Developing Company's Prospect to Order process guidelines in the form of Sales Playbook - Aki Nurminen

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Developing Company's Prospect to Order process guidelines in the form of Sales Playbook - Aki Nurminen
Aki Nurminen

Developing Company’s Prospect to
Order process guidelines in the
form of Sales Playbook

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Master of Engineering
Industrial Management
Master’s Thesis
February 6th 2023
Developing Company's Prospect to Order process guidelines in the form of Sales Playbook - Aki Nurminen

Author:                    Aki Nurminen
Title:                     Developing Company’s Prospect to Order process
                           guidelines in the form of Sales Playbook
Number of Pages:           51 pages + 1 appendices
Date:                      31 January 2023

Degree:                    Master of Engineering
Degree Programme:          Industrial Management
Professional Major:        Commercial Excellence
Supervisors:               Dr. Thomas Rohweder, Principal Lecturer
                           M.A. Sonja Holappa, Senior Lecturer

The study focuses on developing Prospect to Order process guidelines in the form of
Sales Playbook. The case company is an oil and renewable fuel refiner who sells its
product globally and it has complex end-to-end delivery processes, which are
developing rapidly. The study focuses on gathering all relevant guidelines,
instructions, and good practices from Prospect to Order process and formatting those
for salespeople. The idea of Sales Playbook is to provide a tool for sales personnel
which gathers the scattered information into one place, enables salespeople to do
better deals and avoid pitfalls. Sales, as a function, is important for all companies and
by providing tools and right circumstances for successful sales, it benefits the whole

Keywords: Sales Playbook, Commercial Excellence, Prospect to order, instruction,
Developing Company's Prospect to Order process guidelines in the form of Sales Playbook - Aki Nurminen

List of Abbreviations

1   Introduction                                                             1

    1.1 Business context of the Case Company                                 1
    1.2 Business challenge, objective, and outcome                           2
    1.3 Outline of the thesis report on hand                                 4

2   Project plan                                                             5

    2.1 Research approach                                                    5
    2.2 Research design                                                      6
    2.3 Data Collection                                                      8

3   Analysis of case Company’s current Prospect to Order Process instruction 9

    3.1 Defining the content of Sales Playbook                               9
    3.2 Reviewing of current Prospect to Order process and its instructions 10
    3.3 Improving currently existing material for Sales Playbook             11
    3.4 Identifying gaps and creating new material for Sales Playbook        12
    3.5 Validating suitable material for Sales Playbook                      12
    3.6 Summary of findings                                                  13

4 Ideas on Improving Prospect to Order Process Instructions in relevant
literature                                                                   18

    4.1 Best practices from Commercial Excellence concept to Sales Playbook
    4.2 Ideas for the form of form of Sales Playbook                         23
    4.3 Best practices for review and update Sales Playbook                  26
    4.4 Summary of Final Sales Playbook content and form                     28

5   Developing case company’s Prospect to Order process guidelines           30

    5.1 Overview of this data stage                                          30
    5.2 Improving Prospect to Order process instruction in a form of Sales
    Playbook                                                                 30
    5.3 Improving the Sales Playbook format                                  32
    5.4 Improving the review and updating practices for Sales Playbook       33
    5.5 Summary of final Sales Playbook content and form                     38
Developing Company's Prospect to Order process guidelines in the form of Sales Playbook - Aki Nurminen
6   Feedback on proposed Sales Playbook content                            41

    6.1 Overview of this data stage                                        41
    6.2 Feedback received and correction proposals to initial Sales Playbook
    6.3 Summary of final proposal                                          42

7   Discussion & Conclusion                                                44

    7.1 Executive summary                                                  44
    7.2 Practical next step recommendations                                45
    7.3 Self-evaluation of thesis project creditability                    47
    7.4 Closing Words                                                      49

References                                                                 50

Appendix 1: Key element during the content validation phase
Developing Company's Prospect to Order process guidelines in the form of Sales Playbook - Aki Nurminen
List of Abbreviations

RA        Renewable Aviation business unit

RRT       Renewable Road Transportation business unit

RPC       Renewable Polymers and Chemicals business unit

RP        Renewable Platform

OP        Oil Products

P2O       Prospect to order -process

B2B       Business to business

KAM       Key Account Management

Core group Includes Head of Commercial Excellence, Head of Key Account
          Management & Prospect to Order Process owner

L1        Level 1 -process

L2        Level 2 -process

L3        Level 3 -process

CRM       Customer relationship management
Developing Company's Prospect to Order process guidelines in the form of Sales Playbook - Aki Nurminen

1 Introduction

Based on an article made by Rodriguez, Svensson and Mehl (2020), sales
directors in the complex b2b market are looking for solutions to maximize revenue
and increase the effectiveness of the sales force. Companies are spending a lot
of money to technology, intended to gain systematic operations, but still b2b sales
remains opaque and ad hoc (Cleghorn 2021).

Having a sales process is extremely important for b2b sales organisations and
without it company’s sales activities has no straight road to success and sales
activities will be disorganized (Altschuler 2016). Well defined sales process and
comprehensive instructions helps the company and its personnel to repeat best
practices repeatedly. Sales process and clearly defined responsibilities helps
new sales members to join and adopt the practices more efficiently. Companies
are able to build coherent business culture by having well defined procedures
and practices in place (Karppinen 2022).

1.1 Business context of the Case Company

The case company is an oil and renewable fuel refiner who sells its product
globally. At the time of writing the company has renewable product refining
activities in three different continents, which makes it world’s leading producer of
renewable aviation fuel, renewable diesel and renewable feedstock solutions for
various polymers and chemicals. Refineries in Finland, the Netherlands and
Singapore are 100% owned by the company, besides the company has also a
joint venture for refinery activities in the United States which will start producing
renewable products.

2021 company had 15,1 billion revenue and the comparable operating profit was
1,3 billion. In 2021 the case company employed 4900 employees globally and
the headquarter is located in Espoo, Finland.

The case company has divided its operations into 5 different business units which
are Renewable Aviation (RA), Renewable Polymers and Chemicals (RPC),
Renewable Road Transportation (RRT), Renewable Platform (RP) and Oil
Products (OP). The Case company has been selected among the 100 most
sustainable companies in the world.

1.2 Business challenge, objective, and outcome

Company’s business environment is becoming more and more complex due to
regulatory aspects like trade sanctions, GDPR, market regulations and
competition law. The case company uses a growing number of operational
models to do term sales, spot sales, running channel partner network and
purchase feedstock to supply its refineries. End-to-end supply chains are
complex and require precise knowledge of local regulation and law. The case
company has five different business units where operates more than 10 sales
and supply teams globally.

According to ICIS article “Commercial Excellence to customer growth” by John
Baker, 52% of Chemical Companies which respondents to the survey are
focusing on to improve sales efficiency. 46% of respondents will improve
customer interactions. Companies are focusing to grow their sales and be more
effective in the sales phase. To achieve that, companies need better tools and
efficient processes (Baker, J. 2017).

The case company has complex end-to-end supply chains and in a growing
market segment it must ensure that it receives enough feedstock which can be
refined to renewable products. As competition intensifies it’s crucial to serve
customers even better and ensure that all good practices are widely used
throughout the whole organisation. By improving current Prospect to Order
process instructions, the study aims to gather all scattered information into one
place, harmonize instructions, have the good practices and non-do things listed
based on experience, help new sales members to adapt company procedures

more quickly and win more deals in the future. Harmonizing the guidance of sales,
the company focuses to do sales in a more harmonized way – the better way.

Competition in open markets is intensifying increasingly, and it's dangerous for a
company that is accustomed to a dominant market position and lacks the ability
to monitor competitors. If the company does not train its salespeople and the
salespeople do not manage their sales process, the price is the only trading
competitive advantage for the company. Focusing on price competition instead
of customer service, may lead customers to choose the cheapest option of the
market. Price competition decreases the company’s margins and thereby
reduces profits. If sales representatives fail to provide superior customer service
compared to competitors, customers may opt for more cost-effective alternatives
in the market. The salesperson’s successful way of acting and progressing in the
sales process significantly influences the customer’s final choice. Customers are
no longer loyal to their suppliers, and they are scanning the market all the time
and may change the suppliers easily. Customer service and the right way
performed sales process by sales, should be the cornerstones for every company
(Rubanovitsch 2005).

Companies should equip sales staff with the proper knowledge and training to
develop the skills necessary for managing customer experience. Company’s
management should ensure that salespeople have the sufficient competence to
navigate through the sales process (Rubanovitsch 2005).

The Objective for the study is to develop the case company’s Prospect to order
process guidelines in the form of Sales Playbook.

Outcome is Sales Playbook which contains all above-mentioned things to guide
sales to do better deals and serve the customer better. The Sales Playbook will
be more like a tool for sales personnel rather than an instruction package. Key
elements for Sales Playbook are easy to use and navigate, good searching
availabilities, usability with computer, mobile phone, or pad and simple to keep
updated. Best practices are searched and further utilized during the study.

This study does not include implementation of the Sales Playbook. It is limited to
collect, create, and modify content, create the final form of Sales Playbook, and
give proposals for reviewing and updating the content. At the end of the study
also future development ideas are shared to further improve the Sales Playbook.

1.3 Outline of the thesis report on hand

The thesis focuses on gathering all relevant guidelines and instructions from the
Prospect to Order process in the form of Sales Playbook. The final form for the
Sales Playbook is selected based on research and review and update practices
introduced. The thesis will not focus on implementing the new Sales Playbook in
the organisation and user training are also out of the scope.

The thesis is divided into 7 sections. It begins with the introduction to business
context, business problem, objective, and outcome. Section 2 describes the
research approach, design, and data collection plan. In section 3 the content of
Sales Playbook is defined. Workshops were organised to gather relevant
material, to be modified and created new material in cooperation with the content
area specialists. After the material was collected it was validated together with
the thesis steering group, which contains the Head of Key Account Management,
Head of Commercial Excellence, and Prospect to Order process owner. Section
4 describes the best practices from literature, it covers how the Sales Playbook
content should be created, what kind of material there should be, how to review
and update the content, what kind of platform is best to be chosen for the Sales
Playbook. Section 5 describes improving the Prospect to Order process
instruction in the form of Sales Playbook in chosen conceptual framework.
Section 6 describes the organisation feedback of the Sales Playbook and how
the given feedback is utilized to improve the Sales Playbook. The final section 7
summarizes the thesis and gives recommendations for further development.

2 Project plan

The business context, challenge, objective, and outcome were introduced in the
previous section. This section describes the selected research approach and
design and finally data collection and analysis methods.

2.1 Research approach

According to Saunders, all business and management research projects can be
set on the line which other end is basic research and other is applied research
based on their purpose and context. Research, which addresses the practical
issue or opportunity that can be used to develop and create solutions for a
business problem, is applied research. Basic research concerns to understand
theoretically business process and their outcomes. Basic research aims to have
results in universal scale related to processes and to have findings which creates
value to society in general (Saunders 2019).

Research methods can be separate to quantitative and qualitative methods.
Qualitative research is made without numerical data, instead it focuses on words
and sentences. Qualitative research is used to gain deeper understanding of
phenomena when there is not much existing data or information available on the
research object. Quantitative methods instead require models or theories which
are understood beforehand. Quantitative methods use statistical methods to find
out the answers (Kananen 2013).

Design research combines research and development, and it generates practical
and functional solutions to enhance operations. Design research can use
qualitative and quantitative methods (Kananen 2013).

The chosen research approach for this study is design research because the
research addresses a practical business problem, and the study focuses on
developing a solution to it. Qualitative method was selected because the study is
aiming to improve specific business problems.

2.2 Research design

This study includes four stages which are conducted from business challenges
and required data collections, actions, and analysis to achieve the objective and
to produce the outcome. Figure 1 shows the whole research design of this study.

Figure 1 Research design in this study

The First stage was to define the content of new Prospect to Order process
instructions. The activities began with the meeting with level 1 Prospect to order
process owner and core group. Table of content for Sales Playbook was created
based on level 2 and level 3 sub-processes and all sub-process owners were
then invited to a kick-off meeting. Case company’s current Prospect to Order
process and its sub-process instructions were reviewed and strengths and
weaknesses of them were discovered. Strengths were utilized and weaknesses
improved furthermore to achieve the harmonized level of quality. Outcome from
the data gathering and current state analysing was a defined content to be used
in a new sales guidance document, list of suitable instructions, list of improvement

needed instructions and stakeholders’ expectations about the final outcome of
the study.

After defining the content and hearing stakeholders’ expectations it was time to
seconds stage which was literature review. In this stage the relevant academic
literature was searched and found the best practices from commercial excellence
keeping in mind the stakeholders’ expectations. Relevant findings were
conducted to a conceptual framework of this study. Relevant literatures were
searched from the following areas: how to create Sales Playbook, what kind of
content should be in it and what are the best ways to review and keep it updated.
These were the main development points for this study.

Third stage of this study was to build a proposal based on stage one and two
outcomes. Content was improved and harmonized in co-operation with sub
process owners. Improvements were made based on best practices found from
literature research. After the instructions were developed based on best
practices, the content was validated with level 1 process owner. Research for
best format was made and best format was selected for the Sales Playbook.
Proposals on how to maintain the playbook were conducted and update cycles
were established. Sales Playbook update cycle is faster than normal process
instruction and it’s crucial to keep it updated. For that reason, it was chosen to
develop two update streams for the Sales Playbook, for ad-hoc update needs,
where the Sales Playbook user could make update requests straight from the
playbook. The second stream was a content review process for the whole

Final stage of this study was to validate the Sales Playbook and collect feedback
from relevant stakeholders and from salespeople who are the main user group.
Initial version of the playbook was shared with the stakeholders and feedback
was collected to further improve the Sales Playbook. After stakeholders’ and
management feedback were received, small enhancements were made to meet
the expectations. Backlog list was also published to better follow the changes in
the future. Some items were already listed to be developed in the near future.

2.3 Data Collection

Data were collected from different sources for this study. As seen in Table 1, the
Data 1 gathers first relevant process instructions and other written material from
the Company’s management system. Existing written material were reviewed,
already good instructions were listed, and gaps were identified for future editing.
Secondly, interviews were arranged with Prospect to Order process owner, Head
of Commercial Excellence and Head of Key Account Management to create
frame for the work and set targets for this improvement project.

Table 1 Data plan for the study

Data 2 was drawn from interviews and workshops where initial content was co-
created with each content area specialists and validated with Prospect to order
process owner, Head of Commercial Excellence and Head of Key Account
Management. The first draft of the Sales Playbook was created with consideration
for stakeholders' expectations from Data 1 outcome. Proposals for reviewing and
updating the content in the Sales Playbook were created.

Data 3 Included suggestion for the Sales Playbook. This data phase included
interviews with P2O process owner, Head of Commercial Excellence and Head
of Key Account Management. Survey was sent to collect feedback from the
stakeholders, content area specialists and salespeople. Finally, a summary of
corrected suggestions was created.

3 Analysis of case Company’s current Prospect to Order
  Process instruction

The main stages of this study and the data collection plan for gathering
information was described in the previous section. In this section the content of
Sales Playbook is identified, current instructions are reviewed, gaps identified,
and suitable material selected. The identified gaps in the Sales Playbook content
are filled by modifying existing material and creating new material. Summary of
findings is presented at the end of this section.

3.1 Defining the content of Sales Playbook

In this section the data collection was started by interviewing the Prospect to
Order process owner, Head of Commercial Excellence and Head of Key Account
Management. From now on the previously mentioned group of people is called
the “core group”, which was also a steering group for this study. Core group
steered the study in the right direction during the work. The scope of this
development work was agreed to cover the current Prospect to Order process
and its sub-processes in L2 and L3 phases. The existing process instructions
were explored from the company’s management system and other company’s
electric locations.

In the book” Valitse myynnin kasvu” written by Karppinen, J, Sorri, T & Paussu,
A. it is stated that Sales Playbook might be a huge totality to be covered and it is
better to start building it by defining the table of contents first. Together with the
core group, level 1 and level 2 processes were identified, and process owners
and content area specialists listed. Totally four of level 1 processes and 11 of
level 2 processes were identified. In the very beginning it was clear that the
amount of instruction was high and there will be a lot of material. The case
company has named process owners for level 1 and level 2 processes, but not
for more specific steps under the Prospect to Order process. These more specific
steps were also identified, and specialists named for each specific step.

A kick-off meeting with all content specialists and key stakeholders was held to
secure their commitment to the development project after the steps and table of
contents were identified. Totally 39 sub areas were identified under level 2
processes and each area has its own content area specialist. Content area
specialists are in a key position in creating new content and guidelines but also
modifying the existing material which then would be suitable to use in the Sales

3.2 Reviewing of current Prospect to Order process and its instructions

After the commitment from the key stakeholders were received, current
instruction reviews started with the content area specialists. Workshops were
organised to first check the current material and finally decide if it would be ready
for data validation phase or should it be modified first. Sales Playbook is a tool
for salespeople, so the perspective of instructions should take that into

Figure 2 Material review, creation process and validation process

As seen in the figure 2, once the table of contents were defined there were two
streams to validate the text for each content section. There were totally 39

different areas to be covered. First stream was for content areas where there
weren’t any instructions available. There were 12 areas with no suitable material
to be used. The first stream focuses on these and aimed to create a new
instruction material for these areas. Workshops were arranged with content area
specialists and once the material was created it was presented to Core Group
and it was decided whether it is suitable or needed more enhancement. If more
changes to content needed to be done, then a new workshop with a content area
specialist was arranged. At this stage, the necessary changes were made and
then a final validation was still needed to ensure the correctness of the content.

The Second stream was focusing on areas where the material already existed.
Process started with a review session with a content area specialist. Material was
checked whether it was suitable for use in the Sales Playbook or if it needed
modifications. 10 areas were passed through the validation straight away and 17
areas needed modifications and workshops to be organised. The areas that
passed validation the first time were aimed to sales personnel like credit limits,
payment terms and trade sanctions. Those that needed more guidance for sales,
were things which are not in core of sales personnel job description, like logistics,
system integrations and chemical compliance.

3.3 Improving currently existing material for Sales Playbook

Number of areas, which needed more modifications to be validated and accepted
for the Sales Playbook material, were identified to be 17. The improvement
process started from the review section where the current content was reviewed
and compared to validations elements which are shown in appendix 1. Gaps
between the existing material and validations elements were identified together
with core group and content area specialist. After gap analysis the workshop was
arranged to improve the instruction based on gaps and always keeping in mind
the user perspective, instructions and guidelines are for sales personnel.

The workshops were arranged with content area specialists and workshops
focused on to fill in the previously mentioned gaps. Typically, the areas which

needed improvement were missing the sales perspective or then guidance about
what are the good practices and what salesperson should avoid. An attempt was
also made to identify silent information, which could be, for example, in
someone's head or on a local drive or in email.

Key elements for this improvement section were also presented in appendix 1.
After all relevant information was added, each section moved on to the content
validation part. Content validation was arranged to be a separate session.

3.4 Identifying gaps and creating new material for Sales Playbook

Areas with no existing material or guidance for sales force, were identified to be
12 pieces. Some of the areas were totally new process steps which were not
implemented yet in the organisation and some of them were just not written down.
By identifying these unwritten parts and by documenting them, operations get
more harmonized, standardized and it helps organisation see the way work is
really done. Harmonized and well-structured documents help readers to
understand and learn more easily (Oakland, J, 2014).

The Workshops with content area specialists were organised to address the
identified gaps in the literature review sections. Some of the content areas
needed several workshops to get all the relevant data collected. In some
operations, the case company has different work procedures in different business
units. Relevant persons were then contacted, and data gathered. Different ways
of working in different business units were clearly highlighted to prevent
misunderstandings. Key structure elements for each section are presented in
appendix 1.

3.5 Validating suitable material for Sales Playbook

Material validations were made for all accepted material by the process owner
who also owns the Sales Playbook. Process owner responsibility towards the
Sales Playbook is data validation which consists of up-to-date data, accepting

new content, modified old content and removing expired content. As important as
to have updated data in the Sales Playbook, it’s also not to have the old, expired
data. Key elements for the material validation were that the content is made for
sales personnel and the content and guidance should be relevant to help sales
force to do better deals. One important part of the validation process was to
ensure that the material is coherent, meaning that the language and wording is

Appendix 1 shows the framework for each workshop when new material was
prepared. In each area it was important to define sales personnel roles and
responsibilities to make sure everyone understands their role in the process. Key
stakeholders were identified to determine who should be involved and notified,
and in terms of process flow, where inputs originate and where outputs are
directed. The sales personnel tasks outline all necessary actions to secure
successful deals, while utilizing best practices and a non-do list to prevent
potential issues in the process. Hard requirements from the management system
were linked into the Sales Playbook to avoid double updating. Each subject
matter expert was listed with direct contact information for easy access.

3.6 Summary of findings

Totally four of level 1 processes and 11 of level 2 processes were identified under
Prospect to Order process. 39 sub-areas were identified under level 2 processes
to be covered in the Sales Playbook. All the 39 areas went through the review,
creation and validation process described in figure 2. 12 areas were identified
with no suitable material existing, 17 areas had existing material, but they needed
further development and 10 areas were passed through the validations at the first

                             Summary of findings

         Content ready   Content need modification   Content need to be created

Figure 3 Summary of findings

Totally 12 areas were found without existing material to be used in the Sales
Playbook. This means that current instructions were not created, topics were
covered in internal mandatory training, or instructions were not up to date. The
Forecast & Plan process was under development during this study and process
instructional materials were created for this development work. The majority of
new instructional materials were needed for the Preparing deal section, which
was also the largest in terms of content area topics. Totally 5 content areas were
without existing material. One area under communicating deal and two areas
under deal execution required new instructions to be created. Figure 4
summarizes the findings.

            Content area had no existing material available by

             Forecasting & Planning   Preparing deal   Negotiating deal
             Communicating deal       Deal execution

Figure 4 No existing material available, distribution by processes

17 areas had instruction material, but they needed more modification to be used
in the Sales Playbook. Material development was mostly to focus on things which
are important to sales, what were their responsibilities and what are the good
practices. The Preparing deal section had 10 content areas which needed
modification. As mentioned before, this was the largest section in the Sales
Playbook. Five areas which needed modification were under the negotiating deal
process and two under communicating deal -process. Figure 5 summarizes the

          Content area instructions needed modification by

           Forecasting & Planning    Preparing deal    Negotiating deal
           Communicating deal        Deal execution

Figure 5 Content areas which needed modification by processes

10 areas passed the validation at the first place. Preparing deal process had four
areas, negotiating deal process three areas and Communicating deal process
three areas as well. To summarize these passed areas the following diagram was
created, see figure 6.

          Content areas which passed the validation without
                      any improvement needs

            Forecasting & Planning    Preparing deal    Negotiating deal
            Communicating deal        Deal execution

Figure 6 Areas which passed the validation at the first time by processes

Workshops were arranged with content area specialists for those areas where
existing material needed modifications and those where the material did not exist.

After material modifications and creation workshops, all areas passed the
validation. The made analysis for the Prospect to Order instruction shows data
about which steps already had instructions for salespeople and which had not.
Preparing deal -process step had most of the areas which needed modification
as well the areas which had not ready instruction at all.

4 Ideas on Improving Prospect to Order Process Instructions
  in relevant literature

In the previous section the current instructions and guidelines were identified, and
the gaps were analysed. Section 4 gathers the relevant existing knowledge found
from reviewed literature. These best practices were then utilized to build a
conceptual framework for this study which is described at the end of this section.

This section focuses on commercial excellence in regard to the Sales Playbook.
It covers key findings on the best form of Sales Playbook and best practices for
maintaining it. These findings are used to develop the conceptual framework of
the study and the final section summarizes the key takeaways from each topic.

4.1 Best practices from Commercial Excellence concept to Sales

Sales Playbook is one of the most common tools used in sales organisations to
improve sales efficiency. It compiles the sales organisation's purpose and
operating methods in an easily digestible form. Well prepared Sales Playbook
works as an orientation material for new sales members and speeds up them to
do productive work for the company and help the company to improve solid work
culture (Karppinen, J. 2022). Companies are usually acquiring different amounts
of information technology tools over time which then gathers information inside
them. When using multiple platforms and data storage places, companies are
exposing themselves to duplicate content challenges, which means the same
data needs to be updated in several locations. Companies should have a well
prepared administration structure for IT-tools or then use data collection sites to
keep it simple for the user (Shivakumar, S. 2017).

McKinsley & Company describes in their article that customers are nowadays
more demanding and they want to have more customer centric interaction with
counterparty. Sales organisations need to focus on customer centric abroad and
ensuring best practices and share these practices to wider in organisation.

Successful sales organisation can repeat these best practices repeatedly. Selling
methods evolve over time and so do best practices. Organisations must
continuously learn and adapt to these changing practices. They must document
and update the methods and best practices as changes occur. According to
McKinsley & Company research, traditional face to face selling is moving towards
online and hybrid sales. These new trends and skills need to be trained to be
successful in the market (McKinsley 2022).

To get most of the benefits out of the Sales Playbook, it should be built based on
the company’s sales process and it should be clearly defined. Playbook guides
salespeople through different process steps to be more successful in each step.
Playbook should not give strict rules, but rather steer in the right direction.
Karppinen lists things that a good Sales Playbook should include in his book
“Valitse myynnin kasvu”. Those are:
   -   What does your company do?
   -   Why does it exist?
   -   Who does it serve?
   -   What are its values and goals?
   -   How does the company operate?
   -   How does the company achieve its goals?
   -   How are key processes are handled?

Shivakumar lists the common challenges with content in general and what is
suitable to take into consideration when creating content from the content
management point of view.
   -   Duplicate content
   -   Content silos
   -   Inconsistent and non-uniform content
   -   Complex and inefficient content update and creation process
   -   Less effective content leading to decreased usability rate
   -   Content discovery challenges
   -   Challenges with content collaboration
   -   Absence of content

Alana Ballon has described individual steps to create Sales Playbook from the
scrats in site:

   1. Determine roles. The needed roles for creating a Sales Playbook are
      subject matter experts, project manager, content reviewer and approver,
      and content architect who led the discovery of what is needed by other
      group members, gathers content from subject matter experts and edit the
      content into final format.

   2. Prioritize content creation by figuring out the most needed content. The
      content architect should have discussion with sales managers about the
      key challenges sales is facing. Also looking at the sales process with a
      critical eye and determining what guidance needs to have in each step to
      be able to continue successful. Investigate also why deals are being lost
      or going cold.

   3. Start creating content. Check what guidance already exists. Sometimes
      the needed information lies in the person’s email boxes or personal drives.
      Try to collect the most important things that allow sales to be successful.
      Gather insight from previous deals on the past, wins and losses.

   4. Content should be structured among the sales process. Tactical content
      is preferred to be used so that sales could discover more critical
      information during the sales process.

   5. Content review. Once the material is ready sales leadership should
      validate and sign-off on what is created. It is recommended that the Head
      of sales review and validate the whole content before it is published.
      Marketing department can also be utilized to review processes. Content
      can still be change if something insight is brought up.

   6. Implement the Sales Playbook to the sales organisation. Make sure that
      the Sales Playbook is used.

   7. Insert the playbook where the sales representatives are. Most typical place
      is the company’s own customer relationship management system. Most
      used CRM System in globally is Salesforce-tool, which allows to insert
      company internal instructions inside the application.

   8. Measure results, gather feedback and revise the Sales Playbook. Get
      statistics about which part of the Sales Playbook is used more often than
      the others, get feedback about the content, which things are working, and
      which are not.

The best sales playbooks are continually evolving as the market environment
changes and new products are launched ( 2023).

To avoid content silos, Shivakumar recommends creating the content together
with the stakeholders and encourage to increase collaboration internally when
updating the Sales Playbook content. By creating and finalizing the content
across the content creators, companies can ensure the uniform and coherent
user experience. Content structure and style might vary by author, which might
negatively affect to user experience (Shivakumar, S. 2017).

Complex content review and update procedures might require multi-level
approvals and that effects on publishing timelines. A well-designed workflow for
review, creation and approval phases are key things to optimize the timeline in
workflows (Shivakumar, S. 2017).

Large sizes of complex text without any visualization, structure, labels, or tags
might lead to decrease the usability of the content. This also makes it hard for
users to find the right things from the platform. Content may be also hidden
behind multiple layers, which causes problems for finding the right content.
Structure should not be multilayer. Relevant content needs to be available, but

also, it’s important to identify missing content. Companies need to build practices
to identify missing content. To make sure that content is relevant, governance
methods need to be used to validate the content. This part can be included as
part of the publishing process. (Shivakumar, S. 2017).

There are various things to be considered when creating the content to be used
in a company. To understand the content needs it’s important to know who the
end-users for the content are and what kind of business nature is. Statistics from
site visits, most popular parts of the content and formats helps to further develop
the whole content package. Some platforms have built-in dashboards where
statistics can be seen. Feedback collection is one part to continuously improve
content. Feedback can be collected by surveys or interviews. Clearly identifying
content responsibilities helps to update the areas which need enhancement
based on statistics and feedback. These are critical touch points to better
understand what matters to the content end-user. (Shivakumar, S. 2017).

To be able to give content in the right wording and format, content creators need
to know business related requirements. Shivakumar’s list of these requirements
      -   Researching: The primary intent is to provide the information complete and
          accurate and draw the users attention to most critical phases
      -   Decision: User might explore to find correct data point for making business
          decisions. The relevant ways of working must be presented clearly
      -   Action: The information in this stage should be optimized so that user can
          complete the actions in the right way and quickly

The old saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words” is true based on The
Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. Visualization helps people to
understand more complex things and it’s suitable to use different kinds of media
types in a modern learning environment.

Jamie Cleghorn, Jordan Lee, Eliza Kennedy, and Randy Huey add also in their
article “The Sales Playbook of Successful B2B Teams” that Sales Playbook is a

living document and plays which are working needs to be added and plays which
are not working needs to be removed from Playbook. They highlight that to be
successful in business, the right procedures need to be updated and changes
need to be made if the business changes.

Karppinen highlights that it’s important to include not just a customer acquisition,
but also how a company is managing already existing customers and how those
are led to grow. Companies should focus also to grow and take care of current
customers; those could have a big potential in the future (Karppinen 2022).

When companies are choosing to digitalize their processes and instructions, it
provides opportunities to enhance the given information and it can be further
personalized based on the user group. Enhancing the information could also
mean that just relevant information is shown in each context. Providing digital
tools enables better collaboration between parties to better share the information
and knowledge inside the company (Shivakumar 2017).

4.2 Ideas for the form of form of Sales Playbook

Internal requirements from the core team were that the Sales Playbook should
be more like a tool, rather than a document package. Users should be able to
Navigate among the process to different sections and information should be
easily accessible. Side notes the case company uses Google tools instead of
Microsoft Office products.

Jason Jordan and Robert Kelly present in their article “Companies with a formal
sales process generate more revenue” that clearly defined sales processes are
key for success. This means that all key steps and milestones are defined with
the language that every sales representative could understand. As important as
a company has a formal sales process, is that it is written down and salespeople
are following it. Pipeline management has also been raised up as a key activity
which sales need to follow (Jordan 2015).

Mr. Jouni Karppinen describes in his book, that the Sales Playbook should be
documented in a simple way, so it is also easy to update when needed. Ideally
the form would be one where can be saved print screens, videos, and sales
performance indicators. He also mentioned that many companies use classic
PowerPoint. The content of the playbook should be structured into logically
progressing sections. Karppinen also highlights that navigation between different
sections should be smooth and table of content informative (Karppinen 2022).

When companies are entering into new markets or business is in a changing
environment, business rules and complexity of the processes tend to increase.
Digital platforms and technologies give a huge potential to improve user
experiences and help people to apply the rules and suitable methods. Digital
platforms give an opportunity to use interfaces between different digital tools.
Digital tools also enable the collaboration, so more than one person can edit the
document at the same time (Shivakumar 2017).

Most modern digital platforms are having a good search-centered experience for
the user. Search-centered experiences are built based on site search options,
search portals, faceted search, synonym support, semantic search and like
functions. Connections between different digital platforms can be added and
extend the search to other sources as well (Shivakumar 2017).

When deciding on the final format for the Sales Playbook, several options were
considered based on online research.

WordPress is the most popular platform for websites globally. According to their
website, 42% of the web is built on WordPress. WordPress gives the opportunity
to use ready-made themes and layouts, or the possibility to create a site from
scratch. WordPress also advertised effortless page updating and editing
possibilities and it supports embedded videos and pictures (,
2023). WordPress is mainly used for creating blogs and websites. The user
interface is intuitive, and that feature helps administrators to quickly build

websites. The user interface consists of administration panels, dashboards, and
features to add images and manage posts (Shivakumar 2017).

Google Slide is an online presentation application that makes it possible to create
and format presentations. Google slide can be used from any device, including
mobile phones, laptops, and pads. Pictures, videos, and graphs are easily added.
It is comparable to Microsoft PowerPoint. Collaboration between different users
is easy, multiple users can work on the same presentation at the same time and
keep track of changes. Google slides has a built-in image editor to crop, adjust,
and add effects to images and the creator has an option to add animations and
transitions to slides to make presentations more engaging. With Google Slides
users have integration with other Google Workspace apps, such as Google Drive,
Google Calendar, and Google Sites ( 2023).

Google Sites allows to create internal websites, which are easy to create with
drag and drop methods. Google Sites websites are responsive, which means that
end users could use tablets and smartphones and the view is always optimized.
Google Sites is created for Google Drive, and it can make use of local drive data.
Updating and publishing content is easy. Embedding feature gives an opportunity
to embed other Google services such as Google Maps, Google Forms, and
Google Calendar. Google Sites also provide pre-designed templates for various
types of websites, including portfolios, team sites, and project sites. Collaboration
has been made easy, multiple users can work on the same site at the same time
and keep track of changes. Google Sites gives an option to set up different levels
of access and edit permissions for different users (, 2023).

Using multimedia such as pictures, words, videos, and voice sources, enables us
to take full advantage of human capacity for processing information. This is an
important thing to consider when creating modern guidelines (Mayer 2005).

4.3 Best practices for review and update Sales Playbook

Main functionalities for document management are content creation, review, edit,
content versioning, publishing, and archive. Content workflows consist of these
series of above-mentioned steps. Basic document lifecycle includes document
creation, reviewing, approving, and finally archiving the document, see figure 7.
(Shivakumar 2017).

                    Reviewing       Approving       Publishing      Archiving

Figure 7 Document lifecycle (Shivakumar, S. 2017).

Authored content is reviewed and approved by relevant business stakeholder(s).
Based on review comments, content is updated to meet the current ways of
working. Review step can be done in several steps by using different roles of the
organisation to double check the crosslinking between different functions.
Content is published once the organisation is sure that the content, form, and
other aspects are checked, and the content meets the current ways of working.
Usually the published document is shown to all basic users, but the draft version
is only visible for a limited user group. Every time the content is published, a new
version occurs in the system. Content versioning is also an important role, and
normally all content management systems have such a feature (Shivakumar

Sales Playbook is a living document, which must be updated alongside the
processes. Good Playbook supports and helps organisations to grow, and a
growing organisation is constantly evolving, Playbook must evolve together with
organisation. However, content of the playbook should include topics and things
which are not needing constant updating. Topics and things which update cycle
is tight, should be only linked into the Playbook (Karppinen 2022).

Collectively updating the Sales Playbook commits personnel to common
operating models and company’s culture. Involving many people to update
processes helps implementation of the sales process in the organisation.
(Karppinen 2022).

Once the document is created, it’s important to keep it up to date. Documentation
review is a process where normally the document is checked one or multiple
stages of review and reviewers. Outcome of the review process is that it improves
the accuracy and quality of the document (, 2023).

Digital platforms enable good content management practices. Content
management practices usually include authoring, reviewing, and publishing
workflows, content security, content versioning, content backup and archival.
Regular on-going content maintenance makes sure that content is up to date.
Content can be tested, audited, or reviewed in a certain time cycle. Continuous
monitoring also includes feedback receiving processes from end-users and
business stakeholders. Web statistics are used to understand the usage and
effectiveness of the content, and this helps also to develop further the content.
(Shivakumar, S. 2017).

Documentation updates are typically made by ad-hoc changes when someone
identifies a mistake or change has been made to the current procedures. Update
needs could be also identified during the review process (Wiggins, B. 2012).

4.4 Summary of Final Sales Playbook content and form

When a company seeks efficiency in their sales organisation, Sales Playbook is
a common tool which is used among different industries. Sales Playbook gathers
all relevant information into one place, which helps salespeople to do better work
and it helps to on-board new sales personnels. Best way to utilize the Sales
Playbook is when it is built to follow the sales process. Sales Playbook is a living
document which needs to be updated regularly to meet the used best practices.

Sales Playbook will be a more powerful tool for sales, if it is simple to use, it’s
built based on multimedia content and finding information is easy. Possible forms
were listed, and the most common form would be to use PowerPoint or Google
Slides presentation applications. More user-friendly options are to build own site,
for example using WordPress or Google Sites. All these forms support multimedia
content, but Google Slides and WordPress supports also view optimization to
other devices like mobile phones and pads.

Keeping Sales Playbook up to date is one key point once the first version of it is
published. No one would use it if the content were not accurate. Many of the hard
requirements or company’s instructions should be linked into the playbook to
avoid a double review and editing. Collectively reviewing the document commits
personnel to follow common sales procedures and helps implement it to the
organisation. Case company’s review cycle is max 3 years once the document is
published for the first time. However, considering the nature of the document, the
review cycle is presumably shorter and even ad-hoc reviewing and updating is
possible to do.

Based on best practices found on literature, the conceptual framework has been
created. Its emphasis the importance of content, user-friendly interface which
allows content the be found and content accuracy, review, and update
procedures. Conceptual framework presented in figure 8.

                                                     • Review & Update practices
                                                       ( 2023)
                         Accurate                    • Easy to give feedback
                                                       (Shivakumar 2017)

                                                     • Easy navigation (Karppinen 2022)
                                                     • Content easy to find (Shivakumar
                         User friendly                 2017)

                                                    • Content created for salespersons
                                                      (Shivakumar 2017)
                         Content of the Sales       • Include relevant info to be successful
                                                      in sales (Karppinen 2022)
                         Playbook                   • Introduction material (Karppinen
                                                    • Walks the process (Karppinen 2022)

Figure 8 Conceptual framework of this study

Conceptual framework was built based on three factors. Content is at the heart
of this study; it needs to be made just for salespeople and content and Sales
Playbook should follow the sales process (Karppinen 2022). The second layer in
the conceptual framework model in figure 5. is user friendly. Navigation inside the
Sales Playbook should be seamless (Karppinen 2022), and content should be
found easily (Shivakumar 2017). User friendly part is related to the selected form
of Sales Playbook which gives this functionality. The top layer of the conceptual
framework is accurate. The Sales Playbook must be updated as it guides sales
representatives in their daily sales activities. ( 2023). Review
and update practices need to be determined, and ad-hoc changes must be able
to be done (Shivakumar 2017).

Next section describes how best practices are applied in the conceptual
framework and how the form, content and update practices are developed.

5 Developing case company’s Prospect to Order process

In the previous section the literature research was made to collect the relevant
and best existing knowledge. The conceptual framework was created based on
best practices. The conceptual framework in figure 8 gives the boundaries for this
study. This section utilizes best practices from literature to develop current
Prospect to Order process instruction in the form of Sales Playbook.

5.1 Overview of this data stage

This section follows the conceptual framework which was presented in figure 8.
The purpose of this section is to further develop the current Prospect to Order
instruction and guidelines to meet the best practices from literature. The form for
the playbook is selected based on best practice from literature, but also case
company’s limits and goals are evaluated as part of the outcome.

Sales Playbook needs to be up to date and accurate to help organisation to be
efficient. Review and updating practices will be proposed also in this section.

5.2 Improving Prospect to Order process instruction in a form of Sales

In section 3 the initial instructions were identified, collected, and then validated
as a suitable material to be used. Section 4 described the best practices from the
literature and based on those practices, instructions are further developed in this

According to Karppinen, it is efficient to construct the Sales Playbook based on
the Sales Process (Karppinen 2022). Section 3 focused earlier on collecting the
material only from the level 3 processes, and the collection did not focus so much
on the pig picture – P2O -process itself. New sales process picture was created
to have logical structure for the Sales Playbook. The process picture shows L2

process steps: Forecast & Planning, Preparing deal, Negotiating deal,
communicating deal and deal execution in figure 9. Karppinen also highlighted in
his book “Valitse myynnin kasvu” that it’s important to include not just a new
customer acquisition, but also managing and growing the current customer base.
Therefore, managing customer -process was also added in the picture, but
decided to leave that otherwise out of this study’s scope at this point. Content for
managing customer -process will be added later. Figure 9 also points out previous
L1 process - Market to Prospect and the following process steps Supply to pay
and Order to cash.

Figure 9 Case company's Sales process

Once the P2O process picture was designed, it was logical to use that as a
structure for the Sales Playbook. L2 process: Forecast & Plan, Preparing deal,
Negotiating deal, Communicating deal and Deal execution steps were separated
and Sales Playbook content were then structured.

Section 3 also included the instruction validation part, which used appendix 1
information to ensure that important steps were considered. Karppinen has also
listed topics that a good Sales Playbook should include. Those topics were listed
in section 4.1 Best practices from Commercial Excellence to Sales Playbook.

Based on the list, a few items were suggested to be listed to the development

Listed items were:
   -   What does your company do?
   -   Why does it exist?
   -   Who does it serve?
   -   How does the company operate?

In the literary review section, it was mentioned that visualization helps people to
better understand the complex things. After the material collection phase was
done, the total amount of text was 53 pages in Google doc which was a working
version for the Sales Playbook. Based on the fact above, it was decided to
visualize the content more. Videos and images were incorporated to enliven the
content and steps were taken to identify content that could be visualized. Totally
17 new pictures and 2 videos were added to the initial content.

5.3 Improving the Sales Playbook format

Content was ready and gathered into Google doc file, but it was obvious that the
final format should be something else. Most typical format for the playbook based
on literature, was Microsoft PowerPoint application. Due to a decision by the case
company, the use of Microsoft products was prohibited, and Google tools were
used instead.

First option was to use the Google Slides application. There were many positive
features like, easy to use and update, available, no need to use consultancy
services. Google Slides also has features, but it was not chosen due to a lack of
user-friendly navigation and how the content is structured.

WordPress is in common use all over the world and enables a unique user
experience. Modification possibilities are wide, but competence to modify content

and pages should be bought as a service. Sales Playbook content must be up to
date and update cycle might be short. WordPress was put aside because of a
lack of competence in the organisation and that’s why it is hard to update the

Selected form for the Sales Playbook were Google Sites which have many good
features. Key advantages of using Google Sites include ease of use, no need for
external services to maintain updates, the ability to create a well-structured site
with easy navigation, and an in-site search tool to help users find what they need.

5.4 Improving the review and updating practices for Sales Playbook

The Sales Playbook must be accurate and up to date to bring benefits to the
company, so it was important to establish proper procedures to ensure regular

Case company’s document approval workflow described in figure 10. According
to the case company’s document management instruction, expiration time for
documents is max 3 years and after that the document needs to be reviewed.
Shorter review cycle can be also selected if the nature of the document requires
it. Document workflow begins with a draft section, where the document content
is created. In this section the first version of the document is prepared. Second
phase is the review section. The document is reviewed from multiple
perspectives. Firstly, the accuracy of the content is checked, and all metadata is
inspected. By having multiple reviewers, the company ensures that all aspects
are cross-checked and that the content corresponds to actions. All critical
requirements will be checked by cross functional dimension inside the
organisation. Once the content, metadata and all other relevant information have
been inspected, the document can be forwarded into approval workflow.

The document approver needs to be higher in hierarchy level than the document
owner. Approvers inspect and finally approve the content of the document. Once
approval has been made, the document is published as an official document.
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