Page created by Leo Carpenter


The Domain Parklands Master plan encompasses areas managed by five different Land Managers. It seeks to recognise the
individual and unique destinations while also strengthening the parklands as one Domain.
Each of the Land Managers has responsibility for the areas they manage. The Shrine of Remembrance and Melbourne Gardens
have landscape master plans for the areas they manage. While this Domain Parklands Master Plan focuses on the areas managed
by the City of Melbourne, it also guides management for the areas of common interest for all the Land Managers.               Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 1

                                                                                                                                                  DRAFT 09.08.2018

 Environmental sustainability is the basis of all Future Melbourne
 goals. It requires current generations to choose how they
 meet their needs without compromising the ability of future
 generations to be able to do the same.

 Womin-je-ka (Welcome)
 The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land, the Kulin Nation. For the Woiwurrung
 (Wurundjeri), Boonwurrung, Taungurong, Dja Dja Wurrung and the Wathaurong groups who form the Kulin Nation, Melbourne
 has always been an important meeting place for events of social, educational, sporting and cultural significance. Today we are
 proud to say that Melbourne is a significant gathering place for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


 DRAFT 09.08.2018

A City that cares for its Environment                                                        2                 3.3      A parkland for people                               19

A City for People                                                                            2                 3.4      A parkland that connects                            19

A City with an Aboriginal Focus                                                              2                 3.5      A parkland of partnerships                          19

1.      Overview                                                                             5         4.      Themes                                                       21

        1.1     Why do we need a master plan?                                                6                 4.1      Nurture a diverse landscape and parkland ecology    21

        1.2     Vision                                                                       7                 4.2      Acknowledge history and cultural heritage           22

        1.3     Domain Parklands Master Plan Snapshot                                        8                 4.3      Support exceptional visitor experience              25

        1.4     Preparation of the master plan                                               9                 4.4      Improve people movement and access                  29

        1.5     Community and Stakeholder engagement                                         10                4.5      Management and partnerships to build resilience     36

2.      Domain Parklands                                                                     11        5.      DOMAIN PARKLANDS PRECINCTS                                   38

        2.1     The history of the site                                                      11                5.1      Precinct 1 - Alexandra and Queen Victoria Gardens   39

        2.2     The Domain Parklands today                                                   12                5.2      Precinct 2 - Kings Domain                           44

        2.3     Strategic context and influences                                             12                5.3      Precinct 3 - Yarra Frontage and Government House    48

        2.4     Landscape Characters                                                         14                5.4      Precinct 4 - Visitor Precinct                       52

        2.5     Land management and status                                                   15                5.5      Precinct 5 - Domain South                           54

        2.6     Landscape Conditions                                                         16        6.      MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION                                   55

3.      Master Plan Values                                                                   18                6.1      Indicative phasing for Master Plan Implementation   56

        3.1     A healthy and resilient parkland                                             18                6.2      Review of the plan                                  57

        3.2     A parkland of history and cultural heritage                                  18

This master plan is provided for information and it does not purport to be complete. While care has been taken to ensure the content
in the master plan is accurate, we cannot guarantee it is without flaw of any kind. There may be errors and omissions or it may not be
wholly appropriate for your particular purposes. In addition, the publication is a snapshot in time based on historic information which
is liable to change. The City of Melbourne accepts no responsibility and disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence
which may arise from you relying on any information contained in this report.

     To find out how you can participate in the decision-making process for City of Melbourne’s current and future
     initiatives, visit

                                                                                                                                                                                 Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                     DRAFT 09.08.2018


 DRAFT 09.08.2018

One of Melbourne's most beautiful
open spaces, the Domain Parklands are
rich in history, unique and special for
their location and presence. This master
plan will help us manage the parklands
for the next 20 years and ensure these
defining spaces remain contemporary.

They are part of the 'emerald necklace'
of parklands which were set aside with
such vision by Governor La Trobe.

Together with the sports and events
precinct area immediately north of the
Yarra, the Domain Parklands form part
of Melbourne's green heart, a meeting
place for more than 60,000 years
and the cornerstone of Melbourne's
reputation for liveability

The name Domain Parklands describes
the collective parks and gardens
known individually as Alexandra
Gardens, Alexandra Park, Queen
Victoria Gardens, Kings Domain,
Sidney Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne
Gardens (Royal Botanic Gardens),
Shrine of Remembrance Reserve and
Government House Reserve.

The Domain Parklands Master plan
encompasses areas managed by five
different Land Managers. It seeks to
recognise the individual and unique
destinations while also strengthening
the parklands as one Domain.

Note: Where there is mention of
the term Melbourne Gardens, it is in
reference to the area commonly known
as the Royal Botanic Gardens, managed
by the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.

Note; In this master plan the Yarra
River is called by its traditional name
Birrarung meaning 'river of mists'
and 'riverbank' in the Woi Wurrung
language of the Wurundjeri people.

                                           Key places and roads referenced throughout the master plan
                                                                                                        Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne   5

                                                                                                                            DRAFT 09.08.2018
 1.1 Why do we need a master plan?

 The draft Domain Parklands Master Plan
 guides the future management of the
                                                                                                                             broad range OF USERS:
 Domain Parklands – a treasured and
 important part of Melbourne.
                                                                                                                             residents, workers
 Before European settlement the area
                                                                                                                             and visitors
 was of great importance to Aboriginal
 people. Since Victoria’s first Lieutenant-
 Governor Charles La Trobe set aside
 land for the Domain Parklands in the
 1840s they have played a major role in
 the life and development of Melbourne.
                                                                                                                             the face of melbourne
 Today the Domain Parklands
                                                                                                                             Key view lines into and
 remain one of Melbourne’s favourite                                                                                         out of the city
 destinations with strong visual
 connections to the CBD and
 surrounding city, containing some of its
 most iconic spaces and places.

 The first Domain Parklands Master
 Plan was endorsed by the Melbourne
 City Council in April 1997. This was the
                                                                                                                             over 120 HA of
 first document to combine the various
 ‘Parks and Gardens’ and river corridor
                                                                                                                             public realm
 into a cohesive plan and describe the
 area as the Domain Parklands.

 Much has occurred since 1997, including
 drought, water initiatives, a dramatic
 growth in visitation, the Observatory
 site development, Victorian heritage                                                                                        diverse ecology
 registration, greater provision of events
 and increasing residential density in
                                                                                                                             creating lungs for
 the area. Many trees in the Domain
 Parklands are in decline and there is a
                                                                                                                             the city
 need to plan for their replacement. The
 broader context for parks management                     1.5 km of                     upon
                                                                                                 HISTORY and CULTURE
                                                                                                 that has changed
                                                                                  Once me
                                                                                   a ti

 has evolved with climate change,
 extreme heat, and water restrictions
 demanding different approaches.                          frontage                               significantly
 This new draft master plan incorporates                                                         over time                   historic living
 contemporary Council policies such as
 the Urban Forest Strategy 2012, Open
 Space Strategy 2012, Climate Change
 Adaptation Strategy 2017 and the
 Nature in the City Strategy 2017.

                                                                                                a place for passive and

 It embeds city strategies and policy
 directions to prepare the parklands                      a collection of                       active recreation, formal
 for the major challenges presented by
                                                          SIGNIFICANT MELBOURNE                                              1.8 km of river
 population growth and climate change.
                                                                                                events and informal
 It responds to the significant changes
                                                          DESTINATIONS                                                       frontage
 in the surrounding areas including the
 Arts precinct, Southbank, the central
                                                                                                gatherings ranging from a
 city, Birrarung Marr and the Sports                                                            few people to over 10,000!
 precinct across the river.


 DRAFT 09.08.2018
1.2 Vision

    ‘Valuing the
     parklands at the
     heart of Melbourne
     and celebrating
     their past, present
     and future.

The master plan outlines a vision for the
Domain Parklands that will:

•    Respect and reveal the site's
     Aboriginal cultural heritage, and
     reflect the broader cultural values
     of historical and contemporary
     significance to Melbourne.

•    Provide a centre of excellence
     in urban horticulture where
     contemporary and diverse
     landscapes are resilient, resource
     efficient, well managed and
     maintained. These landscapes
     will acknowledge heritage values,
     support ecological and biodiversity
     aspirations and be landscapes that
     are enjoyed by the community.

•    Strengthen ‘One Domain’ where
     accessible journeys support all
     visitors to explore and use the

•    Provide amenities that support the
     needs of all visitors and encourage
     positive experiences of the

•    Reflect the experience people are
     seeking in the Domain Parklands
     in the planning, management and
     balancing of priorities.

•    Foster partnerships between the
     Land Managers to improve the
     parklands and enhance visitor

                                            Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 7

                                                                DRAFT 09.08.2018
 1.3 Domain Parklands Master Plan snapshot

 1.3.1   Key Values                          1.3.2    Themes
 The Master Plan sets five key values        Proposals in the master plan have been
 to guide future management of the           described within five themes, each with
 Domain Parklands over the next 20           a number of action areas:

 •   A healthy and resilient parkland

 •   A parkland of history and cultural

 •   A parkland for people

 •   A parkland that connects

 •   A parkland of partnerships

 Fundamental to all the values is the
 principle that there be no net loss of
 parkland and that future change should
 bring positive benefits to the Domain
 Parklands.                                  1. Nurture a diverse landscape and        2. Acknowledge history and              3. Support exceptional visitor          4. Improve pedestrian movement           5. Management and partnerships
                                             parkland ecology                          cultural heritage                       experience                              and access                               to build resilience
 These values will form the base for
 decision making over the life of the 20
 year master plan, as it is not possible
 to anticipate all influences and changes    Key action areas                          Key action areas                        Key action areas                        Key action areas                         Key action areas
 that will arise.
                                             •    Elevate horticultural complexity     •   Respect and reveal the Aboriginal   •   Provide facilities (amenities) to   •   Improve parklands entrances          •   Make one parkland of many unique
                                                  and management                           cultural heritage                       meet future needs                                                                destinations
                                                                                                                                                                       •   Improve internal pathway networks
                                             •    Support a healthy ecosystem          •   Reflect cultural values and         •   Enhance visitor experience                                                   •   Create a framework for priorities
                                                                                                                                                                       •   Reduce barriers and improve              and decision-making
                                                                                           historical significance
                                             •    Manage a city arboretum                                                      •   Manage organised activity spaces        access over roads                    •   Commitment to future
                                                                                       •   Manage memorials in the Domain                                                                                           management and collaboration
                                             •    Manage soil and water                    Parklands (areas managed by City    •   Manage events                       •   Support access by public transport
                                                                                           of Melbourne).                                                                                                       •   Manage uses in the areas managed
                                                                                                                                                                       •   Network approaches to improve            by the City of Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                                           cycling routes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                •   Reduce the impact of services
                                                                                                                                                                       •   Contemporary wayfinding in the
                                                                                                                                                                           Domain Parklands

                                                                                                                                                                       •   Create journeys in the Domain

                                                                                                                                                                       •   Rethink the use of existing road

                                                                                                                                                                       •   Car parking – support visitor
                                                                                                                                                                           access while adapting to future


 DRAFT 09.08.2018
1.4 Preparation of the master plan

The draft master plan has been created    Other policy documents which
to reflect the multiple layers which      informed the master plan include:
make up the place and how it is used.
Wide community and stakeholder            •   Urban Forest Strategy 2012, Open
consultation was conducted, along             Space Strategy 2012, Park Policy,
with detailed research, analysis and          1997
                                          •   Shrine Reserve Landscape
                                              Management Plan (2015)                urban      parkland                     visitors
The consultation explored the opinions    •   Melbourne Gardens Master Plan        context     ecology
and ideas of community members                (draft 2018)
and stakeholders for the future of
the Domain Parklands. The technical       •   Active Melbourne Plan (2018)
analysis examined uses and activities,
heritage, landscape character, traffic    •   Reconciliation Action Plan 2015 –
and parking, horticulture and other           2018, Aboriginal Heritage Action
social and environmental values of the        Plan 2015 – 2018
parklands. The relationships between
                                          •   Total Watermark – City as a
the individual parts of the Domain
                                              Catchment (update 2014)
Parklands were explored along with
opportunities to improve interfaces and   •   Climate Change adaptation
visitor services.                             strategy 2017, Nature in the City
                                              Strategy 2017

Specific research prepared to inform
                                          •   Transport Strategy 2012             cultural     access and                 land
the master plan included the Domain
Parklands Parking and Traffic Study                                               heritage     movement                management
2016, Domain Parklands Conservation
Management Plan 2016 and Domain
Parklands: a shared values study 2017.

                                                                                  landscape    uses and                   trees and
                                                                                  characters   activities                vegetation

                                                                                                            Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 9

                                                                                                                                DRAFT 09.08.2018
 1.5 Community and Stakeholder engagement

 This draft master plan was prepared         Other organisations consulted included               ‘The boathouses and
 following wide stakeholder and              Parks Victoria, Heritage Victoria,                      the Yarra River.’
 community engagement, which further         VicRoads and the National Trust. More
 informed the detailed research and          detailed consultation was undertaken
 analysis.                                   with some groups including the rowing
                                             clubs for specific analysis on the
                                             Alexandra Gardens and the rowing                                                                ‘So many different groups can
                                                                                                                                            use this space for a vast array of
                                             precinct.                                       ‘The shade provided by trees
 A two-phase community engagement                                                            and walking tracks. A balance                  different activities and the space
                                                                                                                                               can be adapted as an event
 program obtained community input                                                           between events and passive use
                                                                                               (picnics, reading a book).’                  space but maintains its historical
 and ideas for the Domain Parklands:                                                                                                                   significance.’
                                             Discussions were held with three
                                             Traditional Owner groups which
                                             informed values, recommendations and
 Phase 1 – Share your memories of            themes. It is acknowledged that these                                                                            ‘I value it because it’s such            ‘Botanic Gardens, being
                                                                                                          ‘The                                                                                          able to walk beside the
 Domain Parklands                            discussions will be ongoing, to explore                 peacefulness in
                                                                                                                              ‘The peace and quiet,           a large area of green space
                                                                                                                                the freshness and             which is really diverse, has               Yarra River, the great
                                             further ways to work together and ways                   the middle of
 The first phase was conducted in                                                                                             greenness, being able              lots of special areas to             expanse of greenery and
                                             to represent the Aboriginal cultural                       the city.’                                                 explore and enjoy.’                  being able to get away
 September to November, 2015. It                                                                                               to walk the Tan and
                                             heritage in the parklands.                                                         see the incredible                                                   from the hustle and bustle
 gathered information about what                                                                                                variety of people                                                             of the city’.
 people value about the Domain                                                                                                 out there doing the
 Parklands by inviting them to share                                                                                                  same.’
 memories, prompting conversations           The City of Melbourne Parks and
 about the themes and aspirations for        Gardens Advisory Committee gave
 the future of the parklands. Specific       extensive assistance to develop this                                                                                                                  ‘I can get away from the heat,
 programs were held to engage with           draft master plan.                                                                                                                                   noise and congestion of the city.’
                                                                                                                                                              ‘Something for everyone.’

 Phase 2 – Discussion Paper                  The City of Melbourne Disability
 The second phase in July – August 2016      Advisory Committee provided valuable                                                                                                             ‘The green oasis in the city.’

 involved the release of a discussion        advice and input, with members taking                                                                     ‘The Tan Track.’
 paper seeking public comment on key         part in site visits.
 themes to set the direction for the
 future of the Domain Parklands.
                                                                                       Community Engagement responses: 'What do you value most in the Domain Parklands?'                                                               'Share your memories' children's consultation
                                                                                       2015                                                                                                                                            September 2015
 Key project partners and
 Preparation of this draft master plan
 was guided by a management steering
 group representing each of the Land
 Managers, community members,                                                              Phase 1                         Phase 2                              Phase 3                                 Adoption                              2019
 Traditional Owners and the Victorian
                                                                                        sept-nov 2015                    jul-aug 2016                        aug-sept 2018                              Dec 2018

                                                                                          engagement                         discussion
                                                                                                                                                                  draft                              Adoption of                       Commence staged
                                                                                          ‘share your                          paper                             master                              Master Plan                        Implementation
                                                                                           memories’                                                              plan
                                                                                                                                  community                               public
                                                                                                                                 engagement                                                                      Council

                                                                                       Domain Parklands master plan project timeline


 DRAFT 09.08.2018
2. Domain Parklands


2.1 The history of the site                                                                                                                                       Pre-European settlement

Cultural landscape history                   The historic landscape

Before European settlement, the              In 1841, following British colonial
land surrounding the Yarra River, the        planning tradition, high ground
Birrarrung, was a life source for the        overlooking Melbourne was reserved
Aboriginal people. Vegetation would          as land for a vice-regal residence. In
have included open grasslands and            1846 additional land was reserved                     Planting along the old river alignment.
grassy woodland, including River Red         for a botanic gardens. The natural
gums, and on the higher areas most           vegetation was modified and replaced,
                                                                                                           Melbourne founded 1835
likely plains grassland. The Yarra River     wetlands were filled in and topography                                                                 1841          Site reserved for Government
would periodically flood and replenish a     was altered. The river flooding was                                                                                  House and grounds
series of billabongs and wetlands. The       substantially controlled by the early
swampy south bank was also a place           1900s through the straightening of the                                                                 1846          Reserve for a botanic gardens added to Domain
of beauty, with lagoons fringed with         River north of Princes Bridge. These
                                                                                                                                                    1860s         Ferdinand Mueller Plan
native grasses, the riverbank edged          works in turn created new areas in the
with tea-tree scrub, and a sprinkling of     Domain, including Alexandra Gardens,                                                                   1870s         Guilfoyle and Sayce Plan
large eucalypts.                             Alexandra Avenue and Queen Victoria
                                             Gardens.                                                                                               1890s         Catani Era

                                                                                                                                                    1911          Birrarung re-alignment
Aboriginal people managed the
land and its resources carefully and         Over time formal gardens were                                                                          1933          Linaker Plan
respectfully, according to ancient lore.     established, trees were planted, and as
This was the Traditional Country of          time progressed there were adaptions                  1866 view over the Domain Parklands
the Kulin nation, which comprised five       and changes reflecting something
Aboriginal language groups speaking          of Melbourne’s evolution. Over an
                                                                                        Shrine of Remembrance opened                         1934
related languages. For Aboriginal            extended period several significant
people, the river was Birrarung (‘River      directions in design have been
of Mists’); central to their identity and    implemented, some of which remain
their livelihood. Aboriginal people          intact today. Key periods include:
enjoyed a varied and plentiful diet on
                                             1860 - Ferdinand Mueller plan                                                                          1959          Sidney Myer Music Bowl opened
this rich flood plain. Eels and fish were
caught in the broad lagoons, and it was
a good place to camp.                        1874 – William Guilfoyle and Sayce plan

                                             1890’s – Catani plan
                                                                                                   1938 Aerial view of Domian Parklands
                                             1933 - Linaker plan.
The area had long been an important
meeting place for the Aboriginal
                                                                                          Domain Parklands Master Plan                       1997
population. Further along the river was
‘the Falls’, then a relatively substantial
                                             The lesser told story occurring as
ledge of volcanic rock than spanned the                                                                                                                           Severe drought periods
                                             Melbourne was establishing was the
river. This was significant as a crossing
                                             displacement of Aboriginal people, and
place and a fishing place, and marked                                                                                                                             Climate change awareness
                                             the hardship and misery experienced
the divide between the salt water and
                                             by immigrants. A Canvas Town and
fresh water.                                                                                                                                        2013          Parklands added to the Victorian
                                             Immigrants home were located on land
                                             within the parklands. A missionary                                                                                   Heritage Register
                                             reserve was established. But the
                                             stories of the Aboriginal people and
                                             Melbourne’s early European settlement
                                                                                                   2015 view over the Domain Parklands
                                             is largely forgotten. Melbourne became
                                             a prosperous city and the Domain
                                             Parklands reflected how Melbourne
                                                                                          Domain Parklands Master Plan                       2018
                                                                                                                                                    2018          Parklands added to the Australian
                                             wanted to see itself.
                                                                                                                                                                  National Heritage List
                                                                                                                                                    2018 - 2038   Domain Parklands Master Plan

                                                                                       Timeline of key moments in the history of the Domain Parklands

                                                                                                                                                                  Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 11

                                                                                                                                                                                       DRAFT 09.08.2018
 2.2 The Domain
  A                                                                                                                                                                                                       City of Melbourne

 Parklands today
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Domain Parklands

                                                                                                                                                                                                          ‘green necklace’
                                                                                                                                                                                                          park network

 The Domain Parklands occupy an              cultural heritage and character,
 area totalling 123 hectares generally       and are important for economic
 bounded by the Yarra River, Anderson        development, tourism, events and the
 Street, Domain Road and St Kilda Road.      arts. The parklands make a significant
                                             contribution to the quality and diversity
 The Domain Parklands are identified         of the city’s open spaces.
 as Capital City and State open spaces
 in the City of Melbourne’s Open Space       Visitors to the parklands are increasing
 Strategy 2012. It describes these           as the municipality’s resident, worker
 as iconic and synonymous with the           and visitor populations grow. The
 character and identity of Melbourne         Domain Parklands is the major open
 and often used to stage activities and      space within walking distance to many
 events of international, national, state    residents in Southbank, the CBD and
 and metropolitan importance.                South Yarra. There is a particularly high
                                             dependence by Southbank and CBD
 The Domain Parklands are important          residents on the Domain Parklands as
 for physical and mental health and          most people live in apartments and
 wellbeing of the community and              there are few local parks.
 social connectedness. They cool
 the city, support biodiversity, profile

 2.3 Strategic context
 and influences
                                             population growth SNAPSHOT

 The parklands connect with
 surrounding areas including the Arts
 precinct, Southbank, the central                                                 124,776
 city, Birrarung Marr and the Sports
 precinct across the river. These areas      120,000

 are developing and changing and all
 experiencing growth.
 Key city-shaping projects underway will      80,000
 also dramatically influence the urban
 context for the Domain Parklands over
 the next few decades. These projects
 include the Metro Tunnel project, the
 Swan Street Bridge redevelopment,
 Southbank Boulevard redevelopment
 and continued development of the
 Sports precinct and Arts precinct.
                                                       Year       2016             2036     LEGEND

                                                       Population growth in Southbank                City of Melbourne municipality
                                                       and the CBD
                                                                                                     Domain Parklands

                                                                                                     ‘green necklace’ park network

                                                                                                                                      Domain Parklands location with the City of Melbourne municipality

 DRAFT 09.08.2018
Public open space                                                                              Master plans by City of Melbourn
                                                                                                     Sports precinct                                                                                                            TJS
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Projects by City of Melbourne^ W         %   f.

                                                                                                     Cultural/arts precinct                                                                         Master plans by others

                                                                                                     Population growth                                                                              Projects by others
                                                                                                                               Birrarung Marr
                                                                                              (D Train station                 Master Plan                                                      © New train station

                                                                                                                              Federation Square
                                                                                                                              Master Pli

                                                                                                                              Flinders Street
                                                  Gardens                                                                     Melbourne
                                                                                                                              Tunnel Project

                                                                                                                               & Queens Bridge
                                                                                                                               Square Renewal
                      Federation                                                                                                                                                                                         Melbourne Park
                       Square         Birrarung
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Master Plan

                                                                                        Yarra Park

                                                                                                                              City Road
                                                                                                                              Master Plan

                                                                                Olympic Park
                                                                                                                              Boulevard                                                                            Swan Street Bridge

                                                                                                                              St Kilda Road
                                                                                                                              Master Plan


                                                                                                                              Melbourne Tunnel Project
                                                                                                                              (proposed ANZAC Station)

                                                                         Fawkner Park
                        Albert Park

Domain Parklands surrounding context                                                                                          Surrounding projects affecting the Domain Parklands
                                                                                                                                                                                    Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                         DRAFT 09.08.2018

The landscape of the Domain                                                                              LEGEND
Parklands comprises a number of
                                                                                                                  Destination Melbourne landscape
distinct character areas within it.
Landscape characters contribute to                                                                                Ornamental gardens
the experiences people have and
value. The master plan will seek to                                                                               Rivers edge
retain experiences people enjoy while
diversifying the landscape where                                                                                  Open parkland
appropriate, for example along the river
                                                                                                                  Botanical landscape
corridor. In the future planting plans
will continue to complement landscape                                                                             Government House gardens
characters and preserve significant
view lines, while also allowing for                                                                               Shrine Reserve
testing and monitoring plants to adapt
to a changing climate.


                                                      Landscape characters within the Domain Parklands

DRAFT 09.08.2018
2.5 LAND MANAGEMENT AND STATDS                                                                                                                                                                          / r.

All the Domain Parklands are Crown           The Sidney Myer Music Bowl and
                                                                                     LAND MANAGERS
land, permanently reserved from sale          its setting are included on the
for a specific public purpose pursuant        National Heritage List (place ID             Melbourne City Council
to the provisions of the Crown Land           105743). The parklands, with the
(Reserves) Act 1978.                          Observatory site but excluding the           Royal Botanic Gardens Board
                                              Melbourne Gardens, were placed
Some Reserves comprise several                on the National Heritage List as             Shrine of Remembrance Trustees
allotments set aside for different            part of the Melbourne's Domain
purposes including public parks and                                                        Office of the Governor
                                              Parkland and Memorial Precinct
gardens, ornamental plantations,              (place ID 106305) on 12 February             Victorian Arts Centre Trust
memorials and statues. The Melbourne          2018.
City Council has been appointed                                                            VicRoads
Committee of Management of most of        The Melbourne Observatory was
the Reserves. The Government House        one of only four nineteenth century              Parks Victoria/Melbourne Water
Reserve, Shrine of Remembrance            observatories in the southern
Reserve, Sidney Myer Music Bowl and       hemisphere and provided critical
Melbourne Gardens have more specific      infrastructure for the functioning of
purposes and under this remit are         the colony and the wider scientific
managed by other Land Managers.           world. Its functions included providing
                                          meteorological data essential for
The City of Melbourne manages a           predicting weather, providing accurate
number of leases and licences for         longitudinal data for the continent and
facilities within the Domain Parklands    was Melbourne's key time keeper.
for community benefit. These include
the Yarra Boathouses, leased to rowing    The King's Domain Resting Place has
clubs, Latrobe's Cottage, leased to the   outstanding national heritage value
National Trust, and the Domain House,     to the nation for its association with
licenced by the Royal Botanic Gardens     Australia's national repatriation story.

    The Domain Parklands primarily
    lie within the Public Park and
    Recreation Zone of the Melbourne
    Planning Scheme.

    The Domain Parklands were added
    to the Victorian Heritage Register
    as a Heritage Place/Archaeological
    Place (H2304) in 2013 pursuant
                                                                                               ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS BOARD
    to the Heritage Act 1995. This
    indicates the historic values of
    the place are at a State level of
    importance.                                                                                                    9%
                                                                                                      OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR
•   Government House, Royal Botanic
     Gardens, Sidney Myer Music
     Bowl, the Shrine of Remembrance
     Reserve, Melbourne University
     Boat Club, the former Observatory
     site and various monuments were
                                                                                            SHRINE OF REMEMBRANCE TRUSTEES

     already listed on the Victorian
     Heritage register.

                                                                                                VICTORIAN ARTS CENTRE TRUST

                                                                                                      MELBOURNE CITY COUNCIL

                                                                                                                               Land managers within the Domain Parklands
                                                                                                                                                                           Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 15

                                                                                                                                                                                                DRAFT 09.08.2018
 2.6 Landscape conditions

 Course of Lower Yarra River during colonisation       Aerial image of Domain Parklands


 DRAFT 09.08.2018
  A3. Master Plan Values

 The Domain Parklands Master Plan sets
 five key values to guide the evolution
                                                       3.1      A healthy and resilient parkland                                              3.2 A parkland of history and cultural
 and management of the Domain
 Parklands over the next 20 years.
                                                       The Domain Parklands will have an              respite from the heat and cool the      We recognise that the parkland is a              its association with the history of
                                                       even more important role in the                city.                                   place of cultural and historic interest          Melbourne is important and needs
 Fundamental to all the values is the
                                                       future as climate change brings                                                        to the people of Victoria as evidenced           to be maintained and enhanced.
 principle that there be no net loss of
                                                       greater challenges. We recognise that      •   Planning for landscape succession       by various listings on the Victorian
 parkland and that future change should
                                                       healthy parklands contribute essential         is integral to managing healthy         Heritage Register, National Heritage         •   Managing the parklands as a
 bring positive benefits to the Domain
                                                       environmental services to urban                landscapes.                             List and Victorian Aboriginal Heritage           heritage place while allowing it
                                                       environments. To support a healthy and                                                 Register. In addition to the official            to evolve to reflect contemporary
                                                       resilient parkland we need to increase     •   Trees play many essential roles,        histories, monuments and structures              values and meet the needs of the
                                                       canopy cover and urban forest diversity,       providing beauty, creating              there is also the ‘other’ history- the           city should continue.
                                                       improve vegetation health, habitat and         landscape settings, stimulating the     stories and memories of people over
                                                       improve soil moisture and water quality.       senses and positively influencing       generations, which influences what           •   There are unique parts of the
                                                                                                      our mental health and wellbeing.        people value today. This is also a place         parklands which contribute to the
                                                       Climate change will influence the future                                               of living culture, not just one reflecting       cultural significance.
                                                       planning and management of the             •   Urban ecology and biodiversity
                                                                                                                                              the past.
                                                       parklands.                                     are important indicators and                                                         •   The opportunity to recreate
                                                                                                      contributors to healthy parklands.      We know:                                         elements of indigenous landscape
                                                       We know:                                                                                                                                and places for gathering, reflection
                                                                                                  •   Selecting the right plants for the      •   The area that is now the Domain              and education will be explored.
                                                       •   Tree canopies and root systems             right place will support biodiversity       Parklands is significant to                  Development of opportunities for
                                                           reduce stormwater flows and                in the city.                                Aboriginal People. It is a place             education about Aboriginal culture
                                                           nutrient loads that would end                                                          of shared Aboriginal and non-                in the parklands will be supported.
                                                           up in waterways during weather         •   Horticultural elements provide
                                                                                                                                                  Aboriginal history and cultural
                                                           events. Trees intercept rainfall           some of the pleasure enjoyed by                                                      •   The important civic, ceremonial,
                                                                                                                                                  heritage values.
                                                           and unpaved areas absorb water,            people visiting the parklands.                                                           recreational and landscape
                                                           slowing the rate of runoff and                                                     •   All people value the cultural                experiences and features that this
                                                                                                  •   Managing levels of use is important                                                      place provides for the capital city
                                                           contributing to the stormwater                                                         diversity and heritage of the
                                                                                                      to maintain a healthy landscape.                                                         should be celebrated.
                                                           management.                                                                            parklands as it connects and gives
                                                                                                                                                  them a sense of place.
                                                                                                  •   Healthy parks are an essential
                                                       •   On days of extreme heat, the trees
                                                                                                      ingredient for healthy people.
                                                           in the Domain Parklands provide                                                    •   The role of the parklands as the
                                                                                                                                                  setting for Government House,
                                                                                                                                                  the Shrine of Remembrance, the
                                                                                                                                                  Melbourne Gardens, Observatory
                                                                                                                                                  and Sidney Myer Music Bowl and


 DRAFT 09.08.2018
3.3        A parkland for people                                                              3.4 A parkland that connects                                                       3.5        A parkland of partnerships
Parks are critical for physical and           •   Places of quiet reflection and          The Domain Parklands are valued well            cooling the city. Their contribution   The Domain Parklands are one special
mental health and wellbeing. By                   landscape beauty provide relief         beyond their boundaries. They are an            to the city economy is substantial.    place, created by the distinct character
improving access and balancing                    from the urban environment.             essential ingredient to the liveability                                                of the individual destinations within
uses we support equity and facilitate                                                     of the city, and contribute to who we       •   The wider economic benefit of          it. We recognise there is opportunity
participation by all. We recognise            •   Recognise that people of all ages       are as a city. Viewed from the ground           the parklands contributes to our       for Domain Parklands Land Managers
the importance of encouraging                     and abilities visit the parklands.      and above, they provide layers of joy           present and future quality of life,    to collaborate to enhance the broader
participation in physical activity and                                                    and discovery for residents and visitors        health and prosperity. To continue     destination management.
promoting opportunities for relaxation,       •   New journeys, improved path             from all over the world. They connect           to capture the economic benefits
community and learning.                           links and better public transport       us to the city and the river and are part       the city must invest in the renewal    We know:
                                                  connections are needed to improve       of our knowledge of Melbourne.                  and care of the parklands.
We know:                                          access to the key destinations                                                                                                 •   Strengthening the environmental
                                                  within the parklands.                   We know:                                    •   Prominent landmarks in the                 services role for the city and
•   The beauty of the landscape setting                                                                                                   parklands connect with the city            improving the visitor experience
     is an essential part of the quality of   •   Provision of well-located amenities     •    The Domain Parklands are a                 and help people navigate.                  of the place, will benefit from
     the visitor experience.                      encourages participation by all              major factor in our international                                                     collective oversight and direction.
                                                  and makes the visit a positive               reputation as an attractive and        •   Access and movement to and
•    People visit the parklands from              experience.                                  liveable city and desirable tourist        within the parklands is best           •   There are unique destinations with
     near and far. The parklands are                                                           destination. They are a major              planned with the pedestrian as the         specific purposes. Together they
     important for people who live            •   Good wayfinding supports the                 contributor to property values             priority.                                  create ‘Parklands’ to be celebrated.
     nearby in apartments as well as              visitor. It allows people to discover        in the city, Southbank and South
     for people from across the State             new experiences as well as helping           Yarra and contribute significant       •   Good access to and around the          •   Common values and a united vision
     who may visit less frequently.               them get to their destination.               direct economic value to the city.         parklands is an essential ingredient       for the Domain Parklands will
     Recognising the different ways the                                                                                                   for the quality of the visitor             elevate innovative management for
     parklands are used is an important       •   Play in parks is important for the      •    The Domain Parklands provide               experience.                                the parklands.
     part of supporting visitors.                 healthy development of children              economic benefits through cultural
                                                  and young people.                            services including recreation,         •   A hierarchy of accessible paths,       •   Partnerships in management will
                                                                                               health and tourism. Additionally           journeys, wayfinding, access               help to build resilience.
                                                                                               they provide ecosystem services            by public transport and links to
                                                                                                                                          surrounding parks and the Yarra        •   Collaborative approaches to
                                                                                               such air filtration, storm water
                                                                                                                                          River are integral to good access.         management will incorporate
                                                                                               cleaning, climate regulation and
                                                                                                                                                                                     strategic direction, guidance and

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 19

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4 master plan themes

4.1 Nurture a diverse landscape and parkland ecology

                                            4.1.1 Elevate horticultural                  4.1.2 Support a healthy                   4.1.3 Manage a city arboretum                                                            4.1.4 Manage soil and water
                                            complexity and management                    ecosystem
                                                                                                                                   Ferdinand Mueller, the first director of    It is proposed to further expand the city    Management of soil and water in the
                                            Enhancing horticultural elements in          The Domain Parklands are one of the       the Royal Botanic Gardens planted an        arboretum in partnership with the Royal      landscape will continue to be of critical
                                            the landscape and connecting to other        major biodiversity hotspots in the        arboretum through the parklands in          Botanic Gardens Victoria. Through the        importance in nurturing a healthy
                                            significant landscapes such as the           Melbourne municipality. They contain      the 1850s and 1860s. An arboretum           city arboretum, a stronger emphasis          and resilient parkland. Soil moisture
                                            Melbourne Gardens and Yarra River,           diverse vegetation that supports          is a collection of trees, cultivated for    will be placed on science, research and      is influenced by rainfall and irrigation
                                            will attract visitors, and enhance visitor   animals and other living creatures,       conservation, scientific, research and      education. The trees will be managed         as well as the soil structure. Adapting
                                            experience through appreciation of           forming unique urban ecosystems.          educational purposes.                       at a higher level of cultivation than        and improving soil management and
                                            the landscape. Technical expertise           These ecosystems are crucial for                                                      usual, to facilitate leading research. The   irrigation practises increases the
                                            and good management is needed to             maintaining health and wellbeing by       Trees play an essential role in defining    learning from this will be applied to        absorptive and water holding capacity
                                            support a healthy landscape, respect         filtrating air and water and providing    the character of the Domain Parklands.      tree selection and management across         of the soil. We will continue to work
                                            heritage and achieve cost effective          shade and places for recreation.          They provide beauty, habitat, create        the municipality. Selection of planting      toward integrated water management
                                            maintenance. A management plan and                                                     landscape settings, stimulate the senses    locations will be guided and designed        systems throughout the parklands,
                                            guiding principles will be developed         We need to understand, monitor and        and positively influence our mental         carefully to coordinate with landscape       including investigating alternative water
The City of Melbourne is currently
                                            to enable operational decision               facilitate the many ways the Domain       health and wellbeing. Trees are vital for   character, heritage influences, view         supplies.
facing three significant challenges:
                                            making, to inform park renewal,              Parklands promote and support             cooling the city and the tree canopies      lines and open areas to retain, and how
climate change, urban heating and
                                            routine maintenance and operational          urban ecology and biodiversity in         and root systems reduce stormwater          the area is used.
population growth. These will place
                                            plans, including where garden beds           the municipality and ensure our           flows and nutrient loads that would
pressure on the fabric, services and
                                            should be reinstated or removed. The         management protects and improves          end up in the Yarra River and our           Opportunities to develop an education
people of the city. We need to respond
                                            management plan will include all asset       these values.                             waterways.                                  centre to promote understanding of the
to these challenges by proactively
building healthy resilient landscapes for   classes (such as horticulture, paths,                                                                                              role of the urban forest will be explored
                                                                                                                                   Many trees in the Domain Parklands          (see Visitor Experience - section 4.3).
future generations.                         infrastructure, and water features). The
                                                                                                                                   are reaching the later part of their life
                                            plan will guide selection of a healthy
                                                                                                                                   and will need replacing in the coming
The Domain Parklands play a critical        mix of exotic and native species as well
                                                                                                                                   decades. New tree planting and
environmental health role, acting           as functional aspects such as shade
                                                                                                                                   planting renewal will be informed by
as lungs for the city. All its natural      for the Tan Track. Through the master
                                                                                                                                   research identifying trees which are
elements—soil, water, trees and             plan we will continue to ensure the
                                                                                                                                   better at coping with future climate
plants—require effective management         parklands are a centre of excellence in
and resourcing over the short and           urban horticulture.
long term. We want to maximise the
environmental contribution of the
parklands and incorporate this into         Master Plan Actions                          Master Plan Actions                       Master Plan Actions                                                                      Master Plan Actions
future decision-making.                     •   Implement City of Melbourne              •   Implement the principles of the       •    Develop and manage the city                                                         •   Continue innovative approaches to
                                                Eco-City strategies while retaining          Urban Forest Strategy and Nature           arboretum in partnership with the                                                       soil management
The parklands are also significant in
                                                landscape design elements that               in the City Strategy to improve            Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.
that they provide pleasure, respite
                                                have been assessed as having                 biodiversity and urban ecology.                                                                                                •   Continue to work towards
and contact with nature to people                                                                                                  •    Recommend funding for program
                                                primary conservation significance.                                                                                                                                              integrated water management.
visiting the parklands. The quality of                                                   •   Partner with Land Managers on              delivery of science, research and
the experience is enhanced through          •   Develop and implement a                      initiatives to improve biodiversity        education for the arboretum.                                                        •   Investigate and recommend
landscape design and horticultural              management plan and guiding                  outcomes, integrate approaches to                                                                                                  investment in alternative water
expertise.                                      principles that facilitates                  water management and advance          •    Develop a detailed tree planting                                                        supply systems in partnership with
                                                horticultural excellence for planting        the arboretum.                             and maintenance plan and                                                                Land Managers to achieve a 50 per
                                                styles, locations and maintenance                                                       collections policy for the                                                              cent target of all irrigation water
                                                regimes for the parklands.                                                              arboretum.                                                                              used in the parkland being from a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                non-potable source.
                                            •   Strategically introduce native plant
                                                palettes in key areas including the
                                                river edge.

                                            •   As part of the detailed designs for
                                                Kings Domain south, Kings Domain
                                                (Toms Block) and Alexandra Park,
                                                improve landscape character and
                                                planting diversity.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 21

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DRAFT 09.08.2018

                                           4.2.1 Respect and reveal the                Master Plan Actions
                                           Aboriginal cultural heritage                •      Work with the Traditional owner
                                                                                              groups to build a stronger story of
                                           The area that is now the Domain                    the Aboriginal connection to the
                                           Parklands is significant to Aboriginal             area of the Domain Parklands, river
                                           people. There are two distinct                     and river banks.
                                           communities represented in the
                                           parklands. The Kings Domain Resting                Commission further research
                                           Place is important for all the nations in          of historical data from primary
                                           Victoria. There are also specific groups           sources and the Lower Yarra
                                           with stated connection to the area.                landscape's cultural values, with a
                                                                                              focus on the Domain Parklands.
                                           Before European settlement the land
                                           we know now as the Domain Parklands                Explore and strengthen the link
There are many cultural values             was a rich and fertile landscape. The              to Tromgin (indigenous social
and characters within the Domain           river followed a different course, with            gathering site) and along the
Parklands. The Domain Parklands have       extensive wetlands along much of                   Yarra River, in collaboration with
evolved over time, boundaries have         the lower parts of the area. It was an             Traditional Owners and Royal
changed, important places have been        area of great importance to Aboriginal             Botanic Gardens Victoria.
built, and the Yarra River has been a      people, a meeting place and a food
                                           source.                                            Develop a self- guided Melbourne
constant connection. It is a place of
                                                                                              walk in collaboration with
shared Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
                                           This master plan will acknowledge                  Traditional Owners and Royal
history and cultural heritage values.
                                           the Aboriginal history of the Domain               Botanic Gardens Victoria.
    The Aboriginal cultural heritage       Parklands, while also creating a
                                           platform to celebrate Aboriginal                   Working with all the Land
    is a missing layer in the current
                                           culture in Melbourne in the 21st century.          Managers and Traditional Owners,
    Domain Parklands.
                                           People want to know the story of this              develop a joint Cultural Heritage
•   Unique parts of the parklands          country.                                           Management Plan to guide the
    contribute to the cultural                                                                management of the place.
    significance.                          In the future the use of Aboriginal place
                                           names to recognise history will be                 Explore renaming places within the
    The parklands were set aside           explored.                                          parklands to recognise Aboriginal
    as the 'domain' for Government                                                            history.
    House. They were also the place
    for other important government
    functions including the Melbourne
    Gardens and Observatory.


                                                                             Existing indigenous planting

                                                                             Opportunity for indigenous /native planting

                                                                             Opportunity to enhance indigenous /native planting

                                                                             Destination Melbourne landscape

                                                                             Ornamental gardens

                                                                             Rivers edge

                                                                             Open parkland

                                                                             Botanical landscape

                                                                             Government House gardens
King Domain Resting Place marks the burial
                                                                             Shrine Reserve
place of some 30 Aboriginal people

                                                                                                                                    Key areas for enhancing native plant palette
22 participate,

DRAFT 09.08.2018
4.2.2 Reflect cultural values                Master Plan Actions
and historical significance                  •   Promote an increase in community
                                                 understanding and recognition
The Domain Parklands are of historical,          of cultural heritage. Increase the
archaeological, aesthetic, architectural,        public visibility of the history of the
scientific (horticultural), and social           parklands through information and
significance to the State of Victoria. The       interpretation.
Domain Parklands were listed on the
Victorian Heritage Register in July 2013.    •   Continue to maintain and restore
                                                 the unique parts of the cultural
Unique parts of the Domain Parklands             collection.
that contribute to the cultural and
historical significance include:

•   As a setting for places of
    outstanding value, being
    Government House and Grounds,
    the Shrine of Remembrance,
    the Sidney Myer Music Bowl,
    the Melbourne Gardens and

•   Places such as the Pioneer
    Women’s Memorial Garden, the
    fern gully, the boathouses, The
    Tan Track, the Queen Victoria
    memorial, and Janet Lady Clarke

•   Specific journeys or path links,
    particular views, elements of
    Aboriginal cultural significance,
    horticultural places such as the
    floral clock and unusual features
    such as the Robinette rockeries.

•   Fountains and water features,
    artwork and sculptures.

A number of elements such as
fountains, artworks, sculptures and
rockeries enhance the recreation
experience for visitors as well as being
of cultural and historic value. They are,
and should continue to be, maintained
and restored as part of the cultural

Of enormous importance is the use of
the parklands by the people of Victoria
and beyond. The parklands are highly
valued by all. The parklands are used
for passive and active recreation, for
celebration and commemoration, for
ceremonial and civic functions. These
are of ongoing importance to the city
and its people.

                                                                                           Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 23

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4.2.3 Manage memorials in the               Master Plan actions
Domain Parklands                               Requests for future
                                               memorialisation, other than within
There are many memorials within the            the Shrine Reserve, are only
Kings Domain. Due to its location,             considered if in keeping with the
character and high profile, the Kings          Plaques and Memorials policy
Domain is frequently requested as the          (2016).
location to place new memorials. While
each memorial has merit, the ad hoc             That no additional large memorials
accumulation over time has resulted in          or monuments, unless replacing
visual clutter and limitations on the way       existing ones, be permitted within
the parklands can be used.                      areas of the Domain Parklands
                                                managed by the City of Melbourne.
In order to manage and protect the
landscape values and uses of all the            Continue to contain plaques for
parklands, the City of Melbourne has            Rotary commemoration within the
developed a Plaques and Memorials               current Rotary corner area.
policy (2016) which establishes criteria
to guide decision-making.

Any future proposals for memorials
within the areas of the Domain
Parklands which City of Melbourne
manages, other than within the Shrine
Reserve, will need to be managed
within the policy and alternative
methods of commemoration should be

It is proposed that no further large
memorials be placed in the Kings
Domain, and any future memorialisation
only be considered where it could
become part of the landscape rather
than as a specific element. Alternative
methods for commemoration could
be considered such as horticultural
memorials (including display garden
beds) which would be more consistent
with the park setting and contribute
to the ecological diversity and visitor
experience. De-accession or rotation
policies for existing memorials, similar
to galleries, are other possibilities.


                                                     Queen Victoria Gardens - royal memorials

                                                     Tom's Block - civic/institutional memorials

                                                     Shrine Reserve - war memorials

                                                     Rotary corner - community groups

                                                     Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden

                                                     Government House Drive+Anzac Avenue - government and military leaders

                                                                                                                             Designated areas for memorialisation within the Domain Parklands

DRAFT 09.08.2018
4.3 Support exceptional visitor experience

            People come to visit particular
            destinations in the Domain Parklands
            including the Melbourne Gardens, the
            Shrine of Remembrance and the Sidney
            Myer Music Bowl. People also visit the
            parklands for a range of sport and
            recreation activities, both formal and
            informal, e.g. to relax, walk, exercise, for
            picnics and gatherings, to row, to skate,
            for play, walk the dog on a lead, attend
            events and public programs, concerts,
            ceremonies and commemorations
            and to generally explore and enjoy
            the parklands. Visitors include
            residents, workers, local, interstate and
            international tourists.

            While actual visitor numbers are
            difficult to collect, it is clear they
            are high. The Melbourne Gardens
            have over 1.6 million visitors and the
            Shrine of Remembrance (monument
            and Reserve) also receive around 1.5
            million visitors each year. The Sidney
            Myer Music Bowl has around 200,000
            visitors a year. Recent Tan Track counts
            have from 4,000 to 6,000 people using
            the track each day, which equates to 1.7
            – 2.2 million visitors per year.

            Places of quiet reflection and landscape
            beauty provide relief from the urban
            environment. Enhancing the visual
            amenity and landscape setting of
            the Domain Parklands to provide this
            respite is a high priority. Provision of
            well-located amenities encourages
            participation by all and makes the visit
            a positive experience.

            The number of visitors to the parklands
            will continue to grow. There is
            increasing pressure regarding the levels
            and types of uses in the parklands and
            the effect of some activities on the
            passive enjoyment of the parklands. A
            balanced approach, to enable different
            activities to occur while retaining
            experiences, is essential to supporting
            exceptional visitor experience.

                                                           Domain Parklands Draft Masterplan City of Melbourne 25

                                                                                DRAFT 09.08.2018

 4.3.1 Provide facilities                    Master Plan Actions                         4.3.2 Enhance visitor                        The ANZAC Station (currently under          Master Plan Actions
 (amenities) to meet future                                                              experience                                   construction) presents an opportunity
                                             •   Upgrade the depot toilets (at                                                                                                    •   Prepare a detailed design for
                                                                                                                                      to create a new entrance to the
 needs                                           Government House gate) and
                                                                                                                                      parklands in Kings Domain South.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Alexandra Park (S). This will
                                                 Alexandra Avenue (S) toilets.           The highest use of the parklands is                                                          include resolution of accessible
                                                                                         unstructured recreation. Unstructured        Accessible paths need to be created to
 The term ‘amenities’ describes facilities                                                                                                                                            path locations, upgrading picnic
                                             •   Relocate the Alexandra Gardens          recreation describes activities that are     bring visitors to the entrances of the
 such as seats, drink fountains, bins,                                                                                                                                                areas and separating cyclist
                                                 toilet and determine its optimum        usually non-competitive, spontaneous,        Melbourne Gardens and the Shrine of
 public toilets, lighting, picnic and                                                                                                                                                 movement corridors.
                                                 size. Determine location and            informal or social in nature, such           Remembrance from the station.
 BBQ areas which support visitors.
 Improvements to amenities include               provide for sewer connection for        as walking, play, picnicking and                                                         •   Work with the Royal Botanic
                                                                                         contemplation.                               A new visitor and nature centre
 assessing gaps in provision, upgrading          temporary event toilets.                                                                                                             Gardens Victoria to develop the
                                                                                                                                      is proposed, to welcome visitors
 toilets and improving signage to toilet                                                                                                                                              detailed design to enhance the
                                             •   Relocate the toilets currently          Understanding the importance of these        and introduce them to the unique
 and picnic areas.                                                                                                                                                                    interface and improve pedestrian
                                                 adjacent to the Sidney Myer Music       experiences is important for managing        destinations within the parklands. It
                                                                                                                                                                                      links with the Melbourne Gardens.
                                                 Bowl to a more suitable location        and balancing priorities within the          is envisaged that the nature centre
 The picnic / BBQ area along the Yarra
                                                 (to be determined during detailed       parklands. A balanced approach to            would be an urban forest and                •   Create a new entry to the
 needs redesigning and upgrading to
                                                 design).                                enable different activities to occur         ecology education hub, promoting                parklands from the ANZAC Station,
 improve access (refer section 4.3.2).
                                                                                         concurrently or consecutively within         the importance of the urban forest,             including accessible paths to
 There is also the opportunity to
                                             •   Review toilets adjacent to The          the parklands, while not displacing the      arboretum, green infrastructure,                entries at the Melbourne Gardens
 provide further picnic and BBQ areas at
                                                 Shrine of Remembrance as part           experiences sought by the majority of        urban horticulture and nature. The              and Shrine of Remembrance.
 different locations within the parklands,
                                                 of Kings Domain South detailed          users will be sought.                        visitor centre component could be
 including Kings Domain South.
                                                 design.                                                                              curated to introduce themes relating        •   Investigate the development of
 Path lighting is important for public                                                   In addition to programming of events         to the evolution and changing                   a new visitor and nature centre,
 safety, amenity and access. There are       •   Identify the location and provide a     and activities, the quality of the           character of the parklands. These               in partnership with the Land
 some areas where improvements to                ‘changing places’ facility to support   visitor experience is influenced by          themes include civic and governance             Managers.
 lighting are a priority. These include          people with profound disabilities.      their positive interactions with others,     role (Government House), military
 Alexandra Gardens, especially near the                                                  the landscape setting, the amenities         history and commemoration (Shrine           •   Investigate opportunities for
                                             •   Improve directional signage to          that are provided, and their ability to      of Remembrance), Aboriginal                     collaboration with the Royal
 boathouses, and in the access to the
                                                 public toilets.                         find their way around the parklands.         cultural heritage, science and history          Botanic Gardens Victoria in the
 Sidney Myer Music Bowl.
                                                                                         Through enhancing the visual amenity         (Observatory), botanical (Melbourne             visitor information and education
                                             •   Redesign and upgrade the picnic/        and landscape setting of the Domain          Gardens) and the settlement and                 services associated with the
 Bicycle parking locations and repair
                                                 BBQ area along the Yarra River in       Parklands they will continue to provide      planning of Melbourne. In consultation          proposed new Herbarium within
 stations should be provided in suitable
                                                 Alexandra Park (S).                     the community with relief from the           with Traditional Owners, information            the visitor and nature centre.
 locations within the parklands.
 Provision of facilities to support                                                      harshness of the urban environment.          celebrating and acknowledging
                                             •   Identify suitable locations for new                                                                                              •   Introduce programming and
 recharging motorised scooters and                                                                                                    Aboriginal cultural heritage could also
                                                 picnic/BBQ areas including in           The southern section of Alexandra Park,                                                      prompts for greater play in the
 wheelchairs could be investigated                                                                                                    be shared. The proposed National
                                                 Kings Domain South.                     adjacent to the Alexandra Avenue (S) is                                                      Domain Parklands.
 in conjunction with the other Land                                                                                                   Herbarium of Victoria, which has a
 Managers.                                                                               a popular riverside picnic and BBQ area      critical research and storage function
                                             Assess the location of existing seating,
                                                                                         with a pleasant landscape character. It      as well as an education and information
                                             drink fountains, bins, lighting, bike
                                                                                         also has an increasing use by cyclists.      role, could have elements co-located
                                             parking and bike repair stations.
                                                                                         A detailed design is a high priority for     with the nature centre.
                                             Develop guidelines and service levels
                                                                                         this area, to improve accessibility of the
                                             for their type, location and spacing and
                                                                                         path network, upgrade the picnic areas,      The parklands are a rich landscape for
                                             provide new amenities where required.
                                                                                         and separate the cyclist movement            play with space, trees to climb, and an
                                             Provide facilities for recharging           corridor by creating a dedicated on          interesting variety of places to hide and
                                             motorised scooters and wheelchairs.         road cycle path. This design will also       places to run. Nature play will continue
                                                                                         incorporate links to the proposed            to be encouraged in the parklands.
                                                                                         new river entry to the Melbourne             Opportunities and prompts for play
                                                                                         Gardens, potential new boat landing for      could particularly be explored in Kings
                                                                                         transport to the Melbourne Gardens,          Domain South.
                                                                                         and ways to better connect the
                                                                                         landscapes (with the Gardens). Other
                                                                                         considerations will include planning for
                                                                                         tree renewal and other initiatives which
                                                                                         link to the draft Melbourne Gardens
                                                                                         Master Plan. These projects will be
                                                                                         developed with Melbourne Gardens and
                                                                                         Parks Victoria.


 DRAFT 09.08.2018
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