DICKINSON ALUMNUS - A PHOENIX IN MY - Dickinson College Archives

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DICKINSON ALUMNUS - A PHOENIX IN MY - Dickinson College Archives
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DICKINSON ALUMNUS - A PHOENIX IN MY - Dickinson College Archives
  Vol. 46, No. 3, r969
 Dean Hoffman,   '02

 Vincent J. Schafmeister, Jr., '49
 Walter E. Beach, '56, Chairman
 Robert G. Crist, '47
 David McGahey, '60
 Whitfield J .. Bell, Jr., '35
 Barbara A. Buechner, '63
 M. Charles Seller, '55
 William A. Jordan, II, '5 I

 The Dickinson Alumnus published by
 Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. 17or3
 each September, December, Febru-
 ary and May. Second class postage
 paid at Carlisle, Pa. I 7013.

    Phoenix - - - an ancient Egyptian
 bird. It was consumed in fire by its
 own act but rose in youthful fresh-
 ness from the ashes.

 In This Issue:
A Phoenix in My Youth
     Page 1
Splendor in the Sky
     Page 8
College Enriched by Potamkin
  Art Collection
     Page 10
Around the Campus
    Page 12
Personal Mention
    Page 13
Dickinson Annual Giving Report
    Page 19
    Page 52
Unique Vietnam Roles for Two
    Page 54
Where There's A Will, There's
  A Way
    Page 55
Home Coming
    Back Cover
DICKINSON ALUMNUS - A PHOENIX IN MY - Dickinson College Archives
DICKINSON ALUMNUS - A PHOENIX IN MY - Dickinson College Archives
"We Got Whupped!"                              education as the preparation for their           the other hand, among the very last to
                                               esoteric, not to say occult, minorities.         lay aside the old requirements.
   Was it Faulkner who, when asked             Calculus and Greek: these were the two
why there are so many more great               intellectual initiation ceremonies that             Late in the forties, though, the in-
novelists in the South than in the North,      the aspiring minister or doctor had to           evitable happened, the Latin require-
answered with no hesitation," 'Cause we        pass through in order to gain access to          ment was dropped. This must have
got whupped !"? If I had to give one           his profession. Something had to serve           seemed to many alumni and some pro-
reason for the rise of interest in classical   as a weedout course, and these rigors            fessors, not all of them classicists, a
languages and literature at Dickinson or       served as well as any.                           shameful break with a century and a
any other college, I should say the same                                                        half of tradition. I am afraid that it was
thing. Today, just as in the Renaissance,                                                       actually a long overdue change and one
wherever the classics are alive and vigor-                                                      not at all to be regretted, least of all by
ous, it is probably because they got           IT     isNOT   too much to say that the          today's classics professor. After a gen-
whupped and neglected and rediscovered         single greatest boon to classical studies        eration of defensive warfare, classicists,
by someone still able to be excited about      is their relief from duty, in the years          if not the classics, were tired. Probably
them.                                          after World War I, as the flunk-out              both deserved a rest; in any case, both
                                               course for the professions. I suspect the        got it.
                                               same might be said for the calculus.
                                               Today only medicine is a competitive
WHEN,         on the other hand, Latin         enough profession to need a weedout
and Greek studies ruled as monarchs of
the humanities, their scholarship became
                                               course on the undergraduate level. This
                                               distasteful but necessary job has been,          JUST    as they had done for a millen-
                                               on most campuses, dropped into two               nium in the monasteries of Europe, the
more and more haughty, ever and ever
                                               unwilling laps: Elementary Biology and           Greek and Latin classics sat on the
more picayune, and deader by the
                                               Analytical or Organic Chemistry. Let             shelves of college libraries, waiting to be
decade. Pick up any school Latin text
                                               both fields be forewarned, by the field          rediscovered. The experience was not a
from the old days, and what do you find?
                                               that did the dirty work for so long, that        new one for them. Yet, despite it all,
Scrawled inside the cover is always that
                                               they have taken on the most stultifying          Ovid was still the same Ovid who had
inevitable    scrap of doggerel about
                                               and thankless job in higher education.           inspired the Canterbury Tales, and Plautus
Latin, the dead tongue, that killed the
                                                                                                was none other than the idol of the young
Romans "and now it's killing me."
                                                                                                playwright who started a career with
These verses were not, however, written           As we all know, Dickinson          at her
                                                                                                 The Comedy of Errors. Freud was still in-
in the fifties or even, in general, the        foundation partook of some of the revo-
                                                                                                comprehensible without Plato, and Berg-
forties; they came rather from the text-       lutionary and frontier spirit.     Still, like
                                                                                                son without the butchered but haunting
books of the Class of 1910. For by the         her godfather, John Dickinson, she did
                                                                                                fragments of Heraclitus.
1930's on most campuses the classics,          not rock the boat just for any pleasant
with a little help from Dewey-eyed edu-        dizzying sensation that rocking might
                                                                                                     Inspiration: that was the mysterious
cationists, had succeeded in killing not       give. Anyway, her foundation as a col-
                                                                                                  power that the classics had always
only the students but themselves.      In      lege came between the American revo-
                                                                                                 possessed, the ability to breathe into a
many ways it was a consummation       de-      lution, with its chiefly political effects on
                                                                                                 man talents that had never been there.
voutly to be wished.                           the world, and the French one, where
                                                                                                  before. They had not long been dropped
                                               the real intellectual changes begin. The
                                                                                                 from the curriculum when there were
     In their day, of course, the classics     two outstanding professors in the original
                                                                                                 murmurings that inspiration was gone,
 were the symbol of the esotericism of the     staff of five were Charles Nisbet, the
                                                                                                 too, from literature in particular but
 liberal arts. The idea of liberal arts grew   theologian, and James Ross, the classical
                                                                                                 from education        in general.    Those
 up, let us never forget, in the late Roman    philologist;  both were classicists of the
                                                                                                 rumblings are not all passed today.
 Empire when the liberi, the free, were a      famous Scottish school.         The classics
                                                                                                 When the late Col. William Ganoe, '02,
 minority. The revolutions of the Eight-       were the core of the original Dickinso.n
                                                                                                 left his estate for the propagation of in-
eenth Century threatened the minority          College curriculum, and no one was to
                                                                                                 spiring teaching at Dickinson College,
nature of the free-you remember the            question seriously their place for a cen-
                                                                                                 he must have been thinking of the
little colonial girl with her cow, "Free-      tury to come.
                                                                                                 teachers of his own youth,        men like
 'n'-Equal"-but they never threatened                                                            Mervin Filler, who had recently left the
the minority quality of the educated.             For Dickinson seems from the first to          Preparatory School to begin his long
As the American frontier progressed and        have been. unabashedly forward-looking            career with the College. At the same
finally closed, all Americans were able        in developing the sciences, liberal in her        time, consciously or not, Col. Ganoe was
to enjoy free land, then paychecks, then       theology, and bold in espousing the               thinking of the seche and somber field
a home of one's own, the rather circular       social sciences. Yet in the humanities-           that Dr. Filler professed. The oldtimers
marks of freedom. But a college educa-         which she always regarded as central to          thought, I am sure, that anyone who
tion was neither desired by all nor            education -       conservatism     reigned       could make Latin and Greek live must
legislated for all. Even after the land-       throughout     the Nineteenth     Century.       have the powers of a warlock. That is
grant bills threatened to send every           Defying Alexander       Pope two ways,           just where they were wrong. The magic
Free-'n'-Equal    cow to college, it was       Dickinson was both among the first by            is all in the texts and the inspiration
the professions that held out for a liberal    whom new subjects were tried and, on             comes from the words. Then, as now,
DICKINSON ALUMNUS - A PHOENIX IN MY - Dickinson College Archives
The Grammar                                                                                       The Grandeur
  That Was Rome                                                                                     That Was Rome


              LATIN              GRAMMAR,
                            NEC~SSAHY TO
        THE LATIN                        CLASSICS,
                     TO CERTAIN SYLLABLES,

                                 WITH AN


                    BY JAMES ROSS, LL.D.

                            Jqilalle lpqia:


 James Ross, first professor of Latin at Dickinson, won national stature by writing a usable school grammar. Today students study some of their
 grammar within walking distance of the famous lupa in the Capitoline Museum, with the grandeur that was Rome surrounding them. Many Dickin-
 son freshmen come in as veterans of high school Latin trips to Rome.

if the teacher will only keep his mouth           nothing yet produced in the rest of the          ology is Greek mythology, as French
shut and defer to Vergil and Euripides,          world can replace the European intel-             poets keep reminding us; European lit-
he has it made. This allows for the in-          lectual tradition,     be it African strong       erature (and this includes American
spiration that the classics have shown in        man, Asian guru or East Slavic enter-             literature) is classical literature, by the
more generations than English and Rus-           priser. Not every member of the college           testimony of Ezra Pound, Robert Frost,
sian and French literature, all piled to-        faculty holds with this rather Victorian          Eliot and Housman, Robert Lowell and
gether, have existed. To me it is the            point of view, but we believe that even           W. H. Auden, to take only the leaders of
outstanding mystery of humane educa-             our own century's         unhappy     history     our own vernacular.      Every major poet
tion, the phoenix of my now-departed             leaves a burden of proof on the anti-           ·in our tongue during this century has ex-
youth.                                           European. We further believe (and here            pressed his debt to classical literature.
                                                 our company becomes smaller still) that
    [Author's note: This paragraph was           the core and carrier of that tradition is          One unpublished    statement of it
 written before I faced the shock of being       still the classical languages .. These alone     comes from Dickinson     College lore.
 the first recipient of the Ganoe award.         speak to all European peoples, whether           When Frost came to the campus in the
The thrill of it has not blinded me to the
_fact that the prize really goes, jointly, to
Vergil and Plato or Euripides. I accept          "How are Things Going with Latin"
it, humbly and gratefully, in their name.]
                                                 their native tongue be Romance, Ger-             spring of 1959 to receive the first Dickin-
                                                 manic or modern Greek; whether they              son College     Arts Award,       Professor
   The Classics Department at Dickinson          live in Denmark or Montevideo, in                Schiffman met him in Philadelphia.
is dedicated to the proposition     that         Chicago or Rumania. European myth-               This most American of Poets asked
                                                                     3                                              Continued on Next Page
DICKINSON ALUMNUS - A PHOENIX IN MY - Dickinson College Archives
seriously about the state of intellectual      Studies.     At   any       rate,   though,     it's     grated urban system that tied together
things at the College, and Joe Schiffman       different.                                               the Mediterranean world and created
told him about successful graduate stu-                                                                 the European civilization to which we,
dents in English and creative works on            Was difference all that mattered to                   the second great urban ethos, are heir.
the campus. After a polite period of           these students and their followers in                    Race, as we know the problem, was not
listening, Frost finally broke in, "Really,    the sixties? Were the classics just a                    one of the chief questions of the time;
I don't give a damn about all this; what       stuffier version of pot, a traditionalist                there was nothing in the human physi-
I wanted to know is: how are things            answer to yoga? Or were Latin and                        ognomy that could set up between men
going with Latin?" It was another re-          Greek, omen absit, something even less                   a barrier at the first glance. At the same
minder that Horace and Catullus stand          respectable: part of the decade's search                 time, there was one tremendous barrier
behind his poems of deepest New Eng-           for relevance, that word that by 1970                    that Rome besieged for just the length
land gray, that here is another Yankee         brings a retch from every educator?                      of time we have mentioned and to
who is straight from Olympus.                  Sheepishly, I admit that it was, indeed,                 which after three centuries, she lost.
                                               the relevance of Rome that appealed to                   This was the difference of language be-
   If the report on Latin at Dickinson         these young people. If that is a taint,                  tween the East and the West.
was not too hopeful in 1959, it was only       again I say that it's a new one.
two years later that the mood began to                                                                     In the first years of the Christian era
change. Then my colleague, Stanley                                                                      the ring of the Greek tongue, with its
Nodder, Jr., came to the College at just
the same time as an energetic group of
students who had the radical idea that
                                               WHAT         has been the problem of the
                                               sixties for America? It takes no sophisti-
                                                                                                        vestiges of oldtime pitch accent, must
                                                                                                        have set off the Latin speaker just as
                                                                                                        quickly as the pigmentation of a face
they might like to major in Latin, the         cation to answer that one in 1969: it is                 can today. St. Paul is more convicted
subject that had meant most to them in         making disparate groups live together                    than convincing when he insists that
high school. They were a pioneering            in the city. Let us not forget, however,                 there is no difference between the Jew
crew, starting with Joan Taussig Lowell        that it was the undergraduates of the                    and the Greek; in any case, he had not
'63 and Pete Frese '64, then the power-        sixties that helped us define this problem;              learned this idea from either of these
ful crowd of '65: Barbara Fenn Leslie,         the alumni mentioned above did their                     great traditions but from the Romans
Andy Hecker, Pat Miller Gable, Ann             share in the early years of the decade.                  who made his world gospel possible.
Smith Snyder and Joyce Wise Shapiro.           They stopped to realize that there was                   Rome's great contribution to history
These alumni, more than anyone else,           one civilization and only one that faced                 was not a Wehrmacht or even a system of
are responsible for the Latin phoenix at       and solved this same problem in the past.                slick civil service publicans, but an
Dickinson. Some of the readers of this         That is the Roman Empire. For three                      educational system that allowed Latin
article may feel that, of all the changes      hundred and fifty years, just about the                  and Greek to maintain their individual-
in the College during the sixties, the least   length of white habitation on the Ameri-                 ity, while forcing them to get along
desirable· is the rebirth of Classical         can continent, Rome operated an inte-                    together.

                                                                                             Prof. Robert Sider talks over student progress with
                                                                                             Chris Werner, '69, assistant in Intermediate Latin.
                                                                                              The student assistant takes full charge of grammar
                                                                                             review, freeing class time for reading and explanation
                                                                                             of Cicero's essays. In this case, conversation runs some-
                                                                                             times to Oxford, since Prof. Sider is a Rhodes Scholar
                                                                                             and Chris was Dickinson's 1969 candidate for the

DICKINSON ALUMNUS - A PHOENIX IN MY - Dickinson College Archives
If you want a symbol of the greatness       by every undergraduate, every cinzen,            studied there in 1913-14. Meanwhile, a
  of Rome, forget Cecil B. DeMille and           today: how do you tell when that one            similar graduate program had come to
  look at a scrap of papyrus found in            clear call for a return to battle has come?      be offered in Rome at the American
 Egypt a generation ago. It is a school-boy      Aeneas figures it out only through the          Academy; the latter, however, was not
 trot, a word-for-word        translation  of    hell of a college education and a mystic        limited to classical studies but had as
 Vergil's Aeneid into Greek, just like the       vision of future history, gained from           well a School of Fine Arts, with work in
 interlinears that many of you readers           "incubating" at the site of Rome itself.        architecture, painting, sculpture, land-
 left in Carlisle's second-hand book shops       Certainly the dilemma, if not always            scape architecture and musical composi-
 at the end of your B.A. Latin require-          Vergil's answer, is easy to sell to under-      tion. Thus the leaders in Latin philology
 ment. These unhappy Greek kids from             graduates who are facing it themselves.         have always had the healthy presence of
 the rich farmland of the Fa yum had just
                                                                                                 the finest young creative artists; at the
 as much trouble with Latin syntax as                Not all of our studies are so paradoxi-     same time, many of the most vital move-
you did, and no Ph.B. to turn to as a             cal or so abstract.       The study of the     ments in the fine arts during the last
final recourse! But they had to face it,          classics has spread with the current ac-       twenty years have been moulded in
for their fathers had asked Rome to make          ceptance of travel and study abroad as a       buildings shared by students of Tacitus
 the world peaceful. The Roman magister,          way of life. Modern Italy and Greece           and the Ara Pacis,    During the spring
not the legionary or the tax-collector,           have always added to the appeal of the         of 1969 Professor Posey of Dickinson's
made the Empire work, for he made it              classics.   If Chaucer and Byron and           music department was in residence at the
civilized.   The school-boy had to learn          Goethe, or, in a different mood, Lord          School of Fine Arts of the American
enough Latin to read Vergil's Aeneid, the         Elgin and George Dennis, had never             Academy in Rome.
imperial Bible. One of the first literary         visited the Mediterranean,      the history
figures he met was the new world citizen,         of the classical tradition would have been
Aeneas; one of the first lines he trans-          very different.    It was no accident that
lated had to do with building a city:             the classics lasted with more vigor              GRADUATES of the Academy, teaching
dum conderel urbem,                               through the depression in the wealthy           at colleges across the land, have for a
                                                 eastern colleges, home of the Grand              long time coveted for their undergraduate

AT        DICKINSON we teach a Latin course
  as nearly as possible like that of our
                                                 Tour mentality, than in the Mid- and
                                                 Far West, land of the American touring
                                                 car, and of the slogans "See America
                                                                                                  students the same experience they en-
                                                                                                 joyed only on the graduate level. About
                                                                                                  1965 their dreams began to come true
  anonymous Egyptian-Greek school-boy.           First" and just plain "America First."          in the founding of the Intercollegiate
  Vergil is the center of our program and        These slogans were not good for the             Center for Classical Studies in Rome.
 Aeneas, the unheroic hero, its ideal.           study of the classics. Today, however,          Here Latin majors can study, within
 Here was a man whose adult life had             Stanford and Lake Forest and Sweet              sight of the Tiber, under professors from
 been lived through a war that alternated        Briar have wrested from their north-            their own and similar American college
 between hot and cold, as the epic tra-          eastern sisters the lead in international       departments.    The instruction and stand-
 dition pictured it. All he had ever known       education. These colleges are producing         ards are American, creating no language
 was a defensive struggle to preserve the        a generation of students that actually          or scholarly barriers; but the setting is as
 great civilization of Troy; this was the        look down their Sorbonne-trained noses          authentically   Roman as that of the
 life-work of his generation.       After ten   at the Grand Tour boys from the East,            Academy itself. Dickinson joined the
 years, however, he had to face the ap-         who tried to see it all in a summer. The         Center in the second year of its operation
 palling fact that many of the dead had         junior year abroad has certainly in-             and has sent two Latin majors to it.
 died in vain, that Troy could not be           creased American interest in the Bronze         Both have received scholarship help from
 saved by arms. Taking a commonplace            Age and Etruscology. Dickinson students          the Center to make Rome study possible.
 icon of his time, Vergil makes it univer-      living within walking distance of the           John Skilton ('68) took one term of his
 sal. Aeneas, fleeing from the burning          Villanovan Museum in Bologna are in             senior year at the ICCS; this fall Sue
Troy with his father and penates (house-        danger of getting hooked on Iron Age            Rosenfeld ('70) is spending her second
hold gods) on his shoulder,           his son   archaeology, though, so far as I know,          semester in Rome, coming back then to
Ascanius trotting at his side: this be-         they have so far resisted it.                   complete the final semester of her grad-
comes the symbol of all of us who have a                                                        uation year. Here they have had, in
remnant of a world to preserve for the              Actually, classical philology and an-       addition to the matchless surroundings
future.     The awful lesson that Aeneas        cient history have been the pioneer fields      of Rome, the benefit of superior pro-
has to learn is that old-time heroism that      for study abroad.        That magnificent       fessors from Agnes Scott and Oberlin
dies merely for the cause is not enough,        brahmin, Charles Eliot Norton, was the          Colleges, the Universities of California
that it is only in the sacrifice of one's own   first man to conceive of taking American        and Michigan. We hope that many more
self-realization   that the race can go on.     education to Europe instead of sending          students will enjoy this privilege in the
At the same time, Vergil is no party-           American students off for a European            future.
line pacifist; even after his education,        education. He had already spearheaded
symbolized       by a descent into hell,        the foundation      of the Archaeological          One other boon to Latin and Greek
Aeneas is dragged back into battle and          Institute of America when he conceived          studies in the sixties has been this
made to fight one last time, just to wipe       in 1882 ofan American School in Athens,         College's movements toward Independ-
out vestiges of a false ideology.         The   the first such project in the country's         ent Studies and honors programs. Noth-
final question, and the thorniest, in the       history.   The School was a generation          ing in six years of teaching classics here
second half of the Aeneid is the one faced      old when Dickinson's Herbert Wing, Jr.,         has been more pleasurable than directing
                                                                      5                                           Continued on Next Page
DICKINSON ALUMNUS - A PHOENIX IN MY - Dickinson College Archives
seniors honors research. Every student       answer would reflect neither our phil-              The other question our majors have
  who received major honors in the de-          osophy nor the facts. We do have a line         to answer hebdomadally (unless they
  partment has been a joy, but I might be       of outstanding, yes, really great, young        give up, as one has while working in
  allowed to single out a few of the papers     alumni.      There are Student Senate           public relations this summer, and pre-
  for special mention. For originality of       officers, a president and a secretary in the    tend to be English majors) is, "What are
  conclusion, Pat Miller Gable '65 takes        group; and hats of various colors, leaning      you going to do with your Latin?" (The
  first place. She proved successfully that     chiefly toward the blue. Three Sophis-          italics are decidedly those of the speaker.)
  Ovid's 'Fasti, always considered      un-     ters in seven years are, we admit, our          Now, personally, I agree with my col-
  finished because it deals with six months    pride and joy, backed by numerous                league who tells his students, "A liberal
  out of a Roman twelve-month year, is         Phi Beta Kappa laureates. Our majors-            education is intended to unfit you for
  instead a complete work, with a unity        please try to conceal· your shock-have           life!" Still, I can tell you what our
  based on Roman liturgy rather than           won letters in football, basketball, and         majors in recent years have done after
 time-reckoning.    Steve Felsher this year    baseball; and half the candidates for            graduation, ignoring those who are in
 wrote a study of Theophrastus that, for       Homecoming Queen one year were either            graduate school and still have to face
 breadth of scholarship and mastery of         majors or minors in Latin. (So far as gen-       the critic's question themselves.
 bibliography, stands up to anything in        der goes among our majors, the men out-
 English on the subject. The palm for          number the women by just a little.) Ed
 intellectual maturity goes to Ed Phillips     Phillips '67 is one of Dickinson's Wood-
 '67 and his essay on the Platonic tradi-
 tion through Cicero, Vergil, St. Augus-
                                               row Wilson winners; and Steve Felsher
                                               this spring was named to the first class of
                                                                                                W         HAVE not produced as many Latin
                                                                                                  teachers as we might have hoped to
 tine, Ficino and Spenser. Ed is back at       Watson Foundation Traveling Fellows,               help meet the shortages in that field.
 his alma mater this year, teaching a          for a year of travel and study in Greece.          At the same time, it is gratifying to see
 seminar on the ancient city, that grows       In each of the last five years there has           that three or four teachers have come
 partly out of this study. For sheer bril-     been a Latin major elected to Omicron             from the ranks of those who took Latin
 liance of reasoning, though, we shall         Delta Kappa, the national leadership              just for enjoyment's sake. One young
 always remember Doris Detweiler Orms-         honor society.                                    man is still enjoying his Latin, with a
 by's '66 work on Cicero's Timaeus; no
                                                                                               . vengeance. During spring vacation his
 wonder her Latin instructor wanted to
                                                                                                 senior year he went for an interview at
 marry her, and did.
                                                                                                 the Buffalo Seminary; it was only ten

     rr        . G d'
          no, in       vr
                  o s ivame .... )"
                                               AT      THE same time, there are La tin and
                                               Greek majors with very short subtitles
                                                                                                 minutes before the interview with the
                                                                                                 headmaster that he realized, from a year-
                                                                                                 book on the coffee table, that it was a
                                               under their pictures in the Microcosm. In
    It was in the laundromat, one day last                                                       young lady's seminary. He got the job
                                               other words we have leaders and fol-
 spring, that my wife met the wife of a                                                          and, as the school's only bachelor teacher,
                                               lowers and a fairly impressive line of those
department chairman from a nearby                                                                is the center of some interest there.
                                               independent souls who incline to neither
college. They began one of those chats
                                               category. Their real unity is their in-
about wifely woes and found that theirs                                                             Many of the recent graduates are not,
                                               terest in the classics.
matched surprisingly well. The reason,                                                           of course, "doing" anything with their
it turned out, was that both were mar-                                                           Latin. They are in or through top-flight
ried to professors. The other lady con-            Religiously, our students come from           professional    schools-law,    medicine,
fessed that her husband headed an               almost every faith represented on the            drama, social work; they are selling
English department, but she was still not       campus. I admit, though, that in this           jewelry and bringing up babies; they are
prepared to learn that my wife was              respect Dickinson has never quite been           serving their country in posts of author-
married to a Latin professor. Her re-           able to live up to my favorite under-            ity in Germany and Viet Nam. They are
action was quick and to the point: "Who         graduate seminar at Penn. There were             doing the same things that majors in
in God's Name, studies Latin these              six in the seminar that year: an agnostic,       Political Science, Physics and English
days?"                                          a Presbyterian, a Reformed Jew, an              are doing, probably no better and no
                                               ex-Franciscan, a Swedenborgian and a             worse. Sometimes they write home from
   A good question, and one in the mind        Mormon-probably          as ecumenical a         the service for their college Vergil texts,
of anyone who has read along this far.         class as any in the history of Latin teach-      much as the Alsops used to .read Xeno-
I shall try to answer it (avoiding the         ing. (I mention this to combat the idea,         phon when out on some journalistic
expletive) in terms of, "Who majors in         shared unfortunately by the Pennsylvania         assignment; sometimes, on the other
Latin these days?" Including the Class         State Legislature, that somehow Latin is         hand, they contribute these same texts
of '71, that would be almost fifty Dickin-     a denominational language.) Our ecu-             to the sidewalk sales. But, almost to a
sonians in the last seven years; we aver-     menicity is milder but real. The three           man, they meet others who admit that
age a little better than a half-dozen         honors majors this year represent the             they, too, have majored in the classics,
majors per class.                              three great faiths of our country. A            and they find a bond that transcends
                                              Benedictine-trained Catholic from Wash-          generation gaps, divisions of creed and
                                              ington, D.C., a Jew from Bronx Science           differences of calling.     What are they

IT    WOULD be easy to say that the leaders
of the campus study Latin and smugly
                                              High School, and a Methodist pre-
                                              theolog from a public high school in
                                              Iowa: each found in Latin or Greek an
                                                                                               doing with Latin and Greek? I guess
                                                                                               they are enjoying whatever inspiration
                                                                                               they offered and, sometimes at least,
let it go at that. Happily, though, that      intellectual equivalent for his faith.           talking about them.        Occasionally, I
DICKINSON ALUMNUS - A PHOENIX IN MY - Dickinson College Archives
cc .
     •     . and Long Live the Spirit of James Ross"

meet them trying to bring back a phrase        which we rise. Each of the three mem-       Institute to the current ones in lndic
from Juvenal or an image from Proper-          bers of the department gave up some         and German studies, where on-the-spot
tius or a concept from the Euthyphro.          other field to take part in the rebirth.    education puts time and space back
(Now how did those triangles work?)            Prof. Nodder came from history and          together again.
This, it seems to me, would have been          New Testament studies; Prof. Robert
enough to satisfySocrates or Cicero, who       Sider, the only undergraduate classics         When some new whupping seems im-
attempted to establish for all time man        major of the three, had taken an doctor-    minent, I think of the Pittsburgh high
as the discussinganimal.. It would have        ate in patristics at Oxford; and your       school teacher who stood up in one of
satisfied the founding fathers of Dickin-      writer began his career teaching English    the mournful hand-wringing sessionsthat
son College,who, beside being embattled        and science. We have, in other words,       Latin teachers are heir to. This teacher
farmers, literally talked a new nation        reversed the trend of a generation ago,      gave a shrug and declared, "I don't
into existence. And it satisfies this one     when classicists were secretly taking        bother worrying about people who want
professorof the classicstoday.                law degrees for that day when their sub-     to get rid of Latin. They've been work-
                                              jects would be taught no more. We have       ing at it for a thousand years and
                                               been lucky and our students have been       haven't succeeded yet!"
            CONCLUSION                        lucky; both are grateful to the genera-
                                              tions that took it on the chin.                Dorothy Sayers puts it even better in
   If we have had a renaissance of the                                                     The Mind of the Maker:
classicsat Dickinson, and "renaissance"          We do not fail to remember Pharaoh's
                                                                                                 It is the business of educa-
is an awfully big word to live up to, it is   cows in our planning for the future.
                                                                                                 tion to wait upon Pentecost
only because we first got whupped, by         There probably never have been in his-
                                                                                                 . . . But Pentecost will hap-
the sciences, Iater by the social studies,    tory any seven fat years that could not
                                                                                                 pen, whether within or with-
finally by what seemed like more mod-         have been swallowed up by seven lean
                                                                                                 out official education.
ern humanities. None of us in the de-         ones to follow. At the very best, plateaus
partment is, fortunately, old enough that     will occur. All the same we are full of
he had to live through that whupping.         hopes and unfulfilled plans. One of the      So be it, and long live the spirit of James
If ours is to be a phoenix generation, we
                                              latter may come to fruition next summer
should do well not to forget the fires from   in the addition of a Dickinson Classical                PHILIP N. LOCKHART

About the Author                               Yale. Before coming to Dickinson,
                                               he was Assistant Professor of Clas-
   "Literally hundreds of his former          sical Studies at his alma mater. In
and present colleagues and students            1965 he was elected to chair The De-
attest to the excellence of his teach-        partment of Classical Languages.
ing. He has a unique ability to com-           His promotion to the rank of Profes-
municate with students and to stimu-          sor came in 1968, the same year his
late thought."                                colleagues elected him to the esteemed
   Such an accolade, freely and often         position of Secretary of Faculty. In
heard on the Dickinson Campus                 June 1969, members of the senior
characterizes    the author,      Philip      class voted him the "most inspir-
North Lockhart, who joined the                ational teacher" and presented him
Department of Classical Languages             with the College's first Ganoe Award.
as Associate Professor in 1963. Even             Frequently recognized for contri-
the student course guide gives a rating       butions off campus, Lockhart has
of excellent, not only to the course de-      served as President of the Philadel-
scribed-Roman Historians-but also             phia Classical Society and has headed          For the 1969 /70 academic year,
to its professor, a dual kudos seldom         the Pennsylvania State Association of        Lockhart has been named Visiting
bestowed.                                     Classical Teachers. He is also a             Professor of Classical Studies at Ohio
   Dr. Lockhart did his undergradu-           member of the Executive Committee            State University in Columbus. He
ate work .at the University of Penn-          of the Classical Association of the          will return to Carlisle in September
sylvania and-continued his education          Atlantic States. Lockhart has pub-           1970 with his wife and two children,
in the Classics at North Carolina and         lished widely, again with distinction.       Bruce, 9, and Betsy, 7.
Hawkins, Gerald S., Splendor in the Sky. Revised. Harper
      Read under the full pressure of its          time in Washington.        A scientist who         but vulnerable theory of epicycles to
   implications, Gerald S. Hawkins' Splen-         seems to feel comfortable with outsize             explain the movements of sun, stars, and
   dor in the Sky (Harpers, $8.95), repub-         mysteries (our galaxy, he tells us, con-           the five visible planets. It wasn't until
   lished this spring in a revised edition, is     tains a billion stars), Dr. Hawkins-or so          the Renaissance, and the emergence of
   a humbling book. Our guess is that the          one would       suppose-remains       undis-      men like Copernicus,       Kepler,   Tycho
   College's new dean, who at this writing         mayed. Not for well over a century have           Brahe, and Newton, that science began
   has made only two official appearances         Aristotle and the Bible had the power of           the painful process of redistributing the
   on campus-one        to introduce Linus        slowing down the pace of scientific dis-           heavenly bodies and properly explaining
   Pauling, winner of Dickinson's eighteenth      covery. Like our planet's population,              their behavior.
   Priestley award in science, the other to       science's growth seems, not merely                    That reshuffling,   as we know now,
   address members of the local chapter           geometric, but exponential.        The fact       was indeed a "trepidation of the spheres."
  of the American Association of Univer-          that after only eight years of silence Dr.         It literally moved the earth. And man,
  sity Professors-had no special intention        Hawkins has sought renewal of his                 who in the view of some historians had
  of leaving in the reader's mind a deposit       stellar history is .one more evidence of          sometimes tended to confuse himself with
  of philosophic reflections. Nevertheless,       science's continuum.
                                                                                                    God, yielded his position of centrality,
  that is the effect, on one reader at least,         What we have here in this contribution        in which all things revolved about him
  of his reborn volume.                            to the Hawkins canon is a deliberately           in a perpetual dance of deference, to one
     Dr. Hawkins is a man of fertile scholar-      middle-brow    (the most difficult of all        of marginal mediocrity.        Astronomers
  ship. Research astronomer at the Smith-          tones to achieve) review of man's mis-           know now, says Dean Hawkins, that the
  sonian Astrophysical Observatory and             calculations and discoveries in astronomy.       earth is in the fringes of the Milky Way,
  until this summer chairman of Boston             We see him as a somewhat gifted animal           man's special parcel of astral territory,
  University's department of astronomy,            creeping about a planet which circles a          and that it is only one of the planets,
 he has published the better part of a             mediocre star. The mediocre star is our         whose number may run into the billions,
 hundred papers and, since its original           sun. Since pre-Babylonian days, star-            where some form of intelligent life prob-
 publication in 1961, followed Splendor in        gazers have been curious about the               ably exists. Such life, if only in the form
 the Sky with five other volumes, of which        heaven's and have been searching out the         of "a brain floating around on a stalk,"
 the best known is Stonehenge Decoded, a          enigma of their astral environment. But          is presumably often superior to ours. No
 Book-of-the-Month      Club selection.    In     like primitive medicine men, who cast            longer do we inhabit a Dantesque uni-
 its present version, Splendor benefits from      out devils to get rid of malaria, the night-     verse, with neatly topographic heavens
additions and revisions spliced in to in-         watchers, except for some brilliant spec-        and hells, a universe in which man is the
clude commentary on astronomical dis-             ulators - Aristotle       and Pythagoras,        tender preoccupation of his creator. Far
coveries and theories-the current spec-          among others, thought the world was              from that, Dr. Hawkins' Babylon-to-
ulations on the nature of pulsars, for in-       round-created         "sciences"   consistent    redshift odyssey (the redshift being an
stance-talked up over the last decade.           within themselves but grotesquely at             optical betrayal of our supposedly ex-
And alike all scientific publications these      variance with the laws of physics.               panding universe) reveals man as an un-
last few years, it already begins to lose        Ptolemy, the Alexandrian astronomer              resting detective, the possessor of an
some of its lustre, for since its second         and geographer who flourished in the             intelligence which seeks solutions as
coming the pulsar question has been re-          second century of our era, assumed that          naturally as a plant turns to the sun, a
opened, and revised, at one more asso-           the sun traveled around the earth, and           creature who for centuries has made
ciation meeting of the astronomers, this         on that assumption built an elaborate            more wrong guesses than right and now
Born in England, Gerald S. Hawkins obtained a Ph.D. and D.Sc.
                                                                from Manchester University, where he studied with Sir Bernard
                                                                Lovell at Jodrell Bank. He was Professor and Chairman of the As-
                                                                tronomy Department at Boston University and Director of the Ob-
                                                                servatory. He is now Dean of Dickinson College and a research
                                                                astronomer   at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.   Dr.
                                                                Hawkins is known for his many papers in scientific journals and
                                                                is the author of STONEHENGE DECODED .


and Row, 1969, 292 pp.            A Review by Prof. A. N. Hartshorn.

     trembles on the brink of a space age with           and swollen with the illusion of godhead.       literate, and entertammg corrective to
     frightening statistics: a sun with internal             He is a man, and that is all.                the smog-bound          parochialism     of our
     temperatures of 27 ,000,000 degrees Fahr-               Yet despite this story-teller's  ease-or    overheated      civilization,     a civilization
     enheit, a universe seeded with a billion            perhaps because of it-Dr. Hawkins               which sometimes           finds New Yorkers
     galaxies, stars so distant that it takes            manages to pepper his chronicle with            muttering      their suspicion        that milk
     light, moving at a speed of 186,300 miles           anecdotes, a few of them familiar, but          comes from bottles and that descendants
     per second, millions of years to reach us.          all of them absorbing and, as our chrys-        of the country's original settlers lie in
        What makes Dean Hawkins' book a                  alid youth like to say these days,              ambush behind the guard rails flanking
    delight to read, and in its own way a                "relevant."     Sir Isaac Newton,        who    the hillier portions of Interstate 80. Con-
    prophecy of his popular Stonehenge De-               earned national respectability as Master        servationists and ecologists scream with
    coded, one of the decade's best mystery              of the Mint, began his early school             righteous but largely ineffectual indig-
    yarns, is his ability to slide the reader           years, we learn, in what could be called         nation that man-most              men, at any
    over harsh conglomerates           of fact and      a blaze of failure; years later, at Cam-         rate-have lost touch with nature, that
    statistics with the apparent facility of a           bridge, he adopted the unsettling habit         they see themselves not as products of
    space vehicle easing itself into orbit.             of pre-reading all his texts and at times        evolution but as creatures of technology,
   Splendor in the Sky is addressed neither to          all but pre-empting the authority of his         existing on pollutants and psychiatry.
    the professional     astronomer      (who na-       professors. Sodom and Gomorrah were              About that Dean Hawkins also has a fe1,V
    turally knows all it contains) nor to the           almost certainly destroyed by a meteor-         words to say: had man been more en-
   sensation-hunter,     who clamors for enter-         ite, possibly the same non-saline agency        duringly engineered          for stress and self-
   tainment. It is addressed to that branch             of demolition to overtake Lot's Jagging         repair, he might have become a much
   of our species called "the intelligent               wife. Every hundred years one of these          better biological       specimen than he is.
   layman," an increasingly          populous en-       iron projectiles, a meteorite weighing in       As a surviving member of the animal
   clave. In short, it is for you and me.               at four tons, beds down on the earth,           kingdom,      he nevertheless        has to get
   It does not write down; it does not fog              often dissolves as it strikes, the most         along as best he can. The coal tar in his
   the reader with jargon.           It is written      memorable of these impacts having oc-           lungs and the nitrous oxide in his blood,
   with a vigorous simplicity which man-                curred in 1908 in Siberia.        "The people   if nothing else, should persuade him that
   ages to say much in few words, and to                within a radius of four hundred miles,"         he belongs to the earth, and had better
  say it clearly, so that even those resistant          calmly comments Dr. Hawkins, "saw               look down as well as up. Up is the direc-
   to science can understand.             It omits
                                                        and heard      a tremendous     explosion.      tion Dr. Hawkins has chosen. The effect
  what the reader need not know, scrapes
                                                        Eye-witnesses spoke of a brilliant object       of Splendor in the Sky is to nudge the
  away the scientific fat from the bones of
                                                        moving overhead from the southeast,             reader toward the same aspiring gesture.
  essential knowledge.         Its hero is man
                                                        dropping sparks and leaving behind a               Standing as both proof and denial of
  curious, believing,       and skeptical.        Its
  plot is ironic: discovery leads to ignor-             trail of smoke. As it hit the ground, the       man's voyage toward knowledge and
  ance, for the more we learn the more                  meteorite exploded with the violence of         uncertainty, the book-as well as its one
  mysteries we uncover.           It is a success       many hydrogen      bombs, producing        a    mordant aphorism: "If a mistake is
  story ending in optimistic failure: though            pillar of fire and smoke ... " The              possible, mankind will make it"-is one
  science makes "progress,"            no scientist     effects of the holocaust    were felt seven     we are glad to acquire, if only by aca-
  today identifies himself with the Renais-             hundred miles away.                             demic expropriation, as this summer we
  sance Faust, greedy for all knowledge                   Dr.   Hawkins'   book    is an informed,      also acquire the man who wrote it.
                                                                                                       Worship of the Golden Calf.

College Enriched by Potamkin Art Collection
                                                    "Pat" Potamkin, as he is known to his       The Miserere of Rouault is perhaps the
ART      COLLECTIONS     depend upon bene-
 factors. Dickinson's art collection and
                                                 friends, among civic and philanthropic
                                                 activities, is a member of the Board of
                                                                                             greatest graphic work of this century.
                                                                                             Monumental       in achievement the 58
 benefactors are in large measure identical.     Trustees of the Philadelphia Museum of      original aquatints and etchings depict
    Meyer P. Potamkin, prominent mem-            Art serving on the American Art and the     the ravages of war and the cruelty of
 ber of the class of '32, is familiar to many    Planning and Development Committees.        society    in juxtaposition    to Christ's
 alumni. In 1954 he and his wife, Vivian,        Mrs. Potamkin is a member of the            passion, in part the result of Rouault's
returning to the campus for a visit, pre-        Women's Committee of the Philadelphia       religious introspection.  In them he lays
sented half a hundred or more contem-            Museum of Art, serves as volunteer          bare reality to reveal man's fundamental
porary lithographs and etchings to the                                                       hypocrisy. The rare Chagall volumes
                                                 chairman of the Art Sales and Rental
college. These have been used as class                                                       with their illustrative original etchings
                                                 Gallery at the Museum. She is also on
illustrations, been exhibited as a collec-                                                   represent that painter's "pictoral folk-
                                                 the American Art committee. She is a
tion and some, framed, are decorative
                                                 former Board member of the Philadel-        lore" in his best style while the Verve
additions to administrative office walls,
                                                 phia Print Club. Their remarkable pri-      volumes contain Chagall's colored lith-
and art for the President's House.
                                                 vate collection is basically American       ographs on the Bible. Of regional in-
   This past spring the Potamkins asked
                                                 while: their collection of sculpture more   terest is a primitive painting by Michael
if the College would be interested in a
supplemental      gift. The answer,         an   fundamentally French is not exclusively     Boyle, a hunting scene with Old West
enthusiastic affirmative, resulted in a          so since one can also find, for example,    reputedly in the background.       Other
major addition to the collection, indeed         a Henry Moore, Giacometti and three         works by Boyle, a Carlisle plasterer of
one of handsome proportions.            It in-   carvings by Wilhelm      Schimmel,   the    the 1830's, are at Lafayette College and
cludes Rouault's Miserere; Chagall's illus-      American    Folk Artist.  Every major       in the Nelson Rockefeller Collection.
trations for Gogol's Les Ames Morles;            exhibition of an American Painter pre-         The variety    of the gifts presented by
signed aquatints, etchings, and litho-                                                       Mr. and Mrs.       Potamkin make them as
                                                 dating World War II is likely to contain
graphs by such notable artists as Picasso,                                                   useful as they    are valuable, as thought-
                                                 a canvas on Joan from the Potamkins.
Baskin, Braque, Kollwitz, Dali and                                                           fully assembled     as they are an aesthetic
                                                 Many others have been reproduced       in
others; contemporary sculpture, and art
                                                 Life and Time. Their generosity has ex-     enrichment to     the College. Such works
books and periodicals including Verve
                                                 tended to gifts made to Temple Univer-      as these will further      the humanistic
and Derrier le Miroir. In short, the gift
                                                 sity and the Pennsylvania Academy of        aspirations Dickinson      seeks for her
is a munificent one, to be known as
"the Meyer P. and Vivian Potamkin                Fine Arts and the Philadelphia Museum       students.
Collection."                                     of Art.                                                       Milton E. Flower, Ph.D.
         J_,U illllU)Il\

                                  ROUAULT: Miserere
                                  "Who does not put on a false face
                                  (from time to time)?"

                                  ROUAULT: Miserere
                                  "Wars which all mothers hate."

MIRO: Lithograph cover for
Derriere le M iroir

                   The                                     D'son Sports Hall of Fame
           Ca.mp-u..s                                            Three to be Elected Each Year;
                            .                                    Alumni Nominations are Invited
   The Department of Athletics has re-       2. Nominations for this award will be           8. In recognition of this honor, each
cently initiated a Dickinson College             accepted by the committee from any             member will be awarded an engraved
Athletics Hall of Fame.                          source.                                        plaque for permanent possession.
   A committee was formed to review          3. No nominee will be eligible for this         9. Each member's name will be inscribed
nominations and to elect nominations             award until after ten (10) years from          on a Hall of Fame Plaque which will
for this honor. The committee consists           the date of his graduation.                    be displayed in the lobby of Alumni
of: The. Director of Athletics, The Di-      4. Prior to 1946, a nominee must have              Gymnasium.
rector of Alumni Affairs, Chairman,              matriculated here for a minimum of
Department of Physical Education, Two            two years.                                  NoTE-The committee cordially invites
Senior Coaches, Two Alumni.                      a. From 1946 on, a nominee must be          your nominations. Additional nomina-
   The following points were discussed               a graduate.                             tion blanks can be obtained by contact-
and approved by the committee at its
                                             5. A maximum of three (3) men will be           ing the Director of Athletics. The com-
first meeting:
                                                 elected to the Hall of Fame within a        mittee realizes that the nomination blank
 1. To be nominated for this award, a
                                                 given year.
    candidate, during his undergraduate                                                      will be difficult to complete but regards
    days at Dickinson, should have ex-       6. A majority vote of the committee will
                                                                                             this information as vital for making final
    emplified desirable personal character       be required for election to the Hall of
                                                                                             judgment of all selectees. All information
    traits usually expected of a college         Fame.
                                              7. Members, as elected, will be officially     will be completed and verified by the
    athlete and should have performed in
    competition in a manner and to a             honored and inducted with appro-             committee from the records in the
    degree that is considered outstanding.        priate ceremonies.                          Alumni and Athletic Offices.

Dickinson College Sports Hall of Fame Nomination Blank
                 Mail to: Hall of Fame, c/o Director of Athletics, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013

Nominee's Name: ..
                                 First                Nickname                      Middle                            Last
Present Address: .....
If Deceased, Name & Address of Next of Kin: ...

Born (When & Where):.
Date of Graduation: ...
College Athletic Record:
        Sports                     Coach                        Positions Played                               Years Played
 Height and Weight in Playing Days:..                                  ·       .
 Outstanding Undergraduate Competitive Athletic Achievements:

 Honors and/or Awards:

 Present Occupation: .
 Armed Service Record: ..
 Civic Service: .

 Married (When, Where, to Whom):
 Children: .
 Other Important Information on Your Choice:

 Sender's Name and Address: ..

Ethel M. Young of St. Louis,            The congregation of Ebene-
                                                                               Missouri.                            zer United Methodist Church,
                                                                                 Lee 0. Richards, husband of
          Persor:i..a.1                                                        LOUISE SUMWALT RICH-
                                                                                                                    Havertown, dedicated a Chapel
                                                                                                                    on January 5 and named it the
                                                                               ARDS, died in Clearwater,            Rev. RICHARD H. JONES
                                                                               Florida on June 29.                  Chapel in honor of their pastor.
            ~er:i..tior:i..                                                                  1926
                                                                                                                    The Chapel has a seating capa-
                                                                                                                    city of 126.
                                                                                  Dr. Harry L Canon, son of
                                                                               Rev. WALTER H. CANON,                             1929
               1907                   Stearns spent four years as the          is director of counseling ser-           MARK N. BURKHART,
                                     director of National Missions             vices at the University of            principal of the Carlisle Senior
    Dr. L. GUY ROHRBAUGH                                                       Nebraska.
                                     schools of the United Presby-                                                   High School, announced his
 and Mrs. Ralph M. Mitchell,                                                      In November, Mrs. RUTH
                                     terian Church.                                                                  retirement effective August 4.
 of Richmond, Virginia, were                                                   RIEGEL WOODS will retire
                                        Professor STANLEY             J.                                             Principal of the high school for
 married on April 12 in the Cor-                                               from her position as director of
                                     FOLMSBEE, professor of his-                                                     29 years, he has been in public
 son Chapel of the Allison                                                     nursing services, District of
                                     tory at the University of Ten-                                                  education for 43 years, begin-
 United Methodist Church. Dr.                                                  Columbia Red Cross.
                                     nessee, is the co-author of a one                                               ning as a rural teacher in 1923.
 Rohrbaugh is professor emer-                                                    WILLIAM MAHONEY, of
                                     volume Tennessee: A Short His-                                                  Prior to becoming assistant
 itus of philosophy and religion.                                              Carlisle, recently retired from
                                     tory which is scheduled for pub-                                                principal in 1938, he taught
 The couple now reside at Carl-                                                his job as manager of Joe's
                                     lication this fall. It is a conden-                                             mathematics and biology for
 wyne Manor, Carlisle.                                                         Store.
                                     sation and revision of a two                                                    eight years in the senior high
                                     volume History of Tennessee                            1927                     school. He has served as presi-
                                     which was published in New                                                      dent of the Pennsylvania Prin-
   LESTER S. HECHT, of               York in 1960.                                Since his retirement from the      cipals Association and chair-
                                                                               active Methodist ministry last        man of the secondary college
 Wyndmoor, is the author of the
                                                                              June, the Rev. EDGAR A.                relations committee. He was
 1969 supplement to his law                       1924
 book "Pennsylvania Municipal                                                  HENRY, D.D. is serving as a           also a member of the advisory
 Claims and Tax Liens," which            The members of CLAIR B.               full time supply pastor of the       comtnittee of the National Asso-
 has been published by Geo. T.        MONG'S Sunday School Class               Camp Curtin Memorial United          ciation of School Principals and
 Briel Co. The original book         think so much of his teaching             Methodist Church in Harris-          District 3 Pennsylvania Inter-
                                     that they have had 17 of his              burg.                                scholastic Athletic Association.
 was published in 1967.
                                     lessons published in a book that             On June 30, FRED J.                   Mrs. Grace Wiest McCoy,
                                     came out in April. Entitled               SCHMIDT, of Maplewood,               mother of Mrs. ELIZABETH
                                     "Landmarks of Christian Liv-              New Jersey, retired after 42         McCOY CR YER, died on
   Bishop FRED P. CORSON,            ing," the book illustrates what           years service in teaching.           February 23 in Harrisburg at
past president of the World          Mr. Mong calls his "philo-                  In August, Dr. MARY                the age of 91 years.
Methodist Council, was the           sophical appraisal to Bible study        BRIGHTBILL retired from the              Since retiring from govern-
Commencement     speaker at          which demonstrates the prac-             faculty of Millersville State         ment service, Dr. VERNARD
Gwynedd-Mercy College on             tical application of religious            College. She plans to spend          F. GROUP is serving as a part-
June 1.                              principles to daily living."             much time traveling in Europe.        time counseling psychologist
                                     Following graduation        from         Her home address is 105 Kready       at the College.
             1920                    George Washington University             Avenue, Millersville 17551.              HOWARD S. SPERING,
                                     Law School, Mr. Mong became                 MERLE L. KEIM retired as          attorney of Chevy Chase, Mary-
                                    a bank official and later entered         supervising principal of the         land, is the author of an article
Glenside, retired as dean of the
                                    the government consular ser-              Annville-Cleona School Dis-          published in the August 1968
Evening College, Philadelphia
                                    vice. The seven years before              trict, Lebanon County, on June       issue of the American Bar Asso-
College of Textiles and Science
                                    his retirement were spent as a            30 after serving that district for   ciation Journal entitled, "How
last June with the rank of Dean
                                    sales representative and public           18 years. He spent 42 years as       to Make the Electoral College
                                    relations director for trucking           an educator.                         Constitutionally     Representa-
                                    lines. He and his wife live at               WILLIAM M. SHEAFFER               tive." Cited as 54 A.B.A.J. 763,
                                    136 NE 46th Street, Miami,                retired from his position with
   Dr. CARLE B. SPOTTS, of          Florida.                                  Swift and Company after 34
 Columbus, Ohio, retired in             Since his retirement in 1967,         years service.
                                                                                                                        Harry L. Stearns, '22
June from the English Depart-       WILLIAM H. HOUSEMAN
ment at Ohio State University.
                                    is working part-time in Custo-
   Dr. HARRY L. STEARNS,            mer Relations of the Credit                 JOHN M. McHALE, of
of Englewood, New Jersey, is        Bureau of Greater Houston.                Harrisburg, retired in May
among 192 distinguished con-        His home address is 4009 Par-             after 34 years service with the
tributors to the fourth edition     due, Houston, Texas 77005.                Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
of the Encyclopediaof Educational      Dr. PAUL R. BURK-                      vania. At the time of his retire-
Research, a project of the Ameri-   HOLDER retired from Lamont                ment, Mr. McHale was Deputy
can Educational Research Asso-      Observatory of Columbia Uni-              State Treasurer.
ciation, published by Mac-          versity. He is now living at                 The     Rev.   RALPH        S.
millan. Dr. Stearns is the          La Parguera, Lajas, Puerto                KROUSE of Clearfield, re-
author of an article titled Reli-   Rico 00667.                               ports he became a grandfather
gion and Education. After his          William A. Boag, Jr., son of           in April when his daughter and
retirement as superintendent of     Mrs. LULU TOBIAS BOAG,                    son-in-law announced the birth
Englewood schools in 1962, Dr.      was married on June 21 to                 of their son.
it has been reprinted      m the                    1931                    counsel of American Brands,
Congressional     Record     three                                          Inc.    The two companies
                                          CHARLES M. MOYER,
times.                                                                      merged under the American
                                     · M.D., of Laurel, has been
    Mrs. MARY FINLEY CON-                                                   Brands name. Mr. Hetsko is a
                                       elected president of the State
RAD teaches 12th grade Eng-                                                 Director of the United States
                                       of Delaware Medical Society.
lish in the Cresson High School,                                            Trademark Association.
                                          ROBERT E. DAWSON, of
Penn Cambria School District.                                                  Robert Geyer, son of Mrs.
                                       Scranton, was elected to mem-
Her husband, Hugh, is promi-                                                ELIZABETH         BASSETT
                                       bership in the Pennsylvania
nent in sports and serves as a                                              GEYER, received his M.A.T.
                                       Society and is also a director of
member of the Eastern Inter-                                                in June from Wesleyan College
                                       the Scranton Chamber of Com-
collegiate Football Officials As-                                           and is now teaching history at
sociation.  The Conrads live at                                             the Greenwich, Connecticut
                                          Mrs. NANCY HORNER
199 George Street, Lilly.                                                   High School. Her daughter,
                                       MACHTLEY of Altoona, re-
                                                                            Nan, graduated cum laude in
                                       ports that her son and daughter
              1930                                                          June from Gustavus Adolphus
                                       are both attending Juniata                                                       Cyril F. Hetsko, '33
   FRANK A. SUFFOLETTA,                College-David, a member of
of Midland, is solicitor for the       the senior class, and Margaret,
Borough of Midland, Munic-             a member of the junior class.
ipal Authority of Midland, the         Margaret will spend 1969 at             Professor BENJAMIN D.
Midland Boro School District,          Philipps University, Marburg,        JAMES represented the College
the Dollar Savings and Loan            Germany.                             at the inauguration of William
Association Midland Office,                                                 H. Duncan as president of
and Beaver Trust Company.                          1932                     Millersville State College in
He is an associate in the law            Last June, GEORGE P.               May.
firm of Suffoletta and Masters        BEAR, of New Smyrna Beach,               WILLIAM       R.   WOOD-
and a past president of the           Florida, was awarded a master's       WARD, attorney of Hawthorne,
Beaver County Bar Association.        degree from Stetson University.·      New Jersey, left Western Elec-
   Dr. TOBIAS H. DUNKEL-              He is a member of the faculty         tric Company on June 6 after
BERGER has assumed the posi-          at Sanford Naval Academy,             working there 23 years, to be-
tion of Associate Dean of the         where his son, Jeff, a graduate       come general patent counsel
College of Arts and Sciences          of Wesley, is also teaching.          of Allied Chemical Corporation.
at the University of Pittsburgh.         Since returning stateside,
In May, he served as the repre-       LESTER M. BASLER is sta-
sentative of the College at the       tioned at Langley Air Force
173rd     Commencement and            Base, Virginia. He had served
Ceremonies to inaugurate the          as USAF Civilian Personnel
175th Anniversary Year of             Officer at Peshawar, Pakistan
Pittsburgh Theological Sem-           and Athens, Greece. Prior to
inary.                                that he had overseas tours in
   On the anthology "Exploring        Tokyo and in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Life     through     Literature,"        On July 1, WILLIAM J.
JACKIE CISNEY'S biography             TAYLOR resigned as princi-
of Edward Steichen, "Steichen,        pal at Barnesboro High School
Dissatisfied Genius," has been        and Northern Cambria High                 Dale F. Shughart, '34 with wife Mary Ann, Dale, Jr., and Barbara
published.                            School. He received his high
   William Collins, son of WAL-       school principal certification
TER W. COLLINS, was the               in 1945. He began his teaching
outstanding graduate in the           ca~eer in 1934 as a chemistry
June class at Lakewood High           and physics instructor and was
School, St. Petersburg, Florida.      named principal of Barnesboro
He will begin his freshman            High School in 1938, a position
year at the University of Florida.    he held until Barnesboro be-
                                      came a part of the Northern
   KAY L. AMMON is a
                                      Cambria jointure. Mr. Taylor
Program Development Officer
                                      was named principal of North-
with the Agency for Inter-
                                      ern Cambria in 1965, succeed-
national Development, Depart-
                                      ing HUGO VIVADELLI, '33.
ment of State after serving with
A.I.D. as a training officer in
Bangkok, Thailand.
   Dr. PAUL D. LEEDY, pro-               Colonel JOHN A. NOR-
fessor of education at American       CROSS is a surgeon with the
University authored a new             22AF, USAF, stationed at Trav-
book, A Key to Better Reading,        is Air Force Base, California.
which has been issued by Mc-             CYRIL F. HETSKO, vice
Graw-Hill paperbacks.          Dr.    president and general counsel
Leedy is listed in Who's Who in       of the American Tobacco Com-
Education and International Who's     pany, has been elected senior
 Who.                                 vice president and general
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