Dopamine agonists in the treatment of Parkinson's disease

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              Dopamine agonists in the treatment
                   of Parkinson's disease

                                      R A J E S H PAHWA, MD, A N D W I L L I A M C. KOLLER, MD, PHD

                                                                                                              S PARKINSON'S DISEASE

                The dopamine agonists bromocriptine and per-                                                progresses, dopamine
      golide are useful adjuvants to levodopa in treating Parkinson's                                       replacement therapy
      disease. Used this way, they can produce clinical improve-                                            with levodopa becomes
      ment and can often permit lowering of the levodopa dosage.                                less and less effective, owing to a
                                                                                                decreasing threshold for dose-lim-
                  Bromocriptine or pergolide can be used as initial                             iting side effects. Drugs with a dif-
      monotherapy in Parkinson's disease.       When used as an adju-                           ferent mechanism of action might
      vant to levodopa therapy, these drugs can result in clinical im-                          offer a way to avoid this problem,
      provement and a decreased levodopa requirement.         To                                or might work synergistically with
                                                                                                levodopa and at least delay the lat-
      avoid side effects, the starting dosage should be low (1.25 mg
                                                                                                ter's side effects. This paper re-
      per day of bromocriptine or 0.05 mg of pergolide) and should
                                                                                                views recent work with the
      be increased slowly. The standard daily dose of bromocriptine
                                                                                                dopamine agonists bromocriptine
      ranges from 7.5 to 60 mg, and of pergolide, from 0.75 to 4 mg.
                                                                                                and pergolide.
        Combination therapy with low dosages of levodopa and a
      dopamine agonist may also decrease the incidence of side ef-
      fects of both agents.                                                                         WHY DOPAMINE AGONISTS
                                                                                                         ARE NEEDED

        CLEVE CLIN J MED 1995; 62:212-217                                                         Levodopa is the most effective
                                                                                               drug currently available for Park-
                                                                                               inson's disease,1 but it is not ideal:
                                                                                               dyskinesia, dystonia, "wearing-off'
       From the Department of Neurology, the University of Kansas Medical
      Center.                                                                                  phenomena, "end-of-dose deterio-
       Address reprint requests to R.P., Department of Neurology, University of                ration," and, occasionally, abrupt
      Kansas Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66160.                    ("random on-off') motor fluctua-
                                                                                               tions2 are complications of long-
                                                                                               term treatment. The exact mecha-
                                                                                               nism for the development of
                                                                                               motor fluctuations is unknown.
                                                                                               One possible explanation is that,
                                                                                               as Parkinson's disease progresses,
                                                                                               the number of dopaminergic cells
                                                                                               projecting to the striatum de-

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PARKINSONS             D I S E A S E • PA H UV A A N D         KOLLER

 creases, as does dopa-decar-     TABLE 1
 in a reduced ability to syn-
                                                        Receptor        Plasma half-life         Dose
 thesize dopamine from            Agonist                profile             (hours)           (mg/day)     Preparations
 levodopa, store it, and re-
                                  Bromocriptine       D1 antagonist           3-7               7.5-60      2.5-mg tablets
 lease it. Hence, each dose                           D2 agonist                                            5.0-mg capsules
 of levodopa has a shorter        Pergolide*          D1 agonist              12-24             0.75-4      0.05-mg tablets
 clinical response, resulting                         D2 agonist                                            0.25-mg tablets
 in motor fluctuations. An-                                                                                 1.0-mg tablets
 other reason may be a            * Pergolide is approximately 10 times as potent as bromocriptine
 change in the sensitivity or
 number of postsynaptic
 dopamine receptors.4 Similarly, dyskinesia and                  reaches the systemic circulation. Its major route of
 dystonia may result from the actions of dopamine                elimination is biliary, and 98% is excreted in the
 on supersensitive postsynaptic striatal receptors.5             feces. Its plasma half-life is 6 hours.12,13
    Alternative drugs that do not require intraneuro-               In patients with mild to moderate Parkinson's
 nal activation within the impaired nigrostriatal                disease, bromocriptine in low dosages (less than 30
 dopamine pathway might avoid these problems.                    mg per day) may be used as adjuvant to levodopa.
 Dopamine agonists activate the dopamine receptors               Bromocriptine should be introduced at 1.25 mg per
 directly and have proven beneficial in Parkinson's              day and the daily dose increased by 2.5 to 5.0 mg
 disease. Multiple dopamine receptor subclasses have             each week, as tolerated. A decrease in the dosage of
been identified; however, dopamine agonists mainly               levodopa may be necessary. The daily dose of bro-
 affect the D1 and D2 subtypes.6 Stimulation of D1               mocriptine is 7.5 to 60 mg per day.
receptors activates adenylate cyclase, leading to the
 accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate                  Bromocriptine as monotherapy
 (cAMP). Stimulation of D2 receptors, on the other                  There are conflicting reports regarding bro-
hand, inhibits cAMP formation.7 Although D2 re-                  mocriptine monotherapy in Parkinson's disease.
ceptors appear to be more important than D1 recep-               Teychenne et al14 found dosages of less than 10 mg
tors in mediating parkinsonian symptoms, com-                    per day effective in controlling parkinsonian symp-
bined D1 and D2 agonists have an enhanced                        toms. However, Calne et al15 did not find a consis-
antiparkinsonian effect.8                                        tent response in any patient with a low dosage. The
    Most dopamine agonists are natural or synthetic              incidence of adverse effects with bromocriptine
derivatives of ergot alkaloids. Many have been                   monotherapy       in previously untreated Parkinson's
tested, but only bromocriptine and pergolide are                disease   is  low. 16,17 Although bromocriptine mono-

currently available in United States (Table 1). In              therapy may initially be as effective as levodopa,
patients with newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease,              after 6 months levodopa is more effective.18 How-
monotherapy with bromocriptine or pergolide may                 ever, bromocriptine monotherapy is less likely to
initially provide symptomatic benefit comparable                cause motor fluctuations and dyskinesia than is
to that of levodopa.9,10 However, over time, levo-              levodopa monotherapy.15"19
dopa is usually required for an adequate antiparkin-
sonian effect.11 Most clinicians believe the role of            Bromocriptine plus levodopa
dopamine agonists is as an adjuvant to levodopa                 in early Parkinson's disease
rather than as monotherapy.                                         Mindful of these results, some clinicians recom-
                                                                mend early combination therapy with levodopa and
                   BROMOCRIPTINE                                bromocriptine to improve efficacy and to delay
                                                                long-term motor complications.12,20"23 In a study re-
    Bromocriptine is an ergot alkaloid with potent              ported   by Rinne,20 patients found to have Parkin-
D2 agonist properties and a mild D1 receptor an-                son's  disease    began taking levodopa; if they sub-
tagonistic effect. It is rapidly absorbed from the              sequently    had   residual disability, bromocriptine was
gastrointestinal tract, 94% undergoes first-pass he-            added while the levodopa dosage was kept the same.
patic metabolism, and only 6% of the original dose              This combination was as effective as levodopa

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PARKINSON'S            D I S E A S E • PAHWA AND              KOLLER

  TABLE 2                                                              in Parkinson's disease patients who have motor fluc-
  COMMON ADVERSE EFFECTS OF DOPAMINE AGONISTS                          tuations and dyskinesia. Lieberman et al32 gave bro-
                                                                       mocriptine to 66 patients who had advanced Park-
  Nervous system complaints                                            inson's disease and who were taking optimal
                               Dyskinesia                              levodopa dosages. In 45 patients, rigidity, tremor,
                               Somnolence                              bradykinesia, postural stability, and gait improved
                               Insomnia                                significantly. The mean bromocriptine dosage was
  Digestive complaints                                                 47 mg per day, and the investigators were able to
                               Nausea                                  decrease the dosage of levodopa by 10%. However,
                               Constipation                            bromocriptine was discontinued in 29 patients be-
                               Dyspepsia                               cause of adverse effects, including mental changes
  Respiratory complaints                                               and increased dyskinesia. Follow-up of 28 of these
                               Rhinitis                                patients for at least 2 years revealed that bro-
  Other complaints
                               Dizziness                               mocriptine at a mean dosage of 56 mg per day re-
                               Orthostatic hypotension                 sulted in improvement in 75% of them.33 Sixteen of
                                                                       the patients maintained improvement after 2 years.
                                                                       Other studies have reported similar findings.34,35
alone, but produced less dyskinesia and motor fluc-                    However, in most of the long-term studies, the
tuation. These benefits persisted for 5 years.22 How-                  beneficial effects of bromocriptine waned over
ever, this study was open-label and nonrandomized,                     time.12 Although the exact mechanism is unknown,
and used historically matched controls. In the 5-                      disease progression or changes in dopamine recep-
year follow-up,22 Rinne included only patients                         tors may be responsible.
whose condition was stable enough to allow them to
remain in the study.                                                   Adverse effects of bromocriptine
   Other studies support these findings12,20,23,24; how-                   One of the main drawbacks of dopamine agonists
ever, Weiner et al25 have raised several issues re-                    is frequent side effects (Table 2), many of which are
garding the conclusions. In a 4-year, double-blind,                    caused by dopaminergic stimulation. Starting
randomized, parallel-group trial comparing bro-                        dopamine agonists at a low dosage and slowly titrat-
mocriptine and levodopa alone and in combina-                          ing upward minimizes this problem. Orthostatic hy-
tion, early combination therapy did not prevent or                     potension and gastrointestinal dysfunction occur
delay the onset of motor fluctuation or dyskinesia                     early in treatment. Approximately 33% of patients
in Parkinson's disease. Unfortunately, there were                      report orthostatic hypotension, lightheadedness, or
some limitations to this study.26"28 Another study                     syncope.12 Nausea and vomiting are reported in 20%
(open-label) also did not find any significant differ-                 to 30% of patients. Adverse effects related to central
ences between the two treatments.29                                    dopaminergic stimulation include confusion, hallu-
   If dopamine agonists do decrease motor fluctua-                     cinations, depression, psychosis, and dyskinesia.36
tion and dyskinesia, it is because they provide steady                 These side effects are more common in patients with
dopaminergic stimulation at the postsynaptic recep-                    severe disease and in those with dementia. Mental
tors. Controlled-release levodopa preparations also                    changes occur in 30% of patients,36 dyskinesia in
provide steady stimulation and produce fewer long-                     about 40%. 37 Dyspnea may occur, caused by
term complications than do standard levodopa                           dopaminergic drugs or pulmonary fibrosis.38
preparations.30,31 Therefore, it is our practice to use                Erythromelalgia, cardiac arrhythmias, angina, reacti-
controlled-release levodopa for initiating levodopa                    vation of peptic ulcer, dry mouth, headache, and
treatment. At present, early combination therapy                       nasal stuffiness are other adverse effects reported
appears to have no advantage over controlled-re-                       with bromocriptine.38
lease carbidopa-levodopa, and it is more expensive.
Further studies are required, however.                                                            PERGOLIDE

Bromocriptine in late Parkinson's disease                                 Pergolide, a semisynthetic ergoline dopamine
  Bromocriptine as an adjuvant to levodopa has                          agonist, is 10 times more potent than bro-
undergone both open-label and double-blind studies                      mocriptine. Its half-life is 12 to 24 hours,39 it reaches

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PARKINSONS             DISEASE       • P A HUVA A N D         KOLLER

a peak plasma concentration within 1 to 2 hours,                        mean disability score was 49 at baseline, 17 at 10
and a single dose is completely cleared within 7                        weeks of pergolide therapy, and 31 after 2.4 years.
days.12 Fifty-five percent is excreted in the urine, 5%                 Similarly, the "on" time increased 117% after 10
is excreted in expired air, and the remaining 40% to                    weeks of therapy, and after 2.4 years it was still 63%
50% is excreted in the feces.39 Pergolide has an                        greater than at baseline. These long-term studies are
affinity for both D1 and D2 receptors and stimulates                    similar to those reported with bromocriptine.
striatal adenylate cyclase activity in the presence of
guanosine triphosphate (GTP). 40                                        Adverse effects of pergolide
    The dosage-escalation schedule for pergolide ap-                       The adverse effects of pergolide are similar in fre-
pears more complicated than it really is. The main                      quency and type to those of bromocriptine.12 In clini-
aim is to increase the dosage slowly to avoid adverse                   cal trials involving approximately 1200 patients,
effects. We prefer to start with one 0.05-mg pergolide                  27% discontinued pergolide because of adverse ef-
tablet per day and increase by one tablet every fourth                  fects.55 The most common side effects include dyski-
day, until the patient is receiving five 0.05-mg tablets                nesia, nausea, dizziness, hallucinations, rhinitis, con-
(or one 0.25-mg tablet) three times a day.                              fusion, constipation, somnolence, orthostatic
                                                                        hypotension, and insomnia. Pergolide can also cause
 Pergolide as monotherapy                                               electrocardiographic changes, palpitations,44,52,56 and
   Pergolide has not been extensively studied as                        asymptomatic arrhythmias.57 New-onset, dose-re-
monotherapy in Parkinson's disease. Rinne41 found                       lated angina, probably due to vasospasm, has been
that pergolide at a mean dosage of 2.6 mg per day                       reported in a few patients.58 However, Tanner et al59
alleviated parkinsonian symptoms in 10 previously                       studied six patients who had Parkinson's disease and
untreated patients; however the degree of improve-                      stable heart disease and found no worsening of car-
ment was less than with levodopa alone.                                 diac status during 1 year of therapy. There are no
                                                                        contraindications to the use of pergolide in Parkin-
Pergolide as an adjuvant to levodopa                                    son's disease patients with stable heart disease.
   In several short-term studies (less than 3 months),
adding pergolide (0.1 to 15 mg per day) to levodopa                               W H I C H D O P A M I N E A G O N I S T T O USE
decreased disability, dyskinesia, and "off" time in pa-
tients with Parkinson's disease.42"45 Many patients                        Since two drugs are currently available with com-
were able to reduce their levodopa dosage,43,45 and a                   parable efficacy and action, which one should be
few were able to discontinue it altogether.42'44                        used? Further, when should one be substituted for
   Placebo-controlled studies have yielded similar                      the other?
findings. Olanow and Alberts46 reported that a mean                        In a double-blind crossover study in nine patients
pergolide dosage of 2.5 mg per day reduced levodopa                     with mild Parkinson's disease and 15 patients with
requirements by 33%, whereas Jankovic and Or-                           advanced disease, LeWitt et al60 found bro-
man47 reported that 4.6 mg per day reduced levodopa                     mocriptine and pergolide equivalent in efficacy and
requirements by 78%. This also resulted in a decrease                   adverse effects. In a retrospective study, Lieberman
in "off' time, disability, and disease severity.                        et al61 found pergolide more useful than bro-
   There have been many long-term, open-label tri-                      mocriptine because of its efficacy at a more ad-
als of pergolide.48-54 Ahlskog and Muenter54 found                      vanced stage of the disease. In a 5-year study, Goetz
that patients who initially had a dramatic response                     et al62 gave 10 patients bromocriptine until its effi-
to pergolide were likely to show a sustained re-                        cacy waned and then changed their medication to
sponse. In a number of studies, the response to per-                    pergolide. Even though bromocriptine was losing its
golide peaked at 2 to 12 months48"53 and deteriorated                   effect, pergolide still produced a response, and re-
slowly thereafter.48'49,51 Lieberman et al51 treated 17                 mained effective longer than bromocriptine. In a
patients with pergolide for more than 2 years. At a                     similar study,63 the investigators switched the regi-
mean dosage of 2.2 mg per day, there was a 20%                          men from pergolide to bromocriptine, and the pa-
reduction in disability and a 40% increase in "on"                      tients continued to do well clinically.
time compared with baseline; however, none of                             These studies provide little guidance regarding
these changes reached statistical significance. Jank-                   which drug to use. However, bromocriptine is about
ovic53 reported his experience with 18 patients; the                    twice as expensive as pergolide in an equivalent

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PARKINSON'S                 DISEASE         •   PAHWA         AND      KOLLER

dose. For this reason, we use pergolide in preference                                    or pergolide. Its plasma half-life is approximately 65
to bromocriptine in treating Parkinson's disease.                                        hours,70,71 and it can be given once a day.
                                                                                         Pramipexole, a selective dopamine D2 agonist, has
                                                                                         therapeutic potential for use in schizophrenia and
                                                                                         may decrease the incidence of mental adverse ef-
   Apomorphine and lisuride, dopamine agonists                                           fects seen with dopamine agonists.72 Similarly, stud-
available in Europe, are lipophilic and soluble in                                       ies with ropinirole indicate a lower incidence of
aqueous solution and can be given parenterally.12                                        gastrointestinal side effects and orthostatic hypo-
The subcutaneous route is most commonly em-                                              tension.73
ployed, with subcutaneous infusions given via bat-
tery-powered ambulatory pumps.64-66 Apomorphine
is also effective when used sublingually,67 in-
tranasally,68 and rectally.69                                                               The role of dopamine agonists in treating Parkin-
   Cabergoline, pramipexole, and ropinirole are                                          son's disease has not yet been fully worked out, but
dopamine agonists presently undergoing clinical                                          most clinicians feel they are best used as adjuvants
trials in the United States. Cabergoline, a synthetic                                    to levodopa therapy. Used in this way, these drugs
dopaminergic agonist specific for the D2 receptor, is                                    can produce clinical improvement and can often
more potent and longer-acting than bromocriptine                                         permit a lowering of the levodopa dosage.

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