Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council

Page created by Clyde Ortega
Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council
Effects of COVID-19 this year

                                              Material availability, cost and time,
         Global supply and demand issues
                                               substitutions e.g. timber, light fittings

                 Closed borders               Unable to access specialist resource e.g.
                                               orchestra pit lift installer for SHMPAC

                                              Lost time on site, less productive,
    Rotorua                                    cost & completion delay implications
                                               e.g. SHMPAC

    Auckland                                  Material supply issues e.g. street
                                               furniture for lakefront

                                              Unable to access sub-contractor
    Auckland                                   resource or have consultants visit site
                                               e.g. Protectus asbestos removalists

Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council
Implications for Community Wellbeing major projects

    Asbestos removal critical path -              Level 4 has pushed completion of area
     completion date out by time Auckland in        east of jetties to January but Campbell
     Level 4&3 - opening now Spring 2022            Infrastructure and GRB working to try and
    Costs due to delay to be agreed                achieve pre-Christmas finish
    Contract requires mitigation by               Play tower late arriving but now installed;
     contractor but some risk is with RLC           inspections by RLC as architect in Akld
    Hawkins are working hard to secure            Material supply challenges - tumu (metal);
     materials e.g. gib, plywood, &                 toilets (pre-cast concrete); street furniture
     sequence                                      Stage 5 contracted post lockdown

    MUSEUM RESTORATION                              AQUATIC CENTRE
    Majority of work is desk based (zoom          Outdoor change rooms have been
     and 3D scan help) at this stage so             delayed from end Sept to mid Nov, will be
     minimal disruption                             cost implications.
    Geotechnical testing contractors site         Materials cost increases create risk for
     visit marginally delayed with no impact        main pool hall contract going to market
    Materials cost increases create risk for       later this year
     construction contract next year               Overseas material supply risks

Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council
Community Wellbeing Operations

    Safe City Guardians on CBD property           3 business events cancelled and 7
     protection and business education              postponed with alternative dates found.
    Animal Control focus on urgent matters         Strong enquires remain for 2022
    Noise complaints, Alcohol Licensing,          All indoor netball and basketball
     Food Act & RMA compliance dealt with           cancelled including two junior
     by phone                                       premiership tournaments. Restarted in
    Parking services halted until L2               L2.
    Staff deployed to Civil Defence

    MARKETS                                        TE AKA MAURI
    Markets cancelled under L4 & L3 and          17,000+ members emailed regarding loan
     comprehensive guidelines for Delta L2         extension and e-lending up 50%
     operation created.                           Tamariki wellness packs for EOC developed
    Limited numbers under L2 at Sunday           “Library to you” contactless continued and online,
     Farmers Market & “Food Truck                  takeaway and outreach programmes extending
     Thursday” initiated to replace Thursday      L2 restricted access for visitors and services to
     Night Market                                  maintain distancing

Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council
Community Wellbeing Operations

Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council
Community Wellbeing Operations

    All toilet blocks, playgrounds, reserve
     car parks closed and sign posted within
     24 hours. Reopened L2 with tracing
    Open space maintenance stopped then
     resumed at L3, include deep cleans of
     toilets for L2 opening
    Forest recreation managed to Covid 19
     orders as levels changed. Police liaison
     for compliance activities

Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council
Community Wellbeing Operations

Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council
Community Wellbeing Operations

    All toilet blocks, playgrounds, reserve       Aquatic Centre closed L4 & L3, plant maintained
     car parks closed and sign posted within        and reopened with use capacity limits at L2
     24 hours. Reopened L2 with tracing            Community sport halted and worked with codes to
    Open space maintenance stopped then            reschedule end of season games in L2
     resumed at L3, include deep cleans of         Some events cancelled and worked with
     toilets for L2 opening                         organisers to find alternative dates for postponed
    Forest recreation managed to Covid 19          events. Also alternative contingency dates locked
     orders as levels changed. Police liaison       in for large events through to year end
     for compliance activities                     Assistance for DHB/Te Arawa vaccination clinics

Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council
Community Wellbeing Operations

                                    Te Karere video on DHB/Te Arawa
                                     Vaccination Clinic

Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council
Community Wellbeing Operations

    All toilet blocks, playgrounds, reserve        Aquatic Centre closed L4 & L3, plant maintained
     car parks closed and sign posted within         and reopened with use capacity limits at L2
     24 hours. Reopened L2 with tracing             Community sport halted and worked with codes to
    Open space maintenance stopped then             reschedule end of season games in L2
     resumed at L3, include deep cleans of          Some events cancelled and worked with
     toilets for L2 opening                          organisers to find alternative dates for postponed
    Forest recreation managed to Covid 19           events. Also alternative contingency dates locked
     orders as levels changed. Police liaison        in for large events through to year end
     for compliance activities                      Assistance for DHB/Te Arawa vaccination clinics

     Aronui has been postponed to Nov 28th –
      Dec 11th and the team have worked hard
      to reschedule the majority of artists ,
      however some have other commitments
     Aronui mural project is now underway due
      to availability of the artists

Effects of COVID-19 this year - Rotorua Lakes Council
Community Wellbeing Operations

Community Wellbeing Operations

     All toilet blocks, playgrounds, reserve        Aquatic Centre closed L4 & L3, plant maintained
      car parks closed and sign posted within         and reopened with use capacity limits at L2
      24 hours. Reopened L2 with tracing             Community sport halted and worked with codes to
     Open space maintenance stopped then             reschedule end of season games in L2
      resumed at L3, include deep cleans of          Some events cancelled and worked with
      toilets for L2 opening                          organisers to find alternative dates for postponed
     Forest recreation managed to Covid 19           events. Also alternative contingency dates locked
      orders as levels changed. Police liaison        in for large events through to year end
      for compliance activities                      Assistance for DHB/Te Arawa vaccination clinics

      PERFORMING ARTS                                 THRIVING COMMUNITIES
      Aronui has been postponed to Nov 28th –       Issues of rough/vehicle sleeping much
       Dec 11th and the team have worked hard         less this lockdown than last year due to
       to reschedule the majority of artists ,        people already in safe shelter
       however some have other commitments           L4 delayed some emergency housing
      Aronui mural project is now underway due       modifications to MHUD units
       to availability of the artists                Increased welfare checks on identified
                                                      whanau and tamariki resource and activity
                                                      kits created for distribution

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