DONOR PROFILE SEARS FACTS: I love helping people.

Page created by Lonnie Murphy
DONOR PROFILE SEARS FACTS: I love helping people.

DONOR PROFILE                           FACTS:
                                        Height: 190 cm

                                        Weight: 77 kg
                                        Hair colour: Blond
            I love helping people.
                                        Eyecolor: Blue
                                        Bloodtype: 0 RhD Neg
                                        Occupation: Studies biotech-

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Read an English

DONOR PROFILE SEARS FACTS: I love helping people.

/ Meeting the donor
– our impression
Sears is an amazing smiling and happy guy who charms             Besides being impulsive, Sears is very social. He is rarely
everyone on his way. He radiates incredible self-confidence,     alone, and he loves that. At the moment, he is moving
and we understand why. Sears is an immensely handsome            into a modern commune. He got the idea when he saw a
guy of 190 cm and with an extremely charming appearance.         house that he wanted to rent. Then he got busy collecting
He has a broad masculine jaw, which is adorned with a            five roomies for the commune. Of course, he succeeded
cheeky, crooked smile. His thick, blonde hair falls nicely       and now he is going to live with five good friends, and he is
across his forehead, under which the sweet blue eyes             looking forward to that. Sears is a man of action.
sparkle. There is no doubt that Sears is a confident guy.
                                                                 Sears is also fond of traveling and he has been on many
Sears studies biotechnology at the university. When he           trips with his family. They have been all over the place
was a kid, he dreamed of becoming a biologist just like          together, as he says. His parents have been eminent at
Steve Irwin. Today, his goal is to lead an engineering team      bringing along Sears and his brothers on backpacking trips.
that develops biotech products. In addition to his studies,      For example, they traveled in Mexico for two months with
Sears stays active. Among other things, he did his military      their backpacks on their backs and a map in their hands,
service for 4 months completely voluntarily, he actually         and these trips have increased Sears’ desire for adventure.
signed up for it himself. In his spare time, Sears does          Today, he says that he wants to travel even more around
different kinds of martial arts and has attended a training      the world and preferably to places where there are no other
camp in Thailand. Finally, he is also a skilled climber, he      tourists. One of his friends was completely on board so
practices stand-up paddling, and he runs regularly. Sears is     they went on a journey with few purchased tickets, which
not likely to sit still.                                         brought them from Russia and the Trans-Siberian Railway
                                                                 to Japan and Thailand. Completely in Sears’ impulsive
As a person, Sears is positive, happy, and very impulsive.       spirit.
When he gets an idea, he acts on it very quickly and our
staff calls him “a man of action.” According to him, he          Sears grew up as the youngest brother of three. They
sometimes sets too many sails, which means that he does          have a close relationship, and he has many fond childhood
not always carry out all his ideas. But his strengths are that   memories with his brothers. For example, he remembers
he is exceptional at starting things up and looks positively     from one of the family’s trips to Thailand that he and his
at any situation. For Sears, thought is not far away from        brothers were very popular among the locals. They are all
action. He likes to throw himself into projects and just         blonde, so they had a crowd of people following them who
see how it goes. So even when he ended up having paint           thought they were adorable. We can vividly imagine that.
everywhere, on electrical outlets, ceilings, and doors, when
he quite impulsively painted his room, he tells us with a        All in all, you get an incredibly charming donor with a
smile on his face that he is a good handyman. Another            wonderfully impulsive personality, with lots of drive, and
example is that Sears’ choice to become a donor was also         an energy without equal in Sears. With him, you can be
quite impulsive, but now he is very happy that he got this       sure that you have chosen a donor who charms everyone
idea. Because it means that he can help childless people         on his path - both with his good looks and his captivating
have children and he is grateful for that.                       demeanor. Sears is a winner on every level.

DONOR PROFILE SEARS FACTS: I love helping people.

English version of the letter on the front page:
Hi coming parents.
I hope you will have a long and happy life with your coming wonderful child. In Danish, we have the expres-
sion “To be master of one’s own fate”. I think it is admirable that you are creating your own happiness and
with that drive I’m sure you will get nothing but a fantastic family.
All the best :-)

  / Appearance
  Race                                                Freckles
  Caucasian                                           No

  Ethnicity                                           Eyebrow colour
  Danish                                              Blond

  Height                                              Beard colour
  190 cm                                              Blond

  Weight                                              Hairtexture (curly, straight, wavy)
  77 kg                                               Straight

  Eye colour                                          Hairvolume (thick, thin, average, bald)
  Blue                                                Thick

  Natural hair colour                                 Body frame size (small, medium, large)
  Blond                                               Medium

  Clothing size (S,M,L,XL,XXL)                        Physique (muscular, regular, heavy)
  L                                                   Regular

  Skin type

DONOR PROFILE SEARS FACTS: I love helping people.

/ Health
Do you exercise regularly?                             and how many a day on average?
I work out about 4 times a week in connection          No
with the sports I practice. In addition, I run about
once a week.                                           Do you suffer from allergies?
Which sports do you play?
Right now, I do kickboxing. In addition, I do var-
ious small things. For example, I bought a SUP
board with a friend so we can board together,
and I played basketball with my buddies once a
week when it was summer.

Have you played other sports in the past?
If yes, which ones?
I have practiced all kinds of sports. The ones I
have liked best are climbing and mountain biking.

Glasses or corrective lenses?

Are you right- or left-handed?

Please describe the condition of your teeth?
(good, average, bad)

How many standard drinks do you consume
in an average week?

Do you smoke? If yes, what do you smoke

DONOR PROFILE SEARS FACTS: I love helping people.

/ Personality
Describe your personality                                 However, I very much enjoy spending time with
I am a very smiling person. I always joke with the        them when I do see them. My family are people
people around me. I am “high energy” and I always         I know will do anything to help me, just like I will
have something going on.                                  always help them.

Describe your weaknesses                                  What does friendship mean to you?
I often ‘overbook’ my life because I have a lot of        Friends mean a lot to me. I have a couple of very
things going on.                                          close friendships with one to two people from each
                                                          “part” of my life. I therefore have friends from all
I’m not very good at getting something done if I do       over Denmark visit me almost every weekend. In
not understand what the purpose of it is.                 addition, I live in a commune with 5 of my best
                                                          friends, so I am almost never alone.
Describe your strengths
I can look positively at any situation. I’m really good   What kind of friend are you?
at putting things into action.                            I’m the friend you know you have a good time with.
                                                          Since I have close friends, we are often able to just
What are you most proud of and why?                       do nothing together, but otherwise we come up with
I am most proud of my network.                            a spontaneous idea and we end up doing something
                                                          wild. I am someone you know you can text if you’re
Describe some of your best experiences                    in trouble, but I’m also a low maintaince kind of guy,
My best experiences are when I’m traveling. One of        who does not need to text every day.
the most recent was a Christmas a few years ago.
Me and my dad went to Australia to visit my big           How would your friends and family
brother, who I had not seen in a year and a half. We      describe you?
spent Christmas Eve there with surfing, kangaroo          My friends would probably describe me as the
steak and good whiskey.                                   one who makes things happen. My family would
                                                          probably rather describe me as diligent and caring. In
What did you dream of becoming as a child?                addition, they will describe me as someone who has
When I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming a Steve           a special interest in the various aspects of life, and
Irwin type biologist.                                     I ask a lot about the exciting things people around
                                                          me do.
Describe your relationship with your family?
I have a good relationship with my family. I see          How are your math skills?
my parents and my brothers about once every two           I have a good logical sense and am good at math.
months, and my grandparents 3-4 times a year. In
addition, I go on a week-long ski vacation annually       What is your zodiac sign?
with my mother’s side of the family. When the family      Aquarius
is together, we play board games and have fun while
talking about life.                                       Which famous person or celebrity
                                                          can you identify yourself with?
What does your family mean to you?                        I really like Seth Rogen. He takes life very lightly and
I am a very independent person, so I don’t spend          it seems that he always enjoys himself.
so much time with my family in my everyday life.

DONOR PROFILE SEARS FACTS: I love helping people.

/ Education and employment
Did you do well, average or poorly in primary           Did you serve in the military?
school?                                                 If yes, for how long and at what rank?
I was always far ahead in primary school.               I served in the Danish conscription.

What did you like best about going to school?           Work history?
I liked the social part the best.                       I have been working part time jobs outside of
                                                        school since I was 15. I have mainly worked in
What educations have you started?                       supermarkets.
I have started a Bachelor of Engineering in
biotechnology.                                          What is your career goal?
                                                        My goal is to lead an engineering team in the
What educations have you completed?                     development of biotechnology products.
I have completed my Higher Technical

/ Hobbies
Favourite movie?                                           I am very creative. My creativity shows itself the
Pulp Fiction                                               most when I have to fix things with craftsman solu-
                                                           tions, but I also like to paint when the opportunity
Favourite book?                                            arises.
“Brobyggerne” by
Jan Guillou                                                Other hobbies, interests or talents?
                                                           I have very changing hobbies. Right now I am in the
What kind of music do you like?                            process of a special beer production together with
I have a broad taste in music, but I like hip hop the      my roommates, where we are trying to make the
best. My favorite artist is Freddie Gibbs.                 perfect IPA

Favourite artists?                                         What languages do you speak?
My favorite artists are provocateurs. My favorites         Danish, English
include Robert Mapplethorpe and Kristan Von
Hornsleth                                                  How do you prefer to travel and why?
                                                           I prefer to backpack, and only buy tickets when I
Do you play any instruments?                               need them. That way, I have the freedom to stay in
No                                                         the places I like, and quickly slip past the ones I don’t
                                                           like. Sometimes I travel alone, but I prefer to go with
Creative skills?                                           a good friend.

DONOR PROFILE SEARS FACTS: I love helping people.

/ Marital status and children
Are you married, in a relationship or single?

Do you have any children?

Are there any twins or triplets in your family?

Have you or members of your family experi-
enced difficulties when trying to conceive?

/ Why do you want to
become a donor?
I love helping people.

DONOR PROFILE SEARS FACTS: I love helping people.

/ Family tree
Paternal grandfather   Paternal grandmother        Maternal grandfather        Maternal grandmother
Age: 65                Age: 65                     Age: 75                     Age: 75
Alive: Yes             Alive: Ja                   Alive: Yes                  Alive: Yes
Race: Caucasian        Race: Caucasian             Race: Caucasian             Race: Caucasian
Ethnicity: Danish      Ethnicity: Danish           Ethnicity: Danish           Ethnicity: Danish
Education: Architect   Education: Nurse            Education: BA in physics    Education: -
Occupation: Retired    Occupation: Retired         Occupation: Retired         Occupation: Retired
Height: 177 cm         Height: 177 cm              Height: 177 cm              Height: 170 cm
Weight: 70 kg          Weight: 70 kg               Weight: 70 kg               Weight: 60 kg
Eye colour: -          Eye colour: -               Eye colour: -               Eye colour: -
Health: Good           Health: Good                Health: Good                Health: Good

                       Father                      Mother
                       Age: 50                      Age: 50
                       Alive: Yes                   Alive: Yes
                       Race: Caucasian              Race: Caucasian
                       Ethnicity: Danish            Ethnicity: Danish
                       Education: Physiotherapist Education: Occupational therapist
                       Occupation: Prof. in physio- Occupation: Conversational therapist
                       therapy                      Height: 170 cm
                       Height: 177 cm               Weight: 60 kg
                       Weight: 90 kg                Eye colour: -
                       Eye colour: -                Health: Good
                       Health: Good

                       Brother                     Brother
                       Age: 24                     Age: 26
                       Alive: Yes                  Alive: Yes
                       Race: Caucasian             Race: Caucasian
                       Ethnicity: Danish           Ethnicity: Danish
                       Education: Mechanical       Education: Business school
                       engineer                    Occupation: Pharma company
                       Occupation: Student         Height: 177 cm
                       Height: 187 cm              Weight: 90 kg
                       Weight: 90 kg               Eye colour: Blue
                       Eye colour: Blue            Health: Good
                       Health: Good


/ Facial features
FACE >           SHAPE
                           Round         Oval       Spuared

                          Oblong     Heart Shaped

                          Narrow       Average       Wide

                            Low        Average       High

NOSE >           SHAPE
                          Straight      Round        Wide

                          Straight      Round        Bump

                          Narrow       Average       Wide

                           Short       Average       Long

                                                              >> To be continued on the next page


/ Facial features
EARS >                SIZE
                              Small     Medium       Large

                             Attached   Detached

                              Close     Average       Far

MOUTH >          UPPER LIP
                               Thin     Medium        Full

                 LOWER LIP
                               Thin     Medium        Full

TEETH >               SIZE
                              Small     Medium       Large                      Gab

                             Straight   Crooked    Not visible
                                                    in photo

                                                                 >> To be continued on the next page


/ Facial features
CHIN >       SHAPE
                       Squared      Round       Pointy

                        Slight     Average      Strong

                       Straight     Wavy        Curly

                         Thin      Average      Thick

                        Black     Light Brown   Blonde             Dark brown

                      Red/Brown   Dark Blonde   Brown

                         Red      Strawberry

                                                         >> To be continued on the next page


/ Facial features
EYES >               SHAPE
                                    Round              Almond           Round-almond

                                     Small            Medium               Large

                                   Narrow             Average              Wide

                                    Short             Medium                Long

                                     Thin             Medium               Thick

Sears is an amazing smiling and happy guy who charms everyone on
his way. He radiates incredible self-confidence, and we understand
why. Sears is an immensely handsome guy of 190 cm and with an
extremely charming appearance. He has a broad masculine jaw, which
is adorned with a cheeky, crooked smile. His thick, blonde hair falls
nicely across his forehead, under which the sweet blue eyes sparkle.
There is no doubt that Sears is a confident guy.


/ Pictures

/ Resembles > Johnny Lewis
Rated by SellmerDiers

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