Discovering Bitcoin's Public Topology and Influential Nodes
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Discovering Bitcoin’s Public Topology and Influential Nodes Andrew Miller∗ James Litton∗ Andrew Pachulski∗ Neal Gupta∗ Dave Levin∗ Neil Spring∗ Bobby Bhattacharjee ∗ Abstract can be parlayed directly into gains in coins mined [10]. The Bitcoin network relies on peer-to-peer broadcast Furthermore, a broadcast advantage enables an attacker to distribute pending transactions and confirmed blocks. to pull off forms of double-spending attacks against fast- The topology over which this broadcast is distributed af- payments processors [14]. fects which nodes have advantages and whether some at- In this paper, we describe mechanisms to discover two tacks are feasible. As such, it is particularly important features of Bitcoin’s topological structure: first, we map to understand not just which nodes participate in the Bit- the public topology consisting of the edges that comprise coin network, but how they are connected. the peer-to-peer network. Next, within the discovered In this paper, we introduce AddressProbe, a technique topology, we find “influential” nodes that appear to di- that discovers peer-to-peer links in Bitcoin, and apply rectly interface with a hidden topology that consists of this to the live topology. To support AddressProbe and mining pools that are otherwise not connected to the pub- other tools, we develop CoinScope, an infrastructure to lic Bitcoin network. (We are unable to map the hidden manage short, but large-scale experiments in Bitcoin. We intra-pool topology, since these are private networks op- analyze the measured topology to discover both high- erating using potentially proprietary protocols.) degree nodes and a well connected giant component. Yet, To map the public topology, we introduce a probing efficient propagation over the Bitcoin backbone does not mechanism called AddressProbe that efficiently discov- necessarily result in a transaction being accepted into the ers peer links. Using AddressProbe, we can efficiently block chain. We introduce a “decloaking” method to find map the connectable Bitcoin network, i.e., AddressProbe influential nodes in the topology that are well connected will find links between x and y iff x and y are con- to a mining pool. Our results find that in contrast to Bit- nected, and permit incoming connections. AddressProbe coin’s idealized vision of spreading mining responsibil- can also find links made by non-connectable nodes (e.g., ity to each node, mining pools are prevalent and hidden: nodes that are behind a NAT), as long as such a node ini- roughly 2% of the (influential) nodes represent three- tiates connections to a probe host. Our techniques also quarters of the mining power. identify a set of artificially high-degree nodes that at- tempt to connect to many peers, potentially to reduce la- 1 Introduction tency in learning about and propagating new blocks and Bitcoin communication is built upon peer-to-peer broad- transactions. We map these nodes to various services, cast, which carries transactions, blocks, and other global including mining pools and wallet services. protocol state. Through broadcast, Bitcoin achieves Although AddressProbe is able to map the entire con- eventual consistency: information about all transactions nectable Bitcoin network within minutes, discovering and blocks is relayed to all peers, and despite inconsis- the public topology alone is insufficient to account for tent ordering and partial incompleteness, all honest peers the Bitcoin ecosystem’s mining power. The original eventually “agree” on a globally consistent state of com- Bitcoin paper [22] proposed a democratic world-view mitted transactions and blocks. (“one-cpu-one-vote”) where peers participating in the The underlying peer topology over which protocol broadcast would also mine for new coins. As Bitcoin messages are exchanged is of critical importance: broad- has become popular and financially relevant, coin min- cast over this topology is the only mechanism by which ing has become the domain of specialized miners op- peers learn and inform each other of transactions and erating special-purpose hardware around the world or- blocks. Understanding how information propagates ganized into “mining pools.” Miners often do not con- throughout the Bitcoin ecosystem is therefore integral to nect directly to the Bitcoin broadcast network. Instead, being able to reason about attacks and manipulation in pool operators deploy gateway hosts that transfer trans- the Bitcoin network. For instance, initial studies have actions and blocks between the Bitcoin network and pool revealed that “advantages” within the broadcast network members. Pools may choose to remain clandestine about ∗ University of Maryland, College Park. {amiller, litton, their gateway because they may be targeted by attackers, ajp, ngupta, dml, nspring, bobby} such as other competing pools [13, 34], and it is not clear 1
how or where these mining pools connect to the Bitcoin coin nodes in Section 5, and analyze the most influential broadcast network. nodes in Section 6. Finally, we conclude in Section 7. Furthermore, because of the well-known attacks on Bitcoin if a single principal gains more than 50% of 2 Background and Related Work the mining power, large pools may prefer to disguise One of Bitcoin’s salient features, especially in contrast some of their power. In fact, while a malicious princi- to digital currencies that have preceded it (e.g., Digi- pal with a majority of the hash power can subvert Bit- Cash [32]), is that it runs on a decentralized peer-to-peer coin’s most basic security goals (i.e., revise the transac- network and has no formally designated administrators. tion history arbitrarily), prior work has shown that even Instead, participation in Bitcoin is open, and the network a third is sufficient to unbalance the incentive structure largely self-organizes. Most of the novel aspects of Bit- and reward scheme [10]. Thus, large enough pools may coin’s design, and indeed its peculiarities, arise from the choose to mine anonymously, hiding their true mining challenge of converging on a global and coherent state. power by paying out to different keys, without disclos- In this section we provide a brief introduction to the ing their gateway(s). basic operation of the Bitcoin network, with a focus on A primary contribution of our work is uncovering in- how it achieves globally consistent state (for more gen- fluential nodes within the public topology that provide eral information on Bitcoin, please see [5]). We also dis- connectivity to mining pools. In particular, we find that cuss the role that Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer broadcast plays efficient propagation over the Bitcoin network does not in ensuring consistency and fairness. Finally, we close necessarily result in a transaction being accepted into this section by reviewing related work on measuring and the block chain or a block being extended. Instead, there analyzing Bitcoin’s broadcast topology. are a few (approx. 100) hitherto unidentified nodes that act as “front-ends” to mining pools, and it is far more 2.1 The Bitcoin protocol important that these nodes receive a transaction or block The Bitcoin protocol is built around the creation and dis- more efficiently than others. We introduce “decloaking” semination of a public global log of the state of all bit- techniques to identify these influential nodes, and ana- coins in the system. Each entry in this log is a trans- lyze how these nodes map to different mining pools. Our action, which represents the transfer of virtual currency analysis cannot reveal if an influential node is merely from one “account” to another. Transactions consist of well connected to a pool or is a gateway run by the pool inputs and outputs: a transaction “spends” a set of trans- operator; instead, our techniques allow us to map specific action inputs and “creates” a set of transaction outputs. nodes to blocks that are claimed by a different pools. In general, each transaction input contains a reference to In summary, our contributions are as follows: (i.e., the hash of) an output of a previous transaction— in this sense, the log is append-only, and extending it • We introduce the AddressProbe technique, which can requires access to the latest log entry. Each transaction find the connectable Bitcoin topology, within minutes, output contains a value representing the quantity of bit- and can discover other peers over time. Using Ad- coin currency, as well as information describing which dressProbe, we show that the deployed Bitcoin topol- user “owns” those coins. Transactions are structured as ogy is not a random graph. a directed graph, which facilitates maintaining invariants • We introduce decloaking techniques to find influential about the transaction log, (for example, that users cannot nodes that skew broadcast fairness. First, a random- spend more money than they have). ized technique efficiently finds candidate influential The protocol guarantees each transaction output can nodes, and a related technique validates these candi- be spent by at most one subsequent transaction. Con- dates. flicting transactions are a pair of distinct transactions that spend a common transaction input. A valid transaction • All of our measurements use a new software infras- is one that has valid signatures for each of the transac- tructure, CoinScope. This paper presents results of tion inputs; additionally, the sum of the values of the out- running AddressProbe and decloaking using Coin- puts must not exceed the sum of inputs (the difference is Scope over the live Bitcoin network. treated as a transaction processing fee, as we’ll describe shortly). The central tenet behind Bitcoin is that if ev- The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In Sec- eryone has access to the log of transactions, then anyone tion 2, we present a background on the pertinent details can verify who has the right to spend what bitcoins. of Bitcoin, along with related work on mapping the Bit- coin network. Section 3 introduces the design and im- 2.2 The role of broadcast in Bitcoin plementation of our AddressProbe technique, which we The Bitcoin protocol’s primary goal is to converge on apply in Section 4 to analyze the live Bitcoin network. an eventually consistent sequential log of transactions. We present our techniques for finding influential Bit- For the system to succeed, users must be able to submit 2
transactions for timely inclusion in the directed transac- 2.3 Miners and mining pools tion graph, and the network should converge quickly to a A novel and unusual aspect of Bitcoin’s design is the single valid (prefix of a) graph. If an attacker could pre- “mining” mechanism by which the network robustly vent transactions from entering this graph or delay agree- reaches global agreement on the set of committed trans- ment, it would deny service to users. Alternatively, if an actions. Some nodes on the network, called “miners,” opt attacker could revert an agreed-upon graph, he could ef- in to attempt to solve proof-of-work puzzles [2]. As these fectively steal funds by double-spending. proofs of work are based on finding inputs to hashes that Bitcoin achieves this consistency through the use of yield digests with many leading zero bits, they are solv- a peer-to-peer broadcast topology. Unfortunately, little able only through brute force. The difficulty of the puz- is standardized about how exactly this broadcast oper- zle is set so that on average, some miner on the network ates beyond the format of the various messages; we de- finds a solution every 10 minutes. Each puzzle identifier scribe here what the reference implementation (“Satoshi contains the hash of a previous puzzle solution as well as client”) does.1 Every Bitcoin peer maintains a database, a new batch of transactions to append to the log, together called the addrMan, of peers it has heard about. A peer called a “block”; the proof-of-work solutions therefore first learns about a set of peers by contacting bootstrap form a “blockchain”. Miners always work to extend the DNS nodes; peers subsequently exchange addrMan in- longest such blockchain they know of.2 Upon producing formation with one another to learn about new peers. a block, the miner propagates it to the rest of the network Every Bitcoin peer initiates a connection to up to eight using the same broadcast mechanism as that for transac- others, and maintains a maximum of 125 total connec- tions. Honest miners who receive this block accept it and tions (incoming and outgoing), rejecting any connection begin working to append it. request that would push it beyond this capacity. Its total Although it is possible during ordinary operation for connections constitute that peer’s neighbors. two different puzzle solutions extending equal-length chains to be found at approximately the same time, Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer broadcast is based on flooding this happens infrequently since the average time be- neighbors’ links in a gossip-like manner. At a high level, tween blocks is relatively slow compared to network la- when a peer learns of a new transaction or block, it in- tency; [9, 19] any such event is quickly resolved when forms its neighbors by sending a INV message containing one “fork” or the other gets extended and pulls ahead. the item’s hash to each of its neighbors. In response, if Mining is expensive; participation is encouraged a given neighbor does not yet have that item, it requests through use of an incentive mechanism. Upon produc- it with a GETDATA message. The original peer responds ing a valid block, the winning miner is rewarded with with a TX or BLOCK message containing the relevant data. bitcoins in two forms: first, any difference between the Finally, because this new neighbor has learned about a input value and output value of a transaction included in new transaction or block, the entire process continues re- the block is rewarded as a “fee”; second, a “block cre- cursively until all reachable peers receive it. ation bonus” of newly minted coins. A miner claims This ad hoc broadcast protocol forms the entire ba- these rewards by including a single transaction with no sis of Bitcoin’s global, eventually consistent log, and is inputs, called the “coinbase” transaction. therefore of utmost importance to its correct and fair op- These rewards also provide incentives for other, in- eration. If a data item does not spread throughout the teresting behaviors. In particular, miners have incentive network quickly then the system risks reaching an incon- to garner as much computational power as possible; the sistent state. Moreover, if a peer were somehow able to more CPUs they have, the greater then chance they will have their messages spread more quickly than others’, it be able to extend the block before anyone else. Addition- could help that peer gain disproportionate profits from ally, miners have incentive to collude by pooling their re- deviating from the protocol [10]. Bitcoin’s network for- sources together and splitting the profits rather than com- mation procedure is intended to induce a random graph peting for them. This has led to so-called mining pools, topology that should propagate information efficiently; who recruit other miners to collude. however, as the topology has not been studied, it is un- On the one hand, mining pools require some degree known whether this ideal is actually attained. Thus a of exposure (being able to advertise high win rates can quantitative, thorough measurement and analysis of the be a useful tool for recruiting other members). However, Bitcoin peer-to-peer network is of critical importance to they also have incentive not to appear to have grown too understanding and evaluating its properties. large: if any one entity approached a majority of the min- ing power, they could possibly prevent the rest of the net- work from globally converging on a growing transaction 1 Other Bitcoin clients and variants appear to adopt the same proto- 2 More accurately, the blockchain with the greatest cumulative puz- col details. zle difficulty. These can differ when the difficulty is adjusted. 3
log [11, 19, 22]. It is therefore of critical importance to theoretic analyses of Bitcoin mining coalitions [10, 16] develop the ability to investigate the true extent of mining but, to our knowledge, no systematic empirical analy- pools’ collusion. sis that identifies mining entities. However, speculation about miner activities abounds [23], and we believe our 2.4 Related Work work (Section 5) provides the first systematic mechanism Previous empirical studies have examined facets of Bit- to locate nodes correlated with mining pools in the wild. coin’s surrounding ecosystem, such as online currency exchanges (and their tendency to collapse) [21] and il- 3 Mapping the Broadcast Topology licit marketplaces [8, 18], and botnets that supplement In this section we describe an efficient method for dis- their income through Bitcoin mining [12, 26]. A ma- covering peer links in the Bitcoin network. We validate jor focus has been on evaluating user privacy. While our approach, AddressProbe, using ground-truth data, users can interact with Bitcoin using only pseudonyms, and present an analysis of the broadcast topology. it has been demonstrated that Bitcoin transactions can be linked across pseudonyms to effectively “deanonymize” 3.1 Using timestamps to infer links users [6, 15, 18, 24, 28, 30]. Recall that new Bitcoin nodes find initial network peers Relatively less work has examined the structure of the by querying a set of hard-coded DNS servers. The DNS Bitcoin communication network itself. Decker et al. [9] servers provide joining nodes with their initial peer list to measured the rate of information propagation through- try to connect to. Each node maintains a local database out the network, and proposed modifications to accel- called the addrMan, which it tries to populate with the ad- erate it. Babaioff et al. [1] pointed out that peers have dresses of other peers. Nodes exchange address informa- incentives not to participate in broadcast, but this could tion using two protocol messages: GETADDR and ADDR. be remedied by paying fees to relaying peers. The ef- GETADDR messages are requests and ADDR messages are fectiveness of the broadcast mechanism is essential to replies that contain address information. Bitcoin’s operation for two main reasons. First, it deter- Upon initiating a new connection a Bitcoin node (say mines the potential security of “fast payments,” by which x) requests address information by issuing a GETADDR re- transactions are accepted based on their apparent propa- quest (say to a peer y). Node y will reply with up to 1000 gation through the network, even before being ratified entries from its addrMan database, chosen uniformly at through inclusion in proof-of-work blocks [4, 14]. Sec- random.3 For each chosen entry, the reply ADDR message ond, an advantage in the broadcast network can be lever- includes the (IP address, port) pair, a timestamp, and a aged by a non-compliant miner to gain disproportionate list of services offered. The vast majority of entries in rewards from mining [3, 10]. Prior work had focused addrMan do not correspond to active connections but to on strategies non-compliant miners could use to gain re- addresses that the node has learned from ADDR messages ward if they had a broadcast advantage. Our work studies of others. Bitcoin includes a somewhat unintuitive way the underlying network topology, and shows that indeed, of updating the timestamp corresponding to an address, substantial broadcast advantage can be gained on the de- which we exploit in formulating the AddressProbe tech- ployed network. nique. (Appendix A gives a more detailed walkthrough Our AddressProbe technique is directly related to pre- of the actual code). vious work on network structure detection and analy- • For outgoing connections, i.e., ones that it initiates, a sis [20, 27, 29]. Biryukov et al. [6] disclose a technique node updates the timestamp (corresponding to the peer that also uses Bitcoin address propagation messages to IP address and port in addrMan) each time it receives detect peer links. Their technique, however, is some- a message from the peer. Therefore, timestamps for what invasive since it involves polluting each node’s ta- outgoing connections are updated frequently, on the ble of potential peers with fake entries. In contrast, Ad- order of a few minutes maximum. dressProbe only gathers and analyzes information that nodes readily provide, and is better suited to network- • For incoming connections, the timestamp is set to wide mapping. when the connection was created, but it is not updated While Bitcoin mining was initially performed us- as the peers exchange messages. Thus, if an incoming ing commodity computer equipment (i.e., “one-cpu-one- connection is long-lived, the ADDR message does not vote” [22]), the mining landscape has evolved accord- provide information to distinguish it as live. ing to two main trends: first, mining pools [31] have al- • For all other (address, port) pairs that a node learns lowed users to pool their resources and share the rewards; of (from ADDR messages sent by others), the node and second, customized Bitcoin-specific mining hard- ware have been developed that vastly outperform general 3 This is a simplification that describes the general behavior. For full purpose computers [33]. There have been several game- details see Algorithm 1 in the appendix 4
“ages” the address by adding a two hour penalty be- B’s ts of A fore adding the address to its addrMan. Unique Not unique A’s ts of B ts≥2hr & ts
0.8 0.35 0.7 0.30 Fraction of nodes Fraction of streaks 0.6 0.25 GT Num. Num. Num. 0.5 0.20 Node true pos. false pos. false neg. 0.4 0.15 0.3 A 15.12 ± 1.84 0.08 ± 0.03 5.02 ± 0.69 0.10 0.2 B 8.29 ± 1.10 0.41 ± 0.17 2.13 ± 0.36 0.1 0.05 C 8.28 ± 1.13 0.29 ± 0.14 2.22 ± 0.37 0.0 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 D 7.63 ± 2.12 0.02 ± 0.04 2.92 ± 0.95 Number of consecutive FNs Number of ADDRs with 2 or more reports E 6.52 ± 0.81 0.20 ± 0.13 1.64 ± 0.27 Figure 1: Ground truth validation of Ad- Figure 2: False negatives typi- Figure 3: The vast majority of dressProbe, using runs spanning October 20– cally do not persist across more ADDR messages containing two November 7 with five ground-truth nodes. Val- than one or two AddressProbe or more addresses arrive within ues denote averages with 95% confidence inter- experiments, thus they are due to at most 24 GETADDR queries, thus vals. under-scraping peers’ addrMan. we rarely under-scrape addrMan. connect to some hosts requires patience, as they may be To provide both persistent storage and the feedback re- temporarily “full” of connections and refuse more. In- quired by some CoinScope clients, we apply a logserver coming connections, such as from hosts behind NATs that marshals tagged messages from the connector to and firewalls, accumulate slowly, as such hosts must first subscribers. A “verbatim” subscriber collects all events learn about our node through ADDR advertisements and and writes them to disk for archival. A CoinScope client then choose to connect to us. Once established, connec- may subscribe to only relevant log messages, for exam- tions must be kept active to be maintained. ple, to only those associated with ADDR messages to de- To provide a long-running platform, we isolate typical, termine when to stop requesting from a given host. We base Bitcoin protocol functionality that accepts, creates, have found that the tagged logserver architecture simpli- and maintains connections. This forms the CoinScope fies the combined task of archiving data while supporting “connector”. on-line experiments. Second, the measurement techniques we apply are di- In sum, the CoinScope architecture permits a wide verse and rely on wide distribution of messages. For view of the network by maintaining long-lived connec- example, requests for addresses may be sent to all con- tions; supports concurrent, short-lived experiments by nected hosts or inventory messages (Section 5) sent to a allowing clients to issue requests to the connector via a select set. Fortunately, techniques do not always need to control channel; and transparently stores measurement process responses on-line. results persistently by marshaling all responses through a logging system. We design the interface for CoinScope clients so that they issue commands to the connector using a library that 3.3 Validation using Ground Truth connects via a control channel, and handle responses in To validate AddressProbe’s accuracy, we operated five a separate path. Typical commands include requests to “ground-truth nodes” throughout our experiments (from connect to an address, list connected peers, or to broad- October 20, 2014 to November 7, 2014). Each of our cast GETADDR messages. Multiple CoinScope clients can ground-truth nodes was a mainline Satoshi client. Ev- connect to the control channel simultaneously to support ery two minutes, we collected a list of all active connec- concurrent (non-conflicting) experiments. CoinScope tions each peer has (as reflected in the PeerInfo data is efficient: it can saturate a 1Gbps network connec- structure). Unfortunately, not all ground-truth nodes re- tion with Bitcoin protocol messages without significant mained up the entire 18 days; in the results that follow, CPU overhead. In our experiments, CoinScope is throt- we average only over the experiments when a given node tled such that messages to the entire network, such as was available. GETADDR requests, are transmitted over one minute. For the purposes of comparing ground-truth edges to Third, developing measurement techniques can re- edges inferred from AddressProbe, we distinguish be- quire substantial reinterpretation of data as a model of tween what we call stable and transient edges. We de- protocol behavior is refined. For example, our approach fine an edge to be “stable” with respect to a given ex- to interpreting ADDR messages based on their size has periment if it appears in all PeerInfo snapshots within evolved. This encourages persistent storage of responses four hours before and four hours after the experiment. If at the most primitive level—connection events as they AddressProbe fails to detect a stable edge, then we treat occur and messages as they are received—so that these that as a false negative—it is very likely that the edge results can be reinterpreted. exists during the experiment if our ground-truth says it 6
was consistently present before and after the experiment. Similarly, if an edge appears in at least one such snapshot but not all, then we call it a “transient” edge. Failing to detect a transient edge is less dire than for a stable edge: it might not have existed during the experiment. Thus, if AddressProbe detects a transient edge, we count it as a true positive, whereas if it fails to detect a transient edge, we do not count it as a false negative. Finally, we clarify that we only consider edges between our ground-truth nodes and other nodes to whom we could connect—in particular, we do not include NAT’ed nodes. We present our ground-truth results in Figure 1. Our false positive rates are extremely low across all ground- truth nodes: that is, AddressProbe is very unlikely to ever assert that an edge exists when it does not. A false pos- itive can occur when a non-unique time-stamp less than two hours old appears to us to be unique, for instance be- cause the time-stamp did not propagate far into the net- work. These data reflect such a case to be rare. Bitcoin Network Bifubao web EC2/Linode Unclassified Next, we turn to the false negative rates in Figure 1, Affiliate Mining Pool wallet service that is, cases when AddressProbe fails to find an edge. Figure 7: A snapshot of the (reachable) Bitcoin network Although higher than its near-zero false positive rates, discovered by AddressProbe on Nov. 5. The highest de- AddressProbe’s false negative rates are still consider- gree nodes (with degrees ranging 90–708) are colored. ably less than its true positive rate. Broadly speaking, there are two possible causes for a false negative Ad- dressProbe: believe this is an example of eviction. Fortunately, while 1. AddressProbe under-scraped a peer’s addrMan and the tail is long, it is also shallow, and thus we conclude simply did not send enough GETADDR messages to that the root cause of false negatives is under-scraping. learn about all of the peer’s edges, or We could of course improve AddressProbe’s false neg- ative rate by simply scraping more. However, Figure 3 2. the peer evicted the edge’s corresponding entry from shows that we quickly reach a point of diminishing re- its addrMan. This can occur in the mainline Satoshi turns. In this figure, we show how many ADDR mes- client if its addrMan has too many entries. sages we received that contain two or more addresses (as Ideally, the more common cause would be under- these are the ADDR messages in response to our GETADDR scraping: if eviction was common, that would be prob- queries). The x-axis represents how many GETADDR lematic for AddressProbe, as it would violate our as- queries we sent until a peer stopped sending us ADDR sumption that if an edge exists, then so does a time- responses with two or more addresses. The concentra- stamp less than two hours in at least one of the peer’s tion at x = 0 corresponds to the set of nodes who had yet addrMan. Because peers’ responses to GETADDR choose to populate their addrMan data structures. Most nodes’ randomly from addrMan, we expect that if we were to addrMan were exhausted after sending 16 GETADDR re- under-scrape, then it would be very unlikely to obtain a quests, with a sharp decline after the 20th GETADDR. false negative on the same edge for many consecutive ex- Guided by this, we instituted a cut-off at 24 GETADDR periments. To evaluate this, we plot in Figure 2 how often messages in order to balance between completeness of AddressProbe obtains the same false negative for multi- results and bandwidth preservation. ple consecutive experiments. This shows that 70% of To summarize, AddressProbe is effective at accurately the false negatives are resolved in the subsequent exper- detecting edges, and its threats to validity (predominantly iment; nearly 90% are resolved within two experiments. eviction) are extremely uncommon. Our main source of This provides strong evidence that under-scraping is the errors is due to our decision to trade off false negatives most likely cause for AddressProbe’s false negatives. for increased bandwidth consumption, but future appli- Figure 2 also shows evidence of eviction. There was cations of AddressProbe need not make this trade-off. a single edge, for instance, which AddressProbe failed to detect over 19 consecutive experiments. Because it is 4 The Bitcoin Topology astronomically unlikely for an edge not to be randomly We begin our analysis of the Bitcoin topology by inves- chosen from a peer’s addrMan after so many trials, we tigating the topological features of the peer-to-peer net- 7
7000 20 #Nodes probed #Communities 6500 18 1 6000 16 Min 14 0.9 Mean 5500 12 Max 5000 10 0.8 4500 8 P(degree of node) < d 0.7 4000 6 10/20 10/23 10/26 10/29 11/01 11/04 11/07 10/20 10/23 10/26 10/29 11/01 11/04 11/07 0.6 Size of largest community Date Time 0.5 Connectedness 0.4 2400 0.32 Measured 2000 0.28 0.3 1600 0.24 0.2 1200 0.2 0.1 800 0.16 Random 0 400 0.12 1 10 100 1000 10000 10/20 10/23 10/26 10/29 11/01 11/04 11/07 10/20 10/23 10/26 10/29 11/01 11/04 11/07 degree (d), log-scale Date Time Figure 4: Degree distributions from Figure 5: Nodes probed and largest Figure 6: Community connectedness. AddressProbe runs on 10/20–11/7. community. work using AddressProbe measurements over a period it permits a maximum of 125 active connections, but of 18 days. Most of our measurements span four con- we consistently see nodes that far exceed this maximum, secutive days (10/28–10/31), allowing us to see if there sometimes by a factor of nearly 80. This is not a singu- are topological changes within a relatively short win- lar phenomenon; we see these high degree nodes across dow of time. We also performed AddressProbe mea- all runs of AddressProbe. That is, extremely high-degree surements one week before and one week after this pe- nodes are persistent over time. riod of time, though less frequently, so as to determine if Benign measurement studies seeking to understand the these were representative or sensitive to longer-term di- Bitcoin topology could appear to be high-degree nodes.4 urnal patterns. In sum, we collected 133 snapshots of the In an effort to understand the root cause behind these network using AddressProbe. high degrees, we tried to manually classify all nodes with We present a representative snapshot of the Bitcoin degree at least 90 in the network snapshot of Figure 7. topology in Figure 7. Each node is sized proportionally Of the nodes we could classify, over half of them were to its degree. Two features immediately stand out: First, members of the Bitcoin Affiliate Network mining pool. a handful of nodes have far greater degree than others in Also, we identify one node from a Bitcoin wallet ser- the system; in this section, we identify these high-degree vice. These results indicate that the long tail of high de- nodes. Second, upon visual inspection, this graph ap- gree nodes is indeed not an anomaly of AddressProbe, pears to be random; we demonstrate in this section, how- but rather an accurate reflection of coordinated efforts to ever, that it exhibits properties that distinguish it from a measure the network. We also identify many high-degree random graph. nodes running within cloud providers such as EC2, but Node degree. Figure 4 shows the degree distributions have thus far been unable to classify them further. averaged across all our network snapshots. We also plot Graph randomness. Visual inspection of Figure 7 the single minimal and single maximal distributions (as seems to indicate that the Bitcoin network is random. To determined by the runs’ average degree). This demon- evaluate this more formally, we apply the so-called Lou- strates that the mean is representative, and that the shape vain community detection algorithm [7] to each snapshot is upheld across all 2.5 weeks of our experimentation. graph of the Bitcoin network AddressProbe returns. This On average, the majority of nodes to which we could algorithm returns a set of communities, with the property connect have degree in the range of 8–12. This is con- that nodes within a given community exhibit greater con- sistent with the mainline Satoshi client implementation: nectivity than two nodes in different communities. Fig- unmodified peers seek to maintain eight outgoing con- ure 5 shows that the largest community in the network nections, and permit incoming connections, as well. Be- typically constitutes roughly 25% of the overall network. cause this is constrained only to the edges for which For a given community C, let Eintra (C) denote the set we could connect to both nodes, this result does not in- of intra-community edges (edges connecting two mem- clude any edges from NAT’ed nodes, and thus nodes are bers within C) and let Eall (C) denote all edges involv- likely to have greater degrees than is plotted here. How- ing a member of C (inter- and intra-community edges). ever, recall that peers cannot create outgoing connections For each graph returned by AddressProbe, we com- to NAT’ed nodes—if AddressProbe is accurate, then it pute what we call the graph’s community connectedness: should be able to detect all outgoing edges. The fact that the weighted average of communities’ fraction of intra- the degree distribution is so heavily concentrated near community edges. Concretely, if a graph has N nodes eight indicates that AddressProbe is indeed accurate at 4 Acknowledging this, AddressProbe does not reply to GETADDR detecting these outgoing edges. messages like other clients, so we expect that our experiments have Another feature of the mainline Satoshi client is that not affected others. 8
and M communities (C1 , . . . ,CM ), then its community Bitcoin Network connectedness is: Pool Peer Gateway ... M |Ci | |Eintra (Ci )| Pool Peer ∑ · (1) bitcoin rpc protocol i=1 N |Eall (Ci )| Pool Server e.g., stratum+tcp:// This definition of connectedness serves as a useful metric stratum protocol for determining how well the graph supports fast mix- ing and dispersion of data. Note that community con- Member ... Member e.g., BFGminer, cgminer nectedness is maximized with a value of one for graphs whose communities’ edges are strictly inside the com- Figure 8: A typical mining pool architecture. The gate- munity, that is, the graph would be fragmented. Broadly way and pool servers are administered by the pool op- speaking, low values of connectedness indicate a health- erator. A pool server generally has a publicly known ad- ier Bitcoin network. dress, while the gateway does not. A gateway may accept Figure 6 shows the community connectedness (bot- inbound connections. tom) and overall number of communities (top) across all 133 snapshots of the Bitcoin network we obtained with 2. The Bitcoin graph is, for the most part, consistently AddressProbe. Note that the community connectedness well connected, but it exhibits properties that distin- remains within a relatively small bound over these 18 guish it from a truly random graph. days, tightly centered around 0.24. This low variance indicates that there are few major changes to the inherent In small doses, these topological abnormalities are not structure of Bitcoin’s network over time. detrimental to Bitcoin’s operation. However, it is im- We use connectedness to answer the question of portant to note that the Bitcoin protocol does nothing whether the Bitcoin network is truly a random graph. to keep them from happening. Malicious or misguided To lend perspective to the raw values of connectedness, behavior could drive the network to bad states, such we also generated random graphs with the same vertex as worse connectedness or, worse yet, a disconnected and edge counts of each 133 networks and computed network. Regularly running AddressProbe to collect their connectedness. We do not model the high-degree network-wide topology information can help the com- nodes in our generation of these random graphs; because munity more quickly detect and react to attacks and mis- the high-degree nodes constitute a small fraction of the takes. We continue to run AddressProbe and will make overall edges, we believe this not to affect the results. our data publicly available for the Bitcoin and research Figure 6 presents the average connectedness among ten communities. random graphs, as well as the average plus two stan- dard deviations. We observe that truly random graphs of 5 Discovering Influential Nodes the same size exhibit connectedness that is statistically AddressProbe can efficiently map the reachable Bitcoin significantly smaller than those of the Bitcoin network. topology, and our analysis has shown both the struc- In more than 98% of the runs, the measured graph’s ture of the network, and how malicious nodes can af- connectedness was more than two standard deviations fect broadcast. However, the vast majority of compute greater than that of the random graph. This indicates that power that sustains Bitcoin and extends the block chain is the Bitcoin network is not purely random. We hypothe- not visible, but instead is concealed within mining pools. size that this deterministic structure is due to the process This is apparent from observing that these pools mine the by which nodes join the Bitcoin network: recall that they vast majority of blocks and reap new coins. In this sec- connect to a small set of DNS nodes, and slowly perco- tion, we describe the structure of these pools, and then late to more distal parts of the graph as they learn of new introduce techniques that discover how pools interact and peers. Quantitatively evaluating the source of determin- interface with the visible broadcast network. ism is an area of future work. 5.1 Structure of Mining Pools Discussion. AddressProbe provides an accurate, re- peatable snapshot of the entire Bitcoin network within Commercial mining pools have a centralized administra- tens of minutes. With this unprecedented view into the tive structure. The mining pool operator uses a command Bitcoin topology, we make two important observations: and control (C&C) system to coordinate the pool’s com- putation. 1. There are peers who connect to ∼125× more than the A prototypical mining pool (Figure 8) consists a pool typical peer; these almost exclusively correspond to server, one or more gateways, and the pool members. We mining pools and other measurements nodes. describe each in turn next. 9
Pool Server The pool server assigns units of work to of hash power the pool members contribute. Mining pool members. Specifically, the mining pool periodically pools often claim credit for the blocks they produce by assigns each member a Merkle root of a set of trans- posting them on the pool’s website. (Presumably pub- actions, and a range of nonce-space to search through. licly claiming blocks help pools recruit new members.) Mining participants explore this search space looking for Pools often use a longstanding public key, and mine nonces that result in valid “shares”, which are partial blocks that pay the block reward to this key. It is possible proofs-of-work that are a superset of the ones that qual- for a pool to mine a block, forego the block reward, and ify as actual Bitcoin blocks. Mining pools support one reward another, since only the public key is necessary of several protocols for communicating with members’ to pay the block reward to a key. Pools may also claim mining-rigs, the most popular of which is Stratum [25]. its blocks by including a short message in the coinbase Generally, the IP address of a pool’s Stratum server is transaction (effectively, a string that miners can use to publicly known, and can be found in documentation for convey arbitrary information); these can be more readily joining the pool. spoofed since it does not require the miner to forego the Many pools operate multiple pool servers in differ- block reward. ent geographic regions to improve fault tolerance and la- Occasionally, large enough pools may have an incen- tency. There are several open source implementations of tive to conceal their hashpower. Since there are devas- pool servers, although mining pools may also use custom tating attacks on Bitcoin (e.g., history revision attacks) implementations.5 that become feasible when a single entity wields more Gateways A mining pool typically connects its pool power than the rest of the network, when a pool grows server to a local or trusted instance of a Bitcoin node very large in size it attracts the concern and suspicion of —the gateway– to which the pool server communicates the Bitcoin community [17]. using the Bitcoin RPC protocol. Gateways interface pool Several aggregator websites, including blockchain. resources with the global Bitcoin network, and must pro- info, maintain low-latency connections to a thousands of vide low latency broadcast for the following reasons: nodes and record the IP address of the first connected node to relay each block. This method is most effec- • When a pool member finds a share that is a winning tive when the aggregator has a direct connection to the Bitcoin solution, the pool operator needs to claim the gateways that initiate the broadcast of each block; in any embedded coins and fees by broadcasting the new case, this method is sensitive to transmission latency. block to the rest of the network. This should be Several other websites such as http://organofcorti. done as quickly as possible, since any delay increases and use the methods the risk that a competing pool will find a competing described along with other anecdotal evidence specifi- block (we ignore for now block-withholding attacks, cally to monitor the activity of large mining entities. in which a pool may deliberately delay block propaga- tion if it harms competing pools more than itself [10]). 5.2 Influential Nodes • A pool must also learn about blocks and transactions In the rest of this section, we describe a new technique broadcast by other nodes in the network quickly to for finding a small set of “influential” nodes in the Bit- minimize wasted work done by mining on an old coin broadcast network. We show that this small set of block. The pool also has an incentive to learn about nodes (≈100 or so) seemingly account for over three- transactions so it can include them in its blocks and quarters of the hash power. We hypothesize that these collect the transaction fees. nodes are either gateways to mining pools, or are other- wise connected with low-latency to gateways. Pool Members Mining pool participants typically run Interestingly, the set of influential nodes have entirely specialized mining-rig control software, such as BFG- benign topological and protocol features: they don’t have Miner, cgminer, and poclbm. One reason for the use exceptionally high degree, don’t form an exclusive com- of various software like this is the need to control vari- munity, don’t have a unique version string, or are even ous mining equipment, such as overclocking, monitoring particularly long lived in the network, making it difficult temperature, and detecting errors. Mining pool partici- to find and track these nodes. However, these nodes pro- pants need not run an ordinary Bitcoin node; the task of vide an exceptional network advantage for broadcast: as receiving, validating, and relaying transactions is dele- long as a transaction (block) reaches these nodes, it is far gated to the mining pool operator. more likely to be included in a block (extended in the Tracking mining pool power On average, a mining pool block chain). wins a number of blocks in proportion to the total amount Prior work [10] has shown that a selfish mining pool 5 See for a comparison of pub- can gain advantage if it initially withholds blocks it finds, licly available pool server software. but then releases them as soon as a competing block is 10
found. The advantage accrues proportional to the frac- InvBlocking Bitcoin uses a flooding protocol to prop- tion of the rest of the mining pool that extends the block agate transactions (and blocks) throughout the network. released by the selfish pool. Assuming honest pools To reduce bandwidth, and indeed to curb uncontrolled broadcast using the standard protocol, and the selfish flooding, a node does not simply broadcast any new pool selectively creates low latency connections to the transaction (or block) to all neighbors, but instead em- influential set, the latter can gain huge broadcast advan- ploys a three-round protocol. After a node accepts a new tage. In the limit, the attacker can win every broadcast transaction into its memPool, it floods an INV message race, and therefore profits from selfish mining regardless containing the transaction hash only to each neighbor. of its fraction of hashpower. As the rest of the section Neighbors may choose to pull the transaction using a will demonstrate, such an attack is not hypothetical, but GETDATA message with the corresponding hash. indeed feasible on the current Bitcoin network. As a broadcast makes its way through the network, a node may receive the same INV from more than one 5.3 Decloaking neighbor prior to receiving the transaction itself. Upon We introduce a randomized protocol for identifying in- receiving subsequent INV messages containing the same fluential nodes. Our protocol has two phases: Candidate hash, the node adds subsequent message to a queue, and Selection (CS), which finds potential influential nodes, waits for two minutes before timing out on any outstand- followed by Influence Validation (IV), which demon- ing GETDATA messages before sending another a neigh- strates the candidates do indeed represent disproportion- bor who had also sent an INV. It is therefore possible to ate mining power. In practice, the CS and IV phases block a node from hearing about a transaction for two should be run concurrently, with IV validating the out- minutes by sending an INV message and then ignoring put of CS. the resultant GETDATA.6 The CS and IV algorithms both use two low-level The InvBlock procedure (Algorithm 2) sends a set primitives, which we introduce first. of INV messages (corresponding to a set of conflicting transactions when coloring nodes), before sending out Coloring Nodes Each Bitcoin node maintains a set of the transaction itself. This provides a two minute win- transactions it has received in a data structure called dow over which selected transactions can be sent to spe- memPool. Typical mining pool server implementations cific nodes, without having to win a network latency race. (e.g., CoiniumServ) use the memPool of the connected InvBlocks could used to distinctly color each node, but gateway node to determine which transactions to include it can also be used to color disjoint sets of nodes, where in their blocks. Two Bitcoin transactions “conflict” if each node in a set receives the same transaction, but each they both spend a common transaction input (i.e., repre- set receives a different transaction. This latter method sent a double spend). Bitcoin requires that among a pair allows a more precise control on bandwidth overhead, of conflicting transactions, at most one may be included since the number of INV messages sent to each node is in a block. Nodes must guarantee that none of the trans- not dependent on the size of the network but on the num- actions in their memPool are conflicting. The reference ber of sets. We use this generalized InvBlock in the CS client always prefers the first transaction it receives, i.e., and IV algorithms as described next. a node discards any transaction that conflicts with one 5.3.1 Candidate Selection (CS) already resident in its memPool. The CS algorithm 3 is parameterized with an integer M Ideally, we could color each node with a different corresponding to the number of node sets in generalized conflicting transaction, and upon repeating this step, we InvBlock. The set of all known nodes is partitioned into would find the influential nodes, because the transac- M (roughly) equal sets, with each node having the same tions sent to them would “win”, or be included in a probability of being mapped to any set. These sets are block, more often. This could potentially be accom- colored using generalized InvBlock, i.e., each node in plished by creating a unique conflicting transaction for the randomly generated set receives the same transaction, each reachable node in the network, and delivering them and each set receives a conflicting transaction. to each node simultaneously. (Otherwise, once a node One of these transactions eventually gets included in a receives its transaction, following the protocol, it would block. We identify the set to which this transaction was forward to others, and the mapping of transaction to node sent, and increment a “win” score for each node in the would no longer remain one-to-one.) Unfortunately, due set by one. to varying network latencies and connections between nodes via other unreachable (NAT’ed) nodes, it is practi- 6 Technically, it is possible to delay a node longer by sending multi- cally impossible to simultaneously send a distinct trans- ple INV messages. This bug was found concurrently to our work by Bit- action to each node using simultaneous delivery. We de- coin developers (see but a scribe a feasible technique for coloring next. patch has not yet been deployed. 11
50 The IV experiment shows that the candidate nodes Observed found by the CS experiment are indeed influential, ac- 40 Monte Carlo counting for roughly 3/4 of transactions injected during Number of ”wins” our two day experiment. In this section, we present an 30 analysis of the “winning-most” IV nodes (referred to as 20 the IV set below). Here, we say an IV node “wins” when the transaction sent to it (and it alone) is the unique one 10 (among the set of conflicting transactions) that gets in- cluded in a block. 0 0 10 101 102 103 Our analysis infers details about the organization of Number of nodes mining pools (at the time of writing); in some cases we can corroborate these details with supplemental evidence Figure 9: Candidate Selector Results found by public records on the web and DNS records. We present our results in Table 2, which shows aggre- gate behavior of nodes (columns) and pools (rows) that Over multiple trials with different randomly generated had multiple “wins”. Each entry shows how often a node, sets, this simple procedure identifies influential nodes as that corresponds to an IP address and port, but we’ve des- they tend to have disproportionately high scores. Fig- ignated with a letter, wins for a pool. The table includes ure 9 shows the observed results of approximately 500 pools our experiment has discovered. trials on the deployed Bitcoin network with M = 100. The two largest pools at the time of writing, Discus- Each trial was spaced 5 minutes apart over two days. Fish and GHash.IO, account for 17/35 nodes and 115 The figure shows the number of wins per node (IP ad- wins among the multiple winners in the IV set. Ad- dress, port) compared to a distribution obtained through dresses for the DiscusFish nodes (registration, location) 100 rounds of Monte Carlo simulation in which the win- or their protocol messages did not distinguish them as ning node is chosen uniformly at random. (We used a influential; we were able to locate these nodes only by MC simulation since the number of nodes in the network the CS experiment. The IP addresses for two of the changed in each run). The signal from CS is stark: com- nodes (L and O) associated with GHash.IO resolve to pared to uniform chance, CS cleanly identifies the small the DNS name of GHash.IO’s Amsterdam pool server number of influential node candidates. (; the two nodes with the most wins for this 5.3.2 Influence Validation (IV) pool (H and I) are located within the same /24 block. We have seen that CS cleanly distinguishes a small set BitFury is in fact not a mining pool, but rather a com- of nodes as influential. The IV algorithm validates this mercial entity that manufactures Bitcoin mining equip- set (or indeed a candidate set generated from any other ment and operates large-scale mining centers. All of source) using a similar procedure. IV uses generalized the “wins” from blocks paying out to BitFury’s publicly- InvBlock with the following structure: each CS identified known Bitcoin address correspond to two nodes (S and influential node is a singleton set, and the rest of the net- T) with IP addresses within the same /24 block registered work is one other (giant) set. Thus each potential influ- in Iceland (one of the locations where BitFury claims to ential node works on a different conflicting transaction, have a mining operation, see and the rest of the network works on a single (conflicting) Three “unknown” entities, identified only by the ad- transaction. This procedure is detailed in Algorithm 4. dresses they pay out to (1AcAj..., 19vvt..., and 1FeDt...) We ran IV 258 times in total—always after running correspond respectively to nodes located in Germany and CS—with runs spaced 5 minutes apart. A different con- Georgia. Nodes U and V are both resolved to by names flicting transaction was sent to the influential nodes, and within the “” DNS hierarchy. The association be- the rest of the network received yet another conflicting tween node U and 1AcAj... was previously suspected transaction. The influential nodes comprised the top 86 (see below), and was confirmed by CS and IV; the other from CS and the 14 top relayers of unknown blocks from IP and Bitcoin address associations are new. (together < 2% of the network in Associating Bitcoin addresses with pools (or IP ad- total) and won in 189/258 trials (73%). The candidates dresses) is an open problem. There is public speculation identified by CS accounted for 179 out of 189 wins. about an association between the anonymous Bitcoin ad- dress 1AcAj... and BitFury [23]. Our techniques inde- 6 Bitcoin’s Influential Nodes pendently associated node U’s IP address with the pay- In this section, we present an analysis of the influential out address, as it did for the previously unknown nodes nodes: how they map to mining pools, and how our pro- V and W with different anonymous Bitcoin addresses. cedure can identify pools that were previously unknown. We end by noting that the nodes S, T, U, V, and W are 12
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