Effects of Metacognitive Training and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Couple Communication Patterns With the Mediation of Perceived Stress ...

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                                      Effects of Metacognitive Training in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease                                              Maddahi et al
Iranian Heart Journal; 2018; 19 (1)

                                      Original Article
                                      Effects of Metacognitive Training in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease                                              Maddahi et al

                                       Effects of Metacognitive Training and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive
                                       Therapy on Couple Communication Patterns With the Mediation of
                                      Perceived Stress, Perceived Social Support, and Emotion Regulation in
                                                      Patients With Coronary Heart Disease
                                                      Mohammad-ebrahim Maddahi1, PhD; Akbar Nikpajouh2, MD;
                                                Javad Khalatbari3, PhD; Saied Malihia Zakerini4, PhD; Sara Hashemi*4, PhD

                                      Background: Psychosocial risk factors have been associated with coronary heart disease (CHD). Social
                                            support within couples’ relationships has been shown to be important to health outcomes and
                                            adjustment to psychological and physical conditions in patients with CHD. Constructive
                                            interactions with the family—especially within couples— can reduce the level of perceived
                                            stress, increase perceived social support, and affect experienced emotions.

                                      Method: This research had a pretest-posttest experimental design with 2 experimental groups and 1
                                            control group. A sample of 45 subjects was chosen through random sampling from among
                                            CHD patients at Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical, and Research Center. The study population
                                            was then divided into 2 experimental groups and 1 control group. The measurement tools of the
                                            study were Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social
                                            Support, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Gross & John), and Communication Pattern
                                            Questionnaire. The data were analyzed through multivariate analysis of covariance and stepwise
                                            regression analysis.

                                      Results: The findings of the study indicated that metacognitive therapy and mindfulness-based
                                             cognitive therapy had an effect on the reduction of perceived stress, increase of perceived social
                                             support, and improvement of emotion regulation and couple communication patterns among the
                                             CHD patients.

                                      Conclusions: The results of the present study can help achieve the objective of reducing stress,
                                            augmenting social support, enhancing emotion regulation and couple communication patterns,
                                            and—in general—improving mental condition. (Iranian Heart Journal 2018; 19(1):6-14)
                                                   KEYWORDS: Metacognitive therapy, Mindfulness, Couple communication pattern, Perceived stress,
                                                             Perceived social support, Emotion regulation, Coronary heart disease
                                        Department of Clinical Psychology, Shahed University, Tehran, IR, Iran.
                                        Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical, and Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IR, Iran.
                                        Department of Psychology, Azad University, Tonekabon Branch, Mazandaran, IR, Iran.
                                        Department of Psychology, Azad University, Karaj Branch, Alborz, IR, Iran.

                                      *Corresponding Author: Sara Hashemi, PhD; Department of Psychology, Azad University, Karaj Branch, Alborz, IR, Iran.
                                      Email: hashemibahar@yahoo.com          Tel: 09124028523
                                      Received: June 15, 2017                     Accepted: December 10, 2017

                                                                                                                                   Iranian Heart Journal; 2018; 19 (1)
Effects of Metacognitive Training in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease                                          Maddahi et al

       everal studies have indicated that the                               and behavioral activities. By practicing
       prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is                             techniques based on mindfulness, individuals
       on the rise and that it is now deemed the                            become aware of their daily activities and the
leading debilitating disease the world over. In                             function of their mind in the past and future;
general, 25% of mortalities in the world and                                consequently, they are enabled to control their
32% of mortalities in developing countries                                  thoughts, feelings, and physical states through
occur due to cardiovascular diseases. It is                                 moment-to-moment awareness and to become
estimated that by 2020, cardiovascular                                      free of the daily and automatic mind, which is
diseases—especially coronary heart disease                                  focused on the past and future. 9
(CHD)—will be the leading cause of                                          Modern medical/behavioral advancements have
incapacitation in the general population. 1 CHD                             attracted the attention of health psychology
is one of the main causes of mortality and                                  experts to the key role of nonbiological factors
morbidity in the world. 2 Studies have shown                                in CHD. Studies on this disease have
that the rate of this disease has increased by                              considered psychological and mental/social
20% to 25% in Iran. 3 CHD is due to the                                     factors. 10 Today, research indicates that
accumulation of plaques in cardiac arteries,                                mental/social factors are associated with
which supply blood for the normal performance                               mortality rates and weak pre-awareness of
of the heart. The accumulation of plaques leads                             CHD. 11
to narrow heart arteries and a decreased blood                              Emotion regulation can be defined as the
flow to cardiac muscles, creating disorder and                              processes through which people can affect an
disruption in the heart’s performance. 4 CHD is                             emotion and the way they experience and
the result of several risk factors, some of which                           express it. 12 Emotion management means the
are non-modifiable such as age, male gender,                                internal and external processes that control,
and family and some are modifiable such as                                  evaluate, and change the emotional reactions of
blood pressure, diabetes, blood fat, obesity, low                           individuals to realize their goals, and any kind
physical activity, and smoking. 5, 6                                        of deficit in emotion regulation can render
The metacognitive approach is based on the                                  individuals vulnerable to mental disorders like
notion that individuals suffer from anxiety                                 depression and anxiety. 13 The integration of the
because their metacognition leads to a certain                              effects of psychotherapy interventions with a
pattern of responding to internal experiences,                              biological/mental/social approach on the basis
which itself causes the continuation of the                                 of some pre-assumptions pertaining to
negative emotions and consolidation of the                                  mental/social pathology and communication
negative beliefs. This pattern is termed                                    patterns on the mental, physiological, and social
“cognitive attentional syndrome”, which                                     functions of patients suffering from CHD is a
comprises worry, rumination, stabilized                                     step toward answering the query whether
attention, and self-regulation strategies or                                metacognitive therapy and mindfulness affect
maladaptive coping behaviors. 7                                             communication patterns in couples with the
Mindfulness is defined as a stimulated attention                            mediating role of perceived stress, perceived
state and awareness of whatever happens at the                              social support, and emotion regulation. Indeed,
moment. 8 It emphasizes the growth of 3                                     in the present study, we sought to determine
qualities: avoiding judgment, intentional                                   whether perceived social support and emotion
awareness, and focus on the current moment in                               regulation could play a mediating role in
the individual’s attention. Focusing attention on                           relation    to    metacognitive      intervention,
the current moment leads to the process of                                  mindfulness, and communication patterns of
becoming aware of all aspects of the immediate                              couples.
experience—including cognitive, psychological,


                                      Effects of Metacognitive Training in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease                                         Maddahi et al
Iranian Heart Journal; 2018; 19 (1)

                                                                 METHOD                                           on communication patterns, and (3) after the
                                                                                                                  discussion on the communication patterns.
                                      The present study was designed as semi-                                     Couples grade each behavior on a 9-degree
                                      experimental and correlation investigation                                  scale Likert scale from 1 (never possible) to 9
                                      containing a pretest and a posttest in                                      (very possible). The CPQ is composed of 3
                                      conjunction with a control group. The study                                 subscales: demand/withdraw communication,
                                      population comprised 500 patients with CHD                                  mutual constructive communication, and
                                      who referred to Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical,                             mutual avoidance communication. These 3
                                      and Research Center between 2015 and 2016.                                  subscales were provided by Christian and
                                      Among the 500 subjects, 160 patients with                                   Shenk          (1991).         Demand/withdraw
                                      confirmed CHD were selected and then were                                   communication is composed of 2 parts:
                                      evaluated using Christensen and Sullaway’s                                  demand/man withdraw and demand/woman
                                      Communication Pattern Questionnaire (CPQ).                                  withdraw. Christiansen and Hiwi (1995)
                                      Among the subjects whose evaluation results                                 estimated the reliability of this questionnaire.
                                      exhibited a standard deviation less than that of                            Cronbach’s alpha for the CPQ subscales has
                                      the others (107 subjects), 45 patients were                                 been reported to range from 0.50 to 0.78. Hiwi
                                      selected via simple random sampling. Thus, the                              et al 14 (1996) obtained the internal consistency
                                      study sample consisted of 45 male and female                                for the subscale of 7-item mutual constructive
                                      patients with CHD, who were divided into 2                                  communication and reported that Cronbach’s
                                      experimental groups and 1 control group. The                                alpha for men and women in this subscale was
                                      inclusion criteria were comprised of consent for                            0.84 and 0.81, respectively.
                                      participation in the study, myocardial infarction                           The subscale of perceived stress was introduced
                                      at least 3 months previously, maximum age of                                by Cohen in 1983. This subscale contains 14
                                      65 years, minimum education level of high                                   items and is used for the measurement of
                                      school diploma, and proficiency in the Farsi                                perceived general stress in the preceding month.
                                      language.                                                                   It measures thoughts and feelings on stressful
                                      The study participants were pretested. To that                              events, control, overcome, coping with mental
                                      end, appropriate relationships were established                             pressure, and experienced stresses. Doran et al15
                                      with the patients, comprehensive history was                                (2006) calculated Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
                                      taken, and the research tests were completed by                             to be 0.74 for this questionnaire. Another tool
                                      the patients in a 2-hour session. Thereafter, an                            used in the current study was the
                                      experimental group underwent metacognitive                                  Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social
                                      therapy for 8 two-hour sessions and the second                              Support (MSPSS), designed by Zimmet et al 16
                                      experimental group underwent cognitive                                      in 1988 in order to measure perceived social
                                      therapy based on mindfulness for 8 two-hour                                 support on behalf of family, friends, and
                                      sessions. The control group did not receive any                             important people in the individual’s life. This
                                      intervention. Upon the completion of the                                    scale has 12 items and the respondents specify
                                      training period, all 3 study groups were                                    their opinion in a 7-item scale from 1 for totally
                                      posttested through the completion of relevant                               disagree to 7 for totally agree. Bruner et al 17 in
                                      questionnaires. The questionnaire employed in                               2008 reported the internal consistency of this
                                      the current study was Christensen and                                       tool to be between 86 and 90 for the subscales
                                      Sullaway’s CPQ. This scale is composed of 35                                of this tool and 86% for the total tool. The next
                                      questions and estimates the behaviors of                                    tool is the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire
                                      couples during 3 steps of marital conflict: (1)                             (Gross & John). This questionnaire contains 10
                                      when a problem happens in the relationship                                  items to measure emotion regulation strategies
                                      between the couples, (2) during the discussion                              and has 2 dimensions of re-assessment and

                                                                                                                                  Iranian Heart Journal; 2018; 19 (1)
Effects of Metacognitive Training in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease                                         Maddahi et al

repression. In the study of Gross and John, the                             mainly regulated for the systematic collection
internal correlation was reported to be 0.79 for                            of the personal information of the subjects       —

assessment and 0.73 for repression. Finally, a                              including age, gender, education level, marital
demographic information questionnaire was                                   status, and history of physical/mental diseases.
used in the present study; the questionnaire was

                                                    Table 1. Summary of the programs
                              Program Title                              Series A           Series B
                              Documents (finding the causes)             Part 1 A           Part 1 B
                              Early conclusions (Part I)                 Part 2 A           Part 2 B
                              Changes in the system of beliefs           Part 3 A           Part 3 B
                              Empathy ... (Part I)                       Part 4 A           Part 4 B
                              Memory                                     Part 5 A           Part 5 B
                              Empathy ... (Part II)                      Part 6 A           Part 6 B
                              Early conclusions (Part II)                Part 7 A           Part 7 B
                              Self-esteem and mood                       Part 8 A           Part 8 B
                              Homework                                   homework

The metacognitive training workshop based on                                movement while breathing; introducing
mindfulness was carried out in accordance with                              conscious walking; and homework for body
a method designed for the first time by Segal et                            monitoring, more conscious and longer sitting,
al. 18 Here, teaching mindfulness was developed                             conscious walking and conscious reactions to
in 8 sessions of 2 hours according to the signs                             stress and anxiety, and eating with the help of
and symptoms of the participants’ CHD.                                      mindfulness (eating with relaxation and paying
First Session: Introducing the participants to                              attention to the taste and appearance of food).
each other and adjusting the general policy of                              Fifth Session: Talking on the completion of
the sessions by considering the confidentiality                             half of the training course and expressing the
of the individuals’ personal life in addition to                            experiences, influences, and commitment to
performing the pretest and the primary exercise                             doing homework; conscious sitting (40 min)
of eating raisins, conscious breathing, body                                and developing the awareness of thoughts and
monitoring, and doing homework on conscious                                 mindfulness; discussing the role of mindfulness
breathing and body monitoring with the help of                              in responding to stress in daily life; homework
audio files.                                                                for body monitoring, conscious walking, sitting,
Second Session: Teaching relaxation for 14                                  and breathing; and exercise on awareness vis-à-
groups of muscles—including the forearms,                                   vis distinguished daily reactions (without
arms, legs and thighs, belly, chest, shoulders,                             conscious       selection)    and      responding
neck, lips, eyes, jaws, and the lower and upper                             (conscious selection) in relationships with
parts of the forehead.                                                      others.
Third Session: Teaching relaxation for 6                                    Sixth Session: Long sitting meditation for 40
groups: hands and arms, legs and thighs, belly                              minutes; awareness of breathing, sounds, and
and chest, neck and shoulders, jaws and lips,                               then thoughts; reviewing the exercises and
and forehead and eyes as well as homework for                               homework; discussing the preparation for all
relaxation.                                                                 the periods; and homework for identifying
Fourth Session: Teaching the body monitoring                                emotions and naming them during the week.
technique; sitting meditation with emphasis on                              Seventh Session: Full mindfulness; sitting
body perception (as the interpretation of                                   meditation for 40 minutes; awareness of
opposite feelings and thoughts); teaching the                               breathing, body, sounds, and then thoughts;
technique of paying attention to the body’s                                 reviewing the exercises and homework;


                                      Effects of Metacognitive Training in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease                                               Maddahi et al
Iranian Heart Journal; 2018; 19 (1)

                                      observing the relationships between activity                                    regularly, reviewing the previous contents, and
                                      and mood; and homework based on the                                             finally arriving at conclusions.
                                      previous exercise.                                                              In the present study, the data were analyzed
                                      Eighth Session: Body monitoring, sitting                                        using the multivariate analysis of covariance
                                      meditation, briefly discussing and reviewing the                                test and also stepwise regression analysis (path
                                      current barriers to using the methods, finding                                  analysis). The statistical calculations and data
                                      solutions and thereafter continuing the exercises                               analyses were done with SPSS, version 24, and
                                                                                                                      the LISREL software.

                                                                         Table 2. Analysis of the covariance test for each dependent variable
                                      Source of                                                   Sum of          Degree of      Mean                 Significance        Eta
                                                            Dependent Variable                                                                    F
                                      Variance                                                    Squares         Freedom       Squared                  Level          Squared
                                                    Communication pattern of the
                                                                                              1322299.249         1           1323299.249   48.553    0.000            0.669
                                      Group         Emotion regulation                        8088.620            1           8088.62       302.368   0.000            0.926
                                                    Intensity of perceived stress             8859.410            1           8859.41       245.149   0.000            0.911
                                                    Perceived social support                  5777.557            1           5777.557      137.271   0.000            0.851

                                                                         Table 3. Analysis of the covariance test for each dependent variable
                                      Source of                                                   Sum of          Degree of      Mean                 Significance        Eta
                                                            Dependent Variable                                                                    F
                                      Variance                                                    Squares         Freedom       Squared                  Level          Squared
                                                    Communication pattern of the
                                                                                              78103.829           1           78103.829     53.883    0.000            0.692
                                      Group         Emotion regulation                        5712.820            1           5712.820      304.460   0.000            0.927
                                                    Intensity of perceived stress             5823.716            1           5823.716      99.265    0.000            0.805
                                                    Perceived social support                  1441.308            1           1441.308      47.884    0.000            0.666

                                                                         Table 4. Analysis of the covariance test for each dependent variable
                                      Source of                                                   Sum of          Degree of      Mean                 Significance        Eta
                                                            Dependent Variable                                                                    F
                                      Variance                                                    squares         Freedom       Squared                  Level          Squared
                                                    Communication pattern of the
                                                                                              5828.32             1           5828.32       1.5       0.232            0.059
                                      Group         Emotion regulation                        188.66              1           188.66        9.65      0.005            0.287
                                                    Intensity of perceived stress             382.7               1           382.7         5.09      0.033            0.175
                                                    Perceived social support                  1476.66             1           1476.66       35.62     0.000            0.598

                                                            Table 5. Results of the regression analysis test for the fourth hypothesis of the study
                                                                                      Non-Standardized            Standardized
                                                                                          coefficients             coefficients                Significance
                                                              Model                                                                    t
                                                                                                   standard                                        Level
                                                                                       beta                            beta
                                                    1 constant effect              228.39         14.7                             15.52       0.000
                                                    perceived stress               -3.27          0.436          -0.753            -7.50       0.000
                                                    2 constant effect              167.44         52.65                            3.18        0.003
                                                    perceived stress               2.45           0.803          -0.566            -3.06       0.004
                                                    Emotion regulation             0.958          0.759          0.223             1.2         0.235
                                                    3    constant effect           156.36         54.65                            2.86        0.007
                                                    perceived stress               22.37          0.813          -0.547            -2.92       0.006
                                                    Emotion regulation             0.519          0.968          0.121             0.537       0.594
                                                    Perceived Social Support       0.767          0.957          0.143             0.802       0.427

                                                                                                                                   Iranian Heart Journal; 2018; 19 (1)
Effects of Metacognitive Training in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease                                          Maddahi et al

The results in Table 5 show that the                                        Hassanvandi, Mehrabi Zadeh Honarmand, and
standardized coefficient of perceived stress was                            Afkari 21 (2013), Vanderhyden, Morris, and
-0.752, which was statistically significant (P <                            Vender Mullen 22 (2012), Wells and Welford et
0.05). In the second model and after the input of                           al 23 (2010), and Gwilliam et al 24 (2004), who
emotional regulation, the standardized beta                                 measured the positive effects of metacognitive
coefficient of perceived stress was still 0.223,                            therapy on psychological variables in patients
which was of statistical significance (P > 0.05).                           with different physical and mental conditions.
In the third step, with the input of perceived                              All of these studies indicated the effectiveness
social support to the equation, the standardized                            of this type of intervention therapy. Our results
beta coefficient of perceived stress was -0.547,                            are also consistent with the studies by
which constituted statistical significance (P >                             Bergerson and Sunerhagen 25 (2011),
0.05). In addition, the standardized beta                                   Barnhofner et al 26 (2009), Fennel (2004), 27
coefficient of regulation was reduced, with its                             and Wells et al 28 (2012), who measured the
rate in the third step being 0.121—which was                                effectiveness of metacognitive therapy on
not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The                               depression.
standardized beta coefficient of perceived social                           During the metacognitive therapy, our study
support was 0.143, and this variable was not                                participants had an active participation and
statistically significant (P > 0.05). Thus, only                            could express their opinions unambiguously.
the perceived stress variable remained in the                               When an individual’s relationships change
equation and the 2 variables of emotional                                   emotionally, he/she can cause a change in
regulation and perceived social support were                                someone else. For example, when a husband
removed from the equation.                                                  changes and tends to a more flexible position in
                                                                            expressing his emotions, his wife will respond
                        DISCUSSION                                          in a kind way and vice versa. One of the
                                                                            important goals of metacognitive therapy like
In the variable “communication patterns of                                  the methods based on mindfulness (the third-
couples” in the present study, the eta squared                              wave cognitive therapy), which was the second
(effect size) was 66.9%, which means that                                   intervention in the current study and its
about 66% of the between-group difference in                                effectiveness will be discussed later, is that
terms of the communication patterns of the                                  individuals see the problem in another way,
couples was related to the metacognitive                                    separate themselves from the problem, and
therapy intervention. Furthermore, 92.6% of the                             evaluate their thoughts by moving away from
between-group differences concerning the                                    thoughts. The fact is that stress in daily life is
variable of emotion regulation, 91.1% regarding                             an inevitability, but it is vitally important that
perceived stress, and 85.1% with respect to                                 the individual cope with crises. Research on
perceived social support were related to the                                response to stressful situations shows that
metacognitive therapy intervention. Thus, the                               human beings tend to exhibit reactions against
research hypothesis was confirmed with a                                    threats and symbols of risk but the severity of
confidence level of 99%. The obtained results                               these reactions varies according to the extent a
are consistent with some previous studies such                              certain situation is perceived. Indeed, perceived
as those by Lund Green, Jonasson, Christenson,                              stress is a psychological process or state in
and Criston 19 (2015) and Reed, Chental, Sky,                               which individuals perceive that their
and Thompson (2013), who measured the                                       psychological and physical well-being is being
effectiveness of psychological therapies on                                 threatened. Studies have demonstrated that the
patients with heart diseases. 20 Moreover, our                              victims of myocardial infarction suffer from
results are in line with the studies of Valizadeh,                          severe stress several months before the incident.


                                      Effects of Metacognitive Training in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease                                            Maddahi et al
Iranian Heart Journal; 2018; 19 (1)

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