DSM-5 and Proposed Changes to the Diagnosis of Autism

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DSM-5 and Proposed Changes to the Diagnosis of Autism

DSM-5 and Proposed Changes
to the Diagnosis of Autism
W. David Lohr, MD; and Peter Tanguay, MD

             hen the American Psychiat-               that, for the clinician, it should be easier to   meet criteria for SCD will meet eligibility
             ric Association releases the             diagnose ASD than trying to distinguish           for medical and educational services.6
             Diagnostic and Statistical               between high-functioning autism (HFA)                 Overall, the changes should result in
Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition             and Asperger’s disorder. In addition, the         more reliable and valid diagnoses, with
(DSM-5) next month, children currently                vague diagnosis of pervasive develop-             estimates of individual severity and as-
diagnosed with autism may lose access                 mental disorder not otherwise specified           sociated conditions. It will remain impor-
to services. Modifications to the proposed            (PDD-NOS) has been replaced, in part, by          tant for clinicians to take a thoughtful and
criteria have been suggested to address               social communication disorder (SCD) (see          complete history and combine information
concerns of sensitivity.                              Table 1, page 162).                               from multiple sources with clinical obser-
                                                          Questions have already been raised            vation to diagnose children with ASD with
IMPLICATIONS OF DSM-5                                 about the appearance of a new diagnosis,          improved specificity.
   The American Psychiatric Associa-                  SCD, that describes children with difficul-           For clinicians and families, the singular
tion’s stated goals for the changes to its di-        ties in the pragmatics of verbal and nonver-      question is whether the new criteria will
agnostic criteria for autism spectrum disor-          bal communication, leading to impaired            change access to treatment and/or educa-
der (ASD) in DSM-5 are to “accurately and             social function. This disorder excludes an        tional services. Studies have noted that indi-
completely identify” individuals with au-             autism diagnosis, and thus rules out the          viduals with a diagnosis of Asperger’s dis-
tism by production of reliable and valid di-          presence of restrictive, repetitive behaviors     order or PDD-NOS, those with higher IQ,
agnostic criteria1 in order to offer a clearer,       (RRBs);3 however, SCD seems to resem-             and female patients may be at most risk.4
simpler, more reliable diagnostic scheme              ble mild autism or PDD-NOS.4,5 Questions          This could impact whether children with
and recognize the “essential shared fea-              remain about how the criteria for SCD will        an established DSM-IV diagnosis of As-
tures of the autism spectrum.”2 This means            be implemented, and whether children who          perger’s disorder or PDD-NOS would need

  W. David Lohr, MD, is Assistant Professor of
Pediatrics, Division of Child & Adolescent Psy-
chiatry and Psychology; Associate in the De-
partment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences;
and Co-Clinical Director, University of Louisville
Autism Center, University of Louisville School
of Medicine. Peter Tanguay, MD, is the Spafford
Ackerly Endowed Professor of Child and Adoles-
cent Psychiatry (Emeritus) in the Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of
Louisville School of Medicine.
  Address correspondence to: W. David Lohr,
MD, University of Louisville Autism Center, 200
E. Chestnut Street, Louisville, KY 40202; fax: 502-
852-1055; email: wdlohr01@louisville.edu.
  Disclosure: The authors have no relevant fi-
                                                                                                                                                     © Shutterstock

nancial relationships to disclose.
  doi: 10.3928/00904481-20130326-12

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                                                                             TABLE 1.

                                     Comparison of Autism Criteria in DSM-IV and DSM-5
   DSM-IV                                                                                                             DSM-5
   A. (1) a. marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal aspects of social interaction                         A2
   A. (1) b. failure to develop appropriate peer relationships                                                        A3
   A. (1) c. lack of spontaneous sharing with other people                                                            A1
   A. (1) d. lack of social or emotional reciprocity                                                                  A1
   A. (2) a. delay or lack of spoken language                                                                         ?
   A. (2) b. impaired ability to initiate or sustain a conversation                                                   A1
   A. (2) c. stereotypical and repetitive language                                                                    B1
   A. (2) d. lack of make-believe or imitative play                                                                   A3
   A. (3) a. stereotypical and restricted patterns of interest                                                        B3
   A. (3) b. inflexible adherence to rituals or routines                                                              B2
   A. (3) c. stereotypical and repetitive motor movements                                                             B1
   A. (3) d. persistent preoccupations with parts of objects                                                          B3
   None                                                                                                               B4
   B. delays in at least one of three areas with onset prior to age 3 years of social interaction, language used as   A1 and A3 with onset in early childhood
   (1) social communication, (2) symbolic or (3) imaginative play, or (4) hyper-or hypo-reactivity to sensory input

re-evaluation per the DSM-5 criteria. The                  with a range of criteria (polythetic) could           Concerns about the DSM-IV and ASD
question then becomes whether insurance                    be applied during diagnosis, leading to a                 Questions about how the DSM-IV ad-
companies and educational systems contin-                  more heterogeneous diagnostic group10                 dresses ASD led to revisions in the DSM-
ue to accept these diagnoses for coverage.                 DSM-IV, published in 1994 (see Table 2,               5. First, the number of possible symptom
   Improved ability to identify a more ho-                 page 163), has continued the polythetic               combinations in the DSM-IV has been es-
mogenous group of ASD should help those                    approach.11 To meet the diagnostic crite-             timated to be 2,027, with inherent hetero-
researching the condition by improving                     ria, patients must meet a minimum of six              geneity of the diagnostic group.4 Concerns
the ability to detect etiologies, endophe-                 behavioral criteria subsets: two from social          exist also with its reliability and validity. In
notypes, genetic markers, and by strength-                 impairment; one from communication; and               a recent multisite study of 2,102 probands,
ening treatment and outcome data. Yet,                     one from RRBs. Also, the onset of the con-            the best-estimate clinical diagnoses were
questions remain about how the proposed                    dition must be prior to age 3 years.                  compared with those from standardized
changes will affect the compatibility of fu-                                                                     diagnostic instruments.12
ture research with prior research and how                  Introduction of Asperger’s Disorder                       Experts differed on how they inter-
the criteria will mesh with International                      The DSM-IV requires that for an As-               preted DSM-IV criteria, even though the
Classification of Diseases, eleventh revi-                 perger’s disorder diagnosis, the patient              reliability of the data from the standard-
sion (ICD-11) standards.7                                  meet a minimum of three criteria: two from            ized interviews was good. Patterns of
                                                           social impairment and one from RRB. As-               diagnosis were identifiable according to
HISTORY OF AUTISM IN THE DSM                               perger’s disorder differs from autism in that         regional sites, with factors such as ver-
    Although autism was first described by                 there can be no communication impairment              bal IQ and language level influencing the
Kanner in 1935,8 it was not considered a                   or delay in language, and no age of onset             process.
formal psychiatric diagnosis until the re-                 by 3 years. Also, there can be no delay in                Also, research has not identified mean-
lease of DSM-III in 1980.9 In this system,                 cognitive development or nonsocial adap-              ingful differences between DSM-IV-text
to be diagnosed with autism, individuals                   tive behavior. DSM-IV criteria for PDD-               revision (published in 2000) subtypes of
had to meet all diagnostic criteria (mono-                 NOS are for subthreshold presentations of             ASD controlled for IQ and language.13
thetic) and the categories described a con-                autistic symptoms featuring impairment                In particular, Asperger’s disorder is not
dition similar to classical autism.4,9                     in social or communicative functioning or             thought to be distinct from HFA with little
    In the 1987 DSM-III-R version, a subset                RRB (see Table 2, page 163).                          support of DSM-IV distinction.2,14,15

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Diagnostic Challenges of Asperger’s                                                                TABLE 2.
    Asperger’s disorder is difficult to di-                                           Diagnostic Criteria for
agnose using DSM-IV criteria because                                               Autistic Disorder from DSM-IV
accurately measuring language delays                A. A total of six (or more) items from (1), (2), and (3), with at least two from (1), and one each from
                                                    (2) and (3):
retrospectively is a challenge, as is clini-
                                                      (1) Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:
cally distinguishing these patients from
                                                        (a) marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze,
those with autism.2 In addition, As-
                                                    facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction;
perger’s disorder diagnoses have been
                                                         (b) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level;
shown to be unreliable between expert
                                                       (c) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other
clinicians.12 It is also important to note          people, (eg, by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people); and
children with autism who met language                    (d) lack of social or emotional reciprocity (note: in the description, it gives the following as
milestones before the age of 3 years may            examples: not actively participating in simple social play or games, preferring solitary activities,
have the same adult outcome as those                or involving others in activities only as tools or “mechanical” aids).
children with autism who did not.16                   (2) Qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of the following:
    The DSM-IV criteria also have been                  (a) delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an
faulted with how well they diagnose au-             attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime);
tism in children younger than 5 years,                  (b) in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or
adolescents, females, and ethnic minority           sustain a conversation with others;

groups.1 These concerns with the limita-                 (c) stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language;

tions of DSM-IV have been raised over the              (d) lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to
                                                    developmental level.
last 20 years by researchers in the area of
                                                      (3) Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities, as mani-
diagnosis and classification of autism spec-
                                                    fested by at least two of the following:
trum disorders and have prompted the de-
                                                        (a) encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of
velopment of the criteria found in DSM-5.           interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus;
                                                         (b) apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals;
CHANGES IN THE DSM-5                                   (c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (eg, hand or finger flapping or twisting, or
    In the DSM-5, autism, Asperger’s disor-         complex whole-body movements);
der, and PDD-NOS will be combined into                   (d) persistent preoccupation with parts of objects.
a single category of ASD6 and supplement-           B. Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age
ed with a dimensional aspect for assessing          3 years: (1) social interaction, (2) language as used in social communication, or (3) symbolic or
the level of dysfunction. This is important         imaginative play.
because social communication function               C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by Rett’s disorder or childhood disintegrative
appears to be distributed in a continuous
fashion across the general population.17,18         Source: American Psychiatric Association11

    In particular, the domains for social and
communication problems have been com-
bined into one set of deficits, labeled,“social   ent in the DSM-5, compared with six of 12               terests by history or direct observation is
communication and interactive problems.”          symptoms required by the DSM-IV (see                    thought to increase the stability of the diag-
The set of symptoms for restricted, repeti-       Table 3, page 164).                                     nosis of ASD over time. The criteria now
tive interests remains, but unusual sensory           The deficits in communication and                   include symptoms for abnormal sensory
behaviors have been added to their diag-          social behaviors were combined into one                 behaviors. This improves the relevance of
nostic set.                                       domain because the Autism Work Group                    the criteria to younger children with ASD,
    The DSM-5’s approach to social com-           of the DSM-5 Committee believed the two                 because sensory issues are common con-
munication symptoms is monothetic, re-            represent a similar impairment.5 Because                cerns in this population.
quiring that individuals meet all criteria        a delay in language is not believed to be                   The development of the DSM-5 has
from the social-communicative set; for            unique or universal in ASD, this criterion              been based on literature review, expert
RRB, the DSM-5 is polythetic, requiring           is eliminated altogether.                               consultations, work group discussions,
that two of four symptoms be present. In              The requirement for two symptom sets                and secondary analysis of data sets. As
all, five of seven symptoms must be pres-         for repetitive behaviors and fixated in-                noted, making the diagnosis should be

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easier for the pediatrician since the crite-                                                      TABLE 3.
ria are designed to promote more agree-
ment between clinicians.                               DSM-5 Proposed Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorders
                                                   A. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across contexts, not ac-
                                                   counted for by general developmental delays, and manifest by all three of the following:
                                                   1. Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity; ranging from abnormal social approach and failure of
                                                   normal back and forth conversation through reduced sharing of interests, emotions, and affect
    Several studies have been conducted            and response to total lack of initiation of social interaction.
to determine how DSM-5 changes will                2. Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction; ranging from
affect the ASD population. Mattila et al19         poorly integrated verbal and nonverbal communication, through abnormalities in eye contact
compared DSM-IV criteria with early draft          and body language, or deficits in understanding and use of nonverbal communication, to total
criteria for the DSM-5 in 82 individuals           lack of facial expression or gestures.
derived from an epidemiological sample             3. Deficits in developing and maintaining relationships, appropriate to developmental level (be-
of 5,484 8-year-olds. The DSM-5 group              yond those with caregivers); ranging from difficulties adjusting behavior to suit different social
                                                   contexts through difficulties in sharing imaginative play and in making friends to an apparent
was less sensitive for HFA (IQ > 70) and
                                                   absence of interest in people.
Asperger’s disorder, but the group was an
                                                   B. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities as manifested by at least two
earlier version later updated by the Neuro-        of the following:
developmental Disorders Workgroup. For             1. Stereotyped or repetitive speech, motor movements, or use of objects; (such as simple motor
patients with HFA, 73% were identified             stereotypies, echolalia, repetitive use of objects, or idiosyncratic phrases).
by the DSM-5 but none of 11 subjects with          2. Excessive adherence to routines, ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior, or exces-
Asperger’s disorder were identified using          sive resistance to change; (such as motoric rituals, insistence on same route or food, repetitive
the DSM-5 criteria.                                questioning or extreme distress at small changes).
    The study’s authors suggested five             3. Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus; (such as strong at-
                                                   tachment to or preoccupation with unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative
modifications to relax the DSM-5 criteria
and create a “mild” version of autism com-
                                                   4. Hyper-or hypo-reactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of environ-
pared with the “strict version” identified         ment; (such as apparent indifference to pain/heat/cold, adverse response to specific sounds or
by the DSM-5. After the authors modified           textures, excessive smelling or touching of objects, fascination with lights or spinning objects).
the DSM-5 criteria, 96% of overall subjects        C. Symptoms must be present in early childhood (but may not become fully manifest until social
were identified. No information is offered         demands exceed limited capacities)
on effects of specificity.19                       D. Symptoms together limit and impair everyday functioning.
    Supporting evidence was provided by
                                                   Source: American Psychiatric Association5
Mandy et al20 who reported that the DSM-
5 offered improved construct validity over
DSM-IV-TR by improving the criteria lan-         er’s disorder or those youth whose early life           disorder was only 25%. They concluded
guage and by the inclusion of hyper- and         symptoms are not easily obtained. Overall,              the new criteria could have detrimental
hyposensory abnormalities as part of the         the study’s superior specificity validated              clinical and research effect. Others have
symptoms cluster.                                the DSM-5.21                                            questioned the validity of their findings
    In a large analysis of siblings by Frazier       However, different conclusions were                 given the historical data and methods.1
et al21 from the Interactive Autism Net-         found by McPartland et al4 in a sample of                   Matson and colleagues22,23 have pub-
work, 8,911 siblings were found to have          933 subjects from a previous DSM-IV field               lished several studies comparing the DSM-
ASD; 5,863 did not. Compared with the            trial of which 657 were diagnosed with                  IV with the DSM-5 and conclude the pro-
DSM-IV TR, the proposed criteria show            ASD. This group was evaluated with pro-                 posed changes will lead to 30% to 45% of
greater specificity to reduce false-positive     posed DSM-5 criteria and sensitivity and                children, adolescents, and adults classified
diagnoses but slightly lower sensitivity so      specificity were measured. In this group,               with ASD per DSM-IV-TR to not meet cri-
more false-negative diagnoses may result,        60.6% of ASD cases meet revised DSM-                    teria for ASD with DSM-5.
especially with females.                         5 criteria for ASD with a specificity of                    The most recent study to date estimated
    Frazier et al21 proposed relaxing the        94.9%. Those with IQ > 70 and Asperger’s                how many children diagnosed with PDD
DSM-5 criteria by requiring one less symp-       disorder were less likely to be diagnosed               or non-PDD using the DSM-IV-TR will
tom criteria of SCI or RRB to increase sen-      according to the DSM-5. For example, the                no longer meet the necessary criteria for
sitivity by 11% to 12%. This may be very         sensitivity of the DSM-5 criteria to diag-              ASD under DSM-5. Using data from 4,453
pertinent for those diagnosed with Asperg-       nose ASD in DSM-IV cases of Asperger’s                  children with a clinical PDD diagnosis,

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                                                                                           TABLE 4.

                                      Studies Comparing Diagnosis of ASD in DSM-IV and DSM-5
   Study / year                  Number of Subjects          Type of Sample                 Instruments Used                   Results                            Limitations
   Mattila et al19 / 2011        82                          Screened epide-                ADI-R, ADOS, early DSM-            DSM-5 was less sensitive           Early DSM-5 criteria,
                                                             miological sample              5 criteria                         than DSM-IV for ASD,               prevalence for
                                                             diagnosed with DSM-                                               (0.46)                             PDD-NOS was not
                                                             IV criteria                                                                                          examined
   Mandy et al20 / 2012          708                         Consecutive referrals          3Di                                DSM-5 model was supe-              Higher functioning
                                                             to an autism spe-                                                 rior to DSM-IV                     sample, 3Di is a DSM-
                                                             cialty clinic                                                                                        IV derived tool
   Frazier et al21 / 2012        14,744 siblings             Family-selected                Mapped caregiver rated             DSM-5 had lower sensi-             Early DSM-5 criteria,
                                 (8,911 with autism)         internet registry              SRS and SCQ to DSM-5               tivity, (0.81 vs. 0.95) but        self-selected sample,
                                                                                            criteria                           greater specificity, (0.97         reliance on caregiver
                                                                                                                               vs. 0.86) than DSM-IV              reports only
   McPartland et al4 /           933 (657 diagnosed          Multicenter DSM-IV             Algorithm of items                 60.6% of cases with ASD            Included only 48
   2012                          with ASD)                   field trial database,          from DSM-IV mapped to              met DSM-5 criteria with            DSM-IV subjects with
                                                             with clear reliability         match DSM-5 criteria               a specificity of 94.9%             Asperger’s disorder,
                                                             data                                                                                                 modified a historical
                                                                                                                                                                  data set to new criteria
   Matson et al22,23 /           2,721 toddlers aged         EarlySteps partici-            Clinical judgment using            52.2% of toddlers were             Single author review
   2012                          17-36 months                pants                          diagnostic algorithms              diagnosed with ASD by              of evaluations based
                                                                                                                               DSM-5                              on DSM-IV
   Gibbs et al13 / 2012          132 youth                   Referred to tertiary           ADOS, ADI-R                        76.5% of participants              ADOS and ADI-R are
                                                             autism clinic for ini-                                            were diagnosed with                DSM-IV based tools
                                                             tial evaluation                                                   ASD by DSM-5
   Taheri and Perry33            131 children aged           Retrospective file             CARS, DSM-IV checklist             62.6% of total sample              No Asperger’s disor-
   / 2012                        2-12 years                  review                                                            met diagnosis of ASD by            der patients, DSM-5
                                                                                                                               DSM-5                              criteria were evalu-
                                                                                                                                                                  ated by checklist
   Huerta et al24 / 2012         5,143 subjects,             Data sets from fam-            ADI-R and ADOS                     DSM-5 identified 91%               More severe clinical
                                 4453 had PDD                ily genetics study,            matched to DSM-IV and              of children with PDD               sample, retrospective
                                                             university and autism          DSM-5 criteria. Included           diagnoses. Overall speci-          data analysis
                                                             center databases               parent report and/or               ficity was low, (0.53) but
                                                                                            direct observation                 improved over DSM-IV
  3Di = Developmental, Dimensional, and Diagnostic Interview; ADI-R = Autism Diagnostic Interview, ADOS = Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; ASD = autism spectrum disorder; CARS = Child-
  hood Autism Rating Scale; NOS = not otherwise specified; PDD = pervasive developmental disorder; Revised; SCQ = Social Communication Questionnaire; SRS = Social Responsiveness Scale.

and from 690 children with a non-PDD di-                          not meet the DSM-5 criteria did not dem-                            three to two,4,19,21,23,24 there have also been
agnosis, data from the Autism Diagnostic                          onstrate required impairments in social and                         proposals to change the number of RRB
Interview, Revised (ADI-R) and Autism                             communication functioning.24 To date, data                          criteria from two to one.13,23 Another the-
Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)                            from studies on the effectiveness of ASD                            ory is that relaxing the onset criteria may
was matched to the DSM-5 criteria. In this                        diagnostic criteria have been retrospective.                        improve the ability to detect early social
study, it was found that most children who                        The most stringent have used diagnostic in-                         interaction problems, thus improving sen-
received a diagnosis of one of the PDDs                           struments based on the DSM-IV; however,                             sitivity.19,25 These changes would likely
under the DSM-IV would receive the diag-                          the two studies with the largest sample size                        increase sensitivity while maintaining ac-
nosis of ASD under the DSM-5.23                                   show the highest levels of sensitivity for                          ceptable specificity.4,21
    The overall sensitivity of the two were                       DSM-5 (see Table 4).                                                    Work on the DSM-5 continues, and as
similar: the DSM-5 criteria identified 91%                                                                                            it nears publication more accurate esti-
of children with a clinical DSM-IV diagno-                        CALLS FOR MODIFICATION                                              mates of sensitivity and specificity will be
sis of PDD, with no change based on gen-                          OF DSM-5                                                            measured as criteria will be compared in
der or IQ. The specificity was improved in                            Modifications to the DSM-5 criteria                             vivo against DSM-IV criteria and the “gold
the DSM-5, especially when impairment in                          already have been suggested to address                              standard” of expert diagnosis. Community
social reciprocity and nonverbal behavior                         these concerns of sensitivity. In addition                          and clinical populations will be assayed
was required in both the parent report and                        to the proposals to reduce the criteria for                         to provide current measures of sensitivity
the clinical observation. Children who did                        social communication and interaction from                           and specificity.1

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                                                       Social Communication Disorder. 2012. Avail-              Gen Psychiatry. 2003;60(5):524-530.
cial communication problems, continued                 able at www.dsm5.org. Accessed March 6,            19.   Mattila ML, Kielinen M, Linna SL, et al. Au-
interest will explore the boundaries of nor-           2013.                                                    tism spectrum disorders according to DSM-
mal and abnormal social communication.              4. McPartland JC, Reichow B, Volkmar FR.                    IV-TR and comparison with DSM-5 draft
                                                       Sensitivity and specificity of proposed DSM-             criteria: an epidemiological study. J Am Acad
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                                                       5 diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum dis-           Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2011;50(6):583-
to have some continuous dimension within               order. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.               592.
a population.18 The field will need suitable           2012;51(4):368-383.                                20.   Mandy WP, Charman T, Skuse DH. Testing
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                                                       chiatry. 2011;168(11):1142-1144.                         autism spectrum disorder. J Am Acad Child
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CONCLUSION                                             new scientific evidence adequately supports              Horovitz M, Sipes M. DSM-IV vs DSM-5 di-
                                                       them. J Autism Dev Disord. 2012;42(9):2021-              agnostic criteria for toddlers with autism. Dev
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