Design Proposal for Masonry Infill Walls Subject to Seismic Actions

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Design Proposal for Masonry Infill Walls Subject to Seismic Actions
Design Proposal for Masonry Infill Walls Subject to
Seismic Actions
João Leite, Paulo B. Lourenço and Nuno Mendes *

 ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, 4800 Guimarães, Portugal; (J.L.); (P.B.L.)
 * Correspondence:

 Abstract: Several factors influence the behaviour of masonry infilled frames, which have been
 the subject of previous research with moderate success. The new generation of European design
 standards imposes the need to prevent the brittle collapse of infills and makes the structural engineer
 accountable for this requirement, yet it fails to provide sufficient information for masonry infill design.
 The present study aimed to compare experimental results with the provisions of the standard for
 the computation of the demand and capacity of infilled frames. Three reinforced concrete buildings
 with different infill solutions were constructed at a 1:1.5 scale. The infill walls were tested until
 collapse, or severe damage, using the shake table of the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering,
 Portugal, and their response was measured using accelerometers attached to the walls. The European
 normative standard provides results close to the experimental ones as far as demand and capacity are
 concerned. Based on the experiments, two design proposals for infill walls are presented here, one
 for the definition of the natural frequency of the infills, and another for a reduction factor to account
 for the presence of openings in the out-of-plane capacity of infills.
 Keywords: masonry infills; reinforced concrete frame; shake table tests; earthquake engineering;
Citation: Leite, J.; Lourenço, P.B.;
 out-of-plane behaviour
Mendes, N. Design Proposal for
Masonry Infill Walls Subject to
Seismic Actions. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12,
 1. Introduction
 Even though the study of masonry infilled frames started several decades ago, there
Academic Editors: Giuseppe Brando,
 remain many factors that influence their behaviour, such as mechanical properties of the
Maria Giovanna Masciotta and
 materials, aspect ratio, boundary conditions, the presence of reinforcement or the presence
Massimo Latour
 of openings. The role of infill walls in the global performance of frame structures subjected
Received: 14 December 2021 to seismic action is well known, see e.g., [1], as well as the requirements to ensure that the
Accepted: 3 January 2022 influence of the infill is either positive or neutral [2]. The demonstration that more studies
Published: 5 January 2022 are needed is revealed by the behaviour observed during recent earthquakes, which can be
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
 analysed from a lifesaving (Ultimate Limit State), or economic perspective (Serviceability
with regard to jurisdictional claims in Limit State). Infill walls often collapse out-of-plane, see Figure 1, even for structures
published maps and institutional affil- designed using the recent design codes, and up to 80% of the full cost of buildings can be
iations. needed to reconstruct non-structural elements [3].
 The present study compares experimental results from shake table tests on reinforced
 and unreinforced clay brick masonry infills, built within reinforced concrete frames, us-
 ing the provisions of design standards and reference literature. For that purpose, three
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. buildings were tested on the shake table of the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering,
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Portugal, at a scale of 1:1.5. The specimens were subjected to increasing levels of horizon-
This article is an open access article tal accelerations in the two orthogonal main directions. The experimental demand and
distributed under the terms and
 capacity were computed using accelerometers bolted to the infill walls.
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503.
Design Proposal for Masonry Infill Walls Subject to Seismic Actions
Appl. Sci.
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 Figure 1.
 1. Partial and complete
 Partial and completeout-of-plane
 of of infilled
 infilled walls
 walls during
 during the L’Aquila
 the L’Aquila earth-
 quake (2009), Italy.
 (2009), Italy.

 2. Out-of-Plane
 Masonry Infill
 Infill Walls
 2.1. Experimental
 2.1. ExperimentalResearch
 Research Studies
 The out-of-planebehaviour
 behaviour of of
 an an infill
 infill wallwall is highly
 is highly dependent
 dependent on theon the arching
 arching effect
 effect due
 [4–6], [4–6],todue
 the to the confinement
 confinement provided provided
 by theby the frame.
 frame. Hence,Hence, the out-of-plane
 the out-of-plane capac-
 capacity is
 ity is greatly affected by the compressive strength of masonry
 greatly affected by the compressive strength of masonry and the stiffness of the RC ele- and the stiffness of the RC
 ments. TheThe firstfirst analytical
 analytical models
 models calculated
 calculated the
 the out-of-planecapacity
 out-of-plane capacityofofinfill
 and only considered this effect in one of the main directions.
 and only considered this effect in one of the main directions. This might not be realistic asThis might not be realistic
 as infill
 infill wallswalls
 can can be connected
 be connected to thetoframe
 the frameon allon all sides
 four four sides
 and, in and,
 case, theeffect
 arch arch
 effect can develop in two directions. Given this, Dawe and Seah
 can develop in two directions. Given this, Dawe and Seah [7] proposed an analytical so- [7] proposed an analytical
 lution to to compute
 compute thethe out-of-plane
 out-of-plane capacityofofinfill
 capacity infillwalls
 assumedaa bi-directional
 arch effect. Their tests included nine frames with concrete
 arch effect. Their tests included nine frames with concrete blocks, subjected to blocks, subjected to aa uniform
 load on the surface of the infills using airbags, see Figure 2, with
 load on the surface of the infills using airbags, see Figure 2, with the objective of under- the objective of under-
 standing the out-of-plane behaviour and the maximum load
 standing the out-of-plane behaviour and the maximum load capacity of the infill walls. capacity of the infill walls.
 The authors concluded that the out-of-plane behaviour could be divided into four stages:
 The authors concluded that the out-of-plane behaviour could be divided into four stages:
 (i) linear elastic until the first crack; (ii) propagation of cracks and definition of a failure
 (i) linear elastic until the first crack; (ii) propagation of cracks and definition of a failure
 line; (iii) increment in the load capacity due to the arch effect; (iv) crushing of masonry,
 line; (iii) increment in the load capacity due to the arch effect; (iv) crushing of masonry,
 due to compression and collapse. The authors proposed that the out-of-plane capacity
 due to compression and collapse. The authors proposed that the out-of-plane capacity that
 that the panel can withstand, in the case of a panel supported on four sides, is given by q
 the panel can 2 ) as:withstand, in the case of a panel supported on four sides, is given by q (in
 (in kN/m
 kN/m2) as: 
 α β
 0.75 2
 q = 4.50 f m0 t + (1)
 . l 2.5 h2.5
 = 4.50 + . (1)
 1 . ℎ0.25
 ∝= EIc h + Gs Jc th < 50 (2)
 1 h .
 ∝= ( 1  ℎ +2 ℎ) 0.25 < 50 (2)
 β ℎ= EIb l + Gs Jb tl < 50 (3)
 where, f m0 is the compressive =strength ) . (in
Design Proposal for Masonry Infill Walls Subject to Seismic Actions
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 (a) (b)
 Figure 2. 2.
 Figure Experimental design
 2. Experimental
 Experimental [7]:
 design (a)
 (a) of tested
 geometry frames;
 tested (b)(b)
 frames; test
 test setup.
 test setup.

 InIn a alater
 In laterstudy,
 study, Flanaganand
 Flanagan andBennett
 and Bennett[8,9]
 Bennett [8,9]proposed
 proposed changing
 changing the
 value 4.50 4.50
 Equation (1)
 (1)(1) to
 toto 4.10,
 4.10, and and
 and eliminating
 eliminating the
 the term
 term related
 related to to
 to torsion
 torsion in in Equations
 Equations (2)
 to lowlow influence
 influence andand
 and unnecessary
 unnecessary complexity.
 The The
 The in-planedamage
 in-plane damage
 damage has
 hashas aaconsiderable
 considerable influence
 influence on
 onon the
 the out-of-plane
 the out-of-plane
 out-of-plane resistance
 resistance ofofof
 an infill wall,
 wall, asasshown
 shown by Angel
 by Angel [10], who
 [10], tested
 who eight
 tested full
 an infill wall, as shown by Angel [10], who tested eight full scale, one storey, one bay, RC scale,
 full one storey,
 scale, one one
 storey,bay, RC
 one bay,
 RC frames,
 frames, with
 with brick brick
 withand and
 brick concrete
 and concrete
 concrete masonry,
 masonry, first
 masonry, in-plane and
 first in-plane
 first in-plane then
 and thenand out-of-plane, see
 then out-of-plane,
 out-of-plane, Figure
 see Figure see
 3. The
 3. Figure
 The in-plane
 3. Thetest
 in-plane testconsisted
 test of ofthe
 consisted application of load,
 of the application
 of load, monotonically, until
 untila adisplace-
 of load, monotonically,
 monotonically, until a
 ment value, equal
 ment value, equal tototwice
 value, twice
 equal the
 the value
 tovalue needed
 twiceneededthe value for needed
 for the first for
 the first crack
 crack theto appear,
 tofirst crack
 appear, was to achieved.
 was appear,
 achieved. was
 achieved. the walls
 Then, were
 the loaded
 walls out-of-plane
 were loaded using
 out-of-planeairbags until
 using the collapse
 airbags until of the
 the specimen.
 collapse of the
 Then, the walls were loaded out-of-plane using airbags until the collapse of the specimen.
 The conclusions
 specimen. The were: (i) thewere:
 conclusions out-of-plane
 (i) the capacity depends
 out-of-plane capacity on the slenderness
 depends on theand com-
 The conclusions were: (i) the out-of-plane capacity depends on the slenderness and com-
 and strength of masonry;
 compressive (ii) the in-plane damage
 in-planedoes not affect the affect
 pressive strength ofstrengthmasonry; of masonry; (ii) the damage
 (ii) the in-plane damage
 does notdoes
 affectnot the out-of-
 the out-of-plane
 plane pattern;
 cracking (iii)
 pattern; for high
 (iii) forslenderness
 high infills,
 slenderness in-plane
 infills, cracks
 in-plane lower
 cracks the maximum
 lower the out-
 cracking pattern;
 of-plane capacity;
 (iii) for high
 (iv) vertical
 the stiffness
 cracks lower
 but doesbut
 out- the
 of-plane capacity;capacity; (iv) vertical loading increases the stiffness
 (iv) vertical loading increases the stiffness but does not affect the out- not
 out-of-plane capacity.
 of-plane capacity.

 (a) (b)
 Figure 3.
 Figure 3. Testing
 Testing setup
 setup [10]:
 [10]:(a) in-planetest;
 test;(b) out-of-plane
 (b) test.
 out-of-plane test.
 Figure 3. Testing setup [10]: (a) in-plane test; (b) out-of-plane test.
 Angel [10]
 Angel [10] also
 proposedan ananalytical
 solution forfor
 out-of-plane capacity
 capacity of infills
 of infills
 q, see
 q, see Equation
 Equation (4),
 (4), with
 with or
 or without
 without in-plane
 in-plane damage.
 damage. The reduction
 The reduction of the
 of out-of-plane
 the out-of-plane
 Angel [10] also proposed an analytical solution for the out-of-plane capacity of infills
 capacity is
 capacity is made
 made using aaparameter, R,1which can bebeobtained by,by,
 seesee[10]: (i) estimating
 q, see Equation (4),using
 with orparameter,
 without in-plane , which can
 damage. obtained
 The reduction of [10]: (i) estimating
 the out-of-plane
 the in-plane
 the in-plane displacement
 displacement due to cracking,
 due to cracking, using the
 using uncracked stiffness of the system; (ii)
 is made
 parameter, the
 , which
 infill. If
 see [10]:
 infill wall
 the system;
 (ii) visual inspection and classification of the damage in the infill. If the infill wall is
 in-plane displacement
 assumes duevalue.
 a unitary to cracking, using theisuncracked stiffness of theofsystem; (ii)
 undamaged, R1 assumes a unitaryThevalue.value
 Theof value related
 of R2 isto the
 related stiffness
 to the EI the most
 stiffness EI of the
 visual inspection
 flexible frameframeand
 see Equation of the damage in
 (5), and(5), the infill. If
 on the height the infill wall is undam-
 most flexible element, see Equation and λ depends on thehheight
 to thickness t ratio t
 h to thickness
 of infill
 the assumes
 wall, a unitary
 see Equationvalue.
 (6). The value of is related to the stiffness EI of the most
 ratio of the infill wall, see Equation (6).
 flexible frame element, see Equation (5), and depends on the height h to thickness t ratio
 of the infill wall, see Equation (6). 2f0
 q =  m R1 R2 λ (4)
 = (4)
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 4 of 26

 = 0.357 + 2.49 × 10 ≤ 1.0 (5)
 R2 = 0.357 + 2.49 × 10−14 EI ≤ 1.0 (5)
 = 0.154 . (6)
 λ = 0.154e−0.0985 t (6)
 Another analytical solution, based on the bi-directional arch effect allowed by the
 surrounding analytical
 frame, solution,
 was proposed bybased
 Klingner on
 [11]. This is in fact archaneffect allowed
 extension of theby the
 surrounding solution
 frame, by was
 Cohen and Laing
 proposed by [12], whichetconsidered
 Klingner al. [11]. This only thefact
 is in archaneffect in oneof the
 the main solution
 directionsby ofCohen
 the frameandas: Laing [12], which considered only the arch effect in one
 of the main directions of the frame as:
 = ( ( − ℎ) + ℎ (2) + ! (7)
 ℎ 8 xyv − ℎ 2 l
 q = 2 Myv [(l − h) + hln(2)] + Myh ln l (7)
 h l xyh l − 2h
 = −0 (8)
 4 0.85 f m 2
 Myv = t − xyv (8)
 = t f m0
 xyv = ⎡ ⎤ # (9)
 ⎢1 − ⎥ (9)
 1.000 1.000E 1 − q 2⎥ h
 ⎢ ℎ 2 +
 ⎣ 2 2 ( 2 ) ⎦+t
 h 2

 Here, Here, yv is the maximum
 maximum displacement
 displacement of the
 of the infill wallinfill wall
 in the in thedirection
 vertical vertical and
 M yh is
 is obtainedobtained by replacing x by
 by replacing by yv in Equation x yh in Equation (8) and l by h
 (8) and by ℎ in Equation (9). in Equation (9).
 With theobjective
 objective of of comparing
 comparing thethe influence
 influence of reinforcement
 of reinforcement in theinin-plane
 the in-plane
 dam- dam-
 age of masonry infill walls and their out-of-plane-capacity,
 age of masonry infill walls and their out-of-plane-capacity, after initial in-plane damage, after initial in-plane damage,[13]
 Calvi [13]andand Penna
 Penna et al.
 et al. [14][14] tested
 tested threethree full-scale
 full-scale RC frames
 RC frames with with different
 different infills,infills,
 see Figure4:4: (i)(i) unreinforced;
 unreinforced; (ii)(ii)
 bedbedjointjoint reinforcement;
 reinforcement; (iii) with
 (iii) with reinforced
 reinforced plaster.
 The frameswere weresubjected
 subjectedto toananin-plane
 cyclicloadload with with aa constant
 constant vertical
 vertical load,
 load, and
 and then
 then subjected to out-of-plane
 to out-of-plane loads applied
 loads applied ononfour
 four points
 pointsofofthe theinfill

 (a) (b)
 Models[13,14]: (a)(a)
 [13,14]: infill walls;
 infill (b) (b)
 walls; detail of the
 detail of reinforcement at theatinfills.
 the reinforcement the infills.

 The conclusions were that:were
 The conclusions (i) the that:
 presence of reinforcement
 (i) the presence oflowers the damagelowers
 reinforcement in the infill
 damage in
 but only the reinforced plaster infill increases the in-plane stiffness, energy dissipation
 the infill wall but only the reinforced plaster infill increases the in-plane stiffness, energy capacity
 and maximum load; (ii) the in-plane damage drastically reduces the acceleration needed for the
 dissipation capacity and maximum load; (ii) the in-plane damage drastically reduces the
 out-of-plane collapse; (iii) both reinforced solutions improve the out-of-plane behaviour of the
 acceleration needed for the out-of-plane collapse; (iii) both reinforced solutions improve the
 infill walls, to the greatest extent in the reinforced plaster one. The authors also proposed analyti-
 cal behaviour
 solutions to calculate theof the infill walls,
 out-of-plane to thevibration
 fundamental greatest period
 wall, see plaster
 Equa- one.
 The authors also proposed analytical solutions to calculate the out-of-plane
 tion (10), and the in-plane capacity of infill masonry walls reinforced with bed joint reinforcement, fundamental
 see Equationperiod
 (11). of the infill wall, see Equation (10), and the in-plane capacity of infill
 masonry walls reinforced with bed joint reinforcement, see Equation (11).
 2 1 1
 Tp = + 2 (10)
 π l2 h 12m

 f y Ash d0
 VR = VR,M + VR,H = f v l 0 t + ≤ f v lt (11)
. Sci. 2022, Appl. Sci. 2022,
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 Here, m and f v are the specific mass and shear resistance of masonry, respectively, l 0 is
 the length of the compressed
 2 1zone1 of the wall, f y is the yield strength of steel, Ash is the area
 = in the
 of reinforcement applied + bed joint, s is the horizontal spacing of the (10)
 0 0 ℎ 12 
 and d is the lowest between l and h.
 An extensive study on the out-of-plane behaviour of reinforced and unreinforced infill
 walls, with previous
 = , +in-plane
 , = damage,
 + ≤ 5, was also performed(11)
 see Figure by Pereira [15].
 He compared experimental results with available analytical solutions and codes, and
 Here, andconcluded
 are thethat
 specific mass andproposal
 the analytical shear resistance of masonry, capacity
 for the out-of-plane respectively, is [10] was the
 of Angel
 the length ofmost
 the compressed
 adequate, if zone of theaswall,
 modified shown inis Equation strength of steel, is the
 the yield (12).
 area of reinforcement applied in the bed joint, is thehorizontal spacing of the reinforce-
 ment and is the lowest between q = andf ℎ. m
 R1 R2 λ 0.77C f
 + 0.34C f (12)
 An extensive study on the out-of-planehbehaviour of reinforced l and unreinforced in-
 fill walls, with previous in-plane damage, see Figure 5, was also performed by Pereira
 [15]. He compared experimental results with available analytical i
 f x1 solutions and codes, and
 concluded that the analytical proposal for the out-of-plane C f = capacity of Angel [10] was the (13)
 f x1
 most adequate, if modified as shown in Equation (12).

 1—Reaction frame

 2—Transverse beam

 3—Structure for load application


 5—Airbag fixing panel

 6—Horizontal actuator

 Figure 5. test
 Figure 5. Out-of-plane setup [15].test setup [15].

 Here, f x1i is the flexural strength in the direction parallel to the bed joints and f is the
 flexural strength ′
 in the direction ℎ to the bed joints for the unreinforced solution.
 = 0.77 + 0.34 (12)
 Butenweg etℎ al. 
 [16] carried out an experimental study on the behaviour of reinforced
 concrete frames filled with high thermal insulating clay bricks, applying cyclic in-plane and
 out-of-plane loading based on the three following methodologies: (1) application of only
 one type of loading; (2) both = of loading sequentially applied; (3) both (13)
 types types of loading
 sequentially in combination. In this experimental study, four specimens were tested: (1) a
 Here, is reinforced
 the flexural strength
 concrete in the
 frame direction
 without parallel
 infill under to the bedloading);
 in-plane joints and infilled
 (2) an is the frame with
 flexural strength in the direction parallel to the bed joints for the unreinforced solution.
 a small gap between the infill and a column under out-of-plane loading; (3) an infilled
 Butenweg et al.under
 frame [16] carried out an
 sequential experimental
 in-plane study on theloading;
 and out-of-plane behaviour(4)of
 infilled frame under
 concrete frames filled in-plane
 combined with high andthermal insulating
 out-of-plane clayIn
 loading. bricks,
 these applying
 tests, two cyclic
 hydraulic cylinders
 and out-of-plane loading based
 for application of theon the three
 forces from following methodologies:
 higher storeys, one hydraulic(1) application
 cylinder for ofapplication of
 only one type of loading; (2) both types of loading sequentially applied; (3) both types of
 loading sequentially in combination. In this experimental study, four specimens were
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 27

 tested: (1) a reinforced concrete frame without infill under in-plane loading); (2) an infilled
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 frame with a small gap between the infill and a column under out-of-plane loading; (3) an 6 of 26
 infilled frame under sequential in-plane and out-of-plane loading; (4) an infilled frame
 under combined in-plane and out-of-plane loading. In these tests, two vertical hydraulic
 cylinders for application of the forces from higher storeys, one hydraulic cylinder for ap-
 the in-plane loading and airbags for the application of the out-of-plane loading were used
 plication of the in-plane loading and airbags for the application of the out-of-plane load-
 (Figure 6).
 ing were used (Figure 6).

 Figure6.6. Test
 Figure Test setup
 setup for
 for the
 the in-plane
 testscarried out
 carried byby
 out Butenweg et al.
 Butenweg et [16].
 al. [16].

 From the results
 results of
 of the
 the tests,
 tests, itit was
 was concluded
 concluded that
 that boundary
 boundary conditions
 conditions at
 at the
 the con-
 nection area between the masonry infill and the reinforced concrete
 tion area between the masonry infill and the reinforced concrete frame are a crucial frame are a crucial
 for the for the out-of-plane
 out-of-plane behaviour.
 behaviour. Moreover, Moreover, the infilled
 the infilled frame
 frame withwith a small
 a small gapgap be-
 the the
 infill infill
 and and a column
 a column under under out-of-plane
 out-of-plane loading
 loading presented
 presented an out-of-plane
 an out-of-plane ca- q
 pacity q in agreement with the analytical approach proposed by Dawe
 in agreement with the analytical approach proposed by Dawe and Seah [7] for a panel and Seah [7] for a
 panel supported on
 supported on three sides:three sides:
 4.50.f m0 t2 β
 =q = (14)(14)
 ℎ . h2.5
 where, 0 isisthe
 where, f m thecompressive
 strengthofofmasonry, and
 masonry,t and ℎ are
 h are the the
 thickness andand
 thickness the the
 ofheight of the
 the infill infillrespectively.
 wall, wall, respectively.
 For more
 For more information
 information on onexperimental
 experimentalstudies onon
 studies thethe
 out-of-planebehaviour of ma-
 behaviour of ma-
 sonry infill walls,
 sonry infill walls, see [17–19].

 Code Proposals
 America, Annex
 Annex BB of of M.S.J.C.
 M.S.J.C. [20]
 [20] determines
 determines that for the out-of-plane de- design
 of participating
 sign infill infill
 of participating walls, the use
 walls, the of
 of connectors spaced at aatmaximum
 spaced a maximum of 1.22 m along
 of 1.22 m
 along the supported perimeter of the infill is mandatory, and the out-of-plane capacity of the
 supported perimeter of the infill is mandatory, and the out-of-plane capacity of
 walls havehave
 the walls to betocomputed
 be computed using Equation
 using Equation(1) (1)
 FEMA 273
 273[21] defines
 [21] definesthe
 mum slenderness valuesvalues
 in Tablein 1, while
 Table the capacity
 1, while should
 the capacity be computed
 should usingusing
 be computed Equation
 the (15),
 arch ifeffect can effect
 the arch be taken caninto account,
 be taken into otherwise the out-of-plane
 account, otherwise capacitycapacity
 the out-of-plane is assumed
 asis the maximum
 assumed as theflexural
 maximum capacity
 the wall.of the wall.

 Table 1. λ2 values for the computation of the out-of-plane capacity of infill walls (FEMA 273 [21]).

 Slenderness λ2
 5 0.129
 10 0.030
 15 0.034
 35 0.013
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 7 of 26

 0.7 f 0 m λ2
 q=   × 144 (15)

 FEMA 306 [22] does not impose a limit drift. Nonetheless, it mentions that the limit
 is about 1.5% for clay brick masonry, and assumes the analytical proposal of [10,23], see
 Equation (4), for the out-of-plane capacity of the infills.
 Regarding the seismic loads to be used in the out-of-plane design, which cannot be
 higher than the capacity computed using the methods mentioned, FEMA 302 [24] prescribes
 Equation (16) in the case of new buildings with rigid diaphragms, within the limits obtained
 by Equations (17) and (18):

 0.4a p SDS Wp  z
 Fp = Rp
 1+2 (16)

 Fp < 1.6SDS I p Wp (17)
 Fp > 0.3SDS I p Wp (18)
 Here, a p is the amplification factor, SDS is the spectral acceleration, Wp is the weight of
 the wall, z is the height of the highest point of the infill wall, h is the height of the building,
 R p is the response modification factor and I p is the importance factor.
 Another proposal is made by FEMA 356 [25], see Equation (19), in which the perfor-
 mance level is taken into consideration through a specific parameter that varies according
 to the desired performance level (Table 2). Here, SXS is the spectral acceleration and W is
 the weight of the wall.
 Fp = χSXS W (19)

 Table 2. Coefficient χ 1 for calculation of the out-of-plane all forces.

 Structural Performance Level Flexible Diaphragms Other Diaphragms
 Collapse prevention 0.9 0.3
 Life safety 1.2 0.4
 Immediate occupancy 1.8 0.6
 1 Values of χ for flexible diaphragms need not be applied to out-of-plane strength of walls in Sections of
 the FEMA 356 [25].

 The NZS 1170.5 [26] standard provides a design methodology for infill masonry walls
 identical to the North American code. Infill walls have a considerable contribution to
 the lateral load resistant structure, except in situations when the infill wall is separated
 from the frame, the infill wall is constructed with a flexible and light material, or it has a
 fragile behaviour such that it will collapse in the event of a very low seismic action. The
 out-of-plane capacity follows FEMA 306 [22]. The seismic force to be used in the seismic
 design of infill walls should be computed using Equation (20), which includes the influence
 of the vertical position of the element in the structure as well as an amplification of the
 acceleration, when compared to the maximum acceleration at the floor height:
 Fph = C p Tp C ph R p Wp < 3.6Wp (20)
 C p Tp = C (0)CHi Ci Tp (21)
   1 + 6 , hi ≤ 12m
 CHi = h i (22)
  1 + 10 hn ,
 hi < 0.5hn
 3.0, hi ≥ 0.2hn
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 8 of 26

   2.0, hi ≤ 12m
 Ci Tp = 0.5,  hi < 0.5hn (23)
 2.0 1.75 − Tp hi ≥ 0.2hn
 Here, C p Tp is the horizontal load design coefficient, R p is the risk factor, Wp is the
 weight of the element, C (0) is the site hazard coefficient for T = 0, CHi is the floor height
 coefficient for level i, Tp is the period of the element, Ci Tp is the spectral shape factor at
 level i, hi is the height of the element and hn is the height from the base of the structure to
 the uppermost seismic weight or mass.
 For the European regulations EC8 [27], the infill walls have to be considered if their
 presence influences the lateral stiffness of the structure. Independently of their influence
 on the lateral resistance system, appropriate measures should be taken to avoid brittle
 failure and premature disintegration of the infill walls, and their partial or total out-of-plane
 collapse. The out-of-plane design load is given by:

 Sa Wa γa
 Fa = (24)
  
 3 1+
 Sa = ∝ S H
 2 − 0.5 (25)
  
 1+ 1− T1

 where Sa is the seismic coefficient applicable to non-structural elements, Wa is the weight
 of the element, γa is the importance factor of the element, q a is the behaviour factor, ∝ is the
 ratio of the design ground acceleration on type A ground, a g is the acceleration of gravity,
 S is the soil factor, Ta is the fundamental vibration period of the non-structural element, T1
 is the fundamental vibration period of the building in the relevant direction, z is the height
 of the non-structural element above the level of application of the seismic action and H
 is the building height measured from the foundation or from the top of a rigid basement.
 EC8 [27] does not provide any analytical solution for the fundamental vibration period of
 an infill wall.
 EC6 [28] proposes two methods for the design of masonry walls subjected to out-of-
 plane loads, based on: (i) the assumption that the wall is supported along the boundaries;
 (ii) the arch effect between the supports. The first method considers that the wall is
 supported along three or four edges, and assumes that failure can occur parallel to the bed
 joints, see Equation (26), or perpendicular to the bed joints, see Equation (27):

 MEd1 = ∝1 WEd l 2 (26)

 MEd2 = ∝2 WEd l 2 (27)
 where ∝1 and ∝2 are bending moment coefficients accounting for the degree of fixity at
 the edges of the walls, the height to length ratio values of the walls, as described in Annex
 E [28], l is the length of the wall and WEd is the design lateral load per unit area. The load
 needs to be equal to or smaller than the capacity of the wall, which is computed using:

 MRd = f xd Z (28)

 where f xd is the flexural capacity of the infill wall in the desired direction and Z is the
 flexural modulus of the wall. The second method is applicable when the wall is constructed
 between supports capable of inducing an arch effect horizontally or vertically when the
 wall is subjected to out-of-plane loads. The capacity of the infill is then computed as:
 qlat,d = f d (29)
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 9 of 26

 Here, f d is the design compressive strength of the masonry in the direction of the
 arch thrust, t is the thickness of the wall and la is the length or height of the wall between
 supports capable of resisting the arch thrust.

 3. Shake Table Tests
 3.1. Building Models
 Three different models were idealized at a scale of 1:1.5 (Figure 7 and Table 3), with
 dimensions of 4.30 × 3.80 × 4.00 m. See [29] for details. Model 1 represents the built
 heritage of the last three decades in Portugal, while models 2 and 3 represent likely future
 solutions. The chosen class for concrete and rebar reflects this distinction, as lower classes
 were used in model 1 (C20/25 and S400) and higher classes in models 2 and 3 (C30/37 and
 S500). The mortar used for the bed joints and plaster was pre-batched (M5 class). Further
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 27
 details on mechanical properties can be found in [15]. The loads were reduced using the
 similitude law relations.

 Figure 7. Geometry
 Figure of the
 7. Geometry openings
 of the in each
 openings facade:
 in each (a) North;
 facade: (b) West;
 (a) North; (c) East;
 (b) West; (c) (d) South.
 East; (d) South.

 3.2. Shake infills
 Table of and
 Input model 1 were Setup
 Acquisition unreinforced double-leaf clay brick walls with a cavity.
 Horizontally perforated
 Eight artificial units were
 accelerograms wereused, and the
 generated outer
 using leaf was partially
 a LNEC-SPA hanging
 [30] to obtain thethe RC
 four The
 stages of inner leaf table
 the shake had atests,
 with plaster,
 increasingwhile the outer
 amplitude, seeleaf had4.aThe
 Table mortar rendering.
 The infills
 grams of the of model
 first three2stages
 were awere
 single leaf clay
 adapted brick
 to the wall with
 response a bed
 spectra joint reinforcement
 (damping ratio equal every
 tosecond bed joint.
 5%) of each damageThelimit
 leaf was
 statecompletely withininthe
 that was defined RC3frame
 part of EC8,plane (as an external
 see Figure 8 Damage thermal
 Limitation system will beSignificant
 225 YRP); required) with an internal
 Damage (SD 475gypsum plaster
 YRP); Near and an (NC
 Collapse external
 YRP): here, YRPAgain,
 Years of theperforated unitsAwere
 Return Period. used.was
 last stage The bed joint
 defined reinforcement
 as the maxi-
 a truss Bekaert Murfor
 of the table RND.4/100,
 in terms of velocity,with
 given4 mm diameter
 the size and masslongitudinal bars
 of the model, 100 mm
 it apart.
 The bed to joint
 4574 YRP.
 reinforcement was connected to the RC frame through steel bars at both

 Table 4. Adopted shake table test sequence of inputs.

 Stage Identification Description
 DI 0 Initial dynamic identification test
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 10 of 26

 ends. The infills of model 3 were similar to those of model 2 but a reinforced plaster was
 used on both wall faces, with a grid Bekaert Armanet φ1.05 mm 12.7 × 12.7 mm attached
 to the RC frame using Hilti X-M8H10-37-P8 nails.

 Table 3. Description of the tested models.

 Model Design Concrete
 Rebar Class Infill Solution
 Number Standards Class
 Double leaf clay brick
 1 RSA/REBAP C20/25 S400
 unreinforced wall
 Single leaf clay brick wall
 2 EC2/EC8 C30/37 S500 with bed joint reinforcement
 every two joints
 Single leaf clay brick wall
 3 EC2/EC8 C30/37 S500 with reinforced plaster on
 both sides

 3.2. Shake Table Input and Acquisition Setup
 Eight artificial accelerograms were generated using a LNEC-SPA [30] to obtain the four
 stages of the shake table tests, with increasing amplitude, see Table 4. The accelerograms of
 the first three stages were adapted to the response spectra (damping ratio equal to 5%) of
 each damage limit state that was defined in part 3 of EC8, see Figure 8 Damage Limitation
 (DL 225 YRP); Significant Damage (SD 475 YRP); Near Collapse (NC 2475 YRP): here, YRP
 equals Years of the Return Period. A last stage was defined as the maximum capacity of
 the table in terms of velocity, given the size and mass of the model, and it corresponds to
 4574 YRP.
 One signal was introduced for each horizontal direction for the shake table, namely
 North-South (N-S), or longitudinal, and East-West (E-W), or transversal. Before the first
 stage and after each stage, the model was subjected to two white-noise small amplitude
 inputs, again orthogonal, horizontal, and uncorrelated, specifically generated to obtain the
 dynamic properties of the model (natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios)
 and their evolution during the experiment.
 The out-of-plane behaviours of the infill walls were captured by a set of accelerometers
 (ACC) distributed on the surface of the walls, see Figure 9. In the solid walls of the South
 façade, three ACC were placed at mid-height, one in the centre and the other two at half
 the distance to the RC columns. The West facade had one ACC in each infill of the lower
 storey, under the midpoint of the opening. The same occurred in the lower storey of the
 East facade. The North facade had three ACC in each infill, below the openings at the
 centre. In model 1, due to the existence of two leaves, the ACC had to be placed in the inner
 and outer leaves at the same position. This scheme can be seen in the outer leaf and was
 repeated in the inner leaf at the same position, totalling thirty-eight ACC. Models 2 and 3
 followed a similar scheme, which did not repeat itself on the inside, as these models had
 single leaf infill walls. Except for the infill wall on the upper storey of the North facade,
 all the positions for the ACC in the outer leaf of model 1 were repeated in models 2 and 3.
 The ACC that were not used inside the model were applied outside, increasing the number
 of measurement points considerably. Each solid wall on the South facade received two
 extra rows of ACC, directly above and below the ones in model 1, at the upper and lower
 third of the height. The West facade had the same setup in all three models and the East
 facade received four extra ACC. The lower infill of the North facade received two extra
 ACC, totalling thirty-four ACC on the infill walls.
DI 4 Dynamic identification test after the fourth stage

 Transversal direction (East-West) Longitudinal direction (North-South)
 20 20
 18 Generated 1.5xNC 4574yrp 18 Generated 1.5xNC 4574yrp
 input input
 Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 16 16 11 of 26
 EC8 EC8

 Acceleration (m/s )

 Acceleration (m/s )

 NC 2475yrp NC 2475yrp
 12 12
 10 10
 8 8
 6 4. Adopted shake table test sequence
 Table of inputs.
 SD 475 yrp SD 475 yrp
 4 4
 2Stage Identification 2 Description
 DL 225yrp DL 225yrp
 0 0
 0.01 0.1 DI 0 1 0.01 Initial dynamic
 test 1
 Period (s) DL Period
 Seismic test based on (s)
 Damage Limitation—225 YRP
 DI 1 Dynamic identification test after the first stage
 Figure 8. Comparison between the pseudo-acceleration response spectra of the accelerograms gen-
 erated and the response spectra obtained Seismic test based on Significant Damage—475 YRP
 from EC8 (scaled).
 DI 2 Dynamic identification test after the second stage
 One signal was introduced NC for each horizontal direction
 Seismic for theonshake
 test based Neartable, namely YRP
 North-South 3 (N-S), or longitudinal, and East-West (E-W), or transversal. Before the first
 Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW DI 3 Dynamic identification test after the third stage 11 of 27
 stage and after each stage, the model was subjected to two white-noise small amplitude
 Seismic test with an amplitude of 1.5 times the
 inputs, again orthogonal, horizontal,
 1.5xNC and uncorrelated, specifically generated to obtain
 4 previous stage—4574 YRP
 the dynamic properties of the model (natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ra-
 DI 4 Dynamic identification test after the fourth stage
 tios) and their evolution DI during
 4 the experiment.
 Dynamic identification test after the fourth stage
 The out-of-plane behaviours of the infill walls were captured by a set of accelerome-
 ters (ACC) distributed on the surface of the walls, see Figure 9. In the solid walls of the
 Transversal direction (East-West) Longitudinal direction (North-South)
 South façade, three ACC were placed at mid-height, one in the centre and the other two
 at half the20 distance to the RC columns. The West facade had 20 one ACC in each infill of the
 18 Generated 1.5xNC 4574yrp 18 occurredGenerated 1.5xNC 4574yrp
 lower storey, under
 input the midpoint of the opening. The same input in the lower storey
 16 16
 of the East facade. EC8The North facade had three ACC in each infill, EC8 below the openings at
 Acceleration (m/s )


 Acceleration (m/s )

 the centre.12
 In model 1, dueNC to 2475yrp
 the existence of two leaves, the 12
 ACC had to beNCplaced 2475yrp in the
 inner and10outer leaves at the same position. This scheme can 10 be seen in the outer leaf and
 was repeated8 in the inner leaf at the same position, totalling 8 thirty-eight ACC. Models 2
 and 3 followed a similar scheme, which did not repeat 6 on the inside, as these models
 SD 475 yrp SD 475 yrp
 had single4 leaf infill walls. Except for the infill wall on the4 upper storey of the North fa-
 2 2
 cade, all the positions for the DLACC
 225yrp in the outer leaf of model 1 were repeated DLin models 2
 0 0
 and 3. The0.01ACC that were0.1not used inside1 the model were applied 0.01 outside,0.1increasing the 1
 number of measurement points Period (s)considerably. Each solid wall on the South facade Period (s) received
 two extra rows of ACC, directly above and below the ones in model 1, at the upper and
 Figure third 8. Comparison
 of the
 8. Comparisonheight. Thebetween
 between West the pseudo-acceleration
 thefacade had the same setup
 pseudo-acceleration response response
 in threespectra
 allspectra models of
 of the accelerograms gen-
 erated and the and
 response response
 fourspectra spectra
 extra ACC. obtained
 obtained from
 lowerEC8infillEC8 (scaled).
 of the North facade received two
 extra ACC, totalling thirty-four ACC on the infill walls.
 One signal was introduced for each horizontal direction for the shake table, namely
 North-South (N-S), or longitudinal, and East-West (E-W), or transversal. Before the first
 stage and after each stage, the model was subjected to two white-noise small amplitude
 inputs, again orthogonal, horizontal, and uncorrelated, specifically generated to obtain
 the dynamic properties of the model (natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ra-
 tios) and their evolution during the experiment.
 The out-of-plane behaviours of the infill walls were captured by a set of accelerome-
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW ters (ACC) distributed on the surface of the walls, see Figure 9. In the 12 ofsolid
 27 walls of the
 South façade, three ACC were placed at mid-height, one in the centre and the other two
 at half the distance(a) to the RC columns. The West facade had (b) one ACC in each infill of the
 lower storey, under the midpoint of the opening. The same occurred in the lower storey
 of the East facade. The North facade had three ACC in each infill, below the openings at
 the centre. In model 1, due to the existence of two leaves, the ACC had to be placed in the
 inner and outer leaves at the same position. This scheme can be seen in the outer leaf and
 was repeated in the inner leaf at the same position, totalling thirty-eight ACC. Models 2
 and 3 followed a similar scheme, which did not repeat itself on the inside, as these models
 had single leaf infill walls. Except for the infill wall on the upper storey of the North fa-
 cade, all the positions for the ACC in the outer leaf of model 1 were repeated in models 2
 and 3. The ACC that were not used inside the model were applied outside, increasing the
 number of measurement points considerably. Each solid wall on the South facade received
 two extra rows of ACC, directly (c) above and below the ones in model 1, at the upper and
 Figure 9. Model third
 Figure1:9. of the
 (a)Model height.
 construction The West offacade
 of the RC structure;
 1: (a) construction the(b) had
 RCmodel the same
 on the
 structure; setup
 (b) in(c)the
 model on all three table;
 shake models(c) and the
 eters setup. facade
 ters setup. received four extra ACC. The lower infill of the North facade received two
 extra ACC, totalling thirty-four ACC on the infill walls.
 4. Comparison of the Experimental Results with Design Standards
 Next, comparisons between the experimental results and different design standard
 provisions are presented, based on two parameters: (i) the out-of-plane demand to which
 the infill walls were subjected; (ii) the out-of-plane capacity of the infill walls.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 12 of 26

 4. Comparison of the Experimental Results with Design Standards
 Next, comparisons between the experimental results and different design standard
 provisions are presented, based on two parameters: (i) the out-of-plane demand to which
 the infill walls were subjected; (ii) the out-of-plane capacity of the infill walls.

 4.1. Demand
 In order to compute the design out-of-plane load according to the standards in Table 5
 the maximum seismic input acceleration that is associated with the infill location on the
 structure must be considered, among other parameters. Given the fact that the PGA
 varied during the test, the PGA was not the same for each tested model, and that the
 measurements for the reinforced plaster infill seem to be unreliable, the value used in the
 equations proposed by each standard, see Table 5, was the maximum recorded acceleration
 at the foundation, for each tested model and each stage. This might not be necessarily
 the case for taller buildings, where more research seems to be needed. The out-of-plane
 design load variation, for each standard, was then plotted against the values recorded
 experimentally in each stage of the tested models, see Figures 10–12.

 Table 5. Analytical solutions used to compute the out-of-plane demand of the infill walls.

 Standard Analytical Solution
 0.4a p SDS Wp
 FEMA 302 [24] and 306 [22] 1 + 2 hz
 Fp = Rp

 EC8 [27] Fa = Sa W
 a γa

 FEMA 356 [25] Fp = χSXS W
 NZS 1170.5 [26] Fph = C p Tp C ph R p Wp < 3.6Wp

 As far as model 1 is concerned, see Figure 10, FEMA 302 [24], 306 [22] and 356 [25]
 presented a lower load than the experimental values during all the stages. FEMA 302 [24]
 and 306 [22] presented a load 46% and 60% lower on average, than the experimental values
 for the longitudinal and transversal infill walls, respectively, and FEMA 356 [25] presented
 design loads 48% and 62% lower in the same situation. As for NZS 1170.5 [26], in the
 longitudinal direction and until the second stage, the standard presented loads slightly
 higher than the experimental values for the exterior walls and lower values for the interior
 ones. In the last two stages, the standard presented loads 12% lower, on average for all
 infills, than the experimental values. In the transversal direction, the standard loads were
 lower in all stages, and 38% lower on average for all infills, in the last stage. EC8 [27], in the
 longitudinal direction presented design loads always higher than the experimental ones for
 the infill walls on the second floor (30% on stage 4) and always lower for the ground floor
 (20% on stage 4). In the transversal direction, the design loads were the same, on average,
 for all the infill walls on the second floor and always lower for the ground floor (46% on
 stage 4).
 As for model 1, FEMA 302 [24], 306 [22] and 356 [25] presented the highest differences
 in model 2, see Figure 11. In the longitudinal direction, FEMA 302 [24] and 306 [22]
 presented a load, on average (for all infills), 50% lower than the experimental results, in
 stage 3 and 267% lower in stage 4, while FEMA 356 [25] presented loads 74% lower in stage
 3 and 87% lower in stage 4.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 27
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 13 of 26

 Longitudinal Transversal
 4 4

 FEMA 302 and 306
 3 3

 Stage 2 Expe Code 2 Expe Code
 P1Int P1Int P1Int P1Int
 P1Ext P1Ext P1Ext P1Ext
 P2Int P2Int P2Int P2Int
 P2Ext P2Ext P2Ext P2Ext
 1 1
 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
 Force (KN) Force (KN)

 4 4

 3 3


 2 Expe Code 2 Expe Code
 P1Int P1Int P1Int P1Int
 P1Ext P1Ext P1Ext P1Ext
 P2Int P2Int P2Int P2Int
 P2Ext P2Ext P2Ext P2Ext
 1 1
 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
 Force (KN) Force (KN)

 4 4

 3 3
 FEMA 356


 2 2
 Expe Code Expe Code
 Int Int Int Int
 Ext Ext Ext Ext
 1 1
 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
 Force (KN) Force (KN)

 4 4

 3 3
 NZS 1170.5


 2 2
 Expe Code Expe Code
 Int Int Int Int
 Ext Ext Ext Ext
 1 1
 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
 Force (KN) Force (KN)

 Figure Standardand
 10.Standard and experimental
 experimental out-of-plane
 out-of-plane load
 load comparison
 comparison forfor model
 model 1. 1.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 27

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 14 of 26

 Longitudinal Transversal
 4 4

 FEMA 302 and 306
 3 3

 2 2
 Expe Code Expe Code
 P1 P1 P1 P2
 P2 P2 P2 P2
 1 1
 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 Force (KN) Force (KN)
 4 4

 3 3


 2 2
 Expe Code Expe Code
 P1 P1 P1 P2
 P2 P2 P2 P2
 1 1
 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 Force (KN) Force (KN)
 4 4

 3 3
 FEMA 356


 2 2
 Expe Code Expe Code
 FEMA 356 FEMA 356
 1 1
 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 Force (KN) Force (KN)

 Figure Standardand
 11.Standard andexperimental
 experimental out-of-plane
 out-of-plane load
 load comparison
 comparison forfor model
 model 2. 2.
 A similar situation was found in the transversal direction. NZS 1170.5 [26] presented
 veryAs goodfar as modeluntil
 results 1 is the
 concerned, see Figure
 third stage, with load10, FEMA
 14% and 3029% [24], 306 [22]
 lower and
 in the 356 [25]
 presented a lower load than the experimental values during all the stages.
 and transversal direction, respectively, but in stage 4, the load proposed by this standard FEMA 302 [24] is
 and 306 [22] presented a load 46% and 60% lower on average, than
 low, 57% and 23% for the longitudinal and transversal direction, respectively. This may the experimental val- be
 ues for the longitudinal and transversal infill walls, respectively,
 due to the nonlinear evolution of the experimental load due to damage accumulation in and FEMA 356 [25] pre-
 the infilldesign
 walls loads
 and 48% and 62% lower
 RC structure. As forinthetheEC8same situation.
 [27], until theAsthird
 for NZS
 stage1170.5 [26], in
 the differences
 the longitudinal
 between direction
 the demand andand until the second
 experimental load wasstage, the standard
 negligible presented
 (3% and 6% for loads slightly
 the longitudinal
 higher than the experimental values for the exterior walls and lower values
 and transversal directions, respectively, in stage 3), but in the last stage the load was 57% for the interior
 and 23%In the last two stages, the standard presented loads 12% lower, on average for all
 the experimental
 of the designvalues. In the
 standards transversal
 were not as gooddirection,
 as for the
 the standard
 previous loads
 in the
 lower in all stages, and 38% lower on average for all infills, in the last
 case of model 3, possibly due to the separation of the plaster from the walls, particularly stage. EC8 [27], in on
 the longitudinal direction presented design loads always higher
 the transversal direction where higher experimental loads were recorded. The attaching than the experimental
 ones for theused
 technique infillfor
 the on the second floor
 accelerometers, (30%
 bolted to on
 thestage 4) and
 plaster and always lowertofor
 not directly thethe
 wall, mightfloor have
 (20% onledstage 4).reliable
 to less In the transversal
 results. direction, the design loads were the same,
 on average, for all the
 Nonetheless, infill walls on
 a comparison the second
 is made floor12,
 in Figure andand
 FEMA lower
 302 for
 306 [22]
 floor (46% on stage 4).
 presented loads 79% and 65% lower in the longitudinal direction than the experimental
 values for stages 2 and 3, respectively, and 63% and 57% lower in the transversal direction
 for stage 2 and 3, respectively. As for FEMA 356 [25], a similar situation was found with
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 15 of 26

 loads 85% and 66% lower, for stages 2 and 3 respectively, in the longitudinal direction and
 64% and 55% lower, for stage 2 and 3 respectively. NZS 1170.5 [26], unlike models 1 and 2,
 did not present a good agreement with the experimental values, proposing loads 63% and
 43% lower, for stages 2 and 3 respectively, in the longitudinal direction and 27% and 25%
 lower, for stages 2 and 3 respectively, in the transversal direction, even though the results
 were better than the ones obtained using the North American standards. EC8 [27] also
 presented results with a poor agreement with the experimental values, in contrast to the
 very good results in the two previous models, with design loads 59% and 43% lower, for
 stages 2 and 3 respectively, in the longitudinal direction and 25% and 59% lower, for stage
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 27the
 2 and 3, respectively, in the transversal direction. Still, and overall, EC8 [27] presented
 best results, when compared to the other design standards.

 Longitudinal Transversal
 3 3
 FEMA 302 and 306

 2 2


 Expe Code Expe Code
 P1 P1 P1 P1
 P2 P2 P2 P2
 1 1
 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 Force (KN) Force (KN)
 3 3

 2 2


 Expe Code Expe Code
 P1 P1 P1 P1
 P2 P2 P2 P2
 1 1
 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 Force (KN) Force (KN)

 3 3
 FEMA 356

 2 2

 Expe Code Expe Code
 FEMA 356 FEMA 356
 1 1
 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 Force (KN) Force (KN)

 out-of-planeload comparison
 load forfor
 comparison model 3. 3.

 4.2. As
 for model 1, FEMA 302 [24], 306 [22] and 356 [25] presented the highest differences
 in model 2, 6see
 Table Figure
 shows 11. In the
 analytical longitudinal
 solutions direction,
 that compute theFEMA 302 [24]
 out-of-plane and 306
 capacity of[22]
 sented a load,
 In Figures 13 on
 andaverage (forsolutions
 14, these all infills),
 are50% lower than
 compared withthe
 experimental results,
 and 267% lower
 the three in stage
 tested 4, while
 models. TheFEMA 356 [25] presented
 reinforcement loads
 in the infills 74% lower
 of model 2 (bedin joint)
 stage and
 and 87%3lower
 model in stage
 (plaster) were4.not taken into consideration because their percentage was very
 A similar situation was found in the transversal direction. NZS 1170.5 [26] presented
 very good results until the third stage, with load 14% and 9% lower in the longitudinal
 and transversal direction, respectively, but in stage 4, the load proposed by this standard
 is low, 57% and 23% for the longitudinal and transversal direction, respectively. This may
 be due to the nonlinear evolution of the experimental load due to damage accumulation
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 503 16 of 26

 low and defined only for crack control. The infill walls were separated into walls without
 openings (South infill walls in the longitudinal direction) and walls with openings (North
 walls in the longitudinal direction, and East and West walls in the transversal direction),
 but the walls with openings were computed as if they were solid, considering their actual
 weight. The load obtained experimentally, for each wall during the four stages of the tests,
 was calculated by adding the product of the acceleration in each accelerometer and the
 mass associated with it, and then plotted against the analytical values for that set.

 Table 6. Analytical solutions used to compute the out-of-plane capacity of the infill walls.

 Standard Analytical Solution
 0.7 f 0 m λ2
 FEMA 273 [21] qin = 
 hin f
  × 144
 tin f
 0.75 2
 q = 4.50 f m0
 MSJC [20]/Seah and Dawe [7] α β
 t l 2.5
 + h2.5
 FEMA 306 [22] and Angel [10] 2f0 m
 q= R R λ
 ( ht ) 1 2
 Klingner et al. [11]    
 8 l
 h2 l
 Myv [(l − h) + hln(2)] + Myh xyh ln h l
 l− 2
 h   i
 f cmw
 Pereira [15] q = h R1 R2 λ 0.77C f hl + 0.34C f
 ( tw )
 EC6 [28] qlat,d = f d lta

 It was considered that the maximum load value obtained experimentally was the
 capacity of the wall, as all the infill walls of the ground floor in model 1 collapsed during
 the last stage, and the infill walls of model 2 were damaged beyond repair and were
 unable to sustain any more load. In model 3, the experimental load curve is only presented
 until stage 3 for the sake of comparison with the other two models, as the model had
 to be re-tested due to technical problems [29]. It is important to keep in mind that the
 out-of-plane capacity is influenced by other parameters, such as the in-plane displacements
 and subsequent damage, vertical loads and even the presence of reinforcement, and that
 infill walls have damage accumulation from one stage to the next. The infill walls with
 openings in the longitudinal direction presented the highest experimental force value
 during stage 3, which is associated with damage and loss of connection between the wall
 and the surrounding RC frame.
 Walls of higher slenderness, as the interior leaves of model 1 (thickness/height equal
 to 24.3), do not seem to be affected by the presence of openings, and EC6 [24] provided a
 very good agreement for the estimate of capacity, with only 7% error on average for all
 interior leaves, with and without openings. As for the exterior leaves (thickness/height
 equal to 18.9), EC6 [28] overestimated the capacity of the infills, on average by 46% and,
 as with the interior leaves, the presence of openings did not seem to affect the results.
 FEMA 273 (1997) presented an average error of 17% for the interior leaves and 52% for the
 exterior ones, while FEMA 306 (1998) presented an error of 40% and 11% for the interior
 and exterior leaves, respectively.
 All other analytical solutions presented out-of-plane capacity values with higher dif-
 ferences than the experimental values. Regarding the solid infill walls, MSJC [20] presented
 the highest values, with an error of 70% and 58% for the interior and exterior walls, re-
 spectively. The analytical solution proposed by Klingner et al. [11] also overestimated the
 experimental values by 37% and 138% for the interior and exterior infills, respectively. The
 recommendations from Pereira [15] were acceptable in the case of exterior infills, under-
 estimating the capacity by 17%, but considerably underestimating the capacity by 56% in
 the case of the interior infill walls. Regarding the infill walls with openings, MSJC [20]
 presented the highest overestimation, 150% and 199% for interior and exterior infill walls,
 respectively, followed by Klingner et al. [11] with 47% and 171% for the interior and ex-
 terior infills walls, respectively. Pereira [15] presented the lowest underestimations for
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