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            Every Second Counts
         Vol. 31• Issue 1• Winter 2020

 Driving                                                                            INFLUENCING CONGRESS
                                                                                      BY GARY BILLER, PRESIDENT, NMA
   Vol. 31 Issue 1
                                                                With 2019 now behind us, it is              The House of Representatives
President’s Report....................................1
                                                             appropriate to review where the NMA         subsequently passed by voice vote
Washington Report...................................2        stands in Washington with critical          an amendment to the Department of
                                                             federal legislative activity:               Justice 2020 fiscal funding measure
Illinois Red-Light Camera Scandal............3                  The DETER Act: During the                barring the DOJ from seeking or
                                                             past year, we formalized the details        accepting funds gained through asset
Red-Light & Speed Camera Crimeline.......4
                                                             of the Driver Education Through             forfeiture. Debate on the bill will
Every Second Counts................................6
                                                             Enforcement Response Act. DETER             continue as part of the appropriations
                                                             is legislation designed to prohibit         process in early 2020.
Kathleen Colongne: In her own Words......9                   federal agencies–and the National              Complete Streets: The Fall
                                                             Highway Traffic Safety Administration       2019 issue of Driving Freedoms
Bill Tracker for 2020.................................9      in particular–from using ticket quotas      contained “An Appropriate Balance
                                                             to justify the funding of high-visibility   for Whom?”, an article that explores
NMA Survey Fuel Economy Standards....10
                                                             state traffic enforcement campaigns.        the goal of Complete Streets
Driving News .......................................... 11      To secure a sponsor for DETER,           programs to disrupt and minimize
                                                             NMA lobbyist Rob Talley conducted           personal automobile use. U.S. House
State Activist List ................................... 13   meetings with all members of the            Bill 3663, the Complete Streets
                                                             House Transportation & Infrastructure       Act of 2019, would require new
Member Website Log-in Information......13
                                                             (T&I) Committee majority staff. He          road expansion and improvement
                                                             paid close attention to committee           projects to prioritize public transit
              Editorial Staff                                members whose home states already           and pedestrian and bicycle mobility
Managing Editor....................... Shelia Dunn           have ticket quota bans in place.            over vehicular use during the design
Staff Writer.................................Gary Biller        Although we initially secured a          phase. If you don’t have the last
Editor-at-Large...........................Bill Jordan        commitment from a Texas member              issue of Driving Freedoms handy,
                                                             to sponsor the bill, changes in her         you can read the NMA editorial
                                                             staff shifted priorities. Currently, a      at https://www.motorists.org/blog/
                                                             member of the New York delegation,          an-appropriate-balance-for-whom-
                                                             who is also on the T&I Committee,           nma-e-newsletter-552/.
                                                             is a leading candidate to become the           With the introduction of HB 3663
                                                             primary sponsor of the anti-ticket-         last July, Complete Streets was added
 Empowering drivers since 1982, the National
 Motorists Association is a grassroots alliance of           quota legislation.                          to our list of legislative priorities.
 motorists joined together to protect our rights in the         Civil Asset Forfeiture: The NMA          The growing movement to restrict
 courts, on the streets, and in our vehicles. We fight
 for the driving freedoms of motorists. We lobby             continues to work with Congress to          automobile travel also spurred the
 for traffic regulations and enforcement actions             overhaul property asset forfeiture          NMA’s sponsorship of the inaugural
 based on safety considerations, not a line item on
 the income side of a city, county, or state budget.         practices that lack due process. In the     Vision Zero, Road Diets, and the
                                                             Spring, we supported the introduction       Future of Transportation conference
 Copyright © 2020 by the National Motorists                  of the Fifth Amendment Integrity            in Los Angeles. The October forum
 Association. All rights reserved.
                                                             Restoration (FAIR) Act of 2019. In          attracted several experts on mobility
 Driving Freedoms is the official publication
 of the National Motorists Association, Inc.                 an open letter to Congress and the          and transportation planning and has
 Driving Freedoms is published quarterly by
 the National Motorists Association, 402 W. 2nd
                                                             media, we argued that the government        helped us forge a national alliance to
 St., Waunakee, WI 53597. (608/849-6000) Email:              should be held to a higher constitu-        combat anti-driving, road-restriction
 nma@motorists.org Web site: www.motorists.
 org.    Annual membership in the National                   tional standard before seizing private      programs.
 Motorists Association includes a subscription to
 Driving Freedoms.                                           property.                                                      (continued on Page 3)

DF Winter 2020                                                                                                             www.motorists.org

                                 NMA WASHINGTON REPORT
                                             BY ROBERT TALLEY, NMA LOBBYIST

    In my hometown of Alexandria,       proposal ran nearly 3-2 against the      obstacles getting to their destina-
 Virginia, politicians, corpora-        move. Yet the city council acted         tions. And this is just a taste of
 tions, and special interest groups     anyway in a 4-3 split vote, and soon     what is to come if Congress and
 have conspired to implement            after, the transportation department     Washington regulators decide this is
 disastrous road changes based on       began the conversion on this signifi-    the model for us all.
 Vision Zero and Complete Street        cant transportation artery.                 The Senate Environment
 blueprints. These changes have           Why would Alexandria do this?          and Public Works Committee
 increased congestion and made         Various coalitions lobbied local          passed a five-year transportation
 life miserable for residents—         officials. These special interests        authorization bill, America’s
 and it is coming soon to your         included rideshare companies              Transportation Infrastructure Act
 hometown, thanks to the federal       (Uber and Lyft, for example) that         of 2019 (S. 2302). This act estab-
 government.                           are doing everything they can to          lishes funding priorities for our
    Like many communities,             get people out of their personal          roads, bridges, and highways for
 Alexandria residents have             cars. Other out-of-town business          the next five years.
 supported the Vision Zero and         interests, such as TransUrban, a             Buried deep in the bill is a
 Complete Streets programs             multinational toll road company           requirement that federal funds be
 because it looks good on paper.       which had just completed new              set aside for the implementation of
 After all, who can be against         highway toll lanes directly adjacent      Complete Streets standards or poli-
 safety and inclusivity? In            to Seminary Road, also weighed            cies at the state and municipal level
 pratice, though, it is complicated    in. And why not? Encouraging              without establishing any priorities.
 and riddled with unintended           drivers to use toll roads rather than     It reads: “To ensure the safe and
 consequences.                         congested surface streets increases       adequate accommodation of all
    The city’s transportation staff    income. The Washington Area               users of the transportation system,
 recently undertook a traffic          Bicycle Association also spon-            including pedestrians, bicyclists,
 analysis of a portion of Seminary     sored a petition that specifically        public transportation users, chil-
 Road, a four-lane residential         instructed signatories not to iden-       dren, older individuals, individuals
 street that averages 17,000 vehi-     tify their city and state of residence.   with disabilities, motorists, and
 cles a day. The city council then        Ostensibly, the road improve-          freight vehicles.”
 placed on its agenda a proposal       ments were about safety. Yet the             We all agree that safety and
 to change Seminary Road from          segment of Seminary that was              road-sharing are important goals.
 four-lanes to two-lanes with bike     ‘improved’ had zero deaths and            However, misguided proposals and
 lanes on each side and a center       no injuries or serious accidents in       mandates that undervalue the basic
 left-turn lane. (This is a typical    recent times, according to city data.     needs of drivers won’t achieve
 road diet configuration.)                Now the local community is             either. We need enlightened under-
    The bike lanes neither begin       outraged. Traffic is regularly            standing of safety, efficiency, and
 nor end at other bike lanes, a bike   backed up during all hours of             the consequences of change. We
 path, or any transit terminal.        the day—especially during drop            should consider that the primary
    Eleven city civic associations     off and pick up times at various          purpose of roads, the reason they
 wrote in opposition to the plan.      schools along the route. Bike lanes       exist at all, is to move people and
 City staff recommended against        to nowhere remain unused while            products in motorized vehicles.
 the move. The fire department and     motorists sit and stare at brake          Far less costly surfaces can meet
 the hospital, both located on the     lights. Accidents occur more regu-        the needs of the few that prefer
 street, expressed their concerns      larly now.                                non-motorized transportation or
 and opposition. Petitions on the         Emergency vehicles face new            recreation.d
www.motorists.org                                                                                 DF Winter 2020

Could Illinois follow the Lone Star State in Banning Red-Light Cameras?
   After Texas banned red-light
cameras (RLCs) in 2019, specu-
lation was ripe on which of the
23 remaining states with red-light
cameras would enact similar
prohibitions. Illinois may be the
likely contender after being struck
again by more camera related
corruption (see Crimeline Page 5,
2014--Redflex Bribery Scandal in
Chicago and Ohio). In 2019, state
legislators introduced three bipar-
tisan bills to ban RLCs.
   In October, the Illinois Policy
                                          In 2017, the Chicago Tribune re-          SafeSpeed but failed to notify their
Institute found that Chicago and
                                        vealed that SafeSpeed was a long-           employers. For example, Bill Helm
other local municipalities raked in
                                        time Sandoval political donor. The          was Chicago’s deputy aviation
over $1 billion on RLC tickets be-
                                        senator pressured the Illinois Depart-      commissioner and also a SafeSpeed
tween 2008 and 2018. During the
                                        ment of Transportation (IDOT) into          sales rep. He received commis-
11 years, the presence of cameras
                                        approving the installation of a SafeS-      sions from ticket camera revenue
outside of Chicago tripled.
                                        peed camera at an Oakbrook Terrace          collected in Matteson and Glen-
                                        intersection that had already been          dale Heights, Illinois. All Chicago
The Newest Corruption Scandal
                                        deemed sufficiently safe by IDOT.           employees are required to disclose
  In September 2019, the FBI
                                          Also included in the newspaper’s          dual employment to city hall and
and the IRS conducted raids that
                                        investigation: More than half of the        the Chicago Board of Ethics.
revealed state and local office-
                                        intersections approved for RLC per-           According to its website, SafeSpeed
holders had connections to camera
                                        mits were rated among the safest. By        currently maintains contracts with
vendor SafeSpeed LLC. After the
                                        late November 2019, Martin Sando-           over 30 Illinois municipalities.
raids, Chicago State Senator Mar-
                                        val resigned his seat in the Illinois         Even though none of the three
tin Sandoval resigned his chair-
                                        Senate.                                     bills to eliminate RLCs passed in
manship of the Senate Transporta-
                                          Several city and county employees         2019, many legislators and media
tion Committee.
                                        are also persons of interest in the         editorials are strongly opposed to
                                        federal probe. While working for the        both the cameras and the attendant
                                        government, several individuals also        corruption. We can hope Illinois
 Influencing Congress
 (continued from Page 1)
                                        served as sales representatives for         will follow in Texas’ footsteps.  d
  Looking forward: The NMA’s policymaking profile has risen through multiple meetings on Capitol Hill with legisla-
tors and select committee staff throughout 2019. This activity has led to joint messaging opportunities with like-minded
organizations, in particular the Institute for Justice and the ACLU. Rob Talley reports that congressional staffs are now
reaching out directly to the NMA, seeking legislative support and information on related transportation and civil liberties
  We will continue to strengthen these relationships while aggressively pursuing legislation to deter ticket-quota-based
enforcement, unconstitutional property seizures, and programs designed to force drivers to submit to vastly less-used
modes of transportation. How do we define “vastly less”? U.S. Census data show that over 85 percent of commuters drive
or carpool while less than 4 percent walk or ride bicycles.
  Undoubtedly, other important issues affecting the motoring public will surface in 2020, and the NMA is poised to take
them on in Washington and across the country.  d
  You may have noticed something different with this issue of Driving Freedoms: the logo on the front cover. Publishing
responsibility has been transferred from the NMA Foundation to the NMA, a natural progression for production of the
NMA member quarterly magazine. Same great content for you, just a change in publisher.

DF Winter 2020                                                                                        www.motorists.org

Red-Light Camera and Speed Camera CrimeLine
by Richard Diamond, publisher of TheNewspaper.com                                                         2017
Editor’s Note: This post first appeared on TheNewspaper.com website                        • Pennsylvania Auditor General
October 2, 2019. If you would like to learn more, check out the full crimeline at            issues report exposing corruption
http://thenewspaper.com/news/26/2649.asp.                                                    in the Philadelphia red-light
.                                                                                            camera program, including self-
Red-light cameras and speed cameras are usually presented as tools of law en-
                                                                                             dealing by the officials in charge of
forcement, but these devices, at times, are operated with a disregard for the law.
Below are highlights of the automated ticketing industry employees and public                the cameras.
officials who have been caught or accused of wrongdoing. This is an abridged               • Texas cops caught taking overtime
version of the timeline.                                                                     payments and free meals for
                                                                                             lobbying the legislature in favor of
                                                                                             photo enforcement.
                                                                                           • Virginia Department of
                                                                                             Transportation admonishes the
                                                                                             Insurance Institute for Highway
                                                                                             Safety (IIHS) for setting up photo
                                                                                             radar on Virginia highways in
                                                                                             violation of state law.

                                       2019                                                               2016
• Illinois red-light camera scandal expands. Senate Transportation Chair resigns. (see     • Smith County, TX Judge Joel
  page 3 for details)                                                                        Patrick Baker was arrested and
• Redflex Traffic Systems ordered to stop practicing engineering without a license in        later convicted for arranging a deal
  Colorado.                                                                                  with American Traffic Solutions
• Montgomery County, Maryland’s inspector general issues report questioning the              (ATS) to install speed cameras
  propriety of the deal county officials struck with convicted felons to turn school         during a meeting held in violation
  buses into automated ticketing platform.                                                   of the Texas Open Meetings Act.
• Florida Auditor General issues report documenting misuse of red-light camera ticket        Outcome: Texas Court of Appeals
  profit in Opa-Locka.                                                                       in 2017 said Smith County cannot
• American Traffic Solutions engineer Robert F. Rennebaum was fined $5000 by                 conceal the speed camera meeting
  the NC engineering board for “gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct” in             recordings and documents. Xerox
  attaching his seal to red-light camera work that he did not directly supervise.            sues Cleveland, OH for failing to
• Whistleblower exposes corruption in the Philadelphia red-light camera program,             pay $9 million in speed camera
  including rigged audits and contract bidding irregularities.                               fees after 78 percent of voters
• Washington, DC police Sergeant Mark Robinson is vindicated with a court decision           passed a measure outlawing the
  that concluded the city retaliated against him after he blew the whistle on corruption     devices in 2014.
  in the city’s speed camera program.                                                      • Arizona attorney general issues
• Maryland Office of Legislative Audits issues report documenting contract                   ruling that photo enforcement
  irregularities in the statewide freeway speed camera program.                              companies have been violating
                                                                                             a state law that requires them
                                                                                             to acquire private investigator
                                        2018                                                 licenses. Outcome: After shutting
• The Federal Bureau of Investigation exposed a massive corruption scandal                   down operations for two months,
  involving school bus stop arm cameras in Dallas. Six people were convicted on at           the companies acquire licenses.
  least one of the following charges: bribery, taking kickbacks, embezzlement, and         • Redflex forced to pay $3.5 million
  money laundering. Also, the Dallas Independent School District became insolvent            after being busted using illegal
  due to the scandal.                                                                        robocalls to collect on unpaid
• North Carolina engineering board accuses American Traffic Solutions of                     speed camera tickets in New
  misconduct for practicing engineering without a license.                                   Mexico.
                                                                                                           (continued on Page 5)

www.motorists.org                                                                                           DF Winter 2020
(continued from Page 4)

• Redflex bribery scandal in Chicago and Ohio--A Federal Bureau of Investigation
  into the practices of Redflex Traffic Systems revealed that the firm delivered
  bribes to politicians in Chicago, Illinois, and Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio. The
  company admitted its US operation lied to public officials, and the firm’s executive
  vice president admitted that bribes were also issued in other states, including
  Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New
  Mexico, Tennessee, Virginia and Washington. Former head of US operations, Karen
  Finley, was convicted on mail and wire fraud, bribery, and conspiracy. Three other
  Redflex employees were also convicted on bribery charges along with a Chicago
  transportation official.
• Inspector general for the city of Baltimore, Maryland charges mayor’s chief of staff
  with “inappropriate activity” to favor speed camera vendor Xerox.
• Former Redflex Executive Vice President Aaron M. Rosenberg admits he bribed
  officials in more than ten states in a process that was institutionalized at the company.

• American Traffic Solutions found using false threats in the citations the company
  issued to Texas residents.                                                                                  2011
• Richard Retting, author of the Insurance Institute studies claiming red-light cameras       • Missouri Families for Safer Roads
  have a safety benefit, is paid by a camera company to lobby California lawmakers.             exposed as a front group for
• Maryland’s Open Meetings Compliance Board found the city of Baltimore guilty of               American Traffic Solutions.
  violating state law when it held secret meetings of a speed camera advisory task force.     • Whatcom County, Washington
• Redflex chairman admits to bribery in two more cities besides Chicago, Illinois. Top          Superior Court judge fines
  Redflex executives are fired.                                                                 American Traffic Solutions for
• Hamilton County, OH sheriff confiscates illegally operating speed cameras following           using the courts to interfere with
  ruling by Judge Robert P. Ruehlman. Outcome: Optotraffic drops lawsuit against                the elections process. Outcome:
  sheriff.                                                                                      reversed on appeal.
• Redflex files a lawsuit against its own former executive vice president accusing him        • Author of the first and most
  of “dishonest and unethical acts.”                                                            prominent studies claiming a
• US Postal Service declares itself immune to speed camera tickets.                             benefit to red-light cameras is
• ATS settles with New Jersey motorists over illegal operation of red-light cameras.            listed as a “partner” with the photo
                                                                                                ticketing firm Brekford.
                                                                                              • Traffic Safety Coalition revealed

                                         2012                                                   to be a front group for Redflex run
                                                                                                by the highly connected Chicago,
• Secret audit in Baltimore, Maryland reveals 5.2 percent of speed camera ticket
                                                                                                Illinois public relations firm
  recipients were innocent.
                                                                                                Resolute Consulting. Company
• Redflex charges photo ticket recipients $670 in “travel expenses” if they asked to
                                                                                                officials have ties to current
  confront the witnesses against them in court under the Sixth Amendment.
                                                                                                Mayor Rahm Emanuel and former
• Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department officer David Cephas pleaded
                                                                                                Governor Rod Blagojevich, who
  guilty to falsifying speed camera calibration logs in 2008 and 2009, affecting 200
                                                                                                was imprisoned on corruption
  photo radar tickets.
• Atlanta, Georgia stops collecting on red-light camera tickets after being caught
                                                                                              • National Coalition for Safer Roads
  ignoring a state law requiring the use of certified mail for second ticket notices.
                                                                                                exposed as a front group for
• Greg Williams, assistant district attorney in Lafayette, Louisiana who served as an
                                                                                                American Traffic Solutions run by
  adjudicator for red-light camera cases, pleaded guilty to bribery charges.
                                                                                                lobbyist David Kelly.

DF Winter 2020                                                                                                 www.motorists.org

Every Second Counts
   Editor’s Note: Independent
traffic calming researcher Kathleen
Calongne’s presentation “Impact
of Delay caused by Traffic Calming
Projects on Emergency Response”
at the October 5th Keep LA Moving
Conference, inspired this article. Find
more about Kathleen on page 9 and to
find out more on the dangers of road
diets on arterial streets, check out the
Keep the US Moving website http://
   Imagine you are going about your
everyday business, and suddenly
your spouse collapses in front of you.
You call 9-1-1, follow the operator’s
instructions, and do your best to help        Emergency medical personnel need         Zero is fully intended to save lives
your significant other. Finally, the       to arrive quickly to help someone           from traffic accidents, but by adding
ambulance arrives, and the EMTs do         having an emergency health crisis;          in concrete barriers and flower pots
everything they can. Still, soon after     they also must return with all due haste    and everything else like that, you’re
their arrival, your partner of 30 years    to a hospital. Road diets and traffic       basically eliminating the ability for
succumbs to complications from             calming are the antitheses of making        emergency services to get around.
sudden cardiac arrest.                     every second count in an emergency.         Intersections are now gridlocked, and
   Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is             Of the three major emergency             our guys just can’t get around.”
an abrupt disruption of the heart          response services, fire and medical            Emergency responders working in
function, causing a lack of blood          services experience the longest             Vision Zero cities such as Los Angeles,
flow to vital organs. It strikes without   delays from speed humps, oversized          Santa Monica, Seattle, Oakland, and
warning and can kill a person within a     pedestrian islands, and lane restrictions   Boston concur that their response
matter of minutes. SCA is a real life-     and closures. (See sidebar on page 7        times have increased dramatically.
or-death emergency that strikes more       for specific issues affecting emergency     Ironically, traffic fatalities and injuries
than 356,000 out-of-hospital victims       response vehicles.)                         of vulnerable road users (bicyclists
annually in the United States. Nearly         One of the co-founders of Keep the       and pedestrians) have also increased in
90 percent of them are fatal, according    US Moving, independent journalist           these same communities.
to the American Heart Association. A       and lawyer Christopher LeGras, wrote           As stated on any city’s Vision Zero
reduction of one minute in emergency       recently in his All Aspect Report that      website, the goal is to eliminate all
response time can improve the odds         in the past year, road diets are having     traffic deaths, especially those of
of surviving a cardiac incident by 24      a devastating impact on emergency           vunerable road users. Vision Zero
percent according to one study.            response times.                             proponents seem to forget or don’t
   Later, you learn the ambulance was         Case-in-point: In September 2019,        care, though, about the even greater
delayed by several minutes because         the New York City firefighters union        risk to citizen survivability and safety
an en route arterial road narrowed         announced that they had enough.             when it comes to the delaying of
from four to two lanes as part of a        After four years of dealing with new        emergency response. This issue is
“road diet” program. Dedicated bike        traffic calming restrictions, union         one of the most powerful supporting
and bus lanes replaced the two closed      spokesman Bobby Eustace said the            arguments against the claims of
lanes. With sirens blaring, the driver     department response times had risen         programs like Vision Zero.
had to maneuver slowly through the         dramatically and that Mayor Bill de            On Los Angeles’ famed Venice
traffic as drivers struggled to get out    Blasio’s Vision Zero initiative was a
of the way. Precious time was lost.        significant cause. He added, “Vision                           (continued on Page 7)

www.motorists.org                                                                                          DF Winter 2020
COVER STORY                                                                                                             7
(continued from Page 6)
Boulevard (which now has a road diet
                                             Emergency Responders—
from four lanes to two with a protected      Between a Rock and Hard Place
bike lane on both sides of the street),         Based on data from the National Fire Protection Association Survey, US
Fire Station 62 response times have          fire departments responded to over a million fires in 2018. Here are some
increased by 26 seconds. In 2016, the        sobering statistics:
station’s pre-diet average response time        Of the 1,318,500 fires that year:
was 6 minutes 38 seconds. It has now            --499,000 were structure fires, and 78 percent of those were residential.
ramped up to 7 minutes 4 seconds.               --Number of civilian fire deaths: 3,655
Those 26 seconds are not trivial; they          --Number of civilian fire injuries: 15,200
cost lives.                                     --Property loss: $25.6 billion
   Writing for the Wall Street Journal in       Compared to automobiles, fire tracks have a longer wheelbase, stiffer
January 2019, LeGras told the story of       suspensions, and carry a great deal more equipment and weight. Pumper
the Khourys, who live five blocks from       trucks can also hold between 500 to 2,000 gallons of water. With that load
Station 62. One day, Renee Khoury            and heavy steel ladders that can telescope to 75 to 135 feet, these trucks
was in the house and heard her elderly       are top-heavy and have considerable difficulty maneuvering at any speed,
mother, Rebecca, scream in pain from         particularly when streets are purposely narrowed and congested because of
outside. She had fallen with a visible       road diet programs.
compound fracture in her left leg.              All large fire trucks have trouble quickly accelerating or deaccelerating
After calling 9-1-1, both women could        while driving on a streets with speed humps. There are several documented
hear the siren almost immediately, but       cases of firefighters injured because of manufactured road obstructions.
due to the lane restrictions on Venice          In 2018, US Emergency Medical Responses (ambulance, EMTs, and res-
Boulevard, it took EMTs ten minutes          cue) totaled 23,551,500 with 2,880,000 false alarms.
to travel those five blocks.                    Even though ambulances are not as heavy as fire trucks, drivers have
   Sometimes fire crews can’t even           unique problems when encountering traffic calming. Due to their boxy
deploy their equipment properly on a         shape, stiff suspensions, and high centers of gravity, ambulances can shift
road-dieted street. In the summer of         their delicate loads dramatically when navigating tight lanes at high speed.
2018, a Baltimore crew sent video to         While transporting patients to the hospital, this is especially problematic if
the city council showing the problems        EMTs continue emergency procedures en route.
they were having with a hook and
ladder truck. The video depicted a          D with more flexible language to suit    you disregard standards written by
street that was too narrow to anchor the    their purposes. The fire department      safety professionals to push a political
truck and too tight to reach the upper      said that limiting street clearance      agenda, more people will die because
floors of the tall apartment buildings      below code levels with bike lanes        of compromised emergency response
on either side with their ladders. The      poses a public safety threat.            times and collateral events.
protected bike lanes and reconfigured          Cities are not required to adopt        Cities large and small continue
parking thwarted their efforts. The         international fire code standards.       promoting and implementing traffic
response: The council decided to            Seattle and Philadelphia have created    restriction schemes despite knowing
change the city’s fire code after holding   city-specific street design manuals      and understanding the effects on
a second hearing on why the fire            without using IFC standards. Recently,   emergency vehicles. In one bit of good
department wasted time making such          Denver announced it will be rewriting    news, city dwellers are starting to
a video.                                    its street design manual to align more   realize that this is a problem of its own
   Baltimore previously adopted             closely with the ideals of Complete      making.
the International Fire Code (IFC).          Streets while asking for citizen           In February 2019, the northeastern
Appendix D of the Code requires 20          input. How many Denver residents         Oklahoma town of Tahlequah
feet of clearance for fire engines, and     understand fire code standards, let      (population 17,000) had nearly 3,000
26 feet of clearance for ladders and        alone appreciate the ramifications of    residents sign a petition within ten days
other equipment. Under the guise of         ignoring them?                           to get rid of a road diet on Downing
Complete Streets, which prioritizes            Ironically, Vision Zero and           Street, a primary corridor that connects
walking and bicycling over vehicular        Complete Streets proponents say
traffic, the council replaced Appendix      they want safer streets. Still, when                        (continued on Page 8)

DF Winter 2020                                                                                          www.motorists.org

 (continued from Page 7)                    every dollar.                                editorial in the Des Moines Register
the city to the hospital. At that month’s      Matthew Schneider, co-founder of          with this statement: “We all want safer
city council meeting, retired doctor        Keep the US Moving, became involved          streets. We all want better mobility
Pamela Stern testified, “Mistakes           in the problems of road diets because        and a healthier lifestyle, but this is not
happen, accidents happen, death             of their effect on his hometown of           the way. Using federal or state funds
happens, and it’s real and we can’t undo    Waverly, Iowa (population 10,100).           to force “diets” on roads that are
that. I have seen people and they need      Even a small Midwestern town, with a         already at capacity is not smart or safe.
a matter of seconds to be able to get an    70-member volunteer fire department,         Not recognizing and correcting these
airway established, for example. My big     is impacted. When a call comes, not          mistakes is immoral. We hope that Iowa
concern is the medical complications.”      only do the volunteers drive their own       lawmakers and the Iowa Department
   After an extremely tense two-hour        vehicles to the fire station, they then      of Transportation take note of this
meeting, Mayor Jason Nichols asked for      take department rigs to the emergency.       situation here in Waverly and what is
a roll-call vote to reverse the road diet      In 2018, the town’s main street,          happening nationally and do the right
measures that had been implemented.         Bremer Avenue, was trimmed from              thing.”
The vote was unanimous; everyone in         four lanes to two with bike lanes on            Neither the city nor the state DOT
the room cheered.                           either side. Bremer Avenue crosses the       took action, however, so Schneider
   When this happens, taxpayers foot the    Cedar River Bridge, which connects the       decided to run for public office and
bill for the reversal, as they did when     two parts of town. A resident wrote on       won a seat on the Waverly town council
the road diet was implemented.              Facebook about an emergency, “The            in November 2019. Matthew is not
   Another financial question to ponder:    city can deny it all they want, but I        only addressing the Waverly problem
When cities impose road restrictions        personally witnessed the effect the road     from his elected position, he is also
and add traffic calming obstacles, they     diet is having. Some emergency was           networking with and advising other
become exposed to negligent death           going on, and two volunteer firefighters     Complete Streets opponents who are
lawsuits. Guess who ultimately is on the    were stuck in traffic and could not get to   fighting their own road diet battles for
hook for those damages too?                 where they were going in short order.”                    d
                                                                                         safer streets.
   Every second matters, and so does           Schneider ended a February 2019

 www.motorists.org                                                                                           DF Winter 2020

Kathleen Calongne: In Her Own Words
   Like most things in people’s lives, my   report called Problems Associated with
involvement in motorist’s rights was part   Traffic Calming Devices. I came to be
effort and part luck.                       considered a recognized expert on the
   I just happened to live in one of the    subject.
more progressive college towns in the          The temperature continued to rise on
US, Boulder, Colorado, so it was no         both sides of the discussion in Boulder.
surprise that when traffic calming made     An organization opposing traffic
its way to the US from Europe, our city     calming formed under the name of
council was one of the first to sign on.    “Citizens Concerned about the NTMP”
   A plethora of calming devices            (Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation
were planned for my neighborhood            Projects). A member, engineer and
at taxpayers’ expense. This clumsy          scientist Ronald Bowman, accepted the
attempt to drive away traffic unwittingly   challenge to answer a question raised by    after became the organization’s assistant
created dangerous delays for emergency      a city council member — “Which risk is      director.
responders. Our fire department began       greater, the risk from speeding vehicles       When Mr. O’Toole was asked by
to speak out about their concerns. Their    or the risk to citizen survivability        the Independence Institute to come to
comments were downplayed if not             from delay to emergency response?”          Denver to work on transportation issues
ignored.                                    Bowman’s analysis included a shocking       in Colorado, he needed an assistant. As
   My 20-year, on-the-job training as a     conclusion: 85 people were likely to        I was living in Colorado (luck), I had
Pan Am flight attendant, heightened my      die from a one-minute delay citywide        the good fortune to conduct research for
awareness of the importance of rapid        before one life might be saved by traffic   that great organization under Randal for
response to emergency situations. I also    calming devices. (Deaths Expected from      more than a year.
had majored in English Lit in college       Delayed Emergency Response Due to              Since that time, I’d faded into
and enjoyed writing. Therefore, my first    Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation, 1997)      peaceful obscurity until road diets, or
op-ed appeared in Boulder’s independent     This was followed by a master’s thesis      the narrowing of streets, became the
weekly The Camera on the subject            by former Fire Chief and Emergency          new flavor of traffic calming in places
of traffic calming and its impact on        Services Training Director, Les Bunte,      like Los Angeles. Keep the US Moving
emergency response.                         at Texas A&M, who based his study on        found me and requested a presentation at
   There was almost no research             Bowman’s analysis and my report.            their first conference in Los Angeles this
about the impact of traffic calming            When transportation expert Randal        past October. I was happy to update my
on emergency rapid response at the          O’Toole called fire departments to find     research.
time, so I began voraciously collecting     someone to address the first American          It’s my hope that my story of activism
related articles from across the country.   Dream Coalition conference on the           inspires others to feel that pursuing an
Soon I was getting so many calls for        subject of traffic calming, he said the     issue as an activist can achieve real
information from Fire Departments and       only name anyone knew to offer was          results, and can open up opportunities
individuals, that in 2000 I compiled        mine. So, I spoke at the first yearly ADC   they might otherwise not have had. d
my research into a self-published           conference in Washington DC, and years

NMA’s Bill Tracker for 2020
  One year ago, the National Office launched the NMA Bill/Regulation Tracker. We have learned a great deal in the past year
working with the Bill Tracker.
  We encourage you to check it out at https://www.motorists.org/bill-regulation-tracker/, particularly with many states starting
new 2020 legislative sessions and introducing bills of importance for motorists. The Bill Tracker table can be sorted by any
column and filtered by state or by particular motorist issues. If you click on a row in the table, an information page will appear
for that particular bill. We also have a link marked in red on each individual page that goes straight to the content of the bill
along with all the details such as bill sponsors and the legislative timeline.
  If you hear of a motorist-related bill in your own state, please send us details at nma@motorists.org so that we can evaluate it
for the NMA Bill Tracker. Thank you for your support of motorists’ rights in your state!   d
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10 NMA Survey

NMA Survey on U.S. Fuel Economy Standards
   We posted an online survey in
November 2019 designed to better
understand member sentiment toward
government-imposed fuel economy
standards. In late 2018, federal agen-
cies suggested freezing the fleet average
for automakers at 37.0 miles per gallon,
the 2021 target, for the foreseeable
future rather than extending it to the
previous target of 54.5 mpg by the vehi-
cle model year 2025.
   A bit surprisingly, as the graph of
overall results illustrates, there wasn’t a
strong consensus on what the fuel econ-
omy standard should be going forward.
We have included a few representative
comments from survey takers here.
                                               but by incenting innovation and increasing it        I used to work for an OEM automak-
For a more detailed look at the survey
                                               at a realistic rate.                               er. The lead times to develop a vehicle
responses, please visit https://www.
                                                  ----------                                      are incredibly long. The automakers
                                                 The auto industry and market are in a            have already done the product planning
                                               period of transition to electrified vehicles.      and pre-production work for the 54.5
                                               But that will take time for the technology         mpg standard. Plus, Europe and China
   The Obama-era fuel-economy
                                               to develop, costs to come down, and the re-        require similar efficiency standards on
standards were a political gesture, and
                                               charging infrastructure to catch up. Current       a similar timeline, so the automakers
are obviously unattainable. Rather than
                                               requirements don’t take that into account          will need to produce similar vehicles for
preserve this fantasy-based aspirational
                                               and are so draconian that expensive electric       other markets anyway; they’d prefer
standard, fleet fuel economy should be
                                               vehicles would be forced onto the market.          to sell the same products and same
allowed to find its own level as dictated
                                               This will cause people to hold their older,        powertrains in all markets as much as
by fuel price, consumer choice, and the
                                               more polluting cars longer, hurt the domestic      possible. And, as I’m sure you’re aware,
price of technology.
                                               auto industry, and greatly inconvenience many      the fuel economy that we’re all familiar
                                               people. Let the market decide the rate of          with (on the “sticker”) is not the same
  CAFE standards are a “slippery slope”
                                               introduction of these technologies, not the        as the 54.5/37.0/27.0 mpg fleet fuel
argument. Either allow the free market
                                               heavy hand of government.                          economy that we’re talking about here;
to regulate vehicular fuel consumption,
                                                 ----------                                       the adjusted average MPG of the fleet
or if government mandates are to be
                                                  I believe that the 37 mpg is more realistic,    will be much lower than any of these
implemented, simply raise the federal
                                               but more importantly, I believe that Amer-         numbers.
gasoline tax. Improved fuel economy
                                               icans should have a better range of choice           ----------
will occur as a natural consequence.
                                               for their cars. Once again, the government           I see no reason for a CAFE (fuel
                                               is trying to force us into cars that many of       economy) standard to exist at all. Mod-
   Automakers should still be pressured
                                               us do not want. I also remember how bad            ern electronics and fuel controls have
to find creative ways to produce higher
                                               cars were when the first big CAFE jump             more than accomplished the purpose of
mileage vehicles, especially since US
                                               was implemented. Also, CAFE is a national          balancing fuel economy and emissions.
auto buyers are moving more and more
                                               issue. States, such as California, should not be   As a consumer, I am amazed at the
towards larger, less-efficient vehicles
                                               allowed to set different standards. That would     power and economy achieved in a com-
(trucks and SUV’s). This is NOT a safe-
                                               make cars even more expensive and less us-         mercially available automobile. CAFE
ty issue as you allude to, it is a realistic
                                               er-friendly. Consumers in rogue states would       accomplished its goal. Retire the CAFE
concern - we need higher MPG, not by
forcing automakers within a timeframe,
                                               suffer a greater injustice.                        standard completely. d

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STATE ROUNDUP                                                                                                                          11

                                                                                                 not want to be tracked by city cameras

                       DRIVING NEWS                                                              everywhere he drives. Miami-Dade County
                                                                                                 Circuit Court Judge Abby Cynamon
                                                                                                 rejected the city’s attempt to have the
This information is current at time of printing. Get daily driving news updates from
                                                                                                 lawsuit thrown out on the grounds that
across the country through the “NMA Driving News” area of our website www.mo-
                                                                                                 motorists should not expect privacy. The
torists.org/news/. For even more in-depth coverage of motorists’ issues from some of
                                                                                                 judge wrote in her finding, “This court finds
the country’s leading commentators, visit the NMA Blog at www.motorists.org/blog/.
                                                                                                 that there is a bona fide, actual, present
                                                                                                 and practical need for a declaration as to
Arizona                                          the negative consequences to traffic and        whether the collection of such informa-
   In a surprise move, the Phoenix City          motorists of eliminating the 85th percentile    tion violates the plaintiff’s privacy rights.”
Council voted not to renew the current           rule.                                           Considered the state’s leader in ALPR use,
red-light camera contract, set to expire at                                                      Coral Gables took over 30 million license
the end of 2019. The city operated red-light     Delaware                                        plate photos in 2018.
cameras at 12 of 1,100 signalized intersec-         Superior Court Judge Abigail LeGrow
tions. The program generated more than $7        denied the appeal of motorist Stanley           Georgia
million in fines from September 2009 to          Lowicki’s May 2017 $172 red-light camera          Update: In Mobley v. the State (see
September 2018.                                  ticket. The ticket fine was $75, with nearly    the cover story of the Fall 2019 issue of
                                                 $100 added in additional fees, but the          Driving Freedoms) the Georgia Supreme
California                                       surcharges were just under the minimum          Court upheld a motorist’s right to black box
   Governor Gavin Newsom uncharac-               amount that could be appealed. The judge        privacy. Police must now obtain a search
teristically vetoed a Complete Streets Bill      agreed with a lower court ruling that main-     warrant before downloading data from any
in October. He had stated before that he         tained the fees tacked onto the fine did not    vehicle’s black box (electronic data recorder
supports building more walking and biking        constitute a “civil penalty” under state law.   or EDR).
infrastructure, but claimed this bill created
an approach that would be too prescriptive       District of Columbia                            Kentucky
and costly. Several weeks later, though,            The city council denied Mayor Muriel             Jefferson District Court Judge Julie
Newsom signed an executive order that            Bowser’s request several times to move 20       Kaelin ruled in September that three
gutted road funding set by SB1—a highly          city employees who oversee the automated        sections of state law that govern speeding
controversial 2017 law that increased the        traffic program from the police depart-         are vague and unconstitutional. In October
state’s gas tax to 47.3 cents per gallon,        ment to the DOT. By executive order, she        2018, motorist Kevin Curry received a
the highest in the country. He directed the      did it anyway to support her Vision Zero        speeding ticket on Interstate 71 for going
Department of Transportation to leverage         strategy and to exert more control over         26 miles per hour over the limit (93 in a 55
the more than $5 billion collected annually      the ATE program. Critics slammed the            zone). He decided to fight his ticket. Curry
from the tax to help reverse the trend of fuel   mayor’s actions, and said that she plans to     hired an attorney who argued that the state’s
consumption, and reduce greenhouse gas           increase the number of cameras because          speeding laws are convoluted and unclear.
emissions. Many local governments and            her real mission is to generate more money      The most significant issue noted: State law
voters expressed outrage by the bait and         for the city. The city already runs 171         does not reference speed limit signs in any
switch on SB1.                                   automated traffic cameras: 107 speed, 48        way. Judge Kaelin noted, “Again, this is
                                                 red-light cameras, and eight truck size         a challenge to the face of the statute, and
  Anti-car adversaries are already gearing       and weight limit cameras. Last year, DC         it simply does not matter that speed limit
up for the Zero Fatalities Task Force Report     made $324,531,271 from 2.7 million speed        signs could be or should be enough because
due to state lawmakers in January. Basing        camera tickets.                                 the statute does not refer a motorist to such
the speed limit on criteria other than the                                                       signs.” Police across the state continue
85th percentile will likely be part of the       Florida                                         to enforce speeding as before. Jefferson
report. Walk San Francisco has already             An automated license plate reader             County Attorney Mike O’Connell plans
urged supporters to ask lawmakers to             (ALPR) lawsuit against the City of Coral        to appeal the case, and the challenge will
support local governance of speed limits. In     Gables will move forward. Working with          likely head to the state’s Supreme Court.
October, Jay Beeber and Gary Biller spent        the New Civil Liberties Alliance, motorist
several days meeting with legislators about      Raul Mas Canosa is suing because he does                              (Continued on Page 12)

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(Continued from Page 11)                             Missouri                                        an interlock device in his or her car. Before
Massachusetts                                           St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson recently        Senate Bill 712, the DUI process was long
   When the House passed a law that would            hatched up a scheme to bring back auto-         and drawn out. It started with a hearing at the
ban flavored e-cigarettes, lawmakers author-         mated traffic enforcement cameras. She          Department of Public Safety (not a court),
ized the civil asset forfeiture of cars driven       said St. Louis needs them to help improve       which made every person arrested for a DUI
by vapers caught with “untaxed and illegal           compliance by motorists because the city        put an interlock device in their car before a
products.” State law already allows CAF              has a chronic shortage of police officers.      conviction.
of anyone who has untaxed cigarettes and             Red-light cameras (RLCs) are still in place
tobacco products inside their vehicle. The           at various intersections, and now speed         Texas
Senate quickly stripped vehicle forfeiture           cameras would be part of the mix, too.             Austin’s city auditor released a report
from the vaping bill. Senate Minority Leader         The State Supreme Court ruled in 2015           noting there is a remote possibility that the
Bruce Tarr then questioned why lawmakers             that cameras needed to take photos of           city will be able to achieve its stated Vision
would create a double standard between               drivers, not just license plates. This ruling   Zero goal of eliminating all traffic deaths
cigarettes and vaping products. A special            shut down most state camera programs            and severe injuries by 2025. The audit also
commission is currently examining the                including that of St. Louis. Former St.         raised questions about whether the funding
state’s civil asset forfeiture laws.                 Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch, who        from a 2016 bond spent on Vision Zero has
                                                     fought against RLCs beginning in 2011,          been effective. In the review of crash data,
Michigan                                             said he is still against the revenue genera-    the auditor examined how dangerous the
   State lawmakers have been grappling               tors. Within a week of the announcement,        28 intersections were before VZ program
with how to pay for roads. Earlier this year,        now Councilman Fitch introduced a bill          implementation: “Our review of docu-
a controversial plan by Governor Gretchen            to ban RLCs throughout St. Louis County.        mentation related to improvements at these
Whitmer to enact a 45-cents-per-gallon fuel          The bill requires county voters to decide       intersections indicated there were few fatal
tax hike was defeated. Now, legislators have         the issue at the 2020 ballot box.               or serious injury crashes between 2012
posted Senate bill 517 to study the possi-                                                           and 2016.” As of late September 2019, the
bility of assessing road tolls. Earlier this year,   New York                                        number of traffic fatalities on Austin streets
MDOT said it needs at least $1.5 billion                The New York City Council passed the         was up 20 percent from last year with VZ
more to improve the condition of state               Streets Master Plan, which was quickly          measures in place.
highways. Senate Majority Leader Mike                approved by Mayor Bill de Blasio. The
Shirkey posted his own proposal of getting           plan was spearheaded by mayoral candi-          Washington State
rid of some roads, saying, “We’ve got too            date and current Council Speaker Corey             In the November 2019 elections, state
many roads…we have way more roads per                Johnson, who has declared he wants to           voters passed a measure limiting vehicle
capita than most states do.” He added that           break the city’s car culture. The NYC DOT       surcharges on car tags to $30. Property taxes
roads would not necessarily have to close,           will begin implementation in December           will now be assessed on the vehicle’s value,
but maybe “some roads should go back to              2021—one month before de Blasio leaves          as indicated by the Kelley Blue Book, not an
gravel.”                                             office. The legislation requires the city to    inflated valuation imposed by state officials.
                                                     build 250 miles of protected bike lanes and     Initiative 976 also eliminated the ability of
Minnesota                                            150 miles of dedicated bus lanes over five      Sound Transit – the regional transit authority
   The state DOT has been raising speed              years. Soon after the plan was approved,        – to impose taxes on drivers. Washington
limits on many highways after conducting             two council members introduced legisla-         has been taking in $700 million per year
traffic studies over the past year. Now,             tion to create two new city agencies: Office    from motorists, with most of the funds
Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Rochester want            of Active Transportation and Office of          going to transit projects in the Puget Sound
to lower inner-city speed limits from a              Pedestrians.                                    area. Tim Eyman, who is now running for
default of 30 to either 20 or 25 mph. The                                                            governor, led the effort to pass I-976. He said
legislature recently gave cities the power to        Oklahoma                                        after the win, “If Seattle wants a massive
change speed limits for residential streets             Drivers arrested for a DUI now have          multi-billion dollar boondoggle, don’t force
that primarily serve neighborhoods. Avenues          two options: go directly to District Court to   the rest of us to pay for it.” The state’s
that are throughways or connect directly             fight the case or join the “Impaired Driver     various municipalities and transit agencies
to busier streets would not be allowed to            Accountability Program” within 30 days          expect the measure to be challenged in the
change.                                              of arrest. The Accountability Program now       courts. Meanwhile, they are scrambling to
                                                     allows a motorist to “voluntarily” put an                                       d
                                                                                                     adjust to the new fiscal reality.

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