DUTY TO DISCLOSE: The Failure of Food Companies to Disclose Risks of Genetically Engineered Crops to Shareholders - CALPIRG Education Fund

Page created by Charles Kelley
The Failure of Food Companies to Disclose Risks of
  Genetically Engineered Crops to Shareholders

                   August 2004


Written by Saida Benguerel of the U.S. PIRG Education Fund.

© 2004, U.S. PIRG Education Fund

The author would like to thank Richard Caplan of U.S. PIRG Education Fund for developing the
idea that became this report and for offering valuable oversight and input; Alison Cassady of
U.S. PIRG Education Fund for her editing expertise; Michelle Chan-Fishel for reviewing an
earlier version and offering suggestions; and Lisa Archer from Friends of the Earth for her input.

For copies of this report, please visit our website or send $30 payable to U.S. PIRG Education
Fund at:

U.S. PIRG Education Fund
218 D Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 546-9707

U.S. PIRG is the national lobbying office of the state Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs), a
national network of state-based public interest and environmental advocacy organizations. U.S.
PIRG Education Fund is the national 501(c)(3) research and policy center for the state PIRGs.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 4

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 6

THE IMPRECISE SCIENCE OF GENETIC ENGINEERING..................................................... 8

HEALTH RISKS OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOODS............................................... 10


U.S. REGULATION OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOODS ......................................... 14

A COMPANY’S DUTY TO DISCLOSE .................................................................................... 15


   Consumer Rejection of Genetically Engineered Foods ............................................................ 18
   International Renunciation of Genetically Engineered Crops .................................................. 19
   Shareholder Demands ............................................................................................................... 21
   Insurance and Financial Industry Concerns.............................................................................. 21
   Lawsuit Liability....................................................................................................................... 21
   Regulatory Compliance ............................................................................................................ 22
   Growing Demand for Regulation of Biopharming ................................................................... 23


CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 28

APPENDIX: PUBLICLY-TRADED COMPANIES SURVEYED ............................................. 29

END NOTES ................................................................................................................................ 36


Scientists in the United States and abroad            recalled 636,000 cases of contaminated
continue to raise serious concerns about the          product, at an estimated cost of $10 million
environmental and human health risks                  dollars in lost revenue. The StarLink
associated with growing and consuming                 contamination episode ultimately will cost
genetically engineered crops. As a result,            the food industry billions of dollars.
genetically engineered foods may pose
financial risks to the food companies buying          In the wake of Enron and other catastrophic
and selling genetically engineered crops.             financial market failures, shareholders are
Even though the Securities and Exchange               demanding greater transparency and
Commission (“SEC”) requires companies to              enforcement of SEC regulations. One area
disclose to shareholders any “material” facts         that is of particular concern is whether
that might affect business operations, most           companies are disclosing to their
food companies have failed to alert their             shareholders and the public all information
shareholders to the liabilities associated with       that will have a material impact on business
genetically engineered ingredients.                   operations. Despite the StarLink debacle and
                                                      scientific evidence raising real concerns
Genetically engineered crops pose largely             about the human and environmental safety
unexplored threats to human health and the            of genetically engineered crops, the food
environment. On the food safety side,                 industry has done little to alert its
scientists have sounded the alarm about               shareholders to potential liabilities.
potential allergenicity of some genetically
engineered ingredients. Scientists are also           In the United States, any publicly traded
concerned with the possibility of heightened          company registered with the Securities and
toxicity levels, increasing antibiotic                Exchange Commission must disclose
resistance, immune suppression, elevated              information that is “reasonably likely” to
cancer risks, and nutritional loss. Yet the           have an impact on business operations. To
Food and Drug Administration still refuses            determine the extent to which food
to make human safety testing of genetically           companies are disclosing the risks
engineered foods mandatory. In addition,              associated with genetically engineered
environmental risks include the creation of           foods, U.S. PIRG Education Fund examined
“superweeds,” genetic cross contamination,            the financial reporting documents of the 35
adverse effects on non-target and beneficial          largest publicly traded food companies in
species, increased pesticide use, and harmful         the United States and found:
soil contamination.
                                                      Œ Ninety-five (95) percent of the top
The risks inherent in genetically engineering         publicly traded processed food companies
the food supply have already cost the food            completely     ignore    the   genetically
industry financially. In 2000, Kraft-                 engineered foods issue in their annual
manufactured Taco Bell taco shells were               reports to shareholders.
discovered to contain StarLink corn, a
variety of genetically engineered corn not            Œ Only two companies—Kraft Foods and
approved for human consumption. The Food              Interstate Bakeries—mention genetically
and Drug Administration officially recalled           engineered food as a potential liability in
the Taco Bell taco shells; in response, Kraft         their annual reports to shareholders.

that their suppliers, manufacturers, raw
Œ Not one company elaborated on or gave             goods producers, and farmers not use
an analysis of the risks involved with              genetically engineered materials.
genetically engineered ingredients in their
annual reports to shareholders. While               Œ Fully disclose to shareholders the use of
Kraft      and     Interstate     Bakeries’         and potential liabilities associated with
declarations are a good beginning, these            genetically engineered ingredients.
financial documents do not discuss ways
to mitigate harm, avoid future liabilities,         Œ Label all products that contain genetically
and address future profitability.                   engineered ingredients so that consumers are
                                                    fully informed of what they are purchasing.
The U.S. food industry is at a crossroads.
Currently,       genetically       engineered       U.S. PIRG Education Fund recommends
ingredients offer no financial or commercial        that the SEC:
benefits to the food industry, nor are
consumers clamoring for genetically                 Œ Enforce the duty of public companies to
modified products. In fact, surveys and polls       disclose to shareholders the potential
show just the opposite.                             liability from using genetically engineered
U.S. PIRG Education Fund recommends
that companies in the processed food                Œ Hold CEOs and CFOs responsible for
industry:                                           material omissions in companies’ annual
                                                    reports, in compliance with the Sarbanes-
Œ Remove the risk of liability related to           Oxley Act of 2002.
genetically engineered food by demanding


Genetically engineered crops and foods have          Bell taco shells in October 2000 after Kraft
been on the market for a decade. Since their         voluntarily pulled them from grocery store
introduction,      genetically     engineered        shelves. The agency declared a Class II
products have generated controversy both in          recall, defined as “a situation in which the
the United States and abroad. Despite this,          use of, or exposure to, a violative product
processed food companies embraced the                may cause temporary or medically
technology, although none chose to label             reversible adverse health effects.”6 Due to
their products as containing genetically             the StarLink discovery, Kraft recalled
engineered ingredients. By 2003, in the              636,000 cases of contaminated Taco Bell
United States alone, 42.8 million hectares of        taco shells, at an estimated cost of $10
land were devoted to growing genetically             million dollars in lost revenue.7 This number
engineered crops.1 Ninety-five percent of            does not include the ancillary costs of
all genetically engineered crops are grown in        recalling a product, such as loss of consumer
either the United States, Canada, or                 confidence. All told, more than 300 separate
Argentina.2 Today, 60 to 70 percent of all           processed food products were recalled.8
processed foods on supermarket shelves in            Kellogg’s was forced to close down a
the United States contain genetically                processing plant due to the contamination,
engineered ingredients.3 Corn and soybeans           and, in 2001, recall its Morningstar Farms
make up the vast majority of genetically             brand of meat-free corn dogs for containing
engineered crops and often appear in                 StarLink corn.9 Consumers, farmers and
processed foods as soy lecithin (a stabilizer)       others who claim they were affected by the
and corn syrup (a sweetener).                        contamination filed several lawsuits – two of
                                                     which were settled for $110 million and $9
Kraft Foods, the largest food company in the         million.10 A report completed by Promar
United States and the second largest food            International, a global consulting firm for
company in the world,4 produces such well-           the food industry, on behalf of Kellogg’s,
known products as Lunchables, Boca                   ConAgra, Unilever, and Aventis, numbered
Burgers, Oreo Cookies, and Post Raisin               the loss from the StarLink contamination in
Bran. Kraft also markets the Taco Bell taco          the billions of dollars.11
shell brand, under license from the Taco
Bell restaurant chain. In 2000, Genetically          Public interest organizations, consumer
Engineered Food Alert, a consortium of               groups, trade associations, scientists and
public interest groups, tested Taco Bell taco        others point to the Starlink debacle as proof
shells purchased at a local grocery store and        that genetic engineering is inherently
discovered that some contained StarLink              unpredictable and that contamination of the
corn, a variety of genetically engineered            food supply could have widespread
corn not approved for human consumption.             environmental, human health, and financial
The possible side effects from ingesting             effects. Critics also point to weak federal
StarLink corn include vomiting, diarrhea,            oversight of genetically engineered crops
and anaphylactic shock.5                             and food, as the responsible agencies do not
                                                     require any safety testing of transgenic crops
This discovery had ripple effects throughout         or food products.
the food industry. The Food and Drug
Administration officially recalled the Taco

The risks posed by genetically engineered            publicly silent on the issue.12 Food
crops and inadequate federal oversight               companies have a duty to report the
combine to create substantial liability issues       liabilities associated with the use of
for food companies that buy and sell                 genetically engineered ingredients in their
genetically engineered crops. While some             annual shareholder reports and other
food companies have recently sought to               financial filings. But according to our
avoid the use of certain genetically                 analysis—with very few exceptions—food
engineered ingredients, most remain                  companies are ignoring the issue entirely.


The genome of an organism can aptly be                over the precise location of the inserted
compared to a complex ecosystem. Any                  genetic material.15
alteration or perturbation can have major
consequences. Proponents of genetic                   Additional      genetic     material     often
engineering maintain that scientists can              accompanies the foreign gene into the host
locate genes and insert them into new plants          plant. This normally includes an antibiotic
with great precision and with few                     marker gene that flags the newly inserted
repercussions. Monsanto’s website, for                gene material. Because of the inherent
example, quotes Henry Miller of the Hoover            imprecision in the genetic engineering
Institution, a conservative think-tank, as            process, scientists use antibiotic genes to
saying that “genetic engineering [is]                 mark which plant cells incorporated the gene
essentially a refinement of the kinds of              of interest and which did not. The antibiotic
genetic modification that have long been              resistance gene serves no purpose outside of
used,” and the company itself calls the               the laboratory but remains in the plant
technology an “extension” of traditional              regardless, posing human health and
plant breeding, only “more precise.”13                environmental risks.16 Along with the gene
However, an examination of the technology             of interest and the antibiotic marker gene,
used to engineer plants and the choice of             scientists also insert a gene promoter into
genes that scientists are inserting                   the host plant. The promoter, which
demonstrate that traditional plant breeding           functions as a genetic “on” switch and
methods and genetic engineering are                   forces the gene of interest to express at a
radically different.14 The insertion process of       more potent level, typically is a disabled
genetic engineering involves relatively               virus. Scientists have raised concerns about
rudimentary methods, resulting in haphazard           the safety of the most common promoter, the
placement that in no way can be described             cauliflower mosaic virus, warning that it
as “precise.”                                         may lead to “genome rearrangement,
                                                      insertion        mutagenesis,        insertion
Of the two most common insertion methods              carcinogenesis, the reactivation of dormant
used, one employs infectious bacteria while           viruses, and [a] generation of new
the other utilizes a crude physical means. To         viruses.”17
use bacteria in genetic engineering,
scientists must first delete the disease-             The imprecision of genetic engineering and
inducing genes in the bacteria and then               the inability of developers of genetically
insert new genes that produce the desired             engineered crops to fully understand what
traits. This engineered bacterium, often              they are inserting into a plant cell have been
called a bacterial “truck,” is then mixed with        revealed on many occasions. For example,
the plant cells and allowed to infect them. In        in May 2000, Monsanto, the industry leader
the other popular method, foreign genes are           in    developing      and    commercializing
introduced directly into plant cells using a          genetically engineered seeds and crops,
“gene gun,” which shoots microscopic                  disclosed that its genetically engineered
particles, such as gold, covered with foreign         soybeans—the company’s best selling
DNA, into the plant tissues. These                    genetically engineered crop—contained
techniques and others offer little control            gene fragments that scientists had not
                                                      intentionally inserted.18 After four years on

the market, independent researchers
discovered two extra gene fragments in the          Genetically engineered crops and traditional
soybeans.     Neither      Monsanto      nor        crops may contain similar levels of fats,
government regulators had any idea the              proteins, and starch; on this basis, the Food
pieces of genetic material were inserted            and Drug Administration (FDA) deems
during the process of engineering the crop.         these new genetically engineered products
After that embarrassment, Monsanto again            as “substantially equivalent” to their
had to admit it did not fully understand the        conventional counterparts. This concept,
genetic makeup of the product it introduced         aggressively advocated by manufacturers of
to market, when, one year later, new                genetically engineered foods and crops, has
research discovered additional unexpected           been followed by the United Nations’ Food
DNA.19                                              and Agriculture Organization and World
                                                    Health Organization and forms the basis of
As far back as 1997, Monsanto had to recall         U.S. regulation of these products.
approximately 60,000 bags of canola—
enough to seed between 600,000 to 750,000           Although the idea of substantial equivalence
acres of land—because the seed mistakenly           is simple and may at first seem plausible,
contained an unapproved gene. According to          scientists have critiqued it as insufficient and
some reports, quantities of seed had already        misguided.22 Substantial equivalence does
been planted when Monsanto discovered the           not guarantee the safety of food, food
mistake.20 Scientists also have shown that          additives, or genetic alterations, as it is the
genetic engineering can alter the genetic           industry     that    determines      what      is
make-up of the host plant in unanticipated          “equivalent.” This vagueness makes the
ways. In one experiment, scientists                 concept particularly useful to the
attempting to genetically engineer potatoes         biotechnology industry, although numerous
to increase the sugar content unintentionally       studies demonstrate that genetically
altered the potatoes’ ability to process            engineered crops could pose serious risks to
starch.21                                           human health and the environment.


Genetically engineered food could have                 toxin in every cell of the plant, all of the
numerous human health consequences,                    time.
including heightened toxicity levels,
increased       allergenicity,      widespread         In determining potential allergenicity,
antibiotic resistance, immune suppression,             scientists    compare     the     genetically
elevated cancer risks, and nutritional loss.           engineered organism’s structural similarity
In 1991, FDA scientists alerted the                    to known allergens, as well as its digestive
regulatory     agency       that    genetically        and heat stability. Bt corn, particularly the
engineered foods could pose serious dangers            type of Bt corn containing the Cry1AB
to the food supply, specifically resulting in          protein, failed all three allergenicity
“increased levels of known naturally                   protocols. As for digestive stability, two
occurring toxicants, appearance of new, not            studies revealed that 10 percent of Cry1AB
previously     identified     toxicants,   [or]        lasted in stomach-like conditions for one to
increased capability of concentrating toxic            two hours, in contrast to the two minutes
substances from the environment (e.g.                  Monsanto’s results showed.26 Other studies
pesticides or heavy metals).”23 Despite this           also revealed a considerable amount of heat
warning, FDA refused to require mandatory              stability in the protein, yet the
safety testing. In addition, FDA was aware             Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”),
that the first commercialized genetically              which is responsible for oversight of crops
engineered whole food, the Flavr Savr                  producing their own pesticide, did not
tomato, caused lesions in the stomachs of              collect any heat stability data from
rats, but again chose not to require pre-              Monsanto.27
market safety testing.24
                                                       Potatoes also have been genetically
FDA’s response to the potential toxicity               engineered to produce the Bt toxin. In a
problem is mirrored in its response to                 study conducted in 1999 and published in
allergenicity concerns. Allergenicity is a             the British medical journal The Lancet,
human immunodeficiency reaction that can               scientists discovered that rats consuming Bt
lead to anaphylactic shock and death.                  potatoes showed suppressed immune
According to the National Institutes of                function, including detrimental effects on
Health, four to eight percent of children and          organ development and body metabolism.28
one to two percent of adults exhibit allergies         Without mandatory and comprehensive pre-
to certain foods and the building blocks of            market safety testing, and with no labeling
foods,     namely      proteins.25    Bacillus         or post-market research conducted, the full
thuringiensis (Bt), an insecticidal microbe            impact of transgenic crops on the human
that occurs naturally in the soil, is one              immune system may never be fully revealed.
example of the potential allergenicity of
genetically       engineered        products.          Another human health concern is the
Conventional and organic farmers have used             increased use and release into the
Bt spray for years to control certain insects,         environment of antibiotics. By using
and the spray is seen as relatively benign             antibiotic marker genes to determine gene
because it breaks down quickly in sunlight.            expression,    the   industry   may    be
But with the help of genetic engineering,              compromising one of the most important
corn has been developed to produce the Bt              tools humankind has for fighting common

infections in people and animals. Novartis, a        human health from antibiotic resistance
French biotech company, has used                     developing in micro-organisms is one of the
ampicillin to gauge transference of a new            major public health threats that will be faced
gene in genetically engineered corn. Britain,        in the twenty-first century.”29
among other European countries, has banned
the farming of Novartis’ corn over concerns          Genetic engineering also may compromise
it will migrate from the corn to the general         the nutritional value of some foods. FDA’s
population and weaken the effectiveness of           Division of Food Chemistry and Technology
ampicillin, a much-needed defense from               and the Division of Food Contaminants
bacterial infections. The British Medical            Chemistry have warned the agency that the
Association seconded the ban, when it                genetic engineering of food could lead to the
concluded: “There should be a ban on the             “undesirable alteration in the level of
use of antibiotic resistance marker genes in         nutrients.”30
[genetically engineered] food, as the risk to


In addition to endangering human health,               may persist and spawn more troublesome
field testing and growing genetically                  weeds.38 Studies on the viability of hybrids
engineered crops pose several risks to the             between genetically engineered crops and
environment as well. In a highly publicized            wild relatives show that the hybrids are not
study on harm to beneficial and non-target             necessarily less fit than their wild parent.39
species, Dr. John E. Losey of Cornell                  Without adequate regulatory oversight,
University showed that Bt corn pollen that             genetically engineered plants may continue
had dusted milkweed leaves harmed the                  to hybridize with their wild relatives and
monarch butterfly.31 Industry challenged this          potentially create serious problems as
study, but additional research ultimately              invasive, or non-native, species. The current
confirmed the findings of Losey and his                annual costs to the United States due to non-
fellow researchers.32 Similarly, studies have          native species is estimated at $123 billion.40
reported that ladybugs, which prey on the
Colorado potato beetle, consumed fewer                 One profound but largely unexplored area of
potato beetle eggs when the potatoes had               environmental harm is the damage
high levels of Bt toxin.33 Other studies have          genetically engineered crops may pose to
found that lacewing larvae reared on prey              soil ecosystems. Bt toxin is released in
that was fed Bt-producing corn took longer             harmful levels into the rhizosphere soil by
to develop and had an elevated mortality               root exudates from Bt corn.41 Bt engineered
rate.34 In yet another study, researchers              into cotton and other plants can seep into the
looking at genetically engineered potatoes in          soil through their roots and remain in the dirt
Ohio found natural and beneficial enemies              at least seven months, depressing the soil
reduced to such low levels that harmful                microbes that help plants grow.42
aphid outbreaks occurred.35                            Subsequent types of Bt corn, geared towards
                                                       the eradication of the corn rootworm, a type
Another problem associated with genetically            of beetle, may prove to be even more
engineered crops is the creation of herbicide          harmful to soil. One study found that the
resistant “superweeds.” In fact, the current           glyphosate       herbicide     sprayed    onto
reliance on just a few broad-spectrum                  Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops remained
herbicides makes it likely that resistance will        in the soil as long as three years.43
develop even faster. Already canola weeds
resistant to three herbicides have been found          Proponents of genetic engineering argue that
in a field in northern Alberta, Canada.36              the new technology reduces or eliminates
Recent research also has revealed that weeds           the use of toxic farm chemicals, which are
are beginning to develop resistance to                 frequently manufactured by the same
Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. Weeds                    companies touting genetically engineered
resistant to the herbicide have been                   crops. On the contrary, genetically
discovered      in    Delaware,      Maryland,         engineered crops often call for the use of
California, Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky, and             more chemicals. In an important analysis of
Indiana.37 A recent scientific article reported        Roundup Ready soybeans, the former Chair
that plants can take on this trait with                of the Board on Agriculture for the National
“negligible” impacts, meaning the new trait            Academy of Sciences, the body that advises
is incorporated without any noticeable harm            Congress on scientific issues, found that
to the plant; as a result, herbicide resistance        genetically engineered soybeans “clearly

require more herbicides than conventional            in the Midwestern farm-belt states claim to
soybeans, despite claims to the contrary.”44         be adversely affected by genetically
                                                     engineered gene drift; 88 percent declare
Another serious environmental danger is              that they take measures to protect their
unchecked gene flow—also referred to as              farms from cross contamination.47
genetic       pollution—from      genetically
engineered crops to their conventional or            In the fall of 2001, genetically engineered
organic counterparts, as well as their wild          corn was discovered growing in Mexico,
cousins. Many farmers rely on the premium            despite a 1998 government moratorium on
prices that they receive from non-engineered         commercial planting.48 Mexico is the source
crops, which require strict segregation to           of corn’s greatest genetic diversity, and
meet specific market demands. Stewart                contamination of corn there could mean that
Wells of the National Farmers Union of               corn biodiversity is severely threatened.49
Canada, for example, has stated that it may
soon be impossible to certify canola as              The mass contamination demonstrated by
organic because genetically engineered               StarLink corn is a chilling example of the
canola has been dispersed throughout the             potential for widespread genetic pollution.
region by wind, rain, birds, and farm                Although StarLink corn was only grown on
equipment. “If this continues, once wheat,           0.4 percent of the total corn acres planted in
barley, lentils, and other crops are                 the United States, it turned up in one-tenth
genetically-engineered, I won't have                 of the corn tested by the EPA between
anything left to grow. For organic farmers           November 2000 and April 2001.50 Even
and the hundreds of thousands of consumers           more alarmingly, the Cry9C protein, which
who choose organic food, this is an                  was the protein responsible for EPA keeping
extremely serious issue.”45 In the United            StarLink out of the human food chain in the
Kingdom,       the     government   recently         first place, was found in other varieties of
announced that field experiments of                  yellow corn seed.51 In addition, white corn,
genetically engineered corn would be halted          which has never been genetically
for fear of genetic pollution of nearby              engineered, was found to contain the
organic farms.46 According to a 2002                 StarLink protein.52
survey, 70 to 80 percent of organic farmers


In 1986, President Reagan’s executive office         a “no effect” level in its submission.56 The
finalized a strategy for regulatory oversight        agency summarily fired Dr. Richard
of genetically engineered crops and foods.           Burroughs, the lead government scientist in
This policy report, titled the “Coordinated          charge of reviewing the rBGH data, after he
Framework         for      Regulation      of        proposed conducting a two-year study on the
Biotechnology,” stated that “existing                safety of rBGH and ordered toxicology and
statutes seem adequate to deal with the              immunology tests. By 1993, the FDA was
emerging processes and products of [genetic          willing to approve rBGH under a new
engineering].”53 Twenty years later, this            standard of review: “manageable risk.” Dr.
framework remains the overriding policy              Burroughs stated: “It used to be that we had
structure.                                           a review process at the FDA. Now we have
                                                     an approval process. I don’t think the FDA
Several agencies share regulatory authority          is doing good, honest reviews anymore.”57
over genetically engineered crops. Although
in certain cases food safety regulation is           One major human health concern associated
shared between FDA and EPA, the FDA is               with rBGH is that it stimulates production of
the ultimate authority. However, FDA does            another hormone called IGF-1. Numerous
not require or enforce any mandatory safety          studies and papers have connected IGF-1 to
standards; instead, the FDA provides                 several types of cancer, including breast and
industry with a list of voluntary and                prostate cancer.58 In approving rBGH, FDA
“suggested” safety guidelines. FDA does not          relied solely on summaries of tests
require manufacturers to notify the agency           performed by Monsanto. When the
when bringing a genetically engineered crop          Canadian government reviewed Monsanto’s
to market and does not conduct its own               data, it found that “the only short-term
independent tests of genetically engineered          toxicology study, performed for three
food. The agency simply reviews summaries            months in rats, was improperly reported, to
of studies that the company has completed.54         include that [rBGH] was not and could not
As a result, the agency does not make                be absorbed into the bloodstream.”59
determinations of safety, but merely notes           According to Dr. Michael Hansen, a
that the manufacturer has determined that            biotechnology expert at Consumers Union,
the product is safe. In many instances, the          “these are toxicologically significant
agency has asked for additional data from            changes in the rats and they should have
manufacturers and been denied.55                     triggered a full human health review,
                                                     including     assessment      of    potential
One of the first indications of the                  carcinogenic and immunological effects.”60
inadequacies of FDA’s regulatory oversight           The genetically engineered hormone was
arose when the FDA reviewed Monsanto’s               eventually approved by FDA and has gone
genetically engineered bovine growth                 into widespread use in dairy herds across
hormone (rBGH) for use on dairy cattle. In           America. The analogy to food crops is clear:
April 1988, the FDA questioned whether               FDA does not review data for safety
Monsanto’s own studies had answered                  implications, but only acknowledges receipt
crucial safety questions, such as whether it         of industry summaries.61
had established a “margin of safety” or met


Companies that are publicly traded on the            even if they have not had an impact in the
United States stock market have a duty to            past.67 The 1934 Act, Section 10(b), also
disclose operating policies and procedures to        makes fraud and the omission or
their shareholders, as well as to the                misstatement of material facts unlawful.68
Securities and Exchange Commission
(“SEC”).62 Companies must file a 10-K                Companies are encouraged to make
report with the SEC on a yearly basis, along         forward-looking     statements     regarding
with quarterly and other reports. Disclosures        business operations.     Overly optimistic
to shareholders usually come in the form of          statements about the future of the company
annual reports, which chart the gains and            are tempting to make, as they may increase
losses of the company, as well as its future         shareholder confidence and increase the
trajectory. Annual reports include an                price of stock. But there is also the
opening letter from the Chief Executive              possibility that management can perpetrate
Officer, hard financial data, a Management           fraud on unsuspecting shareholders, as
Discussion and Analysis section, results of          demonstrated by the Enron fiasco.
continuing operations, market segment
information, new product development,                The Private Securities Litigation Reform
subsidiary activities, and forward-looking           Act (PSLRA) of 1995 inoculates
statements, as well as potential liabilities.        management from being responsible for
                                                     statements that they make about the future
The Securities Act of 1933 and the                   successes of the company. Prior to PSLRA,
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 require that         the Securities and Exchange Commission
investors receive financial and non-financial        upheld the principle that management had to
information about the companies in which             make predictions of future performance in
they own shares; the Acts also prohibit              “good faith” or with a “reasonable basis” of
misrepresentations, fraud, and deceit on the         knowledge by allowing shareholders to sue
shareholder.63 They require the “full                for fraud.70 PSLRA now allows corporations
disclosure” of any “material facts” that             to make these statements with little fear of
might affect the company.64                          liability or reprisals, provided the company
                                                     includes a disclaimer in the form of a “safe
Rule S-K, Item 303, of the Securities Act of         harbor” statement. The company may assert
1933 requires the company—in the                     the “safe harbor” provision, by declaring
Management Discussion and Analysis                   that the statements are “forward-looking
section—to discuss hard financial data in            statements” and that many factors may alter
such a way as to enable the shareholder or           the outcome.
the public to come to an understanding of
the company’s business operations and                In response to the Enron fiasco, the U.S.
prospects.65 The narrative should focus on           Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
“material events and uncertainties known to          2002. On August 27, 2002, the SEC
management” that would change the                    implemented Section 302, which requires
outcome of the reported financial                    CEOs and CFOs to certify financial and
information.66    This    would      include         other information in their companies’
descriptions and amounts of “matters that            quarterly and annual reports.71 The
would have an impact on future operations,”          Sarbanes-Oxley Act instills a strict fiduciary

duty on board members to be accountable               that there is “a substantial likelihood that the
for what appears in the company’s annual              disclosure of the omitted fact would have
report. The 2002 Act also attempts to                 been viewed by the reasonable investor as
improve the accuracy and reliability of               having significantly altered the ‘total mix’ of
corporate disclosures by requiring the SEC            information available.” The Court further
to review company filings more often and              noted that a disclosure is material if “there is
companies to report any changes in financial          a substantial likelihood that a reasonable
condition and results of operations on a              shareholder would consider it important in
timelier basis.72 This Act also requires              deciding how to vote.”76 In a more recent
companies to “fairly present” their financial         decision, the Court reaffirmed the definition
conditions and results of operations and not          and extended it to encompass factual
just follow the letter of the law.73                  omissions as well.77

Materiality Triggers the Duty to Disclose             Similarly, the Financial Accounting
                                                      Standards Board (“FASB”), a private
Congress passed the Securities Act of 1933            organization responsible for codifying
and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 in            accounting and financial terms and
the wake of the 1929 stock market crash to            operating procedures, states that a disclosure
renew shareholder faith in capital markets,           or omission is material if it would probably
as well as to protect investors. The system is        change or influence “the judgment of a
based on a simple, straightforward concept:           reasonable person relying upon the report.”78
                                                      Most importantly, the SEC clarified in its
  “all investors, whether large institutions          Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 99 that
  or private individuals, should have access          qualitative information can be material and
  to certain basic facts about an investment          that “exclusive reliance on certain
  prior to buying it. To achieve this, the            quantitative     benchmarks      to     assess
  SEC requires public companies to                    materiality in preparing financial statements
  disclose meaningful financial and other             and performing audits of those financial
  information to the public, which provides           statements is inappropriate.”79
  a common pool of knowledge for all
  investors to use to judge for themselves if         In a July 2004 report on environmental
  a company's securities are a good                   disclosure, the United States Government
  investment. Only through the steady flow            Accountability Office (“GAO”), formerly
  of timely, comprehensive and accurate               the General Accounting Office, states that
  information can people make sound                   the SEC requires disclosure if the liability is
  investment decisions.”74                            “probable” and the amount is “reasonably
                                                      estimable.”80 If the liability is not at least
Congress also established the Securities and          probable or reasonably estimable, but is
Exchange Commission in 1934 to “enforce               “reasonably possible,” then it must be
the newly-passed securities laws, to promote          disclosed in the footnotes of the annual
stability in the markets, and most                    report.81 Reasonably possible is defined as
importantly, to protect investors.”75                 any outcome that has more than a remote
                                                      chance of happening.82
Companies have to disclose all “material”
facts to their shareholders. In 1976, the             The SEC clarifies that if the known trend,
Supreme Court defined materiality to mean             demand, commitment, event or uncertainty

is not reasonably likely to occur, no                According to the SEC itself, the weight
disclosure is required. However, if that             should tip more towards disclosure unless
determination    cannot      be     reached,         management can objectively determine that
management must proceed under the                    the reasonability of the facts or events will
assumption that the trends and events will           not come to fruition or will not have an
take place and full disclosure is required.83        effect on company operations.84


Publicly traded food companies have a duty              • Lawsuit liabilities associated with cross
to disclose facts associated with genetically           contamination and loss of consumer
engineered ingredients because the risks and            confidence;
liabilities   involved     with     genetically
engineered crops and ingredients are                    • Compliance with sudden regulatory
material to their business operations.                  changes, labeling laws, and other laws;
Testifying before Congress in 2004, William
H. Donaldson, Chairman of the SEC, stated               • Growing demand for stronger regulation
that a company should disclose whether it               of biopharming.
“faces public or government opposition,
boycotts, litigation, or similar circumstances         Known risks posed by genetically
that are reasonably likely to have a material          engineered foods are both qualitatively and
adverse impact on a company's financial                quantitatively material to shareholders and
condition or results of operations.”85 He              the public. Easily quantifiable financial
acknowledged that public or government                 impacts, such as lawsuits or boycotts, are
opposition to a company’s product is a                 obviously material to business operations.
material matter subject to disclosure.                 Less quantifiable, but no less important, are
                                                       qualitative issues, such as regulatory
Item 303 of SEC Regulation S-K of the                  compliance, insurance industry concerns,
Securities Act of 1933 is of particular                and shareholder demands.
importance to companies that face risks
posed by genetically engineered food. This             Consumer Rejection          of    Genetically
regulation requires that companies describe            Engineered Foods
trends and information known by the
company to have a material impact on                   Consumer concerns regarding genetically
business operations.86 The application of              engineered foods are increasing. A 2003
this rule could reasonably cover:                      Food Policy Institute report out of Rutgers
                                                       University found that the number of people
 • Consumer rejection of inventory,                    who felt that genetically engineered foods
 boycotts,    and     growing     consumer             would better their quality of life fell by 20
 preference for organic products;                      percent since a similar poll conducted in
                                                       2001. Two-thirds of those polled believe
 • International renunciation and loss of              that serious incidents involving genetically
 international market share, as well as costs          engineered foods are certain to happen. And
 associated     with      complying     with           almost half of the respondents felt that it was
 international rules and regulations.                  unsafe to eat genetically engineered foods.87
                                                       The Pew Initiative on Food and
 • Shareholder resolutions and divestment;             Biotechnology, in comparing a 2003 survey
                                                       to one conducted in 2001, found a similar
 • Loss of insurance coverage;                         split over safety concerns.88

                                                       Despite the prevalence of genetically
                                                       engineered foods on America’s supermarket

shelves, only 25 percent of respondents in              Even McDonald’s instructed its potato
the Rutgers study believe they have eaten               supplier not to grow genetically engineered
them.89 U.S. consumers remain in the dark               potatoes,98 and McCain Foods, which
about genetically engineered ingredients in             produces a third of the world’s French fries,
their foods because there are no labeling               also has agreed to stop using genetically
requirements. Industry has lobbied for the              engineered potatoes.99
prohibition of labeling, stating that “it would
unfairly stigmatize products already                    Meanwhile, the organic food industry,
determined to be safe.”90 FDA’s own                     which does not use genetically engineered
research, however, shows that a majority of             ingredients, continues to grow by a
consumers want foods labeled if they                    compounded 20 percent rate annually.100 In
contain genetically engineered ingredients.91           the United States alone, the organic snack
The same research also uncovered the fact               food sector grew by 29.6 percent in 2003.101
that consumers feel “outrage” when they                 Since there are no labeling laws for
discover the true extent to which genetically           genetically engineered foods, and organic
engineered ingredients are already in the               products cannot be produced with
food system.92 Researchers from twelve                  genetically engineered ingredients, buying
American universities joined together to                organic is the best way that consumers can
create a comprehensive study to reveal how              be assured that they are not purchasing
Americans feel about the labeling of                    unwanted genetically engineered foods.
genetically         engineered            foods.
Approximately 92 percent of respondents                 International Renunciation of Genetically
believe that genetically engineered foods               Engineered Crops
should be labeled. Other studies show
similarly strong numbers calling for                    The financial impact from international
labeling.93 In a recent Time magazine poll,             renunciation of genetically engineered foods
for example, 58 percent of those queried                has a quantifiable material impact on the
said they would not eat genetically                     business operations of the processed food
engineered products if they were correctly              industry. The European Union’s new
labeled as such.94                                      requirements for labeling and traceability of
                                                        genetically engineered ingredients became
Consumers have demonstrated their                       effective on April 18, 2004. John R. Cady,
rejection of genetically engineered crops in            President and CEO of the National Food
other ways. A 100-city protest against                  Processors Association, stated that these
Starbucks led the company to offer non-                 new requirements “establish a serious trade
genetically engineered products.95 Bowing               barrier that will keep many U.S. food
to consumer pressure, three major                       products out of the European market.
supermarket chains, Whole Foods, Wild                   European consumers will see such labels on
Oats, and Trader Joe’s, have pledged to ban             food products as ‘warning labels.’”102
genetically engineered ingredients from their           Already, official opinion polls show that 95
private-label products.96 Trader Joe’s                  percent of EU citizens want the right to
mission statement on genetically engineered             choose whether genetically engineered crops
organisms states: “we determined that, given            are imported or grown in the EU, and 70.9
a choice, our customers would prefer to eat             percent would ban genetically engineered
foods and beverages made without the use                foods entirely.103 To keep abreast of
of genetically engineered ingredients.”97               European consumer desires, international

food companies are making their products              South Korea and Japan, two of the largest
“GE-free.”                                            importers of U.S. corn, rejected shipments
                                                      of corn found to be contaminated with
Companies such as Kraft, Heinz, Danone,               StarLink. In both nations, StarLink is not
and Kellogg’s have had to create twin                 authorized for human consumption, and
production and distribution systems for               although the U.S. had guaranteed that the
different markets. These companies have               shipments were StarLink-free, it was proven
announced that they source their ingredients          otherwise.110 StarLink also was found in a
for the European market from non-GE                   variety of consumer products in Japan and
producers.104 PepsiCo alerts its customers            South Korea.111 In 2000, South Korea was
that ingredients used in its products are “not        forced to recall 14,528 kilograms of tortilla
derived from genetically modified sources             chips that were tainted with StarLink
and no GMOs are used in our soft drink                corn.112
manufacturing process or in those of our
ingredients suppliers in Europe.”105 The              South Korea and Japan also have blocked
rejection of genetically engineered products          other genetically engineered ingredients
extends to the supermarkets that are the              from their grocery store shelves and forced
distribution point for the processed food             recalls of contaminated products. In 2001,
industry. Major European grocery store                Calbee Foods of Japan recalled a variety of
chains, such as Marks & Spencer, Spar,                its snack products after traces of genetically
Tesco, Safeway, Carrefour, and Waitrose,              engineered and prohibited NewLeaf Plus
have removed genetically engineered                   potatoes were found. Proctor and Gamble
products from their shelves.106                       was forced to pull 800,000 canisters of its
                                                      Pringle potato chips from Japan after they
Countries around the world have banned the            were found to contain the same prohibited
import, production, and commercialization             genetically engineered potato.113
of genetically engineered foods on various
levels. Nations as diverse as Algeria, which          In 2002, Angola, Malawi, Zambia,
has an outright ban on genetically                    Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, and
engineered goods, and China, which banned             Swaziland were hit with a serious food
the commercial planting of transgenic rice,           shortage crisis. But Zimbabwe still rejected
wheat, corn, and soybeans, are denying                shipments of U.S. food aid since they
genetically engineered foods a foothold in            included genetically engineered crops, and
their country.107 In Russia, Valery Kechkin,          the neighboring nations followed suit. These
who serves on the Federation Council, said            nations feared that farmers would plant the
the Russian Parliament would not approve              genetically engineered grains rather than eat
purchases of genetically engineered food              them, introducing genetically engineered
“unless there was such a desperate need to            organisms in their already fragile
justify it.”108 Chile, according to a recent          agricultural systems. Eventually, most of the
report, is second only to Europe in its               countries decided to accept the food
rejection      of   genetically    engineered         shipments if the grains were milled, but
ingredients. The report relies on a study that        Zambia turned down the food in any form,
shows 75 percent of the Chilean public                purely on the basis that it was genetically
completely rejects genetically engineered             engineered.114

Shareholder Demands                                   concern of the insurance industry is that the
                                                      FDA does not guarantee the safety of
At a July 2003 symposium in Washington,               genetically engineered foods. Thomas
D.C. hosted by Senators Corzine, Nelson,              Greany, senior vice president at Marsh, a
and others, SEC Commissioner Goldschmid               risk-management firm, has stated, “When it
stated that emerging issues such as genetic           comes to a drug or medical device, what
engineering were material if shareholders             underwriters look to as most important is
demanded information on them.115 During               FDA oversight.”123 But without any
the    question    and    answer      period,         mandatory safety testing or effective
Commissioner Goldschmid replied to a                  regulation required by the FDA, the
question on materiality by stating that what          insurance industry is left hanging.
an investor considers material varies over
time. As an example, he stated that “current          As far back as 1998, Swiss Re, one of the
shareholder     proposals     on     genetic          leading re-insurance companies in the world,
engineering” are material. In addition, in            saw genetic engineering as potentially the
May 2001, the director of corporate finance           most     high-risk     bet    of   all new
at the SEC wrote a memo declaring that                technologies.124 Recently, the top five
shareholder divestment campaigns and                  insurers in the United Kingdom announced
consumer boycotts can be considered                   that they would not cover certain risks
“material” and thus subject to disclosure             associated with genetically engineered
under SEC rules.117                                   agriculture.125 Without insurance, or with
                                                      compromised insurance, the food industry
More than 30 food-related companies have              could be in serious financial danger.
been the subject of shareholder resolutions
since 1999.118 Filed by three-dozen separate          The finance industry also has renounced
investment groups, the resolutions called for         investment in genetically engineered foods.
the research, labeling, and phasing out of            The largest bank in Europe, Deutsche Bank,
genetically engineered ingredients.119 This is        wrote in a report that investors should
the    largest    social-issue   shareholder          completely divest from companies involved
resolution movement since apartheid-era               in genetically engineered organisms.126
South Africa.120 In 2003, shareholders filed          Other financial institutions have followed
resolutions against Archer Daniels Midland,           suit, including Credit Suisse First Boston,
ConAgra, Kellogg’s, Safeway, Wal-Mart,                which stated that the commercializing of
and others.121 Shareholder resolutions on             genetically engineered organisms has “lost
such a mass scale indicate that genetically           momentum.”127
engineered ingredients are material to the
shareholder.                                          Lawsuit Liability

Insurance     and     Financial     Industry          Item 103 of Rule S-K requires companies to
Concerns                                              disclose any “material legal proceeding,
                                                      other than ordinary routine litigation
According to Robert Hartwig, chief                    incidental to the business.”128 The
economist for the Insurance Information               instruction further narrows the requirement
Institute, genetically modified foods “are            to exclude disclosure if the “amount
among the riskiest of all possible insurance          involved, exclusive of interest and costs,
exposures that we have today.”122 A main

does not exceed 10 percent of the current             economic losses are very difficult to prove.
assets of the registrant.”129                         Aventis also proved that biotech companies
                                                      will compensate economic losses of
When the StarLink contamination and recall            customers, to a point, both voluntarily and
went public, consumers sued in class actions          through class-action settlements.”135 As
for perceived harms, as well as for a refund          demonstrated by the StarLink corn recall
of their money.130 These cases delved into            and ensuing litigations, processed food
the consumer effects of StarLink, while               companies face potential legal battles that
farmers pursued the economic impacts with             could number in the billions of dollars.
nuisance and tort claims.131
                                                      Regulatory Compliance
Lawsuits of all kinds can have a material
impact on the business operations of the              Studies have shown that corporations may
genetically engineered food industry. Public          experience financial loss and negative
nuisance “has a broad application, and it will        impacts to business operations for failing to
have a broad application in the future, when          prepare for regulatory changes.136 Calls for
public safety is at issue,” says Richard A.           tightened      regulation    of    genetically
Lewis, the lawyer who filed a class-action            engineered foods have increased worldwide,
lawsuit against Aventis CropScience on                even though the biotech industry has been
behalf of farmers who claimed that cross-             lobbying for looser restrictions. By not
contamination of StarLink corn lowered                preparing for and anticipating the inevitable
corn prices.132 In re StarLink Corn Products          regulatory changes, the food industry is
survived summary judgment when the judge              setting itself up for major financial losses,
likened the farmers’ private nuisance claims          similar to monetary losses experienced by
to that of a 1973 case in which commercial            other industries when environmental
fisherman and clammers in Maine sought                regulations were tightened. Kraft Foods
damages against an oil company for a spill            acknowledged in its 2001 Prospectus that
that endangered wildlife. Aventis settled out         “governments throughout the world are
of court for $110 million.133                         considering regulatory proposals relating to
                                                      genetically      modified     organisms     or
Other settlements from the StarLink corn              ingredients, food safety and market and
debacle include a $60 million payout to               environmental       regulation…”137     These
Taco Bell franchises by the manufacturers of          regulations stretch from city-led initiatives
the StarLink-tainted taco shells for loss of          to state and countrywide prohibitions.
sales due to consumer confusion over
whether Taco Bell restaurants were involved           On March 2, 2004, for example, Mendocino
in the contamination—which they were                  County in Northern California became the
not.134 Attorney Thomas P. Redick, chair of           first county in the nation to prohibit the
the Agricultural Management Committee of              growing and raising of genetically
the Environmental Section of the American             engineered plants or animals. At least seven
Bar Association, has said that “StarLink              other counties in California are considering
serves as confirmation that both personal             similar ballot measures in 2004.138
injuries and economic loss will be                    Legislatures in California, Colorado, Iowa,
compensated, even when the Centers for                Hawaii, New York, New Hampshire,
Disease Control ("CDC") says no one could             Vermont, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan,
prove to have been hurt, and even though              and Minnesota have introduced bills to label

or ban genetically engineered foods over the          districts are banding together to form a
last several years.139 All told, 288 bills            network in an attempt to be completely
relating to biotechnology have come before            “GE-free.”151
state legislators in the last three years
alone.140 Most recently, Vermont passed a             Some decision-makers within the U.S.
law requiring genetically engineered seeds            federal government have sought some form
to be labeled and registered.141 In addition,         of regulatory change. In 2001, the FDA
78 out of the 246 towns and cities in                 issued a proposed rule that would require the
Vermont       have    passed      non-binding         food industry to consult with the agency 120
resolutions banning genetically engineered            days before any genetically engineered
organisms.142 This grassroots groundswell             product was brought to market, although this
has been repeated in states as far away as            new rule never came to fruition. In addition,
Hawaii. Since 2003, Hawaii has been at the            the U.S. Congress has introduced at least six
epicenter of the most prolific legislative and        federal bills seeking to strengthen the federal
grassroots movements, as its island                   regulation of genetically engineered foods
ecosystem is the site of many genetically             and crops. Finally, in 2000, the U.S. signed
engineered crop field trials.143                      the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, an
                                                      international agreement centered on risk
Japan, which imports one-fifth of all U.S.            assessment, notification, labeling, and
food exports, has added even more                     information transference of genetically
restrictive labeling requirements to its              engineered organisms.152 Each of these
original 2001 laws.144 South Korea has had            steps, taken at the local, state, federal, and
restrictive labeling laws in place since 2001         international level to strengthen regulations,
as well.145 Other nations that require                has the ability to materially affect the food
labeling of genetically engineered foods              industry.
include China, Australia, New Zealand, and
the European Union.146                                Growing Demand for Regulation of
The European Union had a de facto
moratorium on new genetically engineered              Biopharming, the process of using plants to
crops and animals, starting in 1998.147               grow and ultimately extract industrial
However, the U.S., Canada, and Argentina              chemicals and pharmaceuticals, is the latest
have filed a World Trade Organization                 application of genetically engineered plant
(“WTO”) lawsuit against the EU, claiming              technology. Plants, including food crops like
the moratorium violates free trade                    corn and soybeans, are being used to
agreements.148 Since the claim was filed,             produce products such as growth hormones,
the EU has allowed new products to be sold            blood clotters, abortion-inducing chemicals,
within its borders, largely because of the            and vaccines. These products pose
new labeling and traceability framework that          potentially serious risks to human health and
went into effect in April 2004.149 The U.S.           the environment.153
continues to go forward with its claim
before the WTO anyway. Non-governmental               The U.S. Department of Agriculture
organizations have spearheaded initiatives in         (“USDA”) has approved the field testing and
24 separate European countries to ban                 planting of biopharm crops in more than 300
genetically engineered crops altogether.150           separate open-air fields across the
In addition, regional governments and                 country.154 Two major cases of known

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