"Do you follow me?": A Survey of Recent Approaches in Dialogue State Tracking
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"Do you follow me?": A Survey of Recent Approaches in Dialogue State Tracking Léo Jacqmin1,2 Lina M. Rojas-Barahona1 Benoit Favre2 1 Orange Innovation, Lannion, France 2 Aix-Marseille Université / CNRS / LIS, Marseille, France {leo.jacqmin, linamaria.rojasbarahona}@orange.com benoit.favre@lis-lab.fr Abstract adjust its prediction according to the observations to provide a summary of the dialogue so far. While communicating with a user, a task- oriented dialogue system has to track the user’s needs at each turn according to the conver- arXiv:2207.14627v1 [cs.CL] 29 Jul 2022 sation history. This process called dialogue state tracking (DST) is crucial because it di- rectly informs the downstream dialogue pol- icy. DST has received a lot of interest in recent years with the text-to-text paradigm emerging as the favored approach. In this review pa- per, we first present the task and its associ- ated datasets. Then, considering a large num- ber of recent publications, we identify high- Figure 1: Dialogue state tracking (DST) example taken lights and advances of research in 2021-2022. from MultiWOZ. DST seeks to update the dialogue Although neural approaches have enabled sig- state at each turn as (slot, value) pairs. Current DST nificant progress, we argue that some critical models struggle to parse U3 , which requires world aspects of dialogue systems such as general- knowledge and long-term context awareness. izability are still underexplored. To motivate future studies, we propose several research av- enues. Several papers have surveyed DST from the per- spective of a specific paradigm or period. Young 1 Introduction et al. (2013) give an overview of POMDP-based statistical dialogue systems. These generative ap- Since human conversation is inherently complex proaches model the dialogue in the form of a dy- and ambiguous, creating an open-domain conversa- namic bayesian network to track a belief state. tional agent capable of performing arbitrary tasks They made it possible to account for the uncertainty is an open problem. Therefore, the practice has of the input related to speech recognition errors and focused on building task-oriented dialogue (TOD) offered an alternative to conventional deterministic systems limited to specific domains such as flight systems which were expensive to implement and booking. These systems are typically implemented often brittle in operation. However, POMDP-based through a modular architecture that provides more systems presuppose certain independencies to be control and allows interaction with a database, tractable and were gradually abandoned in favor desirable features for a commercial application. of discriminative approaches that directly model Among other components, dialogue state tracking the dialogue state distribution. These methods, sur- (DST) seeks to update a representation of the user’s veyed by Henderson (2015), rely on annotated di- needs at each turn, taking into account the dialogue alogue corpora such as those from the Dialogue history. It is a key component of the system: the State Tracking Challenge, the first standardized downstream dialogue policy uses this representa- benchmark for this task (Williams et al., 2016). The tion to predict the next action to be performed (e.g. past years have been marked by the use of neural asking for clarification). A response is then gen- models that have allowed significant advances, cov- erated based on this action. Beyond processing ered by Balaraman et al. (2021). Since then, many isolated turns, DST must be able to accurately ac- works dealing with key issues such as adaptability cumulate information during a conversation and have been published. The first contribution of this
paper is a synthesis of recent advances in order to In the case of a spoken dialogue system, auto- identify the major achievements in the field. matic speech recognition (ASR) and speech synthe- The recent development of neural models has sis components are integrated to move from speech addressed fundamental issues in dialogue systems. to text and back. NLU then operates on the ASR DST models can now be decoupled from a given hypotheses and is denoted SLU for spoken lan- domain and shared across similar domains (Wu guage understanding.1 Traditionally, DST operates et al., 2019). They even achieve promising results on the output of SLU to update the dialogue state in zero-shot scenarios (Lin et al., 2021b). Despite by processing noise from ASR and SLU. For exam- these advances, modern approaches are still lim- ple, SLU may provide a list of possible semantic ited to a specific scenario as dialogues in most DST representations based on the top ASR hypotheses. datasets consist of filling in a form: the system asks DST manages all these uncertainties to update the for constraints until it can query a database and dialogue state. However, recent DST datasets are returns the results to the user. Moreover, these data- collected in text format with no consideration for driven approaches are rigid and do not correspond noisy speech inputs, which has caused slot filling to the need for fine-grained control of conversa- and DST to be studied separately. tional agents in an application context. In a real- Note that such modular architecture is one possi- world scenario, access to annotated data is limited ble approach to conversational AI and others have but recent DST models appear to have poor gener- been considered. Another approach is end-to-end alization capacities (Li et al., 2021a). These limi- systems which generate a response from the user’s tations show that there remain major challenges to utterance using a continuous representation. Such the development of versatile conversational agents systems have been studied extensively for open- that can be adopted by the public. The second con- domain dialogue (Huang et al., 2020) and have tribution of this paper is to propose several research also been applied to TOD (Bordes et al., 2017). directions to address these challenges. 2.1 Dialogue State 2 Dialogue State Tracking Consider the example dialogue shown in Figure A successful TOD system makes it possible to au- 1. Here, the agent acts as a travel clerk and in- tomate the execution of a given task in interaction teracts with the user to plan a trip according to with a user. The last few years have seen an in- the user’s preferences. The dialogue state is a for- crease in research in this field, which goes hand mal representation of these constraints and con- in hand with the growing interest of companies in sists of a set of predefined slots, each of which can implementing solutions based on TOD systems to take a possible value, e.g. book day = Friday. reduce their customer support costs. At a given turn t, the goal of DST is to extract values from the dialogue context and accumulate A typical modular architecture for these systems information from previous turns as the dialogue is composed of the following components: natural state St , which is then used to guide the system language understanding (NLU), DST, dialogue pol- in choosing its next action towards accomplishing icy, and natural language generation (NLG). NLU the task, e.g. finding a suitable hotel. Tradition- consists of two main subtasks, namely, intent detec- ally, informable slots (constraints provided by the tion which consists in identifying the user’s intent, user, e.g. price range) are distinguished from such as booking a hotel, and slot filling which con- requestable slots (information that the user can re- sists in identifying relevant semantic concepts, such quest, e.g. phone number). Informable slots as price and location. DST aims to update the di- can take a special value: don’t care when the alogue state, a representation of the user’s needs user has no preference and none when the user expressed during the conversation. The dialogue has not specified a goal for the slot. The current policy predicts the system’s next action based on dialogue state can be predicted either from the pre- the current state. Along with DST, it forms the vious turn using the previous dialogue state St−1 dialogue manager which interfaces with the ontol- as context, or from the entire dialogue history, pre- ogy, a structured representation of the back-end dicting a new dialogue state St at each turn. database containing the information needed to per- form the task. Finally, NLG converts the system 1 Another possibility is end-to-end approaches which seek action into natural language. to obtain a semantic representation directly from speech.
The dialogue state representation as (slot, value) search in this area. The corpus of the second edition pairs is used to deal with a single domain. When remains a reference today. It includes dialogues dealing with a multidomain corpus, this approach is between paid participants and various telephone di- usually extended by combining domains and slots alogue systems (H2M collection). The user needs to extract (domain-slot, value) pairs.2 to find a restaurant by specifying constraints such as the type of cuisine and can request specific in- 2.2 Datasets formation such as the phone number. Many public datasets have been published to ad- vance machine learning approaches for DST. The MultiWOZ9 (Budzianowski et al., 2018) The evolution of these datasets is marked by increasing first large-scale multidomain corpus and currently dialogue complexity, especially with the advent of the main benchmark for DST. It contains dialogues multidomain corpora. We distinguish two main between a tourist and a travel clerk that can span approaches for collecting dialogue datasets: (i) several domains. A major problem related to the Wizard-of-Oz (WOZ or H2H for human-to-human) way the data was collected is the inconsistency approaches where two humans (asynchronously) and errors of annotation, which was crowdsourced. play the roles of user and agent according to a task Four more versions were later released to try and description. This approach allows for natural and fix these errors. (Eric et al., 2019; Zang et al., varied dialogues, but the subsequent annotation 2020; Han et al., 2021; Ye et al., 2021a). Multi- can be a source of errors. (ii) Simulation-based lingual versions10 were obtained by a process of approaches (M2M for machine-to-machine) where machine translation followed by manual correction two systems play the roles of user and agent and in- (Gunasekara et al., 2020; Zuo et al., 2021). teract with each other to generate conversation tem- SGD11 (Rastogi et al., 2020b) The Schema- plates that are then paraphrased by humans. The Guided Dataset was created to elicit research on advantage of this method is that the annotations are domain independence through the use of schemas. obtained automatically. However, the complexity Schemas describe domains, slots, and intents in of the task and linguistic diversity are often limited natural language and can be used to handle unseen because the dialogue is simulated. domains. The test set includes unseen schemas Table 1 lists the main datasets as well as recent to encourage model generalization. SGD-X is an datasets relevant to the problems discussed in Sec- extension designed to study model robustness to tion 4. In addition to the datasets mentioned, there different schema wordings (Lee et al., 2021b). are other less recent corpora listed in the survey of Balaraman et al. (2021) that we do not include here 2.3 Evaluation Metrics for the sake of clarity. What follows is a descrip- tion of the main datasets. Recent datasets, namely As there is a strict correspondence between dia- SMCalFlow3 (Andreas et al., 2020), ABCD4 (Chen logue history and dialogue state, DST models’ per- et al., 2021), SIMMC 2.05 (Kottur et al., 2021a), formance is measured with accuracy metrics. Two BiToD6 (Lin et al., 2021d) and DSTC107 (Kim metrics introduced by Williams et al. (2013) are et al., 2021), will be discussed in Section 4. commonly used for joint and individual evaluation. DSTC28 (Henderson et al., 2014a) Early edi- Joint goal accuracy (JGA) Main metric refer- tions of the Dialogue State Tracking Challenge ring to the set of user goals. JGA indicates the (DSTC) introduced the first shared datasets and performance of the model in correctly predicting evaluation metrics for DST and thus catalyzed re- the dialogue state at a given turn. It is equivalent to 2 the proportion of turns where all predicted values For simplicity, in the rest of this paper, we use the term "slot" to refer to "domain-slots" for all slots exactly match the reference values. A 3 https://microsoft.github.io/task_ similar metric is the average goal accuracy which oriented_dialogue_as_dataflow_synthesis/ 4 9 https://github.com/asappresearch/abcd https://github.com/budzianowski/ 5 https://github.com/facebookresearch/ multiwoz simmc2 10 Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese, Hindi, French, Por- 6 https://github.com/HLTCHKUST/BiToD tuguese, and Thai. 7 11 https://github.com/alexa/ https://github.com/ alexa-with-dstc10-track2-dataset google-research-datasets/ 8 https://github.com/matthen/dstc dstc8-schema-guided-dialogue
DSTC2 MultiWOZ SGD SMCalFlow ABCD SIMMC2.0 BiToD DSTC10 Language(s) en en, 7 lang.* en, ru, ar, id, sw en en en en, zh en Collection H2M H2H M2M H2H H2H M2M M2M H2H Modality speech text text text text text, image text speech‡ No. domains 1 7 16 4 30 1 5 3 No. dialogues 1612 8438 16,142 41,517 8034 11,244 5787 107 No. turns 23,354 115,424 329,964 155,923 177,407 117,236 115,638 2292 Avg. turns / dial. 14.5 13.7 20.4 8.2 22.1 10.4 19.9 12.6 Avg. tokens / turn 8.5 13.8† 9.7† 10.2 9.2 12.8 12.2† 17.8 Dialogue state slot-val slot-val slot-val program action slot-val slot-val slot-val Slots 8 25 214 - 231 12 68 18 Values 212 4510 14,139 - 12,047 64 8206 327 Table 1: Characteristics of the main (left) and recent (right) datasets available for dialogue state tracking. *Machine translated. † Average for English. ‡ In the form of ASR hypotheses. only evaluates predictions for slots present in the DST as a multiclass classification problem (Hen- reference dialogue state (Rastogi et al., 2020a). derson et al., 2014b; Mrkšić et al., 2017). Predic- tions for a given slot are estimated by a probability Slot accuracy Unlike JGA, this metric evaluates distribution over a predefined set of values, restrict- the predicted value of each slot individually at each ing the prediction field to a closed vocabulary and turn. It P is computed as a macro-averaged accuracy: thus simplifying the task considerably. The perfor- n acc SA = i n i , where n represents the number of mance of this approach is therefore relatively high slots. For a more detailed evaluation, it can be (Chen et al., 2020), however, its cost is proportional decomposed according to slot type (e.g. requested to the size of the vocabulary as all potential values slots, typically measured with the F1 score). have to be evaluated. In practice, the number of Alternative metrics Though these two metrics values can be large and a predefined ontology is are widely used, they can be difficult to interpret. rarely available. Slot accuracy tends to overestimate performance Open vocabulary To overcome these limita- as most slots are not mentioned in a given turn tions, approaches to predict on an open set of values while JGA can be too penalizing as a single wrong have been proposed. The first method consists in value prediction will result in wrong dialogue states extracting values directly from the dialogue his- for the rest of the conversation when accumulated tory, e.g. by formulating DST as a reading com- through subsequent turns. Two new metrics have prehension task (Gao et al., 2019). This method been recently proposed to complement existing depends solely on the dialogue context to extract metrics and address these shortcomings: Relative value spans, however, slot values can be implicit or slot accuracy ignores unmentioned slots and re- have different wordings (e.g. the value "expensive" wards the model for correct predictions (Kim et al., may be expressed as "high-end"). An alternative 2022). Flexible goal accuracy is a generalized ver- is to generate slot values using an encoder-decoder sion of JGA which is more tolerant of errors that architecture. For instance, TRADE uses a copy stem from an earlier turn (Dey et al., 2022). mechanism to generate a value for each slot based on a representation of the dialogue history (Wu 2.4 Modern Approaches et al., 2019). A common current approach is to One feature that categorizes DST models is the decode the dialogue state using a pretrained au- way they predict slot values. The prediction can be toregressive language model (Hosseini-Asl et al., made either from a predefined set of values (fixed 2020). ontology) or from an open set of values (open vo- cabulary). What follows is a description of these Hybrid methods A trade-off seems to exist be- approaches. A selection of recent models is pre- tween the level of value independence in a model sented in Table 2 based on this taxonomy. and DST performance. Some works have sought to combine fixed ontology approaches with open Fixed ontology Following the discriminative ap- vocabulary prediction to benefit from the advan- proaches that preceded them, traditional neural ap- tages of both methods. This approach is based on proaches are based on a fixed ontology and treat the distinction between categorical slots for which
Model Decoder Context Extra supervision Ontology MWOZ2.1 TRADE (Wu et al., 2019) Generative Full history - 7 45.60 TOD-BERT (Wu et al., 2020) Classifier Full history Pretraining 3 48.00 NADST (Le et al., 2020) Generative Full history - 7 49.04 DS-DST (Zhang et al., 2020) Extract. + classif. Previous turn - Cat. slots 51.21 SOM-DST (Kim et al., 2020) Generative History + prev. state - 7 52.57 MinTL (Lin et al., 2020) Generative History + prev. state Response generation 7 53.62 SST (Chen et al., 2020) Classifier Prev. turn and state Schema graph 3 55.23 TripPy (Heck et al., 2020) Extractive Full history - 7 55.30 SimpleTOD (Hosseini-Asl et al., 2020) Generative Full history TOD tasks 7 55.76 Seq2Seq-DU (Feng et al., 2021) Generative Full history Schema Cat. slots 56.10 SGP-DST (Lee et al., 2021a) Generative Full history Schema Cat. slots 56.66 SOLOIST (Peng et al., 2021a) Generative Full history Pretraining 7 56.85 PPTOD (Su et al., 2022) Generative Full history Pretrain + TOD tasks 7 57.45 D3ST (Zhao et al., 2022) Generative Full history Schema 7 57.80 TripPy + SCoRe (Yu et al., 2021) Extractive Full history Pretraining 7 60.48 TripPy + CoCo (Li et al., 2021a) Extractive Full history Data augmentation 7 60.53 TripPy + SaCLog (Dai et al., 2021) Extractive Full history Curriculum learning 7 60.61 DiCoS-DST (Guo et al., 2022) Extract. + classif. Relevant turns Schema graph 3 61.02 Table 2: Characteristics of recent DST models and performance in terms of joint goal accuracy on MultiWOZ 2.1 (Eric et al., 2019). "Ontology" denotes access to a predefined set of values for each slot. a set of values is predefined, and non-categorical approach by dynamically updating slot relations in slots with an open set of values (Goel et al., 2019; the schema graph based on the dialogue context. Zhang et al., 2020; Heck et al., 2020). Guo et al. (2022) incorporate both dialogue turns and slot-value pairs as nodes to consider relevant 3 Recent Advances turns only and solve implicit mentions. In recent years, several important problems have 3.2 Adapting PLMs to Dialogues been addressed, notably through the use of pre- trained language models (PLMs) trained on large Though now commonly used for DST, existing amounts of unannotated text. This section summa- PLMs are pretrained on free-form text using lan- rizes the advances in 2021-2022. guage modeling objectives. Their ability to model dialogue context and multi-turn dynamics is there- 3.1 Modeling Slot Relationships fore limited. It has been shown that adapting a The methods mentioned so far treat slots individ- PLM to the target domain or task by continuing ually without taking into account their relations. self-supervised learning can lead to performance However, slots are not conditionally independent, gains (Gururangan et al., 2020). This method has for instance, slot values can be correlated, e.g. hotel been applied to TOD systems and DST. stars and price range. An alternative is to explic- There are two underlying questions with this ap- itly consider these relations using self-attention (Ye proach: the selection of adaptation data and the for- et al., 2021b). In a similar vein, Lin et al. (2021a) mulation of self-supervised training objectives to adopt a hybrid architecture to enable sequential learn better dialogue representations for the down- value prediction from a GPT-2 model while model- stream task. Wu et al. (2020) gather nine TOD cor- ing the relationships between slots and values with pora and continue BERT’s pretraining with masked a graph attention network (GAT). language modeling and next response selection. Rather than learning these relationships automat- The obtained model TOD-BERT provides an im- ically, another line of work uses the knowledge provement over a standard BERT model on several available from the domain ontology, for example TOD tasks including DST. With a similar setup, by taking advantage of its hierarchical structure Zhu et al. (2021) contrast these results and find (Li et al., 2021c). These relationships can also that such adaptation is most beneficial when little be represented in a graph with slots and domains annotated data is available. Based on TOD-BERT, as nodes. Chen et al. (2020) first build a schema Hung et al. (2022) show that it is advantageous not graph based on the ontology and then use a GAT to only to adapt a PLM to dialogues but also to the tar- merge information from the dialogue history and get domain. To do so, they use conversational data the schema graph. Feng et al. (2022) extend this from Reddit filtered to contain terms specific to the
target domain. Finally, Yu et al. (2021) introduce but also opening opportunities to address unseen two objective functions designed to inject induc- domains using schemas (cfr. Section 2). In addi- tive biases into a PLM in order to jointly represent tion to slot and domain names, Lee et al. (2021a) in- dynamic dialogue utterances and ontology struc- clude slot descriptions in a prompt to independently ture. They evaluate their method on conversational generate values for each slot. They also add possi- semantic parsing tasks including DST. ble values for categorical slots. Zhao et al. (2021, 2022) expand on this approach by generating the 3.3 Mitigating Annotated Data Scarcity entire dialogue state sequentially, as illustrated in The lack of annotated data hinders the develop- Figure 2. In an analysis of prompt formulation, ment of efficient and robust DST models. How- Cao and Zhang (2021) find that a question format ever, the data collection process is costly and time- yields better results for prompt-based DST. consuming. One approach to address this problem Hand-crafting textual prompts may lead to sub- is to train a model on resource-rich domains and optimal conditioning of a PLM. Instead of using apply it to an unseen domain with little or no anno- discrete tokens, we can optimize these instructions tated data (cross-domain transfer; Wu et al., 2019). as continuous embeddings, a method called prompt Dingliwal et al. (2021) adopt meta-learning and use tuning (Lester et al., 2021), which has been applied the source domains to meta-learn the model’s pa- to DST for continual learning, adding new domains rameters and initialize fine-tuning for the target do- through time (Zhu et al., 2022). Alternatively, Yang main. Works around schema-based datasets (Ras- et al. (2022) reverse description-based prompts and togi et al., 2020a) use slot descriptions to handle formulate a prompt based on values extracted from unseen domains and slots (Lin et al., 2021c; Zhao the utterance to generate their respective slot. They et al., 2022). A drawback of these approaches is argue that slots that appear in a small corpus do not that they rely on the similarity between the unseen represent all potential requirements whereas values domain and the initial fine-tuning domains. are often explicitly mentioned. Rather than using Another set of approaches tries to exploit ex- descriptions that indirectly convey the semantics ternal knowledge from other tasks with more of a schema, others have sought to prompt a model abundant resources. Hudeček et al. (2021) use with instructions, i.e. in-context learning, in which FrameNet semantic analysis as weak supervision the prompt consists of a few example input-output to identify potential slots. Gao et al. (2020); Li et al. pairs (Hu et al., 2022; Gupta et al., 2022). (2021b); Lin et al. (2021b) propose different meth- ods to pretrain a model on reading comprehension data before applying it to DST. Similarly, (Shin et al., 2022) reformulate DST as a dialogue sum- marization task based on templates and leverage external annotated data. Note that the PLM adaptation approaches seen above allow for more efficient learning when little data is available and are also a potential solution to the data scarcity problem. Along this line, Mi et al. (2021) present a self-learning method complemen- Figure 2: An example of text-to-text DST from SGD tary to TOD-BERT for few-shot DST. (Rastogi et al., 2020b). Including slot descriptions as a prompt makes it possible to address unseen domains. 3.4 Prompting Generative Models to Address Unseen Domains A recent paradigm tackles all text-based language 3.5 Going Beyond English tasks with a single model by converting them into Until recently, most works around DST were con- a text-to-text format (Raffel et al., 2020). This ap- fined to English due to the lack of data in other proach relies on textual instructions called prompts languages, preventing the creation of truly multi- that are prepended to the input to condition the lingual models. In recent years, several works have model to perform a task. It has been successfully addressed this issue. A DSTC9 track studied cross- applied to DST, not only closing the performance lingual DST. For this purpose, a Chinese version of gap between classification and generation methods MultiWOZ and an English version of CrossWOZ
were obtained by a process of machine translation approaches remain limited. Models that rely on ex- followed by manual correction (Gunasekara et al., isting DST resources are unable to handle domains 2020). Zuo et al. (2021) used the same method to whose distribution deviates from that of the train- translate MultiWOZ in seven languages. ing data (Dingliwal et al., 2021). Models that use A problem with machine translations is that they external knowledge offer a more generic approach lack naturalness and are not localized. Two Chinese but achieve relatively poor performance (Lin et al., datasets were obtained by H2H collection: Cross- 2021b). Learning generalizable models thus re- WOZ and RiSAWOZ (Zhu et al., 2020; Quan et al., mains an open problem. An interesting avenue 2020), however, this type of collection is expensive. is continual learning, which allows new skills to The M2M approach makes it possible to obtain be added to a system over time after deployment. adequate multilingual corpora by adapting conver- Without retraining with all the data, the model must sation templates according to the target language. be able to accumulate knowledge (Madotto et al., Lin et al. (2021d) took advantage of this method 2021; Liu et al., 2021; Zhu et al., 2022). to create BiToD, a bilingual English-Chinese cor- In a real scenario, entities that are not observed pus. Majewska et al. (2022) used schemas from during training are bound to appear. A DST model SGD to create conversation templates that were must be able to extrapolate from similar entities then adapted into Russian, Arabic, Indonesian and that have been seen. However, MultiWOZ has been Swahili. Similarly, Ding et al. (2022) translated shown to exhibit an entity bias, i.e. the slot values templates from the MultiWOZ test set in Chinese, distribution is unbalanced. When a generative DST Spanish and Indonesian and localized them. Lastly, model was evaluated on a new test set with unseen to overcome the lack of multilingual data, Moghe entities, its performance dropped sharply, hinting at et al. (2021) leverage parallel and conversational severe memorization (Qian et al., 2021). Similarly, movie subtitle data to pretrain a cross-lingual DST by its constrained nature, a TOD system may be model. perturbed by out-of-domain utterances. It is desir- able to be able to recognize such utterances in order 4 Challenges and Future Directions to provide an appropriate response. The ability of a model to generalize to new scenarios is therefore Despite recent advances, there are still many chal- related to its robustness. lenges in developing DST models that can accu- rately capture user needs dynamically and in a vari- 4.2 Robustness ety of scenarios. There are many interesting paths, this section articulates the needs around three axes: Since users may express similar requirements in generalization, robustness and relevance of models. different ways, a DST model must be able to inter- pret different formulations of a request in a consis- 4.1 Generalizability tent manner. In other words, it must be robust to TOD systems are intended to be deployed in dy- variations in the input. Analytical work has shown namic environments that may involve different set- that models’ performance drops when they are con- tings. In practice, the application domains of these fronted with realistic examples that deviate from systems are numerous and varied (e.g. customer the test set distribution (Huang et al., 2021; Li et al., service in telecommunications, banking, technical 2021a). Recent work has tried to address this is- support, etc.), which makes manual annotation of sue through regularization techniques (Heck et al., corpora for each domain difficult or impossible. 2022). Related to this, an understudied aspect is This reduces the effectiveness of traditional super- dealing with utterances that deviate from the norm vised learning and is one of the reasons why most in the case of a written dialogue system. systems in production are rule-based. A DST model must be able to take into ac- Learning with little or no new annotated data count all the history and adjust its predictions of offers an alternative to take advantage of the capa- the dialogue state using all available information. bilities of neural networks to guarantee the flexibil- Many works have found that performance degrades ity of the systems. The importance of this aspect rapidly as the dialogue length increases. Another is reflected by the numerous recent works that ad- critical aspect is therefore efficiently processing dress this problem, as presented in Section 3. Al- long dialogues (Zhang et al., 2021). The dialogue though significant progress has been made, these state condenses important information, but correct-
ing an error made in an earlier turn may be difficult. representations with an associated corpus. Andreas To overcome this error propagation issue, Tian et al. et al. (2020) encode the dialogue state as a data- (2021a) use a two-pass dialogue state generation flow graph and introduce the SMCallFlow corpus. to correct potential errors, while Manotumruksa Cheng et al. (2020) propose a tree structure along et al. (2021) propose a turn-based objective func- with the TreeDST corpus. ThingTalk is another al- tion to penalize the model for incorrect prediction ternative representation of the dialogue state which in early turns. Despite this need, Jakobovits et al. was successfully applied to MultiWOZ (Lam et al., (2022) have shown that popular DST datasets are 2022; Campagna et al., 2022). In the ABCD cor- not conversational: most utterances can be parsed pus, Chen et al. (2021) adopt a representation of in isolation. Some works simulate longer and more the procedures that a customer service employee realistic dialogues by inserting chit-chat into TODs must follow in accordance with company policies. (Kottur et al., 2021b; Sun et al., 2021). These approaches still rely on specific database Another point that has not been studied much schemas and are limited to one modality. For more in recent approaches is robustness to speech in- capable virtual agents, we can extend the scope of puts (Faruqui and Hakkani-Tür, 2021). For spo- dialogues to a multimodal world. Emerging efforts ken dialogue systems, new challenges arise such on multimodal DST seek to track the information as ASR errors or verbal disfluencies. Early edi- of visual objects based on a multimodal context. tions of DSTC provided spoken corpora that in- With SIMMC 2.0, Kottur et al. (2021a) introduced cluded a transcript and ASR hypotheses. Since a multimodal TOD dataset based on virtual real- then, DST datasets have been primarily text-based. ity rendered shopping scenes. Similarly, Le et al. A DSTC10 track considered this aspect again and (2022) proposed a synthetic dataset of dialogues proposed a DST task with validation and test sets consisting of multiple question-answer pairs about containing ASR hypotheses (Kim et al., 2021). a grounding video input. The questions are based Learning robust models requires diverse datasets on 3D objects. In both these datasets, the system that represent real-world challenges. In this sense, has to track visual objects in the dialogue state in several evaluation benchmarks have been published the form of slot-value pairs. For a broader back- to study TOD systems’ robustness (Lee et al., ground on multimodal conversational AI, we refer 2021b; Peng et al., 2021b; Cho et al., 2021). Data the reader to Sundar and Heck (2022)’s survey. augmentation is a potential solution to the lack of variety in datasets (Campagna et al., 2020; Li et al., Dialogue is dynamic: in a real scenario, an erro- 2021a; Aksu et al., 2022), especially for simulating neous prediction of the dialogue state would have ASR errors (Wang et al., 2020; Tian et al., 2021b). deviated the course of the conversation from the reference dialogue. However, most studies evalu- 4.3 Relevance ate models in isolation, assuming that it is always possible to assemble a set of well-performing com- As we have seen, existing datasets do not really ponents to build a good TOD system. The overall reflect real-world conditions resulting in a rather performance of a system is rarely taken into ac- artificial task. It is important to keep a holistic view count as evaluating the system as a whole is com- of the development of DST models to ensure the plicated and requires human evaluation. Moreover, relevance of their application in a dialogue system. it can be difficult to identify which component of Since the first TOD systems, the dialogue state the system is problematic and needs to be improved. has been considered as a form to be filled in as slot- Despite these hurdles, it is important to consider the value pairs. This fixed representation is suitable impact that DST can have on the dialogue system for simple tasks like flight booking but is limited as a whole. Takanobu et al. (2020) conducted auto- in domains with rich relational structures and a matic and human evaluations of dialogue systems variable number of entities. Indeed, composition with a wide variety of configurations and settings is not possible (e.g. "itinerary for my next meet- on MultiWOZ. They found a drop in task success ing") and knowledge is not directly shared between rate using DST rather than NLU followed by a slots. Section 3 presented approaches that attempt rule-based dialogue state update. They explain this to address the latter point by using graphs for di- result by the fact that NLU extracts the user’s in- alogue state representation. To promote work on tentions in addition to the slot-value pairs. Another more realistic scenarios, some have proposed richer work showed how uncertainty estimates in belief
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