DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust

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DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust
April 21, 2019

                 DESIGNS FOR LIFE
                 Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and
                 nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking
                 to build their own dream house
DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust
2 April 21, 2019 The Sunday Times                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Sunday Times April 21, 2019 3

Grand Designs Build

            or 20 years, the nation has                                                                             At the top end of

                                                                                                PHIL YEOMANS/BNPS
            gossiped and gawked as Kevin                                                                            factory-built kit
            McCloud’s Grand Designs                                                                                 homes, a Huf
            regaled us with fraught tales of                                                                        Haus, right, costs                                                                                                      FROM
            water towers, woodsman’s
cottages and ruined castles. Building your
                                                                                                                    from £3,000 per
                                                                                                                    sq metre                                                                                                              £250,000
own house, we have seen again and again,
is not for the faint of heart — you may even
need five heart bypasses, as one subject of
the Channel 4 show found.
    It need not be so any more, however.
The evolution of custom-build sites makes
it possible to be a sofa self-builder, doing
Grand Designs the easy way. The
developer takes care of the hard part —
finding land, getting planning permission                                                                                                                                                                                               WILTSHIRE
and installing services and access — and                                                                                                                                                                                                The first 12 of 70 custom-build plots at
they’ll build and manage as much of the                                                                                                                                                                                                 Marlborough Park, near Swindon’s
home as you like. But you get to make it                                                                                                                                                                                                vibrant old town, offer a wide choice of
your own, specifying everything from the                                                                                                                                                                                                layouts and finishes. Prices start at
floorplan to the finishes.                                                                                                                                                                                                              £250,000 for a two-bedroom house.
    “We give people choice when they buy                                                                                                                                                                                                07809 306367,
a new car; why on earth not when they
make the most expensive purchase of
their lives?” asks Kim Slowe, the chief                                                                             Right, a Facit
executive of Design Your Home, which is                                                                             Homes design in
developing four custom-build sites, with                                                                            South Woodford,
another 10 in the pipeline. At his schemes                                                                          east London                                                                                                              FROM
in Basingstoke and Swindon, you can
choose from up to six layouts for every
floor, plus 10 options each on bathrooms,
kitchens, doors, handles and skirtings
    Only 7% of new homes in England are
self- or custom-build, compared with
57% in Germany and 70% in Austria.
The government backed Britain’s first
custom-build pilot site, for 54 homes by
Igloo at Heartlands, near Redruth in
Cornwall, only three years ago                                                                                                                                                                                                          ESSEX
(£195,000-£295,000 for a plot and home;                                                                                                                                                                                                 Designed to Passivhaus principles Now this                                                                                                                                                                                                     around greens with fruit trees, the 51 rural
fledgling sector accounts for 1,500-2,000                                                                                                                                                                                               custom-build homes at Oakley Orchards
of the estimated 14,500 self-build homes                                                                                                                                                                                                are 10 miles from Manningtree. Layouts
under construction, says Gus Zogolovitch,                                                                                                                                                                                               vary from two to five bedrooms.
its representative on the board of the                                                                                                                                                                                                  01803 814076,
National Custom & Self Build Association

(NaCSBA). Though ministers want 20,000
self-build homes a year by 2020, economic
uncertainty limits AMA Research’s              Master plan                                                                               she is creative director — has since            Like these 10 owners, who paid about
forecast to 16,000 a year by 2022.
    The demand is there. Since 2016, more
                                               Ben and Merry
                                               Albright built a
                                                                                                                                         branched out to offer more than 50
                                                                                                                                         custom-build plots for sale across villages
                                                                                                                                                                                         £100,000 each for a serviced plot, you can
                                                                                                                                                                                         build creatively within the broad planning         FROM
than 40,000 people have signed up to           5,000 sq ft oak-                                                                          in Herefordshire and West Sussex (from          limits of a “plot passport”; or you can fit      £899,995
Right to Build registers across England,       framed house in                                                                           £145,000 per plot; They         out a ready-made shell from £300,000.
which logs those seeking a plot to create      Herefordshire,                                                                            gained consent for all those sites via             Serviced plots allow you to choose just

their dream home in each council area.         above                                                                                     neighbourhood plans, Merry says.                about any pre-manufactured kit home,
From this month, councils must start                                                                                                        Gus Zogolovitch brought custom-build         from a timber-frame design by Potton
granting equivalent planning permissions.                                                                                                to the capital through Unboxed Homes            (£1,400-£1,600 per sq metre; potton.
Some councils are going to great lengths                                                                                                 after it took him five years to build his own to a high-end Huf Haus (from
to meet demand, such as Teignbridge                                                                                                      home, in Queen’s Park, north London. “It        £3,000 per sq metre; You
district council, in Devon, which requires                                                                                               was a fantastic experience, but difficult.”     could even bring in a “flying factory”: a
new developments to set aside 5% of plots                                                                                                His third custom-build scheme, five shell       shipping container with a precision 3D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LONDON SE15
for custom- or self-build. But one in four

                                                                  THE EASY WAY
                                                                                                                                         terraces in Peckham, southeast London,          cutting machine that crafts your home on
councils have made it harder for people to                                                                                               took about five years to get off the ground,    site according to a detailed digital design.   At London’s only live custom-build site, in
join their registers, charging fees as high                                                                                              yet will take buyers six months to fit out      At Graven Hill, this is how Beattie Passive    Peckham Rye, five architect-designed
as £350 and requiring you to prove a local                                                                                               ( “Custom-build is            has built a range of Passivhauses with         terraced homes have double-height
connection, NaCSBA says.                                                                                                                 not necessarily cheaper than a developer        ultra-low energy bills (;    spaces and split-level floor plans. A
    Many of the more than 500                                                                                                            [designed and built] house, but if you’ve       see more about Passivhauses on page 6).        three/four-bedroom shell is £899,995.
neighbourhood plans made since 2011 by                                                                                                   chosen all the things you love, you get            On a quiet corner of the same site, that    020 7234 0862,
communities across England provide for                                                                                                   better value,” he says.                         is also how Facit Homes is creating a
custom- and self-build — freeing up more
sites. Five years ago, Merry and Ben
                                                                  Creating your own                                                         Look for custom-build plots on Zoopla,
                                                                                                                                         Rightmove and
                                                                                                                                                                                         charred timber house with a sawtooth
                                                                                                                                                                                         roof and woodland views for Londoners
Albright, with their children Minerva,                                                                                                   Or try exhibitions such as Grand Designs        Marc and Laura Marsdale and their two
now 14, and Gabriel, 10, started looking                          dream house is a                                                       Live and the Homebuilding & Renovating          young daughters. “Despite our long-held
for a plot to build in Eardisland,                                                                                                       Show. You pay no stamp duty on the              desire to build our own home, the effort of
Herefordshire, where Merry had
lived all her life. “There was
                                                                  daunting prospect, but                                                 finished home — only on the land cost if it
                                                                                                                                         is above £150,000. Custom-build is also
                                                                                                                                                                                         finding a suitable plot and battling
                                                                                                                                                                                         through planning was just not something
nothing available,” says Merry,                                                                                                          exempt from VAT and community                   we wanted to take on. So the ‘plug and
42. Landowners told them                                          the rise of custom-build                                               infrastructure levy, which is otherwise         play’ concept of custom-build seemed like
they would “never secure                                                                                                                 charged with planning consent for a new         the perfect answer. I don’t think we would
approval... The land we set
our eyes on was just
                                                                  sites is making it simpler.                                            house. “The savings are big factors that
                                                                                                                                         make custom-build very attractive,” says
                                                                                                                                                                                         have done it otherwise,” says Marc, who
                                                                                                                                                                                         works in finance. A Facit home costs
outside the village’s black
line, where nothing was                                           By Martina Lees                                                        Michael Holmes, chairman of NaCSBA.
                                                                                                                                         Mortgages are more expensive than for
                                                                                                                                                                                         about £2,100 per sq metre, plus 10-17%
                                                                                                                                                                                         architects’ fees (
constructed for 20 years.”                                                                                                               conventional homes — try the specialist            Marc adds: “To live in something we’ve
But Eardisland’s new                                                                                                                     BuildStore — but you can remortgage in          had a hand in designing, rather than being
neighbourhood plan now                                                                                                                   the mainstream market once it’s built.          made for someone else, is the ultimate         OXFORDSHIRE
allows custom- and self-build,                                                                                                              Britain’s biggest site for building your     way of creating order for your life.”          Three-bedroom Passivhaus terraces are
such as their 5,000 sq ft oak-                                                                                                           own home is Graven Hill, near Bicester,                                                        among the custom-build options for sale
framed house.                                                                                                                            the Oxfordshire town famous for its             Kevin McCloud will be at Grand Designs         at Graven Hill, Britain’s largest such
    Border Oak, the bespoke oak-                                                                                                         designer shopping village. Among the first      Live at ExCeL, London E16, from May 4 to       scheme. South of Bicester, it is 50min by
framed home manufacturer founded 40                                                                                                      of its 1,900 homes are those in the current     12. To claim two any-day tickets for £18,      rail from London and 15min from Oxford.
years ago by Merry’s father — and where                                                                                                  six-part series Grand Designs: The Street.      quote TIMES19 at          01869 228041,
DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust
6 April 21, 2019 The Sunday Times                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Sunday Times April 21, 2019 7

Grand Designs Green Living

                                                BUILDING THE
                                                               “sensitive spot”, Emily says. Yet Kintyre’s
It took 16 months,                                             design by Tate Harmer, the sustainable
                                                               architects now designing a hotel for the                                                                                                                                 HOW TO BUILD A

                                                               Eden Project in Cornwall, won planning
£800,000 and two                                               permission on the first attempt — and is on
                                                               the shortlist for a regional award from the
winters in a yurt, but                                         Royal Institute of British Architects.
                                                                   “A lot of the houses around it are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Passivhaus is the ultimate standard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for sustainable homes. If you want to
                                                               traditional. The planners were keen to                                                                                                                                   be as eco-friendly as possible, where
this eco-home was                                              keep that feel, but we wanted to give it a                                                                                                                               do you start?
                                                               modern twist,” says Rory Harmer, partner
worth it, its owners                                           at the practice ( Their
                                                               solution? The traditional shape of a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Visit one before you build The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Passivhaus Trust has annual open days

tell Martina Lees                                              pitched roof, but with clean lines clad top
                                                               to bottom in timber “like a lovely, well-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ( Go global at
                                                               crafted jewellery box”, as Harmer puts it.

                                                                   Replacing an icy prefab with a                                                                                                                                        Go all out to ensure certification
              mily Spry, a doctor turned                       Passivhaus helped justify “special                                                                                                                                       or decide at the start to merely follow
              Extinction Rebellion                             circumstances” with the planners. By                                                                Alex Paul, Emily                                                     the principles to build a low-energy
              campaigner, was one of more                      knocking down outbuildings, they could                                                              Spry and their                                                       house. “If you’re aiming for full
              than 500 activists arrested                      add equivalent volume to the bungalow’s                                                             daughters,                                                           Passivhaus, it makes the decisions for
              during climate-change protests                   footprint — enough to fit four bedrooms                                                             Eleanor and                                                          you,” says Rory Harmer, partner at
in central London last week — spending                         and two bathrooms in the vaulted roof.                                                              Isabelle, at their                                                   Tate Harmer sustainable architects.
the night in a police station after blocking                       As the 16-month build began, the                                                                Passivhaus in                                                        “Do you spend £10,000 on the kitchen
Parliament Square. She is also one of a                        couple and their daughters — then aged                                                              Hertfordshire,                                                       or the U-value of the walls? You need
select band of eco-builders (fewer than                        three and one — moved into a yurt and                                                               complete with                                                        a level of safety to all components to
1,500) who own a Passivhaus: a home that                       static caravan on site. “One morning, even                                                          hot tub, below,                                                      pass the test.”
meets the highest global standard for                          the caravan door was frozen. Winter was                                                             and Merlin-the-                                                         The whole hog adds 5%-12% to the
energy efficiency. After 10 years hunting                      horrible, but from March to October we                                                              lurcher-proof                                                        build cost, estimates Jon Palmer, the
for the perfect plot, two winters living in                    were outside all the time. The kids                                                                 sofa covers, left                                                    Passivhaus Trust’s policy director.
a yurt on a building site — bathing their                      became quite wild,” Emily recalls. Having                                                                                                                                That buys you not only ultra-low fuel
two youngsters in an outdoor hot tub —                         dreamt of getting a wood-fired hot tub at                                                                                                                                bills, but also great comfort. He adds:
she and her husband, Alex Paul, have a                         the end, they thought they would                                                                                                                                         “I moved into a Passivhaus last year.
plaque to prove their Hertfordshire                            “definitely have spent all the money” by                                                                                                                                 My family would never move back to
home’s credentials.                                            then. “So that was the first thing we got.                                                                                                                               our old home. The fresh air, the
    “We wanted to do an eco-house,                             While we lived in the camp, the girls got                                                                                                                                constant temperature, the
because we’re worried about the climate                        bathed in a hot tub. It was great.”                                                                                                                                      environment is fantastic.”
crisis,” says Emily, 41. She and Alex                              On a botanist’s advice, they let the
“wanted to make sure our family’s                              meadow behind the house run wild, too,                                                                                                                                    Involve a Passivhaus adviser early
negative impact on the environment was                         with “conservative management” of the                                                                                                                                    — they will tell you where to spend your
as little as possible”.                                        already diverse grasses and flowers. “It                                                                                                                                 money. “The house’s orientation makes
    At the last annual scarecrow festival in                   grows up waist deep, then you cut it for                                                                                                                                 a big difference,” says Akta Raja,
their village of Flamstead, near St Albans,                    hay around August. We don’t fertilise it                                                                                                                                 founder of Enhabit, a sustainable
the family’s minimalist timber home drew                       and don’t use weedkillers or insecticide.                                                                                 along the overhanging gallery connect the      buildings consultancy.
as much attention as neighbours’ replicas                      It’s turning back into a natural meadow —                                                                                 two floors. “Even if it’s a miserable day,
of Mary Berry and Boris Johnson, Emily                         intensive farming hasn’t left many.” On its                                                                               you get so much light, you feel like you’ve     Think about the structure and how
says. “We put out a board saying, ‘Yes, it’s                   edges, they planted 1,700 young trees.                                                                                    been outside,” Emily says.                     it will stay up, then consider where it
a Passivhaus,’ and explained what it was.”                         That view now greets you through the                                                                                      To protect it from Merlin, the family      offers clear passage for heat loss from
    With the most exacting standard for                        glazing of Kintyre’s double-height living                                                                                 lurcher with a penchant for rollicking in      inside to outside. Designers often
sustainable homes, Passivhauses are all                        space. Light pours down through the up-                                                                                   the meadow, the L-shaped sofa was              initially assume this “thermal bridging”
about saving energy, not generating it.                        and-over roof light, and glass balustrades                                                                                reupholstered in a turquoise commercial        value and later find there is more of it —
They need about 90% less fuel to heat                                                                                                                                                    fabric. “We got mud and plonked it on          forcing the owners to add insulation to
than an average existing home — and 50%                                                                                                                                                  samples then tried to wash them off,” Alex     make up the shortfall, or miss out on
less than many so-called eco-homes. They
must also be 15 times more airtight than a                     HOW TO FIND LAND                         Scour land listing agencies such
                                                                                                                                                  Ignore current plans For outline
                                                                                                                                                 consent, developers usually apply
                                                                                                                                                                                         says. The Belfast Aquaclean range won
                                                                                                                                                                                         hands down (
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        certification. At larch-clad Kintyre,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Etude consultancy designed a split
standard build. Originating in Germany,                                                                and Rightmove           for the least controversial option. A       Off the living space is a playroom plus    timber frame to limit heat loss through
the first Passivhaus was certified in Britain                   Look for a run-down house or a        and Zoopla also list plots. “But by the   good architect who has worked in        a study with an ensuite, where Emily’s         the structure (
10 years ago; more than 1,100 followed.                        small house on a large plot to knock    time they get to the big portals, lots    the council area can often upgrade      father can live if needed. “He sold the
    “It’s simple technology,” Emily says.                      down and start over. Such plots are     of people will have seen them. You’re     that. Likewise, they could help you     family home and gave my sister and me           Watch out for overshadowing
“It’s insulated really well; the windows are                   more commonly available than            not going to get a bargain,” says Gus     overcome the planners’ objections       half the money each. We wouldn’t have          from building and trees. Likewise,
triple glazed.” Most of the glass is on the                    empty ones, often via estate            Zogolovitch, managing director of         to failed applications.                 been able to build this without him.”          consider overheating in summer:
south side, so the sun can warm the                            agencies, and have mains service        the custom-build developer                                                            Finishes are natural but robust:           you may need a brise-soleil overhang
house. Warmcel recycled-paper insulation                       and road access in place. Most          Unboxed Homes.                             Brave auctions but beware scams       concrete worktops and plywood cabinets         above glazing to deflect the sun when
fills the 20in-thick walls, and a foam slab                    planning policies allow one home to                                               to sell plots that will never get       ( Jolts of fuchsia       it sits higher.
beneath the poured concrete floor                              be replaced by another, typically        Check the planning register at          consent. Spend £500-£1,000 for a        and teal enliven the scheme — inspired by
ensures it feels ambient without any                           30% bigger, according to Potton, a      the council in your chosen area for       solicitor to check the title first.     a cloth Emily bought while working in a         Spend on the fabric of the building
underfloor heating. Their energy bills are                     self-build one-stop shop that also      recent outline applications that have                                             Sierra Leone children’s hospital that now      rather than technology that will date.
“maybe £40 a month”, says Alex, 40, who                        offers free planning appraisals and     not yet been decided. Sites usually        Be ready to compromise either         hangs above their bed.                         Alex and Emily sourced their doors and
owns a fence-making business. Unused,                          courses in finding land.                go on sale after approval. If you         on where you want to live or what           Tucked away in the utility room is the     windows from Kneer-Südfenster, and
the £1,000 kitchen radiator — now                                                                      approach the owners early, you            you want to build. You’re unlikely to   kit that makes the house work: a               roof lights from Fakro. Enhabit has
covered in art by Eleanor, 6, and Isabelle,                     Study Google Maps in satellite        could offer, subject to consent,          get consent for an ultra-modern         mechanical ventilation and heat recovery       airtight triple-glazed sash windows
4 — is “the most expensive notice board                        and Street View for hidden plots.       before it hits the open market.           design in a quaint English village.     system takes the warmth from outgoing          approved for conservation areas. A
known to man”, he jokes.                                                                                                                                                                 air and adds it to incoming fresh air. A       mechanical ventilation and heat
    To build Kintyre, as they call the home,                                                                                                                                             thermal store retains heat from the            recovery system, such as those by
the couple knocked down a 1960s prefab                                                                                                                                                   woodburner to produce hot water, with          Zehnder or Brink, is essential for fresh
bungalow on the 10-acre site. “It had                                                                                                                                                    an air-source heat pump as a fall-back.        air. With ducting, these cost £5,000-
precast concrete walls, about an inch                                                                                                                                                        But the cleverest features are hidden in   £8,000 for a 1,500 sq ft house. If you’d
thick, that were the same temperature as                                                                                                                                                 the walls: to prevent heat loss via “thermal   like to add photovoltaic roof panels
outdoors,” Alex recalls. “It was the                                                                                                                                                     bridging” from inside to outside, a split      and rainwater recycling, but can’t
opposite of living in a Passivhaus — a bit                                                                                                                                               timber frame separates the support             afford it with the build, consider laying
like living in a shed,” Emily adds.                                                                                                                                                      structure from the larch cladding. Gutters,    wires and pipes to add it later.
    They bought the plot for £1.15m in 2014.                                                                                                                                             too, are concealed beneath the cladding,
“We were first-time buyers — we looked for                                                                                                                                               creating the house’s clean-cut silhouette.      Use a quantity surveyor “It’s like
almost 10 years,” Alex says. “We’d given                                                                                                                                                     The wood roof, backed by a rubber          having a bulldog on your team,” says
up.” Just before the birth of Isabelle, Emily                                                                                                                                            membrane, cost £30,000 more than               Alex, who was initially sceptical but
was unsubscribing from estate agents’                                                                                                                                                    tiles would have. The total project cost?      says Costplan saved them tens of
alerts. “I thought we wouldn’t be able to                                                                                                                                                About £800,000. “You can build to              thousands of pounds (
see stuff any more. Then right down the                                                                                                                                                  nearly Passivhaus standards and save,
bottom of one email was this place.”                                                                                                                                                     but for me the risk was if you hadn’t spent     Get an insulated woodburner or
    On the edge of a historic village, in the                                                                                                                                            on the right triple glazing, you’d be having   the house will overheat when it blazes.
green belt and with the back door facing                                                                                                                                                 dinner with a cold draught on your head,”      You can preserve its heat in a thermal
the Chiltern Hills Area of Outstanding                                                                                                                                                   Alex says. “Now you have a super-stable        store, which, in turn, fuels hot water.
Natural Beauty a few feet away, this is a                                                                                                                                                indoor climate. It’s lovely to be around.”
DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust DESIGNS FOR LIFE Twelve pages of inspiration, insight and nuts-and-bolts advice for anyone looking to build their own dream house - Passivhaus Trust
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