Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving Medical Products - OTC: ODYY Investor Presentation September 2021

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Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving Medical Products - OTC: ODYY Investor Presentation September 2021
Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving
Medical Products
Investor Presentation
September 2021


                    ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY   1
Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving Medical Products - OTC: ODYY Investor Presentation September 2021
Forward Looking Statements
This presentation contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this presentation, including
statements regarding Odyssey Group International, Inc.’ (“Odyssey Group International, Inc.” or the “Company”) future results of operations and financial
position, including the financial results for the year ended July 31, 2020, financial targets, business strategy, plans and objectives for future operations, are
forward-looking statements. The Company has based these forward-looking statements largely on its current estimates of its financial results and its
current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that it believes may affect its financial condition, results of operations,
business strategy, short term and long-term business operations and objectives, and financial needs as of the date of this presentation. These forward-
looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including those described under the heading “Risk Factors” in the
Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Moreover, the Company operates in a very competitive and rapidly changing
environment. New risks emerge from time to time. It is not possible for Company management to predict all risks, nor can the Company assess the impact
of all factors on its business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained
in any forward-looking statements the Company may make. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking events and
circumstances discussed in this presentation may not occur and actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied in
the forward-looking statements. You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Although the Company believes that
the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, the Company cannot guarantee that the future results, levels of activity,
performance or events and circumstances reflected in the forward-looking statements will be achieved or occur. Moreover, neither the Company nor any
other person assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, the Company
undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason after the date of this presentation, to conform these
statements to actual results or to changes in the Company’s expectations. The Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission are
available to you and you should read the documents the Company has filed with the SEC for more complete information about the Company. You may get
these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC Web site at

                          ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                                                                                       2
Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving Medical Products - OTC: ODYY Investor Presentation September 2021
About Odyssey Group International

    Asset acquisition company focused on unique, life-saving
    medical products that offer clinical advantages

    Strong leadership team of seasoned pharma and
    medical device industry veterans

    Multiple products in development with an array of
    near-term milestones

    Potential to commercialize products in 2022

        ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY          3
Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving Medical Products - OTC: ODYY Investor Presentation September 2021
Existing Product Portfolio

         Pharmaceuticals                                              Medical Devices

• PRV-002
                                                              • CardioMap
  Novel compound for treatment of
                                                                Heart monitoring and screening
  concussion which currently has no
                                                                device for early detection of
  FDA approved drug
                                                                coronary artery disease
• PRV-001
                                                              • Save-A-Life
  Novel compound intended to treat
                                                                handheld choking rescue device
  Niemann-Pick disease; potential
  Orphan Drug designation

              ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                                      4
Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving Medical Products - OTC: ODYY Investor Presentation September 2021
Novel Compound for Treatment
of Concussion

         ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY   5
Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving Medical Products - OTC: ODYY Investor Presentation September 2021
About Concussion
Concussions, represent a significant unmet medical
need                                                              Likelihood of athlete head-
                                                                        injury recurrence
   • > 5 Million per year in the US, 69M worldwide
   • Medical costs in the US is $10-15 Billion per
     year in US, $400B worldwide

Current standard of care is rest, analgesics for
headache, anti-depressants and ADHD medications              Individuals over 65 that fall annually;
                                                              50% of deaths are from brain injury
Repeat concussions lead to early dementia and
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

No currently approved FDA drug treatment exists
                                                                 Frequency of military PTSD
                                                                development post-concussion
             ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                                   6
Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving Medical Products - OTC: ODYY Investor Presentation September 2021
About PRV-002
•   New chemical entity: Proprietary Neurosteroid

•   Proven in-vivo efficacy in animal concussion models
    through gene amplification of anti-inflammatories, anti-
    oxidants and efflux fluid channels

•   Safety margin > 300-fold in animal toxicology studies

•   Nasal administration drives drug into the brain in

•   IND-enabling studies complete

•   Clinical Trial Protocol Approved and trial has launched

•   Addressable market 10B a year in the US alone

                  ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY   7
Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving Medical Products - OTC: ODYY Investor Presentation September 2021
Preclinical Results

              PRV-002 Significantly                     PRV-002 Significantly
              Improved Neuroscore                       Improved Memory
              Neurobehavioral Battery
              Scored sensory motor function             Morris Water Maze
              based on 4 movement                       In before and after comparisons
              behaviors, rats subjected to              of rats after subjected to
              concussion model and treated              concussion model, rats treated
              with PRV-002 outperformed                 with PRV-002 outperformed
              those treated only with vehicle           those treated only with vehicle

        ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                            8
Developing and Acquiring Life-Saving Medical Products - OTC: ODYY Investor Presentation September 2021
Sports Advisory Board
March 2021, Odyssey announced the formation of a Sports Advisory
                                                                       The SAB will
• Kurt Warner – NFL Hall of Fame, NFL MVP, Super Bowl MVP, Super
  Bowl Champion
                                                                   support Odyssey’s
                                                                   outreach efforts to
• Brett Favre – NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback, Super Bowl
  Champion, 3x consecutive MVP
                                                                    enhance public
                                                                      awareness of
• Abby Wambach – 2x Olympic gold medalist, World Cup champion,
  and winner of the FIFA World Player of the Year                    traumatic brain
• Mark Rypien – 2x Super Bowl Champion, 1st Canadian quarterback
                                                                       injuries and
  to start in the NFL                                              concussion as well
• David Ross – Current Manager of the Chicago Cubs, 2x World       as the need for an
  Series Champion catcher                                            FDA approved
• Steve “Mooch” Mariucci – Head coach San Francisco 49er’s from          therapy.
  1997-2002 and Detroit Lions from 2003-2005, current member of
  the NFL’s Player Safety Advisory Committee

                 ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                      9
Scientific Advisory Board
         James P. Kelly, MA, MD, FAAN, – Dr. Kelly is the Executive Director of the Marcus Institute for
Brain Health (MIBH) and Professor of Neurology at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
in Aurora, CO. He is National Director of the Gary Sinise Foundation Avalon Network TBI Medical
Programs for which the MIBH serves as the clinical coordinating center. His immediate past position was
Director of the National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE) at Walter Reed National Military Medical
Center in Bethesda, MD.
         Dallas C. Hack, MD, MPH, FACMPH, COL, US Army- COL(R) Hack then served as the Command
Surgeon for the US Army Central Command-Kuwait from 2001 to 2002, where he directed medical care
for the US military in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. He also served as Deputy Commander for Clinical
Services for 3rd MEDCOM, assisting with planning medical support for Operation Enduring Freedom and
providing clinical oversight over medical operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
        Dr Bob Arnot - Dr. Arnot is the former Chief Medical Correspondent at Dateline NBC, The Today
Show, NBC Nightly News, CBS News, CBS Evening News, 48 Hours, and CBS This Morning. He is a New
York Times best selling author. Dr. Arnot is the current Dean of Advanced Technology and International
Education at the New York Film Academy. He previously served on the board for Pine Manor College and
Harvard affiliated Joslin Diabetes centers Board of Incorporators and was the National Medical Director
of National Emergency Services.

                 ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                                      10
Timeline and Milestones
PRV-002                                      2Q21                 3Q21               4Q21                 1Q22

Complete Device prototype

Finalize Nanoparticle Formulation

Initiate Phase 1A Trial

Complete Phase 1A Trial
Initiate Phase 1B Trial

Complete Phase 1B Trial
Meet with FDA on Phase 2 Trial

                  ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY    All timing pending availability of capital resources for each program   11
Novel compound for Treatment
of Niemann-Pick type C Disease

         ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY   12
Niemann-Pick type C Disease
A rare neurodegenerative-lysosomal storage disorder
   • Cholesterol build-up
                                                                5-20 years
   • Microglia-activated                                         Average NPC Patient Life
     inflammation                                                      Expectancy
   • Ataxia, Dysphagia and
     Cognitive Decline

Drug Mechanism of Action                                        1 in 150,000
   • Stimulates the Pregnane-X Receptor                          Estimated US Prevalence

   • Increases export of excess intracellular cholesterol
     through the P-Glycoprotein channel

   • Activates CD55 which reduces microglial-activated
     cerebellar inflammation                                     Higher incidence in Middle
                                                                    Eastern populations

                ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                            13
Orphan Drug Candidate
We anticipate receiving Orphan Drug designation from the FDA for PRV-001

• NPC is considered an orphan disease by the FDA

• Orphan Drug status accelerates pathway to FDA approval

• Successful development of PRV-001 may earn a Pediatric Disease Priority Review

If approved, Orphan Drug designation results in market exclusivity for 7 years

          ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                            14
CardioMap System
Heart Monitoring and Screening Device

         ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY   15
Advantages of CardioMap ™                                    CardioMap™ Images
                                                              (Dispersion Maps)

    CardioMap requires less training to use and
    analyze than EKGs

                                                                 Healthy Heart
    CardioMap is more sensitive than EKG’s; captures
    low-level electrical signals that EKG’s don’t pick up

    CardioMap can generate a 3D dispersion map of
    the heart (see images)                                  Moderately Diseased Heart

    Physicians using CardioMap can give patients
    actionable information about heart health years
    in advance
                                                             Severely Diseased Heart

           ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                           16
CardioMap System

      Small, portable device for early detection
      of heart disease more effective than
      traditional imaging services

       Regulatory pathway via 510(k) – small
      study to show equivalence to legacy EKG

      Highly profitable razor-razor blade model
      with recurring cloud-based service

      Multiple end markets: Hospitals,
      Doctors’ offices, Rehabilitation Centers,
      Sports Medicine Markets

          ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY   17
                                                     Choking Rescue Device
In development, not commercially    Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY
                                 available                                    18
Save-A-Life (SAL) is a patented, single-action, instantaneous,
                            handheld, mechanical, anti-choking device that creates a vacuum
                            chamber in the mouth to dislodge throat obstructions in a matter
                            of seconds without harm to the victim

In development, not commercially available
                         ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                         19
Save-A-Life Device
• Proof of concept established                             In the US, Choking
• Prototypes developed by industry expert                       Results in
  Tanaka Kapek Design Group
• Value extends to households, businesses,                   100,000
  schools, and public safety
                                                          Annual ER Visits and is the
• Global opportunity 3x of the U.S.
                                                              Leading cause of
                                                          unintentional injury death

          ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                           20

          Ready for                                     Impeccable                         Competitive
          Action                                        Design                             Edge
•   Device always charged and                 •   Patented design depresses     •   Low-cost manufacturing
    ready via rechargeable                        tongue, immobilizes palate        design, including packaging
    battery & resting cradle                      from reflex spasm                 and replaceable vacuum
                                                                                    tube and throat tubes
•   Easy to use by adults and                 •   Opens the air passage using
    children; could also be self-                 replaceable tongue            •   Competing choking devices
    administered                                  depressor vacuum tube             use a cumbersome mask
                                                                                    that needs to be placed over
                                              •   Controlled vacuum action          the nose and mouth or could
                                                  lifts the lodged mass from        possibly create too powerful
                                                  the larynx so it can be           of a vacuum
                                                  ejected by reflexive

                     ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                                                21
J. Michael Redmond,
                                  Board Members
Chairman, CEO, and CFO
30 years experience leading Medical Device companies, commercialized several class II and Class III devices

Jake Van Landingham, Director
Jake is currently Executive VP of Drug Development. Jake holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience.

John Gandolfo, Director
John has been CFO of several public and private medical device companies. He has raised over $300M in IPOs and
secondary offerings

Jerome (Jerry) Casey, Director
Jerry has 30 years experience leading commercial teams at Abbott Laboratories and recently as President of
Genzyme Diagnostics (Sekesui)

Jeff Conroy, Director
Jeff is currently the Chairman and CEO of Embody Inc and brings over 29 years experience in the medical industry
commercializing products and developing strategic alliances

Ricky Richardson
Ricky has over 30 years of experience as a global operations and quality leader. Mr. Richardson is the Vice
President of Quality and Continuous Improvement for Advanced Drainage Systems, an industry leader in the
design and manufacturing of products supporting water management solutions.

               ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY                                                       22

      Issued Patents on Multiple Technologies

      Phase 1 Human Trial for First of Kind Concussion
      Treatment Approved to begin

      Strong, Experienced Management and Board

     ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY       23
Developing and acquiring life-saving
medical products
Investor Presentation
September 2021


                    ©2021 Odyssey Group International | OTC: ODYY   24
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