Effect of a satiating meal on the concentrations of procolipase propeptide in the serum and urine of normal and morbidly obese subjects - Gut

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1520                                                                                                          Gut 1993; 34: 1520-1525

                             Effect of a satiating meal on the concentrations of
                             procolipase propeptide in the serum and urine of
                             normal and morbidly obese subjects
                             R C Bowyer, W M Rowston, A M T Jehanli, J H Lacey, J Hermon-Taylor

                             Abstract                                            profound hyperphagia, have a 60% reduction in
                             The effect of a satiating meal on the serum and     their fasting pancreatic procolipase content com-
                             urinary concentrations of procolipase propep-       pared with normal rats lead to the suggestion that
                             tide (Ala-Pro-Gly-Pro-Arg, APGPR) immuno-           the peptide might have a possible physiological
                             reactivity, as measured by enzyme linked            role in appetite regulation.'5
                             immunosorbent assay (ELISA) specific for               Further studies'5 in Sprague-Dawley rats
                             free APGPR, has been studied in normal              showed that intraperitoneal or intravenous injec-
                             and morbidly obese human subjects. The              tion of VPDPR changed the pattern but not the
                             normal subjects displayed a biphasic response       overall consumption of food with a reduced
                             with coordinate increases in both serum             intake at the beginning and increased intake at
                             and urine APGPR immunoreactivity both               the end of a four hour test period. This early
                             occurring within the first two hours after the      'satiating effect' was dose dependent and most
                             meal. In two of three of the morbidly obese         marked at a dose of 40 ,ug per animal, about
                             subjects, this early rise in APGPR concentra-       equimolar to procolipase secretion during
                             tion in urine was not seen but was foliowed by a    maximal stimulation with secretin and chole-
                             slow rise in urinary APGPR immunoreactivity         cystokinin (CCK). Addition of purified porcine
                             at four to six hours. In both the normal and        procolipase, corresponding to 2 [ig/g VPDPR
                             obese groups, the urinary immunoreactive            after tryptic proteolysis, to the feed pellets of
                             signal was found to coelute with synthetic          these rats lead to the loss of normal weight gain
                             APGPR on gel chromatography. In rats, pro-          and maintenance of body weight. Once the
                             colipase propeptide (Val-Pro-Asp-Pro-Arg,           normal diet was resumed, pellet consumption
                             VPDPR) specifically inhibits fat intake early in    increased and weight gain returned to normal.
                             the postprandial period when given peripher-        Further studies showed that this effect on
                             ally or centrally. This study suggests that         animal weight and pellet consumption was not
                             in humans APGPR reaches the circulation             seen with the addition of porcine colipase alone
                             shortly after feeding and is excreted in the        and that there was a significant reduction in total
                             urine. These findings are consistent with the       weight of food consumed at six hours when 10
                             hypothesis that human procolipase propeptide        ig synthetic VPDPR was given intraperitone-
                             may also act as a satiety signal. In addition the   ally.'6 This second finding was confirmed by
                             late appearance of the peptide in some of the       Shargill et all7 although total consumption at 24
                             morbidly obese patients could be associated         hours was unchanged with an intraperitoneal
                             with perturbation of appetite control in these      dose of 19-6 ,ug.
                             subjects.                                              Infusion of synthetic VPDPR (16-5-500 ng)
                             (Gut 1993; 34: 1520-1525)                           into the third ventricle of conscious Sprague-
                                                                                 Dawley rats over five minutes significantly
                                                                                 reduced food intake from 30 minutes to six
                             Intestinal fat digestion occurs as a result of the hours. At an effective dose of 16-5 ng (33 pM),
                             combined action of lipase and colipase.' Colipase VPDPR is one of the more potent agents to
                             is a heat stable, water soluble, non-enzymatic inhibit food intake after injection into the third
                             protein of molecular weight of about 10 kilo ventricle. 'I
                             Daltons (kDa).23 This cofactor is required for         A significant dose dependent reduction in fat
                             lipase activity in the presence of bile salts above consumption after intraperitoneal VPDPR
                             the critical micelle concentration4 and acts by administration was shown in Osborne-Mendel
Departments of Surgery       anchoring lipase in a one to one molar ratio to the rats, a species susceptible to obesity on high fat
R C Bowyer
A M T Jehanli                bile salt emulsified triglyceride substrate.56 diets but not low fat high carbohydrate diets.
J Hermon-Taylor              Colipase is secreted by the exocrine pancreas as This effect lasted up to four hours with a dose of
                             the precursor, procolipase and its activation 20 [tg per animal but was prolonged for up to six
and Mental Health
Sciences, St George's        involves the tryptic cleavage of the Arg5-Gly6 hours with a dose of 40-80 [ig per animal. A
Hospital Medical School,     bond releasing an N-terminal pentapeptide.7 compensatory increase in fat intake was seen
London                       This procolipase propeptide has an amino acid after six hours and at 12 hours the total fat intake
W M Rowston                                                                      was the same as in the control group. 8 A
J H Lacey
                             sequence that seems to be highly conserved in
Correspondence to:           nature with the sequence Val-Pro-Asp-Pro-Arg        significant dose dependent reduction in fat
Professor J Hermon-Taylor,   (VPDPR) in pig,8 ox,9, rat,'0 and horse" and intake was also shown with infusion of 100-400
Department of Surgery,       Ala-Pro-Gly-Pro-Arg (APGPR) in man'2 and ng into the right lateral ventricle of Sprague-
Jenner Wing, St George's
Hospital Medical School,     chicken.'3 The sequence VPGPR has also been Dawley rats. '9
Cranmer Terrace, London      identified in the rat. 14 This homology along with     The hypothetical action of VPDPR is that it is
Accepted for publication     the finding that the genetically obese Zucker rat released from procolipase in the duodenum
16 March 1993                (fa/fa), in which obesity is characterised by during digestion, is actively or passively
Effect ofa satiating meal on the concentrations ofprocolipase propeptide in the serum and urine ofnormal and morbidly obese subjects              1521

                   Meal                                                                             absorbed, passes through the circulation to act
                                                                                                    on a receptor site in the central nervous system,
                                                                                                    and so inhibits, in the short term, further
      60-                                                                                           consumption of food, specifically that food
 c                                                                                                  which contains fat. At present, free VPDPR has
 0    50-                                                                                           not yet been shown to be absorbed into the
  o                                                                                                 circulation nor specific receptors in the central
 a)   40-                                                                                           nervous system identified.
                                                                                                       The effect of APGPR on satiation is more
LC                                                                                                  difficult to study in humans and has not so far
0~                                                                                                  been investigated. It is known, however, that
 E                                                                                                  synthetic APGPR has a very short half life (
1522                                                                                                                Bowyer, Rowston,Jehanli, Lacey, Hermon-Taylor

                                      consisted of 300 g 'Special Recipe' Muesli                            acetate, allowed to clot, and within 2 5 hours of
                                      (W Jordan Ltd, Biggleswade, UK) and 300 g                             collection, centrifuged at 3000 g for 20 minutes,
                                      fresh pasteurised whole cows milk, the whole                          the separated serum mixed with an equal volume
                                      meal containing a total of 1191 kcal, 43-3 g                          of ELISA immunoassay buffer containing 50
                                      protein, 170-4 g carbohydrate, 41-7 g fat, 39 g                       mM TRIS/HCL, 0-05% (wt/vol) casein, 3-1 mM
                                      fibre, and 305 g water. The meal was consumed                         NaN3, 10 mM ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid,
                                      as rapidly as was comfortable within 15 minutes                       0 05% (wt/vol) Tween 20 at pH 7X2-7*4, and
                                      or stopped when satiation occurred. The mean                          suspended in a boiling bath for 10 minutes. Each
                                      mass of meal consumed was 557 g for the normal                        sample was then centrifuged for five minutes at
                                      and 308 g for the morbidly obese subjects. At 30                      10 000 g and the supernatant labelled and stored
                                      and 0 minutes before and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75,                       at -20°C until assayed.
                                      90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, and 420 minutes                             The stored aliquots of urine and serum were
                                      after the onset of the meal, the subjects emptied                     later thawed at room temperature, thoroughly
                                      their bladders, the volume of urine voided was                        whirlnixed, centrifuged for five minutes at
                                      recorded and 10 ml urine immediately made 20                          10 000 g, and the supernatant assayed using the
                                      mM with zinc acetate. To minimise loss of                             APGPR ELISA for free APGPR that we have
                                      APGPR immunoreactivity on storage, each                               previously described.20 All samples were assayed
                                      urine sample was centrifuged at 3000 g for 20                         at a 50% dilution in immunoassay buffer and
                                      minutes, the supernatant suspended in a boiling                       corrected for dilution after subtraction of the
                                      bath for 10 minutes, centrifuged for five minutes                     assay detection limit. Urinary APGPR excretion
                                      at 10000 g, and the supernatant aliquoted and                         was calculated as a product of the urinary
                                      stored at -20°C until assayed. Each subject had                       concentration for a given sample and the volume/
                                      5 ml of blood sampled from a forearm vein                             hour of urine output over that sampling period.
                                      immediately before and every 10 minutes for two                          Two 7 5 ml urine samples from one male
                                      hours after the onset of the meal. Each blood                         subject at 75 and 90 minutes after the onset of the
                                      sample was immediately made 20 mM with zinc                           meal, collected and stored as previously des-
                                                                                                            cribed, were thawed at room temperature,
                                                                                                            pooled, lyophilised, and then reconstituted by
                        Meal                                                                                mixing with 6 ml distilled water. This pooled

2 20-
                        n~                                                                                  concentrated urine was then centrifuged at
                                                                                                            10 000 g for five minutes and 1 ml of supernatant
                                                                                                            chromatographed on a Sephadex G-25 column
                                                                                                            (0 9x43 cm) in TRIS buffered saline (TBS)
                                                                                                            containing 50 mM TRIS/HCl, 0-15 M NaCl,
     0                                                                                                      3*1 mM NaN3 at pH 7*3 at a flow rate of 39 5 ml/
     2? 15-                                                                                                 hour and 1 056 ml fractions collected and
     x                                 *                                                                    assayed using the APGPR ELISA. Similarly,
     0D                                                                                                     three 8 ml urine samples collected at 240, 300,
          10-                                                                                               and 360 minutes after the onset of the meal from
 0DO                                                                                                        the third morbidly obese subject were pooled,
                                                                                                            lyophilised, and reconstituted as before with
     co       5-                                                                                            6 ml distilled water. The resultant pooled con-

                                                                                                            centrated urine was centrifuged and 1 ml
                                                                                                            chromatographed and assayed as before. The
              'I                                                                                            chromatography column was calibrated using
                                                  5 180        I   2                                  4
           -61 )-30     0   30 60      90   120   150   180   210 240   270   300   330   360   390   420
                                                                                                            synthetic APGRP in 50 mM TRIS buffered
                                                                                                            saline and the fractions assayed for APGPR.
                                                                                                            STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
                                 -* Mol
                                                                                                            The results of sequential APGPR propeptide
2         2(
                                      M02                                                                   assay of urine and serum were analysed usinig the
     c                           --
                                      M03                                                                   Wilcoxon matched pairs signed ranks test and
     0                                                                                                      the urinary APGPR concentrations and excre-
     Co 1!9
     (D                                                                                                     tion from normal and morbidly obese groups
     x                                                                                                      analysed using the Kruskal-Wallis one way
 c:                                                                                                         analysis of variance (ANOVA).
 CL       1

                                                                                                            APGPR CONCENTRATION IN SERUM
                                                                                                            In the normal subjects the fasted mean serum
                                                                                                            APGPR concentration was at the detection limit
                                 60    90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
              -60 -30   0   30
                                                                                                            of the assay but postprandially two peaks of
                           Mean time of sampling after meal (min)                                           APGPR immunoreactivity were seen in the first
Figure 3: (A) Urinary APGPR excretion from normal healthy subjects (n=6) before and after                   and second hours after the start of the meal
a satiating meal expressed as concentration v midpoint in time of sampling period showing mean              (Fig 1). Only the peak at 90 minutes, however,
values (SEM) with samples (*) differing significantly (p
Effect ofa satiating meal on the concentrations ofprocolipase propeptide in the serum and urine of normal and morbidly obese subjects            1523

                                                                                                    the APGPR urine concentrations between the
                   Meal                                                                             normal subjects and MO 1 and M03 emphasising

                     Vn                   M03

                                        -o-   Normal
                                                                                                    the differing appearance of the immunoreactive
                                                                                                    signal between these two groups. The significant
                                                                                                    difference at 45 and 360 minutes postprandially
                                                                                                    between the results in the normal and these two
                                                                                                    morbidly obese subjects cannot be accounted for
                                                                                                    by a difference in the urine output (one way
                                                                                                    ANOVA, p>0 05). A similar difference in
                                                                                                    urinary APGPR excretion postprandially was
                                                                                                    seen between the normal subjects and MOI and
                                                                                                    M03 and was significant at 15, 30, and 45
C)                                                                                                  minutes after the start of the meal (data not

                                                                                                     CHROMATOGRAPHY OF URINARY APGPR
                                                                                                     Assay offractions ofpooled and lyophilised urine
                                                                                                     from the second APGPR immunoreactivity peak
                                                                                                     from one of the normal male subjects clearly
                                                                                                     showed that the immunoreactive signal coeluted
             -30    0     30 60    90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420                    with synthetic APGPR suggesting that the
                              Time of sampling after meal (min)
                                                                                                     immunoreactive peak was principally a result of
                                                                                                     the native peptide (Fig 5A). Finally chromato-
Figure 4: APGPR nM in urine from normal healthy subjects (n=6) (mean (SEM)) and from                 graphy and assay of the lyophilised late pooled
two morbidly obese subjects (MOI, M03) before and after a satiating meal (*) differing
significantly (p
1524                                                                                                                     Bowyer, Rowston,Jehanli, Lacey, Hermon-Taylor

       350        A    Vo                                                                  Vs                concentration at four to six hours. If APGPR
                                                                                                             were a satiety signal and the urine concentrations
                                                                                                             mirrored circulating blood concentrations, then
       300-                                                                                                  the late appearance of APGPR in the circulation
                                                                                                             could explain the loss of appetite control in these
       250-v                                        :                                                        morbidly obese patients. Whether this abnormal
                                              250                | - * APGPR calibration                     response to the meal in these morbidly obese
      2200-                                   11                 [oPooled
                                                                  -6-     normal urine          peak         subjects is as a result of an intrinsic abnormality
                                                                                                             or is a consequence of pancreatic hypofunction
                                                                                                             seen in the morbidly obese30 is unclear. Larger
 cL    150-                                                                                                  numbers of subjects need to be studied to
                                                                                                             determine the significance of these preliminary

                                                                                                             This research was supported by grants from the Medical Research
        50-                                                                                                  Committee of St George's Hospital and the South West Thames
                                                                                                             Regional Health Authority.
                                                                                                                The data describing detection of APGPR postprandially in
                                                                                                             normal subjects have previously been published in abstract form
             10              20                             30                 40                            in Digestion 1991;49: 10-1.
       100- B          Vo                                                                  Vs
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