Drive Growth with Scalable, Industry-Specific SAP Business All-in-One Solutions - SAP Solution in Detail SAP Solutions for Small Businesses and ...

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Drive Growth with Scalable, Industry-Specific SAP Business All-in-One Solutions - SAP Solution in Detail SAP Solutions for Small Businesses and ...
SAP Solution in Detail
SAP Solutions for Small Businesses and Midsize Companies
SAP Business All-in-One

Drive Growth with Scalable, Industry-Specific
SAP® Business All-in-One Solutions
Drive Growth with Scalable, Industry-Specific SAP Business All-in-One Solutions - SAP Solution in Detail SAP Solutions for Small Businesses and ...
Drive Growth with Scalable, Industry-Specific SAP Business All-in-One Solutions - SAP Solution in Detail SAP Solutions for Small Businesses and ...
Table of Contents
                4   Quick Facts                        9    One Integrated Solution
                                                            Supporting All Your Key
                5   The Challenge: Scaling Business
                    Software to Support Growth              Enterprise Resource Planning
                    The Wrong Business System Can           Customer Relationship
                    Hold You Back                           Management
                    Powerful SAP Business All-in-One        Supplier Relationship Management
                    Solutions from Our Partners             Business Intelligence
                                                            Best Practices
                7   Drive Growth with SAP Business
                                                            Technology Platform
                    All-in-One Solutions
                    Manage Sales, Products, and
                    Services                           13   Get Moving Quickly with
                                                            a Fast-Start Program
                    Build and Maintain Operational
                    Optimize Financial Management
                                                       14   Industry-Specific Functionality
                                                            to Meet Your Requirements
                    and Performance
                                                            To Learn More
                    Unify and Simplify
                    Drive Adoption and Improve
                    Make a Cost-Effective, Long-Term
Quick Facts
Summary                                       Business Challenges                             Business Benefits
SAP® Business All-in-One solutions are        •• Keep pace with quickly changing mar-         •• Enhanced agility to respond more
the most powerful, industry-specific             ket conditions and customer demands             quickly to changing market conditions
enterprise resource planning solutions        •• Streamline business operations                  and customer demands
available to midsize or quickly growing       •• Comply with financial reporting              •• Greater efficiency and effectiveness
small companies. They give you an inte-          requirements                                    thanks to streamlined business pro-
grated view of your business and easily       •• Broaden and deepen your insight into            cesses, automated tasks, and fewer
scale and adapt to meet changing needs.          business operations                             errors
The solutions help drive business growth,                                                     •• Improved financial management due
build and maintain operational excel-         Key Features                                       to more accurate financial reporting,
lence, and optimize financial perfor-         •• Powerful enterprise resource plan-              better record maintenance, and deeper
mance. The software provides in-depth            ning functionality – Manage finan-              insight into organizational performance
functionality for running the entire busi-       cials, sales, service, procurement, logis-   •• Increased visibility from integrated
ness efficiently and is designed to be af-       tics execution, product development,            analytics that help uncover business
fordable, with a predictable time to value.      manufacturing, human capital manage-            risks and opportunities
                                                 ment, corporate services, and business
                                                 analytics                                    For More Information
                                              •• Industry-specific functionality –            Visit to
                                                 Solve business challenges with a solu-       learn more about SAP Business All-in-
                                                 tion tailored to your industry               One solutions and find an SAP partner
                                              •• SAP NetWeaver® technology plat-              near you.
                                                 form – Quickly and cost-effectively add
                                                 on to your existing solution as your
                                                 business grows and needs change
                                              •• Best practices – Leverage proven
                                                 methods for implementing best prac-
                                                 tices in key functional areas and
                                              •• Scalability – Start with what you need
                                                 now, adapt and scale your solution as
                                                 your needs change, and add in-depth
                                                 customer relationship management,
                                                 supplier relationship management, or
                                                 business intelligence functionality at
                                                 any time
The Challenge: Scaling Business
Software to Support Growth
To support growth, you need a unified business management
solution with the flexibility to adapt as requirements change.
An SAP® Business All-in-One solution helps drive growth, build
operational excellence, and optimize financial performance so
you can outperform the competition. With built-in support for
best practices, these industry-specific enterprise resource plan-
ning solutions are designed for midsize companies and quickly
growing small businesses seeking to integrate processes

The Wrong Business System Can                       Disjointed, nonintegrated systems can         processes. Adopting new, comprehensive
Hold You Back                                     also make it difficult to get full visibility   technology that underlies the entire orga-
                                                  into business operations. Perhaps most          nization and integrates the needs of sales,
As midsize companies grow, many find it           important, it is difficult to achieve a         finance, accounting, human resources,
difficult to retain the very characteristics      unified company mission when each op-           and logistics is critical to providing scal-
that first led to success – speed, flexibility,   eration or geographical location is using       ability and delivering value that stands the
and strong customer relationships. Grow-          independent or poorly coordinated legacy        test of time. And for any IT strategy, flexi-
ing companies are often hampered by               systems. Such systems provide little con-       bility is important. Your organization must
business software systems that simply             solidated visibility or sharing of business     be able to adapt to business-driven
cannot keep up. Unsophisticated systems           processes, which by their very nature           changes such as geographical growth,
can lack the capacity to support daily            must transcend individual operations.           reorganizations, and business-model
tasks and are often poorly integrated,              Faced with this common set of chal-           evolution and still serve internal and
making them time consuming and expen-             lenges, quickly growing companies like          external customers quickly.
sive to maintain. An ineffective technology       yours need a single, integrated business
infrastructure can be a serious impedi-           management solution as part of their IT         Powerful SAP Business
ment to remaining competitive and agile.          strategy. As your business strategy be-         All-in-One Solutions from
Responsiveness and timely decision mak-           comes more clearly defined and aligned          Our Partners
ing can be hurt by systems that cannot            with a core competence around a specific
scale to handle the increased number of           industry or set of subindustries, industry-     SAP Business All-in-One solutions are
transactions generated by a growing               specific requirements emerge. You must          the most powerful, industry-specific ERP
customer base. Communications with                be able to link business processes and the      solutions available to midsize companies
geographically dispersed suppliers and            various departments inside the enterprise       or quickly growing small businesses. The
partners can become more complex.                 that play an interdependent role in those       solutions support core business process-
                                                                                                  es in a range of industries. These process-
                                                                                                  es include financials, sales and service,
                                                                                                  procurement and logistics execution,
                                                                                                  product development and manufacturing,
                                                                                                  human capital management, corporate
                                  Disjointed, nonintegrated systems                               services, and business analytics.
                                  can make it difficult to get full                                 Built on the proven SAP ERP application
                                                                                                  and the flexible SAP NetWeaver® technol-
                                  visibility into business operations.                            ogy platform trusted by the largest enter-
                                                                                                  prises, SAP Business All-in-One solutions

SAP Solution in Detail – Drive Growth with Scalable, Industry-Specific SAP Business All-in-One Solutions                                     5
An SAP Business All-in-One solution helps drive growth,
build operational excellence, and optimize financial
performance so you can outperform the competition.

are optimized for midsize or quickly grow-    solutions equip you with the methods of
ing small companies. Yet they can grow        the best-run companies in your industry,
and scale along with the business. At any     along with the flexibility to support your
time, you can extend your solution with       unique practices. Over 800 industry solu-
additional functionality for customer rela-   tions are delivered by local SAP partners
tionship management (CRM), supplier           with deep expertise in specific industries.
relationship management (SRM), or                SAP provides proven tools and method-
business intelligence (BI).                   ologies for fast, predictable implementa-
   SAP Business All-in-One solutions can      tion with low risk, low cost, and rapid time
handle the most demanding local and           to value, as well as ongoing maintenance
global business requirements in over 50       and support. SAP Best Practices pack-
countries. Fully integrated functionality     ages enable our partners to create and
streamlines core business processes.          extend qualified SAP Business All-in-One
With embedded analytics and access            partner solutions and to activate new
to standard reports, the solutions give       functionality in them. SAP also provides
you visibility into the performance of all    a solution configurator and a solution
business operations.                          builder tool that help consultants or your
   Through their built-in support for         IT staff to configure and extend the
industry-specific best practices, the         solutions.
Drive Growth with SAP Business
All-in-One Solutions
With an SAP Business All-in-One solution,      talent to improve employee retention            and enables you to complete a process
you can drive business growth, build and       and satisfaction. You can also manage           from beginning to end. You might, for
maintain operational excellence, and opti-     projects, portfolios, and regulatory            example, create an opportunity using
mize financial performance.                    requirements to improve resource utiliza-       CRM functionality, convert it directly into
                                               tion and compliance.                            a quote, and then later convert it into a
Manage Sales, Products,                                                                        sales order – complete with product,
and Services                                   Optimize Financial Management                   pricing, billing, and delivery information –
                                               and Performance                                 using enterprise resource planning (ERP)
SAP Business All-in-One solutions let you                                                      functionality. And BI functionality gives
proactively manage sales opportunities         SAP Business All-in-One solutions enable        you real-time visibility into your sales per-
and marketing plans while rapidly devel-       you to accelerate financial closes, in-         formance throughout the entire process.
oping new products and services. To im-        crease the accuracy of financial reporting,     Centralized data and business intelligence
prove sales forecasts and deal closures,       and maintain superior cash management.          help ensure that you have a “single ver-
you can prioritize, reassign, or modify        You can improve your ability to maintain a      sion of the truth,” providing a 360-degree
sales opportunities. To open new markets       set of balanced books reflecting any busi-      view of your operations,
and introduce new products, you can            ness dimension. Support for international       employees, and customers.
rapidly deploy marketing plans and pro-        and local accounting standards also helps
cesses. To reduce customer churn and           you reduce your risk of noncompliance.          Drive Adoption and Improve
increase retention, you can better man-           With an SAP Business All-in-One solu-        Productivity
age customer service requests, contracts,      tion, you can gain deeper insight into
and warranties. And to shorten product         organizational risk and performance by          Additional advantages of using an SAP
development lifecycles, you can carry out      analyzing revenue and cost information          Business All-in-One solution include
everything from design engineering and         for customers, products, projects, and          faster adoption, increased productivity,
integrated product-data management to          services. You can centralize and take           and fewer errors. The integrated software
manufacturing in one integrated solution.      greater control of cross-company pay-           and common desktop environment help
                                               ment processes, such as payments to             your employees quickly understand and
Build and Maintain Operational                 subsidiaries and other outgoing pay-            use the software. The integration also
Excellence                                     ments, and consolidate global cash posi-        eliminates manual data reentry between
                                               tions across your company. By support-          different functional areas, saving time and
With SAP Business All-in-One solutions,        ing these capabilities, the software can        reducing the risk of mistakes.
you can grow and scale your company            help reduce your banking fees. The solu-           SAP Business All-in-One solutions in-
by optimizing logistics, manufacturing,        tion helps you optimize working capital         clude the following features designed to
and resource management processes              and liquidity by more accurately forecast-      maximize productivity and ease of use.
throughout their lifecycles, while auto-       ing your cash flow and cash requirements.
mating routine activities across all           You get a centralized, near-real-time view      Efficient User Experience
business areas. You can enable lean            of cash positions across multiple bank          The solutions increase productivity by
shop-floor operations for assembly and         accounts that helps you make the most           speeding access to critical information.
fabrication (including extensive repair and    of your cash and maximize your returns.         You can access key business content
overhaul processes) to increase inventory      Overall, you can improve your manage-           through a rich, unified, and personalized
turnover and reduce cycle times. You can       ment of internal controls including docu-       user environment and execute tasks and
also proactively route tasks and approval      mentation, assessment, and testing.             transactions quickly and efficiently. Role-
requests to improve efficiency. The solu-                                                      based navigation, screen personalization,
tions let you effectively manage inbound       Unify and Simplify                              quick links to key data, snapshots of re-
and outbound logistics to increase order                                                       cent records, integrated business analyt-
accuracy and velocity. They also provide       All the functionality in an SAP Business        ics dashboards, key reminders and alerts,
alerts and relevant information to employ-     All-in-One solution is integrated to sim-       and an advanced search function help
ees, based on their responsibilities, to       plify your business and IT landscape            employees perform daily tasks more
improve decision making. You can better        across functions, regions, and teams. It        efficiently.
administer workforce processes and             supports streamlined business processes

SAP Solution in Detail – Drive Growth with Scalable, Industry-Specific SAP Business All-in-One Solutions                                  7
Automated Workflows                             systems to help you reduce total cost of
By automating manual processes, the so-         ownership. With these pretested, precon-
lutions save time and money. You can, for       figured options, you can eliminate the
example, generate an automatic alert on         guesswork and implement an affordable
all contracts that are up for renewal or on     solution for your company. Because SAP
customers with overdue payments. You            Business All-in-One solutions are pow-
can also escalate service requests for          ered by SAP NetWeaver, you can unify
your most important customers and au-           and integrate both SAP and non-SAP soft-
tomatically route tasks between groups          ware. You can therefore be confident that
and departments.                                your IT infrastructure will meet existing
                                                needs and future requirements.
Groupware Integration                              Today thousands of midsize companies
Integration with desktop tools such as          in more than 50 countries run SAP Busi-
IBM Lotus Notes and Microsoft Office            ness All-in-One solutions. You can be
allows business users to manage their           confident that SAP, as one of the world’s
activities and communications more              leading providers of business software,
effectively – any time, any place. Users        will be around for a long time to come.
can synchronize tasks, appointments, and        More than 1,100 SAP partners around the
e-mails and export customer and oppor-          world deliver local implementation and
tunity lists to Microsoft Excel for analysis.   configuration support for SAP Business
                                                All-in-One solutions, giving you access to
Make a Cost-Effective, Long-Term                expert assistance no matter where you
Investment                                      are located.

With SAP Business All-in-One solutions,
you can have complete confidence in your
investment. The solutions are configured
to match your business requirements
without the need for customization. They
can be extended to meet your specific
needs, whether you are engaged in cross-
country, cross-currency, or cross-border
trade. You can incorporate additional
functionalities to cover, for example, new
business processes, different trade pat-
terns, new products, and new users, when
  SAP Business All-in-One solutions work
with hardware options from select part-
ners and with software options that incor-
porate pretested database and operating

SAP Business All-in-One solutions are the most
powerful, industry-specific solutions available to
midsize companies or quickly growing small businesses.
One Integrated Solution Supporting
All Your Key Processes
Unlike other business software on the           •• Supplier relationship management –          •• Inventory management – Track the
market, an SAP Business All-in-One                 Optimize procurement and sourcing to           quantity, value, and movement of inven-
solution helps you manage your most                control costs                                  tory in real time
important processes in a single integrated      •• Business intelligence – Gain insight        •• Human capital management – Manage
application, as shown in the figure. It al-        and improve decision making with tools         staffing changes and streamline payroll
lows you to start with what you need now           for financial and operational reporting        processes
and add what you need later.                       and analysis                                •• Product development and manufactur-
   An SAP Business All-in-One solution                                                            ing – Improve the product lifecycle pro-
includes the following core functionality:      Enterprise Resource Planning                      cess and manufacturing operations
•• Enterprise resource planning – Effec-                                                       •• Reporting and analytics – Plan, mea-
   tively manage financials, sales and          SAP Business All-in-One solutions are             sure, and control organizational
   service, procurement and logistics           designed to meet the needs of growing             processes
   execution, product development and           small businesses and midsize companies         •• Corporate services – Lower administra-
   manufacturing, human capital manage-         and are based on the SAP ERP applica-             tive costs, increase transparency of
   ment, corporate services, and business       tion, an industry-leading product. Each           operations, and improve adherence to
   analytics                                    integrated solution includes comprehen-           corporate, legal, and regulatory
•• Support for best practices – Benefit         sive functionality to manage all aspects          requirements
   from industry-specific functionality and     of your operations. It delivers role-based
   business processes based on SAP and          access to business application data and        SAP ERP is the software foundation that
   SAP partners’ experience – spanning          analytical tools. Your company can use it      enterprises trust to achieve business
   the last 35 years – with customers in        across the following areas:                    excellence and innovation. Based on in-
   more than 25 industries worldwide            •• Accounting and financials – Create          dustry best practices, SAP ERP draws
•• Technology platform – Lay a founda-             accurate financial statements and           from more than 35 years of SAP experi-
   tion to quickly and cost-effectively add        integrate all operative transactions        ence. It delivers the powerful functionality,
   on to your existing solution as your            throughout the company                      global orientation, and flexible enhance-
   business grows and your needs change         •• Sales and service – Meet customer           ment package options you need to gain a
                                                   demands, support the entire order-to-       sustainable, competitive advantage and
Additional integrated functionality is avail-      cash process, and provide after-sales       position your organization for profitable
able for SAP Business All-in-One solutions         support                                     growth.
at a low fee, including:                        •• Purchasing and logistics execution –
•• Customer relationship management –              Control costs and manage inbound and
   Efficiently conduct all aspects of your         outbound logistics cycles – including
   customer relationships – from market-           drop shipments
   ing to sales to service

 Business intelligence

 Best practices

Supplier relationship         Enterprise resource                Customer relationship
management                    planning                           management

Technology platform

Figure: Integrated SAP® Business All-in-One Solution

SAP Solution in Detail – Drive Growth with Scalable, Industry-Specific SAP Business All-in-One Solutions                                  9
Customer Relationship                          businesses and based on the SAP Sup-           pretested solution that reduces ERP and
Management                                     plier Relationship Management (SAP             BI integration costs and speeds deploy-
                                               SRM) application. You can add the inte-        ment. It supports best practices for sales,
The CRM functionality for SAP Business         grated SRM functionality to your SAP           service, financial, manufacturing, and pro-
All-in-One solutions is designed to meet       Business All-in-One solution at any time.      curement analysis that reduce report and
the needs of midsize companies and                The SRM functionality for SAP Business      dashboard development costs and speed
based on the SAP Customer Relationship         All-in-One solutions enables the following:    return on investment. This rich functional-
Management application, also an industry       •• Self-service procurement – Automated        ity increases business-user productivity
leader. With this CRM functionality inte-         workflows help you control maverick         and lowers training and support costs.
grated into your SAP Business All-in-One          buying and enforce spend policies
solution, you can boost marketing results      •• Supplier sourcing via requests for quo-     Best Practices
with targeted messaging, close more               tation (RFQs) – Find the best source of
deals with sales tools that improve effec-        supply and increase purchasing power        SAP Best Practices packages are an inte-
tiveness, and increase revenue and cus-        •• Preconfigured roles – Support SRM           gral part of SAP Business All-in-One solu-
tomer loyalty with superior service. You          best practices and get up and running       tions. These packages encompass the
can effectively manage all                        quickly                                     methodology, configuration settings,
aspects of your customer relationships,        •• Single-server deployment – Have SRM         and documentation for quickly evaluating,
from generating leads to closing a deal,          and ERP software on one server for a        implementing, and deploying best busi-
including follow-up support and add-on            lower total cost of ownership.              ness practices to support both industry-
sales.                                                                                        specific and general business processes –
   Comprehensive in scope, this CRM            With the preintegrated SRM and ERP             for example, customer relationship
functionality covers the following areas:      functionality in SAP Business All-in-One       management, supply chain management,
•• Marketing – Align marketing processes,      solutions, you can manage source-to-pay        and business intelligence.
   drive customer demand, and increase         processes with one unified solution.              SAP Best Practices reflects SAP’s more
   marketing ROI                                                                              than 35 years of industry leadership in
•• Sales – Acquire, grow, and retain profit-   Business Intelligence                          business applications as well as the col-
   able relationships                                                                         lective experience of its partner and cus-
•• Service – Drive service revenue and         SAP Business All-in-One solutions offer        tomer ecosystem. The support that these
   profitability                               midsize companies best-practice reports,       packages offer companies for their busi-
•• Interaction center – Build customer         analytics, and tools to satisfy the rigorous   ness processes is unparalleled. Addition-
   loyalty, cut costs, boost revenue, and      reporting requirements for financial ac-       ally, SAP Best Practices packages provide
   effectively handle activities such as       counting, logistics, customer relationship     a flexible deployment methodology and,
   e-mail, telemarketing, telesales, and       management, and more – all preconfig-          where possible, automated activation of
   customer service                            ured by business role and business sce-        scenario-supporting content. With these
•• Reporting and analytics – Make quick        nario. You can plan, measure, and control      packages, you get:
   and effective decisions, generate and       organizational processes; access virtually     •• Flexible preconfiguration that can be
   convert more leads, track opportunities,    any available ERP, CRM, or SRM report;            activated in your SAP software to en-
   and close more deals                        and integrate data with desktop                   able streamlined business processes
                                               applications.                                  •• Detailed activation and configuration
With the preintegrated CRM and ERP               For midsize companies with more                 guides
functionality in your SAP Business All-in-     demanding analytical needs, SAP part-          •• Business process documentation
One solution, you can manage all aspects       ners now offer business intelligence           •• Business process flow diagrams
of customer relationships and operational      functionality for SAP Business All-in-One      •• Extensive project documentation
processes from start to finish.                solutions to make it a combined ERP and        •• Learning resources
                                               BI solution. You get graphical reports and
Supplier Relationship                          interactive dashboards, providing better       SAP Best Practices packages include
Management                                     visibility and control over revenue,           preconfigured support for scenarios in
                                               margins, and liquidity. Based on SAP           the following core business processes:
The SRM functionality for SAP Business         BusinessObjects™ Edge BI software, an          •• Financials
All-in-One solutions is designed to meet       industry-leading solution, the integrated      •• Sales
the needs of midsize companies or small        BI functionality comes as a preconfigured,     •• Marketing
Sample of Industry-Specific Business Processes
Supported by SAP® Best Practices

 Industry                                 Sample Business Processes

 Discrete manufacturing                   •   Logistics planning
                                          •   Make-to-stock manufacturing
                                          •   Make-to-order manufacturing
                                          •   Engineer-to-order project manufacturing
                                          •   Subcontracting
                                          •   Production rework
                                          •   Engineering change management

 Process manufacturing                    • Materials management
                                          • Batch management
                                          • Production planning
                                          • Active-ingredient processing and material
                                            quantity calculation
                                          • Warehouse management

 Professional services                    •   Client and project acquisition
                                          •   Engagement management
                                          •   Incident management
                                          •   On-site repair services
                                          •   Service-level agreement management

 Wholesale distribution/                  •   Cross-docking
 yard management                          •   Direct store delivery
                                          •   Integrated warehouse management
                                          •   Transportation management
                                          •   Indirect sales with extended rebate

 Retail                                   • Promotion management
                                          • Sales order management
                                          • In-store customer relationship
                                          • Procurement of replenishable merchandise
                                          • Merchandise distribution

SAP Solution in Detail – Drive Growth with Scalable, Industry-Specific SAP Business All-in-One Solutions   11
Examples of Cross-Industry Business Processes
Supported by SAP® Best Practices

 • Financial accounting (general ledger, accounts payable and receivable,
   asset management, and more)
 • Order to cash
 • Procure to pay
 • Forecast to stock
 • Sales – opportunity and activity management
 • Sales – quotation and order management
 • Interaction center – inbound and outbound telesales
 • Service and support
 • Stock transfer

•• Service                                   and services to drive revenues and profits      adapt existing ones to meet new and spe-
•• Customer relationship management          while continuing to support core opera-         cific process needs, making use of the
•• Purchasing                                tions efficiently and effectively. SOA is       various systems and applications
•• Inventory management                      an open IT architecture in which function-      required.
•• Manufacturing                             ality can be grouped around business               SAP partners further extend SAP Busi-
•• Analytical reporting                      processes and packaged as interoperable         ness All-in-One solutions with industry-
•• Human resource management                 services. These interoperable services act      specific functionality, creating a rich cata-
                                             as interchangeable process building             log of targeted industry solutions. With
Technology Platform                          blocks to deliver specific services to appli-   the support that SAP software offers for
                                             cations. This allows you to extend busi-        SOA, SAP partners can also provide addi-
Because SAP Business All-in-One solu-        ness processes – for example, from              tional fine-tuning to meet even the most
tions are powered by SAP NetWeaver, you      ordering to inventory to accounting –           unique business process requirements or
can quickly and cost-effectively add on to   without having to change underlying             comply with industry-specific regulations.
your existing solution as your business      applications.                                   You have access to exactly the right op-
grows and your needs change. SAP                With SAP NetWeaver and SOA forming           tions to help create project and opera-
NetWeaver is also the ideal technology       the underlying foundation for each SAP          tional success at your company.
platform to integrate SAP and non-SAP        Business All-in-One solution, you can real-
software, reducing total cost of ownership   ize efficiencies and enhance productivity
across your entire IT landscape. SAP         immediately. The design and interopera-
NetWeaver also supports the evolution of     bility give employees direct access to
applications to service-oriented architec-   their job functions through an intuitive
ture (SOA).                                  interface. Predefined roles dictate which
   Savvy IT organizations are adopting a     information and functions they can
flexible and unified technology platform.    access. The solution also provides tools
This makes it easier for IT to help the      and guidelines for companies and SAP
business create new processes, products,     partners to readily build custom roles or

SAP Business All-in-One solutions can handle the most
demanding local and global business requirements in
over 50 countries.
Get Moving Quickly with
a Fast-Start Program
So you think an SAP Business All-in-One        With our innovative online solution
solution is too big, too complex, and too      configurator (located at
costly for your business? Think again. The, you choose
SAP Business All-in-One fast-start pro-        the functional building blocks that will
gram can get your small or midsize com-        determine the scope and cost of your
pany where you want it to go – quickly.        estimated solution. Then you work with
   There’s no need to start from scratch to    an SAP partner to determine next steps.
figure out how to evaluate, acquire, and       A personalized demonstration will be cre-
implement your solution. At SAP, we’ve         ated with your data, showing end-to-end
done the hard work for you. We’ve even         scenarios to give you the full picture of
developed innovations with select hard-        what an SAP Business All-in-One solution
ware partners, such as HP, IBM, and            can deliver.
Fujitsu, so you can get a joint hardware
and software solution implemented in as
few as 8 to 12 weeks. To make it even
more affordable, select partners offer a
subscription-based hosting option.
   The fast-start program enables you to:
•• Speed time to value – Get a
   consumption-ready ERP system
   tailored to your needs
•• Know your costs before you start –
   Automatically estimate the total cost
   of your solution, including software,
   hardware, and services
•• Remove complexity from purchasing
   decisions – Choose options for prein-
   stalled software and optimized
•• Lower your total cost of ownership –
   Benefit from easy-to-implement,
   preconfigured software
•• Adapt and scale as you grow – Get
   state-of-the-art applications and tech-
   nology from SAP that can grow with you

SAP Business All-in-One solutions are designed to meet
the needs of growing small businesses and midsize
companies and are based on the SAP ERP application.

SAP Solution in Detail – Drive Growth with Scalable, Industry-Specific SAP Business All-in-One Solutions   13
Industry-Specific Functionality
to Meet Your Requirements
SAP understands that every industry has         You can buy qualified SAP Business All-
its own unique business processes, re-        in-One partner solutions and industry-
quirements, and challenges. That’s why        specific solutions through our worldwide
we offer industry-specific solutions to       network of over 1,200 authorized channel
meet your needs. SAP and our partners         partners, and you can select fast-start pro-
offer SAP Business All-in-One solutions       gram hardware partners in more than 50
for all major industries. Our solutions are   countries. These partners combine their
available in more than 50 countries and       business knowledge and IT expertise to
support all major international languages     help you purchase, implement, and sup-
and currencies.                               port SAP Business All-in-One solutions.

SAP® Business All-in-One Solutions by Industry

• Aerospace and defense                       • Industrial machinery and components
• Automotive                                  • Insurance
  – Automotive dealers                        • Life sciences
  – Automotive suppliers                        – Pharmaceuticals
• Banking                                     • Media
• Chemicals                                   • Mill products
  – Rubber and plastics                         – Building materials
  – Specialty chemicals                         – Fabricated metals
• Consumer products                             – Packaging
  – Apparel and footwear                        – Primary steel
  –C onsumer durables and home                 – Pulp and paper
    appliances                                • Mining
  – Food and beverage                           – Primary metals
  – Home and personal care                    • Oil and gas
• Defense and security                        • Professional services
• Engineering, construction, and              • Public sector
  operations                                  • Retail
  – Construction                              • Telecommunications
• Healthcare                                  • Transportation and logistics
• Higher education and research                 – Logistics services
• High tech                                   • Utilities
  – Electronics and components                  – Water
  – Semiconductors and photovoltaics          • Wholesale distribution
  – Software

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