Disney100 Celebration - JOIN THE JOYFUL

Page created by Crystal Campbell
Disney100 Celebration - JOIN THE JOYFUL
Spring 2023
                    STORIES AND TIPS TO GET THE
                    MOST OUT OF YOUR REWARDS



  BE A PART OF THE                  1OO YEARS OF                 PLAN YOUR VACATION
  CELEBRATION                       DISNEY MEMORIES              TO JOIN IN THE FUN
  at the Disneyland® Resort         Shining moments across The   at Walt Disney World® Resort
                                    Walt Disney Company legacy

                                                                                                Artist concept only
Disney100 Celebration - JOIN THE JOYFUL
In This
                                                                                                                PAGES      FIND MEMORABLE
                                                                                                                  8&9      DISNEY100
                                                                                                                           MERCHANDISE AT

    Issue                                                                                                                  From sparkling Minnie Mouse Ear
                                                                                                                           headbands to plush pals and shining
                                                                                                                           home décor items, commemorate
                                                                                                                           your memories of fun with
                                                                                                                           Disney100 merchandise.
    Maybe it was the first Disney or Pixar animated film you
    saw. Perhaps it was that first visit to a Disney Park, or
    the special Mickey Mouse toy you unwrapped that
    sparked your imagination. Whatever it may have been,
                                                                                                                                                                     PAGE      CREATING A CONCERT
    for 10 decades, The Walt Disney Company has inspired
    countless moments of joy in hearts across generations.                                                                                                                     Find out how the perennially
    This year, the Company honors that legacy with the                                                                                                                         popular Garden Rocks Concert
    Disney100 Celebration, a global, once-in-a-lifetime event.                                                                                                                 Series comes to life at the
                                                                                                                                                                               EPCOT® International
    In this issue, you’ll discover some of the wonderful                                                                                                                       Flower & Garden Festival.
    Disney100 plans in store for Guests. We hope you’ll join
    in the celebration with us. Here’s to 100 years of magic!    PAGES   10 DECADES OF
                                                                  4&5    STORYTELLING
                                                                                                                PAGES      PLAN AHEAD FOR YOUR                       PAGES     NEW PLACES TO
                                                                                                                 10 & 11   DISNEY100 FUN                             12 & 13   EXPLORE WITH
                                                                         Take a trip back through                                                                              ADVENTURES BY DISNEY®
                                                                         time with a glimpse into key                      Join the Celebration at Walt Disney
                                                                                                                           World® Resort with special experiences,             Discover top new travel itineraries for
                                                                         moments in the history of
                                 VISIT                                                                                     events, merchandise and more.                       2023 and learn how the experts at
                                                                         The Walt Disney Company.
                                                                                                                                                                               Adventures by Disney® curate them.
                          TO LEARN MORE ABOUT
                           CARDMEMBER PERKS

                                                                 PAGES   CELEBRATE 100 YEARS
                                                                  6&7    OF DISNEY AT THE
                                                                         DISNEYLAND® RESORT
                                                                         Be amongst the first to visit the
                                                                         Disney100 Celebration at the
                                                                         Disneyland® Resort. Experience
                                                                         all-new nighttime spectaculars,
                                                                         the return of a fan-favorite parade,
2                                                                        dazzling décor and more!
Spring 2023
Disney100 Celebration - JOIN THE JOYFUL
A Look Back at 100 Years of
    Disney Creativity
    The Disney legacy we love and celebrate is built on a
    history of envisioning the possibilities of the future.

     The word “legacy” may seem to refer to things created in             A GIANT STORYTELLING STEP FORWARD
     the past, but in fact, everything we know and love about the
     Disney legacy was inspired by the future and the ability to          Only a few years later, there came a great leap forward in
     envision and act upon its possibilities.                             Disney storytelling, a full-length animated story. When Walt
                                                                          and his team began work on Snow White and the Seven
     THE POSSIBILITIES OF SOUND AND COLOR                                 Dwarfs (1937), there were risks. There were challenges, and
                                                                          there were definitely nay-sayers. But when the film premiered         A WONDERLAND FOR EVERY FAMILY                                        MEMORABLE KEEPSAKES
     When sound first came to motion pictures, Walt Disney saw            at the Carthay Circle Theatre in Los Angeles, there wasn’t a dry
                                                                                                                                                When Walt Disney sat on a park bench watching his                    Bring home a piece of the Disney creativity you love with
     its possibilities and created the first fully-synchronized sound     eye left in the house. The animated storytelling we love was
                                                                                                                                                daughters ride a Merry-Go-Round, he dreamed of a future              unique merchandise created exclusively for the Disney100
     cartoon, Steamboat Willie (1928). And a star, Mickey Mouse,          launched and is a key part of the Disney legacy today.
                                                                                                                                                place where families could laugh, imagine and dream                  Celebration. It’s a perfect way to keep your own memories
     was born. As Technicolor became available, once again Walt
                                                                                                                                                together, and the idea of Disneyland® Park was born.                 of this once-in-a-lifetime event. Remember, Cardmembers
     Disney and his artists saw the possibilities and created Flowers
                                                                                                                                                It became the spark that eventually led to Walt Disney               save 10% on select purchases at shopDisney.com when
     and Trees (1932), bringing color to cartoons for the first time.
                                                                                                                                                World® Resort and Disney Parks worldwide.                            you use your Disney® Visa® Debit Card.1

                                                                                                                                                DREAMING OF THE GREAT “WHAT IF”

                                                                                          “We keep moving forward—                              At the heart of the ability to envision future possibilities is
                                                                                          opening up new doors and doing                        the question, “what if…?” What if we embraced the (then-new)
                                                                                          new things—because we’re                              technology of television and created shows for families and
                                                                                          curious. And curiosity keeps                          children? Such classics as Mickey Mouse Club (1955) and
                                                                                          leading us down new paths.”                           The Wonderful World of Disney anthology series were born.
                                                                                                                                                What if there were a way to make figures speak and move
                                                                                          —Walt Disney                                          to bring presidents and pirates to life by embracing and
                                                                                                                                                developing Audio-Animatronics® technology? The list of
                                                                                                                                                ‘what ifs’ goes on and on. And it will continue for as long
                                                                                                                                                as those who, like Walt Disney himself, can look at both the
                                                                                                                                                present and the future and envision ways to immerse us all in
                                                                                                                                                the creativity and imagination of Disney storytelling.

    1920s                         1930s                         1940s                        1950s                        1960s                 1970s                        1980s                        1990s                        2000s to present
    The Walt Disney Company       Snow White and the            The Walt Disney Studios      Disneyland® Park opens       Audio-Animatronics®   Walt Disney Archives         Walt Disney Home             Beauty and the               Pixar Animation Studios is acquired by The
    is founded (1923).            Seven Dwarfs, the first       opens its new campus         to cheering Guests           technology debuts     is established (1970).       Video launches,              Beast, the first Disney      Walt Disney Company (2006).
                                  full-length animated film,    in Burbank, California       visiting “The Happiest       in Walt Disney’s                                   bringing beloved             theatrical stage
    Steamboat Willie, the                                                                                                                       Walt Disney World®                                                                     Disney+ begins streaming to families (2019).
                                  premieres (1937).             (1940).                      Place on Earth” for the      Enchanted Tiki                                     Disney films into homes      production, debuts on
    first fully-synchronized                                                                                                                    Resort opens near
                                                                                             first time (1955).           Room at the                                        (1980).                      Broadway (1994).             Disney100 celebrates the Disney legacy (2023).
    sound cartoon, introduces                                   Fantasia premieres with                                                         Orlando, Florida (1971).
    Mickey Mouse (1928).                                        Fantasound, a precursor                                                                                      Tokyo Disneyland®            The Lion King                Disney100: The Exhibition launches a
                                                                                                                          Resort (1963).
                                                                of stereophonic sound                                                                                        opens (1983).                premieres (1994).            world tour (2023).
4                                                               in films (1940).
Spring 2023
Disney100 Celebration - JOIN THE JOYFUL
                                                                                                                                           MICKEY’S TOONTOWN                                                      Fresh Ways to
                                                                                                                                           On March 8th, the popular themed land will welcome
                                                                                                                                           Guests! Prior to that though, Mickey & Minnie's Runaway
                                                                                                                                           Railway will debut at the El CapiTOON Theater as part of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Season Your Fun
                                                                                                                                           the Disney100 Celebration. Guests can join Mickey Mouse,               While planning your visit to the Disney California Adventure®
                                                                                                                                           Minnie Mouse and their Pals on a mirthful adventure. The               Food & Wine Festival from March 3rd through April 25th, 2023,
                                                                                                                                           all-ages adventure brings to life the cartoon world featuring          be sure to add these items to your must-do list!
                                                                                                                                           Mickey Mouse and his friends, plus action, adventure,
                                                                                                                                           humor and a big finish. “It's so exciting to tell a story about
                                                                                                                                           Mickey, and the attraction represents what Disney does
                                                                                                                                           best: great storytelling, catchy music and amazing visuals,”
                                                                                                                                           says Jonathan Friday, Senior Creative Director, Walt Disney
                                                                                                                                           Imagineering. “It’s wonderful to have the technology to
                                                                                                                                           create an attraction that is as much fun as Mickey himself is.”

    Join the Disney100 Celebration
    at the Disneyland® Resort                                                                                                                                                                                     INCREASE YOUR SKILLS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Informative complimentary culinary demonstrations and

    Experience the events and add to your own memories.2                                                                                                                                                          bookable signature events like wine, beer and mixology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  seminars are great ways to increase your culinary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  knowledge. Visit Disneyland.com/FoodandWine to learn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  more about these offerings and reserve early for the
     The largest celebration in The Walt Disney Company’s            Company’s visual heritage, making it the perfect symbol                                                                                      additional bookable signature events—they fill up fast!
     history, Disney100, kicked off in January at the Disneyland®    for Disney100,” explains Kimberly Irvine, Executive Creative                                                           Artist concept only   Separate fees and restrictions apply to the bookable events.
     Resort and its magic is shining like—well—platinum. If you’re   Director, Walt Disney Imagineering.
     planning to make your dreams come true with a visit during
     this once-in-a-lifetime event, here’s a look at the exciting    Sleeping Beauty Castle is also decked out with banners,               KEEPSAKES FROM A SPECIAL TIME
     offerings taking place throughout the Resort all year long.     bunting, a large shield with three-dimensional sculptures of
                                                                                                                                           Commemorate your visit during the Disney100 Celebration
                                                                     the three good fairies and a three-dimensional Wishing Star.
                                                                                                                                           with treasures from unique collections of merchandise
     DÉCOR THAT BRINGS YOU                                           Two majestic fountains sparkle in the moat on either side of
                                                                                                                                           especially designed for the Celebration. You may want to
                                                                     the drawbridge.
     INTO THE STORY                                                                                                                        take home a pin or MagicBand+ from the Platinum Collection
                                                                                                                                           which features Disney100 signature colors. Feeling nostalgic?
     Beautiful décor in platinum and purple immerses you in
                                                                     NEW SURPRISES TO EXPLORE                                              Choose a backpack or headband from the Decades Collection
     a celebratory atmosphere throughout the Disneyland®
                                                                                                                                           which will introduce new designs each month inspired by a
     Resort. From lighting to floral plantings, everything says,     Storytelling is brilliantly celebrated in everything from events to   different decade in the Company’s history. Does someone you
     “Let’s celebrate!”                                              specialty treats, beverages and merchandise. World of Color-          know (yourself included) love all the Super Hero, Lucasfilm,
                                                                     ONE at Disney California Adventure® Park brings some of the           Pixar and Disney Characters? If so, we have something just
     A gleaming platinum statue of Mickey Mouse in Town Square       most inspiring Disney Characters to life in new ways. Wondrous        for you, a fun collection that brings all your favorites together.
     on Main Street, U.S.A., creates a perfect photo opportunity.    Journeys, a new nighttime spectacular at Disneyland® Park,            Throughout the year, new designs will be added to each of
     (You’ll also want to snap a photo beside a platinum statue of   gives a nod to Walt Disney Animation Studios films with state-        the individual collections, so be sure to keep an eye out for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MAKE TIME FOR MUSIC
     Minnie Mouse in front of the Plaza Inn.)                        of-the-art projection effects on Main Street, U.S.A., Sleeping        upcoming merchandise and events.                                       Enjoy lively performances at the Palisades Stage and the
                                                                     Beauty Castle, the façade of “it’s a small world” and Rivers of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Paradise Gardens Bandstand while you relax with your
     Banners and bunting on the lamp posts on Main Street, U.S.A.,   America. Dazzling fireworks take the show to new heights on           Remember, Cardmembers receive 10% off select merchandise               favorite beverage. Visit Disneyland.com/FoodandWine for
     feature the three good fairies from Sleeping Beauty and the     select nights. And the beloved Magic Happens parade makes             purchases of $50 or more at select locations throughout                more information about bands and performance schedules.
     Wishing Star. “The Wishing Star is an important part of the     its long-awaited return on February 24th.                             the Resort.3, 4
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7
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Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Spring 2023
Disney100 Celebration - JOIN THE JOYFUL
Go Platinum with Keepsakes
    Celebrating 100 Years
                                                                                                                                                                                                    HATS OFF FOR
                                                                                                                                   DOUBLE YOUR SMILES                                               DISNEY100 MAGIC
                                                                                                                                   Join the mouse “who started it all” and his best girl in         Add these shining,
                                                                                                                                   celebrating Disney100! Dressed in their signature Disney100      sparkling Minnie Mouse
                                                                                                                                   platinum costumes, Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse will            Ears headbands or a
                                                                                                                                   deliver happy memories each time you see them!                   handsome Disney100
                                                                                                                                                                                                    baseball cap to your
                                                                                                                                                                                                    headgear collection.
                                                                                                                                   REFRESHMENTS                                                     They’re perfect keepsakes
                                                                                                                                   SERVED HERE                                                      for remembering the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    celebration of a lifetime.
                                                                                                                                   Store up sunny memories
                                                                                                                                   in a glass container with
                                                                                                                                   Mickey dressed in his
                                                                                                                                   Disney100 costume or
                                                                                                                                   enjoy a cup of coffee or
                                                                                                                                   tea in a keepsake mug with
                                                                                                                                   a platinum-hued Mickey
                                                                                                                                   Ears-shaped lid.

                                                                                                                                   UNLOCK MEMORIES                                                   GLAMOROUS DÉCOR FOR YOUR HOME
     Bring home a memory of a once-in-a-lifetime Celebration                                                                       Key up favorite Disney memories whenever                          Add a celebratory touch to your décor. This elegant
                                                                                                                                                                                                     throw pillow features the Mickey Ears symbol and the
     with merchandise designed to shine.                                                                                           you use this keepsake enamel keychain
                                                                                                                                   featuring colorful enameled art of favorite                       Disney100 logo in subtle platinum stitching. Platinum
                                                                                                                                   Disney Characters and the Disney100 logo.                         tassels add the perfect finishing touch.

    From the moment Mickey Mouse first whistled and danced
    his way across the screen in Steamboat Willie (1928), the

                                                                                                                                                                    A Huggable Pal Debuts
    public fell in love with his cheeky grin and mischievous spirit.
    It was only natural to want to capture his energy and bring
    it home in some form to enjoy. Whether it was a Cinderella
    watch your grandmother treasured as a young girl, your own
    first Mouse Ear Hat from a Disney Park or a beloved book or                                                                                                     In 1930, the first Mickey Mouse plush doll is available
    toy, every Disney product is carefully crafted to capture the
    essence of a story or Character you love.                                                                                                                       to take home.
    To bring home your gleaming mementoes, take advantage
                                                                       DRESS TO CELEBRATE                                                                           The first Mickey Mouse plush doll was            where a team assembled three to four-
    of Cardmember savings of 10% on select purchases at                Kids will feel like part of the Disney100 Celebration in                                     created by seamstress Charlotte Clark            hundred dolls a week. The handmade Mickey
    shopDisney.com when you use your Disney Visa Debit Card.1          this dainty dress and cozy fleece shirt. Both feature the                                    in 1930. Walt and Roy O. Disney were so          Mouse plush were such a hit, that a Minnie
                                                                       Disney100 logo and adorable art of the Characters dressed                                    pleased with the product quality that they       Mouse edition soon followed in 1931.
                                                                       in their own celebration best!                                                               set up a “Doll House,” near the studio
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9
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Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Spring 2023
Disney100 Celebration - JOIN THE JOYFUL

                                                                                                                                              Disney100 comes to a glorious finale at Walt Disney World®
                                                                                                                                              Resort with a celebration at EPCOT® from September through
                                                                                                                                              December. “It’s the culmination of the EPCOT® transformation
                                                                                                                                              with its multitude of new experiences,” Queris says. A platinum
                                                                                                                                              Mickey Mouse sculpture welcomes you to celebrate at EPCOT®,
                                                                                                                                              and from the moment you step into the Park, you’ll feel the
                                                                                                                                              sense of transformation and celebration. Journey of Water,
                                                                                                                                              Inspired by Moana, an awe-inspiring new attraction, opens in
                                                                                                                                              late 2023. Mickey and Minnie Mouse, dressed in celebratory
              “During the Disney100
                                                                                                                                              platinum outfits, will be on hand for Character Experiences
              Celebration we will be                                                                                                                                                                             MARK YOUR CALENDAR
                                                                                                                                              from September through December. At the beautiful new
              showcasing the finale of
                                                                                                                                              World Celebration Garden, also slated to open in late 2023,        Here are some of the story worlds that will be celebrated
              the EPCOT® transformation
                                                                                                                                              an evocative statue of Walt the Dreamer offers another             in the coming months at Walt Disney World® Resort.
              and the possibilities of a
                                                                                                                                              perfect opportunity for photographs.
              limitless future.”                                                                                                                                                                                 • April: Honoring Disney’s conservation efforts and celebrating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the 25th Anniversary of Disney’s Animal Kingdom® Theme Park.
              —Mayra Queris, Senior Marketing                                                                                                 And a brand-new nighttime spectacular will light the sky
               Strategy Manager                                                                                                               over the World Showcase Lagoon scheduled to launch                 • May: All things from a galaxy far, far away will be featured
                                                                                                                                              during the Disney100 Celebration in late 2023. “It has been          with an emphasis on Star Wars.
                                                                                                                                              amazing to create these new fun ways to immerse our Guests         • June: The delightful Pixar Characters will take fun to infinity

     Exciting Events are Coming
                                                                                                                                              in our storytelling legacy,” Queris says. “We know how much          and beyond.
                                                                                                                                              our Guests love the magic it has inspired in them over the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • July: Mickey, Minnie and friends will provide “swell fun” for all.
                                                                                                                                              years. But the Disney100 Celebration is not only about looking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • August: The Disney Princesses and beloved Frozen

     to Walt Disney World® Resort
                                                                                                                                              back, but gazing forward to the future and the new immersive
                                                                                                                                              Disney storytelling experiences that will inspire us and             Characters take the throne.
                                                                                                                                              future generations.”                                               You’ll find a complete list of fun story themes and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 exciting months in which they are being honored at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 DisneyWorld.disney.go.com/100th-anniversary to help you
      Plan your vacation and join the excitement for the Disney100 Celebration!2                                                                                                                                 plan your trip. (You may want to visit more than once!)

      As Walt Disney World® Resort continues its sparkling                A DIFFERENT STORY EVERY MONTH
      50th Anniversary through the end of March, a new
      celebration of Disney creativity, imagination and innovation
      is fast approaching. It’s Disney100, a global celebration for
                                                                          Each month, a different storytelling theme will be honored
                                                                          through Character caravans, parades, photo opportunities,           Get in the groove at the Garden Rocks concerts!
                                                                          limited-time merchandise and more. In addition, the Disney
      all the Disney Parks. It will be a monumental moment in
                                                                          Resort Hotels will offer movies under the stars, poolside
      time and a celebration unlike anything you’ve ever seen.
                                                                          parties with themed activities and even more surprises.             There’s nothing like enjoying a live performance by some of your       offerings. We’ve added Christian rock groups, and we
                                                                          While you are enjoying the stories, make sure to visit our          favorite bands in a beautiful setting. The Garden Rocks Concert        are incorporating more Latin groups. We want to offer
      “Disney100 is about experiencing both the enchantment of
                                                                          Cardmember-exclusive Disney Character Experience at our             Series during the EPCOT® International Flower & Garden Festival        something for everyone.”
      Disney storytelling across generations and also the possibilities
                                                                          private Cardmember location.3, 5                                    adds the sound of music to your day of pleasure.
      of the next 100 years…the idea of a limitless future,” says Mayra
      Queris, Senior Marketing Strategy Manager.                                                                                                                                                                     “The Garden Rocks Concert Series is a wonderful chance to
                                                                                                                                              This year, beginning in March , celebrity bands perform three          share the energy of a live performance,” Ross concludes. “The
      Beginning in April, all four Parks and Disney Springs® will                                                                             30-minute sets every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday             groups love playing here and our Guests love hearing them!
      honor the Company milestone with a larger-than-life photo                                                                               night at 5:30, 6:45 and 8:00 PM at the American Gardens Theater.       Happy performers. Happy Guests! What more could you ask?”
      opportunity for Guests to commemorate the anniversary
      and their vacation. But that’s just the beginning, because                                                                              MUSIC FOR EVERYONE
      each month Guests will enjoy opportunities to immerse
                                                                                                                                              Because each act plays for at least two days, Brad Ross, Talent
      themselves in one of the many Disney story worlds that
                                                                                                                                              Booking Director Disney Live Entertainment, suggests visiting
      have inspired imagination through the decades.
                                                                                                                                              FreshEPCOT.com/GardenRocks for a list of bands and their
                                                                                                                                              performance dates. “We invite many classic rock groups
                                                                                                                                              to perform every year,” he says. “But we also diversify our
                                                                                                                        Artist concept only
Spring 2023
Disney100 Celebration - JOIN THE JOYFUL
Must-See Destinations from
                                                                                                                                              WORKING WITH ADVENTURE GUIDES

                                                                                                                                              The team researches each destination deeply, then
                                                                                                                                              goes about creating special experiences for Guests.

     Adventures by Disney ®
                                                                                                                                              “Adventure Guides, in each destination, work to give Guests
                                                                                                                                              one-of-a-kind experiences that can bring a place to life in
                                                                                                                                              unforgettable ways,” Gatlin says. And sometimes, that leads
                                                                                                                                              to unexpected and wonderful surprises.
       From Antarctica to Italy, learn how Adventures by Disney®
       creates its immersive itineraries.

       Every adventure is a journey of discovery. So is the act of
       creating them. When the Adventures by Disney® team begins
       to build a new adventure, where do they imagine going? What
       do they discover? And how do they turn those discoveries
       into the adventures you have always dreamed of taking?

       The first step is researching potential destinations. And with a
       wide world to choose from, there are so many options! “We take
       a look at top travel trends,” says Lisa Gatlin, Senior Manager
       of Trip Development for Adventures by Disney®. “We ask our
       Guests what destinations sound exciting to them. We talk to
       fellow Disney Cast Members about trips they have taken or want                                                                                                                                             ACTIVITIES FOR EVERY INTEREST AND AGE
                                                                                                                                              NEW ADVENTURES IN 2023
       to take. We connect with our Disney partners around the world
       for suggestions. It could be a location that has inspired a film or                                                                    For instance, when the Adventures by Disney® team was               As the team builds each adventure, they explore activities
       a Park attraction. Wherever it is, we want it to be unique.”                                                                           building the new Land Adventure to the British Isles, which         which will engage every age group, including activities just
                                                                                                                                              launches in spring 2023, they went to Northern Ireland,             for Junior Adventurers. “We put on our 8-year-old hats and
                                                                             EVERY ADVENTURE TELLS A STORY                                    where they visited a farmhouse in a traditional village.            our grandparent hats and all the hats in between to make
                                                                                                                                              “We learned to bake bread, heard stories about family and           sure we are offering activities and experiences that not only
                                                                             The next criteria is pure Disney: there has to be a story. “We                                                                       connect families with the people and culture of the region,
                                                                                                                                              traditional village life and interacted with the local family and
                                                                             always ask ourselves, ‘what are the stories of the history and                                                                       but also fit each Guest’s interests.”
                                                                                                                                              their children. It helped us make the decision that this was
                                                                             culture at a particular destination?’” Gatlin says. “How would
                                                                                                                                              a great location to bring our Guests,” Gatlin says. “We also
                                                                             we immerse our Guests in those stories? Are they iconic                                                                              During the new Sicily Land Adventure, families can choose
                                                                                                                                              visited the iconic Giants Causeway with a storyteller who
                                                                             locations? Are there hidden gems for our Guests to discover?                                                                         guided tours of ancient Greek and Roman wonders, visit
                                                                                                                                              brought the area to life with stories about the history and
                                                                             What are the unique, immersive activities available there?”                                                                          theaters and cathedrals, stroll through a Sicilian village to
                                                                                                                                              the folklore of the Causeway. You could almost picture giants
                                                                                                                                              running across it. That’s where the experience becomes              browse artisan shops and share a traditional village-style
                                                                                                                                              really magical.”                                                    lunch, enjoy a private puppet show and snorkel through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sparkling Ionian Sea.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SO MANY PLACES TO EXPLORE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  With over 50 adventures on seven continents, Adventures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  by Disney® offers a multitude of opportunities and ways to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  journey to the places you’ve imagined and to experience
        PRO TRAVEL TIP                                                                                                                                                                                            them in new ways. Choose from Expedition Cruises, Land
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Adventures, River Cruises and even Private Adventures for 12
        Purchase backpacks and other travel items                                                                                                                                                                 Guests or fewer. To learn more about Adventures by Disney®
        prior to your vacation. Check out the wide                                                                                                                                                                or to book a vacation, visit AdventuresByDisney.com, call
        range of products perfect for any voyage.                                                                                                                                                                 1-800-543-0865 or contact a travel agent.
        Cardmembers can save 10% on select
        purchases at shopDisney.com when using
        your Disney Visa Debit Card.1
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      13
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Spring 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Spring 2023
Disney100 Celebration - JOIN THE JOYFUL
 Merchandise Savings at Disney Store: 10% Off Restrictions: Valid on select, in-stock                     consumer electronics (including, without limitation, DVDs, Blu-ray™ disks, CDs, and software
merchandise purchased at Disney store and Disney Baby Store retail and outlet locations in                media), national branded fragrances, treatments and cosmetics, Swarovski® Crystal, handmade
the U.S., and at shopDisney.com (online or via phone orders). Not valid on purchases made at              items, special orders, live auction artwork, select product launches, select premium branded
Disney Parks and Resorts locations or on Disney store merchandise purchased from other retailers          items, packages at Droid Depot and Savi’s Workshop – Handbuilt Lightsabers, phone, internet,
or using third party websites. Must use your valid Disney Visa Card and/or Disney Rewards                 email or mail order purchases, shipping or taxes. Discount is not available at the following
Redemption Card as the form(s) of payment at the time of purchase for full amount of purchase             locations: Games of Pixar Pier, Silhouette Studio, Portrait Artists, face painting locations, letter

and mention this offer in store or use promo code DRVCMEMBER online. Offer excludes sales tax,            brush art locations, and any other locations that are not owned or operated by the owners of the
shipping & handling charges, gift wrap & gift box charges, personalization charges, Disney Theme          Disneyland® Resort, except for Arribas Brothers Crystal Shops (Crystal Arts and Cristal d’Orleans),

Park Tickets, Disney Gift Cards, The Walt Disney Company Collectible Shareholder Certificate,             or at any Downtown Disney® District location other than California Sole, Curl Surf, World of
subscription products, art & collectibles, books & media (DVDs, Blu-ray™, CDs & video games),             Disney® Store, Disney Home, WonderGround Gallery, Marceline’s Confectionery, Disney’s Pin
electronic toys, limited edition, special edition & limited release merchandise, talking action           Traders, The Disney Dress Shop, and Star Wars™ Trading Post. Not valid in combination with
figures, select Star Wars: The Mandalorian merchandise, items related to a charitable promotion,          other offers, discounts or promotions. Separate Theme Park admission and Theme Park reservation
and items from the following brands and collections: Aden & Anais, Afridrille Shoes, ALEX AND             may be required. Discount is for personal use only and may not be transferred or used to purchase
ANI®, Barefoot Dreams, BaubleBar, Bésame, Betsey Johnson, Bulova, Circle with Disney, Citizen,            merchandise with the intent to resell the merchandise.
COACH, ColourPop, Converse, CRISLU, Cubcoats, Disney Designer Jewelry Collection, Disney Fairy            5
                                                                                                           Cardmember Photo Opportunities: The Cardmember Photo Opportunities are offered daily
Tale Wedding Rings, Disney Parks Designer Collection, Disney Vacation Club®, Dooney & Bourke,             during set hours–the Disney Cardmember Photo Opportunity is at Epcot® and the Star Wars
Enesco, Fantasy Flight Games, Garmin, Harveys, Jim Shore, kate spade, LEGO, LÍLLÉbaby, Lionel,            Cardmember Photo Opportunity is at Disney’s Hollywood Studios®. Separate Theme Park admission
Loungefly, Make-A-Wish Collection, MagicBand, Marvel Legends Series, Master of Arts, Milk                 and Theme Park reservation required for each Cardmember Photo Opportunity. Must present a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                You’ll treasure this pin forever
Snob, select National Geographic, Native Shoes, Nike, Nixon, Olszewski, Otterbox Electronics,             valid Disney Visa Card for entry for up to 6 people per cardmember account (each cardmember
Pandora Jewelry, Pandora: The World of Avatar Interactive Banshee Toy, Petunia Pickle Bottom,             account may be used for entry only one time per day). Operating times, days of the week, locations
Precious Moments, Rebecca Hook, RockLove, Royal Selangor, S.T. Dupont, Sentiments, Sideshow               and appearance of Characters (digitally or physically, as applicable) may vary and are subject to
Collectibles, select Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge merchandise, Star Wars: The Black Series, Starbucks,        restrictions and change or cancellation without notice. Offer includes complimentary downloads                                        featuring Chip ‘n’ Dale in this unique design celebrating
Steiff, Terez, Thomas Kinkade, Tommy Bahama, Vera Bradley, Vinylmation. Additional exclusions             of your Disney PhotoPass® photos taken at the Disney Visa Cardmember Photo Opportunity
may apply. Visit shopDisney.com/DRVCPerkDetails for the most current list of exclusions and               location that are associated to your Disney account. To access complimentary downloads of your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Disney100, exclusively for Disney® Visa® Debit Cardmembers.
any updates to these offer terms. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer or discount               Disney PhotoPass® photos taken at the Disney Visa Cardmember Photo Opportunity location, go
except available shipping offers. Offer will only be applied if a valid promotion code is entered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Chip ‘n’ Dale are ready to celebrate Disney100 with you. Use your Disney®
                                                                                                          to the My Disney Experience app or DisneyWorld.com/PhotoPass and log-in using your existing
at checkout. No adjustments to prior purchases. Valid packing slip or receipt required for returns        account or create an account. MagicBands or other media scanned by the photographer at the time                                       Visa® Debit Card to add this pin honoring a once-in-a-lifetime event to your
or exchanges, which will be subject to discount taken at the time of purchase. Offer subject to           of capture must be linked to your My Disney Experience Profile or you may claim Disney PhotoPass®                                     collection. Available at select Disney Park locations or shopDisney.com.
restrictions and to change without notice. Promotion may not be redeemed for cash, sold, or               cards provided to you by the photographer by entering the Disney PhotoPass® ID number found on
altered. Internet distribution is strictly prohibited. Use of offer or Promotion Code DRVCMEMBER          the back of your Disney PhotoPass® card. One photo session per valid cardmember account per                                           While supplies last.6 Visit DisneyDebit.com/Pin for more information.
constitutes acceptance of these offer terms. Void where prohibited. Chase is not responsible or           day. Offer not valid for photos taken at other Disney PhotoPass® locations or attractions photos.
liable for fulfillment of this offer.                                                                     Disney PhotoPass® service is subject to the Disney PhotoPass® Terms & Conditions and expiration
 Disney Theme Parks: Valid admission and park reservation for same day and same park required             policy at DisneyWorld.disney.go.com/PhotoPass-terms-conditions. Not responsible for missing, lost
for park entry. Park reservations are limited and subject to availability. Attractions, experiences       or damaged photos. Not valid in combination with other offers, discounts or promotions. Offer is for
and offerings may be modified, limited in availability or be unavailable. Check for performance           personal use only and may not be transferred or resold. Please visit DisneyRewards.com/ParkPerks
showtimes. Park admission and offerings are not guaranteed.
 Disney Theme Park & Resort Perks: Offers and offer elements including, but not limited to,
                                                                                                          for additional information.
                                                                                                           Cardmember Pin Offer: Must use valid Disney Visa Card or Disney Rewards Redemption Card
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Magic by the minute
participating locations and eligible items, are subject to availability, capacity limitations, closures   as form of payment. Available while supplies last. Pins are $17.99 each, plus applicable sales                                        with Disney x Citizen.
and additional restrictions and exclusions, may change or be canceled without notice, and are not         tax. Maximum 2 pins for online orders and on-property purchases. U.S. domestic shipping only
guaranteed. Must use your valid Disney Visa Card and/or Disney Rewards Redemption Card as                 and shipping & handling fees may vary for all online orders. Separate Theme Park admission may                                        Save $50 off your purchase of $250 or more on Disney x Citizen watches when you
form(s) of payment at the time of purchase for full amount of purchase to receive special offers.         be required for on-property purchases. Other restrictions may apply. All information is subject
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                use your Disney® Visa® Debit Card and promo code at CitizenWatch.com/Disney.7
Merchandise discount may not be available for certain items and at certain locations including            to change including but not limited to artwork, release dates, editions, sizes and retail prices.
Disneyland® Resort and Walt Disney World® Resort Operating Participant locations and any other            7
                                                                                                           Citizen Offer: Take $50 off any Disney x Citizen merchandise purchase of $250 or more (after                                         Choose from any in the Disney Collection, including the new Disney100 Steamboat
locations or kiosks that are not owned or operated by the owners of the Disneyland® Resort or Walt        discounts; excluding tax/shipping) with promo code: DISNEY50. To receive the offer, enter promo                                       Willie design as we join in the Disney100 Celebration.
Disney World® Resort. To receive a merchandise discount, you must mention the specific offer.             code DISNEY50 at checkout. Exclusions: Preorder and products not in stock. Offer valid on
For entry into the Disney or Star Wars Cardmember Photo Opportunities, you must present your              Citizenwatch.com only, now through 3/31/23 11:59PM PDT. Not valid at department, specialty,                                           Promo Code: DISNEY50. Offer valid through March 31, 2023.
valid Disney Visa Card. Not valid in combination with other offers, discounts, promotions or with         or company-owned stores, where products and promotions may vary/differ. Cannot be combined                                            Citizen is the Official Timepiece of Walt Disney World® Resort and the Disneyland® Resort.
any previous purchase. Minimum purchase and/or separate Theme Park admission and Theme                    with other discounts, or applied to previous purchases. We reserve the right to cancel this
Park reservation may be required. Offers are for personal use only and may not be transferred or          promotion at any time.
resold. Please visit DisneyDebit.com/Perks for full terms and conditions for each offer. Chase is not     8
                                                                                                           D23 Offer: Offer begins at 12:01 A.M. PST February 1, 2023 and expires at 11:59 P.M. PST
responsible or liable for fulfillment of these Disney Theme Park and Resort perks.                        May 31, 2023. Limited-time offer, while supplies last. Gift with Purchase pricing applies on
 Merchandise Savings at Disney Theme Parks & Resorts: Offer and offer elements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For the ultimate Disney fan
                                                                                                          orders of new D23 Gold or Gold Duo Membership. Gift with Purchase promotion does not
including, but not limited to, participating locations and eligible items, are subject to availability,   apply to current or renewed D23 Memberships. Payment with a valid Disney Visa Card or
capacity limitations, closures, and additional restrictions and exclusions, may change or be              Disney Rewards Redemption Card is required. The Oswald print will be sent to the membership
canceled without notice, and are not guaranteed. A $50 minimum pre-tax single transaction
merchandise purchase is required to receive discount. Must use your valid Disney Visa Card
                                                                                                          recipient. D23 Memberships may not be returned or exchanged under any circumstances. For                                              Celebrate Disney100 with your own piece of lucky history!
                                                                                                          new members, the Card and Certificate will ship 2-4 weeks following enrollment, and the Statue
and/or Disney Rewards Redemption Card as form(s) of payment at the time of purchase for                   will begin shipping by Spring 2023. Offer not valid for gift memberships, membership renewals                                         Receive a limited-edition lithograph of original artwork from 1928, sourced from the
full amount of purchase and mention this offer. Discount is not valid on previous purchases               or upgrades from Gold to Gold Duo Plan. Offer is not transferable and not redeemable for cash.
or on purchases of the following: ticket media, Disney Gift Cards, Theme Park admission,                                                                                                                                                        Walt Disney Archives collection, when you purchase a new D23 Gold or Gold Duo
                                                                                                          Offer subject to change or termination without notice. Cannot be combined with other discounts
arcades, tobacco, alcohol, outdoor vending (e.g., in-Park balloon vendors, glow vendors),                 or promotions. D23 Memberships will automatically renew at the non-discounted retail price                                            Membership with your Disney® Visa® Debit Card. Gold Membership benefits include
postage stamps, rentals (e.g., strollers, ECVs), personalization, Disney PhotoPass® purchases             every year until canceled. Purchases and memberships are subject to D23’s Terms and Conditions,                                       the exclusive Mickey Mouse milestone statue, the Disney twenty-three quarterly
(e.g., purchases through any application, website or onsite sales location), Disney PhotoPass+            available at https://d23.com/d23-membership-terms/. Offer available to U.S. residents only.                                           publication, access to special events and more. For more information and to become
and Disney PhotoPass+ One Day, Signature Photo Experience or other photo sessions requiring               Cardmember Offers: Offers made by Disney. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and its affiliates are
reservations, select print packages, original or consignment art, select limited editions, select                                                                                                                                               a member, visit D23.com/DisneyRewards.8
                                                                                                          not affiliates of Disney and are not responsible for offer fulfillment.
collectibles, select specialized toys, select specialty items (including, without limitation,
one-of-a-kind art, Disney-branded original art, celebrity memorabilia, framed Disney Dollars, Artist      The Contactless Symbol and Contactless Indicator are trademarks owned by and used with the permission of EMVCo, LLC.                  Use Promo Code: D23OSWALD at checkout.
                                                                                                          Deposit and credit card products provided by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC
Sketch Program, framed Disney Gift Cards, framed ticket media, Walt Disney Classics Collection,                                                                                                                                                 Valid through May 31, 2023, or while supplies last.
                                                                                                          ©2023 JPMorgan Chase & Co.
handmade products (physically touched by an artist/vendor) and artist-signed Vinylmation),                © Disney and its related entities.
purchase-with-purchase offers, select reusable shopping bags, newspapers/periodicals, books,
sundries, pantry/prepared foods, kitchen products, digital/video/disposable cameras, film,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LEARN MORE AT DISNEYDEBIT.COM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Spring 2023
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