Dutch Open Features Only 2021 - Cablewakeboard.net

Page created by Gregory Chen
Dutch Open Features Only 2021 - Cablewakeboard.net
Dutch Open Features Only 2021
                  Wet ’n Wild
                  Sportlaan 5
           2406LD Alphen aan den Rijn

            28 (29) August 2021

   3 Star International Competition

     part of CWWC World Ranking

             BULLETIN NUMBER 1

  International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation &
     Dutch Water ski and Wakeboard Federation
Dutch Open Features Only 2021 - Cablewakeboard.net
Organiser       Contact: Sean Taylor park manager Wet ’n Wild Wakeboardpark
                Email: Seaniboytaylor@gmail.com

                NWWB official for the event: Rob Pijpers Technical committee
                Email: rob.pijpers01@gmail.com
CWWC Ranking    International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation
                Contact: info@cablewakeboard.net
                Website: www.cablewakeboard.net
Location        Wet ’n Wild
                Sportlaan 5
                2406LD Alphen aan den Rijn
Transport       Nearest Airports: (all via Car)
                Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (1 hour drive)
                Evert van de Beekstraat 202
                1118 CP Schiphol The Netherlands

                Train Stations
                Alphen aan den Rijn
Rules           The competition will be run in accordance with the IWWF Cable
                Wakeboard World Rule Book.
                Points will be added on the list Wakeboard features only on


Cable Details   Height: 9 metre height
                Manufacturer: Altra
                Type: Full Cable 5 Tower
                Full Cable Direction: Anti Clockwise
                Normal Cable Running Speed: 30 km

Categories      All IWWF International Categories with a minimum of 3 Riders, any
                riders in categories with less than 3 riders will be merged into the
                next appropriate age category (ride up).
                With the exception of the OPEN DIVISION, as riders cannot be
                merged into other categories.
Dutch Open Features Only 2021 - Cablewakeboard.net
Entry & Costs   The closing date for Entries is 25-8-2021
                    €60 For Boys/Girls/Junior/Master/Veterans/Seated &
                    Open Categories

                If late entries are being accepted, the charge for Late Entry is €20,-
                per category

                You must have completed the organisers Entry form and paid for
                your entry to be included in the competition.
                Dutch Riders have to do it on the website of Wet ‘n Wild, and Riders
                from outside the Netherlands have to pay the entry fee to account
                number to NL56ABNA0571494064 to WetnWild
                 BIC/swift: ABNANL2A

                Entry on Cable Wakeboard.net must be completed in advance to
                allow the start list to be completed.

                 Important message:
                Covid-19 All participants are advised to book flights/trains Hotel or
                other accommodation/facilities, that offer a full cancelation/refund
                policy. NWWB and Watersportcentre Veendam will not be liable to
                provide refunds for travel/event cost etc in the event of event

                The event is planned for the 28/29 August, which if the NL roadmap
                is correct means that most of the covid restrictions will be removed,
                however we reserve the right to add in local restrictions on group
                sizes, social distancing etc as directed by local environmental
                health or other government ruling and site requirements.
                Both Wet “n Wild and Dutch waterski and wakeboard federation
                (NWWB) are committed to hosting a covid compliant event in the
                line with the restrictions in place at the time of the event.

                Passports must be shown on registration, as Nationalities and Ages
                must be checked.
                15:00 – 19:30 on 25 August 2021
You will not be allowed to start official practice until your
                  Registration is complete.

Accommodation Campings and Hotels:
              Although we did not make special arrangements there are two campings
              we would like to introduce1.:
              Polderflora - Camping & Chalets
              Adres: Rietveldsepad 4B, 2409 AA Alphen aan den Rijn
              Provincie: Zuid-Holland
              Telefoon: 06 14553893

                  NCC Clubterrein Oudshoorn
                  Adres: Westkanaalweg 18A, 2403 NA Alphen aan den Rijn
                  Provincie: Zuid-Holland
                  Telefoon: 0172 424 666

                  Van der Valk Avifauna
                  Adres: Hoorn 65, 2404 HG Alphen aan den Rijn
                  Telefoon: 0172 487 575
                  Chief Judge: not yet determent
OFFICIALS         Scorer: Rob Pijpers
PANEL             Judge: Sanne van Essen
                  Judge/Ride: Naomi Pijpers
                  Judge: Martijn Kreuning
                  Judge: not yet determent

Athletes Under    IWWF Cable Wakeboard Council & Officials follow the IWWF Safe
18yrs of age      Sport Policy.
                  All athletes under the age of 18yrs, must be accompanied at the site
                  by a guardian over the age of 18yrs.
                  This guardian will accept parental responsibility for the athlete for
                  the duration of the competition.
                  The IWWF and its officials DO NOT act in loco parentis for any child
                  at an event

This will be updated after the 25 August 2021 closing date once we know
how many competitors have entered, PLEASE CHECK THE UPDATED
TIMETABLES before travelling. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: If we have
more riders to do the event in one day then the lcq’s and (semi) finals will be
held on the 29th of august 2021

Detail                        Date                    Time
REGISTRATION                  27 august 2021          15:00-19:30hrs
Official Practice             27 august2021           15:00-20:00hrs
Qualification Rounds                                  09:00hrs
                      Girls   28 August 2021          09:00hrs-
                      Boys    28 August 2021
                 Veterans     28 August 2021
                  Masters     28 August 2021
           Juniors Ladies     28 August 2021
               Junior Men     28 August 2021
                   Seated     28 August 2021
           Open Women         28 August 2021
                Open Men      28 August 2021
LCQ Rounds                    28 or 29 August 2021
Finals (incl. Semis etc.)     28 or 29 August 2021
                      Girls   28 or 29 August 2021
                      Boys    28 or 29 August 2021
                 Veterans     28 or 29 August 2021
                  Masters     28 or 29 August 2021
           Juniors Ladies     28 or 29 August 2021
               Junior Men     28 or 29 August 2021
                   Seated     28 or 29 August 2021
              Open Ladies     28 or 29 August 2021
                Open Men      28 or 29 August 2021
Prize Giving                  28 or 29 August 2021    a.s.a.p. after final open
The Park Layout

Competition Format

This is a only features competition and it will start at the kickers and will end
after the rooftop
Obstacle List:
Kicker Left, Kicker Right, Two ledge Stair set left, Rooftop combination with
transfer kicker right, Step up rail with transfer kicker Right, Up rail Right, Pussy
Box left, Handrail right, Two level rail box left, Pool with 2 exit rails (down rail
and stap down rail), ollie Barrel

Note; layout can change at the latest 3 weeks before the start of the event

                                                     Declaration, Waiver and Release Form
                                                                               Page 1 of 1

Declaration, Waiver and Release Form
 For, and in consideration of, the International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation (the IWWF)
 accepting my application, and permitting me, to participate and compete in the International
 registered cable wakeboard event (the International event), I, the undersigned, for and on behalf of
 myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby irrevocably and unconditionally warrant,
 represent and undertake to the IWWF as follows:
 Any and all information provided and/or disclosed by, or on behalf of, myself to the IWWF (including
 any officers, employees and representatives thereof) for the purpose of considering and evaluating
 my application for participation and competition in the International event is true, correct and
 I have fully read and understood the rules and regulations of participation and competition in the
 International event (a copy of which has been made available to me) and I do hereby covenant with,
 and undertake to, the IWWF to at all times fully comply with, and abide by, the same;
 I am in good physical and mental health and I am physically capable of competing and
 participating, and fully competent to participate and compete, as a competitor in the International
 event and that I have not been certified and/or advised otherwise by any qualified medical
 I do hereby authorise any and all physicians, paramedics and other medical personnel and
 practitioners procured by, or on behalf of, the IWWF to administer first aid treatment or any medical
 treatment, surgery or transportation in the event of any illness, accident or injury suffered and/or
 sustained by me at any time during my participation and competition in the International event (or
 any part thereof) and hereby indemnify, and shall keep fully and effectively indemnified, the IWWF
 (including all officers, employees and representatives thereof) upon demand from and against any
 and all claims, liabilities, demands, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature incurred and/or suffered
 by the same (or any of them) and arising from, and/or in connection with, the procurement and
 administration of such medical treatment and transportation in relation to any such illness
 accident or injury suffered and/or sustained by me;
 I acknowledge, agree and confirm that participating and/or competing as a competitor in the
 International event (or any part thereof) involves inherent risks and dangers of accidents, personal
 and bodily injury and property loss or damage and that by signing and completing this Declaration,
 Waiver and Release Form, I fully understand and have considered and evaluated the nature, scope
 and extent of the risks involved, and voluntarily and freely choose to assume these risks;
 I hereby grant to the IWWF (including its lawful successors and assigns) the sole and exclusive right
 and licence, in perpetuity and throughout the world and without any compensation whatsoever to
 me, to use, reproduce, publish and/or exploit, my name, nickname, likeness, image, logos, get-
 ups, initials, voice, slogan and signatures developed from time to time, reputation, graphical
 representation, electronic, animated or computer generated representation and any other
representation (in any medium whatsoever), right of association, biographical information and other
indicia, and any other right or property in my performances, in any media whatsoever, for any
purposes whatsoever relating to, and/or in connection with, the IWWF and/or the International event
(or any part thereof) and I shall do all such things (including, without limitation, the execution of
appropriate legal documentation) as the IWWF may, from time to time, require to give legal and
binding effect to the aforementioned grant of rights;
I irrevocably acknowledge, agree and confirm that the IWWF reserves the right, at its sole and
absolute discretion, to disqualify me from participation and/or competition in the International event
(or any part thereof) if I am in breach of any of the warranties, representations and/or undertakings
set out in this Declaration, Waiver and Release Form and/or for any reason whatsoever the IWWF
considers just and proper, and in the event of any such disqualification, I shall not be entitled to any
compensation of any nature whatsoever from the IWWF.
I hereby release, hold harmless, protect, indemnify and forever discharge the IWWF (including
its officers, employees and representatives), the International event and all commercial partners
thereof, from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs and expenses of any
nature whatsoever, whether direct or consequential, suffered and/or incurred by the IWWF (including
its officers, employees and representatives), the International event and/or all commercial partners
thereof and arising from, and/or in connection with:
Any breach of any of the warranties, representations and/or undertakings given by me as set out
hereunder; and/or my participation and/or competition in the International event (or any part thereof).
I,                                                                                    (the
Competitor), do hereby declare that I
have read and fully understood the terms and conditions of this Declaration, Waiver and Release
Form and that I agree to be bound by the said terms and conditions of the above agreement with
the IWWF.

Signature                                                                  Date

                COUNCIL Contact: Varna Laco president@cablewakeboard.net
       fax: +385 51 621 211      GSM: +385 91 262 73 02            Istarska 63, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia

Declaration, Waiver and Release Form
Page 1 of 2

Declaration, Waiver and Release Form

For, and in consideration of, the International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation (the
IWWF) accepting my application, and permitting me, to participate and compete in the
International registered cable wakeboard event (the International event), I, the
undersigned, for and on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby
irrevocably and unconditionally warrant, represent and undertake to the IWWF as follows:

Any and all information provided and/or disclosed by, or on behalf of, myself to the IWWF
(including any officers, employees and representatives thereof) for the purpose of
considering and evaluating my application for participation and competition in the
International event is true, correct and accurate;

I have fully read and understood the rules and regulations of participation and competition
in the International event (a copy of which has been made available to me) and I do hereby
covenant with, and undertake to, the IWWF to at all times fully comply with, and abide by,
the same;
I am in good physical and mental health and I am physically capable of competing and
participating, and fully competent to participate and compete, as a competitor in the
International event and that I have not been certified and/or advised otherwise by any
qualified medical practitioner;

I do hereby authorise any and all physicians, paramedics and other medical personnel and
practitioners procured by, or on behalf of, the IWWF to administer first aid treatment or any
medical treatment, surgery or transportation in the event of any illness, accident or injury
suffered and/or sustained by me at any time during my participation and competition in the
International event (or any part thereof) and hereby indemnify, and shall keep fully and
effectively indemnified, the IWWF (including all officers, employees and representatives
thereof) upon demand from and against any and all claims, liabilities, demands, costs and
expenses of whatsoever nature incurred and/or suffered by the same (or any of them) and
arising from, and/or in connection with, the procurement and administration of such
medical treatment and transportation in relation to any such illness accident or injury
suffered and/or sustained by me;

I acknowledge, agree and confirm that participating and/or competing as a competitor in
the International event (or any part thereof) involves inherent risks and dangers of
accidents, personal and bodily injury and property loss or damage and that by signing and
completing this Declaration, Waiver and Release Form, I fully understand and have
considered and evaluated the nature, scope and extent of the risks involved, and voluntarily
and freely choose to assume these risks;
I hereby grant to the IWWF (including its lawful successors and assigns) the sole and
exclusive right and licence, in perpetuity and throughout the world and without any
compensation whatsoever to me, to use, reproduce, publish and/or exploit, my name,
nickname, likeness, image, logos, get-ups, initials, voice, slogan and signatures developed
from time to time, reputation, graphical representation, electronic, animated or
computer generated representation and any other representation (in any medium
whatsoever), right of association, biographical information and other indicia, and any other
right or property in my performances, in any media whatsoever, for any purposes
whatsoever relating to, and/or in connection with, the IWWF and/or the International event
(or any part thereof) and I shall do all such things (including, without limitation, the
execution of appropriate legal documentation) as the IWWF may, from time to time, require
to give legal and binding effect to the aforementioned grant of rights;

I irrevocably acknowledge, agree and confirm that the IWWF reserves the right, at its sole
and absolute discretion, to disqualify me from participation and/or competition in the
International event (or any part thereof) if I am in breach of any of the warranties,
representations and/or undertakings set out in this Declaration, Waiver and Release Form
and/or for any reason whatsoever the IWWF considers just and proper, and in the event of
any such disqualification, I shall not be entitled to any compensation of any nature
whatsoever from the IWWF.

I hereby release, hold harmless, protect, indemnify and forever discharge the IWWF
(including its officers, employees and representatives), the International event and all
commercial partners thereof, from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs
and expenses of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or consequential, suffered and/or
incurred by the IWWF (including its officers, employees and representatives), the
International event and/or all commercial partners thereof and arising from, and/or in
connection with:

Any breach of any of the warranties, representations and/or undertakings given by me as
set out hereunder; and/or my participation and/or competition in the International event
(or any part thereof).

I,                                                                          (the
Competitor), do hereby declare that I
have read and fully understood the terms and conditions of this Declaration, Waiver and
Release Form and that I have had the opportunity to discuss the same with my parent /
guardian and that I agree to be bound by the said terms and conditions of the above
agreement with the IWWF.

Signature                                                      Date

COUNCIL Contact: Varna Laco      president@cablewakeboard.net
fax: +385 51 621 211 GSM: +385 91 262 73 02      Istarska 63, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Declaration, Waiver and Release Form                             Page 2 of 2

Declaration of Parent / Guardian
(Applicable only if the Competitor is, on the date of signing the Declaration, Waiver and
Release Form, under the age of 18 years) I, the undersigned, am the parent / guardian* of
(the Competitor) and I do hereby irrevocably and unconditionally:
1      warrant, represent and undertake to the IWWF that I have read and fully understood
the terms and conditions of the Declaration, Waiver and Release Form and have discussed
with, and explained such terms and conditions to, the Competitor and I agree to, and will
cause the Competitor to fully abide by, and comply with, all of the terms and conditions of
the Declaration, Waiver and Release Form; and

2       covenant with, and undertake to, the IWWF not to take, nor permit to be taken, any
action(s) nor omit to do anything that would assist or cause the Competitor to invalidate,
renounce, negate, revoke or disclaim any part of the Declaration, Waiver and Release Form,

3      warrant, represent and undertake to the IWWF that by signing the Declaration,
Waiver and Release Form, neither the Competitor and/or myself is/are in breach of any
other arrangement(s) (whether contractual or otherwise) with any third party, and

4       agree to be liable for, and will indemnify the IWWF (including its officers,
employees and representatives), the International event and all commercial partners
thereof from and against, any and all claims, demands, liability, loss, damages, costs, and
expenses of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or consequential, suffered and/or
incurred by the IWWF, the International event and all commercial partners thereof, whether
direct or consequential, any arising from, and/or in connection with:

(a)  Any breach of any of the warranties, representations and/or undertakings given by
Competitor in the Declaration, Waiver and Release Form; and/or

(b)    The Competitor’s participation and/or competition in the International event (or any
part thereof).


Name of Parent / Guardian*: Date

Signed in the presence of:

Witness:                                          * Delete as appropriate
                                            IWWF – CABLE WAKEBOARD WORLD COUNCIL
Name:                                        WWW.CABLEWAKEBOARD.NET
* Delete as appropriate
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