients were divided into control group
 Inclusion Criteria-                                     (Group B) and experimental group
 Both male and female Patients                           (Group A) based on computer generated
  diagnosed with moderate and severe                      randomised table.
  COPD as per GOLD criteria.                             All the outcome measures (chest
 Age Group- 45 to 65 years.                              expansion, dyspnoea and functional
                                                          capacity) were assessed before giving
Exclusion Criteria-                                       the intervention and after completion of
 Recent abdominal and chest surgeries.                   3 weeks of intervention.
 Patients who are unable to follow                      Vitals like HR, RR, BP and SPO2 were
   commands.                                              recorded pre and post treatment.
 Severe            Neuro-musculoskeletal                Essential medicines and aerosol
   abnormalities.                                         treatment was continued for all the
 Any other medical condition or                          patients.
   disability      restricting    patient                The patients in control group (Group B)
   participation.                                         were given conventional treatment
 Patients doing yoga/pranayama.                          (Aerosol treatment + Diaphragmatic
                                                          breathing + pursed lip breathing +
Withdrawal criteria-                                      Dyspnoea reliving positions + Strength
 If the vital parameters became unstable                 training of UL and LL).
   the patients were withdrawn from the                  Patients in experimental group (Group
   study.                                                 A) were given Pilates breathing along
 Patients who willingly wanted to                        with conventional treatment.
   withdraw from the study were                          Duration of study was 3 weeks. Initial
   withdrawn.                                             training of 3-4 days were given to the
                                                          patient to learn the techniques under
PROCEDURE                                                 supervision.
 Ethical approval from the ethical                      The exercises daily were carried under
  committee of the institute was obtained.                supervision until the patients were in the
 Subjects were selected as per inclusion                 hospital.
  and exclusion criteria.

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Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion, Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD Patients - An Experimental Study
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
    patients - an experimental study.

     At the time of discharge the patients                                       pulled in by active contraction of the
      were given pamphlets with exercise                                          TrA and pelvic floor muscles.
      checklist.                                                                 Transverse abdominis (TrA) was
     Patients were told to follow the                                            specifically activated by asking the
      exercises at home and were told to                                          patient to tighten their stomach as if
      maintain a daily follow up dairy and                                        preparing to be punched in the gut. The
      feedback was taken telephonically.                                          patient was asked to hold the pelvic
     Patients were called after 3 weeks for                                      muscles as if trying to hold the urine.
      follow up.                                                                  The TrA activation was checked by
     Pre-Post assessment of chest expansion,                                     palpating the anterior iliac spine and
      dyspnoea and 6 MWD was taken. Vitals                                        going to soft tissue right inside of it.
      like HR, BP, RR, and SPO2 were also                                        Frequency of Pilates breathing- 5 times
      recorded.                                                                   a week

            Group A was given Pilates breathing                             Duration of Pilates breathing-10 minutes
    along with conventional treatment.
    Pilates breathing - According to the
    recommendations of Menezes- (22)
     Pilates breathing was performed in
        supine; allowing the respiration to flow,
        not holding breath at any point.
     Hand placement- Over lower posterior
        lateral rib cage.
     Patients were instructed to breathe in
        through nose and breathe out through
        mouth with lips pursed. In addition to
        breathing, the abdomen was to be kept                                                    Image 1-Pilates Breathing

            Group B received Conventional treatment which comprised of-
SR                                   MODE                                               INTENSITY        DURATION            FREQUENCY
1        Aerosol therapy              Via mask                                                           10-15 minutes       2-3 times a day
2        Breathing exercises         Diaphragmatic breathing.
                                     Pursed lip breathing                                                10 minutes          5 times a week
3        Dyspnoea         reliving   Dyspnoea relieving positions
         positions                   Activity pacing                                                                         5 times a week
4        Upper limb                  Exercises-                                         40-60%                               10    reps    per
         Mobility and Strength       Patient was asked to lift their arms alternately                                        session.
         training                    overhead using a weight cuff                                                            5 times a week.
5        Lower limb Mobility         Dynamic quads,                                     40-60%                               10    reps    per
         and Strength training       Squats, Straight leg raise, Step-ups, Sit-to-                                           session.
                                     stand. Strength training with weight cuffs.                                             5 times a week

    1. Aerosol Therapy-The patient was on                                   position, relaxing shoulders as much as
    essential aerosol therapy.                                              possible.
    2. Breathing exercises-                                                 Technique- As per standard guidelines.
    1. Diaphragmatic breathing-The patients
    were placed in the semi fowler position and                             3. Dyspnoea reliving positions-The
    were instructed to remain relaxed.                                      patients were given dyspnoea positions
    Hand placement-One hand was placed on                                   while standing, sitting, and lying as per the
    chest and other on stomach.                                             guidelines.
    Technique- As per the standard guidelines.
    2. Pursed lip breathing-The patient was                                 4. Upper Limb mobility and strength
    sitting with back straight in semi fowler’s                             training-

                               International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                                            253
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Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion, Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD Patients - An Experimental Study
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
patients - an experimental study.

Upper limb mobility of shoulder, elbow and                    Test for normality: Preliminary analysis
wrist was given to patient.                                    (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) revealed
Strength training was given with weight                        that data was normally distributed
cuffs, after calculation of 10RM of the                        (P>0.05).
patient.                                                      Similarity of baseline measures between
Each exercise was given 10 reps for 5 times                    groups was assessed using independent t
a week.                                                        tests.
                                                              As dropouts were very low, further
5. Lower limb mobility and strength                            analysis was carried out according to the
training-                                                      principles of intention-to-treat analysis.
Lower limb mobility of hip, knee and ankle                    Comparisons within and between each
was given to patient.                                          group were assessed by t tests (pre
Strength training was given with weight                        intervention to post intervention) with
cuffs, after calculation of 10RM of the                        Bonferroni correction to reduce the
patient.                                                       chance of type 1 error.
Each exercise was given 10 reps for 5 times                   To determine the magnitude of any
a week.                                                        treatment effect, Cohens d effect sizes
                                                               were also calculated for all pair wise
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS                                           comparisons. Effect sizes were rated as
 The Statistical Package for Social                           small if they were less than 0.40,
  Sciences (version 21; SPSS, Chicago,                         moderate if between 0.41 and 0.69, or
  IL) software was used for statistical                        strong if greater than 0.70 (Cohen,
  analysis and significance level was set at                   1988).
Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion, Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD Patients - An Experimental Study
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
patients - an experimental study.

                                                                              No significant difference in outcome
                                                                     measures was found at baseline between
                                                                     groups (P>0.05), as shown in Table 1.
                                                                              Within group analysis demonstrated
                                                                     statistically significant improvements (p<
                                                                     0.05) with large effect sizes (Cohen d)
                                                                     between assessment points for all the
                                                                     dependent variables in both groups.

Figure 2: Graph representing mean age across the group

                                         Table 1: Characteristics of participants at baseline
                                            Group A                         Group B
                                            Mean        Std. Deviation Mean             Std. Deviation   Sig
                        MMRC                1.96        0.73                2.08        0.64             0.48
                        6MWD                362.20      56.83               347.60      79.91            0.12
                        Axillary Level      0.64        0.13                0.66        0.13             0.96
                        Nipple Level        0.84        0.13                0.85        0.13             0.99
                        Xiphisternal Level 0.98         0.13                1.00        0.12             0.87

       Within group analysis for group A is presented in the table 2 and for group B
presented in the table 3.

                                              Table 2: Within group analysis for group A
                         Mean of difference     Std. Deviation Cohen d 95% Confidence Interval                    Sig. (2-tailed)
                                                                              Lower                      Upper
   MMRC                  1.04                   0.20             7.35         0.96                       1.12     0.00
   6MWD                  -55.64                 17.49            -4.50        -62.86                     -48.42   0.00
   Axillary Level        -0.23                  0.08             -4.09        -0.27                      -0.20    0.00
   Nipple Level          -0.25                  0.08             -4.63        -0.28                      -0.22    0.00
   Xiphisternal Level    -0.21                  0.07             -4.19        -0.24                      -0.18    0.00

                                              Table 3: Within group analysis for group B
                         Mean of difference     Std. Deviation Cohen d 95% Confidence Interval                    Sig. (2-tailed)
                                                                              Lower                      Upper
   MMRC                  1.08                   0.28             5.52         0.97                       1.19     0.00
   6MWD                  -49.44                 25.89            -2.70        -60.13                     -38.75   0.00
   Axillary Level        -0.24                  0.09             -3.68        -0.27                      -0.20    0.00
   Nipple Level          -0.20                  0.08             -3.46        -0.23                      -0.17    0.00
   Xiphisternal Level    -0.22                  0.09             -3.42        -0.26                      -0.19    0.00

     Mean and SD for both groups was presented with table 4 and with graphs for MMRC,
6 MWD and chest expansion at all 3 levels

                                Table 4: Within group changes in mean along with SD for both groups
                                            Group A                          Group B
                                            Pre             Post             Pre              Post
                        MMRC                1.96 (0.73)     0.92 (0.70)      2.08 (0.64)      1.00 (0.58)
                        6 MWD               362.20 (56.83) 417.84 (63.51) 347.60 (79.91) 397.04 (84.49)
                        Axillary Level      0.64 (0.13)     0.88 (0.13)      0.66 (0.13)      0.90 (0.13)
                        Nipple Level        0.84 (0.13)     1.09 (0.15)      0.85 (0.13)      1.05 (0.14)
                        Xiphisternal Level 0.98 (0.13)      1.19 (0.13)      1.00 (0.12)      1.22 (0.16)

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Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion, Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD Patients - An Experimental Study
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
patients - an experimental study.

            Figure 3- Graph explaining within group changes in mean for chest expansion at all 3 levels for both groups

                      Figure 4- Graph explaining within group changes in mean for MMRC for both groups

                      Figure 5-Graph explaining within group changes in mean for 6 MWD for both groups

        Between group                  analysis post                significant differences effect size (Cohen d)
intervention revealed                 no significant                was not calculated.
difference between both                 groups in all                       Between group analysis post
outcomes (P>0.05). As                  there was no                 intervention is demonstrated in table 5.
                                Table 5: Between Group Analysis post Intervention for both groups
                            Mean of difference          95% Confidence Interval                                Sig. (2-tailed)
                                                        Lower                                   Upper
MMRC                        -0.080                      -0.446                                  0.286          0.662
6MWD                        20.800                      -21.704                                 63.304         0.330
Axillary Level              -0.020                      -0.097                                  0.057          0.603
Nipple Level                0.036                       -0.046                                  0.118          0.384
Xiphisternal Level          0.438                       -0.114                                  0.050          0.438

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Effects of Pilates Breathing on Chest Expansion, Dyspnoea and Functional Capacity in COPD Patients - An Experimental Study
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
patients - an experimental study.

       Post intervention mean and SD for both groups was presented in the table 6 and with
graphs for MMRC, 6 MWD and chest expansion at all 3 levels

                                     Table 6: Post intervention mean and SD for both groups
                                  Group A                                          Group B
                                  Mean                 Std. Deviation              Mean                  Std. Deviation
MMRC                              0.92                 0.70                        1.00                  .58
6 MWD                             417.84               63.51                       397.04                84.49
Axillary Level                    0.88                 0.14                        .90                   0.13
Nipple Level                      1.09                 0.15                        1.05                  0.14
Xiphisternal Level                1.19                 0.13                        1.22                  0.16

Figure 6- Graph explaining post intervention between group changes in mean for chest expansion at all 3 levels

                                                                            COPD is a disease that requires
                                                                    multidisciplinary treatment to improve
                                                                    quality of life and increase survival. The
                                                                    evidence till date supports the lasting
                                                                    benefits of breathing exercises and physical
                                                                    exercise in COPD patients.
                                                                            Airflow limitation in COPD is
                                                                    caused due to abnormalities in airways and
                                                                    destruction of lung parenchyma, which
                                                                    causes reduction of lung elastic recoil
Figure 7- Graph explaining post intervention changes between        leading to hyperinflation, reduced chest wall
the groups in mean for MMRC                                         mobility and subsequently shortness of
                                                                    breath. (27) The physical activities in COPD
                                                                    patients are reduced which further reduce
                                                                    functional capacity. (28)
                                                                            The aim of the study was to study
                                                                    the effects of Pilates breathing on chest
                                                                    expansion, dyspnoea and functional
                                                                    capacity in COPD patients. The study had a
                                                                    control and an experimental group. The
                                                                    patients in control group were given
                                                                    conventional treatment and patients in
                                                                    experimental group were given Pilates
                                                                    breathing      along      with   conventional
Figure 8- Graph explaining post intervention between group
changes in mean for 6 MWD

                           International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                                 257
                                               Vol.8; Issue: 5; May 2021
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
patients - an experimental study.

         Amongst the 50 patients, 52% were              leads to positive outcomes in respiratory
men and 48% women were part of                          function      due    to     improvement    in
experimental group (group A) while 76%                  diaphragmatic function, which is promoted
men and 24% women attributed to (group                  by the strengthening of the abdominal
B) control group (Figure 1). The higher                 muscles. (33)
number of males can be due the higher                           According to Barr et al (34) the
reported prevalence estimates in men that               diaphragm muscle works as the roof of a
range from 2 to 22% as compared to women                cylinder of muscles that surround the spine
which is 1.2 to 19% .(29)                               and assist with stability. Maintaining intra-
         The mean age in experimental group             abdominal       pressure     and   preventing
(group A) was 55.64 while mean age in                   displacement of the viscera by contraction
control group (group B) was 57.00 (Figure               mainly of the TrA muscle, is important
2).The mean age of both the groups supports             contribution of diaphragm. Long term
the study of C. Raherison, P-O Girodet et al            benefits can be achieved by the active
which concluded that the incidence of                   contraction of the TrA muscle, since it
COPD is 15.5% for those aged 41–50yrs.;                 supports descent of diaphragm and provides
which drastically increases to 23.9% for                stabilization of the abdominal compartment.
those aged 51–60yrs. (30)                               (21)
                                                             The abdominal distension is prevented
         The specific breathing technique in            by transverse muscles since they promote
Pilates is known as lateral breathing, which            the movement of lower ribs, give greater
aims at using the thoracic and ribcage                  support to the diaphragm and provide
muscles to generate lateral expansion of the            greater diaphragmatic excursion. (33)
ribcage while avoiding expansion of the                 According to Janaina Rocha Niehues et al
abdomen. Avoiding the movement of the                   Pilates breathing proved effective in obesity
abdomen provides protection for lumbar                  in improving chest expansion. Karina M et
region and increases the space for the lungs            al also concluded that Pilates breathing led
expansion. (31, 32) The diaphragm muscle in             to a breathing pattern which increased
Pilates breathing also acts as a stabilizer of          thoracic expansibility. (21)
the lumbar spine. With active contraction of                    The above study findings support to
abdomen and overall stabilizing muscles of              findings of our study in which within the
the lumbar spine, it is essential to deep               group changes in mean at all the levels were
breathe to so that the diaphragm muscle and             noted (Table 2 and Table 4).Hence we can
the pelvic floor muscles get involved.                  conclude that Pilates breathing led
    Core muscles work by contracting the                significant improvement in chest expansion.
abdominal muscles, creating higher pressure             (p < 0.05)
in abdomen, allowing diaphragm relaxation                       Pilates breathing helped to relive
and carefully controlled upward rise.                   dyspnoea which drastically improved the
         The Pilates breathing demarcated               MMRC grade pre and post intervention in
statistically significant improvement within            experimental group (Figure 4). Dyspnoea is
the group showing improvement in chest                  persistent in patients with COPD. In Pilates
expansion, MMRC and functional capacity                 breathing, contraction of core muscles
(6MWD).                                                 increases intra-abdominal pressure and
         Chest     expansion     within     the         reduces intra thoracic pressure by
experimental group improved significantly               contraction of abdominal muscles which
at all the three levels. (Figure 3) Pilates             helps to increase airflow. This further
breathing      promotes     activation     and          improves lung function. (33)
recruitment of the abdominal muscles.                           Diaphragmatic        dysfunction    is
These muscles are important in both in                  predominant in COPD. Also the Pilates
expiration and inspiration for the facilitation         breathing improves diaphragmatic function
of diaphragmatic action. Pilates breathing              by activation of abdominals which provides

                      International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                    258
                                          Vol.8; Issue: 5; May 2021
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
patients - an experimental study.

greater chest expansion. This leads to                  acts as the fulcrum and lifts the lower rib
reduced use of accessory muscles, reduces               cage and rotates it outwards, reducing
work of breathing and further reduces                   dynamic hyperinflation of the rib cage and
dyspnoea. Exhalation in Pilates breathing is            improving         gas      exchange      and
done with pursed lips. Exhaling through                 thoracoabdominal motion. In the study by
pursed lips helps to splint open the airways            Yamaguti et al, (37) Diaphragmatic breathing
and reduce carbon dioxide retention and                 training in COPD patients promoted
promote oxygenation. (35, 36)                           improvement in diaphragm mobility
        Hence it can be concluded that the              resulting in an improvement in oxygenation
subjective improvement of dyspnoea in                   and lung function. This could be the
patients with COPD subjects could be result             probable reason for a significant
of contraction of core muscles during Pilates           improvement of chest expansion in control
breathing which might have led to                       group. (Figure 6)
improvement in diaphragmatic function.                            The dyspnoea reduced in control
Also exhalation through pursed lips might               group. Pursed lip breathing and dyspnoea
have helped to reduce dyspnoea.                         reliving positions were performed by
        The within the group changes in                 patients to help reduce dyspnoea. COPD
mean pre intervention to post intervention              changes in the airways can prevent the
were achieved (Table 2 and Table 4).Hence               appropriate driving pressure and flow of air
Pilates breathing showed significant                    to maintain an adequate clearance of carbon
improvement in MMRC grade subsequently                  dioxide due to an increase in airway
decreasing dyspnoea. (p < 0.05)                         resistance causing carbon dioxide retention.
        The functional capacity also                    Purse-lip breathing may be a compensatory
drastically     improved      within      the           mechanism to help splint open the airway
experimental group. Pilates breathing                   and helps to reduce carbon dioxide
promotes the strengthening of the                       retention. (36) This further improves lung
abdominal        muscles.      Strengthening            oxygenation and reduces dyspnoea (Figure
abdominals       improves      diaphragmatic            7).
function. Respiratory function improves due                       Dyspnoea reliving positions also
to better diaphragmatic function. (33) This             help to reduce obstruction and improve
further leads to improved exercise capacity             pulmonary function. The findings of the
and physical function.                                  study match the findings of Nguyen et al
        Strengthening of core, reduction in             which proved pursed lip breathing is helpful
dyspnoea and better chest expansion and                 for COPD patients.
increase in exercise capacity might have led                      Reduced exercise capacity is mainly
to improvement in functional capacity in                profound in COPD due to muscle
COPD patients (Figure 5).The within group               dysfunction. Muscle weakness is an
mean distance pre intervention improved                 important component of impairment and
(Table 2 and Table 4) So it can be said that            disability in patients with COPD. Upper
Pilates breathing significantly improved 6              limb and lower limb strengthening
MWD, improving functional capacity                      improved strength and subsequently 6
within the group. (p < 0.05).                           MWD in patients. The findings of this study
        The control group also showed                   are similar to findings of Ahmed S Elmorsy
significant improvement in chest expansion,             et al (37 ) where it was concluded that the
dyspnoea and 6 MWD. (Table 2 and Table                  upper limb, lower limb and combined
4)                                                      training improved the exercise performance,
        Diaphragmatic breathing works for               quality of life and survival in COPD
improving diaphragmatic mobility and                    patients (Figure 8).
thereby reducing the deleterious effects of
diaphragmatic dysfunction. The abdomen

                      International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                    259
                                          Vol.8; Issue: 5; May 2021
Gauri Wakde et.al. Effects of pilates breathing on chest expansion, dyspnoea and functional capacity in COPD
patients - an experimental study.

        Between the groups showed                       Conflict of Interest: None
improvement but it was not statistically
significant. (Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8)             Source of Funding: None
        Pilates       breathing        involves
predominantly use of core muscles. It                   Ethical Approval: Approved
focuses on use of abdominals, diaphragm,
trunk and pelvic floor muscles.                         REFERENCES
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