Page created by Dave Alvarez
ShipperS & ProcessorS 

Supporting Idaho Farmers 
       Since 1937


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Idaho Potato Commission                                                                                Table of Contents
Eagle Office                                                                                           Idaho Potato Commission
                                                                                                       Foodservice Promotion Directors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
PO Box 1670 | 661 S Rivershore Lane, Suite 230
Eagle, ID 83616
Tel (208) 334-2350 | Fax (208) 334-2274                                                                Idaho Potato Commission
                                                                                                       Retail Promotion Directors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Frank Muir
                                                                                                       Our Most Popular Russet Varieties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Pat Kole
Vice President,
Legal and Government Affairs                                                                           Other Varieties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Seth Pemsler
                                                                                                       Licensed Fresh Idaho® Potato Shippers . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Vice President, Retail/International
Alan Kahn                                                                                              Map of Major Idaho® Potato Growing Areas . . . . Center
Vice President, Foodservice
Joanna Hiller                                                                                          Idaho® Potato Brokers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Director, Finance
Ross Johnson                                                                                           Fresh Idaho® Potato Brand Listing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
International Marketing Director
Jamie Bowen                                                                                            Fresh Idaho® Potato Exporters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Domestic Marketing Director
Jeweldean Hull                                                                                         Processed Idaho® Potato Exporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Administrative/Social Media Director
Dusti Zimmerman                                                                                        Organic Idaho® Potato Suppliers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Legal/Finance Assistant
Jarrell Vail                                                                                           2021 Julian Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Media Specialist
Macy Hack                                                                                              Shed ID Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Receptionist/Marketing Assistant
                                                                                                       Hints and Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Idaho Falls Office
                                                                                                       Tracking Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3670 S 25th E, Suite 3 | Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Tel (208) 514-4236 | Mobile (208) 360-9560
Fax (208) 514-4237                                                                                     Idaho® Potato Processors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Travis Blacker
Director, Industry Relations

Established in 1937, the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) is a state agency that is responsible for promoting and protecting the famous
Grown in Idaho® seal, a federally registered trademark that assures consumers they are purchasing genuine, top-quality Idaho® potatoes. Idaho’s
ideal growing conditions, including rich, volcanic soil, climate, and irrigation, differentiate Idaho® potatoes from potatoes grown in other states.
This directory is published by the Idaho Potato Commission and contains a listing of licensed fresh shippers, brokers, and processors at the time of publication. IPC does not recommend
individual shippers or processors, but the ones listed here use genuine Idaho® potatoes, and their packs and products reflect the superior quality of the raw materials they use. Customers
who have unique requirements will find Idaho suppliers well equipped and eager to fill their needs. 2021 Edition.

                            Always look for these Grown in Idaho® seals for the best potatoes.
                                                        Bookmark and visit this link for the most current directory listings.
Foodservice                                WA                   MT                ND

  Promotion                                 OR
                                                                                   SD                        WI                                            VT

                                                       ID                                                                                                 NH
                                                                      WY                                                   MI                    NY
                                                                                   NE              IA
                                                                                                                                                PA         RI
                                                                                                              IL                OH
                                                  NV                                                                  IN                               NJ
                                                            UT             CO
                                                                                         KS             MO                            WV              DE
                                                                                                                         KY                 VA

                                                                                             OK                      TN                    NC
                                                            AZ             NM                          AR
                                                                                                             MS     AL          GA
                                                                                        TX             LA


        Alan Kahn                     Armand Lobato                               Matt Brigotti                                                 Stanley Trout
      VP of Foodservice         Foodservice Promotion Director,            Foodservice Promotion Director,                      Foodservice Promotion Director,
    Office (208) 334-2350                Western U.S.                       Northeastern/Midwestern U.S.                                Southeastern U.S.
       Cell (208) 890-2194           Cell (303) 588-4565                         Cell (330) 414-5618                                   Cell (615) 971-0505
       Fax (208) 334-2274                 

                                                            + CANADA

    Retail                                  WA                   MT                ND

  Promotion                                                                        SD                        WI                                            VT

   Directors                                OR
                                                                                   NE              IA
                                                                                                                           MI                    NY

                                                                                                                                                PA         RI
                                                                                                              IL                OH
                                                  NV                                                                  IN                               NJ
                                                            UT             CO
                                                                                         KS             MO                            WV              DE
                                                                                                                           E. KY            VA
                                             CA                                                                    W. KY

                                                                                             OK                      TN                    NC
                                                            AZ             NM                          AR
                                                                                                             MS     AL          GA
                                                                                        TX             LA


      Seth Pemsler                     Kent Beesley                                Mike Krage                                                   Mark Daniels
   VP of Retail/International     Retail Promotion Director,                 Retail Promotion Director,                             Retail Promotion Director,
    Office (208) 334-2350         Western U.S. and Canada                   Northeastern/Midwestern U.S.                                   Southern U.S.
      Cell (208) 830-8384            Cell (208) 631-9760                        Cell (904) 553-4548                                     Cell (912) 944-8260
      Fax (208) 334-2274                       
Our Most Popular

     Idaho® potatoes are unmatched in their exceptional quality,
   wholesome taste, and extensive variety. From the go-to Russet
Burbank to the popular Russet Norkotah, we’re proud to offer you the
           finest potatoes from the Best Earth on Earth™.

                          Russet Burbank
                          Background: Developed in 1914 by Lou Sweet, a previous
                          president of the Potato Association of America. Scientist
                          Luther Burbank is credited with the discovery of the original
                          seeds. While Idaho growers have successfully produced many
                          varieties over the years, the Russet Burbank is their greatest
                          commercial success and has established a strong brand equity
                          for the state. A late-maturing variety that requires a 140- to
                          150-day growing season.
                          Appearance: The exterior skin is relatively thin and light brown in
                          color. The exterior shape is oval and slightly flattened, with few
                          shallow eyes. The interior is off-white to ivory and moderately
                          Flavor Profile: A distinctive, earthy potato flavor. The high solid
                          (starch) yields a grainy texture and slightly chewy skin. Bakes up
                          dry and fluffy; fries crisp and golden brown.
                          Usage: Fresh, frozen, or dehydrated, this variety is ideal for all
                          preparation styles.

                        Idaho Potato Commission | Page 2
Russet Norkotah
Background: Released in 1987 by North Dakota State University,
this variety now ranks second in popularity for fresh-market use.
Attractive type (refers to consistent oval shape); a high percentage of
No. 1 potatoes is common with this early-maturing variety. Available
August through June.
Appearance: Excellent conformation; attractive medium-brown color
with a long to oblong shape.
Flavor Profile: A mild potato flavor with a soft texture and moderate
density. Tends to bake up creamy and moist, not grainy. Moderately
chewy skin. White to pale yellow interior. Medium specific gravity for
most; newer generations grown in Idaho have higher starch content.
Usage: Grown primarily for the fresh market. Because of the uniform
appearance, has had good success in the retail grocery segment and
foodservice. Well suited to all preparation types.

Alturas Russet
Background: A late-maturing, high-yielding russet potato cultivar with
a high tuber specific gravity that was released in 2002 by the USDA/
ARS and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Idaho, Oregon, and
Washington. A high percentage of No. 1 potatoes is common with
this variety.
Appearance: Excellent conformation and an attractive medium-
brown color with an oblong shape. They tend to be short.
Flavor Profile: Culinary quality is high, with larger tubers suitable for
fresh market if heavily russeted skin is not essential.
Usage: Grown primarily for the processed market. Its resistance to
the accumulation of sugars during long-term storage also makes
it suitable for processing out of storage into french fries. Makes
excellent mashed potatoes.

                                      | Page 3
Bannock Russet
Background: Bannock Russet was released in 1999 by the USDA
Agricultural Research Service and the Agricultural Experiment Stations
of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. It is a late-maturing, oblong russet
variety with excellent fresh-pack and processing qualities.
Appearance: It has an attractive russeted skin and short tuber length.
Excellent culinary qualities also make it suitable for the fresh market.
Bannock Russet, in comparison with Russet Burbank, has consistently
produced greater U.S. No. 1 yields.
Flavor Profile: Similar to Russet Burbank.
Usage: When stored at 45°F, the Bannock Russet produces a lighter fry
color and has a lower glucose concentration than a Russet Burbank.
Medium to high solids.

Blazer Russet
Background: Named a variety in 2005, this is one of the newest
graduates of the potato-breeding program of U.S. university research
scientists in the Intermountain West and Pacific. It is ready to harvest
earlier than other leading potatoes, meaning the Blazer Russet can
replenish dwindling supplies of potatoes remaining in cold storage
from the previous harvest.
Appearance: The oblong, medium to large tubers average about 7 to
8 oz. each. They have characteristic light russeting on their brown to
tan skin, with firm, cream-white, or white flesh inside.
Flavor Profile: Similar to Russet Burbank; yields dry and fluffy baked
potatoes and golden fries with crisp outer flesh and dry mashed
flavor center.
Usage: Well suited for fresh-market sale or for potato processors to
make into frozen potato products.

Classic Russet
Background: Released by the Tri-State Breeding Program in 2009,
this early to medium variety is a possible replacement for the popular
Norkotah. It has excellent fresh-merit ratings and exceeds other
leading potatoes in its overall score.
Appearance: Classic Russet has excellent tuber shape and appearance,
and a high proportion of No. 1s, high solids, and good fry color.
Flavor Profile: The Classic Russet has a higher protein content than
many of the standard russet varieties (22–32 percent greater). It also
has a high culinary rating, with qualities similar to Russet Burbank. It
is light and fluffy in baking and produces light fries after harvest and
shortly thereafter.
Usage: Sold in fresh-pack markets and processed right out of the field
or during the early storage season.

   Idaho Potato Commission | Page 4
Clearwater Russet
Background: Released by the Tri-State Program in 2009, this is a
medium to late variety for both fresh and processing markets. It has
a high protein content, measuring 38 percent greater than Russet
Burbank. This variety has an exceptionally high yield average and
specific gravity, along with high solids.
Appearance: It produces oblong tubers with brown, medium-heavy
russet skin. The eyes are shallow in depth and intermediate in number
and are evenly distributed. Tuber set is low, and average tuber size is
medium. The flesh is white to creamy white and firm.
Flavor Profile: Qualities similar to Russet Burbank. A light and fluffy
baker with excellent fry characteristics and taste, often outperforming
Ranger Russet and Russet Burbank in tests.
Usage: Its excellent fry color out of storage and its attractiveness make
this variety suitable for both processing and fresh-market usage. It has
a high specific gravity and is resistant to sugar ends, as well as most
internal and external tuber defects.

Ranger Russet
Background: Ranger Russet is a medium- to late-maturing russet
potato jointly released by the USDA and the University of Idaho in
1991. It has high solids and is used mostly for frozen processing and
occasionally for fresh pack.
Appearance: Long and slightly flattened shape with a medium-russet-
color skin and white flesh. Eyes are numerous and medium to deep.
Produces a consistently long shape and high percentage of U.S. No. 1
Flavor Profile: Culinary traits: bakes up dry and fluffy with outstanding
potato flavor. Fries crisp and light golden in color.
Usage: Grown primarily for the processed market. Because of the high
specific gravity (averaging 1.095 in Idaho) and low sugars, this variety
processes well for lightly colored fries with good texture.

Umatilla Russet
Background: Umatilla Russet was jointly released by Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, and the ARS/USDA in 1998. This cultivar has
attributes that make it an excellent choice for frozen processing.
Appearance: Attributes include a high specific gravity, good fry color,
uniform tuber shape, and good resistance to internal physiological
disorders. Umatilla produces significantly more U.S. No. 1 tubers 12 oz.
or larger than the Russet Burbank typically does.
Flavor Profile: Taste test panels have rated the flavor and texture of
Umatilla to be at least as good as or better than Russet Burbank.
Usage: Grown for fresh and frozen french fry processing, with fry
colors lighter than the Russet Burbank. In general, Umatilla Russet has
less glucose and sucrose accumulation in storage compared to that of
Russet Burbank.

                                      | Page 5

Traditionally, Idaho has been known for its russet potatoes.
After all, that’s what made us famous! We grow billions of
 pounds of potatoes each year—most of which are russet
varieties. But many acres are now devoted to reds, yellows,
and other niche varieties. So we continue to be a one-stop
   shop for ordering a wide array of excellent varieties.

      All Blue
      Appearance: Smooth, oblong, medium size; deep blue to almost purple skin.
      Flavor Profile: Moist, firm flesh with slightly grainy texture.
      Usage: Fresh market. Especially suited to potato salads.

      Ama Rosa
      Appearance: Small to medium-size, firm, oblong-shaped tubers with bright red skin
      and deep red flesh.
      Flavor Profile: Sweet and creamy fingerlings.
      Usage: Ideal for baking, roasting, and grilling. They also make mouth-watering and
      colorful potato chips because they retain their sweetness and bright red color.

      Appearance: Small to medium-size round tubers with golden skin and yellow flesh.
      Smooth and well rounded. Skin has a silk-like finish.
      Flavor Profile: Exceptional flavor. Some describe it as having a unique, light, nut-
      like flavor.
      Usage: Best served roasted or as french fries; often seen as the standard for
      European-style or Belgian fries.

                       Idaho Potato Commission | Page 6
Cal Red
Appearance: The tubers have a bright red skin color, round and smooth shape,
shallow eyes, and a medium specific gravity for reds. White flesh.
Flavor Profile: Waxy; makes a good potato salad; skin color stays red.
Usage: Fresh market.

French Fingerling
Appearance: Large fingerling tubers with smooth, dark, rose-red skin and waxy,
yellow flesh.
Flavor Profile: Has a delicate, nutty flavor.
Usage: Especially suited to potato salads, roasting, or sautéing.

Huckleberry Gold
Appearance: Round to oval tubers with purple skin and yellow flesh noted for
their excellent culinary qualities and high level of antioxidants.
Flavor Profile: Good potato flavor.
Usage: Primarily used for mashed potatoes and in salad preparations. Roasting
or boiling are also popular cooking procedures.

Ida Rose
Appearance: Oblong tubers with bright red skin that retains color during storage
and moist, firm, white flesh. The skin can russet slightly in light soils.
Flavor Profile: Considered to be an excellent potato for baking, microwaving,
and boiling. Ranks high in taste tests.
Usage: General purpose. Popular as a salad potato.

Appearance: Bright yellow flesh with pale yellow skin.
Flavor Profile: Waxy type. Suitable for boiling because it stays firm and does not
readily discolor.
Usage: General purpose. Popular as a salad potato.

                                       | Page 7
Appearance: Tubers are oblong, smooth, slightly flattened, and medium red, with
shallow eyes. Seldom off-type in shape. Color decreases after maturity. The deep,
dark-red skin color is appealing when prepared with the skin on. White flesh. Baby
reds typically command a premium price.
Flavor Profile: Moist texture, as the specific gravity is low to intermediate. Excellent
potato flavor.
Usage: Fresh—excellent for boiling, roasting, and salad preparations.

Purple Passion
Appearance: Purple skin and dark purple flesh. High in antioxidants; ideal for fresh
fingerling market, with few tuber defects.
Flavor Profile: Excellent fingerling flavor.
Usage: Fresh market.

Purple Peruvian
Appearance: Fingerling tubers with purple skin and dry, earthy, bright purple flesh.
Flavor Profile: Mild potato flavor.
Usage: Especially suited to potato salads, roasting, or sautéing.

Red La Soda
Appearance: Light red or pink color, oval shape with smooth skin and a deep red
skin color. Eyes have medium depth.
Flavor Profile: Considered good for baking and boiling. Ranks high in taste tests. Its
moderate specific gravity makes this a somewhat unusual red variety and provides a
drier, fluffier texture than is common with reds.
Usage: Fresh market.

Red Thumb Fingerling
Appearance: Red skin, red flesh, and smooth skin make this 1-by-2-inch tuber highly
Flavor Profile: It is sweeter than Russian Banana potatoes but not as starchy as some
potato varieties.
Usage: This variety is best when roasted and is also suitable for potato salads.

Ruby Crescent
Appearance: Plants produce rosy-skinned tubers with moderately dry, yellow flesh.
Flavor Profile: Mild, slightly nutty flavor.
Usage: Especially suited to potato salads or roasting.

                    Idaho Potato Commission | Page 8
Russian Banana
Appearance: Small fingerling tubers with buff-yellow skin and light yellow,
waxy-textured flesh.
Flavor Profile: Has a rich, buttery flavor.
Usage: Especially suited to potato salads, roasting, or sautéing.

Terra Rosa
Appearance: Red skin and red flesh, oblong shape.
Flavor Profile: Similar to other reds; ranks well in taste tests.
Usage: Ideal for microwaving, frying, or baking; chips retain rosy color
and resist fading.

Yellow Finn
Appearance: Dark yellow, waxy flesh; flattened pear or oval shape; light,
tan-yellow skin.
Flavor Profile: Waxiness gives it a moist texture accompanied by a rich,
buttery taste that is slightly sweeter than Yukon Gold.
Usage: Primarily fresh. Boiled, fried, baked, and mashed. Often used in
potato salads.

Yukon Gem
Appearance: This round-oblong, yellow-fleshed tuber has an optimal size
profile. It has pink, shallow eyes.
Flavor Profile: Good waxy to drier texture with a golden buttery taste.
Usage: Excellent processed, with a notable taste profile for products such as
chips. An excellent replacement or alternative to Yukon Gold for the fresh
market. Also has been suitable for organic production.

Yukon Gold
Usage: Relatively light yellow skin color; yellow interior with moist flesh.
Shallow eyes that are well distributed. A medium specific gravity.
Flavor Profile: Originally marketed as having a buttery flavor, which comes
from a combination of the yellow flesh and moist texture. Good potato
Usage: In foodservice, chefs have gravitated to the Yukon Gold image as
a positive one for menu branding. Primarily used as mashed and in salad
preparations. Roasting or boiling are also popular cooking procedures.

                                       | Page 9
Licensed Fresh

                   Licensed fresh shippers are
                     Idaho-based companies that work
                     with Idaho® potato growers to
                     receive, sort, pack, and ship
                   products out from an active shed.

Arrowhead Potato Company                                           

Mailing Address                        This company is an exporter                          Brands:     Varieties:
PO Box 425                                                                                  Arrowhead   Russet Burbank
                                       Operating Season: Year-round
Rupert, ID 83350                                                                            Buffalo     Russet Norkotah
                                       Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight
Physical Shipping Facility
223 Scott Avenue                       Location: In or near area 2 on the map
Rupert, ID 83350                       Shed ID: 55

Tel   (208) 436-1209                   Foodservice Packs Available:
Fax (208) 436-0775                     No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Email     40 - 120
                                       Foodservice No. 2s:
Contact                                                          10 oz     12 oz
Richard Fletcher, Sales Manager                 6 oz min       and above and above   Bulk         Carton       ×             ×
 (208) 436-1239                        Paper        ×             ×

                                       Retail Packs Available (lbs):
                                                4   5      8     10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
                                       Paper                                     ×
                                       Poly         ×            × × ×
                                       Mesh         ×            ×               ×

                                           Idaho Potato Commission | Page 10
Bench Mark Potato Co.                             

Mailing Address                         This company is an exporter                          Brands:               Varieties:
4799 S Highway 191                                                                           Farm Fresh            Russet Burbank
                                        Operating Season: Year-round
Rexburg, ID 83440                                                                            Pride of the Valley   Russet Norkotah
                                        Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight               Sutton Brothers
Physical Shipping Facility
4799 S Highway 191                      Location: In or near area 4 on the map
Rexburg, ID 83440                       Shed ID: 86

Tel   (208) 356-9295 | (208) 356-7321   Foodservice Packs Available:
Fax (208) 356-9217                      No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Email                    40 - 120, 10 oz bakers

Contacts                                Foodservice No. 2s:
                                                                  10 oz     12 oz
Kent Sutton, General Manager                     6 oz min       and above and above   Bulk
Peggy Arnzen, Sales                     Carton       ×             ×
                                        Paper        ×             ×
Sven Erickson, Sales and Trucking       Burlap       ×             ×

                                        Retail Packs Available (lbs):
                                                 4   5      8     10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
                                        Paper                                     ×
                                        Poly         × × × × ×
                                        Mesh         ×   ×

Circle Valley Produce, LLC
Mailing Address                         Operating Season: Year-round                         Brands:               Varieties:
PO Box 51260                            Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight               Circle Valley         Russet Burbank
Idaho Falls, ID 83405                                                                        CV                    Russet Norkotah
                                        Location: In or near area 4 on the map
Physical Shipping Facility
1370 Burgess                            Shed ID: 69
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
                                        Foodservice Packs Available:
Tel   (208) 524-2628                    No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Fax   (208) 524-2630                    40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards
                                        Foodservice No. 2s:
Contact                                                           10 oz     12 oz
Kirk Hart, Manager                               6 oz min       and above and above   Bulk                 Carton       ×             ×
 (208) 524-2628                         Paper        ×             ×

                                        Other No. 2 Sizes:

                                        Retail Packs Available (lbs):
                                                 4   5      8     10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
                                        Paper                                     ×
                                        Poly         × × × ×
                                        Mesh         × × ×

                                        | Page 11
Eagle Eye Produce                  
Eagle Eye Produce is here for all of your potato needs. We grow, pack, and
ship russets, reds, yellows, whites, and organic potatoes. We also have
equipment to pack specialty items and sizes, so give us a call. Our goal is to
provide a one-stop-shop customer experience with superior customer service
and excellent quality year-round.                                                                    PREMIUM PRODUCE

Mailing Address                            Slade Scott, Sales                       Location: In or near area 4 on the map
1095 N Woodruff Ave                             Shed ID:
Idaho Falls, ID 83401                        (208) 557-2528                          32 Eagle Eye Produce—Idaho Falls
Corporate Office Address                   Shilo Copenhaver, Sales                   443 Eagle Eye Produce—Twin Falls
4050 E Lincoln Road               
Idaho Falls, ID 83401                       (208) 557-2528                          Foodservice Packs Available:
                                                                                    No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Physical Shipping Facility Addresses       Al Guariglia, Potato Sales
                                                                                    40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards
4050 E. Lincoln Rd                
Idaho Falls, ID 83401                       (208) 557-2528                          Other No. 1 Sizes:
                                                                                    35 ct, 12 oz bakers,
2570 Eldridge Ave.                         Danny Goodyear, Sales
                                                                                    foil-wrapped bakers
Twin Falls, ID 83301              
                                            (208) 557-2528                          Foodservice No. 2s:
                                                                                                              10 oz     12 oz
Tel    (208) 557-2528                      John Mickulin, Potato Sales                       6 oz min       and above and above   Bulk
Toll-Free 800-432-4671                           Carton       ×             ×         ×         ×
Fax (208) 557-2535                                                                  Paper        ×             ×         ×         ×
                                            (208) 557-2528
Email                                                   Burlap
                                           McKray Poole, Potato Sales
                                               Other No. 2 Sizes:
Contacts                                                                            6 oz min and 10 oz min in 50 lb mesh
Lance Poole, Executive VP                   (208) 557-2528                 Nate Giles, Potato Sales                 Retail Packs Available (lbs):
 (208) 557-2528                                           4   5      8     10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
Jared Neville, Director of Potato Supply    (208) 557-2528                          Paper          ×                          ×          ×                 Michael Daroshefski, Key Account         Poly     × × × × × ×                                 ×
 (208) 557-2531                             Sales Manager                           Mesh     × × × ×                          ×          ×
Coleman Oswald, Director of Sales                 (208) 557-2528
                                                                                    Retail Packs Also Available In:
 (208) 656-7284                            Dawn Ewing, Key Account Rep
                                                                                    1.5 lb Medley
Joe Ange, Director of Business    
                                                                                    3 lb Poly
 Development                                (208) 557-2528
                                                                                    Tray packs (2- and 4-count)                  Amanda Baker, Key Account Sales          Shrink-wrapped (microwaveable)
 (208) 227-8282                                 Foil-wrapped
Matt Simmons, Idaho Russet                  (208) 557-2528                          Microwaveable Pillow Packs
 Sales Manager                             Taylor Reese, Key Account Rep            Sliced & Diced Refrigerated Potato Items        
 (208) 932-6354                                                                     Brands:                        Varieties:
                                            (208) 557-2528
                                                                                    Farm Select                    Russet Burbank
Stetson Banta, Red, Yellow, Organic        Karen Guzman, Key Account Sales          Fresh Blends                   Russet Norkotah
  Potato Sales Manager                          Fresh Harvest                  Cal Red              (208) 557-2528                          Harvest Select                 Chieftain Red
  (208) 589-1905                                                                    Harvest Time                   Dark Red Norland
                                           Tifanee Pond, Transportation
Alejandra Taylor, Export Sales                 Organic Select                 French Fingerling              (208) 557-2528                          Simply Good                    Ida Rose
 (208) 557-2528                                                                                                    Norland
                                                                                                                   Purple Peruvian
Wyatt Poole, Export Sales                  This company is an organic                                              Red La Soda                potato supplier                                                         Ruby Crescent
 (208) 557-2528                                                                                                    Russian Banana
                                           This company is an exporter
Nick Beahm, Sales                                                                                                  Yukon Gold
                                           Operating Season: Year-round
 (208) 557-2528                            Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight

                                              Idaho Potato Commission | Page 14
GPOD of Idaho                  
For over 50 years, GPOD of Idaho has worked with local growers to provide the
best-quality Russet Burbank potatoes available.

Mailing Address                            Marketed by GPOD of Idaho                            Retail Packs Available (lbs):
PO Box 514                                                                                               4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
                                           This company is an exporter
Shelley, ID 83274                                                                               Paper                             ×
                                           Operating Season: Year-round                         Poly     × × × × × ×
Physical Shipping Facility
865 E 1400 N                               Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight
Shelley, ID 83274                          Location: In or near area 4 on the map               Retail Packs Also Available In:
Tel   (208) 357-7646                       Shed ID: 88                                          Bulk Boxes
      Sales (208) 357-7691                                                                      Brands:                  Varieties:
Fax (208) 357-5151                         Foodservice Packs Available:
                                           No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:                            COOK-RITE                Russet Burbank
                                           40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards                    French Fry               Russian Banana
Contacts                                   Foodservice No. 2s:                                  Junior
Calvin Butler, Sales                                                 10 oz     12 oz                             6 oz min       and above and above   Bulk
                                                                                                The Great Potato
 (208) 357-7691                            Carton                                               Town & Country
 (208) 357-7692                            Paper        ×             ×
Ryan Bybee, Sales Manager                       Other No. 2 Sizes:
 (208) 357-7691                            Mesh No. 2 Pack — 6 oz min and
 (208) 357-7692                            10 oz and above

Idaho Fresh Produce, Inc.
Mailing Address                            Foodservice Packs Available:                         Marketed by Idaho Fresh
PO Box 2440                                No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:                            Produce, Inc.
Idaho Falls, ID 83403                      40 - 120, 10 oz bakers                               Shed 71
Physical Shipping Facility                 Foodservice No. 2s:                                  Rocky Mountain Produce
1550 Midway                                                          10 oz     12 oz
Ammon, ID 83406                                     6 oz min       and above and above   Bulk   Mailing Address
                                           Carton       ×             ×                         PO Box 356
Tel   (208) 535-0077                       Paper        ×             ×                         Rigby, ID 83442
Fax   (208) 535-7590                                                                            Physical Shipping Facility
                                           Other No. 2 Sizes:                                   3908 E 200 N
Contacts                                   Mesh No. 2 Pack — 6 oz min and                       Rigby, ID 83442
Chad Webster, Sales                        10 oz and above                                                                            Tel      (208) 745-6651
 (208) 535-0077 ext 1                      Other No. 1 Sizes:                                   Fax      (208) 745-9082
                                           50 lb cartons, bulk
Wes Parkinson, Sales                                                                            Contacts                        Foodservice No. 2s:                                  Chad Webster, Sales
 (208) 535-0077 ext 3                      Paper or Carton                             
                                                                                                 (208) 528-9977
                                           Retail Packs Available (lbs):
This company is an exporter                                                                     Kirk Webster, Sales
                                                    4   5      8     10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
Operating Season: Year-round               Paper                                     × 
                                           Poly         × × × × ×                                (208) 535-0077
Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight     Mesh         ×   ×                                   Brands:
Location: In or near area 4 on the map     Burlap
Shed ID: 71 (Rocky Mountain Produce)       Brands:                        Varieties:            Value
                                           Elite                          Russet Burbank
                                           Value                          Russet Norkotah

                                           | Page 15
Mart Produce, LLC                
Mart Produce was established in 1980 by a group of local farms. For more than
30 years, we’ve supplied a large portion of the potatoes run through the shed. In         PRODUCE
                                                                                          RUPERT IDAHO
2014, two other partners who had been key suppliers for many years, Jentzsch-
Kearl Farms and Grant 4-D Farms, were added as partners to the business. We
operate 12 months out of the year in order to provide a regular supply of potatoes for our customers. Our goal is to
provide a consistent supply of good-quality potatoes at a fair market price.

Mailing Address                         Marketed by ProSource Produce, LLC               Retail Packs Available (lbs):
PO Box 34                                                                                         4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
                                        This company is an exporter
Rupert, ID 83350                                                                         Paper                             ×
                                        Operating Season: August - July                  Poly     × × × × × ×
Physical Shipping Facility                                                               Mesh     × × × ×
100 E 70 N                              Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight           Burlap
Rupert, ID 83350                        Location: In or near area 2 on the map
                                                                                         Brands:                  Varieties:
Tel   (208) 436-0611                    Shed ID: 49                                      Circle T                 Russet Burbank
      (208) 928-6929                                                                     Mart Produce             Russet Norkotah
Fax (208) 436-4372                      Foodservice Packs Available:                     ProSource
Email            No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:                        Teton Tater
                                        40 - 120, 10 oz bakers
Contacts                                Foodservice No. 2s:
Craig Swensen, Sales                                          10 oz     12 oz                      6 oz min   and above and above   Bulk
                                        Carton     ×           ×                   ×
 (208) 928-6929
                                        Paper      ×           ×                   ×
Corey Griswold, Sales                   Burlap
 (208) 928-6929
Onni Lufkin, Sales
 (208) 928-6929

                                            Idaho Potato Commission | Page 16
Nonpareil—Idaho Potato Packers                                                   
Nonpareil—Idaho Potato Packers is a four-generation, family-owned and -operated
packer/shipper, known for the highest-quality Idaho russet potatoes available for 75 years.

Mailing Address                           Marketed by
411 West Collins Road                     Nonpareil—Idaho Potato Packers
Blackfoot, ID 83221                       This company is an
Physical Shipping Facility                organic potato supplier
411 West Collins Road                     This company is an exporter                          Retail Packs Available (lbs):
Blackfoot , ID 83221
                                          Operating Season: August - July                               4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
                                                                                               Paper                             ×
Tel    (208) 785-3030                     Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight               Poly     × × × × × ×
Toll-Free 800-522-2223                                                                         Mesh       × × ×                  ×
Fax (208) 785-3656                        Location: In or near area 3 on the map               Burlap                            ×
Email                 Shed ID: 82
                                                                                               Brands:                  Varieties:
Contacts                                  Foodservice Packs Available:                         Angus                    Russet Burbank
Stephen Abend, Chief of Operations        No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:                            Broadway                 Russet Norkotah                     40 - 120, 10 oz bakers                               Idaho Potato
                                                                                                 Packers (IPP)
Jace Katseanes, CFO                       Foodservice No. 2s:
                                                                                               Magic                                        10 oz     12 oz
                                                   6 oz min   and above and above   Bulk       Nonpareil
Rulon Robinson, Sales Manager             Carton     ×           ×                             Prize Pack                   Paper      ×           ×
Dandee Hale, Sales

Pleasant Valley Potato, Inc.                                
Pleasant Valley is owned and operated by four family farms: Kim Wahlen
Farms, Val Wahlen and Sons, B.J. Christensen and Sons, and Gehring Ag. Each
was established over 100 years ago. Nearly 100% of the potatoes packed by
Pleasant Valley are produced by one of these four family-farming operations.

Mailing Address                           This company is an exporter                          Foodservice No. 2s:
PO Box 538                                                                                     Burlap, Paper, or Carton, 50 lbs, 10 oz
                                          Operating Season: Year-round
Aberdeen, ID 83210                                                                             and above, 6 oz and above
                                          Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight
Physical Shipping Facility                                                                     Retail Packs Available (lbs):
275 E Elmore Ave                          Location: In or near area 3 on the map                        4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
Aberdeen, ID 83210                        Shed ID: 84                                          Paper                             ×      ×
                                                                                               Poly     × × × × × ×
Tel   (208) 397-4194                                                                           Mesh       × × ×                         ×
                                          Foodservice Packs Available:                         Burlap                            ×
Fax (208) 397-4756                        No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Email rwahlen@                            40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards                                                                 Brands:                  Varieties:
                                          Other No. 1 Sizes:                                   Aberdeen                 Russet Burbank
Contacts                                  10 oz and above, 12 oz min, 15 oz min,               Allied Growers           Russet Norkotah
Ryan Wahlen, Sales Manager                18 oz min, 50 lb cartons                             Gem State                                                              Gourmet
                                          Foodservice No. 2s:
                                                                                               Pleasant Valley
                                                                10 oz     12 oz
Teresa Esparza, Sales/Transportation               6 oz min   and above and above   Bulk       Red Baron        Carton     ×                                         The Finest
                                          Paper      ×           ×
                                          Burlap     ×           ×

                                          | Page 17
Potandon Produce, LLC                             
Potandon Produce is a full-line shipper of fresh potatoes and fresh onions with
national distribution. Major brands include Green Giant Fresh, Klondike Brands,
The Valley, and multiple shipper and private labels. Potandon is the largest marketer
of fresh potatoes in the nation, with Idaho being its largest year-round supply base.

Mailing Address                          Glen Reynolds, VP Variety Sales
1210 Pier View Drive                      & Business Development
Idaho Falls, ID 83402           
                                          (336) 760-1453
Physical Shipping Facility
1210 Pier View Drive                     John Palczynski, Regional Sales
Idaho Falls, ID 83402                     Manager–Midwest                               Retail Packs Available (lbs):
                                                                                                 4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
                                                      Paper                             ×   ×
Tel    (208) 524-4700                     (630) 800-8472                                Poly     × × × × × ×                  ×
Fax    (208) 524-2420                                                                   Mesh       × × × ×                ×   ×
                                         Dan Fitzgerald, Marketing Manager
                                                                                        Burlap                            × × ×
Contacts                                  (208) 557-5139                                Retail Packs Also Available In:
Mel Davenport, COO                                                                  3 lb poly, 1 lb pouch, 1.5 lb pouch,
                                         This company is an                             2 lb pouch, 1.5 lb mesh
 (208) 557-5109                          organic potato supplier
Steve Ottum, COO                                                                        Brands:
                                         This company is an exporter                    Gold Emblem
  (208) 557-5103                         Operating Season: Year-round                   Green Giant Fresh
                                                                                        Harvest Fresh
Dick Thomas, Senior VP of Sales          Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight
                                                                                        Klondike Brands                    Location: In or near areas 3 and 4 on          Potandon
 (208) 557-5150                          the map                                        Sunset
JP Surerus, Director of Variety Sales    Shed IDs: see next page                        The Valley
 (208) 557-5165                                                                         Varieties:
                                         Foodservice Packs Available:
                                                                                        Russet Burbank           Klondike
Joey Dutton, Key Accounts /              No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
                                                                                        Russet Norkotah           Goldust®
 Onions Sales Manager                    40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards
                                                                                        Agata                    Klondike Rose®                    Other No. 1 Sizes:                             Almera                   Lollipop
 (208) 557-5147                          Bulk, 50 lb cartons, all sizes                 Anouk                    M
Stephanie Bench, Director of             RPC containers, Defor containers               Bellanita                Malou
  Foodservice Sales                                                                     C322 (Sundrop)           Melody
                                         Foodservice No. 2s:                                                                   Canberra                 Noelle
                                                             10 oz     12 oz
  (208) 557-5156                                  6 oz min and above and above   Bulk   Carolina                 Norland
                                         Carton     ×         ×         ×         ×     Cecile                   Pure Gold
Blaine Heiner, Wholesale Sales Manager   Paper      ×         ×         ×         ×     Cerata                   Purple Majesty                    Burlap     ×         ×         ×               Chieftain                Queen
 (208) 557-5199
                                         Other No. 2 Sizes:                             Chieftain Red            Red La Soda
Kathy Rankin, Retail Sales Manager       6 oz and above, 10 oz and above,               Ciklaman                 Red Sonia                    burlap, paper, carton, mesh, bulk,             Coronada                 Ricarda
 (208) 557-5136                          bulk bins, bulk tote bins, and bags,           Dark Red Norland         Rosara
Carter Bray, VP–General Manager          50 lb cartons, all sizes                       Eileen                   Valery
 Variety Potato Division                                                                Fontane                  Violete                                                                     Georgina                 White Russet
 (208) 419-4184                                                                         Innate                    Cultivate
Jason Maas, Key Accounts Manager
 (209) 557-5135

                                            Idaho Potato Commission | Page 18
Potandon Produce, LLC                           
Companies Marketed by Potandon Produce, LLC

SHED 8                       SHED 13                           SHED 22                       SHED 24
SunRiver of Idaho, Inc.      Driscoll Potatoes, Inc.           Liberty Gold                  Idaho Select, Inc.
                                                               Potato Company
Mailing Address              Mailing Address
PO Box 399                   PO Box 129                        Mailing Address
Aberdeen, ID 83210           American Falls, ID 83211          PO Box 550
                                                               Blackfoot, ID 83221
Physical Shipping Facility   Physical Shipping Facility                                      Fresh Pack Idaho® Potatoes
351 E Lincoln                120 Adams St                      Physical Shipping Facility
                                                                                             Mailing Address
Aberdeen, ID 83210           American Falls, ID 83211          415 West Collins Siding
                                                                                             PO Box 519
Tel (208) 397-4168           Tel (208) 226-5233                                              Aberdeen, ID 83210
                                                               Blackfoot, ID 83221
Fax (208) 397-3075           Fax (208) 226-5029
                                                                                             Physical Shipping Facility
                             Email kevin.warren                Tel (208) 785-8679
Contact                                                                                      75 East Fremont Ave
                                   Fax (208) 785-8928
Jeff Prescott                                                                                Aberdeen, ID 83210
 Shipping Manager            Contact
                                                                                             Tel (208) 397-4110
 shipping@                   Kevin Warren,                     Contact
                                                                                             Fax (208) 397-4494         Business Manager                 Mark Thompson,
 (208) 397-4168               kevin.warren@                     General Manager              Contact
                                     Ethan Crook,
                              (208) 226-5233                    (208) 785-8679                General Manager
Big Wheel
MoonRiver                    Brands                            Brands
                                                                                              (208) 397-4110
SunRiver                     Driscoll                          Green Giant
The Best                     Green Giant Fresh                 SunFresh                      Brands
                             SunFresh                                                        Ida-Select

SHED 27                      SHED 89                           SHED 98
Idaho Sunfresh, LLC          Gold Emblem Produce /             Walters
                             Taylor & Sons, Inc.               Produce, Inc.
Mailing Address
PO Box 216                   Mailing Address                   Mailing Address
Rigby, ID 83442              PO Box 51780                      PO Box 177
                             Idaho Falls, ID 83405             Newdale, ID 83436
Physical Shipping Facility
                                                               Physical Shipping Facility
150 N Railroad Ave           Physical Shipping Facility
                                                               2737 East Highway 33
Rigby, ID 83442              7891 South Yellowstone            Newdale, ID 83436
Tel (208) 745-6641                                             Tel (208) 458-4105
                             Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Fax (208) 745-9264                                             Fax (208) 458-4106
                             Tel (208) 522-7770                Email
                             Fax (208) 522-7470      
Jim Staggs,
  Operations Manager                                       Contact
  (208) 745-6641             Jim Staggs,
                                                               Jeffrey Walters, President
                               Operations Manager    
Kendall Rolfe,
                                (208) 458-4105
 General Manager
 kendall@                                                      Brett Johnson, Operations          Kendall Rolfe,                      Manager
 (208) 745-6641               General Manager        
                            (208) 458-4105
                              208-745-6641                     Brands
                             Brands                            Aristocrat      Newdale
                                                               Eagle           SunFresh
                             Gold Emblem
                                                               Green Giant     Sunspiced
                                                               Jumbo           Tasty Tater

                                        | Page 19
Rigby Produce, Inc.
Mailing Address                      Physical Shipping Facility Address       Foodservice Packs Available:
PO Box 628                           (Hamer)                                  No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Rigby, ID 83442                      2379 East 2300 North                     40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards
                                     Hamer, ID 83425                          Other No. 1 Sizes
Corporate Office Address
396 N Yellowstone Highway            Contacts (Hamer)                         50 lb cartons, 100 lbs, 10 oz and above,
Rigby, ID 83442                      Clint Day,                               12 oz and above
                                               Foodservice No. 2s:
Physical Shipping Facility Address
(Rigby)                              Beau Stoddard,                                               10 oz     12 oz
                                                                                       6 oz min and above and above   Bulk
396 N Yellowstone Highway                 Carton       ×       ×         ×         ×
Rigby, ID 83442                                                               Paper        ×       ×         ×         ×
                                     Tel   (208) 745-6626                     Burlap       ×       ×         ×         ×
Contacts (Rigby)
                                     Fax   (208) 745-9278
Dale Mickelsen, President                                                     Other No. 2 Sizes:                                                        Mesh
                                     Operating Season: Year-round
Bryan Mickelsen, General Manager
                                     Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight   Retail Packs Available (lbs):
                                     Location: In or near area 4 on the map            4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
Scott Mickelsen, Business Manager                                             Paper                               ×         Shed ID:                                 Poly     × × × × × ×
                                       10 Rigby Produce—Rigby                 Mesh       ×   ×
Nick Fullmer, Sales Representative
                                       28 Rigby Produce—Hamer                 Burlap                              × ×
Steve Wasden, Sales Representative
                                                                              Retail Packs Also Available In:
                                                                              3 lb poly, bulk tote bins, and bags

                                                                              Brands:                  Varieties:
                                                                              PPI                      Russet Burbank
                                                                              Rigby Produce            Russet Norkotah
                                                                              Royal Crest

                                   | Page 21
Coeur D’Alene
                Idaho Potato
                Growing Areas

                                                                                       Sugar City
                                        Sun Valley                                    Rexburg
                                                                                Idaho Falls
1          ✪ Boise
             Mountain Home
                             Shoshone                                     Pocatello
                                                                American Falls
                                 Twin Falls          Burley
Southwind Farms, Inc.                        
Southwind Farms, Inc., is a small group of farmers with a big commitment. Located in
the heart of the Snake River Valley in Idaho, we’ve been farming this land sustainably and
responsibly for four generations. Our products are pure, natural, and handpicked, ensuring
that only the very best crops make their way to your table.

Mailing Address                            Contacts                                    Foodservice Packs Available:
PO Box 606                                 Robert Tominaga, President                  Other No. 1 Sizes:
Heyburn, ID 83336                                   10 lb, 20 lb, or 50 lb cartons
Physical Shipping Facility                 Rodney Lake,
                                                                                       Retail Packs Available In:
450 21st St                                 Secretary/Treasurer: Agronomist,
Heyburn, ID 83336                           Market Development                         24-oz retail poly bag
Tel   (208) 436-8164                                                                   Brands:              Varieties:
                                           Jerry Tominaga, VP, Raw Production          Gourmet Select       Purple Fiesta
Fax (208) 436-8039                                Southwind Farms       Fingerling
                                           Wendy Cottom, Office Manager                 Gourmet             Red Thumb
                                   | 208-436-8164                                     Fingerling
                                                                                                            Russian Banana
                                           This company is an exporter
                                           Operating Season: Year-round
                                           Transportation: Motor Freight
                                           Location: In or near area 2 on the map

                                              Idaho Potato Commission | Page 24
Sun Valley Potato Growers, Inc.                             

Mailing Address                     Sue Rodriguez, Sales                     Foodservice Packs Available:
PO Box 59                                 No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Paul, ID 83347                                                               40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards
                                    Justin Jones, Sales
Physical Shipping Facility             Foodservice No. 2s:
380 W 75 S                                                                                       10 oz     12 oz
                                    Wendy Ceja, CSR                                   6 oz min and above and above   Bulk
Rupert, ID 83350                             Carton       ×        ×        ×
                                                                             Paper        ×        ×        ×
Tel   (208) 438-2605                Karen Werth, CSR
Fax (208) 438-8018                  Chris Hall, Transportation
Email                  Retail Packs Available (lbs):
                                                                                      4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
Contacts                                                                     Paper                               ×
Ty Erling, Sales                    Marketed by RPE, Inc.                    Poly         × × × × ×              This company is an exporter              Mesh         ×   ×                  ×
Dave Hagar, Sales                   Operating Season: Year-round
                                    Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight   Brands:                   Varieties:
Terrance Lindauer, Sales                                                     Greener Valley            Russet Burbank
                                    Location: In or near area 2 on the map                                               Old Oak Farms             Russet Norkotah
                                    Shed ID: 48                              Primos
Abraham Pelayo, Sales                                                  Sun Valley
                                                                             Two Good

                                 | Page 25
Sun-Glo of Idaho, Inc.                

Mailing Address                This company is an exporter
PO Box 300                     Operating Season: Year-round
Sugar City, ID 83448
                               Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight          Marketed by
Physical Shipping Facility
755 W 3rd S                    Location: In or near area 4 on the map          Sun-Glo of Idaho, Inc.
Sugar City, ID 83448           Shed ID: 17                                     SHED 87
                                                                               Webster Potato Company
Tel   (208) 356-7346           Foodservice Packs Available:          
Fax (208) 356-7351             No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Email   40 - 120, 10 oz bakers                          Mailing Address
                                                                               PO Box 448
Contacts                       Foodservice No. 2s:                             Rigby, ID 83442
                                                   10 oz     12 oz
Jill Cox, VP Sales                      6 oz min and above and above   Bulk    Physical Shipping Facility        Carton       ×         ×       ×         ×      182 S Railroad
  (208) 313-3650               Paper        ×         ×       ×         ×      Rigby, ID 83442
                                                                               Tel   (208) 745-6825
                                                                               Fax (208) 745-6939
                               Retail Packs Available (lbs):
                                        4   5    8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
                               Paper                               ×           Contact
                               Poly     × × × × × ×                            Jill Cox
                               Mesh       × × ×                    ×   
                               Burlap                              ×             (208) 313-3650

                               Brands:                    Varieties:           Brands
                               A Cut Above                Russet Burbank       Celebrity
                               Ace                        Russet Norkotah      Mighty Fine
                               Riverside Farms
                               Side Delights
                               Sun Supreme

                                  Idaho Potato Commission | Page 26
Wada Farms Potatoes                           

Wada Farms has been growing, packing, and shipping potatoes for over 75 years.
We provide a full selection of russets, reds, golds, chippers, organics, and fingerling
potatoes—in all sizes and packs—available for retail and foodservice customers.
We also offer value-added packages for retail and foodservice.

Mailing Address                               Eric Beck, Director of Marketing            Foodservice Packs Available:
2155 Providence Way                                          No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Idaho Falls, ID 83404                          (208) 542-2898                             40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards
Corporate Office Address                      Eden Adams, Account Manager                 Other No. 1 Sizes:
2155 Providence Way                                          Foil-wrapped cartons, chippers reds,
Idaho Falls, ID 83404                                                                     yellows and all organics
                                              Cindy Morgan, Packaging Coordinator
Physical Shipping Facility Addresses                        Foodservice No. 2s:
337 S 1400 W                                                                                                  10 oz     12 oz
                                              Kirk Yellowhair, Production Manager                  6 oz min and above and above   Bulk
Pingree, ID 83262                                            Carton       ×        ×        ×         ×
507 N. 3470 E.                                                                            Paper        ×        ×        ×         ×
                                              Eric Johnson, Director of Logistics         Burlap       ×        ×        ×         ×
Lewisville, ID 83347                 
900 University Blvd                            (208) 227-1406
                                                                                          Retail Packs Available (lbs):
Rexburg, ID 83440                             Terry Hansen, Transportation                         4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
545 N. 7th E.                                               Paper      × × × × ×   ×   ×
Sugar City, ID 83448                           (208) 227-1406                             Poly     × × × × × ×   ×   ×
                                                                                          Mesh       × × × × × × × × ×
322 N. Main St.                               Kevin King, Transportation                  Burlap     ×   ×       × × ×
Paul, ID 83347                       
                                               (208) 227-1406
                                                                                          Retail Packs Also Available In:
Tel   (208) 542-2898                                                                      Tray Packs – 2 ct, 3 ct, and 4 ct trays
                                              Marketed by Wada Farms
Fax (208) 542-2893                                                                        Foil-Wrap Tray Packs
                                              Marketing Group, LLC
Email                                                                  Value-Added packaging –
                                              This company is an                           1 lb, 1.25 lb, 1.5 lb –
Contacts                                      organic potato supplier                       Russets, Reds, Golds and Fingerlings
Bryan Wada, CEO                               This company is an exporter                 Microwave products                                                                     Mini-sized potatoes
                                              Operating Season: Year-round                3 lb poly/mesh
Kevin Stanger, President                         Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight      Brands:                   Restaurant
 (208) 542-2898                               Location: In or near areas 2, 3, and 4      Big Joe’s                  Quality
Joe Esta, Vice President                      on the map                                  Blackfoot Fresh            Gourmet                                                                        Dole                       Fingerlings
                                              Shed IDs:
 (208) 542-2898                                                                           Easy-Bakers               Sharp
                                                6 High Country Potato
                                                                                          Easy-Grillers             Smalls
Ben Josephson, Sales Manager                   34 Wada Farms Potatoes, Inc.
                                                                                          Genesis Organics          Tailgate Taters                            50 Magic Valley Produce, Inc.
                                                                                          Microwave in Bag          Tater Made
 (208) 542-2898                                70 Ball Brothers Produce
                                                                                                                    Wada Farms
                                               101 Moody Creek Produce, Inc.
Dave Barton, Sales                             167 Genesis Organics, LLC                                                                      Varieties:                Julinka
 (254) 848-4411                                                                           Russet Burbank            Lady Amarilla
Tate Brooks, Sales                                                                        Russet Norkotah           Modoc                                                                      Western Russet            Norland
 (208) 542-2898                                                                           Classic Russet            Purple Peruvian
                                                                                          Bintje                    Ranger Russet
Manny Carvajal, Sales                                                                     Chieftain                 Red Thumb                                                                     Ciklamen                  Fingerling
 (208) 542-2898                                                                           Dakota Crisp              Pacific Russet
Brock Rogers, Sales Assistant                                                             Dark Red Norland          Ruby Crescent                                                                     Exempla                   Russian Banana
                                                                                          Francisca                 Smilin’ Eyes
                                                                                          French Fingerling         Yellow Star
                                                                                          Gogu Valley Red           Yukon Gold
                                                                                          Huckleberry Gold

                                                 Idaho Potato Commission | Page 28
Wada Farms Potatoes                     

Companies Marketed by Wada Marketing Group

SHED 26                      SHED 50                         SHED 70
High Country Potato          Magic Valley Produce, Inc.      Ball Brothers Produce
Mailing Address              Mailing Address                 Mailing Address
PO Box 817                   PO Box 730                      PO Box 69
Rexburg, ID 83440            Paul, ID 83347                  Lewisville, ID 83431
Physical Shipping Facility   Physical Shipping Facility      Physical Shipping Facility
900 University Blvd          322 N Main St                   507 N 3470 E
Rexburg, ID 83440            Paul, ID 83347                  Lewisville, ID 83431
Tel   (208) 356-4402         Tel   (208) 438-2995            Tel   (208) 754-4651
Fax   (208) 356-9935         Fax   (208) 438-2559            Fax (208) 754-8530
Contact                      Contact
Bob Conger                   Dean Gibson, Controller         Contact           dean@                          Carl Ball
Brands                                                       Brands
                              (208) 438-2995
Dole                                                         Cheeburger
Oven King                    Brands                          Cross Valley
Valu King                    De-Lish                         Dole
Wada Farms                   Genuine                         Mark and Bill
                              Magic                          Mrs. Gerry’s
                             M.V.P.                          Peak
                             Nifty 50                        Sharp
                             Sawtooth                        Wada Farms

SHED 101                     SHED 167
Moody Creek Produce, Inc.    Genesis Organics, LLC           Contacts
Mailing Address                 Don Mcfarland, CEO/
PO Box 329                                                    Owner
                             Mailing Address
Sugar City, ID 83448                                          dmcfarland@
                             PO Box 5596
Physical Shipping Facility   Twin Falls, ID 83303-5596
                                                              (208) 734-0004
545 North 7th East           Corporate Office Address
Sugar City, ID 83448                                         Manuel Flores, COO/
                             22199 Kimberly Rd.
Tel   (208) 356-9447         Kimberly , ID 83341
Fax (208) 356-4373           Physical Shipping Facility
Email      138 S Custer St.                 (208) 420-1513
                             Glenns Ferry, ID 83623
                             Tel    (208) 366-3070
                                     (208) 313-8835
                             Fax (208) 366-3307
                             Email 	mflores@

                                      | Page 29
Walker Produce, Inc.
Mailing Address                             Operating Season: Year-round                   Retail Packs Available (lbs):
1070 Riverwalk Dr, Suite 200                                                                        4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
                                            Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight
Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                                                      Paper                               ×
                                            Location: In or near area 4 on the map         Poly         × × × × ×
Corporate Office Address                                                                   Mesh         ×   ×                  ×
3965 E Sunnyside Rd                         Shed ID: 38, 96                                Burlap                              × ×
Ammon, ID 83406                             Foodservice Packs Available:
Physical Shipping Facility Addresses        No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
3965 E Sunnyside Rd                         40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards              Brands:                   Varieties:
Ammon, ID 83406                                                                            Big W                     Russet Burbank
                                            Other No. 1 Sizes:
                                                                                           Light N Fluffy            Russet Norkotah
                                            12 oz bakers, 6 oz bakers, 35 count
Tel   (208) 522-3610                                                                       Nature’s Light –
Fax   (208) 522-0099                        Foodservice No. 2s:                              Probiotic
                                                                10 oz     12 oz            Tasti
                                                     6 oz min and above and above   Bulk
Contacts                                    Carton     ×         ×                   ×     Top Notch
Heath Gordon, Sales Manager                 Paper      ×         ×                   ×     Von’s                    Burlap     ×         ×                         Von’s Taters
                                                                                           Western Style
Sheena Cruz,
 Sales Support and Transportation

Wilcox, Floyd & Sons, Inc.                                 
The Wilcox family has been growing and shipping premium Idaho potatoes since 1948.
With over 70 years of experience, we have the ability to bring creative and sound solutions
to an evolving marketplace. We strive to be an industry leader and deliver best-in-class
results for our customers, growers, and supply partners.

Mailing Address                             Gary Treasure, Category Manager                Foodservice Packs Available:
1110 Golden Beauty Drive                                     No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Rexburg, ID 83440                            (208) 227-5149                                40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards
Physical Shipping Facility                  Josh Frederick,                                Foodservice No. 2s:
1110 Golden Beauty Drive                     Business Development Manager                                      10 oz     12 oz
                                                                                                    6 oz min and above and above   Bulk
Rexburg, ID 83440                  
                                                                                           Carton       ×        ×        ×
                                             (208) 227-5154                                Paper        ×        ×
Tel   (208) 356-6668                                                                       Burlap
                                            Brett Blood, Transportation Manager
Fax (208) 356-6669                 
Email                                                               Retail Packs Available (lbs):
                                             (208) 227-5159
                                                                                                    4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
Contacts                                                                                   Paper                               ×
                                            This company is an exporter                    Poly     × × × × × ×                           ×
Justin Reynolds, CEO
                                            Operating Season: Year-round                   Mesh       ×   ×                               ×                                                                    Burlap                              ×
 (208) 356-7563                             Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight
Derek Peterson, VP Shed Operations                                                         Brands:                   Varieties:
                                            Location: In or near area 4 on the map                                                                     Easy! Creations           Chieftain Red
 (208) 227-5155                             Shed ID: 110                                   Mother Earth              Dark Red Norland
                                                                                            Fresh                    French Fingerling
Nicole Rumsey,                                                                             Old Faithful Fries        Kennebec
 Director of Foodservice                                                                   Penny Pincher             Ludmilla                                                                    Tastewell                 Norland
 (208) 227-5135                                                                            Wilcox                    Purple Peruvian
Arturo Rodriguez, Export Manager                                                           Yellowstone Gold          Ruby Crescent                                                                                                 Russet Burbank
 (208) 227-5126                                                                                                      Russet Norkotah
                                                                                                                     Russian Banana
                                                                                                                     Yellow Gold
                                                                                                                     Yukon Gold

                                            | Page 31
Licensed Fresh

                             The sale of fresh Idaho® potatoes can be arranged through many
                              channels to reach the end user.

                               We acknowledge the ongoing work that Idaho-based potato
                               brokers do in moving a substantial amount of the Idaho® potato
                             crop to their customer bases in retail and foodservice.

Garnand Marketing, LLC                        

Mailing Address                         Contacts                                 Foodservice Packs Available:
1126 Eastland Dr N Ste 100              Kevin Adam, Managing Member              No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Twin Falls, ID 83301                                    40 - 120, 10 oz bakers, standards
                                         (208) 734-6095                          Foodservice No. 2s:
Physical Shipping Facility
                                        Jesse Rigel, Member                                          10 oz     12 oz
1126 Eastland Dr N Ste 100                                                                6 oz min and above and above   Bulk
Twin Falls, ID 83301                                                             Carton       ×        ×        ×
                                         (208) 734-6095                          Paper        ×
                                        Gary Garnand,                            Burlap
Tel   (208) 734-5744
                                         Independent Contractor
      (208) 731-5744                                                             Other No. 2 Sizes:
Fax (208) 734-6951                                                               50# Mesh
                                         (208) 734-5744
                                                                                 Retail Packs Available (lbs):
                                        Marketed by Gary Garnand,                         4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
                                        Jesse Rigel, and Kevin Adam              Paper                               ×
                                                                                 Poly         ×       × ×
                                        Operating Season: Year-round                          ×       ×
                                        Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight   Burlap

                                        Location: In or near area 2 on the map
                                                                                 Retail Packs Also Available In:
                                                                                 50# sized cartons
                                                                                 Russet Burbank
                                                                                 Russet Norkotah
                                                                                 Dakota Crisp

                                           Idaho Potato Commission | Page 34
Kingston Fresh       

Mailing Address                    Jessica Burtenshaw,                      Foodservice Packs Available:
477 Shoup Ave, Suite 207            Key Accounts Manager                    No. 1 Carton Count Sizes:
Idaho Falls, ID 83402                40 - 120, 10 oz bakers
Physical Shipping Facility          (208) 522-7070
                                                                            Foodservice No. 2s:
477 Shoup Ave, Suite 207           Nick Proia, COO                                              10 oz     12 oz
Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                                                6 oz min and above and above   Bulk
                                                                            Carton       ×        ×                  ×
                                    (208) 552-4510                          Paper        ×        ×                  ×
Tel   (208) 522-7070                                                        Burlap
                                   Nick Kingston,
Fax   (208) 522-2608
                                    VP of Business Development
Contacts                                                                    Retail Packs Available (lbs):
                                    (480) 341-8342
Christie Sommers,                                                                    4   5   8   10 15 20 25 50 100 Bulk
 VP of Account Services                                                     Paper                               ×
                                   This company is an exporter              Poly         ×       × × ×
                                                                            Mesh         ×       ×
 (208) 552-4522                    Operating Season: Year-round             Burlap
Kristy Sommers,                    Transportation: Rail and Motor Freight
  Key Accounts Manager             Location: In or near area 4 on the map                                                Brands:                   Varieties:
  (208) 552-4526                                                            Awesome                   Russet Burbank
                                                                            Kingston                  Russet Norkotah
                                                                            Kingston Fryer

                                 | Page 35
Fresh Idaho® Potato Brand Listing
Brand           Shipper                        Brand            Shipper                        Brand           Shipper
A Cut Above     Sun-Glo of Idaho, Inc.         Green Giant      Liberty Gold Potato            Restaurant      Wada Farms Potatoes
                                                                Company                        Quality
Aberdeen        Pleasant Valley Potato, Inc.                                                   Gourmet
                                               Green Giant      Potandon Produce, LLC          Fingerlings
Ace             Sun-Glo of Idaho, Inc.         Fresh
Allied          Pleasant Valley Potato, Inc.                                                   Rigby           Rigby Produce, Inc.
                                               Green Giant      Driscoll Potatoes, Inc.        Produce
Growers                                        Fresh
Angus           Nonpareil—Idaho Potato                                                         Riverside       Sun-Glo of Idaho, Inc.
                                               Greener          Sun Valley Potato Growers,     Farms
                Packers                        Valley           Inc.
Aristocrat      Walters Produce, Inc.                                                          Royal Crest     Rigby Produce, Inc.
                                               Harvest Fresh    Potandon Produce, LLC
Arrowhead       Arrowhead Potato                                                               Sawtooth        Magic Valley Produce, Inc.
                                               Harvest Select Eagle Eye Produce
                Company                                                                        Sharp           Wada Farms Potatoes
                                               Harvest Time     Eagle Eye Produce
Big Joe's       Wada Farms Potatoes                                                            Sharp           Ball Brothers Produce
                                               Ida-Select       Idaho Select, Inc.
Big W           Walker Produce, Inc.                                                           Side Delights   Sun-Glo of Idaho, Inc.
                                               Idaho Potato     Nonpareil—Idaho Potato
Big Wheel       SunRiver of Idaho, Inc.        Packers (IPP)    Packers                        Simply Good     Eagle Eye Produce
Blackfoot       Wada Farms Potatoes            Jumbo            Walters Produce, Inc.          Smalls          Wada Farms Potatoes
                                               Junior           GPOD of Idaho                  Southwind       Southwind Farms, Inc.
Broadway        Nonpareil—Idaho Potato                                                         Farms
                Packers                        Klondike         Potandon Produce, LLC          Gourmet
Buffalo         Arrowhead Potato                                                               Sun Supreme     Sun-Glo of Idaho, Inc.
                Company                        Light N Fluffy   Walker Produce, Inc.
                                                                                               Sun Valley      Sun Valley Potato Growers,
Celebrity       Webster Potato                 M.V.P.           Magic Valley Produce, Inc.                     Inc.
                                               Magic            Nonpareil—Idaho Potato         SunFresh        Walters Produce, Inc.
Cheeburger      Ball Brothers Produce                           Packers
                                                                                               SunFresh        Driscoll Potatoes, Inc.
Circle T        Mart Produce, LLC              Mark and Bill    Ball Brothers Produce
                                                                                               SunFresh        Liberty Gold Potato
Circle Valley   Circle Valley Produce, LLC     Mart Produce     Mart Produce, LLC                              Company
COOK-RITE       GPOD of Idaho                  Microwave in     Wada Farms Potatoes            SunRiver        SunRiver of Idaho, Inc.
Cross Valley    Ball Brothers Produce                                                          Sunset          Potandon Produce, LLC
                                               Mighty Fine      Webster Potato Company
CV              Circle Valley Produce, LLC                                                     Sunspiced       Walters Produce, Inc.
                                               MoonRiver        SunRiver of Idaho, Inc.
De-Lish         Magic Valley Produce, Inc.                                                     Sutton          Bench Mark Potato Co.
                                               Mother Earth     Wilcox, Floyd & Sons, Inc.     Brothers
Dole            High Country Potato            Fresh
Dole            Wada Farms Potatoes                                                            Tailgate        Wada Farms Potatoes
                                               Mrs. Gerry’s     Ball Brothers Produce          Taters
Dole            Ball Brothers Produce          Nature's         Walker Produce, Inc.           Tastewell       Wilcox, Floyd & Sons, Inc.
Driscoll        Driscoll Potatoes, Inc.        Light—
                                               Probiotic                                       Tasti           Walker Produce, Inc.
Eagle           Walters Produce, Inc.
                                               Newdale          Walters Produce, Inc.          Tasty Tater     Walters Produce, Inc.
Easy-Bakers     Wada Farms Potatoes
                                               Nifty 50         Magic Valley Produce, Inc.     Tater Made      Wada Farms Potatoes
Easy-Grillers   Wada Farms Potatoes
                                               Nonpareil        Nonpareil—Idaho Potato         Teton Tater     Mart Produce, LLC
Easy!           Wilcox, Floyd & Sons, Inc.                      Packers
Creations                                                                                      The Best        SunRiver of Idaho, Inc.
                                               Old Faithful     Wilcox, Floyd & Sons, Inc.
Elite           Rocky Mountain Produce         Fries                                           The Finest      Pleasant Valley Potato, Inc.
Elite           Idaho Fresh Produce, Inc.      Old Oak          Sun Valley Potato Growers,     The Great       GPOD of Idaho
                                               Farms            Inc.                           Potato
Farm Fresh      Bench Mark Potato Co.
                                               Organic          Eagle Eye Produce              The Valley      Potandon Produce, LLC
Farm Select     Eagle Eye Produce
                                               Select                                          Top Notch       Walker Produce, Inc.
French Fry      GPOD of Idaho
                                               Oven King        High Country Potato            Town &          GPOD of Idaho
Fresh Blends    Eagle Eye Produce                                                              Country
                                               Peak             Ball Brothers Produce
Fresh Harvest   Eagle Eye Produce                                                              Two Good        Sun Valley Potato Growers,
                                               Penny            Wilcox, Floyd & Sons, Inc.
Gem State       Pleasant Valley Potato, Inc.   Pincher                                                         Inc.
Gourmet                                                                                        Valu King       High Country Potato
                                               Pleasant         Pleasant Valley Potato, Inc.
Genesis         Genesis Organics, LLC          Valley                                          Value           Rocky Mountain Produce
                                               Potandon         Potandon Produce, LLC          Value           Idaho Fresh Produce, Inc.
Genuine         Magic Valley Produce, Inc.
Magic                                          PPI              Rigby Produce, Inc.            Von's           Walker Produce, Inc.
Gold Emblem     Potandon Produce, LLC          Pride of the     Bench Mark Potato Co.          Von's Taters    Walker Produce, Inc.
Gold Emblem     Gold Emblem Produce/                                                           Wada Farms      High Country Potato
                Taylor & Sons, Inc.            Primos           Sun Valley Potato Growers,
                                                                Inc.                           Wada Farms      Wada Farms Potatoes
Gourmet         Southwind Farms, Inc.                                                          Wada Farms      Ball Brothers Produce
Select                                         Prize Pack       Nonpareil—Idaho Potato
                                                                Packers                        Western Style   Walker Produce, Inc.
GPOD            GPOD of Idaho
                                               ProSource        Mart Produce, LLC              Wilcox          Wilcox, Floyd & Sons, Inc.
Green Giant     Walters Produce, Inc.
                                               Red Baron        Pleasant Valley Potato, Inc.   Yellowstone     Wilcox, Floyd & Sons, Inc.

                                                 Idaho Potato Commission | Page 36
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