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Digital program 2020-21 Season - University ...
2020-21 Season
 Digital program
Digital program 2020-21 Season - University ...
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The future, faster
Performance program
CU Presents Digital
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                              is the home of performing arts at the University of Colorado Boulder.

                  The mission of the University of Colorado Boulder College of Music is
                                to inspire artistry and discovery, together.

  As we gather, we honor and acknowledge that the University of Colorado’s four campuses are on the
   traditional territories and ancestral homelands of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, Ute, Apache, Comanche,
   Kiowa, Lakota, Pueblo and Shoshone Nations. Further, we acknowledge the 48 contemporary tribal
              nations historically tied to the lands that comprise what is now called Colorado.

Acknowledging that we live in the homelands of Indigenous peoples recognizes the original stewards of
 these lands and their legacies. With this land acknowledgment, we celebrate the many contributions of
 Native peoples to the fields of medicine, mathematics, government and military service, arts, literature,
engineering and more. We also recognize the sophisticated and intricate knowledge systems Indigenous
                           peoples have developed in relationship to their lands.

     We recognize and affirm the ties these nations have to their traditional homelands and the many
Indigenous people who thrive in this place, alive and strong. We also acknowledge the painful history of ill
       treatment and forced removal that has had a profoundly negative impact on Native nations.

 We respect the many diverse Indigenous peoples still connected to this land. We honor them and thank
   the Indigenous ancestors of this place. The University of Colorado pledges to provide educational
 opportunities for Native students, faculty and staff and advance our mission to understand the history
                               and contemporary lives of Native peoples.
Digital program 2020-21 Season - University ...
CU Opera alumna Claire Mccahan and
                                    instructor Jeremy Reger demonstrate
                                       proper COVID-19 protocols during
                                          rehearsals and coaching, 2020.

The future, faster
By Sabine Kortals Stein
Spring semester is fully underway as we continue
our commitment to being a COVID-aware college
and campus.

According to John Davis, who was appointed the
College of Music’s new dean as of the first of the
year, “While these are uncertain times and the future
seems equally uncertain, COVID-19 has pushed
us to leverage technologies in impactful ways that
will surely outlast this pandemic—through distance
learning, collaboration and performing, we’ve risen
to the challenge.
3       2020-21 Season                              CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Digital program 2020-21 Season - University ...
“We’re not only expanding the reach and range of
what’s possible as artists and performers, we’re also
adding to our students’ skill sets, and paving the
way toward greater diversity, equity and inclusion
(DEI) in everything we do.

“Put another way, COVID-19 has accelerated our
momentum to leverage various technologies in ways
that elevate College of Music offerings. Despite a
challenging environment, the college’s continued
level of excellence—and evolving, newly emerging
academic activities and performance platforms—
make me incredibly proud.”

In a recent Q&A, Dean Davis shared his own
musical journey, including these excerpts:

When did you first consider music as a career
for yourself?
By the time I was in high school. My bachelor’s
degree is in music education, from Metropolitan
State University here in Colorado. At the University
of Denver, I earned a Master of Arts degree in
performance. Beginning in my 20s, I played
with classical, jazz and commercial groups, and
performed with or for some amazing musicians.
4        2020-21 Season                     CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Digital program 2020-21 Season - University ...
After performing for a few years, you joined the
military. Why?
I didn’t like school in my 20s, and I thought I didn’t
want to be a teacher. I decided to join the Army
at what would be viewed as the lowest level of
expertise needed, the infantry. I spent two years
in the army during my initial enlistment, 12 months
of which was spent in South Korea. When Desert
Storm—The Gulf War—began in 1991, my reserve
unit was activated and we were sent overseas to
Germany for four months. Toward the end of my time
in Korea—during the monsoon season, when the
infantry would have to fill sandbags with mud and
rebuild walls and bridges when the rain would wash
them out—I realized that, unlike many of my fellow
soldiers, I didn’t have to do this for a living. And I
realized that the difference between me and most of
them was education.

What was your next move?
I got fired up and committed from that day forward
to education—opening people’s eyes to what’s out
there for them. Knowing that I wanted to teach at a
university level, the shortest path to get there was
for me to return to trumpet and jazz and receive a
doctoral degree.
5        2020-21 Season                     CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
You left full-time teaching in 2011 to be an
administrator. Why?
I love doing what I can to support the success of
others. As an administrator, you’re able to see a
“bigger picture” and have the opportunity to make an
impact that benefits so many others. The challenge
is great, but the satisfaction of helping our students
and faculty succeed is enormously rewarding.

What excites you about leading the College of Music?
The college has been fortunate to have great
leadership over many years. Supporters of the
college are among the most passionate and caring
people I have known. And the students, faculty and
staff are truly outstanding. At the same time, all of us
realize there is even more we can accomplish toward
the betterment of society through music.

Enjoy Jessie Bauters’ complete interview with Dean
Davis here.

6        2020-21 Season                      CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
MM Recital
Natalie Werner, mezzo-soprano
Suyeon Kim, piano
2 p.m., Sunday, March 14, 2021

Parto, ma tu, ben mio from La clemenza di Tito
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1758-1791)

Three Neapolitan Songs from Il prigioniero fortunato
Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)
    I. Incanto
    II. Ultimo bacio
    III. L’Incostante

Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947)

Rêve d’Amour
Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)

C-1   CU PRESENTS 2020-21 Season          CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Claude Debussy (1862-1918)

An die Nachtigall
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

Von ewiger Liebe
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

The Lordly Hudson
Ned Rorem (b.1976)

Ned Rorem (b.1976)

Ned Rorem (b.1976)

C-2   CU PRESENTS 2020-21 Season        CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Text and Translations
Parto, ma tu ben mio
Parto, ma tu ben mio,              I go, but, my dearest,
Meco ritorna in pace;              make peace again with me.
Saro qual piu ti piace;            I will be what you would most have
Quel che vorrai fato.              me be, do whatever you wish.

Guardami, e tutto oblio,           Look at me, and I will forget all
E a vendicarti io volo;            and fly to avenge you;
A questo sguardo dolo              I will think only
Da me si pensera.                  of that glance at me.
Ah qual poter, oh Dei!             Ah, ye gods, what power
Donaste alla belta.                you have given beauty!

Incanto                            Enchantment
Quell’esser misero                 Being miserable
Lo rende amabile                   Made him lovable
Nel mio pensier.                   In my thoughts.
E par, che l’anima                 It seems that the soul
Voglia esser carcere               Wants to be a dungeon
D’un prigionier.                   For a prisoner.

Ultimo bacio                       The Last Kiss
Luce degl’occhi miei,              Light of my eyes,
Se la mia vita sei                 If you are my life,
Devi morir con me.                 You must die with me.
Prima ch’ad altri in braccio       Before anyone else in your arms
Sciolga quel dolce laccio,         Melts this sweet snare,
Voglio morir con te.               I want to die with you.

C-3   CU PRESENTS 2020-21 Season                         CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
L’Incostante                          The Fickle One
Datti pace,                           Calm yourself,
O sventurato,                         Unfortunate one,
L’amor mio non è per te.              My love is not for you.
Non mi piace                          I’m not interested in
Un cor privato,                       A private heart.
Tendo lacci al cor d’un Rè.           I have a king’s heart in my snare.

Mai                                   May
Depuis un mois, chère exilée,         It is a month, dear exile, since you
Loin de mes yeux tu t'en allas,       vanished from my gaze, and I have
Et j'ai vu fleurir des lilas          watched the lilacs bloom,
Avec ma peine inconsolée.             with my sorrow unassuaged.

Seul, je fuis ce ciel clair et beau   Alone, I avoid these lovely clear
Dont l'ardent effluve me trouble,     skies, whose blazing rays disquiet
Car l'horreur de l'exil se double     me, for an exile’s dread increases
De la splendeur du renouveau.         With the splendor of nature’s
En vain le soleil a souri,
Au printemps je ferme ma porte,       In vain the sun has smiled;
Et veux seulement qu'on               I close my door to the spring,
m'apporte                             And wish only to be brought
Un rameau de lilas fleuri;            A lilac branch in bloom!

Car l'amour dont mon âme est          For Love, which fills my heart to
pleine                                overflowing, finds among its
Y trouve, parmi ses douleurs          sorrows your gaze in the midst of
Ton regard dans ces chères fleurs     those dear flowers, and in their
Et dans leur parfum ton haleine.      fragrance your sweet breath!

C-4   CU PRESENTS 2020-21 Season                           CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Rêve d’Amour
S'il est un charmant gazon           If there's a lovely grassy plot
Que le ciel arrose,                  watered by the sky
Où brille en toute saison            where in every season
Quelque fleur éclose,                some flower blossoms,
Où l'on cueille à pleine main        where one can freely gather
Lys, chèvrefeuille et jasmin,        lilies, woodbines and jasmines…
J'en veux faire le chemin            I wish to make it the path
Où ton pied se pose!                 on which you place your feet!

S'il est un sein bien aimant         If there is a loving breast
Dont l'honneur dispose!              where honor rules,
Dont le ferme dévoûement             where tender devotion
N'ait rien de morose,                is free from all gloominess,
Si toujours ce noble sein            if this noble breast always
Bat pour un digne dessein,           beats for a worthy aim...
J'en veux faire le coussin           I wish to make it the pillow
Où ton front se pose!                on which you lay your head.

S'il est un rêve d'amour,            If there is a dream of love
Parfumé de rose,                     scented with roses,
Où l'on trouve chaque jour           where one finds every day
Quelque douce chose,                 something gentle and sweet,
Un rêve que Dieu bénit,              a dream blessed by God
Où l'âme à l'âme s'unit,             where soul is joined to soul...
Oh! j'en veux faire le nid           oh, I wish to make it the nest
Où ton cœur se pose!                 in which you rest your heart

L’âme évaporée et souffrante,        The spent and suffering soul,
L’âme douce, l’âme odorante          The sweet soul, the soul steeped
Des lis divins que j’ai cueillis     In the divine lilies I gathered
Dans le jardin de ta pensée,         In the garden of your thoughts,
Où donc les vents l’ont-ils chasse   Where have the winds dispersed it,

C-5   CU PRESENTS 2020-21 Season                           CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Cette âme adorable des lis?         This adorable lilies’ soul?

N’est-il plus un parfum qui reste   Does not a single scent remain
De la suavité céleste               Of the heavenly softness
Des jours où tu m’enveloppais       Of the days when you enclosed
D’une vapeur surnaturelle,          me, in a supernatural mist,
Faite d’espoir, d’amour fidèle,     Made of hope, of faithful love,
De béatitude et de paix?            Of bliss and of peace?

An die Nachtigall                   To the Nightingale
Geuß nicht so laut der              Do not pour so loudly the full-
liebentflammten Lieder              throated sounds
Tonreichen Schall                   Of your love-kindled songs
Vom Blütenast des Apfelbaums        Down from the blossoming boughs
hernieder, O Nachtigall!            of the apple-tree, O nightingale!
Du tönest mir mit deiner süßen      The tones of your sweet throat
KehleDie Liebe wach;                Awaken love in me;
Denn schon durchbebt die Tiefen     For the depths of my soul already
meiner Seele                        quiver
Dein schmelzend Ach.                With your melting lament.

Dann flieht der Schlaf von neuem    Sleep once more forsakes this
dieses Lager,                       couch,
Ich starre dann                     And I stare
Mit nassem Blick’ und totenbleich   Moist-eyed, haggard and deathly
und hager Den Himmel an.            pale at the heavens.
Fleuch, Nachtigall, in grüne        Fly, nightingale, to the green
Finsternisse,                       darkness,
Ins Haingesträuch,                  To the bushes of the grove,
Und spend’ im Nest der treuen       And there in the nest kiss your
Gattin Küsse;                       faithful mate;
Entfleuch, entfleuch!               Fly away, fly away!

C-6   CU PRESENTS 2020-21 Season                          CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht
Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht,    Death is the cool night,
Das Leben ist der schwüle Tag.       Life is the sultry day.
Es dunkelt schon, mich schläfert,    It is already growing dark,
Der Tag hat mich müd gemacht.        I become sleepy
                                     The day has made me tired.
Über mein Bett erhebt sich ein
Baum,                                Above my bed rises a tree,
Drin singt die junge Nachtigall;     In it sings the young nightingale;
Sie singt von lauter Liebe –         It sings of pure love –
Ich hör es sogar im Traum.           I hear it even in my dream.

Von ewiger Liebe                     Eternal Love
Dunkel, wie dunkel in Wald und in    Dark, how dark in forest and field!
Feld! Abend schon ist es, nun        Evening already, and the world is
schweiget die Welt. Nirgend noch     silent. Nowhere a light and
Licht und nirgend noch Rauch,        nowhere smoke,
Ja, und die Lerche sie schweiget     and even the lark is silent now too.
nun auch.

Kommt aus dem Dorfe der              Out of the village there comes a
Bursche heraus, Gibt das Geleit      lad, escorting his sweetheart
der Geliebten nach Haus, Führt sie   home, he leads her past the
am Weidengebüsche vorbei,            willow-copse, talking so much and
Redet so viel und so mancherlei:     of so many things:

“Leidest du Schmach und              ‘If you suffer sorrow and suffer
betrübest du dich, Leidest du        shame, shame for what others
Schmach von andern um mich,          think of me, then let our love be
Werde die Liebe getrennt so          severed as swiftly, as swiftly as
geschwind, Schnell wie wir früher    once we two were plighted.
vereiniget sind. Scheide mit Regen   Let us depart in rain and depart in
und scheide mit Wind, Schnell wie    wind, as swiftly as once we two
wir früher vereiniget sind.”         were plighted.’

C-7   CU PRESENTS 2020-21 Season                           CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Spricht das Mägdelein, Mägdelein         The girl speaks, the girl says:
spricht: “Unsere Liebe sie trennet       ‘Our love cannot be severed!
sich nicht! Fest ist der Stahl und       Steel is strong, and so is iron,
das Eisen gar sehr, Unsere Liebe         Our love is even stronger still:
ist fester noch mehr.

Eisen und Stahl, man schmiedet           Iron and steel can both be
sie um, Unsere Liebe, wer wandelt        reforged, but our love, who shall
sie um? Eisen und Stahl, sie             change it? Iron and steel can be
können zergehn,                          melted down,
Unsere Liebe muß ewig bestehn!“          Our love must endure forever!’

The Lordly Hudson
“Driver, what stream is it?”
I asked, well knowing
it was our lordly Hudson hardly flowing.
“It is our lordly Hudson hardly flowing,”
he said, “under the green-grown cliffs.”
Be still, heart!
No one needs
your passionate suffrage
to select this glory–
this is our lordly Hudson hardly flowing
under the green-grown cliffs.
“Driver has this a peer in Europe or the East?”
“No, no!” He said. Home! Home!
Be quiet, heart!
This is our lordly Hudson and has no peer
in Europe or the East;
this is our lordly Hudson hardly flowing
under the green-grown cliffs
and has no peer in Europe or the East;
be quiet, heart!
Home! Home!

C-8   CU PRESENTS 2020-21 Season                               CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Turn I my looks unto the skies,
Love with his arrows wounds my eyes;
If so I gaze upon the ground,
Love then in every flower is found;
Search I the shade to fly my pain,
Love meets me in the shade again;
Want I to walk in secret grove,
E'en there I meet with sacred love;
If so I bathe me in the spring,
E'en on the brink I hear him sing;
If so I meditate alone,
He will be partner to my moan;
If so I mourn, he weeps with me,
And where I am, there will he be.


About the performer
Natalie Werner is in the second year of her graduate studies at the
University of Colorado Boulder, where she is pursuing a Master of
Music in choral conducting and voice performance. She currently
serves as a graduate student conductor of University Singers and
studies voice with Professor Andrew Garland. Outside of CU, she
works as the Worship Ministry Assistant at Newport Covenant
Church. She received her Bachelor of Arts from the University of
Portland in vocal performance and music education, where she
held a conducting associate position for 3 semesters and won the
2018 University of Portland Concerto/Aria Competition.

C-9   CU PRESENTS 2020-21 Season                      CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Concert Jazz Ensemble, early 2020

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7       2020-21 Season                            CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
A music student practices COVID-safe
    protocols in Profesor Donald McKinney’s Wind
    Symphony class, 2020.

                  Today and every day,
                  your support matters.
Gifts to the College of Music Dean’s Annual Fund
have a greater impact than ever before, serving as
the college’s lifeline to address the rapidly changing
needs of our students, faculty, staff and programs.
Your support helps keep our people safe and our
music alive.

           Click here to                                Call to make a gift
            give online                                  at 303-492-3054

8                  2020-21 Season                                  CU COLLEGE OF MUSIC
Silver and Gold

  Give the gift of a musical education

               Top 3 reasons to join:
    Provide financial support to student musicians
Recruit more students to the College of Music and build
                our national reputation
Join a community of music lovers and celebrate at the
    college’s annual scholarship celebration dinner

                     Learn more:
Personnel                                                                                      As of Feb. 23, 2021

Dean                                   Interim Advancement                      Assistant Dean for Budget
John Davis                             Administrative Officer                   and Finance
Associate Dean for                     Ashley Harkrader                         Carrie Howard
Graduate Studies                       Director of Strategic Initiatives        Associate Dean for Undergraduate
Margaret Haefner Berg                  and Special Assistant to the Dean        Studies and Enrollment
Assistant Dean for Concerts            Alexander George                         Management
and Communications                                                              Matthew Roeder
Joan McLean Braun

Executive Director                     Assistant Director of Marketing          Social Media Assistant
Joan McLean Braun                      Daniel Leonard                           Erika Haase
Marketing and PR Director              Assistant Director of Public Relations   Video Producer
Laima Haley                            Becca Vaclavik                           Vanessa Cornejo
Operations Director                    House Manager                            Interim Digital Communications
Andrew Metzroth                        Rojana Savoye                            Coordinator
Interim Director of                    Publications Specialist                  Tiara Stephan
Communications, College of Music       Sabrina Green                            Marketing Assistant
Sabine Kortals Stein                   Box Office Manager                       Natalie Werner
Director, Macky Auditorium             Christin Woolley                         Public Relations Assistant
Rudy Betancourt                        Box Office Services Coordinator          Olivia Lerwick
                                       Adrienne Havelka

Senior Piano Technician                Recording Engineer                       Scheduling and Operations
Ted Mulcahey                           Kevin Harbison                           Coordinator
Piano Technician                       Facilities and Operations                Devin Welch
Mark Mikkelsen                         Coordinator
Travel and Guest Artist                Peggy Hinton
Coordinator                            Media Specialist
Elise Campbell                         Dustin Rumsey

2020-21 Digital Programs
March-May 2021
Editors                Designer               Contributors               Photography
Sabine Kortals Stein   Sabrina Green          Jessie Bauters             Glenn Asakawa
Becca Vaclavik                                Sabine Kortals Stein       Evan Boretz
                                              Becca Vaclavik
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