DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL IMAGING - 1st Part - Introduction Ing. Tommaso Rossi

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DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL IMAGING - 1st Part - Introduction Ing. Tommaso Rossi

        Ing. Tommaso Rossi

   Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI , a.a. 2013/2014
DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL IMAGING - 1st Part - Introduction Ing. Tommaso Rossi
Overview                              2

How we can look on the inside of human body?

Invasive techniques: surgery, endoscope, etc.
• can cause damage or trauma to the body
• offer direct optical viewing
Non-invasive techniques: medical imaging
• some of these techniques are completely risk-free, for
  others there are risks associted with the radiation
• allow us to see things not visible to the naked eye
             Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL IMAGING - 1st Part - Introduction Ing. Tommaso Rossi
Brief History                             3

The first published medical image was a radiograph
Of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen wife’s hand (1895).
Using a Crookes’ tube Roentgen discovered a new
kind of rays, x-rays (wavelength between 10 nm and
10 pm), that could expose film even when optically
Few months later the first clinical use of x-rays
occurred. Later the medical use of x-rays became

Nuclear medicine arose from the discovery of radioactivity by
Antoine Henri Becquerrel in 1896. The initial idea of using
radioactive tracers to study human physiology was introduced by
George de Hevesy in 1923.
The modern scintillation camera was developed in 1952.

                 Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL IMAGING - 1st Part - Introduction Ing. Tommaso Rossi
Brief History                                 4

The first interaction of acoustic waves with media was first described
by Lord John Rayleigh at the end of 1800.
Modern Ultrasound medical imaging was developed after the II World
War due to the development of Navy sonar technology.

Magnatic resonance imaging arises form the Nuclear magnetic
resonance phenomenon, discovered by Felix Bloch and Edward
Purcell that received the Nobel Prize in 1952.
In 1971 the use of this phenomenon in
medical imaging was suggested by
Raymond Damadian and this concept
was developed by Paul Lauterbur (who
won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in
2003) in 1973.

                 Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL IMAGING - 1st Part - Introduction Ing. Tommaso Rossi
Signals                                       5

    Physical signals studied in medical imaging arise from different processes

            a) Projection radiography            transmission of
                  and Computed                   photons (x-rays)
  use of                                         through the human
 ionizing    Tomography scanning
radiation                                        emission of photons           use of
            b) Nuclear medicine                  (gamma rays) from          electromagn.
                                                 radiotracers in the body      energy

                                                  precession of spin
            c) Magnetic resonance                 systems in a large
                                                  magnetic field

            d) Ultrasound imaging                reflection of ultrasonic   use of sound
                                                 waves within the body         waves

                       Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL IMAGING - 1st Part - Introduction Ing. Tommaso Rossi
Projection Radiography                                   6

Projection of a 3D object or signal into a 2D image. The signal generator is
a x-ray a tube able to create a x-ray pulse in a uniform con beam.
The pulse, passing through the body, is attenuated by tissues. The signal
intensity profile becomes non uniform and shadows are created by dense
objects (i.e.: bones).

The x-ray signal intensity profile is revealed through
a scintillator that converts the signal to visible light,
that is finally captured (on a film, a camera or a solid-
state detector).

Structures located at different
deepts in the human body are
superimposed on a 2D image

                     Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL IMAGING - 1st Part - Introduction Ing. Tommaso Rossi
Computed Tomography                                          7

 CT uses x-rays not travelling in a 3D cone beam but collimated in a 2D
 “fan beam”.
Shadows are created by tissues in a 2D cross-section and the signal
intensity is detected by a large number of detectors. This measurement is
called projection.
Many projections are collected for different angular orientation of the tube
signal generator (and detectors that rotate around the human body).
Through these projections an image of
the human body cross-section is computed
(spatial resolution < 0.5 mm).

Different CT modalities:
•standard single-slice
•helical (whole body scan
 in less than a minute)

                    Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL IMAGING - 1st Part - Introduction Ing. Tommaso Rossi
Nuclear Medicine                                        8

Images can be acquired only if appropriate radioactive substances
(radiotracers) are introduced into the body.
The image reflects the local concentration of a radiotracer within the body.
Being this concentration tied to the physiological behaviour, this method
is called functional imaging.
e.g. radioactive iodine is used to study tyroid functions.
Three main modalities:
•conventional radionuclide imaging or planar scintigraphy

• single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)                   emission
• positron emission tomography (PET)                                   tomography
Planar scintigraphy and SPECT use radiotracres that are gamma emitters.
PET uses radiotracers that emit positrons.
SPECT and PET require tomographyc recnostruction while planar imaging
forms images by projection.
                   Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
Nuclear Medicine                                    9

In contrast with projection radiography and computed tomography, the
biological behaviour of a substance’s biodistribution in the body is of
interest in nuclear medicine.
Each molecule of the substance is labeled with a radioactive atom. The
ionizing radiation emitted when this atom undergoes radioactive decay is
used to determine the location of the molecule within the body.
a) Projection radiograph,
  image intensity reflects the
  varying absorption of
  transmitted x-rays through
  the bones (structural
  anatomical information)
b) Nuclear medicine “bone
 scan”, image intensity
 reflects the metabolic
 activity of the bones
 (metabolic information)                            a)                 b)
                   Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
Nuclear Medicine                                              10

In nuclear medicine a 2D gamma ray detctor called Anger camera is
Used (invented in 1952 by Hal Anger of the Donner Laboratory at the
University of California).
Anger camera is able to detect single rays. This procedure combines the
effect of emission with effects of attenuation of rays due to body tissues.

Images are 2D projections of 3D distribution of radiotracers plus
Attenuation (spatial resolution 5-18 mm).

Nuclear medicine images are based on
the distribution of radiotracers, the
interest is not in total intesity (as
projection radiography and CT) but in
the detected decay rate of the source,
typically expressed as “counts” per
time.                                                                  Anger camera

                   Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
Nuclear Medicine                                        11

In convetional radionuclide imaging and SPECT a radioactive atom’s decay
produces a single gamma ray which may be detected by Anger camera (a
collimator is needed).
In PET a radionuclide decay produces a positron, which annihilates with an
electron producing two gamma rays flying off in opposite directions. PET
scanner looks for coincident detections from opposing detectios in its ring,
determining the line that passes through the site where the annihilation

       SPECT scan that indicates the
      baseline blood reaching the brain                                  PET-CT

                     Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
Ultrasound Imaging                                          12

Ultrasound imaging uses electrical-to-acustical transducers to generate high
frequency pulses (typically 1-10 MHz). These pulses travel through the body
and reflect back to the transducer.
                                                       gives information about
time of return of the reflected pulses
                                                       location of the reflector
intensity of the reflected pulses                    gives information about the
                                                       strength of the reflector

 Since ultrasound imaging systems
 have low image quality they are
 used to analyse the anatomy (real-
 They are very cheap and small

                     Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
Ultrasound Imaging                                  13

• A-mode imaging: (or amplitude-mode) one-dimensional pulse waveform,
    used to generate detailed information about rapid or undetectable
    motion, i.e.: hearth valve motion
•   B-mode imaging: ordinary cross-sectional anatomical imaging (2D
    image), created by a linear array of transducers scanning a plane
    through the body
•   M-mode imaging: (or motion-mode) a succession of A-mode signals,
    each A-mode signal is a column in an image. Not an anatomical image
    but important for measuring of time-varying displacements
•   Doppler imaging: uses the property of frequency or phase shift caused
    by moving objects to generate images that are colour coded by their

           M-mode image – mitral valve

                      Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
Magnetic Resonance                                     14

Magnetic resonance scanners use the property of nuclear magnetic
Resonance (NMR) to create images
In a strong magnetic field the nucleus of hydrogen tends to align
itself with the field, creating a magnetization of the body.
It is possible to excite a selected region of the body, moving away
from the magnetic field direction groups of these “little magnets”.
Once protons return back to be aligned with the field they experience
a precession movement generating a radio-frequency wave that
is captured by an antenna.
MR produces high-resolution high-contrast cross-sectional anatomic
images and, like ultrasound imaging, is non-invasive.
Different kind of pulse sequences can be used to create different
images, a clever combination of pulse sequences can be used to
create dynamic series of images, which can be used to estimate
blood flow (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

                 Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
Magnetic Resonance                                                   15

All nuclei have positive charges (they are composed by protons and
neutrons). A nucleus with either an odd atomic number or an odd mass
number has an angular momentum – they have spin

If the nuclei of the hydrogen atoms (¹H) are subjected to a strong magnetic
field they tend to align with the field; being the number of hydrogen atoms
into the human body very high, this tendency results in a magnetization of
the body

                        Φ                                                        N

                                                                        +        +
 Nucleus angular                          Microscopic                        +       +
   momentum                              magnetization of               +
                                            nucleus                      +       +


                    Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
Magnetic Resonance                                      16

In normal conditions individual spins of ¹H nuclei have a random
                                                             JJG orientation,
has results no macroscopic magnetic field is produced        M = µi = 0   ∑
µ is the magnetic moment vector
If a strong magnetic field, B0 , is applied, the components of µi vectors
parallel to the field produce a macroscopic magnetic field ≠ 0
Nuclei spin precess around an axis along the direction of the field. This
precession has a frequency, called Larmor frequency (rad/sec,proportional
to B0 ), of the order of MHz (radiofrequency)
If a microscopic sample of nuclei is excited using a electromagnetic
radiation having Larmor frequency, the radiation magnetic component
interacts with nuclei magnetic moment

   A quantum of energy is absorbed changing the nuclei energy status
     The proton magnetisation vector is rotated by an arbitrary angle
                      Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
Magnetic Resonance                                   17

  When these energy transitions occur, nuclei are resonant with applied
  When the external electromagnetic radiation ends, nuclei emit
  electromagnetic radiation at the same frequency in order to return to
  their previous energy state.
  The radio-frequency electromagnetic signature emitted by the nuclei
  can be sensed with an antenna and used for image reconstruction
  A magnetic resonance image has a medium spatial resolution but it is
  possible to obtain high tissues discrimination. The operator can
  choose in real-time to analyse different tissues characteristics

Paramagnetic contrast-agents /
tracers can be used to improve
MR imaging (enhanced contrast
and measurement of additional

                     Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
PACS System                                      18

Picture Archiving and Communication System is a software and
hardware system for medical images archiving, transimssion and
A PACS is composed by a file archive (able to manage data and images)
and visual display units, able to represent images on an high resolution
Images/data shall not be modified, hence usually the archiving process
is done using a legal archive.
The new generation of PACS is able to process the images, i.e. creating
3D reconstructions.

PACS is integrated with the RIS
(Radiology Information System) that
is the software for the management of
the radiology ward.

                  Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
DICOM Standard                                  19

Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine Standard is a standard
for the exchange of medical images in a digital format.

It has been created to solve the problem of information sharing

DICOM has been developed by National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) in conjunction with the American College of
Radiology (ACR). The first version was released in 1985

DICOM is designed to ensure the interoperability of systems used to:

      Produce, Store, Display, Process, Transmit, Handle or Print

medical images and derived structured documents as well as to manage
related workflow.

                  Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
DICOM Standard                                   20

 DICOM is used in:
 · radiology · breast imaging · cardiology · radiotherapy · oncology
 · ophthalmology · dentistry · pathology · surgery · veterinary
 · neurology · pneumology

       DICOM is an industrial standard (not an ISO standard)
     In general the equipments are partially DICOM compliant

DICOM standard includes both a file format definition and a network
communication protocol; a large class of services can be provided

The communication protocol is an
application protocol that uses TCP/IP
to communicate between systems.

                 Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
DICOM Standard

DICOM does not define new algorithms for image compression but a
standard for data encapsulation.
A DICOM image consists of a header and a content:
•the header is a long stream of textual information that specify the type
 of content (patient identification attributes, data on the type of exam,
 etc.) and other “administrative” info
•the content is the medical image data (it can be compressed or not)
            Imaging modality          Radiology Information System          Workstation

                                  DICOM Network

          Other Networks               Printer                 Digital Archive

                     Tommaso Rossi - Modulo di SEGNALI, a.a. 2013/2014
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