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EduGit: Toward a Platform for
                   Publishing and Adopting Course
                   Content in All Disciplines
Michael C. Stewart                                              Zamua O. Nasrawt                                      
James Madison University                                        James Madison University
Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA                                     Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA

Jason Forsyth
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA

In light of the continued dearth of an online Community of Practice for the collaborative development
and distribution of educational materials for Human Computer Interaction, we propose EduGit.
EduGit is a web application (under heavy development in the proof-of-concept phase) that serves as a
platform for publishing, adopting, and collaboratively authoring educational resources. The system
will facilitate and incentivize publishing and adoption of course materials through interactions with
existing learning management systems and estimate impact through aggregated material adoption
and usage statistics.

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EduCHI ’19, April 4, 2019, Glasgow, UK
© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9999-9/18/06. . . $15.00
EduGit: Toward a Platform for Publishing and Adopting Course Content in All Disciplines                                    EduCHI ’19, April 4, 2019, Glasgow, UK

                                                         CCS CONCEPTS
                                                         • Human-centered computing → Interactive systems and tools; • Social and professional
                                                         topics → Model curricula.

                                                         education, sharing, online community, open educational resources, community of practice
                                                        ACM Reference Format:
                                                        Michael C. Stewart, Zamua O. Nasrawt, and Jason Forsyth. 2019. EduGit: Toward a Platform for Publishing and
                                                        Adopting Course Content in All Disciplines. In EduCHI ’19: Global Perspectives on HCI Education, April 4, 2019,
                                                        Glasgow, UK . ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.

                                                        There has been a sustained interest in electronically sharing educational materials since there have
                                                        been electronic means to do so (e.g. [17]). Across various disciplines there have been periodic efforts
                                                        addressing the need to share resources.
                                                           In the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) community alone, there have been numerous efforts
                                                        to define, share, and critique curricula and to build a community of practice for HCI Education
                                                        [5–7, 11, 20]. We observe that in the field of software development there seem to be successful
                                                        communities of practice engaged in sharing and reuse of software artifacts (e.g. [1]). Through (1)
                                                        tracking the provenance of the source code, (2) nudging developers toward open licenses, and (3)
                                                        facilitating the incorporation of improvements from third-parties into the original code bases, GitHub
                                                        has fostered a vibrant community of collaborative software development. Following our participation
                                                        in [20], we are developing EduGit [21] to support the sharing (publishing and adoption) of course
                                                        materials, with lessons gleaned from GitHub and past education resource sharing efforts (e.g. those
                                                        above as well as [3, 4, 8, 9, 18, 19].

                                                        EduGit is first a catalogued repository of educational materials. Interested authors of educational
                                                        materials will be able to easily publish their materials to the catalog. Interested educators will be able
                                                        to easily adopt those published materials for use in their own course. However, EduGit is intended to
                                                        be more than a simple catalog of published educational materials.
                                                           EduGit aims to help educators establish a consequential practice of citing sources. The system will
                                                        track the adoptions of published materials to provide evidence of use. Similar to citation counts or the
                                                        “h-index” for estimating researcher impact, statistics about actual adoption of an author’s educational
                                                        materials by other educators can help establish their educational impact. HCI educators may have
EduGit: Toward a Platform for Publishing and Adopting Course Content in All Disciplines                                 EduCHI ’19, April 4, 2019, Glasgow, UK

                                                        differential need for such measures depending on their professional role [14]. EduGit has two primary
                                                        Goals: (1) to facilitate: (a) the publication of educational resources and (b) the adoption of educational
                                                        resources; and (2)to incentivize: (a) the publication of educational resources and (b) collaboration on
                                                        educational resources.
                                                           In addition to the primary goals related to sharing educational resources, we are carefully designing
                                                        EduGit to create a space for specific people to have specific interactions [10] that we believe are not
                                                        well supported otherwise. We are designing EduGit to facilitate and incentivize critique of educational
                                                        resources and pedagogical approaches.

                                                        In the first version of EduGit, educational resources will only be able to be shared in units of a course
                                                        (i.e. all content for a whole term of a course), and only those “Courses” available within a Canvas LMS
                                                        [12] course. Of course, this simplification is not without repercussions. We are essentially — at least
                                                        at this first phase — delegating to an educational technology development community the definition
                                                        of a “course” and what content it does and does not include.

                                                         User Experience
                                                        EduGit should be simple to use. Educators of any academic level and from any discipline should be
                                                        able to publish and adopt courses with ease. Despite the “git” [22] suffix, publishers and adopters of
                                                        content should have a simple graphical user interface in the EduGit web application for publishing
                                                        and adopting content. Given the simplifications in the first version (see: Features), the process of
                                                        publishing and adopting materials is simplified to publishing and adopting courses. This reduction in
                                                        scope results in a simpler user experience for both (1) the actions of publishing and adopting, and (2)
                                                        the pedagogical practice of comprehending and incorporating another educator’s resources. To be
                                                        clear, we will not be expecting users of EduGit to have any familiarity with the git source control and
                                                        versioning system [22].
                                                        Publishing. An educator wishing to publish their course to the EduGit catalog will simply click a
                                                        “Publish my course(s)” button, which will prompt them to sign in to their institution’s Canvas instance.
                                                        Having authenticated and granted EduGit access to their institutional Canvas account, the educator
                                                        will see a detailed presentation of all the courses they have taught, each with a “Publish” button.
                                                        Adding their course to the EduGit catalog simply requires clicking the corresponding “Publish” button.
                                                         Adopting. Similarly, an educator who finds a course they wish to adopt in the EduGit catalog can simply
                                                         click the course’s corresponding "Adopt" button. This will redirect the educator to their institution’s
                                                         Canvas authentication process. Having successfully authenticated and authorized EduGit to access
                                                         their Canvas account, EduGit will present the adopting educator with a detailed list of their courses.
EduGit: Toward a Platform for Publishing and Adopting Course Content in All Disciplines                                EduCHI ’19, April 4, 2019, Glasgow, UK

                                                         Simply clicking one of these courses’ corresponding “Select” button will import the published Canvas
                                                         course contents into the adopter’s course.

                                                         Collaboration and Updates. EduGit requires access to educators’ existing institutional Canvas accounts
                                                         to function. This access enables EduGit to support the educators in tracking changes to courses they
                                                         have published or adopted.
                                                            When an educator makes a change to a course that has been adopted by others, the educator
                                                         can be prompted to indicate whether the changes might be beneficial (downstream) to the adopters.
                                                         Likewise when an adopter makes changes to a Canvas course that they have adopted from another
                                                         educator, EduGit can prompt the adopter to indicate whether it would be appropriate to propose the
                                                         change (upstream) to the course from which they adopted the content.
                                                            In choosing whether to share these updates up- or downstream, educators may wish to describe
                                                         the changes and perhaps their rationale. Like git’s commit messages, and GitHub’s pull requests,
                                                         these discussions of rationale for changes create a space for contextualized, detailed discussion of
                                                         pedagogical choices that currently lack a designated arena.

                                                        EduGit will contribute to rich discussions about the development of online communities of practice for
                                                        educational resources [13, 15, 16, 23]. In addition to questions of the establishment and maintenance
                                                        of the online community of practice, interesting questions of user experience and pedagogical practice
                                                        confront EduGit.
                                                           Currently, there is little meaningful citation of another educator’s materials. The lack of track-
                                                        ing/tabulation of citations to pedagogical content promotes less consistent attribution of authorship.
                                                        As EduGit aims to support attribution, there may be an issue in soliciting original content. That is,
                                                        having lacked a meaningful outcome of attributing educational resources to the original authors,
                                                        experienced educators may have a significant amount of unattributed content in “their” courses.
                                                        These educators may feel uncomfortable publishing “their” course materials as they recognize their
                                                        inability to properly cite their sources so long after they originally adopted them.
                                                           There is currently little professional space for developing and sharing quality educational materials.
                                                        While some conferences (e.g. SIGCSE [2]) do have Experience Reports, there remain too few opportu-
                                                        nities for educators to seek criticism of and collaboration on their educational materials. In EduGit,
                                                        we can provide the ability to attribute to the contributor the change a publisher incorporates into
                                                        their course. We expect this to help improve the (likelihood and) quality of the collaboration.

                                                         [1] 2019. GitHub.
EduGit: Toward a Platform for Publishing and Adopting Course Content in All Disciplines                                               EduCHI ’19, April 4, 2019, Glasgow, UK

                                                          [2] ACM. [n. d.]. SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2019.
                                                          [3] Monika Akbar, Weiguo Fan, Lillian Cassel, Lois Delcambre, Clifford A Shaffer, Edward A Fox, and Yinlin Chen. 2011.
                                                              How Educators Find Educational Resources Online. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Joint Conference on Innovation and
                                                              Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE ’11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 367.
                                                          [4] Monika Akbar, Weiguo Fan, Clifford A Shaffer, Yinlin Chen, Lillian Cassel, Lois Delcambre, Daniel D Garcia, Gregory W
                                                              Hislop, Frank Shipman, Richard Furuta, B Stephen Carpenter, Haowei Hsieh, Bob Siegfried, and Edward A Fox. 2011.
                                                              Digital Library 2.0 for Educational Resources. In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Stefan Gradmann,
                                                              Francesca Borri, Carlo Meghini, and Heiko Schuldt (Eds.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 89–100.
                                                          [5] Elizabeth Churchill, Jennifer Preece, and Anne Bowser. 2014. Developing a living HCI curriculum to support a global
                                                              community. In Proceedings of the extended abstracts of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing
                                                              systems - CHI EA ’14. ACM Press, New York, New York, USA, 135–138.
                                                          [6] Elizabeth F. Churchill, Anne Bowser, and Jennifer Preece. 2013. Teaching and learning human-computer interaction.
                                                              interactions 20, 2 (mar 2013), 44.
                                                          [7] Elizabeth F. Churchill, Anne Bowser, and Jennifer Preece. 2016. The future of HCI education. interactions 23, 2 (feb 2016),
                                                          [8] Eric Fouh, Maoyuan Sun, and Clifford Shaffer. 2012. OpenDSA: A Creative Commons Active-ebook (Abstract Only). In
                                                              Proceedings of the 43rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA,
                                                          [9] Edward A Fox, Yinlin Chen, Monika Akbar, Clifford A Shaffer, Stephen H Edwards, Peter Brusilovsky, Dan Garcia, Lois
                                                              Delcambre, Felicia Decker, David Archer, Richard Furuta, Frank Shipman, Stephen Carpenter, and Lillian Cassel. 2010.
                                                              Ensemble PDP-8: Eight Principles for Distributed Portals. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Joint Conference on Digital
                                                              Libraries (JCDL ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 341–344.
                                                         [10] Steve Harrison and Deborah Tatar. 2008. Places: people, events, loci–the relation of semantic frames in the construction
                                                              of place. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 17, 2-3 (2008), 97–133.
                                                         [11] Thomas T Hewett, Ronald Baecker, Stuart Card, Tom Carey, Jean Gasen, Marilyn Mantei, Gary Perlman, Gary Strong,
                                                              and William Verplank. 1992. ACM SIGCHI curricula for human-computer interaction. ACM.
                                                         [12] Instructure. [n. d.]. Canvas Learning Management System.
                                                         [13] Cliff Lampe, Rick Wash, Alcides Velasquez, and Elif Ozkaya. 2010. Motivations to participate in online communities. In
                                                              Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’10. ACM Press, New York,
                                                              New York, USA, 1927.
                                                         [14] Evan M Peck, Madeline E Smith, and Michael C Stewart. 2018. HCI for PUI: Human-Computer Interaction for Primarily-
                                                              Undergraduate Institutions. In WORKSHOP: Developing a Community of Practice to Support Global HCI Education of the
                                                              2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vol. 2018.
                                                         [15] Rebecca Pitt. 2015. Mainstreaming Open Textbooks: Educator Perspectives on the Impact of OpenStax College open
                                                              textbooks. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 16, 4 (2015).
                                                         [16] Jenny Preece. 2000. Online communities: Designing usability and supporting socialbilty. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
                                                         [17] David P. Rubincam. 1977. Electronic book.
                                                         [18] Clifford A Shaffer, Monika Akbar, Alexander Joel D Alon, Michael Stewart, and Stephen H Edwards. 2011. Getting
                                                              algorithm visualizations into the classroom. In Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science
                                                              education (SIGCSE ’11 (accpetance rate: 34%)). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 129–134.
EduGit: Toward a Platform for Publishing and Adopting Course Content in All Disciplines                                             EduCHI ’19, April 4, 2019, Glasgow, UK

                                                         [19] Clifford A Shaffer, Matthew L Cooper, Alexander Joel D Alon, Monika Akbar, Michael Stewart, Sean Ponce, and Stephen H
                                                              Edwards. 2010. Algorithm Visualization: The State of the Field. Trans. Comput. Educ. 10, 3 (aug 2010), 9:1—-9:22.
                                                         [20] Olivier St-Cyr, Craig M. MacDonald, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Jenny J. Preece, and Anna Bowser. 2018. Developing a
                                                              Community of Practice to Support Global HCI Education. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human
                                                              Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’18. ACM Press, New York, New York, USA, 1–7.
                                                         [21] Michael C. Stewart and Zamua O. Nasrawt. 2018. EduGit.
                                                         [22] Linus Torvalds. [n. d.]. git.
                                                         [23] Etienne Wenger, Richard Arnold McDermott, and William Snyder. 2002. Cultivating communities of practice: A guide to
                                                              managing knowledge. Harvard Business Press.
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