DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club

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DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club
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Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity
DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club

                   Here is a look at recent research that    EVALUATING STEM-CELL
                   is helping to advance care for dogs.      THERAPY IN TREATING
                   One study is evaluating the best          SUPRASPINATUS
                   regenerative medicine approach to         TENDINOPATHY
                   treating a common shoulder injury            One of the most common sporting
                   in dogs. Another is using an airway       injuries in dogs is supraspinatus tend-
                   cell-culture model to study a novel       inopathy — an injury akin to a rotator
                   treatment for kennel cough. Meanwhile,    cuff tear in people. Lameness in a front
                   behaviorists are studying whether dog     leg is the most common sign of a partial
                   breeds from Chihuahua to Great Dane       or complete tear of the tendon support-
                   have different pain sensitivity levels.   ing the supraspinatus muscle in the

DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club
Dog Update

shoulder. Repetitive activities such as
agility, flyball, herding, and field trials
involving outstretched forelimbs, quick
turns, and jump-turn combinations put
a dog at risk by causing stress to the
shoulder muscle.
   A challenging condition to diagnose,
supraspinatus tendinopathy may lead to
chronic lameness and pain due to the
tearing of the tendon fibers and resulting
inflammation. Untreated disease can
cause mineralization and calcification
of the tendon that ultimately reduces
function of the joint and surrounding
muscle tissue. Treatment with rest,
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) and physical therapy do not
alleviate the condition long term. Surgery
for chronic cases involves removing the
calcification on the tendon.
   Regenerative medicine using platelet-
rich plasma (PRP), adipose stem cells
(ASC) and stromal vascular fraction
(SVF) provides alternative therapies
for supraspinatus tendinopathy as well
as other joint diseases. An investigation
underway at The Ohio State University
in collaboration with Virginia-Maryland
College of Veterinary Medicine aims to
learn the most effective regenerative
medicine treatment for this type of
tendon injury in dogs. Funded by the
AKC Canine Health Foundation, the
research is considered a landmark
clinical trial as it is the first evidence-based
study looking at these novel treatments
for supraspinatus tendinopathy.
   “We have found that PRP and stem-
cell therapies accelerate and promote
healing through tissue regeneration and
reduced scaring,” says lead investigator
Jennifer G. Barrett, DVM, PhD, DACVS,
DACVSMR, the Theodora Ayer Randolph                performs the clinical assessment and
professor of equine surgery at Virginia-           treatments, and Dr. Barrett provides the
Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.           regenerative therapies. For the stem-cell
“Dogs become comfortable, and those                procedure, Dr. Kieves provides a half-
with partial tears in the supraspinatus            inch cube of adipose (fat) tissue —
tendon tend to heal completely rather              essentially the size of a sugar cube
than to completely tear the tendon as              — and blood samples for extracting
often happens when dogs are not treated.”          stem cells from dogs being treated for
   Having followed dogs treated for this           supraspinatus tendinopathy.
condition for many years retrospectively,            Dogs are randomly assigned to one of
Dr. Barrett has begun a collaboration              three treatment groups, each having
with Nina R. Kieves, DVM, DACVS,                   20 dogs. The treatment groups are
DACVSMR, assistant professor of                    described below:
small-animal orthopedic surgery at                 • Stromal vascular fraction group, a
The Ohio State University. Dr. Kieves                 fast-turnaround method in which

DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club

                                              roughly 10,000 stem cells are extract-   enced canine kennel cough. A honking
                                              ed from the adipose tissue and           sound, strong cough, runny nose, leth-
                                              quickly returned for treatment.          argy, and loss of appetite are telltale
                                          • Stem cell with PRP group in which 1 to     signs of canine infectious respiratory
                                              5 million stem cells are produced to     disease (CIRD) complex caused by
                                              aid therapy. The PRP, which contains     various viral and bacterial pathogens.
“We have found that PRP                       growth factors that aid healing, is        Easily spread through airborne droplets
                                              extracted from a dog’s own blood.        and direct contact with a contagious dog
and stem-cell therapies                   • Blind control group in which dogs          or contaminated object, kennel cough
                                              receive blood serum injections. This     can quickly affect all dogs in a kennel
accelerate and promote                        group is eligible for regenerative       or those living closely together. Most
                                              medicine therapy following the com-      dogs recover without treatment in 10
healing through tissue
                                              pletion of their progress evaluation.    to 14 days. Preventive vaccines are
regeneration and reduced                     “We hope that this research study will    available for the Bordetella bronchi-
                                          show which of two regenerative ther-         septica bacterium, a common cause
scaring.”                                 apies is best for treating this difficult    of kennel cough with signs ranging from
                                          injury in dogs,” Dr. Barrett says. “We       mild upper-respiratory illness to severe
Jennifer G. Barrett, DVM, PhD, DACVS,     are happy that all dogs treated in the       bronchopneumonia, as well as some of
DACVSMR, the Theodora Ayer Randolph       study will have access to stem-cell          the viral causes. Antibiotic treatment
professor of equine surgery, Virginia-    therapy at the conclusion of the trial       may ease the clinical signs of infected
Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine   if it proves to be most effective.”          dogs with bacterial infections, but they
                                                                                       do not work for viral infections.
                                          DEVELOPING A MODEL TO                          “While there are vaccines, they vary in
                                          EVALUATE POTENTIAL NEW                       efficacy and sometimes fail to induce a
                                          THERAPY FOR KENNEL                           sufficient immune response to slow or
                                          COUGH                                        stop infection,” says Gisela Soboll Hussey,
                                            Owners who train their dogs in group       DVM, PhD, associate professor of patho-
                                          settings and participate in sports where     biology and diagnostic investigation
                                          there are lots of dogs have likely experi-   at Michigan State University. “We are

DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club
Dog Update

developing a canine airway cell-culture        UNDERSTANDING
model to study the viral pathogens             PERCEPTIONS ABOUT
that contribute to kennel cough and            DOG BREEDS’ SENSITIVITY
to evaluate the efficacy of a modified         TO PAIN
interferon lambda as a new therapy.”              Theoretically, all dogs should have
   Funded by Morris Animal Foundation,         similar pain thresholds, but according
and the Office for Research and Graduate       to over 90 percent of respondents, half of
Studies and the Department of Patho-           which were veterinarians, of an online
biology and Diagnostic Investigation at        survey, there are differences among
the College of Veterinary Medicine at          dog breeds. Small-breed dogs, such
Michigan State University, the research        as Chihuahua and Maltese, were rated
focuses on prevention strategies using         as being less tolerant of pain than
interferons, which are proteins found          some of their larger cohorts, such as
naturally in the body that have an             Doberman Pinscher and Rottweiler.
important role in fighting infectious             The survey findings, published              “We are developing a
diseases. “We are hopeful this will provide    March 17, 2020, in PLOS One, piqued
an emergency therapeutic or an adjunct         interest by the investigators to continue      canine airway cell-culture
therapy to use with vaccines to effec-         studying beliefs about how dog breeds
tively reduce or control CIRD infections,”     differ in their sensitivity to pain. The
                                                                                              model to study the viral
Dr. Hussey says.
   Nine bacterial and viral pathogens are
                                               AKC Canine Health Foundation is                pathogens that contribute
                                               funding the follow-up research underway
linked to CIRD. Besides Bordetella bron-       at North Carolina State University.            to kennel cough and to
chiseptica, they include the bacteriums,          Lead investigators Margaret Gruen,
Mycoplasma cynos, found in dogs with           DVM, MVPH, PhD, DACVB, assistant               evaluate the efficacy of a
pneumonia, and Streptococcus equi. subsp.      professor of behavioral medicine, and
zooepidemicus, which can cause mild            Duncan Lascelles, BVSc, PhD, DECVS,            modified interferon lambda
upper-respiratory disease and subclinical      DACVS, professor of translational pain
infections. Neither has a vaccine treatment.   research and management, are working           as a new therapy.”
   Viral pathogens that can cause CIRD         to learn if perceptions about dog breeds’
and for which there are vaccine treat-         varied pain thresholds are scientifically      Gisela Soboll Hussey, DVM, PhD,
ments are: adenovirus-2, which can             grounded. Rachel Cunningham, DVM,              associate professor of pathobiology
cause a harsh cough and mild upper-            a postdoctoral research associate who          and diagnostic investigation, Michigan
respiratory signs; distemper virus, pro-       is now a surgical intern at Michigan State     State University
ducing respiratory signs combined with         University, and Rachel Park, a graduate
lethargy, ocular discharge and fever;          student in the Comparative Biomedical
influenza virus, ranging from subclinical      Sciences program, conducted the study.
to severe disease with secondary bacte-           “Our null hypothesis is that dogs
rial infection; and parainfluenza virus,       regardless of their breed have similar
a highly contagious, upper-respiratory         pain thresholds,” Dr. Gruen says. “The
illness. Viral pathogens for which there       risk of ungrounded, preconceived beliefs
are no vaccine treatments are herpes-          about dog breeds’ pain tolerance is that
virus-1, which causes subclinical or mild      it could negatively impact clinical treat-
respiratory signs in adult dogs and            ments and result in unnecessary pain for
severe disease in neonates, and respira-       dogs believed to have low pain sensitivity.”
tory coronavirus, which ranges from sub-          The current study comprises 147 dogs
clinical to mild upper-respiratory signs.      representing 10 breeds. Included are
   Long-term immune protection from            Chihuahua, Maltese, Jack Russell Terrier,
viruses involves a strong interferon           Boston Terrier, Golden Retriever, Labra-
defense. “By using interferons directly        dor Retriever, Border Collie, Siberian
as a treatment, there may be an advan-         Husky, American Staffordshire Terrier,
tage for immediate protection and also         and German Shepherd Dog.
for stimulating better vaccine immunity,”         “We screened dogs by performing
Dr. Soboll Hussey says. “Interferons may       physical and orthopedic examinations
function like a broad-spectrum antiviral       to ensure they are free of conditions
that helps protect dogs against multiple       causing chronic pain, as this can change
viral groups. This is what we hope to          their neurobiology and lower their pain
find out.”                                     thresholds,” Dr. Gruen says. “Owners
DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club

                                             completed the Canine Behavioral                   The results of the study are expected to
                                             Assessment & Research Questionnaire           be published in 2022. Not revealing their
                                             (C-BARQ), which gathers information           discoveries, Dr. Gruen says, “If there are
                                             about their dogs’ personalities, breeding,    breed differences in pain sensitivity,
                                             overall health, and behavior.”                future work will look at understanding
                                                Quantitative sensory testing in which      genetic associations and how to advance
                                             the investigators examined the threshold      understanding of effectively treating
                                             at which dogs would withdraw their            pain in a breed-specific manner.
                                             paws from pressure or heat provided               “If there are no differences among
                                             scientific insights. “Imagine that I slowly   breeds related to pain sensitivity, then
                                             push my finger into you until you say,        it is important to understand our percep-
                                             ‘Hey, stop doing that,’” explains Dr.         tions of breed differences to ensure
                                             Gruen. “That’s basically what we did          dogs of every breed receive appropriate
                                             but in a more sophisticated way.”             pain management and to understand
                                                Bonnie Giles of Chesterfield, South        where these beliefs came from.”
                                             Carolina, enrolled her two Golden                 The notion that human perceptions
                                             Retrievers, “Willow,” 11 years old, and       influence how dog breeds’ pain sen-
                                             “Eve,” 8 years old, in the study. “It is      sitivity is interpreted aligns with the
                                             interesting that there may be different       generalized group characterization
                                             pain tolerances among dog breeds,”            hypothesis summarized in the PLOS
                                             Giles says. “Both my dogs are really          One article on the survey results. “This
                                             calm, as they are retired breeding            hypothesis predicts that people will rate
                                             moms for service dogs. Willow was             dogs of different breeds as having differ-
                                             a certified therapy dog. I’ve been            ent pain sensitivity based on group traits
                                             through C-sections (cesarean sec-             like physical appearance and social
                                             tions) and minor veterinary proce-            behavior stereotypes,” says Dr. Gruen.
                                             dures with them. In my opinion, they              The online survey included 2,131
                                             always seem unfazed by pain.”                 responses, of which 1,078 came from

                                                                                                                                          COURTESY OF DR. MARGARET GRUEN/NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY

Respondents to an online survey rated pain sensitivity for pictures of dogs not described by their breed names, ranging from 0 for
not sensitive at all to 100 for most sensitive imaginable.

DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club
Dog Update

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                                                                                               Dog Update articles may be reprint-
                                                                                               ed provided the article is used in its
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                                                                                               To request permission to reprint
                                                                                               this article, please contact the editor
                                                                                               at: Barbara.Fawver@purina.nestle.
                                                                                               com. Reprints should include the
veterinarians. Pictures of 28 dog breeds       Husky, were rated among the most                following attribution: Used with
representing a wide range of sizes, body       sensitive to pain by veterinarians.”            permission from the Dog Update,
and head shapes, and coat types/                  When deciding on individual factors          Nestlé Purina PetCare.
lengths were shown though breed                believed to influence pain sensitivity and
names were not identified. Respon-             response to pain in dogs, the general
dents rated their beliefs about the            public was somewhat evenly distributed
pictured breeds’ pain sensitivity on           among: a breed’s skin thickness, 41 per-
a scale from 0 to 100, with 0 being            cent; environment raised, 40.1 percent;
not sensitive at all and 100 being the         genetics, 39 percent; and temperament,
most sensitive imaginable.                     35.6 percent. Most veterinarians attributed
   “Ratings by the general public were         pain sensitivity to temperament, 80.9
driven mostly by size, with smaller dogs       percent; followed by genetics, 33.3
rated as more sensitive to pain and            percent; environment, 29.5 percent;
larger, heavier dogs rated as less             and skin thickness, 9.3 percent.
sensitive,” Dr. Gruen says. “Dogs on              As to Giles’ belief that her Golden
breed-specific legislation lists that are      Retrievers are largely unfazed by pain,
considered dangerous were generally            the online survey reinforced her inter-
rated as less sensitive to pain. These         pretation. The general public rated
findings support the prediction that           Golden Retrievers around 51 percent
people rate pain sensitivity in dogs           on the 1 to 100 scale, indicating the
differently for different breeds based         breed has an average threshold for
on their appearance and common                 pain. Veterinarians rated Goldens
group stereotypes.”                            around 32 percent, giving the breed a
   While dog size appeared to influence        rating that reflects low sensitivity to pain.
veterinarians’ ratings, it was not as strong      “Ultimately, we think there is strong
a relationship as seen with ratings by the     evidence that people rate pain sensitiv-
general public. “Veterinarians tended          ity based on breed-specific stereotypes
to rate the dogs based on commonly             or phenotypic traits and dog breed
held beliefs about different dog breeds,”      archetypes,” reflects Dr. Gruen. “Further
she says. “For example, two large breeds,      investigation is needed to more fully
German Shepherd Dog and Siberian               comprehend the impact.” n
DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club

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*Dog News Magazine Top 100 Dogs based on AKC All-Breed Competition and RBIS through 12/31/21.
 The handlers or owners of these champions may have received Pro Plan dog food as Purina ambassadors.   Purina trademarks are owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.
DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club DOGUpdate - RESEARCH INSIGHTS Supraspinatus Tendinopathy, Kennel Cough & Pain Sensitivity - Purina Pro Club
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