DESY II Test Beam Facility Regulations and restrictions regarding the Coronavirus / COVID-19 - Particle Physics
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DESY II Test Beam Facility – Regulations and restrictions regarding the Coronavirus / COVID-19 Date: 28.05.2021 The following regulations and restrictions are determined by the current guidelines for worker protection at DESY (DESY Guidelines Corona Virus / COVID-19, valid from 31.05.2021) and are permanently adjusted to the most recent guidelines. These rules for users are valid in addition to the regulations by the German federal and state governments and in addition to the general regulations of the current DESY Guidelines Corona Virus / COVID-19 ( ). 1
Corona Virus / COVID-19 - Guidelines: DESY II Test Beam Facility 28.05.2021 Distance Rule and Use of Protective Masks A spatial distance of at least 1.5 m, better 2 m, between all persons has to be kept at all times. This applies to the whole DESY campus and is thus also valid during breaks. In all closed rooms at DESY a medical mouth/nose protection (MNP) must be worn, as long as no stricter or special hygiene and distance rules are applicable. The mouth and nose masks may be taken off if a permanent standing or sitting position is taken at a minimum distance of 1.5 m. Wherever on campus it is mandatory to wear medical mouth/nose protection masks (surgical masks), FFP2 masks without a valve can be worn instead. In contrast to the standing rule at the DESY Test Beam, working alone is no longer permitted. At least two persons per user group are required to be present at all times. Control huts In the control huts of areas T21 and T22, two persons are mandatory and at maximum allowed at the same time. In the control hut of area T24, the same limitation to two persons applies. Panes of Plexiglas serve as a spatial separation between individual work spaces and must not be moved to beneath the distance of 1.5 m. The distance of 1.5 m is to be kept permanently, implying no shared use of computers. Protective medical masks are mandatory in the control huts at all times. In view of the aerosol risk, the best possible ventilation of the rooms must be ensured. Therefore, the doors of the control rooms must be left open whenever present to maintain a sufficient ventilation. Beam areas and Hall Work in the beam areas may be carried out by more than one person. As the highest rule, a distance of at least 1.5 m, preferably 2 m, must always be maintained between two persons on campus. Essential works as assembling and disassembling of the setup that require a distance of less than 1.5 m are exempted from this. The duration of these workings should be kept to a minimum. It is mandatory to wear an FFP2 mask for all works in the hall and the areas. Attention: The use of FFP masks with a valve and surgical masks of persons in the same room is not helpful and thus not permitted. 2
Corona Virus / COVID-19 - Guidelines: DESY II Test Beam Facility 28.05.2021 FFP masks have a limited wearing time due to the increased breathing resistance. In accordance with DGUV10 rule 112-190, the uninterrupted maximum wearing time for a FFP mask without a valve is 75 minutes followed by a recovery time of 30 minutes. Wearing time (min) Recovery time (min) Operations per shift Working shifts per week 75 30 5 4 (2d – 1d break – 2d) Please read and comply with Appendix I: Protective Masks of the DESY Guidelines Corona Virus/COVID-19 (available on the DESY page). Both surgical masks and FFP2 masks (one mask per user, on demand) are given out by the test beam coordinators at the beginning of a test beam campaign. The masks may be re-used by one person only and have to be disposed in closed bins. The interlock search must be performed using disposable gloves, or a cleaning- disinfection of the hands has to be performed before and after the procedure. Travel A team must consist of maximum 8 people. Changing of crews must occur only once per week at the transition from one beam time slot to the next. For travels to and from DESY, the users are responsible to refer to and comply with the travel regulations of Germany and the corresponding countries, as well as the current DESY regulations. The following is a summary of the DESY regulations. Every external user of a DESY beam line, from abroad outside the RKI risk areas as well as external users from Germany who do not have a permanent workplace on the campus, but comes with the purpose to participate in experiments, has to present a negative Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 PCR test, which result is not older than 48h when entering the campus. This test has to fulfill the requirements listed in the DESY corona guidelines 1 and cannot be replaced by a proof of recovery or vaccination. The test result has to be carried during the whole stay at DESY. An access ban of 10 days prior to entering the DESY campus is mandatory for persons who have stayed within the last 10 days (counting from the day of entry to Germany) in a risk area designated by the RKI. Persons might be exempted from the 10-day access ban, if they have a negative PCR test1,. The test must have been carried out in the 48 hours before entering Germany or immediately after entry. As soon as possible after entering the campus, the molecular biological test result must be checked by the test beam coordinators and it must be kept for at least 14 days after entry. For entries from high incidence areas, the 10-day entry ban can be lifted at the earliest from the 5th day of entry into Germany by a second PCR test, which must also be kept for at least 14 days after entry. The execution of the officially prescribed self-isolation must be 1 So-called quick tests are not accepted by DESY for the lifting of the access ban. 3
Corona Virus / COVID-19 - Guidelines: DESY II Test Beam Facility 28.05.2021 confirmed by signature. When coming from a high incidence area, the transport of equipment and material has to be organized in a way, that doesn’t prohibit the quarantine. Entry from areas of variants of concern for participation in experiments at DESY is not possible. All persons entering the country according to the exception regulation shall limit the social and professional contacts to the absolutely necessary minimum until the 14th day after entry. An access ban to the DESY campus of maximal 14 days is in place for persons who were in contact with an infected person or a potentially infected person waiting for a test result in the last 14 days. This ban is valid until either the contact person obtains a negative test result or until ordered by the responsible health authority. All users have to follow the detailed rules and procedures as described in the DESY Guidelines Corona Virus/COVID-19, see “7. Access to the DESY campus in case of a positive corona test or typical symptoms or after staying in foreign risk areas“, appendix III “Exceptions for entering the campus on arrival from foreign risk areas” and “Appendix IV: Rules for the maintenance of user operation with external users” (see DESY pages). Entering the campus coming from an inner-German circle with a relevant infection situation (see the COVID-19-Dashboard of the RKI) is not prohibited. But in this case we strongly appeal to show a particular sense of responsibility and close consideration if the stay at DESY is really necessary. Infection relevant situations and contacts should be strictly minimized. Persons belonging to a special risk group –see information of the RKI (German only)– are asked to carefully consider their stay at the DESY test beam and the connected risks. Self-/Quick-Tests As a preventive measure, so-called self- and/or quick-tests are recommended –on a voluntary basis– one or more times per week, as the possibilities allow, in order to prevent further spread of the virus. These tests are not mandatory and the results are not checked. But we would like to encourage all test beam users and crew members to use this possibility to increase the safety for everyone working at the facility. This is in addition to but not instead of the other measures like e.g. the distance and mask rules. 4
Corona Virus / COVID-19 - Guidelines: DESY II Test Beam Facility 28.05.2021 Use of the DESY Hostel for Quarantine The quarantine when coming from a risk area, high-incidence area or area of variant of concern cannot be spent in the DESY guest houses. Shift Plan / Contact Tracing All users of the facility have to provide shift schedule by name and post it at the experiment. The test beam coordinators provide a PDF-form for this purpose. This schedule has to be updated at each shift. At the DESY II Test Beam, keeping the up-to-date PDF available in electronic form is considered equal to posting it. At the end of the beam time this plan should be sent to the test beam coordinators. Work Equipment (e. g. Tools, Keyboards and Mouses) The official guidelines apply: Tools should be used by one person only if possible. Where this is not possible, suitable gloves must be worn. Alternatively, tools can be cleaned with suitable means such as household cleaners. Particularly tools, mouses and keyboards should be used by one person only wherever possible or wearing disposable gloves. In case of a change of the user, the equipment should be cleaned properly. Hygiene Rules All persons on campus are asked to carefully observe the general rules of hygiene (keep your distance, hand hygiene, avoid smear infections on the face). The restrooms in bldg. 27 should be used for regular hand washing. In addition, disinfectant is available in the control huts. Cleaning agent for surfaces is provided in the huts. Tables surfaces, arm rests etc. have to be cleaned at change of shifts. Food The consumption of food in the control huts is still permitted. The official guidelines apply: Food – with the exception of beverages – may not be stored open or shared. To use the DESY canteen, you need a DACHS card for identification and contact tracking. 5
Corona Virus / COVID-19 - Guidelines: DESY II Test Beam Facility 28.05.2021 Persons with Infection Symptoms Persons with symptoms typical for a COVID-19 disease must not come to DESY. If symptoms appear throughout a test beam campaign, the contact to other persons has to be minimized directly by means of a self-isolation. It is mandatory to inform immediately the test beam coordinators as well as the DESY Health Service ( Routing Slip The test beam coordinators provide a routing slip to the users of the DESY test beam, who do not have a permanent workplace on the campus, but come with the purpose to participate in experiments. Like the corona test result, this document must be carried along at all times. Without this slip, access to the hall is not allowed. Signature sheet All users of the test team need to have the signature sheet provided here: filled and signed to confirm, that they have read and understood the rules regarding Corona Virus / COVID-19. There will be no test beam if this is not signed by all team members before the start. Please provide the test beam coordinators a scan or photo beforehand and the original at the beginning of your test beam period. Data Transfer User should be aware, that the encrypted transfer of personal data via e-mail bears the risk of being intercepted by a third party. The documents requested above can therefore –apart from being submitted in person– also be transmitted via post letter or per upload to the following upload directory of the DESY II Test Beam Facility: (please inform the coordinators via e-mail of your upload). The lists will be deleted 4 weeks after the end of the beam period. 6
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