Page created by Barbara Harmon
Annual Review 2017/18

                        2017/18 Annual Review

Annual Review 2017/18
ENERGY CONNECTED 2017/18 ANNUAL REVIEW - TRANSGRID                                               01

                   TransGrid is at the forefront of keeping
                   customers connected to the electricity
                   they use every day. The work we do quietly
                   improves the lives of millions – from lighting
                   schools, homes and streets, to powering
                   local businesses, hospitals and everything
                   in between.
                   Customers want the electricity network to be
                   reliable, affordable and sustainable. TransGrid
                   is working on innovative upgrades that will
                   protect and sustain communities and the
                   environment across Australia.
                   With a strong history of adapting to change,
                   TransGrid plays a central role in Australia’s
                   changing energy landscape - reshaping for
                   a bigger brighter future and delivering the
                   energy our community needs to thrive.

Annual Review 2017/18                                               02


                 WHO WE ARE                  4
                 Chairman’s Message — 4
                 CEO’s Report — 6
                 Our Role — 8
                 Energy Connected — 10
                 Our Story — 12
                 Our Strategy — 14

                 OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE                    16

                 High Per forming — 16
                 Safety Culture — 18
                 Energy Transition — 20
                 Investing in Stability — 22
                 Encouraging Innovation — 24

                 CUSTOMER SERVICE                26
                 New Connections — 26
                 Telecommunications — 28
                 Customer Engagement — 30
                 Our Community — 32
                 Our Environment — 34
                                                                Network reliability
                 PERFORMANCE CULTURE
                 Our People — 36
                 Our Board — 38
                 Our Leadership Team — 40
                 Key Indicator Review — 42


                                                                Renewable megawatts
                                                                connected since 2015
ENERGY CONNECTED 2017/18 ANNUAL REVIEW - TRANSGRID                                                          03

                                                      Employee lost time
                                                      injury frequency rate

                           Highlights                 4.3
                            Number of locations       Staff located in five
                            across NSW                regional areas

                            7                         38          %

86                     %
                            Number of community
                            members engaged           Public safety campaign
                            in our business

                            project plans

Reputation score for
direct customers            34,000                    Social reach

Non regulated revenue       Regulated Capex           Regulated asset base
growth                      invested in the
                                                      $ 6,371 M
                            network in 2018

Up 2.1x on 2017
                            $   230.8             M

                                                      Real price change
                            Transmission services

Revenue for 2017/18         as a proportion
                            of a typical NSW
$   832.3              M    electricity bill

Up 6% on 2017
                            3.4        %              Compared to the
                                                      previous regulatory
Annual Review 2017/18                                                                                        04

                           Who we are

                           In an industry experiencing rapid change, TransGrid will
                           play a critical role in providing the platform for the
                           evolving energy market, by expanding our network
                           efficiently and developing new services to meet
                           changing needs.
Chairman’s message

                           The energy landscape has been            The Australian Energy Market            Direct and transparent interactions
                           reinvented since the formation of        Operator’s (AEMO) Integrated System     with our stakeholders will be crucial
                           the National Energy Market (NEM)         Plan (ISP) currently provides the       if we want to harness the full
                           less than 25 years ago. In this time     clearest roadmap to show how our        potential of this transformation.
                                                                    industr y will adapt to the economic
                           TransGrid has honed what we do                                                   This document explores in detail
                                                                    and technological developments
                           well whilst evolving with                shaping energy systems across           the complex interaction between
                           the industry.                            the world. NSW and TransGrid are        TransGrid and our stakeholders,
                                                                    firmly at the centre of Australia’s     regulators and customers’, who as
                           We provide an essential ser vice                                                 of the 1st of July 2018 had a change
                           to the people of New South Wales         energy future.
                                                                                                            of manger at Utilities Trust
                           (NSW) delivering safe, reliable          The ISP calls for significant           Australia (UTA).
                           energy whilst making prudent             transmission investment to
                           decisions to ensure investment           respond to and underpin the             Approved by TransGrid’s Board of
                           in the network benefits                  grow th of renewable energy in the      Directors, this document is a record
                           our consumers.                           NEM. With at least three major ISP      for our stakeholders and investors,
                                                                    projects identified in TransGrid’s      it captures the significant
                           Unsurprisingly, there are challenges                                             achievements of TransGrid’s past
                           in the sector. While TransGrid           network footprint, the oppor tunities
                                                                    and responsibilities these present      per formance and the great
                           unreser vedly respects the role of                                               potential of our future.
                           regulators in the industr y, we find     will be transformative not only for
                           ourselves in an environment which        our business, but for the whole of
                           is continually shif ting and             the NEM, and will deliver significant
                           demanding more from us as we seek        benefits to end customers.
                           to deliver for consumers. There are
                           a number of proposals and
                           campaigns’ that could inhibit our                                                    TransGrid’s
                           abilit y to at tract and retain                                                      transformation
                           suf ficient investment capital to
                           suppor t the transmission network.                                                   under private
                           This limits the chances of Australia                                                 ownership continues.
                           fully benefiting from the capabilities
                           of the network as a plat form for
                                                                                                                This is a strong
                           energy transformation in Australia.                                                  business with a
                                                                                                                key role to play in
                                                                                                                Australia’s energy


Annual Review 2017/18                                                                                        06

                     Who we are

                     There are many opportunities for TransGrid now and
                     into the future. While our future is bright, it is not
                     without challenges.
                     TransGrid CEO Paul Italiano                                                      In an environment where
                     answers questions on TransGrid’s                                                 energy affordability is the
                     performance in 2017/18, and                                                      top priority for regulators
                     discusses focus areas for                                                        and governments, how is
                     the future.                                  Revenue from                        TransGrid factoring this
                     How would you describe                       non‑regulated                       into decision making?
CEO’s report

                     TransGrid’s performance                      business                            Our revenue for the nex t five year

                     in 2017/18?                                                                      regulator y period will result in a
                     We have a lot to celebrate from the
                     past year, and we’ve exceeded our
                                                                  $                         M         5.2 per cent reduction in
                                                                                                      transmission tarif fs across NSW
                     goals across ever y financial metric.                                            and the ACT. We contribute
                     E xceptional results in project              Up 2.1% on 2017                     relatively lit tle to the average
                     deliver y drove revenue from our                                                 household energy bill, accounting
                     non-prescribed business totalling                                                for around 1c/kWh which was just
                     $119.2 million, 6 per cent more than                                             3.4 per cent as a propor tion of a
                     our target. Our operational                                                      t ypical NSW electricit y bill in
                     expenditure is below budget as we                                                2017/18.
                     transform the business with bet ter      What aspect of TransGrid’s              On top of that, transmission prices
                     procurement outcomes, bet ter            performance in 2017/18 has              are actually lower than they were in
                     processes and technology                                                         1995, adjusted for inflation, so I
                     innovation, while our Earnings           disappointed you most and,
                                                                                                      think we’re controlling our par t of
                     Before Interest, Tax , Depreciation      what has pleased you most?              consumer bills quite ef fectively.
                     and Amor tisation (EBITDA) for the       Safet y remains a priorit y and we
                     period was $19.9 million above           need to continue to focus and           Outside of our direct action in
                     2016/17.                                 improve in this area. We have put       lowering tarif fs, as operator of
                                                              significant focus on safet y for the    the NSW transmission network,
                     The business set a challenge for                                                 TransGrid has a big role to play
                                                              coming year and expect that to
                     itself to stay within one per cent of                                            in facilitating competition by
                                                              translate to a stronger per formance
                     its prescribed capex target and we                                               connecting new generation projects
                                                              in 2019.
                     delivered. While faced with delays                                               to the energy system. We’ve
                     in transmission line projects we         Successful determination of our         demonstrated a great abilit y to get
                     compensated by bringing for ward         2018-2023 Revenue Proposal was          new projects connected to the grid
                     planned investment in substations.       an enormous achievement for the         over the past years.
                                                              business. There are a lot of people
                     In the IT space we delivered
                                                              across the business who deser ve
                     $21 million wor th of projects on                                                The energy market continues
                                                              credit for helping set TransGrid up
                     budget, enabling per formance and
                                                              to continue supplying safe, reliable    to change at a rapid pace, and
                     transformation outcomes for the                                                  innovation and competition are
                                                              power to NSW and the Australian
                     coming year.                                                                     driving this change. How is
                                                              Capital Territor y (ACT), enabling us
                     Our energy supplied per formance         to continue investing in the network    TransGrid ensuring its
                     was well ahead of our forecasts          while lowering prices.                  strategic framework is still fit
                     and targets, reflecting strong                                                   for purpose in this rapidly
                                                              We also made great strides
                     management of the network to                                                     developing sector?
                                                              in developing TransGrid’s
                     deliver what consumers want:
                                                              Reconciliation Action Plan (R AP),      There are many oppor tunities
                     reliable, safe electricit y.
                                                              a crucial par t of our focus on         for TransGrid at the moment,
                     Overall this is a really strong set of   diversit y and corporate                and our future is bright but not
                     results from the business and a          social responsibilit y.                 without challenges.
                     strong per formance of which we
                     can be proud.
ENERGY CONNECTED 2017/18 ANNUAL REVIEW - TRANSGRID                                                                                   07


We’re operating in an environment        ver y substantial ones in NSW which       significant pipeline of network
where we need to redouble our            will of fer oppor tunities for            investment identified in the ISP,
ef for ts on safet y. We’ ll need to     investment in the network to              the at tractiveness of the sector for
continue delivering for our              benefit consumers and reinforce           investors remains a key concern.
customers in a newly contestable         system securit y.
connection space, and we have                                                      On the project side, our business
regulator y reform driving down          In the nex t couple of years – prior to   has ramped up work on Powering
investment with significant flow         2020 – the ISP calls for small-scale      Sydney’s Future, af ter regulator y
on ef fects for TransGrid.               upgrades to connections between           approval of a dual-stage project
                                         NSW and Queensland (QLD) and              with flexibilit y to expand the
In par ticular there are five areas      between NSW and Victoria (VIC).           infrastructure over time if required.

where we need to focus:                                                            This approach will minimise cost
                                         In the early 2020s the ISP identifies     impacts for consumers while
           of safe and                   a need for a substantial upgrade to
  reliable power                                                                   ensuring a reliable energy supply
                                         the QLD-NSW interconnector,               for Sydney’s CBD.
  remains at the core of what we do,     significant transmission
  and we need to keep doing this         infrastructure associated with the
                                                                                   Can you sum up TransGrid’s
  well ever y day.                       Snow y 2.0 project, and a new
  Constantly improving                   connection between NSW and South          future priorities?
  our efficiency                         Australia (SA).                           Australia is undergoing a seismic
  means continuing to invest in                                                    energy transformation, and in this
  our transformation. Not just           All of these developments are
                                                                                   rapidly evolving environment our

  the specific transformation            broadly suppor ted by contingent
                                         project applications made in our          company is positively contributing
  initiatives run by our                                                           to the energy plan for future
  Transformation team but                2018-2023 Revenue Proposal, which
                                         will help us to achieve regulator y       generations. A strong and
  the broader per formance                                                         sustainable national energy system
  transformation that goes along         suppor t for any investment as
                                         ef ficiently as possible.                 is the foundation for Australia’s

  with it.                                                                         continued economic prosperit y.
  Investing in customer benefit          Overall, this forms a significant
                                         pipeline of transmission work taking      A well-managed transmission
         identif ying the areas
                                         place at the hear t of the NEM. This      network is the plat form that can
  across both our Prescribed and
                                         work is helping the energy system         enable Australia’s transition to
  Non-Prescribed businesses where
                                         adapt to the changing dynamics in         cheaper, cleaner energy sources,
  there are requirements to expand
                                         the industr y, due to economics and       and TransGrid has made great
  our network and develop new
                                         technology changing the way we            strides to make this a realit y
  ser vices, many of which are linked
                                         generate, move and use energy.            for consumers.
  to the energy transformation

  going on around us.                                                              Deliver y of safe and reliable power
             regulation that             What are the major                        remains at the core of what we do,
  secures the future                     issues for TransGrid in the               and we need to keep doing this well
  means engaging in constructive                                                   ever y day.
                                         next three to five years?
  dialogue with the regulators who
  govern our sector. Over the long       There are a number of challenges
  term we want to advocate for           for us to navigate in the regulator y
                                         and policy space as regulators and

  positive changes.
                                         market bodies continue to focus on
          the energy transition          energy af fordabilit y in the absence
  means seizing TransGrid’s              of a national energy policy.                  EBITDA

  oppor tunit y to act as an innovator
  and thought leader in the              The Draf t Rate of Return guideline                                     M
  changing industr y.                    recently published by the Australian
                                         Energy Regulator (AER) represents a           $
How are TransGrid’s                      significant change to the
medium‑term capital                      investment climate for network                Increase on 2017
                                         infrastructure. The proposed rate is
expenditure and investment               driving Australian network
plans progressing?                       investment returns to some of the
The ISP released by AEMO identified      lowest in the world and far behind
a range of ver y significant projects    comparable jurisdictions in the UK,
across the NEM, and there are some       US and New Zealand. With a
Annual Review 2017/18                                                08

                 Who we are

                 Our role is to responsibly deliver safe and
                 reliable electricity around the clock now and
                 into the future, to over 3 million homes,
                 businesses and communities. Ours is the
                 TransGrid team behind the high voltage
                 network that energises NSW and the ACT.

                 We aim to create value for
Our role

                 societ y and our shareholders
                 from reinvesting in our
                 network, investing in grow th,
                 reliabilit y, cost ef fectiveness
                 and advocating for positive
                 regulator y reform. And now we
                 are looking to the future.

                                                     Gigawatt hours of
                                                     electricity moved
                                                     in 2018

                                                     70,381             GWh

                                                     13,093              MW

                                                     Operational peak
                                                     demand in 2018                                                                  09


    Wind                  Solar             Hydro                         Gas and
    Farm                  Farm            Power Plant                    Coal-fired
                                                                        Power Plant

                                                                   Direct Connect




   Commercial &
Industrial Consumers

                                                         Residential Consumers
Annual Review 2017/18                                                                                         10

                         Who we are

                         As manager and operator of the NSW high voltage
                         electricity network for the last 60 years, it is our
                         responsibility to keep you and your way of life
                         connected 24/7.

                         TransGrid is the backbone              reduce from 74 per cent in 2016/17,       businesses across NSW and the
Energy connected

                         of the NEM, which encompasses          to 24 per cent in 2035/36.                ACT. We operate 104 substations,
                         five interconnected regions:                                                     over 13,000 kilometres of high
                                                                AEMO also projects that wind and          voltage transmission lines,
                         NSW, QLD, VIC, Tasmania (TAS)          solar generation, which currently         underground cables and three
                         and SA. NSW represents                 accounts for around 5 per cent of         interconnections to QLD and VIC. We
                         32 per cent of Australia’s             generation in the NEM, will need to       suppor t a competitive wholesale
                         population, 34 per cent of energy      connect up to 22 GW of new                electricit y market which provides a
                         consumed in the NEM and is             large-scale wind and solar                level playing field for all
                         responsible for 33 per cent of         generation before 2036.                   par ticipants; where the benefits
                         Australia’s economic output.           The forecast retirement of existing       flow through to consumers.
                         Australia’s first coal-fired           coal generation, together with            With transmission ser vices
                         generators were located in the         significant reductions in the cost        accounting for around 3 per cent of
                         cities distributing electricit y       of new renewable generation, is           the average electricit y bill, we
                         close to people’s homes. With the      driving the transition to the energy      recognize that the way we manage
                         development of transmission            system of the future. We must be          our business, and maintain the
                         capabilities, power stations           agile in order to respond to the          network, has a direct impact on
                         moved from cities closer to coal       evolving energy landscape, and our        customers ever y day. We take this
                         fields where they currently reside.    abilit y to adapt to change is crucial    responsibilit y seriously. As a
                         This improved living conditions,       for continued success.                    provider of an essential ser vice, we
                         lowered cit y pollution levels and     Our network is instrumental to the        believe that customers should pay
                         saved significant costs.               electricit y system and economy,          no more than necessar y for their
                                                                and facilitates energy trading            electricit y. With this in mind, we
                         By 2036, almost 70 per cent of                                                   are commit ted to delivering the
                         Australian’s coal-fired generators     between Australia’s largest states.
                                                                We transpor t high voltage                most ef ficient solution to meet
                         will be more than fif t y years old,                                             your energy needs, both now and
                         most will be approaching               electricit y from generators in NSW
                                                                and the NEM, supplying to more            into the future.
                         decommissioning. The AEMO
                         projects that capacit y provided by    than three million homes and
                         coal generation in the NEM will

                                              TR ANSGRID        POWERLINK           SERVICES & AEMO      ELECTR ANE T       TASNE T WORKS

                           ENERGY DELIVERED   65,800 GWh        50,124 GWh          39,594 GWh           11,817 GWh         10,038 GWh

                           NE T WORK SIZE     13,000 km         15,500 km           6,600 km             5,600 km           3,500 km

                           PE AK DEMAND       13,093 MW         8,548 MW            7,980 MW             2,955 MW           1,964 MW

                           SUBSTATIONS        104               139                 53                   91                 49                                                                                                                                                                      11

ELECTRICITY NETWORK                                                                                                                                                                                      Mudgeeraba
                                                                                                                                                                         Bulli Creek

                                                                                                                                                        Dumaresq                       Tenterfield

                                                                                                                                 Moree                 Sapphire          White      Koolkhan
                                                                                                                                                     Inverell               Glen Innes

                                                                                                                                          Narrabri                                                          Coffs Harbour
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Boambee South
                                                                                                                                            Boggabri North                                                Raleigh
                                                                                                                                              Boggabri East              Armidale
                                                                                                                                                                Tamworth 330
  Silverton                                                                                                                           Tamworth 132                                  Kempsey
                                                                                                                                                                          Port Macquarie
    Broken Hill
                                                                                                                                       Muswellbrook                                               Herons Creek
                                                                                                                                  Wollar                                          Taree
                                                                                                  Wellington                             Bayswater                       Stroud
                                                                                              Wellington Town                    Mudgee
                                                                                                                                                                                     Hawks Nest

                                                                                           Parkes Molong
                                                                                                           Orange                     Mt Piper 132 INSET
                                                                                                           North Ilford
                                                                                                  Manildra                              Mt Piper 500
              Buronga                                                                      Forbes   Orange
                                                                                                                                          Wallerawang 132 & 330
                                                                                                  Cowra          Panorama
                                                                                                                   Crookwell 2
Red Cliffs                   Balranald         Darlington Point          Yanco       Murrumburrah              Gullen Range                Avon Dapto
                                                                                     Wagga North                       Yass                   Kangaroo Valley
                                                           Coleambally                                   Murrumbateman
                                                                           Wagga 132         Burrinjuck
                                                                         Uranquinty                                  Capital Wind Farm
                                                                            Wagga South Gadara                Queanbeyan
                                         Deniliquin                                                 Canberra
                                                         Finley               Morven      Blowering     Lower
                                                                       Jindera     ANM                              Williamsdale

                                                                                                        Upper Tumut
                                                                                                      Murray        Cooma
                                                                               Albury                     Snowy Adit
                                                                              Dederang Guthega                 Jindabyne

                                                                                                                                                                                            to Stroud

                                                                                                                                                     to Liddell                    Brandy Hill

  OPERATING SYSTEM VOLTAGES                                                        to Bayswater

       500 kV Transmission Lines                                                                                                                                                                    One Steel
       330 kV Transmission Lines                                                                                                                                                            Waratah
       220 kV Transmission Lines                                                                                                                               Eraring

       132 kV Transmission Lines
       330 kV Underground Cable                                                                                                                                                     Vales Point
       Customer Exchange Point
       Interstate Exchange Point
        500 kV Substations                                                                                                                                   Tuggerah

        330 kV Substations
        220 kV Substations
        132 kV Substations

                                                                                                                           Mount Colah

                                                                                                      Mount Druit                    Sydney East

                                                                     Regentville                        Sydney West
                                                                                        Creek           Liverpool Sydney                  Beaconsfield West
                                                                  to Wallerawang                                  South

                                                                       to Bannaby Macarthur
                                                                                                to Avon         to Dapto
Annual Review 2017/18                                                                                    12

                  Who we are


                  Since privatisation TransGrid has reinforced
                  its position as the market leading provider of
                  transmission, energy and communication
                  services in Australia.

                  TransGrid has achieved many
                  milestones over the past three
                                                          ››Achieving world-class
                                                                                                As par t of our transformation
                                                                                                we are growing our non-regulated
                  years including:                         TransGrid’s per formance on          business, which has more than

                  ››                                       the global International             doubled in size in the past year.
Our story

                     Investing in our network and                                               TransGrid’s infrastructure
                                                           Transmission Operations and
                     delivering major projects:                                                 ser vices business has a pipeline
                                                           Maintenance Study showed
                     Since 2015, TransGrid has             world‑class cost per formance in     of more than 7,500 MW of new
                     invested $507.5 million in the        2017. TransGrid’s cost was well      connection requests from
                     NSW/ACT transmission network,         below peer averages across           generator customers, a 30 per
                     including adding 233 kilometres       Asia‑Pacific, Europe, Scandinavia    cent increase on the previous
                     of new transmission lines and         and Nor th America. TransGrid’s      year. Our non-regulated
                     five new substations. We have         cost per kilometre of transmission   telecommunications business is
                     delivered 11 major capital works      lines has fallen versus recent       the six th largest fibre network in
                     projects to upgrade the network       sur veys while maintaining strong    Australia, and our reach into
                     or connect new customers              operational per formance.            regional areas of NSW allows

                     including the Deer Park                                                    us to deliver internet and
                     substation, TransGrid’s first                   the future                 telecommunications ser vices to
                     major project in VIC.                  energy system:                      under-ser ved regional consumers

                                                           TransGrid contributed ex tensively
                                                           and provided thought leadership
                                                                                                and businesses.

                                                           to help shape AEMO’s first
                     The energy system is changing         ISP, a comprehensive blueprint for
                     with new intermit tent forms of       the development of the national
                     generation, bat ter y storage, and    energy market and the role of                                  MW+
                     behind-the-meter energy systems

                                                           transmission in suppor ting it.
                     which all add complexit y to the
                     task of managing our energy
                     system in real time. Despite this
                                                          ››Transforming our business:
                                                           TransGrid made significant
                     TransGrid has maintained an           progress in transforming the
                     average network reliabilit y of       business from a network planner        Renewable
                     99.9999 per cent over the past        and operator to a high per forming
                     three years.                          energy and infrastructure              megawatts
                  ››Securing future revenue at lower
                    cost to consumers:
                                                           ser vices company. This includes
                                                           building new capabilities and
                                                                                                  connected since
                                                           processes to ensure TransGrid is
                     TransGrid successfully concluded      prepared to lead and thrive in the
                     the 2018-2023 AER Revenue             energy system of the future.
                     Determination, securing our
                     revenue over the nex t five years
                     at a 5.2 per cent real price
                     reduction to consumers. Our
                     determination included approval
                     for the critical Powering Sydney’s
                     Future project, and provided
                     conditional approval for nine
                     major contingent projects.   13

Major network
projects (>$15m)
completed in last
two years 2017/18

Annual Review 2017/18                                                                  14

                     Who we are

                     TransGrid’s strategy is built
                     around our five core strategic themes.

                     Strategy                         Our Role
Our strategy

                                       DELIVERING     Maintaining a safe and reliable transmission system to
                                                      benefit the broader communit y is the core of TransGrid’s

                                1      SAFE,          business. This includes continuing to meet our reliabilit y
                                                      targets and compliance obligations, and prudently managing
                                                      our network and assets. It also includes ensuring a safe
                                       RELIABLE       working environment for our staf f.


                                       CONSTANTLY     To continue to deliver for our communit y, employees and
                                                      shareholders, TransGrid must be ef ficient and highly capable

                                       IMPROVING      providing ser vices at the lowest cost.
                                                      TransGrid’s transformation program is delivering improved
                                       OUR            per formance across all capital projects and operations,
                                                      fostering changes needed to strengthen our high
                                       EFFICIENCY     per formance culture and invest in the capabilities of
                                                      our employees.

                                       INVESTING IN   The NSW transmission network will need ongoing investment
                                                      to meet changing customer needs and generation sources.

                                                      New assets, new ser vices and additional interconnection
                                                      between states will provide network capacit y, securit y and
                                                      reliabilit y, and will create a plat form for wholesale
                                       BENEFIT        competition that will lower costs to end customers. TransGrid
                                                      will actively pursue these oppor tunities where they hold clear
                                                      benefits for customers, or when they are a result of ex ternal
                                                      policy or regulation.
                                                      TransGrid will also continue to suppor t new connections in
                                                      NSW and actively work to ensure that we deliver responsive
                                                      and cost-ef fective design, project deliver y, and ongoing
                                                      ser vice to our generator customers.                                                                         15

Our five core strategic themes flow from the transition underway
in the nations energy system. They identify areas where there is
strong alignment between our role and the needs of consumers for
reliable, affordable and clean energy. Within each strategic theme

we see a role for TransGrid to create value for our business, for
consumers and for the broader energy market.

                          SUPPORTING     The NEM will continue to evolve in the shor t and long term and
                                         will impact fundamentally how TransGrid operates. TransGrid

                          REGUL ATION    is taking a key role as a thought leader in the evolution of the
                                         energy system, deploying our exper tise to ensure the best
                                         outcomes for customers. This includes advocating for
                          THAT SECURES   positions that are positive and benefit customers and the
                                         NEM as a whole. Through our advocacy, we aim to help shape
                          THE FUTURE     the NEM to provide bet ter economic incentives for
                                         transmission projects that will benefit customers, as well as
                                         incentives to identif y ef ficiency and suppor t innovation.

                          LEADING THE    The transition to a new energy future is occurring now and
                                         the pace of change and market outcomes are uncer tain.

                          TRANSITION     TransGrid is leading the transition to a new energy system
                                         and helping to manage the integration of new technologies,
                                         such as renewable generation and storage, in a way
                          TO A NEW       that achieves the best outcomes for customers and
                                         market par ticipants.
                          ENERGY         To achieve this, TransGrid’s technical exper tise will be
                          FUTURE         deployed to deliver a system that meets consumers’ needs
                                         for low-cost, reliable and low-emission power. Consumers
                                         needs will be met in a system where transmission plays a
                                         pivotal role in connecting new generation sources and
                                         managing the operation of the system.
Annual Review 2017/18                                   16

                        Operational excellence

                        TransGrid is an efficient owner and operator of
                        assets, which puts safety first and delivers
                        world class reliability to consumers.
High performing

                        TransGrid is commit ted to responsible and
                        transparent investment in the modernisation of
                        critical infrastructure, ensuring our business
                        per formance is sustainable. We aim to meet
                        consumer expectations while providing
                        long‑term value for our shareholders.                                                            17

                                                         Gigawatt hours of
                                                         electricity moved
                                                         in 2018

                                                         70,381            GWh

                              Peak operational           Regulated Asset
                              demand in 2017/18          Base (RAB)

                              13,093                MW
                                                         $   6, 371           M

                                                         Number of
                              Number of                  telecommunication

                              104 132
                                                         towers (radio masts)

                              Reliability in 2018        Energy not supplied

Our network length

13, 133                  KM
                              9999%                      System minutes

                                                         Number of major
                              Optical Ground Wire        projects completed
                                                         in 2018

                              (OPGW) in NSW

                              3,000                 KM
Annual Review 2017/18                                                                                       18

                           Operational excellence

                           safety culture
                           The safety of employees, contractors
                           and consumers is our number one priority,
                           and it guides our actions every day.

                           TransGrid promotes a positive           Employee lost time injury                Electricity Network Safety
Our safety culture

                           safety culture in which all our         frequency rate (LTIFR) is 4.3            Management System
                           employees and contractors are           Whilst the LTI/LTIFR for 2018 was        TransGrid’s Electrical
                           encouraged to actively manage           higher than 2017, we continue            Network Safet y Management
                           their own safety and the safety of      overall on a downward trend over         System is in place to meet the
                           others. Our safety vision and plan      a 10 year period. TransGrid has          expectations and requirements of
                           focuses on employee capabilities,       moved to understand the severit y        stakeholders, including:
                           risk culture and injury prevention.
                           To enable change we have focused
                                                                   of the LTIs with the use of the
                                                                   SafeWork NSW guidelines. In this         ››The safet y of the public,
                                                                                                              and persons near or working on
                                                                   analysis we see a majorit y of
                           on instilling a safet y culture         our LTIs are of a minor nature.           electricit y transmission

                           throughout the business                                                           network assets
                           leadership, systems and                 We ensure our assets are                  The protection of proper t y and
                           technology, learning and coaching,      maintained and operating safely,

                                                                                                             network assets
                           and knowledge sharing.                  by following strict guidelines and
                                                                   implementing robust processes to          Safet y aspects arising from the
                           Our achievements include:                                                         protection of the environment,

                                                                   protect the safet y of employees
                                                                   and consumers. We also engage             including protection from ignition
                                         the Heads Up safet y
                                                                   with contractors and the relevant         of fires by network assets
                             conversations to increase the
                                                                   authorities to safely manage works        Safet y aspects arising from the
                              leadership presence in the field,
                                                                   in and around our assets.                 loss of electricit y supply.
                              and assist in unlocking an open
                              dialogue around safet y risk

                           ››Utilizing technology – 85 per cent
                             of all easements and access
                                                                   Public Electrical Safety
                                                                   Awareness Plan
                              tracks have been mapped and are      We have developed a Public
                              available for our workers’ to view   Electrical Safet y Awareness Plan
                              and assist in the planning of work   (PESA), in accordance with the

                           ››Implementing the mobile plant
                             framework – ensuring mobile
                                                                   requirements of the Electricit y
                                                                   Supply (Safet y and Network
                                                                   Management) Regulation 2014, to
                              plant compliance via an ef ficient   outline the management of our
                              and easy to understand app

                                                                   network assets in relation to
                                           with our                public safet y.
                             construction forums, sharing          The objective of the PESA Plan is to
                              experiences and ideas aiding         provide information to the public
                              bet ter understanding of industr y   regarding the hazards associated
                              best practice.                       with electricit y, in par ticular high
                                                                   voltage transmission lines and
                                                                   substations owned and/or operated
                                                                   by TransGrid.   19

Employee lost time
injury frequency

We are all
empowered and
inspired to step up,
take action and
be responsible for

Annual Review 2017/18                                                                                        20

                          Operational excellence


                          Energy transition is accelerating - creating
                          new challenges and opportunities
                          for the transmission network.

                          TransGrid has seen unprecedented
                          levels of generator connection
                                                                   TransGrid actively collaborates
                                                                   with a wide range of stakeholders
                                                                                                               higher propor tion of
                                                                                                                      tent generation
Energy transition

                          enquiries in the past year.              in preparing for the energy system       facilitated by greater
                          The withdrawal of traditional            of the future. During 2018 we            interregional transmission
                                                                   suppor ted AEMO’s ISP, with              capacit y and large-scale
                          sources of baseload generation

                                                                   technical input to its                   energy storage
                          and the influx of renewable energy       modelling of supply solutions.
                          sources means the supply-demand                                                   New connections to areas with
                                                                                                            abundant resources and large-
                          balance is tightening. At the same
                                                                   Network Investment
                                                                                                            scale renewable generation
                          time, energy throughput and peak
                          demand across TransGrid’s network        TransGrid delivers value to              New ancillar y ser vices to manage

                                                                   consumers and its shareholders           system stabilit y
                          have risen for the past four years.
                                                                   by managing its assets in a              A changed regulator y framework
                          Transmission plays a pivotal role in     sustainable and responsible              to be managed to suppor t the
                          this changing energy landscape.          manner. Value is delivered through:

                                                                                                            energy system of the future.
                          Consumers and businesses
                                                                              safe and reliable           TransGrid’s network investments
                          demand electricit y supply that is

                                                                     operation of the network             aim to prepare for these
                          sustainable, af fordable and reliable,
                                                                               modernisation of           developments.
                          and the transmission network is a
                          key enabler to meet demand.                assets and a commitment to low

                                the past three years we have
                                          the connection of over
                                                                     cost solutions, ensuring future
                                                                     network improvements are in the
                                                                     best interest of consumers.
                                                                                                          The existing reliabilit y standard
                             1,000 MW of renewable generation                                             is a per formance standard,
                             to the network, and have managed                                             measured by the amount of energy
                                                                   Investments in the network             not supplied versus energy supplied
                             the integration of higher levels of
                                                                   take the form of:
                             intermit tent generation without                                             over one financial year.
                                                                           replacements and upgrades
                             destabilising the grid                                                       In 2017/18 TransGrid’s network
                                                                     to maintain the safe and reliable    reliabilit y continued to exceed
                             By facilitating connection of

                                                                     operation of the existing network    99.9999 per cent. This high rate of
                             renewable energy sources, we
                             increase the level of competition               augmentations to provide     reliabilit y is largely due to the
                             amongst the generators in the           new network capacit y, either to     excellence of our operational
                             wholesale market. This results          meet rising demand, or to suppor t   planning exper tise, mature systems
                             in lower wholesale prices,              new connections.                     and experienced work force.
                             providing a positive net benefit      Transmission is key to the             A new planning standard will take

                             for the consumers                     energy transition within the NEM.      ef fect from 2018/19.
                             We deliver reliabilit y by actively   Key changes expected in the
                             balancing supply and demand in        energy market over coming
                                                                   years include:

                             the operation of the network.
                             TransGrid provides essential                      interconnection
                             system stabilit y ser vices,            between states, with NSW
                             and many of our line and                continuing as the centre of
                             substation upgrades are focused         the NEM
                             on improving the flow of energy
                             between regions to create a more
                             stable, interconnected grid.                                                                      21

NETWORK RELIABILITY                                    (SYSTEM MINUTES L0ST)

0.25                         42%

A system minute is the amount of energy which would not
be supplied if the whole NSW system was unavailable for
a minute at peak usage.

NUMBER OF OUTAGES            (where energy not supplied exceeded 12 MWh)

2017/18                                                                        In 2017/18
                                                 3                             transmission
                                                                               network reliability
                                                                           4   continued to
                                                                               exceed 99.9999%

Annual Review 2017/18                                                                                 22

                               Operational excellence

                               Investing in

                               TransGrid employs a robust Network Capital
                               Investment Framework to justify and prioritise
                               decisions to invest in assets.
Investing in stability

                               This framework is used by TransGrid   TransGrid is working to
                               to identify, deliver, realise and     facilitate the process of actively
                               maximise the benefits from            facilitating the connection of over
                               investments in assets, and is         1000 MW of new generation in
                                                                     coming years. An unprecedented
                               applied to the full asset lifecycle
                                                                     volume of generation enquiries
                               including project planning,           have been processed, with
                               delivery, finalisation, maintenance   approximately 40,000 MW of
                               and disposal.                         potential solar, wind and hydro
                               The framework aims to deliver value   projects at various stages of
                               to TransGrid’s customers, reduce      development. Although many of
                               risk to consumers and employees,      these enquiries are seeking to
                               and protect the environment around    connect to remote locations, where
                               operating assets.                     the existing network capacit y is
                                                                     limited, we are working closely with
                               In 2018 TransGrid completed           project proponents to ensure a
                               projects valued at $175 million in    positive outcome.
                               investments in our regulated
                               transmission network under the
                               framework, including seven
                               projects that were energised in
                               2018 (page 23).

                                                                                                            We completed our first
                                                                                                            major interstate project
                                                                                                            through the installation of

                                                                     40,000                 MW              Deer Park 220/66 kV
                                                                                                            terminal station in
                                                                     Of potential                           Ravenhall, VIC 22 km west
                                                                     solar, wind and                        of Melbourne CBD. This
                                                                     hydro projects at                      site will be operated and
                                                                     various stages of                      maintained by TransGrid
                                                                     development                            for 30 years.                                                                                                 23




      8                                                                                                              13


                                                       NSW                      10                       2




PROJECT                                             LOCATION         PURPOSE                                                  STATUS
 1    Sydney Nor th Secondar y System Replacement   Central Nor th   Asset Replacement for end of life condition              Energised

 2    Vales Point 330 kV Substation Rebuild         Nor th           Asset Replacement for end of life condition              Energised

 3    Wagga 132 kV Substation Condition             South            Asset Replacement for end of life condition              Energised

      Taree 132 kV Substation Secondar y Systems
 4                                                  Nor th           Asset Replacement for end of life condition              Energised

      Transmission Line 96H (Cof fs Harbour to
 5                                                  Nor th           Asset Replacement for end of life condition              Energised
      Koolkhan) Wood Pole Condition

      Transmission Line 97K (Cooma to Munyang)
 6                                                  South            Asset Replacement for end of life condition              Energised

 7    Deer Park 220/66 kV Sub Establishment         South            Customer request                                         Energised

 8    Silver ton Wind Farm Connection               South            Customer request                                         Energised

 9    Sapphire Wind Farm Connection                 Nor th           Customer request                                         Energised

 10   Orange 132 kV Substation Rebuild              Central West     Asset Replacement for end of life condition              Energised

 11   Nor th Ring- OPGW Por t Macquarie to Stroud   Nor th           Asset Replacement for end of life condition              Energised

                                                                                                                       Completion due
 12   Beaconsfield Redevelopment Stage 2            Sydney CBD       Asset Replacement for end of life condition
                                                                                                                     in December 2018

      Transmission Line 99F (Uranquinty to Yanco)                                                                      Completion due
 13                                                 South            Asset Replacement for end of life condition
      Pole Replacement                                                                                               in December 2018
Annual Review 2017/18                                                               24

                               Operational excellence

                               TransGrid encourages innovation in engineering,
                               fosters knowledge sharing and supports research
                               across our industry, to address the challenges of
                               the future.
Encouraging innovation

                               The energy industry is in a time of
                               transformation. Flexible and          DRIVING          Embracing data and digital to
                                                                                      drive efficiency
                               scalable, the grid enables us to
                               accommodate more sustainable          INNOVATION IN    We are deploying digital
                                                                                      technologies to reduce costs
                               solutions as they become more
                               accessible. As the supply side of     THE NETWORK      and improve ef ficiency across
                                                                                      our network.
                               Australia’s electricity market
                               changes, we are able to adapt and                      ››Harnessing  data and analytics
                                                                                        TransGrid’s network generates
                               provide transmission network
                               services to a broader range           ENHANCING THE      over 36 million real time data
                                                                                        points each year on the
                               of customers.                                            per formance of our network, as
                               An impor tant par t of our planning   SAFETY OF OUR      well as, five million data points on
                                                                                        the operating condition of our
                               and development is to provide
                               connections for proposed new          OPERATIONS         assets. Our Asset Management
                                                                                        team uses ‘big data’ analy tics to
                               generators, including from the
                                                                                        harness these data streams to
                               renewable energy sector. We are
                                                                                        improve our network reliabilit y,
                               constantly looking for new and
                                                                                        boost ef ficiency of our
                               innovative ways to overcome
                               challenges that may arise. We         INVESTING IN       operations, prioritise investments,
                                                                                        and adopt more accurate
                               do this by working innovatively,
                                                                                        condition-based maintenance.
                               working together and
                               working smar ter.                                                   goes digital
                                                                     INNOVATION         We recently completed the
                                                                                        installation of a cut ting edge
                                                                                        IEC-61850 Digital Substation at
                                                                                        our Avon 330 kV substation,
                                                                                        located 100 kilometres south of
                                                                     PROTECTING THE     Sydney. Digital substations
                                                                                        enhance the control and
                                                                     ENVIRONMENT        protection of power transmission.
                                                                                        TransGrid par tnered with leading
                                                                                        global technology companies to
                                                                                        deploy this design in Australia.
                                                                                        The digital technology results in
                                                                                        smaller and fewer components in
                                                                                        the substation which reduces
                                                                                        cost and complexit y, as well as
                                                                                        reducing the size of the building
                                                                                        required to accommodate the
                                                                                        systems by up to 80 per cent.                                                                                 25

Doing more with less                       interconnectors, connection of             In June 2018, Paul
TransGrid is deploying innovative          new generation without major               Italiano and Lord Mayor
approaches and technologies that           network modifications,
                                           and reduced cost when compared             - Councillor Clover
allow us to get more output from                                                      Moore unveiled the first
our existing network, reducing the         with other solutions.
                                                                                      industrial-scale Tesla
need to invest in new transmission
assets to meet growing customer          Preparing for the grid of                    Powerpack battery which
needs. E xamples include:                the future                                   was installed and in


                                         Our future energy system will                operation in the Sydney
           line ratings                  involve higher propor tions of               metropolitan area.
  TransGrid is deploying new on-line
                                         variable renewable generation,
  technology to determine maximum
                                         making it critical for networks
  power transmission line operating
                                         to have resources in place to
  conditions, and to determine the
                                         manage greater peaks and
  maximum power carr ying capacit y
                                         troughs in output.
  under prevailing conditions in
                                         E xamples include:

  real-time. This allows bet ter
  utilisation of the capacit y of the
  existing lines: for example, on a
                                                    storage trials
                                           Bat teries are widely viewed as        ››Generator runback schemes
                                                                                    We have provided innovative
  windy day the lines will be rated        being able to provide many              solutions for generator
  higher, allowing the lines to carr y     dif ferent ser vices to the grid and    connections by leveraging
  more electrical power from wind          consumers including storing peak        runback schemes, removing
  generators. It also provides a           energy for use later. The vast          the need for more costly
  bet ter approach for managing            majorit y of the bat ter y storage      network augmentations.
  the risks associated with                capacit y installed in Australia is     Runback schemes allow a
  unintentional overloading of the         located behind the meter, and is        generator to produce its rated
  transmission lines, under                distributed. Our challenge is to        output at system normal
  unfavourable weather conditions.         have visibilit y of these resources,    conditions and at reduced
  TransGrid completed installation         and manage them securely                generation in contingency events.
  of dynamic line ratings for over 20      within the grid. We recently            This is especially useful in weaker
  transmission lines in NSW by the         commissioned an aggregated              par ts of the network where a
  end of 2017, with plans to roll out      1.5 MWh of bat ter y energy storage     significant number of generators
  additional lines over the nex t          capacit y across three sites in         are looking to connect,

  five years.                              par tnership with The Cit y of          allowing bet ter utilisation
        Wires                              Sydney Council, The Universit y of      of network capacit y.
  We are trialling a new way to            New South Wales and Woolwor ths.
  reduce network constraints               The trial gives us the abilit y to
  through innovative and modular           dispatch distributed bat teries for
  technology. Smar t Wires is a new        demand management during
  technology which dynamically             network constraints, and allows
  controls power flows on                  our par tners to schedule the
  transmission lines to help remove        bat ter y for day-to-day
  transmission constraints on the          operations.
  network. Benefits include larger
  power transfer capacit y along
Annual Review 2017/18                                                                                    26

                        Customer service

                        Since 2015, TransGrid has facilitated the connection of
                        over 1,100 MW+ of renewable generation to the
                        network, including Sapphire Wind Farm, Silverton Wind
                        Farm, Griffith Solar Farm, Parkes Solar Farm, Crookwell
                        II Wind Farm, White Rock Wind Farm and Bodangora
                        Wind Farm.
New connections

                        TransGrid responded to over
                        46,303 MW of new connection
                                                            Customer Story:                         ››TransGrid provided a value for
                                                                                                      money solution and immense
                                                            The 200 MW Silver ton Wind Farm
                        enquiries this financial year.                                                benefits, including our abilit y to
                                                            project is a $450 million
                        We are supporting contestable                                                 build, own, operate, and maintain
                                                            development owned by Par tnering
                                                                                                      a high voltage electrical asset,
                        connections and infrastructure      Australian Renewables Fund (PARF),
                                                                                                      connected to the wind farm
                        services in VIC, SA and QLD, with   a par tnership set up by AGL and QIC.

                        over 1,000 MW of new generation     TransGrid par tnered with PARF to
                                                            build, own, operate and maintain          The wind farm commenced
                        projects supporting private
                                                            the high voltage infrastructure that      generating on 14 May 2018,
                        industry demand and the Victorian                                             and will power approximately
                                                            enables the project to connect to
                        Renewable Energy Target.            the transmission network.                 136,000 average Australian

                                                            ››This was the first time AGL had
                                                              engaged a Transmission Network
                                                                                                      homes. It will ultimately produce
                                                                                                      around 780,000 MWh of energy
                                                              Ser vice Provider to deliver
                                                              contestable connection ser vices
                                                              for a new generator development

                        NEW CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS
                        NEW GENERATION                      NEW GENERATION                          NEW GENERATION
                        CONNECTIONS                         CONNECTIONS MOVING TO                   CONNECTIONS UNDER
                        UNDER COMMISSIONING                 CONSTRUCTION IN FY19/20                 DEVELOPMENT

                                     4                                1                                       4
                                          WIND                                WIND                                        WIND
                                          FARMS                               FARM                                        FARMS
                                          700 MW
                                          capacit y

                                     4                                8                                       18
                                                                              SOL AR                                      SOL AR
                                                                              FARMS                                       FARMS
                                          SOL AR
                                          100 MW            Total over 1,000 MW+ new                Total over 4,300 MW new
                                          capacit y         generation capacit y                    generation capacit y                                                                                                 27

Global Power,                           Neoen                                              Total Eren
Generation Australia                    TransGrid worked proactively with                  TransGrid’s abilit y to work
Global Power Generation Australia       Neoen to connect the Parkes,                       collaboratively and in par tnership
appreciate the collaborative spirit     Grif fith and Coleambally Solar Farm               with Total Eren helped our business
from the TransGrid team, enabling       projects. TransGrid’s integrated                   develop a unique proposition with
the Crook well II Windfarm project to   approach and high level of                         Kiamal Solar Farm. We look for ward
become a successful and record-         responsiveness, allowed us to                      to building VIC ’s largest solar farm
low price NSW wind farm. TransGrid      focus on project development and                   with TransGrid.
took the time to fully understand       assisted us to manage our time
                                        more ef ficiently. Neoen was                       Kam Ho
our needs as a wind farm proponent                                                         Head - Origination & Development
and operator, and they set the right    satisfied with TransGrid’s qualit y
                                        and dedicated customer ser vice.                   Asia-Pacific Region - Total Eren
foundation for a timely and cost-
ef fective deliver y of a significant   Chris Leonard
piece of grid connection                Head of Solar Development - Neoen
Guillermo Alonso Castro
Engineering Manager - Global Power

Generation Australia
                                                                                                $                           M

                                                                                                200 MW Silverton
                                                                                                Wind Farm project

                                        PRO JECT                   LOCATION          TECHNOLOGY                 STAT US

                                        BROKEN HIL L            Broken Hills, NSW       Solar              Connected in 2015

                                        WHITE ROCK            Spring Mountain, NSW      Wind               Connected in 2016

                                        PARKES                    Parkes, NSW           Solar              Connected in 2016

                                        GRIFFITHS                Griffiths, NSW         Solar              Connected in 2016

                                        SAPPHIRE                Kingsland, NSW          Wind               Connected in 2016

                                        SILVERTON                Silverton, NSW         Wind               Connected in 2017
   CONNECTIONS UNDER                    BODANGOR A              Bodangora, NSW          Wind               Connected in 2017
                                        CROOK WEL L               Roslyn, NSW           Wind               Connected in 2017

  1000                         MW       COL E AMBAL LY         Coleambally, NSW         Solar              Connected in 2017

                                        BERYL                    Gulgong, NSW           Solar       Under construction due April 2019

                                        ME T Z                   Armidale, NSW          Solar       Under construction due June 2019
  Suppor ting new critical
  S tate, Federal and                   CRUDINE RIDGE             Illford, NSW          Wind        Under construction due July 2019
  privately funded                      KIAMAL                     Ouyen, VIC           Solar       Committed project due March 2019
                                        SUNR AYSIA               Balranald, NSW         Solar     Committed project due December 2019

                                        L IMONDAL E 1 AND 2      Balranald, NSW         Solar     Committed project due February 2020
Annual Review 2017/18                                                                                         28

                                    Customer service

                                    With more than 15 years’ experience TransGrid
                                    Telecommunications is a market leader, managing an
                                    extensive fibre optic network covering in excess of
                                    4000 kilometres across NSW, the ACT and VIC.
Telecommunications business

                                    Our telecommunications assets           Our business focus is to continually      Several sales initiatives have
                                    and infrastructure have been built      improve on customer engagement            already been implemented and
                                    to support TransGrid’s high voltage     and satisfaction, generating steady       successes achieved:
                                    electricity network, which meets
                                    the strictest reliability standards
                                                                            grow th in revenue, strategic
                                                                            planning and innovation through a         ››100  Gbps Sydney to Melbourne

                                                                            series of initiatives including:            ser vice for Optus

                                    in the country.                                                                          Gbps network solution
                                                                                           a Carrier Grade              for TPG.
                                    As an independent                         Metro Ethernet Forum
                                    Telecommunications                                                                TransGrid Telecommunications were

                                                                              designed network
                                    Infrastructure Par tner, our aim                                                  recently selected by the NSW
                                    is to maximise our competitive            Upgrading the Network                   Government as a member of the

                                    advantage, leveraging TransGrid’s         Management System                       five-year Telecommunications
                                    existing infrastructure. TransGrid’s      Significantly growing the               Purchasing Arrangements panel.
                                    “Fibre in the Sk y” is a network of       business with the NSW                   The appointment being a significant

                                    optic fibre that runs along 24,000 of     Government sector                       milestone and a vote of confidence
                                    our towers, combined with a               Increasing network coverage into        in our 4,000 kilometres ‘Fibre in
                                    comprehensive microwave network           QLD, and fur ther expanding our         the Sk y’ network. We also recently
                                    known for its reliabilit y and                                                    connected with the NBN, increasing

                                                                              reach into rural and regional NSW
                                    securit y. This enables TransGrid’s                                               our coverage, connectivity and sales.
                                    Telecommunications the diversit y         E xpanding the product por t folio,
                                    and scale to successfully meet            for example: Data Centre Connect,
                                    customers’ needs.                         Facilities as a Ser vice, Internet of
                                                                              Things, and Sof tware-Defined

                                    TransGrid’s co-location business          Wide-Area Network
                                    of fers ser vices to Telstra,             Targeting high value long term
                                    Vodafone, Optus and NSW

                                                                              revenue oppor tunities
                                    emergency ser vices, facilitating
                                    the deployment of wireless                Collaborating with the
                                    networks by leasing space for the         Infrastructure Connections
                                    installation of customers:                team and its renewable

                                                                              energy customers.

                                    ››Microwave dishes
                                    ››Panel antennae                                                                      Number of
                                    ››Rack space within our                                                               telecommunication
                                                                                                                          towers (radio masts)
                                      buildings; or
                                              Space for
                                      customer shelters.   29

Annual Review 2017/18                                                                                        30

                            Customer service

                            TransGrid’s success depends on its ability to engage
                            and better understand our customer needs and
                            expectations. We are focused on creating a seamless
                            service experience.
Customer engagement

                            TransGrid works with a diverse           We do this by:                          ››Building high levels of trust
                            set of stakeholders including
                            energy consumers, directly               ››Allocating a dedicated customer
                                                                       manager to any customer directly
                                                                                                               by suppor ting our customers
                                                                                                               throughout the enormous
                            connected customers,                                                               changes faced by the
                                                                       connected to TransGrid’s network,       energy industr y.
                            local communities, regulators,             providing customer advocacy,
                            state governments and the                  understanding and deliver y on        In 2017/18, TransGrid achieved a

                            Federal Government.                        customer needs                        86 per cent reputation score for our
                                                                       Facilitating engagement between       direct customers, according to an
                            Engagement methods                         key industr y stakeholders and        ex ternal audit by Newgate Australia,
                            TransGrid customer and stakeholder         TransGrid’s senior leaders through    maintaining a positive trend in
                            managers build strong relationships        the TransGrid Advisor y Council,      the last several years.
                            through frequent engagement                set up in 2016 to act as a key        Our goal is to consistently deliver
                            across multiple touch points,              advisor to the business, t ypically   the highest Net Advocacy Score of
                            including operations, technical,
                                                                       meeting four times a year             Australian energy businesses and
                            planning, projects, and commercial
                                                                       Developing an open and reliable       achieve top-quar tile stakeholder
                            as well as communit y engagement.
                                                                       channel of communications             engagement scores.
                                                                       between TransGrid and its
                                                                       customers, providing invaluable
                                                                       access should there be a
                                                                       customer issue that needs to
                                                                       be resolved quickly

                                              86                             95
                                                                                                                 We provide operational

                                                          %                                  %                   support to generators
                                                                                                                 and direct connect
                                                                                                                 customers, including
                                                                                                                 24/7 support from
                                                                                                                 our skilled field force
                                              Reputation score for           Trust score for                     located throughout
                                              direct customers               direct customers                    NSW.                                                      31

Tomago Aluminium                        Delta Electricity – Simon Bolt
We really appreciate our strong         (Technical Manager)
relationship with TransGrid,            Over several years, TransGrid has
whose customer engagement               successfully worked with Delta
team consistently provide great         Electricit y to ef fectively carr y out
suppor t. In early 2018 the TransGrid   planned upgrades to the Vales Point
team were on hand to assist Tomago      Power Station Facilit y, including on
with CT and circuit breaker             high voltage electrical
replacements, their quick work          infrastructure assets operated by
allowed us time to set up the main      TransGrid. The projects have been
regulator transformers.                 necessar y to improve reliabilit y on
TransGrid was on hand when              ageing equipment. The TransGrid
needed, reliably provided the           team worked with Delta Electricit y
collaborative suppor t required by      to understand and deliver ef fective
Tomago business operations. We          planning processes, successfully
look for ward to working together in    managing generator outages, and
the future.                             minimising the impacts and
                                        disruptions to Vales
                                        Point operations.
Annual Review 2017/18                                      32

                      Customer service

                      TransGrid cares about the communities we work and
                      live in. We support initiatives that deliver lasting
                      benefits. Through our Community Partnerships
                      Program we actively contribute to areas where our
                      infrastructure is located, and where we are
                      undertaking network upgrades.
Our community

                            BeSafeKids is a program that educates
                            children about electrical safety.
                            The program is designed to inform
                            youngsters about the impor tance of safety
                            around common electrical items and
                            TransGrid’s assets. BeSafeKids is targeted
                            at communities where we are actively
                            working or have assets nearby.
                            BeSafeKids covers a range of areas
                            ››Staying safe around TransGrid’s assets
                            ››History of electricity
                            ››Brief overview of TransGrid, including our
                              commitment to the environment.
                            The BeSafeKids program is free, and can
                            be presented to individual classrooms or
                            the whole school.                                                                                  33

MULGOA VALLEY                To assist with the management of weeds and improve biodiversit y in the Mulgoa
L AND CARE GROUP             Creek corridor. The commitment to this land for conser vation is vital as it
                             provides habitat and suppor ts safe movements for wildlife including wombats
                             and several bird species.

MOUNT ANNAN                  To suppor t the purchase of STEM focused resources to ex tend students abilit y to
CHRISTIAN COLLEGE            understand scientific and engineering principles through the use of Robotics and
                             Circuitr y work.

2018 REGIONAL                Sponsoring the Leadership Award to acknowledge, encourage and reward the
ACHIEVEMENT &                valuable contribution businesses, groups, organisations and individuals make
                             throughout regional and rural NSW and ACT.

TAMWORTH                     Sponsoring a new ar twork acquisition for the Galler y based on the Cit y of Light to
REGIONAL GALLERY             celebrate the 130th anniversar y of Tamwor th being the first town in Australia to
                             have municipal electric street lights.

YASS VALLEY COUNCIL Suppor ting the local communit y to protect and preser ve Aboriginal histor y
                             through an interpretative display by Yass Valley Council, featuring three
                             Aboriginal Scarred Trees at Oak Hill Aboriginal Place in Yass.

NATIONAL HEART               To assist with funding for the Nimmitabel Public School in the Snow y Region’s
FOUNDATION                   Jump Rope for Hear t outreach skipping program. This program enables students
                             to learn healthy behaviours and habits, to lead active, healthy lives, and learn

                             skills to protect their hear t health.

YASS PUBLIC SCHOOL Suppor ting academic achievements through a sponsorship prize.

YASS HIGH SCHOOL             Suppor ting academic achievements in math and science through
                             sponsorship prizes.

BERINBA PUBLIC               Suppor ting academic achievements through a sponsorship prize.

                                                                                      TransGrid is committed
                                                                                      to helping build positive
                                                                                      relationships with
                                                                                      our communities and
                                                                                      sharing our success.
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