Does Typological Blinding Impede Cross-Lingual Sharing?

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Does Typological Blinding Impede Cross-Lingual Sharing?
Does Typological Blinding Impede Cross-Lingual Sharing?

                    Johannes Bjerva                                     Isabelle Augenstein
             Department of Computer Science                        Department of Computer Science
                   Aalborg University                                 University of Copenhagen

    Bridging the performance gap between high-
    and low-resource languages has been the fo-
    cus of much previous work. Typological fea-
    tures from databases such as the World Atlas
    of Language Structures (WALS) are a prime
    candidate for this, as such data exists even for
    very low-resource languages. However, previ-
    ous work has only found minor benefits from
    using typological information. Our hypothesis
    is that a model trained in a cross-lingual set-
    ting will pick up on typological cues from the
    input data, thus overshadowing the utility of
    explicitly using such features. We verify this
    hypothesis by blinding a model to typological                Figure 1: A PoS tagger is exposed (or blinded with gra-
    information, and investigate how cross-lingual               dient reversal, −λ) to typological features. Observing
    sharing and performance is impacted. Our                     α values tells us how typology affects sharing.
    model is based on a cross-lingual architecture
    in which the latent weights governing the shar-
    ing between languages is learnt during training.
                                                               work differs significantly from such efforts in that
    We show that (i) preventing this model from
    exploiting typology severely reduces perfor-               we blind a model to this information. Most previ-
    mance, while a control experiment reaffirms                ous work includes language information as features,
    that (ii) encouraging sharing according to ty-             by using language IDs, or language embeddings
    pology somewhat improves performance.                      (e.g. Ammar et al. (2016); O’Horan et al. (2016);
                                                               Östling and Tiedemann (2017); Ponti et al. (2019);
1    Introduction                                              Oncevay et al. (2020)). Notably, limited effects
Most languages in the world have little access to              are usually observed from including typological
NLP technology due to data scarcity (Joshi et al.,             features explicitly. For instance, de Lhoneux et al.
2020). Nonetheless, high-quality multilingual rep-             (2018) observe positive cross-lingual sharing ef-
resentations can be obtained using only a raw text             fects only in a handful of their settings. We there-
signal, e.g. via multilingual language modelling               fore hypothesise that relevant typological informa-
(Devlin et al., 2019). Furthermore, structural sim-            tion is learned as a by-product of cross-lingual train-
ilarities of languages are to a large extent docu-             ing. Hence, although models do benefit from this
mented in typological databases such as the World              information, it is not necessary to provide it ex-
Atlas of Language Structures (WALS, Dryer and                  plicitly in a high-resource scenario, where there is
Haspelmath (2013)). Hence, developing models                   abundant training data. This is confirmed by Bjerva
which can take use typological similarities of lan-            and Augenstein (2018a), who find that, e.g., lan-
guages is an important direction in order to alleviate         guage embeddings trained on a morphological task
language technology inequalities.                              can encode morphological features from WALS.
   While previous work has attempted to use ty-                     In contrast with previous work, we blind a model
pological information to inform NLP models, our                  to typological information, by using adversarial

Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 480–486
                           April 19 - 23, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
techniques based on gradient reversal (Ganin and         we choose to interpret this differently by consid-
Lempitsky, 2014). We evaluate on the structured          ering each language as a task, yielding α ∈ Rl×l ,
prediction and classification tasks in XTREME (Hu        where l is the number of languages for the given
et al., 2020), yielding a total of 40 languages and      task. Each activation e  hA,k is then a linear com-
4 tasks. We show that when a model is blinded to         bination of the language specific activations hA,k .
typological signals relating to syntax and morphol-      These are used for prediction in the downstream
ogy, performance on related NLP tasks drops sig-         tasks, as in the baselines from Hu et al. (2020).
nificantly. For instance, the mean accuracy across          Crucially, this model allows us to draw conclu-
40 languages for POS tagging drops by 1.8% when          sions about parameter sharing between languages
blinding the model to morphological features.            by observing the α parameters under the blinding
                                                         and prediction conditions. We will combine this in-
2       Model                                            sight with observing downstream task performance
                                                         in order to draw conclusions about the effects of
An overview of the model is shown in Figure 1.
                                                         typological feature blinding and prediction.
We model each task in this paper using the fol-
lowing steps. First, contextual representations            2.2    Blinding/Exposing a Model to Typology
are extracted using multilingual BERT (m-BERT,
Devlin et al. (2019)), a transformer-based model         We introduce a component which can either blind
(Vaswani et al., 2017), trained with shared word-        or expose the model to typological features. We im-
pieces across languages. We either blind m-BERT          plement this as a single task-specific layer per fea-
to typological features, with an added adversarial       ture, using the [CLS] token from m-BERT model,
component based on gradient reversal (Ganin and          without access to any of the soft sharing between
Lempitsky, 2014), or expose it to them via multi-        languages from α-layers. Each layer optimises a
task learning (MTL, (Caruana, 1997)). Representa-        categorical cross-entropy loss function (Ltyp ).
tions from m-BERT are fed to a latent multi-task            For this task, we predict typological features
architecture learning network (Ruder et al., 2019),      drawn from WALS (Dryer and Haspelmath, 2013),
which includes α parameters we seek to investi-          inspired by previous work (Bjerva and Augenstein,
gate. The model learns which parameters to share         2018a). Unlike previous work, we also blind the
between languages (e.g. αes,f r denotes sharing be-      model to such features by including a gradient re-
tween Spanish and French).                               versal layer (Ganin and Lempitsky, 2014), which
                                                         multiplies the gradient of the typological predic-
2.1      Sharing architecture                            tion task with a negative constant (−λ), inspired by
Our sharing architecture is based on that of Ruder       previous work on adversarial learning (Goodfellow
et al. (2019), which has latent variables learned dur-   et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2019).
ing training, governing which layers and subspaces       We hypothesise that using a gradient reversal layer
are shared between tasks, to what extent, as well as     for typology will yield typology-invariant features,
the relative weighting of different task losses. We      and that this will perform worse on tasks for which
are most interested in the parameters which control      the typological feature at hand is important. For in-
the sharing between the hidden layers allocated to       stance, we expect that blinding a model to syntactic
each task, referred to as α parameters (Ruder et al.,    features will severely reduce performance for tasks
2019). Consider a setting with two tasks A and           which rely heavily on syntax, such as POS tagging.
B. The outputs hA,k and hB,k of the k-th layer for
task A and B interact through the α parameters,
                                                           3     Cross-Lingual Experiments
for which the output is defined as:                      We investigate the effects of typological blinding,
                                                         using typological parameters as presented in WALS
    "    #                                             (Dryer and Haspelmath, 2013). The experiments
    hA,k     αAA αAB 
                      hA,k > , hB,k > (1)
                                                         are run on XTREME (Hu et al., 2020), which in-
    e       αBA αBB                                      cludes up to 40 languages from 12 language fam-
                                                         ilies and two isolates. We experiment on the fol-
         hA,k is a linear combination of the acti-
   where e                                               lowing languages (ISO 639-1 codes): af, ar, bg,
vations for task A at layer k, weighted with the         bn, de, el, en, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fr, he, hi, hu, id, it,
learned αs. While their model is an MTL model,           ja, jv, ka, kk, ko, ml, mr, ms, my, nl, pt, ru, sw,

ta, te, th, tl, tr, ur, vi, yo, and zh. We experiment       not occur for our set of languages. We hypothesise
on four tasks: POS (part of speech tagging), NER            that performance will drop for all four tasks, as
(named entity recognition), XNLI (cross-lingual             they all require syntactic understanding.
natural language inference), and PAWS-X (para-
phrase identification). Our general setup for the         Morphological Features We next attempt to
structured prediction tasks (POS and NER) is that         blind/expose the model to the morphological fea-
we train on all available languages, and downsam-         tures in WALS. We use the same approach as above,
ple to 1,000 samples per language. For the clas-          resulting in a total of 8 morphological features.
sification tasks XNLI and PAWS-X, we train on             This includes features such as 26A: Prefixing vs.
the English training data and fine-tune on the de-        Suffixing in Inflectional Morphology, indicating to
velopment sets, as no training data is available for      what extent a language uses prefixing or suffix-
other languages. Hence, typological differences           ing morphology. We hypothesise that mainly the
will be the main factor in our results, rather than       POS tagging task will suffer under this condition,
differences in dataset sizes.                             whereas other tasks only to some extent require
3.1   Typological Prediction and Blinding
                                                            Phonological Features We next consider a
We first investigate whether prohibiting or allow-          control experiment, in which we attempt to
ing access to typological features has an effect on         blind/expose the model to phonological features
model performance using our architecture. We hy-            in WALS. We arrive at a total of 15 phonological
pothesise that our multilingual model will leverage         features, such as 1A: Consonant Inventories which
signals related to the linguistic nature of a task          indicates the size of the consonant inventory of a
when optimising its its sharing parameters α.               language. We expect the performance to remain rel-
   There exists a growing body of work on predic-           atively unaffected by this task, as phonology ought
tion of typological features (Daumé III and Camp-          to have little importance given a textual input.
bell, 2007; Murawaki, 2017; Bjerva and Augen-
stein, 2018b; Bjerva et al., 2019a,b), most notably         Genealogical Features Finally, we attempt to
in a recent shared task on the subject (Bjerva et al.,      use what one might consider to be language meta-
2020). While we are inspired by this direction of           data. We attempt to blind/expose the model to what
research, our contribution is not concerned with            language family a language belongs to. This can
the accuracy of the prediction of such features, and        be seen as a type of proxy to language similarity,
this is therefore not evaluated in detail in the paper.     and correlates relatively strongly with structural
   Moreover, an increasing amount of work mea-              similarities in languages. Because of this correla-
sures the correlation of predictive performance             tion with structural similarities, we expect blinding
of cross-lingual models with typological features           under this condition to only slightly reduce perfor-
as a way of probing what a model has learned                mance for all tasks, as previous work has shown
about typology (Malaviya et al., 2017; Choenni and          this type of relationship not to be central in lan-
Shutova, 2020; Gerz et al., 2018; Nooralahzadeh             guage representations (Bjerva et al., 2019c).
et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2020). In contrast to such       3.2   Results
post-hoc approaches, our experimental setting al-
lows for measuring the impact of typology on cross-         In general, we observe a drop in performance when
lingual sharing performance in a direct manner as           blinding the model to relevant typological infor-
part of the model architecture.                             mation, and an increase in performance when ex-
                                                            posing the model to it (Table 1). For phonological
Syntactic Features We first blind/expose the                blinding or prediction, none of the four tasks is no-
model to syntactic features from WALS (Dryer                ticeably affected. Although, e.g., both the syntactic
and Haspelmath, 2013). We take the set of word or-          and morphological prediction tasks increase perfor-
der features which are annotated for all languages          mance on POS tagging, it is not straightforward to
in our experiments, resulting in 33 features. This          draw conclusions on which of these is the most ef-
includes features such as 81A: Order of Subject,            ficient, as there is a substantial correlation between
Object and Verb, which encodes what the preferred           syntactic and morphological features. As for XNLI
word ordering is (if any) in a transitive clause. For       and PAWS-X, performance notably drops under
all features, we exclude feature values which do            both the syntactic and genealogical blinding tasks.

Figure 2: PoS tagging results per language family across blinding and prediction conditions

 Model                    POS     NER XNLI PAWS-X              3.3   The Effect of Typology on Latent
 + Syntactic Blind.       85.3−   76.4   64.2−   80.6−               Architecture Learning
 + Morphological Blind.   85.0−   77.2   64.9    81.4
 + Phonological Blind.    86.7    77.1   65.0    81.6      The results show that preventing access to typolog-
 + Genealogical Blind.    86.1    77.0   64.7    81.1      ical features hampers performance, whereas pro-
 m-BERT baseline          86.8    77.3   65.1    81.7      viding access improves performance. We now turn
 + Syntactic Pred.        87.0    77.5   65.3+   81.9+     to an analysis of how the model shares parameters
 + Morphological Pred.    87.2+   77.3   65.2    81.7      across languages in this setting. Our hypothesis
 + Phonological Pred.     86.7    77.1   65.0    81.7      is that blinding will prevent models from sharing
 + Genealogical Pred.     87.0    77.6   65.3+   81.8
                                                           parameters between similar languages, in spite of
Table 1: Typological Blinding and Prediction. Mean         typological similarities. Concretely, we expect that
POS accuracy, NER F1 scores, XNLI accuracy and             the drop in POS tagging performance under mor-
PAWS-X accuracy across all languages. + and − indi-        phological blinding is caused by lower α weights
cate significantly better or worse performance respec-     between languages which are morphologically sim-
tively, as determined by a one-tailed t-test (p < 0.01).   ilar, and higher α weights between languages
                                                           which are dissimilar. Recall that these parameters
                                                           are latent variables learned by the model, regulat-
                                                           ing the amount of sharing between languages (see
   Figure 2 shows results for PoS tagging under            Eq. 1). We investigate the correlations between the
prediction and blinding across language families,          α sharing parameters, and two proxies of language
following the same scheme as Hu et al. (2020). In-         similarity. We focus on the POS task, as the re-
terestingly, the syntactic and morphological blind-        sults from the typological blinding and prediction
ing settings are robust across all language families,      experiments were the most pronounced here, as
yielding a drop in accuracy across the board. All          both morphological and syntactic blinding affected
other conditions yield mixed results. This further         performance.
strengthens our argument that preventing a model                  Our first measure of language similarity is based
from learning syntactic and morphological features             on Bjerva et al. (2019c), who introduce what they
can be severely detrimental.                                   refer to as structural similarity. This is based on

Model                  Struct.   Lang. Emb.         This could be the case, if only some latent represen-
                                                        tation of, e.g., “SVO” ordering is used to represent
    Syntactic Blind.         0.31            0.27
                                                        a language identity. However, previous work has
    Morphological Blind.     0.34            0.29
                                                        shown that morphological information is encoded
    Phonological Blind.      0.40            0.41
                                                        by the type of model we investigate. Hence, since
    Genealogical Blind.      0.29            0.31
                                                        we only blind features in a single category at a
    No blind./pred.          0.43            0.40       time, we expect that the model’s representation of
    Syntactic Pred.          0.52            0.53       language identities is unaffected.
    Morphological Pred.      0.49            0.56          Not only do we observe a drop in performance
    Phonological Pred.       0.41            0.39       when blinding a model to syntactic features, but
    Genealogical Pred.       0.47            0.38       we also observe that the α sharing weights in our
                                                        model do not appear to correlate with linguistic
Table 2: Pearson correlations between α weights and     similarities in this setting. Conversely, encouraging
language similarity measures.                           a model to consider typology, by jointly optimis-
                                                        ing it for typological feature prediction, improves
                                                        performance in general. Furthermore, α weights
dependency statistics from the Universal Depen-
                                                        in this scenario converge towards correlating with
dencies treebank (Zeman et al., 2020), resulting
                                                        structural similarities of languages. This is in line
in vectors which describe how different syntactic
                                                        with recent work which has found that m-BERT
relations are used in each language. Previous work
                                                        uses fine-grained syntactic distinctions in its cross-
has shown that this measure of similarity correlates
                                                        lingual representation space (Chi et al., 2020).
strongly with that learned in embedded language
                                                           We interpret this as evidence for the fact that
spaces during multilingual training. In addition to
                                                        typology can be a necessity for modelling in NLP.
considering these dependency statistics, we also
                                                        Our results furthermore corroborate previous work
use language embeddings drawn form Östling and
                                                        in that we only find moderate benefits from includ-
Tiedemann (2017). For each language similarity
                                                        ing typological information explicitly. We expect
measure we calculate its pairwise Pearson correla-
                                                        that this to a large degree is due to the typological
tion with the α values learned under each condition.
                                                        similarities of languages being encoded implicitly
   Table 2 shows correlations between α weights
                                                        based on correlations between patterns in the input
and similarities increase when predicting typolog-
                                                        data. As low-resource languages often do not even
ical features, and decreases when blinded to such
                                                        have access to any substantial amount of raw text,
features. Hence, when the model has indirect ac-
                                                        but often do have annotations in WALS, we expect
cess to, e.g., the SVO word ordering features of
                                                        that using typological information can go some way
languages, sharing also reflects this.
                                                        towards building truly language-universal models.
4     Discussion
                                                            5   Conclusions
We have shown that blinding a multilingual model
                                                        We have shown that preventing access to typology
to typological features severely affects sharing
                                                        can impede the performance of cross-lingual shar-
across a relatively large language sample, and for
                                                        ing models. Investigating latent weights govern-
several NLP tasks. The effects on model perfor-
                                                        ing the sharing between languages shows that this
mance, as evaluated over 40 languages and 4 tasks
                                                        prevents the model from sharing between typologi-
from XTREME (Hu et al., 2020), were the largest
                                                        cally similar languages, which is otherwise learned
for POS tagging. The fact that smaller effects were
                                                        based on patterns in the input. We therefore expect
observed for NER, could be because this task re-
                                                        that using typological information can be of partic-
lies more on memorising NEs rather than using
                                                        ular interest for building truly language-universal
(morpho-)syntactic cues (Augenstein et al., 2017).
                                                        models for low-resource languages.
Furthermore, the relatively small effects on XNLI
and PAWS-X can also be interpreted as evidence              Acknowledgements
for that typology is less important in these tasks
than in more traditional linguistic analysis.           This research has received funding from the
   A potential critique of our approach is that it      Swedish Research Council (grant No 2019-04129),
merely blinds the model to language identities.         and the NVIDIA Corporation (Titan Xp GPU).

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