Education Maintenance Allowance 2021/2022 Guidance Notes - Dumfries and Galloway Council

Page created by Catherine Fuller
Education Maintenance Allowance 2021/2022 - Guidance Notes

   Dumfries and Galloway Council

   Education Maintenance
   Allowance 2021/2022
   Guidance Notes
   These notes accompany the 2021/2022 EMA Application
   form. Please read these notes prior to completing your
   application (Subject to change).
Education Maintenance Allowance 2021/2022 - Guidance Notes

Advice                                            Introduction
A fresh application must be made each             The Education Maintenance Allowance
academic year, including copies of all            (EMA) is a means tested weekly allowance
documents required to complete the                payable in two week instalments in
assessment.                                       arrears. Payments are made during
                                                  term time only. The programme aims to
When completing the application form              increase participation and retention in
please answer each section, as best you           post-compulsory education.
can, and submit with the relevant financial
documentation as soon as possible after           Eligibility
making your application. If you have any          •   You can apply for an EMA if you
difficulties please contact ema@dumgal.               attend a school in Dumfries and                                                Galloway, are Home Educated, live
                                                      in Dumfries and Galloway and travel
DEADLINES apply for the submission of                 daily to attend a school or college
the application form, so do not delay in              outwith Scotland or participate in an
sending this form.                                    Activity Agreement now known as
                                                      Young Persons Agreement.
You can send the form without the
required documents, but you must send             •   Students 16 years of age or over before
them to us once available. We will not                30 September 2021 may be eligible for
be able to make a final decision until we             an EMA from the beginning of term
have all the required documents. If you do            starting August 2021.
send any documents at a later date, please
remember to include the applicant’s name,         •   Students 16 years of age between
learning centre and date of birth so we               1 October 2021 and 28 February 2022,
can match them to the application. Late               may be eligible for an EMA from
return may affect payments made.                      January 2022.

PLEASE KEEP THIS GUIDANCE FOR YOUR                •   For those eligible for full year award,
OWN REFERENCE.                                        if the application is not submitted
                                                      by 30 September 2021, the award
                                                      can only be made from the week it is
                                                      received by this office.

                                                  •   For those who are eligible from
                                                      January 2022, if the application is not
                                                      submitted by 28 February 2022, the
                                                      award can only be made from the
                                                      week it is received by this office.

                                                  •   The cut-off date for processing
                                                      application forms for academic year
                                                      2021/2022 is 31 March 2022. No
                                                      applications will be processed after
                                                      this date.

Education Maintenance Allowance 2021/2022 - Guidance Notes

•     Household income is assessed on gross            should provide evidence depending
      taxable household income for the                 on their circumstances. If you have not
      period 6 April 2020 to end of 5 April            been resident in the UK for 3 years
      2021.                                            you must provide evidence of your
                                                       residency status. More information
•     The income thresholds for the EMA                about nationality and residency
      Programme, Academic Year 2021/2022               can be found in the EMA Guidance
      are currently as follows (subject to             Document on the EMA website

                                                   •   You can apply for an EMA if you are
    Income         No. of            Award
                                                       Home Educated. You must have a
                                                       history of being home educated.
                   children in the
    £0 - £24,421   1                 £30           Provisional Awards
    £0 - £26,884   2+                £30           Students may be eligible to receive a
                                                   provisional award if a self-employed
•     Dependent children are all those up to       parent is temporarily unable to supply
      the age of 16 and those over the age         financial details. If a Self-Assessment Tax
      of 16 and up to age 25 if they are in        Calculation (SA302) is not available your
      full time further or higher education.       parent(s) or carer(s) should send a letter
      (Please provide confirmation of other        from their tax advisor or themselves or
      dependent’s attendance at University)        arrange for their accountant to complete
                                                   Part B of the application giving an
•     If you are receiving education and           estimate of their business profit for the
      are in the care of the local authority       year ended 5 April 2021. You are still
      you are eligible for a £30 EMA award         required to send the SA302 from HMRC
      without having to provide evidence of        once you receive it.
      household income.
                                                   For provisional award payments paid to
•     The course the young person is               those whose parents are self-employed ,
      undertaking must be a course of              a stop on payments will be made on 31
      non-advanced education, as defined           December and no further payments should
      in the EMA (Scotland) Regulations            be made until income has been finalised.
      2007 and the Education (Access Funds)
      (Scotland) Determination 2014.               If an applicant is paid an EMA provisional
                                                   award that is not finalised then applies for
•     There is no deadline for submission          EMA again in another year, the amount
      of applications for young people             already paid should be deducted before
      applying for Young Persons                   any further payments are paid.
      Agreement EMA.
                                                   Provisional awards can also be made
•     To be eligible for an EMA, students          in cases where the household has
      must meet the nationality and                experienced a change in financial
      residency requirements of the                circumstances as a result of redundancy
      programme. In all cases students
Education Maintenance Allowance 2021/2022 - Guidance Notes

Learning Agreement                                Young Carers/Vulnerable Students
A Learning Agreement is an agreement              •       Flexibility and additional support
between the student and the Learning                      is extended to vulnerable young
Centre/School. In order to receive                        people. Written confirmation
a payment a student must have an                          to support the young person’s
acceptable Learning Agreement and it is                   circumstances is required from
each student’s responsibility to ensure he/               Learning Centre and/or Support
she has this. Once you have completed                     Worker.
and returned an EMA application and
have received an entitlement letter from          Please read the declaration.
the Education Support Services please
take your letter to your school and they          If self-employed, a Self-Assessment Tax
will help you complete the Learning               Calculation (SA302) 2021/2022 should be
Agreement. Failure to complete/return an          submitted. If this is not available at time of
agreement may affect your payments.               application other evidence should be sent
                                                  until it can be obtained for example:
The EMA is based on 100% attendance
and students must normally be on a full               •   Part B of application completed by
time non advanced course and enrolled                     your accountant (if you require this
as full time i.e. attending 21 hours guided               please email us and we will send this
learning hours per week. Arriving late at                 to you or you can print this from the
school may also affect your payment. For                  webpage)
Young Persons Agreement students and                  •   FINAL Tax Credit Award for
students living in Dumfries and Galloway                  2020/2021or
but studying across the border the guided             •   Tax Credit Award for 2021/2022.
hours may differ.
                                                  You will still need to send us the SA302
                                                  from HMRC when you receive it.
School Holidays & Study Leave
Payments are not made for school                  Part C Certificate of Benefits received
                                                  If you are in receipt of a benefit please
EMA is paid during study leave. S5 pupils         ask your local Job Centre to complete Part
will be paid to the end of the school year        C unless you are in receipt of Universal
if returning to school to enter 6th year          Credit only. (If you require this please
if not then as with S6 pupils you will be         email us and we will send this to you or
paid until the date of the final SQA exam         you can print this from the web page)
unless you find employment.
                                                  If you are unable to do this please send
                                                  alternatives to this for example:
Sickness & Absences
It is your responsibility to contact your         •       If receiving benefits please request a
school if you are absent due to sickness                  P60U certificate from the DWP or
and it may affect your payments.                  •       P60 certificate for Widow parents

Education Maintenance Allowance 2021/2022 - Guidance Notes

USEFUL CONTACT NUMBERS                              If you were in employment at any time
(subject to change)                                 during the financial year 2020/2021 we
                                                    can accept the following documents:
Child Benefit Helpline
0300 200 3100
                                                        •   2020 P60 or valid week 52 payslip.
Carers Allowance Helpline 		                            •   P45
0800 7310 297                                           •   P60 (or similar certificate) for
                                                            private pension
Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
0800 1690 310
Tax Credit Helpline 			                             Benefits from your employer(s)
0345 300 3900                                       (e.g. company car and fuel, taxable
                                                    vouchers and payments in kind from all
HM Revenue and Customs Office
0300 200 3310 (request SA302 for self-
                                                    You may have received benefits from your
Pension Credit Helpline			                          employer which were not paid out in
0800 99 1234                                        wages but were taxable. These are called
                                                    benefits in kind. Your employer should
Universal Credit helpline:
                                                    have given you information about these
0800 3289 344
                                                    by 6 July 2021, usually on a form P9D or
                                                    P11D. You do not have to work out the
Household Income Details                            amount of each individual benefit – your
                                                    employer will tell you the taxable values.
Required for Parent/Carer(S)
Please note additional supporting financial
documentation is required with your                 If this applies to you, please provide your
application form if you do not have a Tax           P9D or P11D for this EMA application.
Credit Award. By household income we                If you have not received a form P9D or
mean the income of parent(s) or carer(s)            P11D for the year 6 April 2020 to
living in the household. This may be:               5 April 2021 and you think you should
                                                    have, ask your employer or phone HMRC.
•   Earnings from the work they do
•   Profits from a business if they are self-
    employed.                                       If required you should send confirmation
•   Income from taxable state benefits              of Lone Parent Status for example:
    e.g. Employment Support Allowance,              •    Copy of your Council Tax Award letter
    Job Seekers Allowance etc.                           for 2020/2021
•   Other income – such as interest
    from banks and building societies
    if over £300, and dividends from
    shareholdings, income from property
    rental etc.
•   Pensions

Education Maintenance Allowance 2021/2022 - Guidance Notes

Please provide confirmation of all relevant
paperwork relating to your household
income with your application as soon as
You can email confirmation of your
household income for the full financial
year April 2020 to the end of March 2021
to us at or ask the
school to do this for you remembering to
state your reference number if you have
been allocated one, your child’s name and
school so we can match documents to your
application. Copies are accepted.

Please note that Dumfries and Galloway
Council administer the EMA scheme on
behalf of Scottish Government – we are
not responsible for Policy decisions.

If you have any queries regarding policy,
please contact Scottish Government

Dumfries and Galloway Council
Education Support Services,
Education and Learning Directorate
c/o The Bridge, Glasgow Road, Dumfries.
DG2 9AW.

For further information / advice on the
EMA programme please contact the
Education Support Services team
Tel: 030 33 33 3000 or


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