Developing printed sensors for the Internet of Things & Materials

Page created by Ricky Hayes
Developing printed sensors for the Internet of Things & Materials

    Developing printed sensors for the
    Internet of Things & Materials
    InnovationLab GmbH (Heidelberg, Germany) has built a comprehensive eco-system
    for printed electronics. In OPE journal, the company showcases some of its latest
    activities related to printed sensors

         The concept of printed electronics is
    linked to new opportunities in the electron-
    ics sector due to the capability of producing
    devices on thin and especially flexible sub-
    strates. Using printing technologies inher-
    ently implicates that large production vol-
    umes and cost efficiency are core features
    of the approach. Being able to provide
    cost-competitive printed sensors in industri-
    ally relevant quantities is thus an enabler for
    Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
    To realise the full potential of printed
    electronics two requirements must be
    fulfilled: first, as a prerequisite the technical
    capabilities and a reliable eco-system from
    first prototypes to mass-production must
    be available. Second, suitable use-cases
    with significant market potential must be
    With respect to technical capabilities Inno-
    vationLab GmbH (iL) has developed into
    a one-stop-shop for printed electronics.
    Being a hub both for academia as well as            Fig. 1: Production capacity of iL: (a) Lab-to-Fab concept for printed electronics, (b) industrial
    industry, iL has established an extensive           production capacities at iL
    eco-system for printed electronics spanning
    all the way from first product concepts to
    mass production (Figure 1 (a)). Novel sensor        development and initial pilot production.            use of printed sensors to enhance and/or
    technologies, systems, and applications are         Mass production can then be realised                 digitise existing products and applications.
    developed both based on an established              through iL’s collaboration with Heidelberger         For a material producer adding additional
    technology as well as new concepts aris-            Druckmaschinen AG, world market leader in            features to products can be an interest-
    ing out of R&D work with academic and               the manufacturing of printing presses, who           ing option to offer customers additional
    industrial partners. To support further steps       have established mass-printing capabilities          benefits. Test cases for enhanced materials
    in the design cycle, a strong team of engi-         in their new centre for printed electronics          were for example the outfitting of thermal
    neers is available to design, plan, prototype,      production in Wiesloch (Figure 1 (b)). The           insulation materials with sensors for physi-
    and finally realise suitable hardware and           additive manufacturing process along with            cal damage control and the combination
    software including the integration of, e.g.,        iL’s worldwide unique partnership enables            of foam and coating materials with force
    sensor applications into an IoT environment.        the development and production of cus-               sensors to generate “smart” surfaces. In the
    Due to a highly modified 17m Gallus RCS             tomised sensors on an industrial scale and           area of digitising, an existing application,
    330 roll-to-roll printing press the production      at low costs.                                        i.e., contact-less fill-level monitoring in glass
    process can be taken directly from lab to fab.      To probe into the second prerequisite for            and plastic containers, was studied.
    The pilot line allows to print on up to 2km         success in printed electronics – the identi-         Within this project, the company developed
    of 330mm wide substrates of 1.5 – 300µm             fication of use-cases and market opportu-            capacitive and resistive sensors for pres-
    thickness per run. The modular nature of            nities – in collaboration with BASF SE, iL           sure, touch, proximity, fill level monitoring,
    the Gallus makes it a perfect tool for process      recently embarked on a journey to study the          and damage detection. Sensors were

                                                                                                                            No 35 | May 2021 | OPE journal
Developing printed sensors for the Internet of Things & Materials

implemented in connected prototypes
towards the “Internet of Materials” combin-
ing BASF materials, sensors, data collecting
hardware, wireless transmission systems and
software. Three of these use cases are pre-
sented in this article: a solution for weight
monitoring on a smart pallet, a solution for
measuring fill levels in plastic containers,
and a large-scale damage detection system
for thermal insulation systems.

Capacitive technology
In a first series of use-cases, printed sensors
were developed to detect and measure              Fig. 2: Prototypes using capacitive sensors. (a) Smart pallet for weight monitoring using four
changes in capacitance. Changes in capaci-        capacitive sensing blocks; (b) printed capacitive stripe system to measure the fill level in a
tance occur for example by approaching            plastic container
two metallic electrodes in a dielectric
medium, or by placing a conducting elec-
trode in a different dielectric environment.      sandwiching an elastic deformable foam.            with external devices. A readout software
Both mechanisms can be used in printed            Under pressure, the dielectric foam is com-        and a graphical interface were programmed
sensors, the first one to measure forces, the     pressed, and the two electrodes get closer         at iL for this prototype.
second one to measure presence, approach,         to each-other, increasing the total capaci-        This system allowed iL to quantitatively
or touch. Two examples of prototypes using        tance. One main issue of capacitive sensing        measure weight and weight distributions
the patent-pending printed capacitive sen-        is the unwanted detection of environmental         on a pallet using printed capacitive sensors
sors are shown in Figure 2.                       charges leading to a false response of the         and a BASF foam as compressible dielectric
Figure 2 (a) shows a smart pallet equipped        sensor and complicated calibration. This           material. Due to the optimal properties of
with four universal sensing blocks designed       issue could be eliminated by the develop-          this dielectric foam, high measurement
for monitoring quantitatively the weight          ment of an improved sensor design which            range (some 100g to over 1 tonne), high
and weight distribution applied to it. The        guarantees highly reliable measurements            temperature stability, and very low drift
pallet relies on four capacitive pressure sen-    without external interference.                     under constant load were observed mak-
sors printed and mounted in a rigid housing       From the hardware point of view, the capac-        ing this system suitable for many industrial
allowing to protect and transmit vertical         itance data from the four sensing blocks is        applications. The costs for such a solution
forces to the sensors. Such pressure sen-         collected simultaneously and transmitted           offer a very competitive alternative to exist-
sors employ the change of the capacitance         to a main electronic board, powered by a           ing weighing systems. The rigid housing
of an arrangement of parallel electrodes          battery which communicates via Bluetooth           developed to protect the sensors offers the

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Developing printed sensors for the Internet of Things & Materials

                                                                                                           resolution of temperature measurement of
                                                                                                           about 1°C was estimated from this meas-
                                                                                                           urement. This result is important because it
                                                                                                           shows that the printed large-scale damage
                                                                                                           detection system can be used as a tempera-
                                                                                                           ture sensor without any modification of the
                                                                                                           electronic readout to indirectly detect tem-
                                                                                                           perature changes in the insulation material.

                                                                                                           Within this joint project, the team
                                                                                                           implemented printed sensors in existing
                                                                                                           materials to enhance their function through
     Fig. 3: Printed large-scale damage and temperature sensor foils. (a) Detail image of the printed      integrated data gathering. Capacitive and
     sensor; (b) image of a 4-metre-long sensing element with only two connectors                          resistive printed sensors were embedded in
                                                                                                           several materials to detect and measure for
                                                                                                           example damage, temperature, pressure,
     possibility to retrofit these sensors in any        important (i) because refrigerated consumer       approach, or the presence of a fluid.
     wooden pallet as well as in other industrial        goods may not be suitable for retail any          Taking advantage of printed sensors, they
     systems e.g. in the field of logistics or retail.   more after rise in temperature; and (ii) for      could solve several issues inherent to
     Figure 2 (b) shows a capacitive liquid or           the trailer owner who must usually replace        both capacitive and resistive sensors. For
     solid level monitoring system allowing to           the whole insulation after damage.                instance, via their the freedom of design,
     measure from the outside the fill level of a        Many insulating materials are protected by        printed sensors allow, (i) to cover large
     plastic container. The proposed prototype           a composite material (polymer reinforced,         surfaces such as the walls of refrigerated
     consists of a printed continuous stripe or a        e.g., by fibre glass) including some refriger-    trailers, (ii) to solve the major issue related
     series of distinct capacitive pads mounted          ated trailers. Detecting the exact location       to the number of connectors necessary to
     on the outside of a container. Using the            and timing of damage to the large area            cover such a large area with a sufficiently
     proper readout electronics, the iL team was         composite structure is challenging. The two       high resolution, (iii) to develop quantitative
     able to detect the fill level or the presence       problems faced to achieve a solution for          and stable pressure sensors, and (iv) to print
     of different liquids through the plastic            this problem are therefore: (i) the integra-      all necessary printed layers onto one foil,
     container. Examples of fluids include water,        tion of a large-scale sensor array inside the     offering a very compact and robust solution.
     organic solvent, or motor oil. The achieved         composite structure; and (ii) to be able to       The team has shown that these printed sen-
     resolution in liquid height was of the order        determine the position and time of damage         sors could be implemented in networks of
     of 1mm for water in a plastic bottle. This          with a spatial resolution of a few centime-       sensors embedded in materials and systems
     approach may prove useful when consider-            tres on a surface of a few hundred square         such as a smart pallet, an intermediate bulk
     ing non-invasive methods to determine the           meters. Solutions are not trivial because         container (IBC) or a glass fibre composite
     fill level of plastic containers, such as IBCs.     of the tremendous number of connectors            material. But these are only first use-cases
                                                         required to reach such a resolution using         for the development of connected materi-
                                                         standard existing solutions, e.g. wiring, and     als from prototype to commercial products
     Resistive technology                                manufacturing processes.                          and many further applications based on
     The second use-case is based on conductive          The patent-pending solution which was             the developed sensors are possible. These
     traces printed on flexible substrate foils, used    developed on a real-size prototype is shown       achievements constitute an important step
     for both damage detection and temperature           in Figure 3. Spatial resolution was achieved      towards the Internet of Things and Materials
     monitoring on a very large scale in compos-         based on a special, newly developed sensor        and in this scope, iL would like to encour-
     ite materials using a resistive technology. In      topology. All physical preconditioning steps      age collaborations using the developed
     this case, variations in the electrical resist-     necessary to enable an easy integration           technologies for other products and ideas.
     ance are used for sensing. These foils were         of the sensor into the composite material
     developed specifically for monitoring dam-          were also realised on the roll-to-roll print-
     age and temperature changes occurring in            ing machine thus making the whole sensor          Image sources: InnovationLab
     insulation systems used in logistics, e.g. in a     production process fast and economical
     refrigerated trailer. In this context, damage       (Figure 3 (a)).
     often occurs due to fork-lift assisted loading      Proof-of-concept experiments showed that
     and unloading of merchandise. The damage            it is possible to use these printed patterns as
     is usually detected too late because of an          temperature sensors. A linear dependence
     increase in the inner room temperature.             of the resistance with the temperature was
     The consequences of such damages are                observed between -20°C and +55°C and a

                                                                                                                         No 35 | May 2021 | OPE journal
Developing printed sensors for the Internet of Things & Materials Developing printed sensors for the Internet of Things & Materials
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