E-LENGUA Project Call for Mobility, June 2016

Page created by Juanita Morales
E-LENGUA Project Call for Mobility, June 2016
E-LENGUA Project Call for Mobility, June 2016

This call is addressed to full-time and part-time staff (teaching, research, technical and
administrative roles) employed in the School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences
at TCD and in cognate disciplines in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Scences at TCD.

The E-LENGA project sets out to address the specific language needs of target audiences through the use
of ICT in language teaching and assessment. E-LENGUA is a consortium composed of seven universities,
all of them with extensive experience in second and foreign languages training. The project’s main goal is
to update curricular design for language teaching using ICT in Europe in a synergistic way through
drawing on our shared expertise. The overall objectives of E-LENGUA are:

   •   To contribute to the reinforcement of cooperation among European institutions of higher
       education through the exchange of best practices with a view to achieving the integration of
       digital competencies in the curricular design of foreign language teaching.
   •   To draw up teaching proposals that respond to the educational needs of the European context -
       intercultural and multilingual- and that present possible solutions to the challenges posed by the
       applications of ICT in the teaching of foreign languages.
   •   To implement the development of cross-sectional knowledge, skills and attitudes related to the
       digital competencies integrated into foreign language-learning in Europe, paying special attention
       to particular target audiences.

Along with Trinity College Dublin, the partner universities involved in the E-LENGUA consortium are:
University of Salamanca (coordinating partner); Heidelberg University; University of Poitiers; University of
Coimbra; University of Bologna; Cairo University. Partner universities have proposed a series of training
programmes for staff, funded by the project (travel, accommodation and per diem provided). The
financing covers four training days and two travel days. Details are provided below.

Next steps: If you are interested in participating in this mobility action, please read carefully the
programmes outlined below (paying attention to any language requirements), and submit to my maibox in
CLCS by the internal deadline of 28 June 2017:

1) your top three preferences of destination programme in rank order; 2) a letter of motivation stating
why the training would be of benefit to you; 3) your TCD staff number/affiliation details.

Successful candidates will be informed by 15 July 2016.

                                            Kind Regards, Dr Lorna Carson (carsonle@tcd.ie, ext. 4282)
University of Salamanca offering

Dates: 21st-26th November 2016


                              Complete programme
   Date                           Activity/Course                       Language
22/11/2016    Session of the course “ICT in Second Language             Spanish
              Teaching” of the MA in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign
              Language (http://www.musal-e.es/) [Prof. E. Román
              Mendoza and R. Rubio Sánchez]
23/11/2016    Conference/Lecture about ICT and Language Teaching        Spanish
              and Learning in the Cátedra de Altos Estudios del
              Español (http://caee.usal.es/) [Speaker to be
24/11/2016    Training session at the ELElab R+D+I group of Cursos      Spanish
              Internacionales                                  USAL
              (http://campus.usal.es/~elelab/): didactic material
              creation for the teaching of Spanish in online courses,
              online assessment of Spanish, etc. [ELElab R+D+I
25/11/2016    Conference/Lecture of the E-Sphaera Research Group        Spanish
              (http://diarium.usal.es/esphaera/) [Speaker to be

                                University of Coimbra offering

Dates: 5th-10th December 2016


                          Complete programme
    Date                     Activity/Course                     Language
6/12/2016 Training sessions at the Faculdade de Letras da Portuguese
to         Universidade de Coimbra (http://www.uc.pt/fluc)
8/12/2016 and       UC_D     (http://www.ed.uc.pt/educ/home)
           regarding the implementation of the E-LENGUA@UC
           Action Proposal - A Portuguese as a Foreign Language
           Teaching Lab for Training Teachers and A1 level
           learners- and other online teaching experiences, such
           as the Portuguese as a Non-Native Language
           Instructor              Training              course
9/12/2016 Fourth Portuguese a Foreign Language Annual Portuguese
and        Meeting. Confirmed keynote speakers: Michael Long English
10/12/2016 (https://www.casl.umd.edu/node/39) and Rod Ellis
               This is a specialized meeting managed by a Steering
               Commitee with representatives of the major
               Portuguese universities working in the field, and
               audience participants in this event are PL2
               researchers and teachers.

                                University of Bologna offering

Dates: 12th-16th December 2016

Esperienze di e-learning per l’italiano: bilanci e prospettive

Where: Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica (FICLIT) - Università di Bologna
       Via Zamboni 32 - Bologna - ITALIA

Provisional Programme:

                                 Complete programme
   Date                             Activity/Course                         Language
12/12/2016     Conferenza di apertura / Opening Lecture: “Tecnologie        Italian
15-17 (Aula    dell’informazione e della comunicazione e insegnamento
Pascoli,       dell’italiano: storia, contesti di apprendimento,
FICLIT)        prospettive” [Prof.ssa Donatella Troncarelli, Università
               per stranieri di Siena / Prof. Matteo Viale, Università di
13/12/2016     Workshop: “I corsi di italiano per brasiliani “Dire fare     Italian
14-16 (Aula    partire!”:     bilanci,     prospettive,     valutazione”
Camporesi,     (http://cursosextensao.usp.br/course/view.php?id=131)
FICLIT)        [Prof.ssa Paola Baccin, Universidade de São Paulo /
               dott.ssa Sandra Gazzoni, Universidade de São Paulo –
               Università di Bologna)
14/12/2016     Workshop: “E-learning ed educazione linguistica: una         Italian
11.00-13.00    sfida per il Sistema scolastico italiano tra L1 e L2”
(Aula          [Esperti dell’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale – Emilia-
Camporesi,     Romagna]
14/12/2016     Training session: Osservazione delle attività del corso di Italian
14.30-17.30    formazione insegnanti “Educazione linguistica e nuove
(Opificio      tecnologie” (scuola primaria)
15/12/2016     Workshop: “I corsi di italiano ICoN (Italian Culture on the Italian
11-13 (Aula    Net):     bilanci,         prospettive,       valutazione”
Pascoli,       (http://www.italicon.it) [Speaker to be determined]
15/12/2016     Training session: Osservazione delle attività del corso di Italian
14.30-17.30    formazione insegnanti “Educazione linguistica e nuove
(Opificio      tecnologie” (scuola secondaria)
16/12/2016    Workshop: “I corsi di italiano e-LOCAL: bilanci, Italian
11-13 (Aula   prospettive,            valutazione”           (https://e-
Pascoli,      localcourses.unibo.it) [Prof. Andrea Ceccherelli / Prof.ssa
FICLIT)       Cristiana Cervini, Università di Bologna]

                           University of Heidelberg offering


    Date                        Activity/Course                    Language
5-7/7/2016  International Conference CLILiG GLOBAL 2016: Content German
            and Language Integrated Learning in German -
            Challenges and Prospects for Global Co-operations in
            Research and Practice (organization: Prof. Dr. Kim
18/4/2016- Courses on didactics of German as a Foreign Language, German
30/7/2016   e.g. courses on teaching practice, language use and
and         language acquisition, implementation of learning
            processes, language learning with electronic media.
18/4/2016- Certificate course for Teaching German as a Foreign German
30/7/2016   Language in the so called Integration Courses on
and         German language and culture, designed by the Federal
            Office for Migration and Refugees.
18/4/2016- Courses on Didactics of German as a Second Language, German
30/7/2016   e.g. courses on alphabetization in German as a second
and         language, literary and linguistic learning, children’s
            literature in the context of multilingualism and
and         migration, didactic analyses of language development.
18/9/2016-    PASCH-Course for teachers of German. PASCH is short German
1/10/2016     for “Schulen: Partner der Zukunft / Schools, partners
and           for the future”. It is a global network of some 1,500
              partner schools with special links to Germany. It has
(approx.)     been initiated by the Federal Foreign Office in
              colaboration with the Central Agency for Schools
Abroad (ZfA), the Goethe-Institut (GI), the German
               Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the
               Educational Exchange Service of the Standing
               Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural
               Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of
               Germany (PAD). The PASCH-Courses are designed for
               teachers of German as a foreign language at the schools
               in the global PASCH-Network. The two-weeks PASCH-
               Courses at the IDF focus on activity-oriented teaching,
               autonomous learning, modern literature and its
               teaching, modern language, and intercultural German

                                University of Poitiers offering

Dates: 6th-10th February 2017


                                  Complete programme
      Date                            Activity/Course                    Language
6/2/2017 9.30-       Part 1: ICT in the Teacher Training                 French
                     Participation to the lesson of «Language
                     Teaching with Internet Technology», with
                     Delphine Durand – Master degree ‘Teaching
                     and Learning FFL’ - [French]
7/2/2017     9.00-   Part 1: ICT in the Teacher Training                 French
                     Participation to the lesson of «Educational
                     Multimedia», with Hélène De Chaigneau –
                     Master degree ‘Teaching and Learning FFL’ -

                     Part 2: ICT in the Centre FLE

                     Presentation of the project MOOC FOFLE
                     Hélène De Chaigneau & Christine Chanudet -
8/2/2017     9.00-   Part 2: ICT in the Centre FLE                       French
                     Observation of the lessons of French as a
                     Foreign Language and the use of mobile phone
                     in order to improve the collaboration and
interaction in the teaching of a foreign
                  language, both in the oral and in the written

                  Christine Chanudet & Hélène Carpentier -
9/2/2017   14.00- Workshop: «How to improve the collaboration       French
           17.00 and interaction in the teaching of a foreign

                  Invited speakers to define - [French]
10/2/2017 9.00-   Working meeting to exchange experiences           French
                  (A questionnaire will be send to the
                  participants in order to prepare the meeting) -
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