Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages

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Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages
Edithburgh                                                                                                    Jetty
                                             South Australia's

Text and photos by Don Silcock

Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages
travel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Edithburgh

Located on the southeastern                 to become, at
tip of the Yorke Peninsula,                 one point, the
                                            third busiest port
the small town of Edithburgh                in South Australia.
is home to what is possibly                 The specific loca-
the absolute best of all the                tion was chosen
many wonderful jetties of                   for its sheltered
                                            location and prox-
South Australia.                            imity, across the
                                            Gulf of St Vincent,
Dived on a good day with optimal            to the state capi-
conditions, “Edith,” as it is known         tal Adelaide. But,
locally in the SA dive community, is a      unbeknownst to
stellar dive that ranks highly among        the people who
the must-do dives in Australia. Plus,       planned the jetty,        DEPARTMENT OF SUSTAINABILITY / AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT / WIKIMEDIA COMMONS / CC BY 3.0 AU
if you can get there for a few days         was the Great
during the week, there is a good            Southern Reef and the rich seasonal                    science-project-like petri dish to dem-
chance you will have the place              upwellings created by the Leeuwin                      onstrate to the world what they can
(well, underwater, that is) to yourself!    and Flinders Currents that feed and                    do—and the results are truly stunning!
   Built in 1983, primarily to facilitate   nourish its superb biodiversity.
the export of locally produced salt            For those currents, the structure,                  First impressions
around Australia and over to New            shape and location of Edithburgh                       Yes, I know—first impressions are not                        Sponges, tunicates and invertebrates cover the pylons (above, top left and previous page) of Edithburgh
Zealand, the jetty allowed Edithburgh       Jetty have provided an almost perfect always correct, but they do matter                                            Jetty (in aerial view top right); Map showing Australia's ocean currents, gyres and eddies (left)

    16    X-RAY MAG : 104 : 2021               EDITORIAL           FEATURES          TRAVEL          NEWS           WRECKS           EQUIPMENT             BOOKS       SCIENCE & ECOLOGY         TECH      EDUCATION       PROFILES      PHOTO & VIDEO       PORTFOLIO
Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages
travel                                                                                                                                                                                                    Edithburgh

                                                   Brilliantly coloured invertebrates cover pylon at Edithburgh
                                                   Jetty (above); Horned blenny (top right)

                                                   and definitely create that initial       and my thoughts
                                                   impression. With Edithburgh, your        are always that it
                                                   first impressions will have been         may not be the
                                                   formed by the three-hour-or-so           end of the world,
                                                   drive out of Adelaide, which in          but I should be
                                                   my case has always been vague-           able to see it from
                                                   ly vanilla-like, at best, followed by    here. It is neat,
                                                   a sharp left turn and the journey        tidy and safe—
                                                   down the Yorke Peninsula, with its       but if you need to
                                                   amazingly large and flat expans-         eat after 8:00 at
                                                   es of fertile wheat fields—that is,      night, bring your
                                                   until you realise just how much          own food.
                                                                                                                  GOOGLE EARTH
                                                   natural vegetation and animal
                                                   habitat must have been cleared           The jetty pylons                      story about what they have seen.
                                                   to facilitate it all. That said, those   Life was hard and tough for the         They can’t, of course, but what
                                                   local farmers work very hard             original settlers of Edithburgh and   they can do is stand as silent wit-
                                                   doing what they do—and the               probably even harder for the          nesses to the fecundity of those
                                                   world loves our clean and green          “blow-ins” who came here to find      Great Southern Reef currents and
                                                   produce, so let’s take that par-         work. If those hardwood pylons        the rich upwellings they create.
                                                   ticular discussion off-line.             that underpin the jetty could talk,   For the wide and low structure of
                 Sponge crab at Edithburgh Jetty      Then, one arrives in Edithburgh,      they would tell many an interesting   the jetty has created an incred-      Decorator crab (above); Map of the region with
                                                                                                                                                                        location of Edithburgh and Adelaide (left)

 17   X-RAY MAG : 104 : 2021           EDITORIAL      FEATURES       TRAVEL      NEWS       WRECKS       EQUIPMENT        BOOKS     SCIENCE & ECOLOGY        TECH       EDUCATION     PROFILES     PHOTO & VIDEO         PORTFOLIO
Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages
travel                                                                                                                                                                                    Edithburgh

                                                                                                  Mating pair of pajama squid (above); Leafy seadragon under
                                                                                                  the jetty at Edithburgh (left); Black angler frogfish (bottom left);
                                                                                                  Map sketched by the author, showing where critters like frogfish
                                                                                                  and seahorses were found around Edithburgh Jetty (right)

                                                ible infrastructure for the temper-    Iconic species                             Edithburgh is also a great place
                                                ate water corals, sponges and          While the pylons are indeed             to see and photograph decora-
                                                ascidians to thrive on an almost       spectacular, Edithburgh is also         tor crabs (Majoidea) as they are
                                                biblical scale—yes, it’s that good!    well known as a great place to          common under the jetty and
                                                   When diving Edithburgh Jetty,       see some of South Australia’s           make great subjects, with their
                                                the pylon growth seems rather          iconic species—particularly the         incredible stuck-on append-
                                                sparse initially. Then, from about     wonderfully serene and incred-          ages. Plus, they will often remain
                                                one-third down the 170m length         ibly photogenic leafy seadragon         motionless when approached,
                                                of the jetty, it seems to double       (Phycodurus eques) and the              convinced they are invisible
                                                and then triple in density, as         equally photogenic striped pyja-        in their special camouflage.
                                                those nutrient-rich currents make      ma squid (Sepioloidea lineolata).       Among the fallen pylons and
                                                their impact felt.                       The leafy seadragons are typi-        other debris under the jetty is
                                                   Studies of the pylons have          cally found most often during the       also where you will find many
                                                identified some 30 sponge spe-         day in the large patch of cork-         southern blue-ringed octopuses
                                                cies, ten types of bryozoan            weed to the north of the jetty but      (Hapalochlaena maculosa) at
                                                aquatic invertebrates, 20 species      can also be encountered at the          night, as they emerge to feed.
                                                of colonial ascidian filter feeders,   very end of the jetty. While the
                                                nine solitary sea squirt species,      pyjama squid are usually buried in      Diving the jetty
                                                nine tube-building polychaete          the sand under the jetty during the     In a nutshell: quite straightfor-
                                                bristle worms and four species of      day, they emerge at night to feed       ward. There are excellent stairs
                                                barnacles.                             and, if you are lucky, to mate!         on both the northern and south-

Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages
travel                                                                                                                                                                                    Edithburgh

                                                Blue swimmer crab (above); Leafy seadragon under the jetty (top right);
                                                Highly venomous blue-ringed octopus (left)

                                                ern sides of the jetty near the      and exit on the stairs will be       mood shifts as its rays penetrate
                                                parking area. So, once you are       challenging at best, dangerous       under the jetty. Midmorning,
                                                geared up, it is a short walk        at worst, and underwater vis-        together with late afternoon,
                                                and an easy entrance. Getting        ibility will be greatly reduced as   are my personal favourite times
                                                out again is the reverse and         the bottom is stirred up.            to be in the water. But, if you
                                                also straightforward, unless the        Once in the water, it is time     like critters and observing their
                                                wind changed while you were          to explore, and because of its       behaviours, then after dark is
                                                underwater.                          170m length and 11m width            when Edithburgh Jetty really
                                                   Edithburgh is best dived when     on the main section, there is a      turns it on.
                                                the wind is from the west or         large area to do that. Depth            Those pyjama squid and blue-
                                                southwest, as the jetty’s loca-      under the jetty varies from two      ringed octopuses that were bur-
                                                tion means that it is nicely         metres at the stairs to about ten    ied in the sand during the day
                                                sheltered by the bottom of           metres, depending on the tides,      are out and highly active at
                                                the Yorke Peninsula, and you         so you can easily spend a cou-       night, as are a tremendous vari-
                                                will have excellent conditions.      ple of hours underwater.             ety of other creatures. That said,
                                                Conversely, when the wind                                                 be prepared for what could be
                                                is from the east or southeast,       Night dives                          a late night, as there is so much
                                                don’t bother, as it blows in         During the day, the jetty            to see, and the shallow depth
                                                across the Gulf of St Vincent        changes subtly as the sun            will probably mean a couple of
                                                right onto the jetty. So, entry      waxes and wanes, creating            hours underwater taking it all in.
                                                                                                                                                               Edithburgh Jetty

Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages
travel                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Edithburgh

                                                      Diver under the jetty (above); Pylon covered with invertebrates (right)

                                                      Logistics                                        the Edithburgh Hotel and the other at
                                                      The nearest dive shop is in Adelaide, a          Troubridge Hotel—but last orders are
                                                      couple of hours away, so you need to             around 7:45 p.m. There is also a deli in
                                                      arrive in Edithburgh with everything you         town which serves snacks and has a rea-
                                                      need. The local BP service station has           sonable number of groceries, but the
                                                      a compressor, and you can get tanks              nearest supermarket is 16km away in
                                                      refilled. There was a lot of online gossip       Yorketown.
                                                      circulating about the quality of the air, but
                                                      I spent a week diving the jetty in February      Final words
                                                      and had no problems at all.                      South Australia has, in my opinion, some
                                                         Weekends and public holidays mean             of the best diving in Australia, and
                                                      lots of local divers from Adelaide, so there     Edithburgh Jetty would have to be in
                                                      can be queues to get refills, and it also        the top five dives in the state. Those
                                                      means that accommodation can get                 rich upwellings created by the powerful      Downtown Edithburg during rush hour
                                                      booked out. There is a good caravan park         Leeuwin and Flinders Currents have pro-
                                                      in Edithburgh with permanent cabins, but         duced an incredible area of temperate        underwater each time you get in. So,            In more normal times, Don Silcock is
                                                      they are also popular with the “fisho’s”         water biodiversity, concentrated into a      you can really get to know the place            based in Bali, Indonesia, but is currently
                                                      (Australian for “people who like to fish”),      relatively small area, which can be eas-     and understand where everything is. On          hunkered down in Sydney, Australia. His
                                                      who are a permanent feature of the jetty.        ily explored.                                a busy weekend, with lots of divers in the      website has extensive location guides,
                                                      Personally, I used AirBnB and have had              Getting to know it all over a series of   water and fisho’s casting their lines, it is    articles and images on some of the best
                                                      good accommodation every time.                   dives is what I really enjoyed about div-    still good, but dive it for a few days during   diving locations in the Indo-Pacific region
                                                         In the centre of town, there are              ing Edithburgh. It is such an easy but       the week, and it is a completely different      and “big animal” experiences globally.
                                                      two pubs that serve food—one at                  great dive, where you can spend hours        and very satisfying experience.                Go to: indopacificimages.com.
Fisho's, or "people who like to fish," at the jetty

      20    X-RAY MAG : 104 : 2021                    EDITORIAL       FEATURES      TRAVEL      NEWS       WRECKS       EQUIPMENT    BOOKS      SCIENCE & ECOLOGY         TECH     EDUCATION        PROFILES     PHOTO & VIDEO       PORTFOLIO
Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages Edithburgh Jetty South Australia's - Text and photos by Don Silcock - Indopacificimages
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