Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021

Page created by Dan May
Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021
November 2021

Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct
Vision and Indicative Masterplan
Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021
Cox Architecture                                     Western Sydney Parklands Trust acknowledges the Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct is built on the Traditional lands of the Darug Nation. We pay our
ABN 78 426 372 646
                                                     respects to ancestors and Elders, past and present. The Parklands Trust is committed to honouring Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’
Nominated Architect                                  unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters, and seas and their rich contribution to society.
Joe Agius No. 6491
Russell Lee No. 6367

Level 6                                               Project                             Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct
155 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000                                       Client
T +61 2 9267 9599
F +61 2 9264 5844                                     Document                            Vision and Indicative Masterplan
                                                      Document no.
                                                      Current version                     FINAL                           08 November 2021

                                                      Description                         This document is issued for use by the client for approval before issuing of final document.

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79-81 Old South Head Road
Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Australia                                                                                 FOR APPROVAL                    18 March 2021
T +61 4 6878 7892

                                                      Report contact                      Shirin Adorbehi - shirin.adorbehi@cox.com.au

                                                      This report is considered a draft   Approved by:
Sustainable East                                      unless signed by a Director         Lachlan Abercrombie
ABN 88 605 717 351

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79-81 Old South Head Road                            Copyright (and other intellectual property rights, if any) in this document is owned by Cox Architecture. Other than as permitted under the Copyright Act
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2             Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct - Vision and Indicative Masterplan
Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021
          Introduction4                           Site-wide land use strategies               22
              Using this Plan                 4       Landscape enhancements                  22
              Realising a motorsport precinct 5       Pedestrian connections                  26
              Context6                                Parking and vehicular circulation       28
              The existing site               7       Spectator zones                         30
          Meeting demand                      8       Community accessibility                 32

              A site for diverse communities 8    Conclusion33
              Motorsport9                             The Masterplan can deliver the Vision   34
          Needs and constraints              10       From Vision to action                   34

              Motorsports offerings          10   Recommendations35
              Site and context               12   Appendix36
              Initial findings               14
          Motor Sports Precinct              16       Opportunities37
              Vision16                                Education and STEM      38
              Precinct principles    17               Industry and technology 39
              Activity zones        18                Scale comparison        40
              Site structure        19                Scenarios42
              Indicative Masterplan 20

Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021
Using this Plan
The Precinct                                                                                               The Plan
The Western Sydney Parklands’ Precinct 5:             Incorporating this broader group of motorsport       To become a world-class motorsports facility the       This is a plan for the future, with forward-thinking
Eastern Creek Motor Sports is envisioned to           users into the Precinct requires consideration of    Plan considers opportunities for enhancing lands       ideas to develop the Precinct in a way that
become the epicentre of motorsports in the            the physical characteristics and boundaries of       within the existing Precinct and potential use of      sustains and grows motorsport within Sydney and
Sydney Region.                                        the precinct. In doing so, there is an opportunity   lands adjacent to the precinct to accommodate          across NSW. It presents ideas and approaches
                                                      to enhance the Precinct in a way that increases      the demand for club level motorsports, karting,        that might not require immediate action, but
The Precinct includes significant specialist
                                                      engagement with and utilisation by more than         motorcycling, and other non-motorsport users.          do require thought now to preserve options and
motorsport infrastructure for the Western
                                                      just the motorsport community.                                                                              avoid compromising both current operations and
Sydney International Dragway and the Sydney                                                                The Plan has been informed by an initial round
                                                                                                                                                                  future growth opportunities. Accordingly, the Plan
Motorsport Park (operated by the Australian           The project also looks at enhancements to            of stakeholder consultation. It is envisaged the
                                                                                                                                                                  is structured to:
Racing Drivers’ Club). Currently under                the Precinct to increase utilisation for both        Plan will facilitate and accommodate further
construction, due for completion in late 2021, is     motorsport and non-motorsport uses.                  stakeholder input and guidance for the 50-year         •   provide context to the Precinct within the
the new Western Sydney International Speedway.                                                             outlook for the Precinct.                                  wider Western Sydney Parklands and region
This significant investment in development of         The people
                                                                                                           Overall, the Plan:                                     •   detail the Precinct’s current users and uses of
the three facilities and supporting infrastructure    Western Sydney Parklands Trust (the Trust), in                                                                  lands in the immediate area
has positioned the Precinct as the pre-eminent                                                             •   provides guidance on the needs and
                                                      conjunction with the NSW Office of Sport (Office
motorsport facility in the region.                                                                             expectations of stakeholders and motorsport        •   provide information regarding the needs of
                                                      of Sport), is leading the masterplanning process
                                                                                                               codes that seek greater, permanent                     the motorsport community, including existing
The Precinct is poised to capitalise on this          for Western Sydney Parklands’ Precinct 5: Eastern
                                                                                                               engagement in the Precinct, such as karting,           leaseholders
investment by incorporating a broader group           Creek Motor Sports.
                                                                                                               motorcycling, and motorsport clubs
of motorsport users that will serve to sustain                                                                                                                    •   provide initial findings from assessments
                                                      A diverse range of stakeholders contributed to the
and grow the sport. However, due to spatial                                                                •   considers shared multi-use facilities across the       of needs and expectations of existing and
                                                      development of the Vision of the Precinct. These
constraints this broader group of users cannot                                                                 Precinct, rather than exclusive areas for each         potential motorsport users
                                                      will include representatives from the new Western
presently be accommodated in the Precinct.                                                                     user
                                                      Sydney International Speedway, the existing                                                                 •   identify opportunities for increased
There is significant potential opportunity to         Western Sydney International Dragway, and the        •   incorporates education, elite presence,                motorsport activity within the Precinct and on
utilise adjacent sites to meet the present and        Australian Racing Drivers’ Club.                         technology and advanced manufacturing                  adjacent sites
anticipated demand for motorsport use.                                                                         within the Precinct
                                                      In 2020, the Trust and the Office of Sport have                                                             •   discuss a high-level vision for the Precinct
The spatial and operational needs of the broader      developed a Vision for the Precinct to identify      •   presents a pathway for optimising the return
                                                                                                                                                                  •   present design elements and treatments that
motorsport users cannot be easily met elsewhere       opportunities to share infrastructure and                on the Government’s considerable investment
                                                                                                                                                                      enhance the amenity and utilisation of the
within the metropolitan area. Affordable access       coordinate events across multiple uses to create         in the Precinct in achieving a world-class
to and co-location with established operations        the best outcome for the motorsport community            motorsport facility
in the Precinct benefits stakeholders as well as      and western Sydney.                                  To achieve these outcomes, the Plan:
the Precinct’s existing users. Accommodating the
broader demands of motorsport, together with                                                               •   considers what opportunities adjacent
what is already available in the Precinct, benefits                                                            land might provide to leverage the current
the sport’s stakeholders and Western Sydney.                                                                   investments and support, sustain junior and
                                                                                                               pathway development
The desire from this broader group to engage in
the Precinct is more than an aspiration. As with                                                           •   considers short-, medium-, and long-term
any sport, junior and professional development                                                                 actions
pathways are integral to sustainability and                                                                •   explores limitations on motorsport activity
growth. Providing affordable access to                                                                         elsewhere in the Greater Sydney Region
motorsport infrastructure is essential to grow the
sport at all levels.                                                                                       •   considers issues of affordability and potential
                                                                                                               growth patterns

4           Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct - Vision and Indicative Masterplan
Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021
Realising a motorsport precinct
Long-term investment                                 Untapped potential                                    Creating a market leader
Long-term investment, including the expansion of     The development of the Plan considers generating      From an economic perspective, the Precinct is
the Precinct, reflects the benefits of opening the   potential for not just motorsports. The Precinct is   poised to lead the motorsport events market. The
area up to further use.                              envisioned to meet a range of possible needs.         Precinct:

This strategy aligns with a coordinated Vision,      With three major facilities, in the form of a race    •   comprises three world standard facilities
ensuring future opportunities that are identified    track, a dragstrip and a speedway as primary              (Sydney Motorsport Park, Western Sydney
now can be implemented successfully throughout       offerings, the Precinct will attract prime events         International Dragway and the Western Sydney
the duration of a 50-year plan.                      and activities.                                           International Speedway), each capable of
                                                                                                               hosting and attracting major national and
The potential for broader uses of the Precinct are                                                             international events
reflected in the guiding Vision of the Plan.
                                                                                                           •   has potential to reach into the South East Asia
                                                                                                               market, one of the fastest growing auto-sports
                                                                                                               markets globally1
                                                                                                           •   integrates with the surrounding Parklands to
                                                                                                               offer amenity capable of attracting integrated
                                                                                                               motorsports events and festivals across the
                                                                                                               whole Precinct
                                                                                                           •   is located in the heart of Australia’s largest
                                                                                                               future industrial/business park corridor
                                                                                                               anchored around the future Western Sydney
                                                                                                               International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport.
                                                                                                           •   is surrounded by a rapidly growing population
                                                                                                               with a recognised need to develop cultural
                                                                                                               facilities to meet growing demand2

                                                                                                           1. PwC, ‘Riding Southeast Asia’s automotive highway’ (2015)
                                                                                                           2. Deloitte, ‘Building Western Sydney’s Cultural Arts Economy’ (2015)
                                                                                                           The Sydney Business Chamber, Western Sydney Chapter has
                                                                                                           acknowledged there is a deficit of events in Western Sydney compared
                                                                                                           to eastern Sydney. The chamber acknowledges The Western Sydney
                                                                                                           Parklands has a history as a place for hosting various cultural arts
                                                                                                           events, and is now one of the region’s most significant forms of social
                                                                                                           infrastructure. The Parklands offer significant opportunities to expand
                                                                                                           cultural facilities and programs in Western Sydney.

Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021
A Metropolis of Three Cities                            Western Sydney Parklands                            Western Sydney Parklands Plan of                       Precinct objectives
Greater Sydney is Australia’s global city; an           The Parklands encompasses more than 5,280
                                                                                                            Management 2030                                        The ambitions of the Plan reinforce the overall
economic powerhouse of five million people,             hectares, stretching 27km from north to south—a      Within the planning framework of State                Precinct objectives that guide the long-term
endowed with the natural beauty of Sydney               distance greater than that from Parramatta to        Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney         Vision of development. The Plan calls for:
Harbour, bushland, beaches, and the Blue                Sydney. Annually, the Parklands attracts more        Parklands), the development and operation of
                                                                                                                                                                   •   working with stakeholders to continue
Mountains. Greater Sydney’s people have                 than four million visitors to the region.            each precinct within the Parklands is governed
                                                                                                                                                                       providing quality motorsports facilities
embraced this place for its opportunities and its                                                            by the Western Sydney Parklands Plan of
                                                        The Parklands is divided into 16 precincts,
potential.                                                                                                   Management 2030 (Plan of Management). The             •   improvement of the general streetscape
                                                        providing space for recreation, sport, environment,
                                                                                                             Plan of Management establishes that “Western              amenity and buffer/integration to the broader
The Greater Sydney Region Plan, A Metropolis of         community facilities, services infrastructure,
                                                                                                             Sydney Parklands is a place that offers diverse           Parklands, while acknowledging the Precinct’s
Three Cities is built on a vision where residents       agriculture, business, and employment.
                                                                                                             experiences, celebrates its natural qualities and         motorsports character
live within 30 minutes of their jobs, education and
                                                        Administration of the Parklands is overseen by the creates an identity for local communities. By
health facilities, services, and great public places.                                                                                                              •   opportunities for complementary and less
                                                        Western Sydney Parklands Trust. The Trust is a       respecting the area’s heritage and planning for           intensive motorsport uses will be explored
To meet the needs of a growing and changing             NSW Government statutory authority established the future, the Parklands will be a sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                       within Precinct 6: Walgrove. This aligns with
population the Vision seeks to transform Greater        to plan, develop, manage and fund Western            legacy for generations to come” (2018, p8).               the plan of management priority for the
Sydney into a metropolis of three cities:               Sydney Parklands as a multi-purpose, open space
                                                                                                             The Plan of Management establishes four                   Walgrove Precinct to explore sports outcomes
                                                        corridor to meet the needs of the Western Sydney
•   The Western Parkland City                                                                                Strategic Directions for the Eastern Creek Motor          and consider key land use opportunities for
                                                                                                             Sports Precinct.                                          sport, structured recreation and associated
•   The Central River City
                                                        The Trust is tasked with expanding public access                                                               facilities
•   The Eastern Harbour City                                                                                 • Strategic Direction 1: Environmental
                                                        to the Parklands and securing a strong funding
                                                        base for ongoing operations, maintenance and
                                                                                                                 protection and land stewardship                   Design Manual
                                                        improvements.                                            • respond to the needs of new and existing        The Western Sydney Parklands Design Manual
                                                                                                                    communities                                    (Manual) outlines the general approach
                                                        As an integrated part of the Parklands, the
                                                                                                                                                                   to planning and implementation of park
                                                        Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct will not only        • co-locate complementary land uses
                                                                                                                                                                   infrastructure within Western Sydney Parklands.
                                                        expand the facilities within the Parklands, but also
                                                                                                             • Strategic Direction 2: Creating recreational
                                                        boost the sport and recreation offering of the                                                             As the Trust continues to implement capital
                                                                                                                 and community activities
                                                        entire Western Parkland City.                                                                              improvement programs, it seeks to identify an
                                                                                                                 • build a strong identity                         appropriate level of coordination for its works.
                                                        The Precinct sits at the geographic and transport
                                                        heart of Western and Central Sydney, at the              • adopt a partnership approach                    This approach aims to address:
                                                        junction of the M4 and M7 Motorways. This           •   Strategic Direction 3: Community participation •       a recognisable visual identity
                                                        interconnectivity means the Precinct will be            and Engagement
                                                        readily accessible to the future population                                                            •       cost effectiveness for implementation
                                                                                                                • protect natural environmental values
                                                        catchment of three million people in the Central                                                       •       practicality and cost effectiveness for ongoing
                                                        and Western Sydney by 2036.                             • provide educational opportunities                    maintenance
                                                                                                                •   be accessible to visitors                      •   provision of guidance for the implementation
                                                                                                            •   Strategic Direction 4: Financial sustainability        of infrastructure that is precinct-specific
                                                                                                                and economic development                               and allows a high level of flexibility to create
                                                                                                                                                                       specific precinct-level design compositions
                                                                                                                •   be financially and operationally sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                       that respond to place, function, landscape and
                                                                                                                •   contribute to the economic development of          cultural/regional heritage
                                                                                                                    Western Sydney
                                                                                                                                                                   Refer to Site-wide land use strategies for an
                                                                                                                                                                   example of Design Manual integration.

6           Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct - Vision and Indicative Masterplan
Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021
The existing site
Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct
Precinct 5: Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct is
adjacent to Prospect Reservoir, industrial land uses,
and rural landscapes. The location of the Precinct
is ideal for motorsports, with the surrounding land
uses serving as a noise buffer from residential areas.
M4 Western Motorway provides easy vehicular access                                                                                    Zoo

to the site. There is limited public transport access

                                                                                                                                                                                        VOIR R
to the Precinct. Existing pedestrian and bike tracks                                                                                              GREA
                                                                                                                                                      T WES
                                                                                    M4                                                                        TERN

through Western Sydney Parklands can be connected                                        WE
                                                                                                                                                                     HW Y
to the precinct to enable walking and cycling links to                                                     TOR
the broader track network of the Parklands.
                                                                                                                      Light Horse
Motorsport                                                                                                                                                      Premier
                                                                                                                     Business Hub
                                                                                                                                                              Karting Park
By the end of 2021, the Precinct will have three
motorsport tenants:                                                                                                                        Sydney                                    Skyline

                                                                                                                                          Motorsport                                                   Raging

                                                                                                                     M7 WESTL
•   Sydney Motorsport Park                                                 WSEA                                                             Park                                                       Waters
•   Western Sydney International Dragway
                                                                                                               D                                            Western
                                                                                                         OVE R
•   Western Sydney International Speedway                                            OLD W
                                                                                          A    LLGR                                                          Sydney                                  Prospect
                                                                                                                                                          International                            Nature Reserve
Motorsport clubs have utilised parking areas in the
Western Sydney Dragway lease for motorkhanas
and rallysprints on an interim and ad hoc basis.
However, the construction of the new Speedway                                                                                                                               Prospect Reservoir
has significantly curtailed those activities.
Additionally, two facilities are located nearby:
•   Sydney Premier Karting Park, located to the                                                                                 Western Sydney

    north-east of the Precinct                                                                                                   International


                                                                                                                                                   S RD
•   Motorcycle NSW training facility at Horsley Park
Economic impact
The Precinct is a significant contributor to                                                                                     Motorcycle
the Western Sydney economy, providing both                                                                                      NSW training
permanent and casual employment. Substantial                                                                                      facility
economic value is drawn from the major facilities
on the site, each of which hosts major events that
attract domestic and international visitors.
                                                         Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct
The Precinct is located adjacent to the Western
                                                             Precinct Boundary                                        Planned Development        IN1 General Industrial           RU1 Primary Production        E2 Environmental Conservation
Sydney Employment Area (WSEA) and proximate
                                                             Western Sydney Parklands Boundary                        RE1 Public Recreation      IN2 Light Industrial             RU2 Rural Landscape           R2 Low Density Residential
to Western Sydney’s major economic centres.
                                                             Existing Pedestrian/Cycle link                           RE2 Private Recreation     B1 Neighbourhood Centre          RU4 Rural Small Holdings      R4 High Density Residential
Sydney Zoo and Raging Waters amusement                       Proposed/Potential Pedestrian/Cycle link                 SP1 Special Activities                                      SP2 Infrastructure            Western Sydney Employment Area (WSEA)
park are located nearby. The range of regional
attractions affords opportunities for motorsports
education and events in the Precinct.
Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021
Meeting demand
A site for diverse communities
This Plan is predicated on meeting a demand that exists in the Sydney region for a dedicated, amalgamated motorsports facility.
The objective of this Plan is to serve motorsports stakeholders and meet cultural, economic, educational, and technology demands
that will directly and indirectly benefit not just Western Sydney but all of NSW.

This is a Plan to create a Precinct for everyone.
Serving the site’s stakeholders                       Serving the Western Sydney Region                     Serving Greater Sydney and NSW                         Serving Australia
The existing facilities play host to some of the      Beyond the economic impact of the site, the social    Presently, the motorsport facilities in the            As the site of international championship
most important motorsport organisations and           and cultural provisions of the Precinct impact        Western Sydney Parklands attracts visitors and         competitions, the existing facilities already play
activities in Australia. Daily, events ranging from   the Western Sydney community. As a place of           motorsport enthusiasts from Greater Sydney,            a major role in the national motorsport scene.
recreational rallies to world championships are       recreation, located in the expansive Parklands,       regional NSW, and across Australia.                    However, their contributions are limited by the
held on the site, enlivening the Precinct.            the Precinct provides diverse opportunities for the                                                          size and condition of the existing facilities. With
                                                                                                            The Plan calls for bolstering the site’s offerings,
                                                      community to engage—passively or actively.                                                                   investment and expansion, the Precinct will be
While the site is of national significance, its                                                             driving further investment and development
                                                                                                                                                                   able to accommodate more large events and a
success directly impacts the individual users—        While the dominant activities on the site are         to ensure the supremacy of the site as the pre-
                                                                                                                                                                   wider range of activities to enhance the profile
motorsport enthusiasts and professionals—in a         related to motorsport, the expansion and              eminent motorsport facility, drawing investment
                                                                                                                                                                   and activation of the Precinct.
very real way.                                        improvement called for in the Plan will offer the     and visitors to Greater Sydney and NSW.
                                                      community the chance to enjoy the site for a new                                                             An expanded world-class facility, combining
The Plan is the product of consultation with an                                                             In the long term, the Precinct presents
                                                      range of reasons.                                                                                            various forms of motorsport, will permit the
array of stakeholders.                                                                                      the opportunity to incorporate a range of
                                                                                                                                                                   complex to play host to championship races that
                                                      The Precinct features a number of large areas         complementary, educational and technology
                                                                                                                                                                   will draw competitors and spectators to Australia.
                                                      that support motorsport use but that can easily       hubs related to the motorsport industry. This
                                                      be utilised by the community for other uses. This     might include research and development of new
                                                      includes large parking areas, stadium seating,        forms of motive power, vehicle control systems
                                                      racetracks and circuits and internal access roads.    (autonomous vehicles and “Smart Highways”.
                                                      Uses could range from hosting Farmers’ Markets        Such facilities could serve as a regional and state-
                                                      to Fun Runs to music events. Through doing this,      wide hub for jobs serving the sector and provide a
                                                      the Precinct will expand upon the existing amenity    catalytic environment for economic growth.
                                                      of Western Sydney’s premier outdoor space.

The expansions and improvements                       The expansions and improvements                       The expansions and improvements                        The expansions and improvements will
will create a Precinct for motorsport                 will create a Precinct for the people of              will create a Precinct to differentiate                create a Precinct for all Australians to
participants and fans to foster wider                 Western Sydney to gather and enjoy                    the Greater Sydney Region and NSW                      establish the country as the home for
participation and education to build                  recreation—motorsport and non-                        through the provision of a complete                    motorsports activities and associated
upon the site’s impressive legacy as                  motorsport alike—and add amenity                      motorsports venue to attract visitors                  innovation, technology, and education
the premier motorsport destination in                 and entertainment options to the                      for events and tourism, solidifying the                in the Southern Hemisphere.
Australia.                                            Western Sydney Parklands.                             state as the Australian destination for

8           Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct - Vision and Indicative Masterplan
Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021
An economic catalyst                                                    Economic impact, environment, and amenity               Ancillary development                                                Education, STEM and industry
Motorsport contributed $2.9 billion to the                              Western Sydney Parklands has a significant              The demand for ancillary services,                                   There is significant demand for STEM skills
Australian economy in 2020 based on a report                            agglomeration of world-class sports venues and          accommodation, and event spaces as a result of                       and training to meet the future needs of the
prepared by Deloitte Access Economics and                               event spaces. These destinations drive and can          the expanded capacity of the Precinct is likely to                   Australian workforce. Analysis of labour force
commissioned by the Confederation of Australian                         further strengthen economic activity through            drive significant demand across the region.                          data by the Department of Employment, Skills,
Motorsport (now Motorsport Australia). The                              major sport and other events.                                                                                                Small and Family Business, shows that between
                                                                                                                                The downstream demand created, especially by
same report noted that the motorsport industry                                                                                                                                                       November 2014 and November 2019, employment
                                                                        The Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct has one         motorsport events, means that development for
supported the equivalent of 30,226 full-time jobs.3                                                                                                                                                  in STEM occupations grew by 19.7 per cent,
                                                                        of the largest and most versatile operations for        services such as food and beverage, additional
                                                                                                                                                                                                     which is 1.9 times higher than the growth rate for
Of the total value of the employment and                                attracting and hosting a wide variety of activities     car servicing and detailing, and accommodation
                                                                                                                                                                                                     other occupations.6 Further, STEM careers are
economic contribution of the Australian                                 and events. The versatility of each of the three        is critical. These considerations are factored
                                                                                                                                                                                                     overwhelmingly slanted towards higher education,
motorsport industry, around 30 per cent is                              major facilities offers the opportunity for a diverse   into the Plan’s inclusion for the provision of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     with 74 per cent of jobs in STEM equivalent to a
generated from events. By improving and                                 range of events beyond the core motorsport uses         complementary use of ancillary spaces.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     bachelors degree or higher.
expanding the Precinct, the site will be able to                        including electric vehicle motorsports.
                                                                                                                                As an example of indirect economic benefit,
play host to more and larger events, representing                                                                                                                                                    One of the major barriers acknowledged
                                                                        Further, the shift towards electric vehicles will       the 2017 Townsville 400 generated $34.8
an expansion of the revenue potential.                                                                                                                                                               in Australia in attracting STEM jobs is the
                                                                        capture the positive environmental impacts and          million for the North Queensland region, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                     collaboration, linkages, and relationships
                                                                        other innovative motorsport related research.           attracted around 130,000-bed-nights at local
Macro and micro demand                                                                                                                                                                               between industry and education institutions.
                                                                                                                                accommodation.5 A further example is that of
                                                     There is underlying value in investment in each                                                                                                 Australia’s limited success is often a result of a
The impact that further motorsport investment                                                                                   Bathurst, hosting the annual V8 Supercars event
                                                     facility as each is capable of being multi-purpose,                                                                                             lack of engagement and acknowledgement of
could have across Western Sydney is significant.                                                                                at Mount Panorama. A report commissioned by
                                                     while retaining world class standards for their                                                                                                 understanding between industry and education.7
This is driven by the fact that participant spending                                                                            Bathurst Council in 2012 found the event brought
                                                     core uses.
is relatively high across different motorsport                                                                                  $25.3 million and 255 full-time equivalent jobs into                 The Vision offers significant opportunity to
disciplines compared to other sports, as well as                                                                                the town that year, and $55 million and 475 jobs                     provide a link between industry, infrastructure,
the value-added effect of even small events on                                                                                  into NSW.                                                            and a growing workforce to encourage better
local economies.                                                                                                                                                                                     integration between industry and education. Key
                                                                                                                                Further, the infrastructure that could be delivered
It is estimated that motorsport participants on                                                                                                                                                      drivers of this are:
                                                                                                                                with the accommodation of additional future
average spend $13,490 per annum (excluding                                                                                      motorsport uses could drive further opportunities                    •   The Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct is
vehicle purchase). This is supported by the fact that                                                                           for cultural and community events at a small and                         located centrally around Sydney’s core current
there was an estimated $1.2 billion in direct value                                                                             large scale.                                                             and future industrial area
added spending on motorsport in Australia.4 The
                                                                                                                                                                                                     •   The Precinct is surrounded by an emerging
higher spend and value added components further
                                                                                                                                                                                                         educational cluster of current and future
create demand for employment at both small-                                                                                     5. Queensland Government, Media Statements, ‘Townsville celebrates
                                                                                                                                a decade of Supercars magic’, 13 April 2018.                             universities, science parks, TAFE Campuses
scale and large-scale events.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     •   The Precinct has direct proximity to the largest
The Precinct can leverage the high-value economic
                                                                                                                                                                                                         growing workforce in Australia with 200,000
contribution of motorsports to grow Western
                                                                                                                                                                                                         new jobs expected over the next 20 years
Sydney’s economy by enabling events of all scales.
Through the implementation of this Plan by the                                                                                                                                                       For more information about education, STEM,
improved capacity, amenity, and facilities.                                                                                                                                                          and industry opportunities, refer to the Appendix.

3. Deloitte Access Economics for Motorsport Australia, ‘Economic                                                                                                                                     6. Australian Government: Department of Education, Skills and
contribution of the Australian motorsport industry’ (2020, p31)                                                                                                                                      Employment, ‘STEM jobs growing almost twice as fast as other jobs’,
4. Ernst and Young for the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport,                                                                                                                                  January 2020
‘Economic Contribution of the Australian Motor Sport Industry’ (2014,                                                                                                                                7. Deloitte Access Economics, ‘Australia’s STEM workforce: a survey of
p1)                                                                                                                                                                                                  employers’ (2014, p

Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct Vision and Indicative Masterplan - November 2021
Needs and constraints
Motorsport offerings
A Vision shaped by users                               Road racing and drag racing                             Western Sydney International Speedway                    Karting
No one knows motorsports better than those who         The Sydney Motorsport Park (lease to 2041) and          The Western Sydney International Speedway,               Presently, karting is located outside of the
race, ride, and revel with the RPMs. Stakeholders      Western Sydney International Dragway (lease to          presently under development, is anticipated to           Precinct on Peter Brook Drive. Sydney Premier
have been key in generating ideas to facilitate        2029) are present tenants of the Precinct. The          open in 2021. Once completed, the world-class            Karting Park (SPKP) plays host to world
greater utilisation of the Precinct, identifying       organisations host events nearly daily.                 facilities will host more than 40 events annually.       championship races. SPKP hold a lease for the
potential opportunities and constraints.                                                                       The facility will host school holiday programs and       site until 2031.
                                                       The Precinct is well suited for both day and
                                                                                                               night-time events.
A series of proposals have been considered and         night use, thanks to the site’s natural acoustic                                                                 The site is used daily, with monthly races. In 2020,
assessed to determine potential approaches             and lighting buffers from residential uses.             Features of the new Speedway in the Precinct             SPKP added an indoor motocross dome.
to achieve a well-utilised, sustainable Precinct       The Precinct’s proximity to the Sydney CBD,             include:
                                                                                                                                                                        A feature of the karting park is that the general
catering to motorsport activities and ancillary        Parramatta, and the new Western Sydney Airport
                                                                                                               •   potential provision of a shuttle bus service         public can access the track for “recreational” kart
uses.                                                  and aerotropolis, are also key factors for the site’s
                                                                                                                   from the railway station                             racing, and that it also hosts karting club, state
The dynamics of motorsports in Australia are                                                                                                                            and national series competitions. The current
                                                                                                               •   distinct entry and wayfinding features,
changing to a diverse base of participants across      The facilities and amenities on the site are well                                                                configuration of the SPKP includes:
                                                                                                                   including freeway signage
a broad range of sports. This correlates with          sized to host large public events. Additionally,
                                                                                                                                                                        •   a 1.25km approx. asphalt track
growth across the sport that is increasing demand      there is the potential to coordinate with               •   landscaped grass berms for spectator seating
for facilities and associated infrastructure.          universities to facilitate technology and                                                                        •   workshops
                                                                                                               •   fibre optic service to facilitate live steaming of
                                                       educational opportunities.                                  events on large, moveable screens                    •   toilets
In 2019, Motorsport Australia experienced its
highest level of participants, with 27,000 active      Expansion of the existing facilities and the            •   a shared track for use by cars and bikes             The facilities accommodate:
license holders and nearly 11,000 licensed             addition of new facilities and amenities could
                                                                                                               •   shared overflow parking for spectators               •   AASA 0 driver training and education facilities
officials.8                                            create a world-class environment to permit
                                                       expanded offerings and attract new events and           These inclusions are intended to permit easy             •   Enduro, short circuit racing
The development of an expanded motorsports
                                                       users. Potential improvements include:                  sharing of resources, including parking access
offering at Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct                                                                                                                         •   Super Moto (monthly racing)
can facilitate the inclusion of a wide range of        •   an innovation centre                                upgrades, and technology with other Precinct
                                                                                                               users.                                                   •   Tourism and private event space for the
motorsport users and activities. These uses
                                                       •   improved access to the site by public transport                                                                  community of Western Sydney
extend beyond the purview of Motorsport
Australia including karting and motorcycles.           •   provisions for a shuttle bus service                                                                         Aspirations for future features include:
In addition, motorsports clubs in NSW engage           •   upgraded entry and wayfinding features                                                                       •   inclusion in the Precinct with tenure and long-
with a wide range of participants; there are           •   upgraded landscaping                                                                                             term security
currently more than 100 motorsports clubs in
                                                       •   a canopy cover with enhanced spectator                                                                       •   designation by AASA as a multiple discipline
the state registered with Motorsport Australia,
                                                           seating                                                                                                          major sport site
ranging from make- and model-specific clubs to
geographically aligned clubs.                          •   an exhibition space and museum                                                                               •   features to provide a world-class motorsport
The long term opportunities to expand the              These improvements could not only enhance the
range and number of motorsports could lead             attractiveness of the site to existing users, but                                                                •   1.7km track length, with the ability to split the
to increased participation and commercial              also increase the user base to non-motorsport                                                                        track in two
opportunities for each facility in the Precinct.       enthusiasts.                                                                                                     •   ability to run multiple events simultaneously

4. Motorsport Australia, Annual Report (2019, p6)

10              Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct - Vision and Indicative Masterplan
Motorcycles                                            Clubs
Presently, Motorcycle NSW leases a small parcel        Motorsport clubs typically form around a code           •   provide pathways to people who traditionally
of WSPT (lease to 2022) lands located south-west       (motorcycles, karts, cars), an activity (road racing,       would be marginalised from a sport
of the Precinct in Horsley Park. Motorcycle NSW        rallying) or a marque (Holden, Ferrari). Most
                                                                                                               •   provide a family friendly environment that
has a desire for the current motorcycle activities     clubs are not commercial operations, they are                                                                                             M4 W
                                                                                                                   introduces children at a young age                                                           N MO
to be accommodated within the Precinct.                focused on community and building connections.                                                                                                                   AY

                                                       ‘Grass roots’ clubs feed into higher levels of each     •   play a role in maintaining engagement and
The current configuration for motorcycle
                                                       sporting code. Typical across the non-marque                talent that is otherwise lost internationally
provisions include:
                                                       clubs is a focus on engaging with and sustaining        A passion for all things wheels and motorised can

•   a 750m dirt course                                 interest of young people in their code or sport.

                                                                                                                                                                       M7 WESTL
                                                                                                               be developed and fostered at an early age at the
•   dirt/MX course surface                             Through stakeholder consultation, clubs reported        grass roots club level. This can lead to a multitude
•   juniors only and training facilities               they contribute to the community through:               of career aspirations and keep crucial research
                                                                                                               and development in Australia.
                                                       •   engaging and giving young people an activity
Motorcycle NSW aspirations include:
                                                           to pursue their interests in motorsport and         Motorsport clubs are largely not for profit and
•   a permanent home for the organisation                  participatory events                                member funded. They do not have commercial
                                                                                                               operations to finance investment or take on                                                                   Prospect
•   world-class facilities for different disciplines   •   growing and sustaining their sport and giving                                                                                                                     Reservoir
                                                                                                               leases. Motorsports are popular and the desire
•   a world championship level events facility             young people the opportunity to develop
                                                                                                               to participate exists, but clubs perceive other
                                                           and appreciate a mechanical/engineering
•   a big event venue, including                                                                               sports are prioritised with regards to funding, e.g.

                                                                                                               Little Athletics. Clubs are cognisant that they are

    •   10km Enduro facility
                                                       •   an alternative pathway for youth to develop         competing with other sports at a junior level, such

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 S RD
    •   20 acres for mini bike                             life skills, learn about teamwork but also          as football and netball. Motorsports are already
    •   10 acres for flat track                            having to operate as an individual                  at a disadvantage due to their inability to be
•   eased access into venues such as tags              •   educating young people about road safety,           centralised within metropolitan areas.
                                                           how to maintain and use equipment                   Clubs and organising bodies such as Motorsport
                                                       •   provision of a supervised learning space to         Australia, Motorcycle NSW, Karting NSW consider
                                                           drive vehicles at speed, taking them off public     co-location of sports, especially at a club level,     Existing Motorsport users

                                                           roads and reducing the risk of accidents and        make it easier for the community to understand                 Precinct Boundary
                                                           injury                                              the opportunities offered by each motorsport                   Western Sydney Parklands Boundary
                                                                                                               code. Development pathways that illustrate                     Existing and Proposed Precinct Users
                                                       Some clubs:                                             where higher-level motorsport can take you exist               Existing and Proposed Precinct Parking
                                                       •   provide programs specifically designed to           now, but those pathways aren’t as apparent to                  Existing Karting
                                                                                                               the community. A clear message conveyed during                 Existing Motorcycle
                                                           improve accessibility
                                                                                                               stakeholder consultation workshops is that this
                                                       •   work to serve people with disabilities
                                                                                                               link is a missed opportunity for motorsport.
                                                       •   encourage female participation
                                                       •   work with Indigenous people in the community

Site and context
Sustainability and growth                               Operational constraints                                                                                        Physical constraints
Recent investments in 2020/21 include significant       Motorsport’s unique needs are a function of risk,      Options are limited to a relatively small parcel        There is the potential for shared infrastructure,
upgrades to Western Sydney Dragway’s dragstrip,         environmental and social impact, and the sheer         of land on the western side of Ferrers Road. Not        but each venue requires certain physical amenities
and completion of the track lighting program            size of lands required for the sport. Inherent risks   part of any of the current leaseholder operations,      for dedicated use, including:
for the ARDC’s Sydney Motorsport Park. With             require facilities that can segregate participants     it could accommodate some car club uses but             •   venue-specific track
the completion of the new Western Sydney                from others in way that is different to field and      is not of a size that could accommodate the
International Speedway in late 2021, the Precinct       indoor sports. By their nature, motorsports are        current karting facility, nor of a size or shape that   •   competitor parking close to the track
will comprise three world-class motorsport              typically noisy and create dust and other pollution    would sustain and facilitate growth in motorcycle       •   spectator zones (grandstands and grass hills)
venues. The amalgamation of these three anchor          that limits where the sport can be undertaken.         activity such as that undertaken nearby at Horsley
                                                                                                                                                                       •   amenities, toilets, and kiosks proximate to
facilities onto one site is understood to provide                                                              Park.
                                                        For motorsports to attract junior participants                                                                     spectator facilities
aggregated benefit to both the tenants and the
                                                        and clubs to sustain membership, key facilities        Furthermore, clubs typically own considerable
site itself.                                                                                                                                                           •   storage space
                                                        must be located as close as possible to a large        pieces of supporting equipment—the equivalent
The clustered motorsport uses of the Precinct are       and primary audience. Accordingly, motorsport          of a football or cricket club’s stumps pads and         •   office space
likely to deliver benefits, including:                  facilities must be in an area where access is          balls. However, for motorsport, it is often club        •   workshops
                                                        easily controlled, that does not disrupt or impact     cars or bikes, course markers, timing equipment,
•    the opportunity to collaborate on key issues
                                                        the amenity of others, yet are close enough to         and so on. These cannot be easily brought to site       The Precinct is approximately 152 hectares,
     including safety, security, and associated event
                                                        highly populated areas so that access is a viable      for each meeting or event, and so require some          excluding Ferrers Road and Cumberland
     support, thus facilitating knowledge transfer
                                                        alternative to other sports.                           type of on-site storage such as a lockable shipping     Woodland Plains. Existing tenant space
     between different motorsports and cost
                                                                                                               containers. An example of this is the shipping          allocations, totalling 136 hectares, include:
     savings                                           The various forms of motorsport each require
                                                       relatively large areas for the specific use of their    containers used for club equipment storage by           •   Sydney Motorsport Park: 93ha
•    the opportunity to collectively market,                                                                   Motorcycle NSW at the Horsley Park site, or the
                                                       sport—car and bike use is not compatible with                                                                   •   Western Sydney International Dragway: 55ha
     promote, and advertise motorsports at the                                                                 North Shore Sporting Car Club’s equipment and
                                                       a football field or cricket pitch. The Precinct has
     Precinct to reach a broader audience beyond                                                               vehicles stored on the Sydney Dragway site.             •   Western Sydney International Speedway: 12ha
                                                       evolved and grown because its location addresses
     the scope of individual motorsports or facilities
                                                       the aforementioned safety, noise, and accessibility                                                             The present spatial demands of potential future
•    the ability to share resources where possible     constraints. However, securing an appropriately                                                                 Precinct tenants, totalling 20 hectares, include:
     to achieve cost savings on individual             sized footprint for sustainable and ongoing club
                                                       level motorsport, motorcycling, or karting activity                                                             •   Sydney Premier Karting Park: 12ha
     requirements for events
                                                       is a challenge: much of the Precinct is already                                                                 •   Motorcycle NSW: 8ha
•    the opportunity to host events and attractions purposed and leased to either the ARDC, Sydney
     concurrently as a way to draw in a bigger         Dragway, or a soon-to-be-announced Speedway                                                                     Presently, the Precinct is insufficient to
     audience and open new support streams             operator.                                                                                                       accommodate the additional program.

•    the ability to lease/hire facilities for other                                                                                                                    The peripheral opportunity areas on the
     uses as a combined precinct to broaden non-                                                                                                                       western and southern edges of the Precinct
     motorsport event options                                                                                                                                          are approximately 5 hectares and 10 hectares,
                                                                                                                                                                       respectively, with site coverage limitations with
                                                                                                                                                                       consideration to riparian corridor and offsets.

12           Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct - Vision and Indicative Masterplan
Demands                                               Key adjacent sites and investments
The specialist nature of motorsport infrastructure    Light Horse Interchange Business Hub                  Eastern Creek Waste Management Centre                 Following the completion of the extraction
and its environmental impact limit the possible                                                             (ECWMC)                                               process in the medium term (10-20 years) the site
                                                      The proposed Parklands Light Horse Interchange
locations for motorsports to be held.                                                                                                                             will be capped. Once this is completed, the lands
                                                      Business Hub is located immediately south-            The Eastern Creek Waste Management Centre
Consultation with motorsport stakeholders has         east of the M4 Western Motorway and Westlink                                                                will be conducive to public access and motorised
                                                                                                            (waste sites) sits south of the Light Horse
identified significant interest for the site to not   M7 Motorway interchange, north-west of the                                                                  sport.
                                                                                                            Interchange Business Hub site, east of the
only be accessible to the various motorsport-         Precinct. Comprising nearly 30 hectares, the          Westlink M7 Motorway and east of the Precinct.        The western cells, which closed in the 1980s and
aligned organisations and clubs, but to the wider     business hub is intended to accommodate                                                                     1990s, have settled to their final approx. 5m
                                                                                                            The ECWMC served as a waste facility and landfill
community as well. Stakeholders advised that          165,000m2 GFA for general industrial, light                                                                 height. It is envisaged the sites will be available
                                                                                                            between 1984 and 2017. The site comprises 151
present demand is limited by a combination of         industrial, warehouse and distribution facilities,                                                          for reuse from 2022. Reuse of the lands will need
                                                                                                            hectares and is surrounded by industrial land uses,
unaffordability and unavailability of track time.     and ancillary office space. The development is not                                                          to consider hazardous waste, including asbestos.
                                                                                                            in multiple ownership. The site is divided into a
                                                      in close proximity to any residential land uses.                                                            Capping will be applied to the site to a depth of
The addition of the Speedway circuit in the                                                                 number of cells which have been phased out of
Precinct has renewed stakeholder desire               The business hub uses will complement the                                                                   1500mm, however excavation is not permitted
                                                                                                            use over the last three decades.
for feasible plans to incorporate additional          existing industrial uses in the surrounding area                                                            and earthworks will need to consider adding new
                                                                                                            The property is presently managed by Waste            fill to the site rather than excavation.
motorsport uses into the Precinct.                    and will not be adversely impacted by, nor
                                                                                                            Asset Management Corporation (WAMC), which
                                                      adversely impact, the motorsport precinct.                                                                  There is a proposal to add fill to the site to join
Development of the Plan offers the opportunity                                                              operates as a part of Property NSW. WAMC
                                                      Notably, the plan for the business hub does not                                                             the individual cells to create one large, level
to deepen engagement with various stakeholders                                                              oversees the managing and processing of waste
                                                      accommodate any motorsport uses and is not                                                                  development site, possibly ready for reuse by
including motorsport organisations and clubs,                                                               through the site decommissioning process. The
                                                      identified as an opportunity site to form part of                                                           2025.
government, and local universities and schools.                                                             site is leased from Office of Strategic Lands
                                                      the Precinct at this time as the site will be under
Greater access across a broad range of                                                                      (OSL).                                                For more information, refer to the ECWMC Land
                                                      development in the near future.
motorsport users will enable the Precinct to                                                                                                                      Use Capability Study report prepared by AECOM
                                                                                                            Analysis to date has investigated the planning,
                                                      For more information, refer to the Light Horse                                                              for Western Sydney Parklands Trust, Property
accommodate unmet demand for a premier                                                                      physical context, and infrastructure elements of
                                                      Interchange Business Hub, Eastern Creek, State                                                              NSW, and the Office of Strategic Lands in 2019.
motorsports destination for stakeholders                                                                    the waste site, as well as potential future uses. Six
                                                      Significant Development Assessment SSD-9667
including:                                                                                                  potential land uses have been identified, including
                                                      August 2020.
•   Motorsport car clubs                                                                                    motorsports usage.
                                                                                                            Presently, WAMC is actively processing waste
•   Karting clubs and associations
                                                                                                            in the eastern cells (closest to the Motor Sports
•   Motorcycle clubs and associations                                                                       Precinct). These cells are approx. 15-20m high,
                                                                                                            but will compress to about 5m in height over the
                                                                                                            next 10-20 years as a result of extraction and
                                                                                                            processing of liquid and gas. The cells contain
                                                                                                            hazardous waste and, as they are still actively
                                                                                                            settling, are susceptible to occasional subsidence
                                                                                                            and effusion.

Initial findings
Leveraging existing assets                            Opportunity lands                                     Physical constraints and demands                        Potential reconfiguration proposal: Scenario 1
Based on the existing site context, stakeholder       The waste sites present short-, medium-, and          Physically, the present Precinct does not               A possible pathway to meeting identified
needs, and constraints, the opportunities for         long-term opportunities to enable a broader           accommodate the expansion of motorsport                 motorsport demand is to consider reconfiguring
the Precinct have been defined. The uses for the      vision for the Precinct in a phased approach. The     offerings to include karting and motorcycles.           existing leased areas (Sydney Motorsport park
majority of the existing Precinct is locked in for    staggered availability of the waste sites over time   If plans are not enacted to procure additional,         and Western Sydney International Dragway) to
the medium-long term. This use does not preclude      allows for a phased implementation of the Plan.       adjacent sites, it may not be possible in the future    allow for the incorporation of motorcycling and
landscape enhancement, better connectivity,                                                                 to acquire additional land, limiting the potential of   karting within Precinct 5.
                                                      There is potential for the waste sites to
and opportunity for consolidated infrastructure,                                                            creating a comprehensive motorsport precinct.           Motorcycle provisions could include a dirt track
                                                      accommodate karting and motorcycle uses from
including parking.                                                                                                                                                  within Sydney Motorsport Park spectator parking
                                                      2022. Longer term, these activities could be          The expansion of the Precinct with the addition
The size and site configuration on the west and       expanded as adjacent sites become available for       of adjacent sites, including the waste sites,           and viewing and a 4WD track zone. Karting could
south of the Precinct allows for further landscape    use in 2033 and 2040.                                 will permit the future expansion of motorsport          be accommodated within the Western Sydney
enhancements that would increase the amenity of                                                             offerings. However, more study and planning will        International Dragway’s existing and proposed
the precinct for motorsport and non motorsport        Key factors to consider                               need to be undertaken to determine the best             car park. Initial analysis determined this was not
users alike.                                          The present tenants of the site, as well as           fit and arrangement to accommodate further              feasible – overlays of current motorcycling and
                                                      potential future tenants, host a range of major,      facilities and operations.                              karting operations demonstrate the impact on
The lands on the west of Ferrers Road are ideally
                                                      minor, and club-type events. To accommodate                                                                   existing operations.
suited for activation as a “Club Zone” This area                                                            Physical constraints will be driven by a number of
sits within the boundaries of Precinct 5, is not      such intense usage, parking provisions have been      factors, including the spatial, topographic, and        This scenario was not considered for next steps
utilised currently by any of the tenant nor others,   developed to consider the biggest monthly event       adjacency conditions of the potential expanded          due to the current leaseholder boundaries and
and would primarily only require some form of         for each user occurring simultaneously. This          Precinct. Further, consideration of maintaining         restrictions in size and space available, and that
governance to manage bookings, plus minimal           constraint presents an opportunity to facilitate      existing site circulation and connections, as well as   capacity for growth of all activities would be
infrastructure (fencing, lockable gates, concrete     extra capacity on non-event days to permit other      biodiversity and ecological corridors, must factor      significantly constrained.
pads) to segregate motorsport use safely and          activities to be held on the site while smaller       into future plans.
provide an area to securely store club equipment.     motorsport events, or when no motorsport events
                                                      are occurring.                                        Operational constraints and demands
                                                      The Precinct has the facilities, land availability,   Operationally, similar considerations will be
                                                      and investment capability to become a significant     required to develop future plans. The unique
                                                      anchor and drive additional tourism, industry, and    demands of each motorsport must be factored
                                                      educational uses.                                     into planning. Potential synergies created from
                                                                                                            co-location, including the sharing of resources
                                                      Finally, there is significant seasonal, casual, and
                                                                                                            and amenities must be weighed against potential
                                                      flexible employment created through motorsport.
                                                                                                            conflicts in operations and functionality.
                                                      Greater diversity of activity within the Precinct
                                                      will expand the employment base further,
                                                      contributing to the significant economic impact of
                                                      the site into the future.

14          Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct - Vision and Indicative Masterplan
Existing conditions                                                                                                         Scenario 1 configuration

                                                                                              M4 WESTERN MO

                     Light Horse
                    Business Hub

                                                                               Motorsport Park


                                                                                                                               WESTLINK M7

                                                                                   Western Sydney
                              Waste Site
                                                                   S RD

                                                                                                                                                                                          S RD
                             (from 2022)

                                                      Waste Site
                                                     (from 2040)

                                        Waste Site
                                       Developable                                                                                                                                                   Prospect
                                                                                Proposed                       Prospect
                                       (from 2033)                                                                                                                                                   Reservoir
                                                                             Western Sydney                    Reservoir

Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct - Tenants and Opportunities                                                             Scenario 1 - Reconfigure of Precinct 5
            Existing and Proposed Users         Landscape Enhancement opportunities        Opportunity Area - Short Term               Precinct Boundary             Existing Karting Footprint
            Existing and Proposed Parking       Overflow parking & potential opportunity   Opportunity Area - Medium Term              Adjacent Precinct Boundary    Existing Motorcycle Footprint
            Cumberland Plain Woodland           Opportunity Area - Immediate               Opportunity Area - Long Term

Motor Sports Precinct
The Vision for the Precinct is to be the primary motorsport precinct of the southern
hemisphere, incorporating a variety of sports, recreation, educational, cultural,
entertainment, and commercial uses centred on a public realm that is accessible and
active seven days a week.

The Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct has        Existing venues and facilities within the Precinct   The Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct will also   Introducing best-practice landscape elements
the potential to be truly transformative for       have been planned and delivered with curtilages      leverage the infrastructure of the motorsports      to the site will enhance the environmental
Greater Sydney, providing the opportunity          for ancillary services, spill over, access, and      venues to deliver a programme of uses across        sustainability of the Precinct in line with the
to fully integrate a multitude of recreational     parking.                                             the site to maximise year-round utilisation of      diversification of economic opportunities on
uses within the geographic heart of the rapidly                                                         built and natural assets. Growth and emerging       the site. Water capture, treatment and reuse, a
                                                   The Plan will facilitate the delivery of a more
growing Western Sydney region. Investment in                                                            trends in motorsport, technology, education, and    restorative landscape featuring endemic species
                                                   integrated, cohesive Precinct that ensures the
motorsport and other complementary uses within                                                          active recreation will provide opportunities for    planting, increasing canopy cover, and reducing
                                                   primary functions and ancillary facilities are
the Precinct will help drive a more diversified,                                                        innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation      the urban heat island effect will ensure the
                                                   complementary, rather than competitive, and
resilient, competitive, and sustainable economy                                                         not only related to the sports and recreation       Precinct is more environmentally sustainable,
                                                   linked by a new public domain that brings the
for Western and Central Sydney and generate                                                             industries, but extending to all sectors.           more amenable, and more attractive for users
                                                   publicly accessible landscapes and amenities of
substantial and lasting economic, social, and                                                                                                               and visitors alike.
                                                   the Parklands into the Precinct.
environmental benefits.

16         Eastern Creek Motor Sports Precinct - Vision and Indicative Masterplan
Precinct principles
The Plan for the Precinct will be developed
around a series of design principles. The principles
have been developed and refined to ensure they
respond to the Strategic Directions and Principles
contained within the Western Sydney Parklands
Plan of Management 2030.

                                                       Engagement                                             Diverse programs                                        Enhanced Parkland environment
                                                       In consideration of fostering a place for the          In consideration of creating an active and diverse      In consideration of connecting the Precinct into
                                                       motorsport community and the greater Western           year-round destination, the design should:              the Parklands, the design should:
                                                       Sydney Community, the design should:
                                                                                                              •   create a Precinct for all users and uses to allow   •   consider a string of complementary
                                                       •   draw on community input and participation              activation throughout the year                          destinations, connected to the Parklands Track
                                                       •   be inspired by the Aboriginal, European,           •   ensure new activities are complementary to          •   plan for the long-term opportunity to activate
                                                           and environmental heritage of the Precinct,            existing facilities and create new uses and             the land to the west of Ferrers Road with
                                                           interpreting it through placemaking, public art,       destinations within the Precinct that further           complementary use
                                                           and wayfinding elements                                diversify the Eastern Creek Motor Sports
                                                                                                                                                                      •   support Western Sydney’s unique natural
                                                                                                                  Precinct economy
                                                       •   facilitate a comprehensive engagement                                                                          environment to deliver greater ways for people
                                                           strategy for ongoing participation throughout      •   generate opportunities to celebrate                     to interact with the environment
                                                           all stages of the Plan                                 motorsport through visitor spectacles, a
                                                                                                                                                                      •   consider the site’s warmer and drier climate
                                                                                                                  Centre of Excellence, and education
                                                                                                                                                                          which drives the need for green spaces, canopy
                                                                                                              •   share resources such as parking and co-                 cover, and principles of water sensitivity to
                                                                                                                  location of amenities and services to permit            mitigate the impacts of urban heat
                                                                                                                  multiple uses of the Precinct by the Western
                                                                                                                  Sydney community

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