Page created by Reginald Ingram
Université d’Ottawa     |     University of Ottawa

DISTANCE EDUCATION                                   2018
STUDENT GUIDE                                        2019

Centre for Innovative
Technologies in Education

TEL.: 613-562-5787
EMAIL : distance@uOttawa.ca
Teaching and Learning Support Service
Centre for Innovative Technologies in Education

STUDENT GUIDE  2018 -2019

©2018 University of Ottawa
All rights reserved.

The University of Ottawa reserves the right
to change any information contained in
this publication without prior notice.

The University of Ottawa is a member
of the Association of Universities
and Colleges of Canada.

Printed on paper containing recycled fibres.

                      Distance Education at the University of Ottawa.............................2
                      Virtual Campus..............................................................................2
                      Important Dates and Deadlines.....................................................3
                      Enrolment Procedures...................................................................3
                      Off-Campus Enrolment..................................................................3
                      Special Students............................................................................4
                      Changes to Enrolment...................................................................4
                      Undergraduate Student Categories...............................................4
                      Student Card.................................................................................4
                      Unofficial Transcript ......................................................................4
                      Ordering Documents.....................................................................5
                      Paying Tuition Fees........................................................................5
                      Change of Address........................................................................5
                      Library Services for Distance Students...........................................5
                                                                                                                          Distance Education - Student Guide 2018-2019
                      Course Material.............................................................................6
                      Method of Payment......................................................................6
                      Detailed Course Information ........................................................7
                      Our Courses................................................................................ A1

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DISTANCE EDUCATION AT                                                  VIRTUAL CAMPUS
                                               THE UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA
                                                                                                                      Virtual Campus is a one-stop portal allowing the University
                                               Distance education courses at the University of Ottawa are
                                                                                                                      community to access online course websites through
                                               delivered in one of three ways, generally depending on the
                                                                                                                      Brightspace, our Learning Management System, as well as a
                                               program. The delivery method depends on what is available at
                                                                                                                      multitude of resources related to online learning.
                                               the sites. Not all sites are equipped in the same fashion, and not
                                               all courses are offered at every site.
                                                                                                                      All members of the University community can access the
                                                                                                                      Virtual Campus by using their uoZone login and password.
                                               Live, interactive courses delivered via video conferencing
                                                                                                                      The Virtual Campus allows students to retrieve personalized
                                               These courses are taught in a specially equipped classroom on
                                                                                                                      class lists for course websites that feature online components
                                               campus and are broadcast live to other classrooms in several
                                                                                                                      and allows them to navigate seamlessly between Virtual
                                               cities and towns in Ontario. Students can interact in real time
                                               with the professor. Cameras and microphones transmit sound             Campus and the uoZone service. In addition to the course
                                               and images between the different classrooms. The professor             websites, Virtual Campus offers links to all aspects of mediated
                                               presents lecture material using an electronic whiteboard that is       learning, such as copyright information, library databases and
                                               connected by the Internet to the other classrooms. These               resources, an FAQ section, a download zone with links to
                                               courses are available only in sites equipped to offer them, which      popular online learning tools and more.
                                               vary depending on the program and demand in a particular
                                               area.                                                                  Virtual Campus can also be accessed from the Teaching and
                                                                                                                      Learning Support Center via www.tlss.uOttawa.ca. Students
                                               Our distance education centers are located in Cornwall,                who need assistance can fill out the computer help form found
                                               Hawkesbury, and Pembroke, Ontario, Canada.                             at ccs.uOttawa.ca/cybersos.

                                               Web conference courses – Some courses are delivered via live           For technical assistance with the Virtual Campus or course
                                               Web conference, with support material available online. This           websites, refer to the Brightspace online assistance options
                                               type of delivery makes it possible for more students to take           available at https://d2lprod.service-now.com/uOttawa.
                                               these courses, which can be taken from home. The students can          Brightspace support can be reached by phone at 1-866-811-
                                               see and talk to the professor in real time. They must have a           3201.
                                               computer with Internet access. This course delivery method is
                                               used by the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of
                                               Education.                                                             uoZONE
                                               Online courses – These courses are offered completely online.
                                               Students must have access to a computer and the Internet. For          In uoZone you can:
                                               some courses, the students may have to travel to the campus to            • register online with the online registration tool (for
                                               take part in course-related activities. This type of course delivery         undergraduate courses)
                                               is used by the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of              • confirm your registration
                                               Education, among others.                                                  • obtain your off-campus course timetable
                                                                                                                         • get your statement of account
                                               All these courses have some form of Web component, which can              • update your address
                                               be found on the University of Ottawa’s Virtual Campus.                    • access your computer and @uOttawa.ca email accounts
                                                                                                                         • purchase official documents
Distance Education - Student Guide 2018-2019

                                               Center for Innovative Technologies in Education.                          • access Virtual Campus
                                               129 Louis Pasteur Street, Room 264                                        • check your grades
                                               Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
                                               distance@uOttawa.ca                                                    If you need help with your account, please complete an online
                                               Telephone: 613-562-5787                                                computer help form at ccs.uOttawa.ca/cybersos.
                                               Fax: 613-562-5283

          2                                                                                                                                                     www.tlss.uOttawa.ca
IMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINES                                           faculty before the deadlines listed at http://www.uOttawa.ca/
Start and end dates for courses vary from one program to                under Important academic dates and deadlines.
another. Please refer to the specific faculty or program, or view
the complete list of sessional dates under Important dates              OFF-CAMPUS ENROLMENT
and deadlines at http://www.uOttawa.ca/important-
academic-dates-and-deadlines/.                                          Enrolment forms are available at the off-campus sites or online
                                                                        at registrar.uOttawa.ca.
Enrolment is mandatory for all students attending courses or            Courses take place at the Education Centre of the Cornwall
related activities at the University. Credits will not be granted       Campus, 610 McConnell Avenue, Cornwall. Classrooms are
and grades will not be recorded for any course or activity for          assigned at the beginning of the term. For more information,
which a student is not officially enrolled. Retroactive enrolment       contact the liaison officer at 613-938-6989.
and retroactive changes in enrolment are not accepted.
Students must adhere to the enrolment deadlines listed at               HAWKESBURY
http://www.uOttawa.ca/important-academic-dates-and-                     Courses take place at La Cité collégiale, 570 Kitchener Street,
deadlines/.                                                             Hawkesbury. Classrooms are assigned at the beginning of the
                                                                        term. For more information, contact the liaison officer at
For additional information or to learn about exceptions, please         613-870-0965.
contact your faculty.
                                                                        Courses take place at Algonquin College, 1 College Way,
ENROLMENT PROCEDURES                                                    Pembroke. Classrooms are assigned at the beginning of the
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES                                                   term. For more information, call 613-735-5181.
1. Online enrolment                                                     Online enrolment is also available. You can access this through
The University encourages students to use the online enrolment
                                                                        uoZone at uoZone2.uOttawa.ca/en.
tool for course enrolments and changes. Online enrolment is
available for most direct-entry faculties. Please note that no
other approval is necessary once a student has enrolled online
and received a confirmation number. Students can access this
tool via uoZone at https://uozone2.uOttawa.ca/.

2. Enrolment in person or by mail
Students who enrol in person or by mail must have their course
selection approved by an authorized academic adviser at the
faculty or school to which they have been admitted (or, in the
case of special students, by the faculty or school where the
course is offered) before the registration deadline. Regular
students must obtain approval for their course selection by
submitting their completed and signed registration form to the
secretariat of the faculty or school no later than the deadline

                                                                                                                                          Distance Education - Student Guide 2018-2019
published by the faculty, or by returning the completed and
signed form to the secretariat of their faculty or school by mail.
Special students must obtain approval for their course selection
by mailing in their completed and signed registration form or
returning it to the secretariat of their faculty or school by the
deadline, usually two weeks before classes begin.

Please note: As soon as a student’s course selection at the
University of Ottawa has been approved by the faculty or school,
the student is considered enrolled and will automatically have
tuition fees charged to their account at the University. These fees
will remain on their account until they are paid in full or until the
student has informed the faculty in writing that they intend to
drop the course(s) or cancel their enrolment. To make any
changes, students must complete and sign the Modification/
Cancellation of Registration form and have it approved by their

 www.tlss.uOttawa.ca                                                                                                                                  3
SPECIAL STUDENTS                                                       ENROLMENT
                                                                                                                      GRADUATE STUDIES
                                               Access to courses as a special student is limited. For
                                               further information, check the Registrar’s webpage for                 In order to be able to access the Enrol application in uoZone as
                                               special students.                                                      soon as your enrolment period starts, you must have accepted
                                                                                                                      your offer of admission at least three working days before the
                                               Special students are students who are not candidates for a             enrolment date assigned to you. Log into your uoZone account
                                               degree and have not been formally admitted to the University.          and accept your offer before the deadline indicated on your
                                               They must, however, report to InfoService, complete a                  offer of admission.
                                               registration form and obtain approval. Special students can pay
                                               their fees at most Canadian financial institutions. Fees are due by    As a general rule, all graduate students must register in person,
                                               the deadline under the online list of Important academic               but students taking courses at off-campus locations can register
                                               dates and deadlines.                                                   by mail. Students working part time on a thesis or major paper
                                                                                                                      outside the Ottawa region may also be permitted to register by
                                               Because of enrolment restrictions, the University reserves the         mail provided:
                                               right to limit the number of special students.                            • they apply in writing to the Faculty of Graduate and
                                                                                                                             Postdoctoral Studies
                                                                                                                         • there is evidence they are maintaining adequate contact
                                               CHANGES TO ENROLMENT                                                          with their supervisor

                                               Students can make changes to their selected programs or                ENROLMENT START DATE FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TERMS
                                               courses up until the deadline published in Important
                                               academic dates and deadlines. Students who wish to change              All graduate students: Tuesday, June 19th, 2018 at 8 a.m.
                                               their course selections may also do so online through uoZone or
                                               by submitting a signed Modification/Cancellation of Registration       IMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINES
                                               form to their faculty, department or school. For additional
                                               information or to learn about exceptions, please contact your          Please consult the Important academic dates and deadline
                                               faculty.                                                               page.

                                               UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT CATEGORIES                                       STUDENT CARD
                                               REGULAR STUDENTS                                                       The uOttawa card is a University of Ottawa student ID card that
                                               Regular students are admitted to and enrolled in a program             is required to borrow books from the University’s libraries, write
                                               leading to a degree, diploma or certificate from the University of     exams and obtain other services. The uOttawa card also allows
                                               Ottawa. They are subject to the academic regulations published         students to borrow directly from other Ontario university
                                               in the calendar of the faculty or school that offers the program in    libraries. Students must complete their enrolment in order to
                                               which they are enrolled.                                               obtain their uOttawa card, and they should request it as soon as
                                                                                                                      their course selection is approved.
                                               SPECIAL STUDENTS
                                               Special students are allowed by the University to enrol in             The uOttawa card is automatically renewed with each
                                               undergraduate courses, for credit or as auditors, but are not          subsequent enrolment until the expiry date listed on the back.
                                               seeking a degree, diploma or certificate from the University.          Hence, students keep their card for the duration of their studies
Distance Education - Student Guide 2018-2019

                                               Special students are governed by regulations and conditions            at the University of Ottawa.
                                               published on the back of the Special Student Registration form.
                                                                                                                      UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT
                                               Auditors enrol in a course as either “regular” or “special” students   Students can download an unofficial transcript from uoZone.
                                               but do not complete assignments, write exams or receive                This transcript does not bear the seal of the University of Ottawa
                                               credits.                                                               or the registrar's signature.

          4                                                                                                                                                       www.tlss.uOttawa.ca
ORDERING DOCUMENTS                                                    PAYING TUITION FEES
ORDERING DOCUMENTS ONLINE THROUGH UOZONE                              As soon as a student’s course selection has been approved, they
                                                                      are officially enrolled at the University of Ottawa. This means the
Students can request official documents using the applications        student must pay their tuition fees no later than the deadline
via uoZone once they have their uOttawa student ID and                published under Important dates and deadlines at http://
personal identification number (PIN). Payment is by VISA or           www.uOttawa.ca/strategic-enrollment-management/.
                                                                      Students can confirm the amount owing by checking their
ORDERING OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA DOCUMENTS                      account through uoZone, by checking the list of tuition and
                                                                      incidental fees at http://www.uOttawa.ca/university-fees/
As long as a student’s financial account is in good standing, they    tuition-fees.
can request an official document. Requests will not be processed
without the student’s signature and payment.                          Students must pay their tuition fees by the deadline even
                                                                      if they do not receive an invoice.
Fees can be paid in cash or by MasterCard, Visa or Interac, as well
as by cheque or money order payable to the University of
Ottawa. If students are paying by MasterCard or VISA, they must
                                                                      CHANGE OF ADDRESS
provide their card number and expiry date.
                                                                      Students should remember to check their mailing address and
                                                                      make any changes necessary via uoZone (uoZone2.uOttawa.
ORDERING DOCUMENTS BY MAIL OR BY FAX                                  ca/en).
Students must print the form or include the following
information in a written request:                                     LIBRARY SERVICES FOR DISTANCE STUDENTS
   •   name and student number                                        STUDENTS CAN CONTACT THE LIBRARY BY:
   •   current address
   •   documents being requested                                      Phone: 1-877-868-8292 (3624)
   •   number of copies requested                                     Health Sciences Library: 1-877-868-8292 (5407)
   •   address to which the document(s) should be mailed              Fax: 613-562-5133 (attention Distance Service – Reference)
   •   signature
                                                                      Email: bibliodistance@uOttawa.ca
Requests for diplomas must also include:
                                                                      Students must include their name, address, phone number,
                                                                      student number and course number, along with a detailed
   •   the name as it should appear on the diploma
                                                                      description of their research.
   •   choice of language (English or French)

Students should allow five-to-seven working days for delivery of
                                                                      LIBRARY SERVICES PROVIDED
documents and four-to-six weeks for delivery of diplomas.
                                                                         •   Access to print and electronic resources from off campus
                                                                         •   Search assistance using the library catalogue or other
Students should send their written requests for official
                                                                             electronic resources
documents to:
                                                                         •   Loans of books, videos or photocopies of articles from

                                                                                                                                            Distance Education - Student Guide 2018-2019
                                                                             journals in the collection
University of Ottawa
                                                                         •   Information on specific topics
75 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5                                                     LOAN PERIODS AND COSTS
Fax: 613-562-5323
                                                                      Books and journal articles are mailed by Priority Courier to the
                                                                      student’s home.
                                                                         • Books may be borrowed for up to four weeks and
                                                                            returned using the enclosed postage-paid sticker for
                                                                            regular service mail (graduate students have an extended
                                                                            loan period).
                                                                         • Videocassettes and DVDs are loaned for one week and are
                                                                            returned by priority courier at your expense.
                                                                         • Books can be renewed online on the Library website
                                                                            using the User Folder option.

 www.tlss.uOttawa.ca                                                                                                                                    5
Check the Library’s website at www.biblio.uOttawa.ca to
                                                  • databases
                                                  • library catalogues
                                                  • electronic journals and books

                                               COURSE MATERIAL
                                               Students can order course textbooks online www.
                                               uOttawashop.ca and pay for their purchases by credit card.
                                               Students who experience any difficulties should contact the
                                               University of Ottawa Bookstore by email at textbook@

                                               Students can purchase their course packs online through the
                                               University of Ottawa Bookstore. Students can quickly and easily
                                               search for their course packs online by title, professor or course

                                               METHOD OF PAYMENT
                                               VISA OR MASTERCARD
                                               Payment takes place on a secure website with an SSL certificate
                                               to ensure that credit card information remains confidential and
                                               is not retained on our servers.
Distance Education - Student Guide 2018-2019

          6                                                                                                         www.tlss.uOttawa.ca
Faculty of Health Sciences,
School of Nursing
451 Smyth Road
Ottawa ON K1H 8M5
Email: healthsc@uOttawa.ca
Telephone: 613-562-5473
Fax: 613-562-5443

Faculty of Social Sciences
120 University Private
Social Sciences Building
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
Email: socialsciences@uOttawa.ca
Telephone: 613-562-5709
Fax: 613-562-5311

Faculty of Education
145 Jean Jacques Lussier Street
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
Email: educprog@uOttawa.ca
Telephone: 613-562-5804
Fax: 613-562-5963

Faculty of Arts
60 University
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
Email: arts@uOttawa.ca
Telephone: 613-562-5134
Fax: 613-562-5973

Center for Innovative Technologies in Education
129 Louis Pasteur Street, Room 264
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
Email: distance@uOttawa.ca
Telephone: 613-562-5787

                                                  Distance Education - Student Guide 2018-2019
Fax: 613-562-5283

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                      Distance Education - Student Guide 2018-2019


Distance Education - Student Guide 2018-2019


VIDECONFERENCE / VIDÉOCONFÉRENCE :                PHI 1102 Moral Reasoning (3 units)              SOC 2551 Mondialisation : aspects                WEB CONFERENCE / CONFÉRENCE WEB :
                                                  Development of fundamental skills in            sociologiques et anthropologiques
                     ENG                          moral reasoning through the study of            (3 crédits)                                                           EDU
                                                  ethical issues and the criteria used in         Étude du développement du système
ENG 1100 Workshop in Essay Writing                                                                                                                 EDU 5618 Éducation comparée
                                                  justifying or evaluating actions.               socio-économique mondial et de certaines
(3 units)                                                                                                                                          (3 crédits)
                                                                                                  de ses conséquences, telles la mise en
Intensive practice in academic essay                                                                                                               Analyse comparative des systèmes
                                                  Tuesday 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. and              place de structures sociales et le
writing. Emphasis on grammatical and                                                                                                               éducationnels au Canada et sur le plan
                                                  Friday 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.                  développement de modèles culturels
well-reasoned expository writing, essay                                                                                                            international. Analyse des différentes
                                                                                                  transnationaux et les nouvelles relations
organization, preparation of research                                                                                                              réformes en cours. Étude des tendances en
                                                                        PSY                       citoyen-État.
papers, and proper acknowledgment of                                                                                                               éducation.
sources. Frequent written exercises and           PSY 1102 Introduction to Psychology:
                                                  Applications (3 units)                          Mercredi 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. et
development of composition skills. Use of                                                                                                          Mardi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.
                                                  Heredity, environment, and human                Vendredi 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Writing Centre resources required outside
regular class hours.                              development. Intelligence. Personality.                                                          EDU 5660 Théorie et pratique des
                                                  Mental health, abnormal behaviour and           SOC 3101 Sociology of Ethics (3 units)
                                                                                                                                                   programmes d'études (3 crédits)
                                                  therapeutic approaches. Social                  Critical study of the theories and methods
Wednesday 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.                                                                                                                    Étude des théories des programmes
                                                  psychology.                                     that sociology provides for the analysis of
Friday 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.                                                                                                                      d'études explicites et implicites. Analyse
                                                                                                  ethical questions. Study of the wider
                                                                                                                                                   des étapes de la mise en oeuvre.
                                                  Thursday 7 p.m. – 10 p.m.                       historical, social and cultural contexts in
ENG 1120 Literature and Composition I:
                                                                                                  which ethical questions emerge and are
Prose Fiction (3 units)                                                                                                                            Lundi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.
                                                  PSY 2114 Lifespan Psychology (3 units)          reproduced.
Development of critical reading skills and
coherent discourse. Study of the proper           Developmental psychology from birth to                                                           EDU 5699 Évaluation des programmes
                                                  old age.                                        Tuesday 11:30 – 1:00 p.m. and
use and acknowledgement of sources.                                                                                                                (3 crédits)
                                                                                                  Friday 1:00 p.m. – 2 :30 p.m.
Works by English-language prose authors                                                                                                            Étude des notions de base sur la
provide matter for frequent written               Monday 7 p.m. – 10 p.m.                                                                          conception et la gestion de programmes.
                                                                                                  SOC 3518 Parcours de vie et lien social
exercises.                                                                                                                                         Analyse des aspects théoriques et
                                                                                                  (3 crédits)
                                                                        SOC                                                                        pratiques de l'évaluation des programmes.
                                                                                                  Introduction à la perspective analytique
Friday 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.                                                                                                                      Examens des modèles d évaluation, de la
                                                  SOC 2309 Canadian Society (3 units)             des parcours de vie en sociologie. Étude
                                                                                                                                                   planification du projet d évaluation, de la
                                                  Sociological examination of certain             du processus de vieillissement des
                     PHI                                                                                                                           rédaction du rapport d'évaluation et de la
                                                  economic, political, and cultural               individus, de l'enfance au quatrième âge,
PHI 1101 Reasoning and Critical                                                                                                                    méta-évaluation.
                                                  phenomena of Canadian society. The              en fonction des normes socioculturelles et
Thinking (3 units)                                course will study several characteristics of    des contraintes socio-économiques qui
Development of fundamental skills in                                                                                                               Jeudi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.
                                                  Canadian society in comparative                 balisent les étapes de vie, les choix de vie
reasoning and critical thinking through           perspective.                                    et les liens sociaux (ex. : couple, famille,
the study of argument types, logical                                                                                                               EDU 5752 Enseignement en milieu
                                                                                                  amis, voisins, etc.). Réflexion sur l'apport
structures, criteria used in the evaluation                                                                                                        minoritaire francophone (3 crédits)
                                                  Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and             de cette approche pour les pratiques et les
of arguments, and forms of fallacious                                                                                                              Examen des enjeux reliés à l'apprentissage
                                                  Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.                 politiques sociales.
reasoning.                                                                                                                                         et l'enseignement en milieu minoritaire
                                                                                                                                                   francophone permettant de préciser les
                                                                                                  Mercredi 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. et
Monday 8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m. and                                                                                                                     démarches éducatives pertinentes.
                                                                                                  Vendredi 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Thursday 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                   Mercredi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.

Préalables : Consultez votre faculté ou vérifiez en ligne à www.registraire.uOttawa.ca           A1       Prerequisites : Please refer to your faculty or view online at www.registraire.uOttawa.ca
EDU 5832 Développement des relations              EDU 6591 Recherche quantitative                 EDU 7797 Instruments de collecte de                                   NSG
avec la communauté scolaire (3 crédits)           (3 crédits)                                     données (3 crédits)                              NSG 5130 Development of Knowledge
Examen de l'importance des relations avec         Planification, analyse et interprétation de     Étude des méthodes de construction et de         and Theory in Nursing as a Discipline
la communauté scolaire.                           la recherche quantitative. Application des      validation d'outils de collecte de données       (3 units)
Approfondissement du concept de                   statistiques descriptives et inférentielles.    en recherche qualitative et quantitative en      Prevailing nursing conceptualizations and
partenariat, des modèles de répartition                                                           éducation. Approfondissement des                 their links to practice, research and
des pouvoirs, des techniques de                   Lundi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.                   problématiques soulevées par l'usage de          education. Historical development and
communication efficace, du marketing des                                                          ces méthodes.                                    structure of contemporary nursing
produits éducatifs et du concept de client        EDU 6600 Formateurs d'adultes et                                                                 knowledge. Critique of middle-range
et d'usager.                                      contextes de formation (3 crédits)              Jeudi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.                    theories appropriate to the study of
                                                  Étude des rôles et des fonctions des                                                             nursing phenomena.
Mardi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.                     formateurs d'adultes. Analyse des savoirs,      EDU 8505 Questions contemporaines
                                                  des savoir-être et des savoir-faire des         en éducation (3 crédits)                         Wednesday 9 a.m.-12 a.m.
EDU 5899 Enjeux actuels en évaluation             formateurs. Développement de                    Examen critique des questions
des apprentissages (3 crédits)                    programmes et contextes de formation.           contemporaines et interdisciplinaires en         NSG 5140 Research Methods in Nursing
Étude des principes, politiques et concepts                                                       éducation selon diverses traditions de           (3 units)
courants en évaluation des                        Lundi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.                   recherche. Critique des avant-projets            Critical appraisal of research in nursing.
apprentissages. Examen critique                                                                   doctoraux en fonction des tendances en           Methodological issues related to research
d'application des procédures dans                 EDU 6690 Méthodologie de la recherche           recherche éducationnelle. (Réservé aux           problem conceptualization; design
diverses situations actuelles d'évaluation.       (3 crédits)                                     étudiants de doctorat.)                          selection; sampling; instrument
Approfondissement de problématiques en            Étude des approches, méthodes et étapes                                                          development; data management and
salle de classe et en contexte des                de la recherche en éducation. Examen de         Vendredi 8 :30 a.m. – 11 :30 a.m.                analysis. Creation of a nursing research
évaluations à grande échelle.                     la complémentarité de divers types de                                                            proposal.
                                                  recherche.                                      EDU 8506 Enjeux épistémologiques et
Mardi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.                                                                     méthodologiques de la recherche en               Thursday 9 a.m – 12 p.m.
                                                  Lundi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.                   éducation (3 crédits)
EDU 6505 Enjeux actuels en                                                                        Étude critique de l'épistémologie des            NSG 5192 Statistical Analysis in Nursing
enseignement (3 crédits)                          EDU 6699 Évaluation des programmes :            paradigmes principaux de la recherche en         (3 units)
(Enseignement, apprentissage et                   Théorie et problèmes actuels (3 crédits)        éducation. Exploration des sources               Introduction to the planning, analysis and
évaluation) Étude des problématiques              Analyse critique des aspects théoriques et      épistémologiques des avant-projets des           interpretation of quantitative research in
actuelles en éducation et de leurs enjeux         techniques des différentes approches en         doctorants en éducation. (Réservé aux            nursing including: analysis of inferential
en enseignement.                                  évaluation de programmes.                       étudiants de doctorat.)                          statistics; analysis of variance and
                                                                                                                                                   covariance; and linear regression.
Jeudi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.                     Jeudi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.                   Vendredi 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                   Thursday 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
EDU 6506 Sciences technologies,                   EDU 7590 Recherche qualitative I
société et environnement (3 crédits)              (3 crédits)
(Enseignement, apprentissage et                   Étude des aspects fondamentaux de la
évaluation) Examen critique de l'impact           recherche qualitative en éducation :
social des sciences et des technologies, et       approches, caractéristiques et stratégies.
leur implication éducationnelle. Rôle des
littératies écologiques et scientifiques.         Mercredi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.

Lundi 5 :30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.

Préalables : Consultez votre faculté ou vérifiez en ligne à www.registraire.uOttawa.ca           A2       Prerequisites : Please refer to your faculty or view online at www.registraire.uOttawa.ca
NSG 5530 Étude de la discipline                   NSG 6135 End of Life Care: Palliative            NSG 6550 Contexte historique en                   NSG 52102 Advanced Nursing Practice
infirmière (3 crédits)                            (3 units)                                        sciences infirmières (3 crédits)                  in Primary Health Care (Part 2 of 2)
Historique du développement de la                 Philosophy and practice of palliative/end        Contexte historique pour certains thèmes          (6 units)
discipline infirmière et de l'organisation de     of life care across the lifespan and in          et styles de leadership. Approche                 Nurses' role in advanced nursing practice.
son corps de connaissances. Conceptions           diverse health settings. Critical                féministe et sociale dans l'étude des             Theoretical foundations, concepts and
dominantes et leurs liens avec la                 examination of theory, research, practice        sciences infirmières de la fin du XIXe siècle     strategies in primary health care. Clinical
recherche, la pratique et la formation dans       and policy issues related to care of             jusqu'au milieu du XXe. Perspectives et           practicum as a consultant, educator,
la discipline. Critique de théories de            individuals and families facing life             analyse des événements d'antan dans la            researcher, leader and clinician in primary
niveau intermédiaire utiles à l'explication       threatening illness. Exploration of              profession. Analyse des sources primaires         health care. (Part 2 of 2)
de phénomènes propres à la discipline.            concepts of death, dying, bereavement            et secondaires, des méthodes et des
                                                  within health care systems, culture, and         approches théoriques.                             Wednesday 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Lundi 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.                            society using an interprofessional
                                                  approach.                                        Mercredi 1 :00 p.m. – 4 p.m.                      NSG 52201 Advanced Nursing Practice
NSG 5540 Méthodologie de la recherche                                                                                                                in Tertiary Health Care (Part 1 of 2)
en sciences infirmières (3 crédits)               Monday 1 p.m.- 5 p.m.                            NSG 6560 Politique, action politique et           Nurses' role in advanced nursing practice.
Analyse critique de la recherche dans la                                                           changement en soins de santé                      Theoretical foundations, concepts and
discipline infirmière. Éléments                   NSG 6160 Policy, Political Action and            (3 crédits)                                       strategies associated with caring for
méthodologiques reliés à la                       Change in Health Care (3 units)                  Analyse des politiques, action politique et       patients and their families in complex care
problématique, la sélection du devis,             Policy analysis, political action,               théories de l'organisation et du                  situations. Clinical practicum as a
l'échantillon, l'élaboration d'instruments        organization and change theories.                changement. Développement d'habiletés             consultant, educator, researcher, leader
de mesure, la gestion et l'analyse des            Acquisition of advanced nursing practice         nécessaires à l'infirmière en pratique de         and clinician in tertiary health care
données. Développement d'un protocole             skills in policy and organizational analysis,    niveau avancé en regard de l'analyse              settings. (Part 1 of 2)
de recherche en sciences infirmières.             application of change theory, lobbying,          politique et organisationnelle, l'application
                                                  negotiating and strategizing.                    de la théorie du changement, le lobbying,         Monday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Mardi 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.                                                                              la négociation et la formulation de
                                                  Tuesday 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.                          stratégies.                                       NSG 52202 Advanced Nursing Practice
NSG 5592 Analyse statistique en                                                                                                                      in Tertiary Health Care (Part 2 of 2)
sciences infirmières (3 crédits)                  NSG 6534 Rôle d'éducatrice de                    Friday 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.                            (6 units)
Introduction à la planification, l'analyse et     l'infirmière en pratique de niveau                                                                 Nurses' role in advanced nursing practice.
l'interprétation des résultats de recherche       avancé (3 crédits)                               NSG 52101 Advanced Nursing Practice               Theoretical foundations, concepts and
de type quantitatif en sciences infirmières       Enjeux de la formation clinique en               in Primary Health Care (Part 1 of 2)              strategies associated with caring for
incluant ce qui suit : analyse de statistiques    sciences infirmières et autres disciplines.      Nurses' role in advanced nursing practice.        patients and their families in complex care
inférentielles, analyse de variance et de         Théories d'enseignement/apprentissage,           Theoretical foundations, concepts and             situations. Clinical practicum as a
covariance, régression linéaire.                  modèles et stratégies pédagogiques.              strategies in primary health care. Clinical       consultant, educator, researcher, leader
                                                  Éléments essentiels à l'identification des       practicum as a consultant, educator,              and clinician in tertiary health care
Jeudi 7 p.m. -10 p.m.                             besoins d'apprentissage, au                      researcher, leader and clinician in primary       settings. (Part 2 of 2)
                                                  développement d'un plan d'enseignement           health care. (Part 1 of 2)
                                                  pour infirmières, clients, familles, et autres                                                     Monday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                                                  professionnels de la santé. Principes et         Wednesday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
                                                  méthodes d'évaluation formative et

                                                  Jeudi 9a.m. - 12 p.m.

Préalables : Consultez votre faculté ou vérifiez en ligne à www.registraire.uOttawa.ca            A3        Prerequisites : Please refer to your faculty or view online at www.registraire.uOttawa.ca
NSG 56101 Soins infirmiers de niveau              NSG 56202 Soins infirmiers de niveau               NSG 68011 Projet clinique en pratique            ANP 1506 Anatomie humaine et
avancé en soins de santé primaires                avancé en milieu de soins tertiaires               des soins infirmiers de niveau avancé            physiologie II (3 crédits)
(Partie 1 de 2)                                   (Partie 2 de 2) (6 units)                          (Partie 1 de 2)                                  Anatomie du système squelettique, y
Rôle de l'infirmière en pratique de niveau        Rôle de l'infirmière en pratique de niveau         Utilisation de la théorie et des évidences       compris le squelette axial et
avancé. Fondements théoriques, concepts           avancé. Fondements théoriques, concepts            systématiques pertinentes au domaine de          appendiculaire. Anatomie et physiologie
et stratégies en soins de santé primaires.        et stratégies reliés aux soins des patients        spécialisation choisi. Stage structuré           des muscles squelettiques du tronc et des
Le stage permet d'assumer les fonctions           et de leurs familles en situation de soins         autour de la planification, de l'exécution et    membres. Anatomie et physiologie du
de consultante, éducatrice, chercheuse,           complexes. Le stage permet d'assumer les           de l'évaluation d'un projet clinique. (Partie    système nerveux y compris les récepteurs,
leader et clinicienne dans un milieu de           fonctions de consultante, éducatrice,              1 de 2)                                          les voies sensorielles et motrices, le
soins primaires. (Partie 1 de 2)                  chercheuse, leader et clinicienne en milieu                                                         fonctionnement du système nerveux
                                                  de soins tertiaires.                               Mercredi 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.                        central.
Mardi 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                                                  Vendredi 9 a.m. -12 p.m.                           NSG 68012 Projet clinique en pratique                                  CIN
NSG 56102 Soins infirmiers de niveau                                                                 des soins infirmiers de niveau avancé            CIN 3598 Cinémas canadien et
avancé en soins de santé primaires                NSG 64011 Clinical Project in Advanced             (Partie 2 de 2) (6 crédits / 6 units)            québécois II : documentaire (3 crédits)
(Partie 2 de 2) (6 units)                         Nursing Practice (Part 1 of 2)                     Utilisation de la théorie et des évidences       Étude historique et sociologique de la
Rôle de l'infirmière en pratique de niveau        Utilization of theory and evidence based           systématiques pertinentes au domaine de          production nationale. Analyse d'œuvres
avancé. Fondements théoriques, concepts           practices relevant to a clinical field. Clinical   spécialisation choisi. Stage structuré           représentatives de périodes, de formats et
et stratégies en soins de santé primaires.        practicum structured around the design,            autour de la planification, de l'exécution et    de genres variés : documentaire classique,
Le stage permet d'assumer les fonctions           implementation, and evaluation of a                de l'évaluation d'un projet clinique.            cinéma direct, animation, essais, reportage
de consultante, éducatrice, chercheuse,           clinical project. (Part 1 of 2)                                                                     télévisé. Idéologie et esthétique.
leader et clinicienne dans un milieu de                                                              Mercredi 9 a.m – 12 p.m.                         Contextes de production et de réception.
soins primaires. (Partie 2 de 2)                  Wednesday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                                                                                                     ONLINE COURSES / COURS EN LIGNE                                       CMN
Mardi 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.                            NSG 64012 Clinical Project in Advanced
                                                  Nursing Practice (Part 2 of 2) (6 crédits /                                                         CMN 1160 Introduction to Media
                                                                                                                         ANP                          Studies (3 units)
NSG 56201 Soins infirmiers de niveau              6 units)
                                                                                                     ANP 1505 Anatomie humaine et                     Study of the basic concepts in Media
avancé en milieu de soins tertiaires              Utilization of theory and evidence based
                                                                                                     physiologie I (3 crédits)                        Studies. Socio-historical study of major
(Partie 1 de 2)                                   practices relevant to a clinical field. Clinical
                                                                                                     Introduction à la morphologie des tissus et      media and new technologies in
Rôle de l'infirmière en pratique de niveau        practicum structured around the design,
                                                                                                     des cellules, à la biochimie cellulaire, et      communication and their effects on
avancé. Fondements théoriques, concepts           implementation, and evaluation of a
                                                                                                     aux concepts de physiologie y compris la         individuals and society.
et stratégies reliés aux soins des patients       clinical project. (Part 2 of 2)
                                                                                                     diffusion, l'osmose et les mécanismes de
et de leurs familles en situation de soins
                                                                                                     transport membranaire. Anatomie et               CMN 1560 Introduction à l'étude des
complexes. Le stage permet d'assumer les          Wednesday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                                                                                                     physiologie du système cardio-vasculaire,        médias (3 crédits)
fonctions de consultante, éducatrice,
                                                                                                     du sang, du système lymphatique et du            Concepts fondamentaux de l'étude des
chercheuse, leader et clinicienne en milieu
                                                                                                     système respiratoire. Introduction aux           médias. Étude socio-historique des médias
de soins tertiaires. (Partie 1 de 2)
                                                                                                     systèmes de contrôle: le concept de              et des nouvelles technologies de
                                                                                                     l'homéostasie, les systèmes nerveux et           l'information et de la communication et de
Vendredi 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                                                                                                     endocrinien.                                     leurs effets sur les individus et la société.

Préalables : Consultez votre faculté ou vérifiez en ligne à www.registraire.uOttawa.ca           A4          Prerequisites : Please refer to your faculty or view online at www.registraire.uOttawa.ca
CMN 3505 Éthique des médias                       DCC 3110 Inter American System of                                 EDU                          EDU 5242 Trends in Second Language
(3 crédits)                                       Human Rights (3 units)                        EDU 5101 Perspectives in Education               Teaching (3 units)
Étude du questionnement éthique propre            Introduction to the Inter American system     (3 units)                                        Study of conceptual frameworks and
aux pratiques de la communication sociale         of human rights protection by subject         Overview of key concepts, actors, practices      theories of second language teaching;
et médiatique. Fondements                         areas including women's rights, the rights    and forms of organization in education;          historical overview of major developments
philosophiques. Déontologie, liberté              of indigenous peoples, the rights to          examination of diverse contexts and forms        and current trends; critical analysis of
d'expression. Débats que ces notions              democracy and social rights. Presentation     of education and their place and function        theoretical foundations, methods and
suscitent sur la scène publique et dans la        of Organisation of American States (OAS)      in society; critical discussion of historical    practices.
sphère privée. Étude de cas.                      institutions involved with human rights;      and contemporary debates in education.
                                                  special emphasis is given to themes such      (This course is reserved for students in the     EDU 5244 Bilingual, Multilingual and
CMN 3552 Éthique et déontologie du                as access to justice - empowerement of        M.Ed. extended program).                         Minority Contexts of Language
journalisme (3 crédits)                           the poor. Explanation of the specific                                                          Education (3 units)
L'étude des valeurs éthiques et des règles        methodological research tools required to     EDU 5146 Social and political issues in          Examination of conceptualizations of
déontologiques du journalisme.                    use this regional system.                     second language education (3 units)              bilingual and multilingual education in
Résolution de dilemmes moraux                                                                   Examination of social and political aspects      diverse contexts with an emphasis on
compatibles avec la liberté responsable de        DCC 4522 Environnement et droits des          of second/additional language education.         Canada; analysis of issues related to the
la presse. Éléments de jurisprudence des          humains (3 crédits)                           Study of their influences on the processes       educational success of immigrants and
tribunaux et des mécanismes                       Comprendre les différents liens entre         of learning and teaching a second/               members of minority groups and their
d'autorégulation des médias (conseils de          droits humains et l'environnement et          additional language in educational               integration into schools and society.
presse, ombudsman, etc.).                         l'intérêt d'analyser la question              context.
                                                  environnementale du point de vue des                                                           EDU 5253 Theories of Learning Applied
                     DCC                          droits humains; se familiariser avec          EDU 5160 Mathematical Thinking                   to Teaching (3 units)
DCC 2303 Legal Aspects of Human                   l'histoire de l'intégration du lien           Across the Mathematics Curriculum                Critical survey of theories of learning in
Rights (3 units)                                  environnement/droits humains dans les         (3 units)                                        historical and contemporary perspectives
Historical origins of international human         instruments juridiques nationaux et           Examination of the development of                and their pedagogical implications for
rights law. Presentation of international         internationaux.                               mathematical thinking with respect to a          classroom practices.
law as a legal system that includes rules,                                                      variety of concepts that appear in school
principles and requirements, as well as                                 ECH                     mathematics curricula.                           EDU 5258 Learning Differences in
specific methodological research tools.           ECH 2300 Introduction to International                                                         Education (3 units)
                                                  Human Rights Law and Institutions             EDU 5190 Introduction to Research in             Examination and critical analysis of
DCC 2703 Dimensions juridiques des                (3 units)                                     Education (3 units)                              research and practice related to the
droits de la personne (3 crédits)                 Introduction to international law of          Introduces students to understanding and         teaching and learning of people with
Origines historiques du droit international       human rights and key international            applying research in education:                  learning differences; diverse educational
des droits de la personne. Présentation du        institutions to enforce the law. Role of      researching a topic, critical reading,           contexts and perspectives; social
droit international comme celle d'un              Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)         overview of various types of applied             construction of exceptionalities.
système juridique qui comporte des                in the prevention of terrorism and            research.
normes, des principes, des exigences et           elaboration of counter-terrorism                                                               EDU 5286 Technology and Health
des outils méthodologiques de recherche           strategies. Examination of case studies of    EDU 5199 Synthesis Seminar (3 units)             Professions Education (3 units)
spécifiques.                                      real situations where struggles for human     Integration of theoretical knowledge to          Study of the impact of computer
                                                  rights are being waged.                       contribute to educational practice.              technology on communication and
                                                                                                                                                 instructional techniques for health
                                                                                                                                                 professions education; exploration of
                                                                                                                                                 distance education, on-line learning, and
                                                                                                                                                 low and high fidelity simulation.

Préalables : Consultez votre faculté ou vérifiez en ligne à www.registraire.uOttawa.ca         A5       Prerequisites : Please refer to your faculty or view online at www.registraire.uOttawa.ca
EDU 5287 Emerging Technologies and                EDU 5584 Dimensions, stratégies et                 EDU 5658 Éducation différenciée                  EDU 6106 Science, Technology, Society
Learning (3 units)                                gestion des apprentissages (3 crédits)             (3 crédits)                                      and Environment (3 units)
Research, theory and practice concerning          Étude des dimensions entrant en jeu dans           Description et analyse critique d'études et      (Teaching, Learning and Evaluation)
the use of emerging technologies to               la gestion des apprentissages en milieu            de pratiques de différenciation auprès de        Critical examination of the social impact of
facilitate learning; the impact of new            éducatif et scolaire. Conception et révision       l'apprenant en difficulté. Dimensions            science and technology and their
media on teaching and learning strategies,        de modèles d'enseignement et de leurs              sociales et politiques de la différenciation.    educational implications. Study of the
on curriculum change, on learner attitudes        liens avec la gestion des apprentissages.          La construction sociale de la différence. La     roles of ecological and scientific literacies.
and motivation, and on higher order                                                                  prise en charge de l'apprenant en difficulté
learning.                                         EDU 5590 Introduction à la recherche               dans une construction de compétences.            EDU 6193 Foundations of Measurement
                                                  en éducation (3 crédits)                                                                            and Testing (3 units)
EDU 5299 Program Evaluation: Methods              Initiation à la consultation et à l'utilisation    EDU 5687 Modèles d’intégration des               Classical test theory; composite variables;
and Practice (3 units)                            de la recherche en éducation :                     technologies de l’information et de la           reliability; validity; applications to norm-
Exploration of principles of effective            documentation d'une problématique;                 communication en contextes éducatif              referenced and criterion-referenced tests;
program evaluation methods; planning;             lecture critique; initiation aux différents        (3 crédits)                                      scales standardization.
instrument development; data collection,          types de recherche appliquée.                      Examen des mécanismes d'exploitation
processing and analysis; reporting and                                                               des technologies de l'information et de la       EDU 6426 Citizenship and Global
follow-up; survey of diverse models of            EDU 5599 Séminaire de synthèse                     communication (TIC) et de leurs liens avec       Education (3 units)
evaluation.                                       (3 crédits)                                        les théories d'apprentissage. Analyse des        Theories of citizenship, global education
                                                  Démarche vers une intégration des savoirs          pratiques exemplaires et des modèles             and their related pedagogies.
EDU 5501 Perspectives en éducation                théoriques et pratiques qui doit contribuer        émergents.
(3 crédits)                                       à la pratique éducative.                                                                            EDU 6511 Enseignement et
Vue d'ensemble du domaine de                                                                         EDU 5833 Éducation et changement                 apprentissage des littératies en langues
l'éducation : concepts clés, pratiques            EDU 5630 Le leadership en milieu                   social (3 crédits)                               secondes (3 crédits)
professionnelles, différents acteurs et           éducatif (3 crédits)                               Étude de l'impact des changements                (Didactique des langues secondes)
organisations en éducation; examen des            Étude des thèmes et concepts de base en            sociaux, technologiques, économiques,            Analyse critique de pratiques
divers contextes éducationnels et leur            comportement organisationnel                       législatifs et médiatiques sur l'éducation.      contextualisées pour l'enseignement,
place dans la société; discussions critiques      appliquées à l'environnement scolaire.             Redéfinition des liens entre l'école et la       l'apprentissage et l'évaluation des
des grands débats historiques et                  Examen des principaux modèles, rôles et            société. Examen des nouvelles réalités           littératies, en langues secondes.
contemporains en éducation. (Ce cours est         pratiques du leadership.                           pédagogiques à l'ère de l'information.
réservé aux étudiants inscrits au                                                                                                                     EDU 6546 Théories d’apprentissage
programme prolongé de la M.Éd).                   EDU 5631 Comportement                              EDU 5881 Tendances de la recherche en            appliquées à l’enseignement des
                                                  organisationnel (3 crédits)                        éducation inclusive (3 crédits)                  langues secondes (3 crédits)
EDU 5583 Créativité et éducation                  Étude des interactions entre la structure          Fondements théoriques et enjeux actuels          Étude critique des théories
(3 crédits)                                       organisationnelle des entités scolaires et         de l'approche inclusive à l'éducation.           d'apprentissage des langues secondes
Analyse des théories de la créativité.            les comportements des acteurs.                     Perspectives des élèves, du personnel            selon les perspectives linguistiques,
Identification de liens entre le processus                                                           scolaire, des intervenant/es                     cognitives et sociales.
créateur, l'enseignement et l'apprentissage       EDU 5642 Courants en didactique des                communautaires et associatifs/ves et des
auprès d'une diversité d'apprenants. Mise         langues secondes (3 crédits)                       parents.
en perspective dans les champs                    Survol historique et analyse critique des
disciplinaires.                                   courants méthodologiques associés à
                                                  l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage des
                                                  langues secondes.

Préalables : Consultez votre faculté ou vérifiez en ligne à www.registraire.uOttawa.ca              A6       Prerequisites : Please refer to your faculty or view online at www.registraire.uOttawa.ca
EDU 6573 Travail et santé mentale                                       FLS                                            ISI                                               NSG
(3 crédits)                                       FLS 3500 Compétence en langue                   ISI 6330 Resource Description (3 units)           NSG 4101 History of Canadian Nursing,
Analyse des problèmes de santé mentale            seconde : Exercices et évaluation               Critical examination of concepts and              1850-1975 (3 units)
provoqués par le travail ou l'absence de          (3 crédits)                                     principles underlying the design and              Survey of Canadian nursing within diverse
travail : perte d'estime de soi, d'identité, de   Exercices diagnostiques et élaboration de       application of standards for the                  nineteenth- and twentieth-century
motivation, humiliation, culpabilité,             stratégies pour améliorer la                    description of information resources. The         contexts; development of critical thinking
épuisement professionnel, mise en                 compréhension de l'oral et de l'écrit et la     course examines current standards for             through analysis and synthesis of historical
chômage technique, etc. Nature et                 production orale et écrite aux niveaux          resource description and their relationship       sources; emphases on understanding who
diagnostic. Mise en contexte de ces               intermédiaire-fort et avancé. Une               to the resource discovery context within          became nurses, what constituted nursing
troubles dans divers courants de pensée.          attestation de compétence faisant état du       which they operate. Previously ISI 5120.          practice, significant social influences that
Étude des effets thérapeutiques du travail.       profil langagier de l'étudiant est délivré à                                                      shaped both nurses and nursing.
                                                  la suite d'une série de tests passés avec                           M AT
EDU 6634 Gestion de la qualité en                 succès.                                                                                           NSG 53501 Pathophysiology for the
éducation (3 crédits)                                                                             MAT 1720 Calcul différentiel et intégral I
                                                                                                  (3 crédits)                                       Nurse Practitioner (Part 1 of 2)
Analyse critique des principes, des                                     HIS                                                                         Examine theoretical and practice related
méthodes et des techniques de gestion de                                                          Définition intuitive de la limite; la
                                                  HIS 1111 The Twentieth-Century World            continuité; énoncé du théorème des                concepts in pathophysiology as a basis for
la qualité totale appliquées à                                                                                                                      advanced nursing practice. Explore
l'organisation scolaire.                          from 1945 (3 units)                             valeurs intermédiaires. Brève revue des
                                                  A course of general interest which focuses      formules fondamentales de dérivation:             alterations in physiological function with
                                                  on the search for security and                  produits, exponentielles, et fonctions            an emphasis on age-related, acute,
EDU 7133 Selected Topics in Societies,                                                                                                              episodic, and chronic conditions found in
Cultures and Languages (3 units)                  independence in a post-war world                trigonométriques. Dérivées des quotients
                                                  dominated by super powers and                   de fonctions, des logarithmes et des              primary health care practice. Seminar: 3
Topics of current interest will be selected                                                                                                         hours/week. (Part 1 of 2)
for intensive study.                              globalization.                                  fonctions trigonométriques inverses.
                                                                                                  Approximation numérique des dérivées
                                                                        HSS                       par des différences finies. Études de             Wednesday 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
EDU 7150 Selected Topics in Teaching
and Learning (3 units)                            HSS 1101 Determinants of Health                 fonctions à l'aide des dérivées premières
                                                                                                  et secondes; énoncés des théorèmes des            NSG 53502 Pathophysiology for the
Topics of current interest will be selected       (3 units)                                                                                         Nurse Practitioner (Part 2 of 2)
for intensive study.                              Introduction to health sciences including       bornes atteintes et des accroissements
                                                                                                  finis. Règle de l'Hospital. Dérivée implicite,    (3 crédits)
                                                  models and concepts of health and                                                                 Examine theoretical and practice related
                                                  wellness, illness and disease. Biological,      taux reliés, optimisation, approximation
                     ESL                                                                                                                            concepts in pathophysiology as a basis for
                                                  psychobehavioural, socio-political and          linéaire, la méthode de Newton. L'intégrale
ESL 3100 Second Language Proficiency:                                                             définie et le théorème fondamental.               advanced nursing practice. Explore
Practice and Assessment (3 units)                 environmental determinants of health will                                                         alterations in physiological function with
                                                  be examined.                                    Primitives de fonctions élémentaires,
Diagnostic and strategy development                                                               méthodes d'intégration (intégration par           an emphasis on age-related, acute,
exercises in listening comprehension,                                                             parties, substitutions, fractions partielles).    episodic, and chronic conditions found in
reading comprehension, academic writing           HSS 1501 Déterminants de la santé                                                                 primary health care practice. Seminar: 3
                                                  (3 crédits)                                     Intégration numérique: les formules du
and oral communication skills at high-                                                            point milieu, du trapèze et de Simpson;           hours/week. (Part 2 of 2)
intermediate and advanced levels of               Introduction aux sciences de la santé, en
                                                  particulier aux modèles et concepts de          analyse de l'erreur.
proficiency. A proficiency profile certificate                                                                                                      Wednesday 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
is issued upon successful completion of a         santé et de bien-être, de problèmes de
series of tests.                                  santé et de maladies. Étude des
                                                  déterminants biologiques,
                                                  psychocomportementaux, sociopolitiques
                                                  et environnementaux.

Préalables : Consultez votre faculté ou vérifiez en ligne à www.registraire.uOttawa.ca           A7        Prerequisites : Please refer to your faculty or view online at www.registraire.uOttawa.ca
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