PRNYX TRYIX New York Tax-Free Bond Fund New York Tax-Free Bond Fund-I Class - T. Rowe Price

Page created by Dan Gibson
February 28, 2022

                    T. ROWE PRICE

    PRNYX	New York Tax-Free
           Bond Fund
    TRYIX	New York Tax-Free
           Bond Fund–I Class

                    For more insights from T. Rowe Price
                    investment professionals, go to
T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

    n   After delivering strong results in 2021, municipal bonds faced headwinds
        in early 2022 as Treasury yields moved higher, leading to negative results
        for the tax-free bond market during the reporting period.
    n   The New York Tax-Free Bond Fund produced positive results and
        outperformed its Lipper peer group average over the 12-month period.
    n   The fund maintained significant positions in revenue-backed education and
        transportation bonds.
    n   We believe that strong fiscal conditions at the state and local level
        should leave municipal bonds relatively well positioned for a challenging
        investment landscape.

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T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund
                        Market Commentary

Major stock and bond indexes produced mixed results during your fund’s fiscal
year, the 12-month period ended February 28, 2022. Strong corporate earnings
growth and a recovering economy contended with worries about inflation, new
coronavirus variants, expectations of aggressive central bank tightening, and
escalating geopolitical tensions.

Financial markets entered the period on an upbeat note, as the U.S. Congress
expanded its coronavirus relief efforts with the passage of the $1.9 trillion
American Rescue Plan Act in March. Record levels of fiscal stimulus, combined
with an accelerating global vaccine rollout, helped propel a robust economic
recovery and a rise in equity indexes. Weekly jobless claims declined steadily
to new pandemic-era lows during the second quarter of 2021. The improved
labor market and renewed stimulus efforts were reflected in higher consumer
spending. A robust increase in corporate earnings growth also drove markets
for much of 2021. However, earnings tailwinds showed signs of fading heading
into 2022, as certain high-profile companies issued weaker-than-expected
earnings reports or financial projections.

Concerns over inflation began to intensify in the latter half of the period.
Persistent supply chain problems, including soaring shipping costs, raised
prices for both raw materials and finished goods, while the release of pent-up
demand for travel, recreation, and other services also pushed prices higher.
In the U.S., consumer prices rose by 7.5% in the 12-month period ended in
January 2022, the most since 1982.

Meanwhile, central banks began to move away from the extremely
accommodative policies they instituted in response to the initial wave of
the coronavirus. Federal Reserve officials began tapering the central bank’s
purchases of Treasuries and agency mortgage-backed securities in November,
and markets priced in a much more aggressive pace of rate hikes than
previously expected as inflation remained elevated.

Markets were caught by surprise at the end of the period when Russia launched
a large-scale military offensive into Ukraine. Amid the humanitarian crisis
caused by the invasion, global equity markets moved sharply lower. Defensive
stocks outperformed amid a flight to safety, while energy prices and market
volatility spiked. Financials and other cyclicals dependent on a healthy
economy underperformed.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

In the fixed income market, domestic bond returns were broadly negative
over the course of the period, as yields rose across the Treasury yield curve—
especially in the intermediate-term portion of the curve—amid expectations
of aggressive monetary tightening. (Bond yields and prices move in opposite
directions.) Municipal bonds finished the 12-month period with negative
results but held up better than Treasuries and the broader U.S. investment-
grade taxable bond market, as demand for tax-free income remained strong,
new supply was manageable, and state and local governments benefited from
an influx of federal cash and stronger-than-expected tax revenues. However,
the sector faced headwinds in early 2022 as Treasury yields increased and fund
flows turned negative.

Looking ahead, the geopolitical turmoil in Ukraine has understandably raised
investor and humanitarian concerns around the globe and increased market
volatility and uncertainty. In light of the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine,
we believe volatility in the market is likely to continue. Supply chain issues and
inflation pressures are also likely to persist for longer, complicating the already
difficult task of central banks trying to tackle price pressures and engineer a
soft landing. Past performance of markets shows that the beginning of a policy
rate-hiking cycle does not necessarily derail the U.S. stock or bond markets, nor
the U.S. dollar. However, this past performance does not guarantee that those
markets will perform well at the beginning of the next hiking cycle.

On the positive side, we believe that household wealth gains, pent-up consumer
demand, and a potential boom in capital expenditures could sustain growth
even as monetary policy turns less supportive. In this environment, our
investment teams will remain focused on using fundamental research to
identify companies that we believe can add value to your portfolio over the
long term.

Thank you for your continued confidence in T. Rowe Price.


Robert Sharps
President and CEO

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund
                        Management’s Discussion of Fund Performance


        The fund seeks to provide, consistent with prudent portfolio management, the
        highest level of income exempt from federal, New York state, and New York
        City income taxes by investing primarily in investment-grade New York
        municipal bonds.


        How did the fund perform in the past 12 months?
      The New York Tax-Free Bond Fund returned 0.55% for the 12 months
      ended February 28, 2022, outperforming the Lipper New York Municipal
      Debt Funds Average, which returned 0.09%. (Returns for the I Class may
                                                     vary slightly, reflecting its
PERFORMANCE COMPARISON                               different fee structure. Past
                                                     performance cannot guarantee
                               Total Return
                                                     future results.)
Periods Ended 2/28/22          6 Months         12 Months
New York Tax-Free                                                     What factors influenced the
Bond Fund                        -2.84%              0.55%            fund’s performance?
New York Tax-Free                                        After delivering strong
Bond Fund–I Class                -2.80               0.64results in 2021, municipal
Lipper New York Municipal                                bonds faced headwinds in
Debt Funds Average            -3.31           0.09       early 2022 as Treasury yields
                                                         moved higher, leading to
                                                         negative results for the tax-
        free bond sector during the reporting period. New York debt outperformed the
        national Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index, which returned -0.66%. Despite
        the challenging environment, your fund produced positive results for the
        12-month period.
        Within the portfolio, security selection in the revenue sector was the largest
        contributor to relative results versus the national benchmark. The portfolio’s
        holdings in higher education and dedicated tax securities outperformed. The
        fund also benefited from an overall overweight to the revenue sector as well
        as allocations within the sector. An overweight to continuing care retirement
        communities and student housing helped returns.
        Our positions in bonds issued by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico also
        added value. Puerto Rico securities outperformed as the commonwealth
        continued to make progress on restructuring its general obligation (GO) debt
        during the period.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

          Interest rate management had an overall positive impact on returns during
          the period. Our overweight position in longer maturities was beneficial for
          the portfolio as yield increases were more pronounced in the front end of the
          curve. However, the fund’s average duration was slightly longer than that of the
          national benchmark, which was a detractor as yields rose over the past year.
          With the potential for continued rates volatility, we believe a neutral duration
          position is appropriate.

          How is the fund positioned?

       Within the revenue sector, the education segment, at just over 22% of net
       assets, represents our largest position in absolute terms and relative to the
       benchmark. We feel the diversity of educational institutions within the state
       provides our research team opportunities to identify strong underlying credits.
       Below investment-grade charter schools represent an area where we have found
                                                            attractive securities that
CREDIT QUALIT Y DIVERSIFICATION                             offer higher yields. We also
New York Tax-Free Bond Fund                                 maintained large positions in
  BB and                                Not Rated
                                                            transportation, special tax,
   Below                                7%                  and health care bonds.
                                                                   Purchases during the period
      BBB                                       AAA                included bonds issued by the
      12%                                       6%                 New York State Dormitory
                                                                   Authority (educational
                                                                   revenue), the New York State
        A                                        AA
      31%                                        41%               Thruway Authority (ground
                                                                   transportation), and the
                                                                   Port Authority of New York/
Based on net assets as of 2/28/22.                                 New Jersey (for 1 World
Sources: Credit ratings for the securities held in the
                                                                   Trade Center). We also
fund are provided by Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s,                   added to bonds from Puerto
and Fitch and are converted to the Standard & Poor’s               Rico as the fundamental
nomenclature. If the rating agencies differ, the highest           backdrop for the island’s debt
rating is applied to the security. If a rating is not available,   has continued to improve.
the security is classified as Not Rated. T. Rowe Price
uses the rating of the underlying investment vehicle to
                                                                   (Please refer to the portfolio
determine the creditworthiness of credit default swaps.            of investments for a complete
The fund is not rated by any agency.                               list of holdings and the
                                                                   amount each represents in
                                                                   the portfolio.)

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

High-quality AAA and AA holdings made up 47% of the portfolio at the end of
the period. However, we continued to overweight both A and BBB rated debt
as we believe this is an area where our credit research team can find investment
opportunities that offer incremental risk-adjusted yield. We maintained a
modest exposure to below investment-grade and unrated bonds.

Since our previous report, New York State’s GO ratings remained unchanged
at Moody’s (Aa2), S&P (AA+), and Fitch (AA+). New York City’s credit ratings
are Aa2 from Moody’s, AA from S&P, and AA- from Fitch.

In January 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul released the preliminary budget for
fiscal year 2023, which totals $216 billion. General fund revenues are projected
to grow 22% in fiscal year 2022 and 5% in fiscal year 2023. With the strong
revenue performance, the rainy day fund is expected to grow from $2.5 billion
in fiscal year 2021 to $4.3 billion at the end of fiscal year 2023. State officials are
projecting balanced budgets for the next five years, marking the first time the
state has published a financial projection without a deficit.

New York is the second most heavily indebted state, and the state ranks fifth for
debt per capita and sixth for debt as a percentage of personal income, according
to Moody’s 2021 State Debt Medians Report. However, according to the latest
data, New York’s pensions were 86% funded, well above the average state.

What is portfolio management’s outlook?

Accelerating inflation and geopolitical turmoil have amplified risks to the
global economy, sparking a series of volatile moves across asset classes. The
municipal bond market has not been immune to these macro developments,
evidenced by its rates-driven sell-off at the beginning of this year and
subsequent price swings.

In this environment, moderate new issuance has helped alleviate pressures from
municipal fund outflows industrywide, but we believe that primary market
activity could increase this spring. Although we see potential for technical
headwinds to persist over the near term and anticipate additional bouts of
interest rate volatility in 2022, we feel that strong fiscal conditions for states
and localities leave municipal bonds better positioned for a tenuous investment
landscape than most fixed income sectors.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                  News surrounding the Russia-Ukraine crisis, inflation, and monetary policy
                  will likely dominate headlines in the coming months, and while we will
                  continue to closely monitor these and other macroeconomic factors, we
                  remain as focused as ever on bottom-up credit analysis. In our view, the recent
                  downturn in the tax-exempt bond market has introduced compelling entry
                  points in several segments, and we are maintaining liquidity to potentially take
                  advantage of further pricing inefficiencies should they arise.

                  Ultimately, we will stay risk aware and disciplined in our fundamental,
                  research-driven approach, which we believe will continue to serve our
                  shareholders well.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of T. Rowe Price as of the date of this report and are subject
to change based on changes in market, economic, or other conditions. These views are not intended
to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund


      Bonds are subject to interest rate risk (the decline in bond prices that usually
      accompanies a rise in interest rates) and credit risk (the chance that any fund
      holding could have its credit rating downgraded or that a bond issuer will
      default by failing to make timely payments of interest or principal), potentially
      reducing the fund’s income level and share price. The fund is less diversified
      than one investing nationally. Some income may be subject to state and local
      taxes and the federal alternative minimum tax.

      Note: Bloomberg® and the Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index are service marks
      of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates, including Bloomberg Index Services
      Limited (“BISL”), the administrator of the index (collectively, “Bloomberg”) and
      have been licensed for use for certain purposes by T. Rowe Price. Bloomberg
      is not affiliated with T. Rowe Price, and Bloomberg does not approve, endorse,
      review, or recommend its products. Bloomberg does not guarantee the
      timeliness, accurateness, or completeness of any data or information relating to
      its products.

      Portions of the mutual fund information contained in this report were supplied
      by Lipper, a Refinitiv Company, subject to the following: Copyright 2022 ©
      Refinitiv. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of
      Lipper content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of
      Lipper. Lipper shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for
      any actions taken in reliance thereon.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

GROWTH OF $10,000

              This chart shows the value of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the fund over the past
              10 fiscal year periods or since inception (for funds lacking 10-year records). The result is
              compared with benchmarks, which include a broad-based market index and may also
              include a peer group average or index. Market indexes do not include expenses, which
              are deducted from fund returns as well as mutual fund averages and indexes.

     New York Tax-Free Bond Fund


            2/12     2/13     2/14     2/15      2/16     2/17   2/18       2/19      2/20     2/21     2/22

                                                                                       As of 2/28/22
              New York Tax-Free Bond Fund                                                      $13,584
              Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index                                                    13,640
              Lipper New York Municipal Debt Funds Average                                      13,314
    Note: Performance for the I Class will vary due to its differing fee structure. See the Average
    Annual Compound Total Return table.


                                                                                       Since     Inception
     Periods Ended 2/28/22              1 Year         5 Years   10 Years          Inception         Date
     New York Tax-Free
     Bond Fund                          0.55%           2.98%       3.11%               –                 –
     New York Tax-Free
     Bond Fund–I Class                  0.64              –             –            2.84%            7/6/17

     This table shows how the fund would have performed each year if its actual (or cumulative)
     returns for the periods shown had been earned at a constant rate. Average annual total
     return figures include changes in principal value, reinvested dividends, and capital gain
     distributions. Returns do not reflect taxes that the shareholder may pay on fund distributions
     or the redemption of fund shares. Past performance cannot guarantee future results. When
     assessing performance, investors should consider both short- and long-term returns.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund


      New York Tax-Free Bond Fund                                                            0.52%
      New York Tax-Free Bond Fund–I Class                                                    0.44

      The expense ratios shown are as of the fund’s most recent prospectus. These numbers may
      vary from the expense ratios shown elsewhere in this report because they are based on a
      different time period and, if applicable, include acquired fund fees and expenses but do not
      include fee or expense waivers.

     As a mutual fund shareholder, you may incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as
     redemption fees or sales loads, and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution
     and service (12b-1) fees, and other fund expenses. The following example is intended to help
     you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the fund and to compare these
     costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an
     investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the most recent six-month period and held
     for the entire period.

     Please note that the fund has two share classes: The original share class (Investor Class)
     charges no distribution and service (12b-1) fee, and the I Class shares are also available to
     institutionally oriented clients and impose no 12b-1 or administrative fee payment. Each share
     class is presented separately in the table.

     Actual Expenses
     The first line of the following table (Actual) provides information about actual account values
     and expenses based on the fund’s actual returns. You may use the information on this line,
     together with your account balance, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.
     Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by
     $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number on the first line under the heading
     “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during
     this period.

     Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes
     The information on the second line of the table (Hypothetical) is based on hypothetical account
     values and expenses derived from the fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed 5% per
     year rate of return before expenses (not the fund’s actual return). You may compare the
     ongoing costs of investing in the fund with other funds by contrasting this 5% hypothetical
     example and the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other
     funds. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual
     ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

     Note: T. Rowe Price charges an annual account service fee of $20, generally for accounts
     with less than $10,000. The fee is waived for any investor whose T. Rowe Price mutual fund
     accounts total $50,000 or more; accounts electing to receive electronic delivery of account
     statements, transaction confirmations, prospectuses, and shareholder reports; or accounts of
     an investor who is a T. Rowe Price Personal Services or Enhanced Personal Services client
     (enrollment in these programs generally requires T. Rowe Price assets of at least $250,000).
     This fee is not included in the accompanying table. If you are subject to the fee, keep it in mind
     when you are estimating the ongoing expenses of investing in the fund and when comparing
     the expenses of this fund with other funds.

     You should also be aware that the expenses shown in the table highlight only your ongoing
     costs and do not reflect any transaction costs, such as redemption fees or sales loads.
     Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only and will not
     help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. To the extent a fund
     charges transaction costs, however, the total cost of owning that fund is higher.

      New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                           Beginning               Ending               Expenses Paid
                                        Account Value        Account Value              During Period*
                                              9/1/21              2/28/22            9/1/21 to 2/28/22
      Investor Class
      Actual                                 $1,000.00               $971.60                       $2.59
      Hypothetical (assumes 5%
      return before expenses)                  1,000.00             1,022.17                        2.66
      I Class
      Actual                                   1,000.00               972.00                        2.10
      Hypothetical (assumes 5%
      return before expenses)                  1,000.00             1,022.66                        2.16

      *Expenses are equal to the fund’s annualized expense ratio for the 6-month period, multiplied
        by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most
        recent fiscal half year (181), and divided by the days in the year (365) to reflect the half-year
        period. The annualized expense ratio of the Investor Class was 0.53%, and the I Class
        was 0.43%.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund


                                                                                 Since     Inception
     Periods Ended 12/31/21           1 Year        5 Years    10 Years      Inception         Date
     New York Tax-Free
     Bond Fund                        3.25%          3.86%       3.74%             –                  –
     New York Tax-Free
     Bond Fund–I Class                3.43             –             –          3.70%         7/6/17

     The fund’s performance information represents only past performance and is not necessarily
     an indication of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the perfor-
     mance data cited. Share price, principal value, and return will vary, and you may have a gain
     or loss when you sell your shares. For the most recent month-end performance, please visit
     our website ( or contact a T. Rowe Price representative at 1-800-225-5132
     or, for I Class shares, 1-800-638-8790.
     This table provides returns net of expenses through the most recent calendar quarter-end
     rather than through the end of the fund’s fiscal period. It shows how the fund would have
     performed each year if its actual (or cumulative) returns for the periods shown had been
     earned at a constant rate. Average annual total return figures include changes in principal
     value, reinvested dividends, and capital gain distributions. Returns do not reflect taxes that
     the shareholder may pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. When
     assessing performance, investors should consider both short- and long-term returns.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                         For a share outstanding throughout each period

Investor Class
                                      .. Year ..
                                      ..Ended .
                                      2/28/22         2/28/21      2/29/20       2/28/19        2/28/18
Beginning of period                   $ 11.77        $ 12.09       $ 11.42      $ 11.44         $ 11.53

Investment activities
  Net investment income(1)(2)              0.29           0.31         0.34          0.36           0.37
  Net realized and unrealized gain/
  loss                                    (0.22)          (0.30)       0.67          (0.02)        (0.09)
  Total from investment activities         0.07            0.01        1.01           0.34          0.28

  Net investment income                   (0.29)          (0.31)       (0.34)        (0.36)        (0.37)
  Net realized gain                           —(3)        (0.02)           —             —(3)          —
  Total distributions                     (0.29)          (0.33)       (0.34)        (0.36)        (0.37)

End of period                         $ 11.55        $ 11.77       $ 12.09      $ 11.42         $ 11.44

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                               For a share outstanding throughout each period

 Investor Class
                                            .. Year ..
                                            ..Ended .
                                            2/28/22        2/28/21        2/29/20       2/28/19       2/28/18

 Ratios/Supplemental Data

 Total return(2)(4)                              0.55%           0.14%         8.95%        3.07%         2.43%

 Ratios to average net assets:(2)
  Gross expenses before waivers/
  payments by Price Associates                   0.53%           0.52%         0.52%        0.54%          0.54%
  Net expenses after waivers/
  payments by Price Associates                   0.53%           0.52%         0.52%        0.53%          0.52%
  Net investment income                          2.41%           2.66%         2.87%        3.20%          3.18%

 Portfolio turnover rate                         12.0%           33.8%         10.4%          6.9%         10.4%
 Net assets, end of period (in
 thousands)                                   $319,198         $429,179      $470,711    $429,184      $470,616
                                                     0%             0%            0%            0%            0%

        Per share amounts calculated using average shares outstanding method.
        See Note 5 for details of expense-related arrangements with Price Associates.
        Amounts round to less than $0.01 per share.
        Total return reflects the rate that an investor would have earned on an investment in the fund
        during each period, assuming reinvestment of all distributions, and payment of no redemption or
        account fees, if applicable.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                         For a share outstanding throughout each period

I Class
                                      .. Year ..                                                7/6/17(1)
                                      ..Ended .                                                 Through
                                      2/28/22         2/28/21      2/29/20       2/28/19        2/28/18
Beginning of period                   $ 11.76        $ 12.07       $ 11.41      $ 11.44         $ 11.63

Investment activities
  Net investment income(2)(3)              0.30           0.32         0.35          0.37           0.27
  Net realized and unrealized gain/
  loss                                    (0.22)          (0.29)       0.66          (0.03)        (0.21)
  Total from investment activities         0.08            0.03        1.01           0.34          0.06

  Net investment income                   (0.30)          (0.32)       (0.35)        (0.37)        (0.25)
  Net realized gain                           —(4)        (0.02)           —             —(4)          —
  Total distributions                     (0.30)          (0.34)       (0.35)        (0.37)        (0.25)

End of period                         $ 11.54        $ 11.76       $ 12.07      $ 11.41         $ 11.44

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                              For a share outstanding throughout each period

 I Class
                                            .. Year ..                                               7/6/17(1)
                                            ..Ended .                                                Through
                                            2/28/22        2/28/21       2/29/20       2/28/19       2/28/18

 Ratios/Supplemental Data

 Total return(3)(5)                              0.64%          0.30%         8.95%        3.07%         0.47%

 Ratios to average net assets:(3)
  Gross expenses before waivers/
  payments by Price Associates                   0.44%          0.44%         0.44%        0.45%         0.48%(6)
  Net expenses after waivers/
  payments by Price Associates                   0.43%          0.44%         0.44%        0.44%         0.44%(6)
  Net investment income                          2.50%          2.74%         2.94%        3.26%         3.27%(6)

 Portfolio turnover rate                         12.0%          33.8%         10.4%          6.9%        10.4%
 Net assets, end of period (in
 thousands)                                   $190,631         $74,828       $73,028     $54,197         $8,465
                                                     0%             0%           0%            0%            0%

        Inception date
        Per share amounts calculated using average shares outstanding method.
        See Note 5 for details of expense-related arrangements with Price Associates.
        Amounts round to less than $0.01 per share.
        Total return reflects the rate that an investor would have earned on an investment in the fund
        during each period, assuming reinvestment of all distributions, and payment of no redemption or
        account fees, if applicable. Total return is not annualized for periods less than one year.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund
                                         February 28, 2022

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS ‡                                          Par       $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)                                                         ‡


Indiana Municipal Power Agency, Series B, VRDN, 0.10%, 1/1/42      300          300
Louisville & Jefferson County Regional Airport Auth., UPS
Worldwide, Series C, VRDN, 0.12%, 1/1/29 (1)                      1,000       1,000
NEW YORK 96.9%
Albany County Airport Auth., 4.00%, 12/15/44                        700         767
Albany County Airport Auth., Series A, 5.00%, 12/15/30              540         667
Albany County Airport Auth., Series B, 5.00%, 12/15/24 (1)        1,000       1,089
Albany County Airport Auth., Series B, 5.00%, 12/15/25 (1)        1,000       1,115
Albany County Airport Auth., Series B, 5.00%, 12/15/26 (1)        1,000       1,137
Battery Park City Auth., Senior, 4.00%, 11/1/44                   1,280       1,460
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev., Series A, 4.00%, 7/15/31 (2)             750         815
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev., Series A, 4.00%, 7/15/33 (2)             650         701
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev., Series A, 4.00%, 7/15/34 (2)             500         538
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev., Series A, 4.00%, 7/15/35 (2)             500         537
Brooklyn Arena Local Dev., Series A, 5.00%, 7/15/42               2,200       2,439
Broome County Local Dev., Good Shepherd Village at Endwell,
4.00%, 7/1/41                                                     1,000       1,071
Broome County Local Dev., Good Shepherd Village at Endwell,
4.00%, 1/1/47                                                     1,160       1,229
Broome County Local Dev., United Health Services Hosp., 4.00%,
4/1/50 (2)                                                        3,500       3,836
Buffalo Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/43 (2)     600         675
Buffalo Municipal Water Fin. Auth., Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/48 (2)   1,700       1,901
Build New York City Resource, Academic Leadership Charter
School Project, 4.00%, 6/15/22                                     100          101
Build New York City Resource, Academic Leadership Charter
School Project, 4.00%, 6/15/31                                     100          109
Build New York City Resource, Academic Leadership Charter
School Project, 4.00%, 6/15/36                                     400          435
Build New York City Resource, Children's Aid Society Project,
4.00%, 7/1/44                                                      450          500
Build New York City Resource, Children's Aid Society Project,
4.00%, 7/1/49                                                     1,700       1,878
Build New York City Resource, Friends of Hellenic Classical,
Series A, 5.00%, 12/1/51 (3)                                      1,620       1,762
Build New York City Resource, Friends of Hellenic Classical,
Series A, 5.00%, 12/1/55 (3)                                      1,000       1,084

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                      Par   $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

Build New York City Resource, Inwood Academy Leadership
Charter School, Series A, 5.125%, 5/1/38 (3)                         600      663
Build New York City Resource, Inwood Academy Leadership
Charter School, Series A, 5.50%, 5/1/48 (3)                          650      723
Build New York City Resource, New World Preparatory Charter
School Project, Series A, 4.00%, 6/15/31                             200      213
Build New York City Resource, New World Preparatory Charter
School Project, Series A, 4.00%, 6/15/51                             500      517
Build New York City Resource, New World Preparatory Charter
School Project, Series A, 4.00%, 6/15/56                            1,350   1,388
Build New York City Resource, Pratt Paper, 4.50%, 1/1/25 (1)(3)       620     652
Build New York City Resource, Pratt Paper, 5.00%, 1/1/35 (1)(3)     1,500   1,620
Build New York City Resource, Richmond Preparatory Charter
School Project, Series A, 5.00%, 6/1/56 (3)                         1,250   1,348
Build New York City Resource, YMCA of Greater New York, 5.00%,
8/1/32 (Prerefunded 8/1/22) (4)                                     1,000   1,018
Build New York City Resource, YMCA of Greater New York, 5.00%,
8/1/42 (Prerefunded 8/1/22) (4)                                     2,000   2,036
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Series A, 4.00%, 7/1/50   2,325   2,562
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Series A, 5.00%,
10/1/33                                                             3,375   3,941
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/40   1,000   1,196
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/41   2,725   3,067
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/48     900   1,066
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Series D, 4.00%,
2/15/39                                                             2,000   2,238
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Columbia Univ.,
Series B, 5.00%, 10/1/38                                            1,325   1,579
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Culinary Institute of
America, 5.00%, 7/1/28                                               500      507
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Culinary Institute of
America, 5.00%, 7/1/34                                               360      365
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Culinary Institute of
America, 5.00%, 7/1/42                                               450      456
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Fordham Univ., 4.00%,
7/1/50                                                              3,360   3,672
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Fordham Univ., 5.00%,
7/1/44                                                              2,055   2,221
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Garnet Health Medical
Center, 5.00%, 12/1/33 (3)                                          1,000   1,150
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Garnet Health Medical
Center, 5.00%, 12/1/37 (3)                                          2,000   2,292
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Maimondes Medical
Center, 4.00%, 8/1/33                                                375      418
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Maimondes Medical
Center, 4.00%, 8/1/34                                                325      362

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                        Par   $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Maimondes Medical
Center, 4.00%, 8/1/35                                                  375      417
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Maimondes Medical
Center, 4.00%, 2/1/36                                                  615      684
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Maimondes Medical
Center, 4.00%, 8/1/36                                                  325      362
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Maimondes Medical
Center, 4.00%, 2/1/37                                                  285      317
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Memorial Sloan-
Kettering Cancer Center, Series 1, 4.00%, 7/1/38                      2,000   2,255
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Memorial Sloan-
Kettering Cancer Center, Series 1, 5.00%, 7/1/42                      2,970   3,445
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Montefiore Obligation
Group, Series A, 4.00%, 9/1/45                                        1,000   1,078
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Montefiore Obligation
Group, Series A, 4.00%, 9/1/50                                        2,265   2,431
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Montefiore Obligation
Group, Series A, 5.00%, 8/1/32                                        1,170   1,349
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Montefiore Obligation
Group, Series A, 5.00%, 8/1/34                                        2,000   2,302
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, Series A, 5.15%, 7/1/24 (5)                                 1,160   1,217
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, New York Univ., Series A,
4.00%, 7/1/41                                                         1,500   1,625
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, New York Univ., Series A,
4.00%, 7/1/46                                                         3,050   3,447
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, New York Univ., Series A,
5.00%, 7/1/38                                                         2,000   2,318
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, New York Univ., Series A,
5.00%, 7/1/39                                                         2,230   2,526
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, North Shore-Long Island
Jewish Obligated Group, Series A, 5.00%, 5/1/36                       2,000   2,196
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Pace Univ., Series A,
5.00%, 5/1/38                                                          500      517
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Pratt Institute, 5.00%,
7/1/46                                                                1,000   1,137
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Rockefeller Univ.,
Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/37                                               1,360   1,379
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Rockefeller Univ.,
Series C, 4.00%, 7/1/49                                               3,500   3,924
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Saint John's Univ.,
Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/44                                               2,310   2,401
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Saint John's Univ.,
Series B, 5.00%, 7/1/30 (Prerefunded 7/1/22) (4)                         5         5
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Saint John's Univ.,
Series C, 5.25%, 7/1/25 (5)                                           2,000   2,240

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                       Par   $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Saint John's Univ.,
Unrefunded Balance, Series B, 5.00%, 7/1/30                          1,300   1,314
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Saint Joseph's College,
4.00%, 7/1/40                                                         400      430
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Saint Joseph's College,
5.00%, 7/1/51                                                         740      846
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, School Dist., Series A,
5.00%, 10/1/34                                                       2,800   3,267
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, School Dist., Unrefunded
Balance, Series A, 5.00%, 10/1/25                                      55        55
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, School Dist., Unrefunded
Balance, Series A, 5.00%, 10/1/26                                      35        35
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, State Income Tax,
Series A, 5.00%, 6/15/31                                             3,805   3,931
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, State Univ., 5.00%,
5/15/27                                                              1,000   1,009
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, State Univ., 5.00%,
5/15/30                                                              1,500   1,513
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, State Univ., Series A,
5.00%, 7/1/42                                                         980    1,121
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, State Univ., Series A,
5.00%, 7/1/46 (Prerefunded 7/1/27) (4)                               2,020   2,384
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Teachers College,
Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/31                                              1,000   1,014
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Teachers College,
Series B, 5.00%, 7/1/42                                              5,000   5,072
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, The New School,
Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/40 (Prerefunded 7/1/25) (4)                       70        78
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, The New School,
Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/41                                              2,420   2,763
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, The New School,
Unrefunded Balance, Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/40                           930    1,023
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Touro College & Univ.,
5.00%, 1/1/47                                                        4,400   4,882
Dormitory Auth. of the State of New York, Touro College & Univ.,
Series A, 5.50%, 1/1/39                                                65        70
Dutchess County Local Dev., Culinary Institute of America, 5.00%,
7/1/31                                                                460      525
Dutchess County Local Dev., Culinary Institute of America, 5.00%,
7/1/36                                                                860      980
Dutchess County Local Dev., Culinary Institute of America,
Series A-1, 5.00%, 7/1/41                                             200      218
Dutchess County Local Dev., Culinary Institute of America,
Series A-1, 5.00%, 7/1/46                                             300      326
East Rochester Housing Auth., Saint John's Healthcare, Series A,
5.00%, 4/20/27 (Prerefunded 3/17/22) (4)                             2,095   2,099
Erie County IDA, 5.00%, 5/1/25                                       4,500   4,533

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                     Par   $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

Glen Cove Local Economic Assistance, Garvies Point, Series B,
Zero Coupon, 1/1/45                                                1,500     525
Glen Cove Local Economic Assistance, Garvies Point, Series C,
STEP, 1/1/55                                                       3,700   3,706
Haverstraw-Stony Point Central School Dist., GO, 5.00%, 10/15/34
(Prerefunded 10/15/23) (2)(4)                                       500      532
Haverstraw-Stony Point Central School Dist., GO, 5.00%, 10/15/35
(Prerefunded 10/15/23) (2)(4)                                       500      532
Haverstraw-Stony Point Central School Dist., GO, 5.00%, 10/15/36
(Prerefunded 10/15/23) (2)(4)                                       460      489
Hempstead Town Local Dev., Adelphi Univ. Civic Fac., 5.00%,
10/1/27                                                             500      542
Hempstead Town Local Dev., Adelphi Univ. Civic Fac., 5.00%,
2/1/34                                                              350      409
Hempstead Town Local Dev., Adelphi Univ. Civic Fac., 5.00%,
10/1/34                                                             300      325
Hempstead Town Local Dev., Adelphi Univ. Civic Fac., 5.00%,
10/1/35                                                             325      352
Hempstead Town Local Dev., Adelphi Univ. Civic Fac., 5.00%,
9/1/38                                                             2,000   2,097
Hempstead Town Local Dev., Molloy College, 5.00%, 7/1/39           1,000   1,058
Hempstead Town Local Dev., Molloy College, 5.00%, 7/1/44           1,000   1,054
Hudson Yards Infrastructure, Series A, 4.00%, 2/15/41              2,500   2,854
Hudson Yards Infrastructure, Series A, 4.00%, 2/15/42              2,810   3,201
Hudson Yards Infrastructure, Series A, 4.00%, 2/15/43              1,000   1,136
Hudson Yards Infrastructure, Series A, 4.00%, 2/15/44              3,500   3,968
Hudson Yards Infrastructure, Series A, 5.00%, 2/15/45              2,800   3,201
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, 5.00%, 9/1/35                   1,200   1,434
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, 5.00%, 9/1/37                   1,190   1,417
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, 5.00%, 9/1/39                   2,275   2,697
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, 5.00%, 9/1/42                   1,000   1,162
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, 5.00%, 9/1/47                   2,500   2,886
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, Series A, 5.00%, 9/1/34         2,675   2,910
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, Series A, 5.00%, 9/1/44         4,000   4,336
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, Series B, 5.00%, 9/1/36           940   1,045
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, Series B, 5.00%, 9/1/37         1,100   1,221
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, Series B, 5.00%, 9/1/41         1,500   1,701
Long Island Power Auth., Electric, Series B, 5.00%, 9/1/45         1,050   1,161
Madison County Capital Resource, Colgate Univ., Series A, 5.00%,
7/1/33 (Prerefunded 7/1/23) (4)                                     750      790
Madison County Capital Resource, Colgate Univ., Series B, 5.00%,
7/1/43                                                             2,500   2,764
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., VRDN, 0.10%, 11/1/32            1,300   1,300
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/38       3,500   3,635
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Series B, 5.25%, 11/15/26 (2)   3,000   3,495
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Series C-1, 5.25%, 11/15/56     2,000   2,254

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                      Par   $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Dedicated Tax Fund, Series A,
5.25%, 11/15/35                                                     7,905   9,165
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Dedicated Tax Fund,
Series A-1, STEP, 0.09%, 11/1/31                                     350      350
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Green Bond, Series A-1, 5.00%,
11/15/49                                                            3,000   3,457
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Green Bond, Series A-1, 5.25%,
11/15/56                                                            6,160   6,862
Metropolitan Transportation Auth., Green Bond, Series C, 5.00%,
11/15/40 (2)                                                        2,000   2,370
Monroe County, GO, 5.00%, 6/1/28                                      600     686
Monroe County, GO, 5.00%, 6/1/29                                      300     342
Monroe County IDC, Rochester General Hosp., Series A, 5.00%,
12/1/37                                                             1,890   1,940
Monroe County IDC, Rochester Regional Health Project, Series A,
4.00%, 12/1/39                                                      1,000   1,117
Monroe County IDC, Rochester Schools Modernizatio, 5.00%,
5/1/34                                                              1,200   1,472
Monroe County IDC, Rochester Schools Modernizatio, 5.00%,
5/1/35                                                               500      612
Monroe County IDC, True North Rochester Preparatory Charter
School Project, 5.00%, 6/1/50 (3)                                   1,000   1,120
Monroe County IDC, True North Rochester Preparatory Charter
School Project, 5.00%, 6/1/59 (3)                                   1,075   1,196
Monroe County IDC, Univ. of Rochester Project, Series A, 4.00%,
7/1/50                                                              3,950   4,371
Nassau County IDA, Amsterdam at Harborside, Series A, 9.00%,
1/1/41 (3)                                                           990      947
Nassau County IDA, Amsterdam at Harborside, Series B, VRDN,
5.00%, 1/1/58                                                       2,041   1,699
Nassau County Local Economic Assistance, Catholic Health
Services of Long Island, 5.00%, 7/1/30                              1,500   1,615
Nassau County Local Economic Assistance, Catholic Health
Services of Long Island, 5.00%, 7/1/31                              1,200   1,291
Nassau County Local Economic Assistance, Catholic Health
Services of Long Island, 5.00%, 7/1/34                              1,000   1,074
Nassau County Local Economic Assistance, South Nassau
Communities Hosp., 5.00%, 7/1/27                                    2,000   2,021
Nassau County Local Economic Assistance, Winthrop Univ. Hosp.
Assoc., 5.00%, 7/1/42 (Prerefunded 7/1/22) (4)                      3,065   3,110
New Rochelle, Iona College, Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/34                   400     437
New Rochelle, Iona College, Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/35                   425     464
New Rochelle, Iona College, Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/40                 1,000   1,089
New Rochelle, Iona College, Series A, 5.00%, 7/1/45                 1,250   1,354
New York City, Series B-1, GO, 5.00%, 12/1/38                       1,500   1,712
New York City, Series B-1, GO, 5.00%, 10/1/39                       3,650   4,256
New York City, Series F-1, GO, 4.00%, 3/1/47                        2,000   2,224
T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                        Par   $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

New York City, Series J, GO, 5.00%, 8/1/33                            2,500   2,715
New York City Housing Dev., Series H, VRDN, 0.12%, 11/1/51
(Tender 3/4/22)                                                         905     905
New York City IDA, Yankee Stadium Project, 4.00%, 3/1/45 (2)          2,500   2,775
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid, Series S-1,
5.00%, 7/15/33                                                        4,000   4,062
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid, Series S-1,
5.00%, 7/15/45                                                        5,000   5,911
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Building Aid, Series S-2,
5.00%, 7/15/34                                                        2,000   2,335
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax, Series A, 5.00%,
2/1/43                                                                4,470   5,112
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax, Series A-3,
5.00%, 8/1/40                                                         2,660   3,085
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax, Series C-1,
4.00%, 11/1/40                                                        3,195   3,549
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax, Series C-4,
VRDN, 0.08%, 11/1/36                                                   400      400
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., Future Tax, Series I, 5.00%,
5/1/33                                                                5,110   5,338
New York City Water & Sewer System, Series AA, 4.00%, 6/15/40         2,000   2,238
New York City Water & Sewer System, Series AA-1, 4.00%,
6/15/50                                                               4,500   5,017
New York City Water & Sewer System, Series DD-1, 5.00%,
6/15/49                                                               2,500   2,962
New York City Water & Sewer System, Series DD-3A, VRDN,
0.11%, 6/15/43                                                        5,575   5,575
New York City Water & Sewer System, Series FF, 5.00%, 6/15/33         2,360   2,390
New York Convention Center Dev., Hotel Unit Fee, 5.00%,
11/15/35                                                              4,000   4,463
New York Convention Center Dev., Hotel Unit Fee, 5.00%,
11/15/40                                                              5,495   6,114
New York Convention Center Dev., Hotel Unit Fee, Series B, 5.00%,
11/15/24                                                               200      217
New York Dormitory Auth., Garnet Health Medical Center, 5.00%,
12/1/31 (3)                                                           1,000   1,153
New York Liberty Dev., 1 World Trade Center, 4.00%, 2/15/43           6,485   7,167
New York Liberty Dev., 3 World Trade Center, Class 1, 5.00%,
11/15/44 (3)                                                          3,300   3,513
New York Liberty Dev., 3 World Trade Center, Class 2, 5.15%,
11/15/34 (3)                                                          1,250   1,350
New York Liberty Dev., Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park,
Class 2, 2.625%, 9/15/69                                              1,550   1,547
New York Liberty Dev., Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park,
Class 3, 2.80%, 9/15/69                                               1,625   1,612
New York Liberty Dev., Goldman Sachs Headquarters, 5.25%,
10/1/35                                                               4,285   5,585

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                           Par   $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

New York Mortgage Agency, Series 239, 3.25%, 10/1/51                     1,000   1,053
New York State Bridge Auth., Series A, 4.00%, 1/1/46                     1,225   1,382
New York State Bridge Auth., Series A, 4.00%, 1/1/51                     1,735   1,949
New York State Thruway Auth., Series A, 4.00%, 1/1/51                    1,500   1,584
New York State Thruway Auth., Series A, 5.00%, 3/15/33                   1,390   1,447
New York State Thruway Auth., Series A, 5.25%, 1/1/56                    3,230   3,633
New York State Thruway Auth., Series B, 4.00%, 1/1/45 (2)                2,000   2,195
New York State Thruway Auth., Series B, 4.00%, 1/1/45                    1,100   1,197
New York State Thruway Auth., Series J, 5.00%, 1/1/41                    2,000   2,123
New York State Thruway Auth., Series O, 4.00%, 1/1/41                    5,000   5,606
New York State Urban Dev., Series A, 4.00%, 3/15/38                      2,500   2,859
New York State Urban Dev., Personal Income Tax, Series A, 4.00%,
3/15/45                                                                  3,000   3,336
New York State Urban Dev., Personal Income Tax, Series A, 5.00%,
3/15/38                                                                  3,000   3,354
New York Transportation Dev., American Airlines, 2.25%,
8/1/26 (1)                                                                625      623
New York Transportation Dev., American Airlines, 5.00%,
8/1/31 (1)                                                               3,250   3,282
New York Transportation Dev., Delta Airlines, LaGuardia Airport,
5.00%, 1/1/36 (1)                                                        2,250   2,529
New York Transportation Dev., Delta Airlines, LaGuardia Airport,
5.00%, 10/1/40 (1)                                                       2,500   2,878
New York Transportation Dev., JFK Int'l. Airport, 5.25%, 8/1/31 (1)        470     532
New York Transportation Dev., JFK Int'l. Airport, 5.375%, 8/1/36 (1)       750     882
New York Transportation Dev., JFK Int'l. Airport, Series A, 4.00%,
12/1/42 (1)                                                               500      527
New York Transportation Dev., JFK Int'l. Airport, Series A, 5.00%,
12/1/34 (1)                                                              1,500   1,750
New York Transportation Dev., JFK Int'l. Airport, Series A, 5.00%,
12/1/37 (1)                                                               500      582
Niagara Frontier Transportation Auth., Buffalo Niagara Int'l. Airport,
Series A, 5.00%, 4/1/28 (1)                                               625      666
Niagara Frontier Transportation Auth., Buffalo Niagara Int'l. Airport,
Series A, 5.00%, 4/1/29 (1)                                              1,785   1,903
Niagara Frontier Transportation Auth., Buffalo Niagara Int'l. Airport,
Series A, 5.00%, 4/1/31 (1)                                               270      317
Niagara Frontier Transportation Auth., Buffalo Niagara Int'l. Airport,
Series A, 5.00%, 4/1/32 (1)                                               300      350
Niagara Frontier Transportation Auth., Buffalo Niagara Int'l. Airport,
Series A, 5.00%, 4/1/33 (1)                                               300      350
Oneida County Local Dev., Hamilton College Project, 5.00%,
7/1/51                                                                   2,000   2,825
Oneida County Local Dev., Mohawk Valley Health System,
Series A, 4.00%, 12/1/49 (2)                                             2,000   2,205
Onondaga Civic Dev., Le Moyne College, 4.00%, 7/1/39 (6)                   450     481
Onondaga Civic Dev., Le Moyne College, 4.00%, 7/1/42 (6)                   525     558
T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                      Par   $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

Onondaga Civic Dev., Le Moyne College, Series B, 4.00%, 7/1/37       175      190
Onondaga Civic Dev., Le Moyne College, Series B, 4.00%, 7/1/38       155      168
Onondaga Civic Dev., Le Moyne College, Series B, 4.00%, 7/1/40       450      487
Onondaga County Trust for Cultural Resources, Syracuse Univ.,
4.00%, 12/1/47                                                      2,500   2,763
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey, Series 093, 6.125%, 6/1/94     2,000   2,178
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey, Series 178, 5.00%,
12/1/38 (1)                                                         2,000   2,116
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey, Series 198, 5.25%, 11/15/56    1,535   1,765
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey, Series 207, 5.00%,
9/15/35 (1)                                                         2,500   2,920
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey, Series 207, 5.00%,
9/15/48 (1)                                                         2,500   2,874
Saratoga County Capital Resource, Skidmore College, 5.00%,
7/1/43                                                               680      798
Saratoga County Capital Resource, Skidmore College, 5.00%,
7/1/48                                                              1,000   1,166
Saratoga County Water Auth., 4.00%, 9/1/48                          2,460   2,641
Schenectady County Capital Resource, Union College, 5.00%,
1/1/40                                                              1,000   1,151
Schenectady County Capital Resource, Union College, 5.00%,
1/1/47                                                              4,460   5,096
Suffolk County, Series A, GO, 5.00%, 2/1/26 (2)                     5,000   5,625
Suffolk County, Series A, GO, 5.00%, 6/15/31 (6)                      900   1,103
Suffolk County, Series A, GO, 5.00%, 6/15/32 (6)                      775     964
Suffolk County, Series A, GO, 5.00%, 6/15/33 (6)                      800     992
Suffolk County, Series A, GO, 5.00%, 6/15/34 (6)                      575     712
Suffolk County, Series B, GO, 5.00%, 10/1/27 (6)                      800     915
Suffolk County, Series B, GO, 5.00%, 10/1/28 (6)                      675     783
Suffolk County Economic Dev., Peconic Landing, 5.00%, 12/1/34         410     462
Suffolk County Economic Dev., Peconic Landing, 5.00%, 12/1/40       1,500   1,678
Suffolk County Economic Dev., Saint Johnland Assisted Living,
5.375%, 11/1/54 (3)                                                 1,275   1,228
Suffolk Tobacco Asset Securitization, Tobacco Industry, Series B,
5.00%, 6/1/23 (Prerefunded 6/1/22) (4)                               500      505
Suffolk Tobacco Asset Securitization, Tobacco Industry, Series B,
5.00%, 6/1/24 (Prerefunded 6/1/22) (4)                               710      718
Suffolk Tobacco Asset Securitization, Tobacco Industry, Series B,
5.00%, 6/1/25 (Prerefunded 6/1/22) (4)                               500      505
Suffolk Tobacco Asset Securitization, Tobacco Industry, Series B,
5.00%, 6/1/32 (Prerefunded 6/1/22) (4)                               750      758
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth., Series 2005B, VRDN, 0.11%,
1/1/31                                                                270     270
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth., Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/29         1,545   1,615
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth., Series A-1, 5.00%, 5/15/51        4,000   4,865
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth., Series B, 5.00%, 11/15/25         1,460   1,501

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                       Par    $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth., MTA Bridges & Tunnels,
Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/44                                            2,750     3,100
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth., MTA Bridges & Tunnels,
Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/54                                            2,000     2,212
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth., MTA Bridges & Tunnels,
Series C-2, 5.00%, 11/15/42                                          7,060     8,303
Troy Capital Resource, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Series A,
4.00%, 9/1/40                                                        1,665     1,868
Troy Capital Resource, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Series A,
5.00%, 9/1/38                                                        1,000     1,213
Troy Capital Resource, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Series A,
5.00%, 9/1/39                                                        1,500     1,816
Trust for Cultural Resources of New York City, Carnegie Hall,
5.00%, 12/1/37                                                        275       335
Trust for Cultural Resources of New York City, Carnegie Hall,
5.00%, 12/1/38                                                        250       303
Trust for Cultural Resources of New York City, Carnegie Hall,
5.00%, 12/1/39                                                        220       266
Trust for Cultural Resources of New York City, Wildlife
Conservation Society, Series A, 5.00%, 8/1/38 (Prerefunded
8/1/23) (4)                                                          1,000     1,056
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., 5.00%, 12/15/33                   2,505     2,829
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., Series A, 5.00%, 12/15/34         2,940     3,342
Utility Debt Securitization Auth., Series B, 5.00%, 12/15/34         2,685     3,053
Westchester County Local Dev., Miriam Osborn Memorial Home
Project, 5.00%, 7/1/34                                                200       220
Westchester County Local Dev., Miriam Osborn Memorial Home
Project, 5.00%, 7/1/42                                                450       494
Westchester County Local Dev., Pace Univ., Series A, 5.00%,
5/1/34                                                                870       926
Westchester County Local Dev., Pace Univ., Series A, 5.50%,
5/1/42                                                               1,130     1,216
Westchester County Local Dev., Purchase Housing II Project,
5.00%, 6/1/30                                                         425       474
Westchester County Local Dev., Purchase Housing II Project,
5.00%, 6/1/37                                                        1,000     1,099
Western Nassau County Water Auth., Series A, 5.00%, 4/1/40
(Prerefunded 4/1/25) (4)                                             1,000     1,110
Yonkers Economic Dev., Charter School Education Excellence
Project, Series A, 5.00%, 10/15/39                                    420       462
Yonkers Economic Dev., Charter School Education Excellence
Project, Series A, 5.00%, 10/15/49                                   1,345     1,462
Yonkers Economic Dev., Charter School Education Excellence
Project, Series A, 5.00%, 10/15/54                                    430       466

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                  Par   $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

Puerto Rico Commonwealth Aqueduct & Sewer Auth., Series A,
5.00%, 7/1/33 (3)(6)                                             430      515
Puerto Rico Commonwealth Aqueduct & Sewer Auth., Series A,
5.00%, 7/1/35 (3)                                               1,290   1,510
Puerto Rico Commonwealth, Public Improvement, Series A, GO,
5.00%, 7/1/19 (7)(8)                                            1,000     999
Puerto Rico Commonwealth, Public Improvement, Series A, GO,
5.00%, 7/1/41 (7)(8)                                            1,805   1,642
Puerto Rico Commonwealth, Public Improvement, Series A, GO,
8.00%, 7/1/35 (7)(8)                                             850      764
Puerto Rico Commonwealth, Public Improvement, Series B, GO,
5.75%, 7/1/38 (7)(8)                                            1,310   1,289
Puerto Rico Commonwealth, Public Improvement, Series B, GO,
6.50%, 7/1/37 (7)(8)                                             905      923
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series A-RSA-1, 5.05%,
7/1/42 (7)(8)                                                     30        31
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series CCC-RSA-1, 5.00%,
7/1/27 (7)(8)                                                     20        21
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series CCC-RSA-1, 5.25%,
7/1/27 (7)(8)                                                    160      165
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series CCC-RSA-1, 5.25%,
7/1/28 (7)(8)                                                     45        46
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series TT-RSA-1, 5.00%,
7/1/20 (7)(8)                                                     55        57
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series TT-RSA-1, 5.00%,
7/1/24 (7)(8)                                                    220      226
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series TT-RSA-1, 5.00%,
7/1/25 (7)(8)                                                     75        77
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series TT-RSA-1, 5.00%,
7/1/26 (7)(8)                                                     90        93
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series TT-RSA-1, 5.00%,
7/1/27 (7)(8)                                                     10        10
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series TT-RSA-1, 5.00%,
7/1/37 (7)(8)                                                    810      833
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series WW-RSA-1, 5.00%,
7/1/28 (7)(8)                                                    185      190
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series WW-RSA-1, 5.25%,
7/1/33 (7)(8)                                                     55        57
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series WW-RSA-1, 5.50%,
7/1/18 (7)(8)                                                     50        52
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series XX-RSA-1, 5.25%,
7/1/27 (7)(8)                                                     20        21
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series XX-RSA-1, 5.25%,
7/1/40 (7)(8)                                                     55        57
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series XX-RSA-1, 5.75%,
7/1/36 (7)(8)                                                     45        47
T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                                                                              Par          $ Value
(Amounts in 000s)

Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series ZZ-RSA-1, 3.70%,
7/1/17 (7)(8)                                                                 15               15
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series ZZ-RSA-1, 5.00%,
7/1/17 (7)(8)                                                                 25               26
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series ZZ-RSA-1, 5.00%,
7/1/28 (7)(8)                                                                 20               20
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series ZZ-RSA-1, 5.25%,
7/1/19 (7)(8)                                                                175              181
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series ZZ-RSA-1, 5.25%,
7/1/23 (7)(8)                                                                 50               52
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth., Series ZZ-RSA-1, 5.25%,
7/1/24 (7)(8)                                                                 20               21
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fin., Restructured, Series A-1, 5.00%,
7/1/58                                                                     1,000            1,119
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fin., Restructured, Series A-1, Zero
Coupon, 7/1/27                                                             3,000            2,656
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fin., Restructured, Series A-1, Zero
Coupon, 7/1/31                                                               515              401
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fin., Restructured, Series A-1, Zero
Coupon, 7/1/33                                                             1,333              969
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fin., Restructured, Series A-1, Zero
Coupon, 7/1/46                                                             5,475            1,772
Virgin Islands PFA, Matching Fund, Diageo, Series A, 6.75%,
10/1/37                                                                      800              807
Total Investments in Securities
100.6% of Net Assets
(Cost $498,777)                                                                     $    512,867

                ‡   Par is denominated in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted.
              (1)   Interest subject to alternative minimum tax.
              (2)   Insured by Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation
              (3)   Security was purchased pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933
                    and may be resold in transactions exempt from registration only to qualified
                    institutional buyers. Total value of such securities at period-end amounts to
                    $23,826 and represents 4.7% of net assets.
              (4)   Prerefunded date is used in determining portfolio maturity.
              (5)   Insured by National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation
              (6)   When-issued security
              (7)   Issuer is currently in a bankruptcy reorganization proceeding; the amount and
                    timing of future distributions is uncertain.
              (8)   Non-income producing
T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund

                 GOGeneral Obligation
                IDAIndustrial Development Authority/Agency
                IDCIndustrial Development Corporation
                PFAPublic Finance Authority/Agency
               STEPStepped coupon bond for which the coupon rate of interest adjusts on specified
                   date(s); rate shown is effective rate at period-end.
              VRDN Variable Rate Demand Note under which the holder has the right to sell the
                   security to the issuer or the issuer’s agent at a predetermined price on specified
                   dates; such specified dates are considered the effective maturity for purposes of
                   the fund’s weighted average maturity; rate shown is effective rate at period-end
                   and maturity date shown is final maturity. Certain VRDN rates are not based on a
                   published reference rate and spread but may adjust periodically.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

T. ROWE PRICE New York Tax-Free Bond Fund
                                                  February 28, 2022

 ($000s, except shares and per share amounts)

        Investments in securities, at value (cost $498,777)                  $   512,867
        Interest receivable                                                        5,133
        Receivable for shares sold                                                    53
        Cash                                                                          39
        Other assets                                                                  30
        Total assets                                                             518,122

        Payable for investment securities purchased                                7,309
        Payable for shares redeemed                                                  618
        Investment management fees payable                                           151
        Due to affiliates                                                              4
        Other liabilities                                                            211
        Total liabilities                                                          8,293

        NET ASSETS                                                           $   509,829

        Net Assets Consist of:
        Total distributable earnings (loss)                                  $    14,507
        Paid-in capital applicable to 44,158,181 shares of $0.0001 par
        value capital stock outstanding; 2,000,000,000 shares of the
        Corporation authorized                                                   495,322

        NET ASSETS                                                           $   509,829


        Investor Class
        ($319,197,617 / 27,638,575 shares outstanding)                       $     11.55
        I Class
        ($190,631,021 / 16,519,606 shares outstanding)                       $     11.54

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

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