Diagnosis and Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules-the Clinician's Perspective

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Diagnosis and Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules-the Clinician's Perspective
Diagnosis and Evaluation
o f T h y ro i d N o d u l e s - t h e
C l i n i c i a n ’s P e r s p e c t i v e
Rajasree Nambron, MDa,1, Richard Rosenthal, MDb, Deepti Bahl, MDc,1,*

 ! Thyroid nodules ! Thyroid incidentaloma ! Fine needle aspiration ! Thyroid cancer
 ! Thyroid ultrasound ! Thyroid imaging

 ! Thyroid nodules are a common clinical problem, and the increased use of imaging techniques has
   led to increased diagnosis of thyroid incidentalomas and low-risk thyroid cancers.
 ! Greater emphasis is being placed on risk assessment and sonographic features to avoid unneces-
   sary evaluation and therapy.
 ! Ultrasound-guided fine need aspiration cytology remains the gold standard test to evaluate thyroid
 ! Molecular diagnostics are being widely used for further risk assessment and characterization of
   indeterminate thyroid nodules.

INTRODUCTION                                              assessment and outcome prediction to minimize
                                                          morbidity and unnecessary therapy. This strategy
Epidemiologic studies show that about 5%                  led to the changing paradigm in thyroid cancer man-
women and 1% men have palpable nodules in                 agement from the traditional model of one size fits all
the iodine-sufficient areas of the world.1 With the       to a risk adapted paradigm that involves manage-
advent of high-quality imaging techniques and             ment based on individualized risk assessment.
more patients undergoing radiological imaging
for a myriad of clinical problems, thyroid nodules
have become a common clinical issue. Most of              THYROID NODULES
these nodules are benign; however, the clinical           A thyroid nodule is a discrete lesion within the thy-
importance lies in the need to exclude cancer.            roid gland that is radiologically and histologically
  As per the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End           different from the surrounding thyroid paren-
Results (SEER) data, thyroid cancer constitutes           chyma. Both benign and malignant thyroid disease
3.0% of all newly diagnosed cancers, and there            can cause thyroid nodules. Thyroid cancer occurs
were an estimated 52,070 new cases diagnosed              in 7% to 15% of any thyroid nodule.4,5
in 2019. However, the prognosis is excellent,
with an overall 5-year survival of 98.2%.2
                                                          PALPABLE AND NONPALPABLE NODULES
  Greater use of thyroid ultrasound has led to an
increased diagnosis of low-risk thyroid cancer.3          The estimated annual incidence rate of thyroid
Thus, there is a greater emphasis on risk                 nodules is 0.1% in the United States.6 The

   University of Alabama at Birmingham, UAB Multispecialty Clinic, 2119 East South Boulevard, Montgomery,
 AL 36116, USA; b University of Alabama at Birmingham, The Kirklin Clinic of UAB Hospital, 2000 6th Avenue
 South, Birmingham, AL 35233, USA; c University of Alabama at Birmingham, 510 20th Street South, FOT 702,
 Birmingham, AL 35294-3407, USA
   Both of them are first authors.
 * Corresponding author. 510, 20th street south, FOT 502, Birmingham, AL 35294.
 E-mail address: dbahl@uabmc.edu

 Radiol Clin N Am 58 (2020) 1009–1018
 0033-8389/20/! 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Diagnosis and Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules-the Clinician's Perspective
1010       Nambron et al

       frequency of thyroid nodules, about half of which     complete review of systems for any signs and
       are solitary on physical examination, increases       symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
       throughout life.7 Thyroid nodules are more com-       should also be performed (Table 1).
       mon in elderly persons, females, people from
       iodine-deficient geographic areas, and in those
       with a history of radiation exposure. Single nod-
                                                             Laboratory Studies
       ules are about 4 times more common in women
       than in men. Nodules are 10 times more frequent       The initial laboratory step in the work-up to eval-
       when the gland is examined at autopsy, during         uate a thyroid nodule is obtaining a TSH (thyroid-
       surgery, or by ultrasonography. Clinically unrecog-   stimulating hormone) level. A suppressed or low
       nized thyroid nodules are common and can be           TSH, which signifies a hyperthyroid state, is asso-
       found in up to 50% to 60% of patients at autopsy.6    ciated with a decreased probability of malig-
                                                             nancy.12 The management of patients with a low
       DETECTION                                             serum TSH is described later in this article. On
                                                             the other hand, an increased level of serum TSH,
       Thyroid nodules can be detected during palpation      even when the level is still within reference limits,
       by the patient or on physical examination by a        is statistically associated with an increased risk
       physician. They are often diagnosed during            of cancer in thyroid nodular disease.13 Routine
       work-up for hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.        measurement of serum thyroglobulin and serum
       They are also commonly noted incidentally on im-      calcitonin is not recommended in the initial evalu-
       aging studies performed for an unrelated condi-       ation of thyroid nodules.14
       tion. A thyroid nodule discovered during either
       imaging study or surgery performed because of         Imaging
       an unrelated thyroid gland pathology is known as
       a thyroid incidentaloma. The prevalence rate of a     Thyroid ultrasound
       thyroid incidentaloma is 67% with thyroid ultra-      All patients with a suspected thyroid nodule, a
       sound imaging,8 16% with computed tomography          known nodular goiter, or a thyroid nodule inciden-
       (CT) or MR imaging,9 9.4% by carotid duplex ultra-    tally diagnosed on any other imaging study
       sound,10 and 2% to 3% with fluorodeoxyglucose         should undergo a diagnostic thyroid ultrasound.
       (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET).11 Thy-      High-resolution ultrasound is the most sensitive
       roid incidentalomas, thus, represents a large pro-    imaging technique to detect thyroid nodules,
       portion of patients seen for evaluation of thyroid    and it is well-suited to evaluate the gland archi-
       nodules in an endocrine practice.                     tecture.15 Thyroid ultrasound should be used to
                                                             determine the size and number of nodules and
                                                             provide a description of any abnormal lymphade-
                                                             nopathy in the neck. The size and sonographic
       History and Physical Examination
                                                             features of the nodules (eg, composition, echoge-
       The initial evaluation for thyroid nodule(s) is       nicity, shape, margins, and echogenic foci) are
       comprised of a thorough history and physical ex-      taken into consideration while deciding the need
       amination. Any personal or family history of          for fine needle aspiration (FNA) as described later
       benign or malignant thyroid disease should be         in this article.16,17
       obtained. The patient should be evaluated for
       symptoms of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
       Pertinent history that increases the risk of malig-    Table 1
       nancy includes a history of head or neck radia-        Shows the symptoms associated with a
                                                              hypothyroid and hyperthyroid state
       tion, presentation at extremes of age (less than
       14 or more than 70 years), history of rapid            Hyperthyroidism              Hypothyroidism
       growth of the nodule, persistent dysphonia,
       male gender,6 and significant family history of        Palpitations                 Dry skin and hair
       differentiated thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid       Heat intolerance             Cold intolerance
       cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN),         Weight loss                  Weight gain
       Type 2.                                                Frequent bowel               Constipation
          A complete thyroid examination with palpation         movements
       of the thyroid gland should be performed. The          Anxiety                      Fatigue
       location, size, and consistency of any palpable        Oligomenorrhea               Menorrhagia
       nodules should be assessed. Any neck tenderness
                                                              Increased appetite           Decreased appetite
       or cervical adenopathy should also be noted. A
Diagnosis and Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules-the Clinician's Perspective
Diagnosis and Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules                1011

   Thyroid ultrasound is not indicated in patients           adenoma with suppressed uptake in the surround-
with medical thyroid disease if the gland is normal          ing and contralateral thyroid tissue (Fig. 1).
in size without evidence of a palpable nodule on                No further cytology evaluation is generally rec-
physical examination. It is also not indicated as a          ommended for a hyperfunctioning nodule, as
screening test except in patients with high genetic          these nodules rarely harbor malignancy. However,
risk or possibly in those with history of radiation to       the prevalence of thyroid cancer in hyperfunction-
the head or neck region.                                     ing nodules is approximately 3%.22 Therefore, in
   Ultrasound elastography, which uses both so-              clinical practice, FNA of a hyperfunctioning nodule
nography and a computational module to measure               should be considered in patients with risk factors
tissue stiffness, has been used in some institutions         for thyroid cancer, any nodules with suspicious
to assess cancer risk. Recently, larger clinical trials      sonographic features, and those that show growth
show that ultrasound elastography has been infe-             on surveillance.
rior to gray scale sonography, especially with                  Patients with a suppressed TSH who are noted
partially cystic or cystic nodules.18 Patients with          to have one or more hyperfunctioning nodules on
multinodular goiter, coalescence of nodules,                 uptake and scan should also undergo thyroid ul-
obese patients, or those with nodules that are infe-         trasound to evaluate the presence of nodules
rior or posterior are not candidates for ultrasound          concordant with the hyperfunctioning areas on
elastography.19                                              the scan and other nonfunctioning nodules that
                                                             might be present (Fig. 2).
Other imaging modalities                                        A multicenter study looked at association of thy-
A chest radiograph is not useful and therefore not           roid cancer in patients with nodular Graves’ disease
recommended for evaluation of the thyroid gland,             and found the rate of carcinoma in a cold nodule
although it may indicate a substernal goiter, which          was 15% (n 5 140 patients). In patients with
typically presents as a mass associated with                 nodular Graves’ disease, ultrasound-guided FNA
tracheal narrowing, tracheal stenosis, and medias-           is useful before radioiodine therapy or surgery.23
tinal widening causing shortness of breath.                     The risk of thyroid cancer in patients with a mul-
   Cross-sectional imaging with CT scan is recom-            tinodular goiter is the same as in those with a sol-
mended to evaluate and confirm substernal exten-             itary nodule.24,25 Therefore, all nodules within a
sion and tracheal compression. It is also                    multinodular goiter that meet sonographic and
recommended in suspected advanced thyroid                    size criteria concerning for malignancy should un-
cancer to assess for nodal disease and wide-                 dergo biopsy.14
spread metastases.14 Iodinated contrast adminis-
tration should be avoided in patients with
suspected thyroid cancer, as it will delay therapy           Fine Needle Aspiration
with radioactive iodine (RAI).                               FNA is the procedure of choice in the histologic
   FDG-PET imaging is not recommended for the                evaluation of thyroid nodules. The nodule size at
evaluation of patients with newly detected thyroid           initial ultrasound, the ultrasound characteristics,
nodules or thyroid disease. Incidental FDG-PET               and definite increase in size during follow-up are
uptake in the thyroid gland is seen in 2% to 3% pa-          generally considered as reasonable criteria for
tients and can be either focal or diffuse.11 Focal           deciding whether to proceed with FNA. FNA
FDG-PET uptake in the thyroid is associated with             should be performed under ultrasound guidance
an approximately 35% risk of being cancerous.20              to ensure optimal placement of the needle tip for
For PET-positive nodules greater than 1 cm diam-             nodule sampling.
eter, a dedicated ultrasound and FNA are recom-                 In the United States, the two commonly used
mended. However, diffuse FDG uptake in                       guidelines to estimate risk of malignancy, and
conjunction with sonographic and clinical evi-               thus assess a need for FNA, are the ATA (American
dence of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis does not            Thyroid Association) guidelines14 and the ACR TI-
require further imaging or FNA.                              RADS (American College of Radiology Thyroid Im-
                                                             aging Reporting and Data System).16,26
MULTINODULAR GOITER AND TOXIC                                   Table 2 shows the ATA ultrasound features and
NODULES                                                      criteria for biopsy as per the guidelines.14 In com-
                                                             parison, Fig. 3 shows thyroid nodule imaging fea-
A radioactive iodine uptake and scan should be               tures and guidelines for biopsy as recommended
obtained if the TSH is low to assess whether the             by the ACR TI-RADS reporting system.16
nodule is hyperfunctioning.21 The pattern of up-                Both guidelines recommend biopsy if size of the
take in a patient with a single hyperfunctioning             thyroid nodule is over 1 cm and there are high-
nodule generally shows focal uptake in the                   suspicion sonographic features. For intermediate-
1012        Nambron et al

       Fig. 1. Thyroid scan with I-131 of a solitary functioning nodule in the right thyroid lobe in a 22-year-old woman
       noted to have a suppressed TSH. A functioning nodule is nearly always benign, whereas, a nonfunctioning
       nodule (approximately 90% of nodules) has a 5% to 15% risk of being malignant.

                                                                                  Fig. 2. A 62-year-old man presented
                                                                                  with thyrotoxicosis from Graves’ dis-
                                                                                  ease. Thyroid ultrasound showed a
                                                                                  left thyroid lobe solid nodule
                                                                                  2.3 " 1.9 cm (ACR TI-RADS 4). A nu-
                                                                                  clear uptake scan reported this
                                                                                  nodule to be cold, and biopsy proved
                                                                                  to be medullary thyroid cancer.
Diagnosis and Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules               1013

 Table 2
 Ultrasound features and criteria for fine need aspiration

 High Risk of              Intermediate Risk     Low Risk of
 Malignancy                of Malignancy         Malignancy           Very Low Risk of
 (70%–90%)                 (10%–20%)             (5%–10%)             Malignancy (
1014        Nambron et al

         Category 1 - nondiagnostic; the estimated risk         Table 3
           of malignancy is 1% to 4%                            The common mutations seen in papillary and
         Category 2 - benign cytology implies a less than       follicular thyroid cancer
           3% likelihood of cancer
         Category 3 – follicular lesion of undetermined         Papillary                 Follicular
           significance (FLUS) or atypia of undetermined        BRAF (40%–50%)            RAS (40%–50%)
           significance (AUS); the risk for malignancy is
                                                                RAS (7%–20%)              PAX8/PPAR(30%–35%)
           5% to 15%
         Category 4 – follicular neoplasm/suspicious for        RET/PTC(10%–20%)          TP53(21%)
           follicular neoplasm (FN/SFN), Hurthle cell           EGFR (5%)                 PTEN(8%)
           neoplasm or suspicious for Hurthle cell              TRK(4 cm),
       specificity (86%–100%) and positive predictive          continue to grow and/or are causing compressive
       value (84%–100%). Table 3 shows a panel of              symptoms including dysphonia, dysphagia, or
       common mutations in differentiated thyroid              dyspnea.36,37 (Fig. 4).
       cancer.                                                   A single-center study evaluated the FNA results
          The Cancer Genome Atlas project mapped mu-           and ultrasound features in patients with nodules
       tations to various forms of differentiated thyroid      over 4 cm. Of the subset of 125 nodules that
       cancer. This subsequently led to development of         were identified as benign in preoperative FNA,
       Next Generation Sequencing (ThyroSeq) to                10.4% were malignant on postoperative pathol-
       improve the sensitivity and negative predictive         ogy.38 Another retrospective study confirmed
Diagnosis and Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules                1015

                                                                          Fig. 4. A 50-year-old man followed
                                                                          for an incidentally found multinodu-
                                                                          lar goiter. Image A shows solid left
                                                                          thyroid nodule 5 " 3.5 cm with
                                                                          some cystic content. Biopsy at that
                                                                          time was benign. Images B and C
                                                                          show follow-up demonstrating more
                                                                          solid sonographic features 2 years
                                                                          later. Considering the size of the
                                                                          nodule and patient and clinician pref-
                                                                          erence, a partial thyroidectomy was
                                                                          performed.      Surgical   pathology
                                                                          showed a 4 cm papillary thyroid can-
                                                                          cer. Patient subsequently underwent
                                                                          a completion thyroidectomy.

that patients with initially benign FNA had a low          distant metastasis. For patients with tumors
mortality risk during long-term follow-up even             greater than 1 cm but less than 4 cm with no evi-
though they had a low, but real risk of false              dence of extrathyroidal spread or metastatic dis-
negatives.39                                               ease, the initial procedure of choice can be a
   Surgical excision of indeterminate thyroid nod-         lobectomy versus total thyroidectomy based on
ules (AUS/FLUS-Bethesda Category 3) should be              clinical concern and patient preference. Thyroid
considered if repeat biopsy or molecular testing           lobectomy is the procedure of choice for patients
or both is either not performed or is conclusive or        with tumors less than 1 cm and no evidence of
suspicious.                                                extrathyroidal extension, nodal, or distant meta-
   Surgical excision is also recommended for follic-       static disease.42
ular neoplasms (FN/SFN-Bethesda Category 4). In               For patients with a nondiagnostic cytology
these patients, thyroid lobectomy is the initial pro-      (Bethesda Category 1), FNA should be repeated,
cedure of choice. Total thyroidectomy, however,            preferably with onsite cytologic evaluation.43 Sur-
should be considered in patients with high clinical        gery should be considered in nondiagnostic nod-
suspicion, presence of high-risk sonographic fea-          ules with high-suspicion sonographic features,
tures, suspicious molecular diagnostics, presence          growth during surveillance, or presence of clinical
of risk factors, presence of multiple nodules, and         risk factors for malignancy.
patient preference.
   Surgical management is similar to that of a ma-
                                                           Toxic Nodules
lignant nodule for lesions classified Suspicious for
Malignancy (Bethesda Category 5). Historically,            Radioactive iodine therapy and surgery are the
total thyroidectomy has been the recommended               recommended treatment modalities for patients
approach to a patient with biopsy-proven malig-            with toxic multinodular goiter and toxic adenomas.
nant disease (Bethesda Category 6). However,               The size and number of nodules, sonographic fea-
recent data have suggested similar outcomes in             tures, other comorbidities, and patient preference
patients with unilateral or bilateral thyroid surgery      should be taken into consideration when deciding
in appropriately chosen patients with low-risk dis-        on the treatment. For patients with hyperfunction,
ease.40,41 Total thyroidectomy is recommended              surgery is usually recommended for patients with
for patients with large tumors (>4 cm), gross extra-       large multiple nodules, presence of compressive
thyroidal extension, and either regional nodal or          symptoms, substernal or retrosternal extension,
1016        Nambron et al

       concern for thyroid cancer, or need for rapid           SUMMARY
       correction of hyperthyroid state. RAI therapy
       should be considered for patients with contraindi-      Thyroid nodules are a common clinical problem
       cations to surgery, advanced age, and prior sur-        encountered in an endocrine practice. Increas-
       gery or other comorbidities. FNA biopsy should          ingly, thyroid nodules are being detected inciden-
       be performed for any nodules with suspicious            tally, leading to an increased diagnosis of low-risk
       sonographic features before radioactive iodine          thyroid cancers. There is, therefore, a greater
       therapy, if chosen. Antithyroid drugs may be            emphasis on risk assessment based on clinical
       considered for patients with small nodules and          and sonographic features to avoid morbidity sec-
       mild hyperthyroidism, in those with advanced            ondary to unnecessary therapy. Molecular diag-
       age, and patients with contraindications to both        nostics are also being widely used to further
       surgery and radioactive iodine therapy.                 characterize indeterminate nodules. The ATA and
                                                               ACR TI-RADS guidelines are the most used in clin-
       Nodules in Pregnancy                                    ical practice for risk assessment. Ultimately, it is
                                                               important to take into consideration a patient’s
       Clinically relevant nodules in a pregnant patient are   risk factors, clinical findings, comorbidities, life ex-
       evaluated the same as in nonpregnant adults.            pectancy, and preference prior to making man-
       However, radioactive diagnostic scanning is con-        agement decisions.
       traindicated in pregnancy. Patients with nodules
       diagnosed as differentiated thyroid cancer during       DISCLOSURE
       the course of pregnancy should be monitored
       sonographically; delaying surgery until after deliv-    The authors have nothing to disclose.
       ery has not been shown to affect outcome.44 Sur-
       gery should be considered in the second trimester       REFERENCES
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